A OF QUALITY WASHINGTON HERALD LARGEST MORNING o- CIRCULATION WASHINGTON D C THURSDAY DECEMBER 26 1907 ONE CENT rc r l c- I I I PAPER TIl E i S NO 445 i 1 DAY AT TRINIDAD Crews Use Tropical Sreenery in Lieu of Firs EACH SHIP HAS A TEEE Gifts Received at Norfolk Saved for the Event Races by llont Grcvrs from the Vnri- on Battle Ships Form Pnrt of Sport of the Day Louisiana Crew Flrnt In DliiRey Event While Kansas Officers Prove Superiority In Their Clans Reception on 3Iinncsotn Port of Sp 4n Trinidad Des Vbo American Battle ship fleet at anchor In tile harbor bore presented a beautiful sight Bach of them In celebration of the anniversary was decorated with Christmas greens from masthead to water line The decorations did net consist of the firs hemlocks and spruces the evergreens of the North but of the tropical palms tend bamboos which added- a touch of strangeness to the sight as viewed by some on the war Men All Jolly The day was one of jollification among ofilcers and men There were Christmas trees In the wardrooms of all tbe shipg bearing gifts for the officers from wives children other relattves sweethearts and friends to show that though many mites from home they were not forgotten Most of the gifts were presented while the ships were in Hampton Roads with the that the packages were not to be opened until Christmas Day Considerable sport was furnished of boat crews from the various battle ships The race for dinghies was won by a crew from the Louisiana while tion to the races comic athletic contests were oa all the ships and there were numerous boxing contests Reception on Minnesota This afternoon the officers of the Min- nesota entertained all the other officers of the fleet at a very pleasant reception This evening many dinner parties wew given and there was great jollity The torpedo flotilla the departure of which was delayed yesterday by an ac- cident to the WhIpple propeller sailed again at S oclock this morning its desti- nation being Para Brasil SAHGES JOLLITY Celebrate Christum by BcatinK Several flTejrroeK Norfolk Va Dec S Several hundred United States sailors from the Norfolk Navy Yard celebrating Christmas liberty In this city became riotous tonight mobbed several negroes and terrorized whole streets in the downtown district In squads of twentyftve or fifty they invaded streets and alleys sweeping all before them They gave scant quarter and few negroes or others put themselves In a position requiring it f Probably a dozen negroes and a few men were caught in the path Invaders After their victims had re- rvived a severe pummeling they wore al- I wed to move on The rioters were too numerous for the police on the rounds to suppress and the reserves had to be called out About a d zen men were placed under arrest one of them Frank Miller a marine being charged with inciting a riot Most of the men seemed to be excited by drink and some of the intoxicated ones were not overcome until the Police made a idteplay of force although all means to avoid a conflict wore used by the officers It was recognized by the police that the men were on their Christ mac spree and for that reason they wore as lenient as possible with them All of the men arrested except Miller are charged with disorderly conduct So far s is known tonight no one was seriously injured by the rioters DENVER TO NEW YORK 3260 Denver and HIo Grande Outs Rate Be- low All Former Records Denver Dec 25 Denver and Rio Grande has announced rate of 3200 from Denver to Now York via the Mis- souri Pacific the lowest rate made In years It Is a result of the rate war now on between tho New York and Chi- cago lines It is possible that the cut may go below that point The reduction amounts to 6 loss than the last cut which was to S3SM The fare last year for the same journey was 4630 which was cut to 4299 The total reduction over last years rate Is 5l2il These tickets are good on tourist sleep Ing and chair cars and the reduction at this season of tho year Is expected to have the effect of heavily increasing the travel to the East The new rate to New York is less than the regular firstclass rate from Denver to Chicago Erie May Start Rate IVnr Chicago Dec 25 The Erie Railroad has announced the withdrawal of all its passenger rates now published fn the Chicago rate sheet and a rate war of no mean proportions will be precipitated un- less the other ChicagoNew roads bring enough pressure to stop it The new rates which the Erie proposes to establish will lie announced January 1 and if flied with the Interstate Commerce Commission they will become effective February 1 This action by the Erie arocsodt11 the other trunk lines and it is not im- probable that several more will cancel their rates in the Chicago rate sheet Turkeys for Sagamore 11111 Oyster Bay N Y Doc 35 Noah Sea man superintendent of President Roose velts place at Sagamore Hill and all of the employes on the estate were the re cipients of Christmas turkeys from Mr and Mrs Roosevelt Cypress Shingle IVo 1 500 per 1000 Co 6th New York ave I FLEET OBSERVES today however ships r held NOR ol Ite of- t a to bear has 1 h I k under- standing b- races Lr w The oven York t victorious ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ > < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ I 1 Jfl 11 WEATHER FORECAST For the District of Columbia Maryland Fair and colder Thursday Friday fresh westerly winds HERALD NEWS SUMMARY I TELEGRAPHIC 1 Battle Fleet Crews Observe Christmas 1Shlp Atlas Tells of Wreck Prophet Issues Pessimistic Warning Chicago Sun Worshipers Celebrate William James Bryan Appolntflcl 1 41000 Steel Woriiers to Resume Soon S Booth Tarkington Arrested S Forakers Friend Accuses Roogevolt Politics in Chaotic State SBlg Tim Suittvan Gives Dinner 9 Richard Crokefs Friend DIos 9 Nows of Maryland and VIrglnlri 9 Affinities Go Wrong Car Kills Votomn Union Good Report LOCAL 1 Admire Rixey Makes Statement 2 Christmas Is Quietly Oborvo8 2 Negro Suffers from Evil Eye 3 German Societies Celebrate 4 Christmas in the Churches S Squab Man at New National 5MIss Madison Weds In Local Hotel 11 House Members Seek Good Rooms 13 Virginia Lawyer Gamblers 12 Dr Starr Observes 100th Christmas PROPHET IN 1 FOffi Pennsylvania Seer Predicts Only Dire Things BOSTON TO VANISH HE SAYS Declares War Will Re ax Common an Air and OH the Fact that the World AV111 Come to an End on n Sunday December 1JOS Fall to Set the hour York Pa Dee 26 A prophet at least one who claims to be a prophet and whose prophecies nave attracted the attention of pope who care for that sect of tang has issued his KB bttHotia It is his habit and bin livelihood of course but this one is more startling than some of those previously issued Some time ago he issued a statement- in he claimed that the United States would go to war and It would be victorious that it would ride Ute sea with its vessels sad be supreme on the high waters and that all the nations would be Involved in tho coming war The moving of the fleet from Hampton Roads has stirred this prtpttec or near prophot and be hi now watching their invomeat with great interest Bulletin for IflOS The end of the world This world will come to an end in winter in the end of the month of December on a Sunday in tire year 195 Heaven and earth will pus away Nineteen hundred and eight will be a year of trouble such as was never known before Nation shall rise against nation Kingdom shaH rise against kingdom There shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes Rivers wfll dry up The fish of the sea will die The loa will boll up with a groat noise The cities of the nations will felt Mountains will not be found Islands will pass away Xo Pity for Hub City The city of Boston wHI sink New York will go up in smoke People will flee to the mountains The land will dry up to get ready for fire The crops will fan and prosperity will be cut off The banks will keep on failing This cannot be stopped Roosevelt will get rid of all his money The Treasury will go dry People will carry their money in their pockets and hide It in their homes FamUles will steal it from one another This is the gold that is plied up for the last days This gold will rust in your pockets It will give you more trouble than good Labor organizations will come under one head and rule the land Will Be Great Wrath There will be great wrath among the people Hatred killing one another hanging themselves and children will rise against their parents two against three and three against two motherinlaw against daughterinlaw All plagues that are written In Bible will be brought forth The land will be full of lice frogs crickets and locusts Whosoever will be stung of these locusts will die There will be signs In the sun In tho moon and in the stars In the end of time the sun be black and the land will be In distress Tho moon will be as blood the stars will tall and the heavens will be shaken This coming summer and fall the elect the saints will be gathered together For unto Jesus shall the be The bride is getting ready to meet Jesus the bridegroom and we will be changed in the twinkling of an eye and meet the Lord In the air poe Pad e Alter Stress I whicH orB Jdsrwn i the gath- ering 3 and far Alabama Street Lays atdstgle wlls z hill PRETTY GIRLLEADS STRIKE FOR COURTEOUS TREATMENT PhHtuletphfn Dec 2 A slim graceful girl with flaming black eyes and a wealth of redbrown hair twentynine years old Tayna Is one of the most pictur- esque figures in local labor circles and a leader of the six weeks strike of lEO girls the Bierberman Brothers wrapper factory where a strike has been in force she has become as well a potent factor Miss Leyes has devoted herr life and her talents as a public speaker to the cause A graduate nurse in Russia she fled to this country when her brother was killed in an Odessa massacre but last summer left the Baltimore Hospital whore she was studying for en American diploma and came to Philadelphia and organized Wide Boards 9200 per 100 Feet Frank Libbey Co 6th New York ave Ley b IS TOLD BY CREW Atlas Heralds Sinking of Viking Off Cape Horn TWO VESSELS COLLIDE Norwegian Bark Goes Down with Captain and His Wife Mutiny nml Death Add to the Tcr- ror of the Long Voyage Which End at San Francisco 27S Days After Leaving Baltimore American Ship Laden with Government Coal San Francisco Dec 25 The American ship Atlas dropped anchor here today 21S days out from Baltimore ending a trip made tragic by a collision oil Cape Horn attended by the slaking of another vessel the drowning of the fated crafts captain and his wife mutiny on its decks and death among its crew On June I at 6 oclock in the evening the Atlas struck the Norwegian bark Vi- king Peterson bound hope Ham- burg to Calmo Both were badly Dam aged the contact but the bark fared worse In the terror of the night thirteen of the crew of tho Norwegian bark boarded Ute American ship crawling over tangled shrouds and dangling booms but Capt Peterson and his wife were not among those who mode the dangerous transfer It was too dark to render aid though the Atlas stood by tinting the night but the next morning the Viking had disap- peared Repaired at lllo The Atlas put into Rio de Janeiro for repairs leaking badly On the way to this port a mutiny took place among the crew over some trouble with the mat but it was soon quelled Before the collision oil Cape Horn three of the ships company met death On Mny 23 J Schumacher and Charles Nolan seamen fell from the Jtbboora and were drowned On June IS John Hook sail maker did and was buriedat sea When the ship arrived today the captains son and Ute third officer were ill and the vessel was ordered Into quarantine The Atlas had a earp of coal for the United States government The vessel had been 19 days OUt from Rio de sucks and was overdue Reinsurance had heel ordered at 10 per cent The Viking was a new bark ot 2Stt tons Nothing had been heard of it after It began its last voyage until the Atlas brought in the tidings BRYAN SUCCEEDS MALLORY Gov Broward Appoints Young Se tainer to Seat in Senate Though Only Thirty Years Old He Has Been Very Active in Florida Politics TaJahaseee Fhu Dec 2 Go Na- poleon B Brewartl today appointed WI1 Clam James Bryan of Jacksonville to the United States SemUorshin to silt the unexpired term of the late Stephen B Mallory The appointment teas seen for Bryan has been a tart of righthand man to Goy Broward in a- political way Bryan is a young man being only a little more than thirty years old He is a native of Florida Bryan removed to Jacksonville from Orange County several years ago and began the practice of law He took an active part in politics and was instrumental in carrying Duval the county in hich 3acksonvllte is located for Broward when the latter was can- didate for governor Since then be has been the governors chief political adviser Two years ago Bryan was elected solicitor of the Duval County Court which position he still holds Some time before Mallory died Bryan had announced lie would be a candidate for the Senate ExSenator D M Fletch- er and Congressmen Lamar have akm announced their candidacy for the Senate NO HOPE FOR MINERS Twenty More Bodies Hronftht Out at Jacobs Creek 1n JacobsCrock Pa Dec 25 There is no longer hope victims of last Thursdays explosion at the Darr mine are alive Twenty bodies were brought out today and remain unidentified No attempt was made to remove the largo number of hallos found in entry 27 among groat heaps of debris A few more hours it is believed will bring the to the majority of the bodies Seventysix have been brought out altogether The victims are thought to number 200 to 250 TRAGEDY OF THE SEA capt b ex- pected that say work rs ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ the Wrapper Makers Union of which she soon became president When tile strike was called Miss Leyes was one of the moving forces among the employes and last week addressed an audience of lttd persons at a meeting in Penn Han with so much effect that the strike fund was materially augmented The strike she said today has spe- cial significance for the working people of Philadelphia because it Is the first time that women have ever undertaken such a thing here Then too it is unusual in that it is not a strike for higher wages nor shorter hours though the girls were only making from 3 to 5 a week working from 7 In the morning until 6 at It a strike for more courteous treatment at the hands of the foremen Flooring Alabama Good 92 100 Ft Frank Libbey Co 6th New York LYe I night- s r ¬ BRYAN OFFERED SENATQBSHIPU- efuMCfl Clinncc of Hljch Olllctr from Oklahoma Guthrie Okla Dec 25 Thomas H of Perry Okla recently aspirant for a Democratic gubernatorial nomina- tion said today One of the unwritten stories pf Okla- homa polities is that William J Brymn was invited sari for a time seriously con- sidered moving to Oklahoma to lend fight for Statehood with the aasantaee that Iris reward would be one ef Okla homas first United States Senators This offer was made him In IStt by mo as spokesman of a Democratic workers con- ference convinced that the only chart for Statehood in a generation rasa In se- curing a leader of national prominence Mr Brjpin when I Joined hint on a train en routo through Oklahoma to Texas said he would much rather be Senator from a great State than President He promised to consider the proposition Sev- eral days later on his Effturn told me he tad his newspaper and other interests in Lincoln Nebu and be could not how he could afford to take the step ENTOMBED MINERS CELEBRATE Observe Christmas at Foot of 1000 foot Shaft Nov Dee One thousand feet below the surface of the earth tkree miners today spent the strane t Christ in the world Bailey McDonald and Brown have been imprisoned m Alpha abaft of tho GIroux muse slurry InK De- cember and the rescuers have three weeks York to do berore tan reach the men But today they bad a tee hotfflay meal beginning with strajglit wkMrjr and topped off with coffee and These facts up to tight via the modern telephone with which the mine to equipped at the lCQtfoot level The Imprisoned men sent tits most cheerful Christmas message to all their friends by this means and stated that tier bad supplies enough to test path the debris above them te removed TAFT AFTER WISCONSIN Supporters Declare They Cnn Seoure Part of Delegation Milwaukee Wta Dec 25 Suppertvrs of Taft will make an effort to CAjKare- Wtocowrin delegation to the KaUoaai convention resjardless of the dght planned by Senator La FoUette No definite can be taken until January S under the primary election laws but on that date Taft men will begin circulating nommarina m every district hi toe State sad also for delegates at Some aceordinf to Taft men will probably be for La FoUette ut m porters of President Roosevelts candi- date believe that they can thou that Wisconsin does not stand onanhnonsly or antfcorpsratloa said re steal l of i Pottetle WIFE IN JEALOUS RAGE Mrs Anna Rees Araesbary of Vir ginia Victim of Tragedy Widely Through South a Iimiclan llatl Dccn Content teiui In iiip a Divorce Hyde Park Was Dec JS abs Am ReM AmoaVary a teacher ef VMBC in Boawike College Virginia ad tieS known m the Sooth a a staler was shot Md killed by her husband Dr Waiter JU- Amesbury of at the hems Mrs Jennie Rees mother of the dead hero today A diaagreemoat between the anti wife which resulted In their several years ago is supposed to have been the cause ef the shooting sad it is also asserted that Mrs Amesbury was contemplating divorce proceedings On Monday Mis Ameebury arrived here from Roanoke College to spend the holi- days with her mother and her two sons Today Dr Amesbury came from Ames bury to have dinner with hit wife and boys After the party was seated at the dinner table Dr Amesbury and his wife engaged In a conversation which team naiad suddenly when the doctor pulled a revolver from his pocket and flred two shots at close range both bullets Mrs Amesborys east and kill- ing her instantly For a moment the other members of the family were terror stricken and then made thplr escape from the house The police were telephoned for and Dr Ames bury was arrested on a charge of mur- der He will be given a hearing m the police court at Dedham tomorrow morn ingDr Amesbury began practicing medi- cine in Kingston about fifteen years ago vocal abilities singing in several churches At that time Dr Amesbury is said to have manifested considerate jealousy be- cause of tho attentions his wife received through her public appearances DEATH COMES AS HE PRAYS Aged Churchman Dies In Edifice u lie Desires New York Dec 25 Ellas T Mane Tottenvlile Staten Island wellknown throughout the island as Capt Mance dropped deal today at the early mom ing prayer meeting aT St Pa r Meth odist Episcopal ChnrchT at Tottenrili while praying aloud He had Just uttered the words O God I want to die in Thy church with Thy name upon my lips when he sank back into his chair and slid to the floor He died a few seconds after aid reached him Capt Mnnce was a lifelong member of St Pauls Church and was actively m tereatod in church and charitable work throughout the island He was born on the Island seventyeight years ago Deposit Your Funds In tits Banking house of Union Trust Co 15th and H sts nw wher they will draw In terest Deposts subject to check Unsur- passed government control Cnrtc Lunch Served Dills I At Ecksteins from 12 to 3 1112 Y ave tile see r- Ely tans the tile ol still they cigars caste SfJ8I TIle L Republican action the KILLS nil et WON Is separat- ion pene- trating and Amesbury becarlte noted for her of Doyle ke tie t WrWtiea tiers large dftricts ideal known Milford Mrs ear Ala ltd ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ DEFENDS HIS POSITION Admiral Brownson and I have bees friends for many years When on duty in Wasjfington as naval attending s rgton I was his faintly physkiau sbipe as a rule always have been commanded by medical officers The Relief lormerly to the Tjnld States was always commanded by a medical officer when used as a s e r calship A joint board of army and navy medical recom xiiended that hospital ships should be ded by officers and the recommendation was approved by both the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy The question was settled definitely during the civil war acid all hospital ships and medical transports placed under the Surgeon General of the army and have remained so up to the present time Japanese naval hospital ships were commanded by medical officersThe internal administration of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery has been in my opinion too much interfered with by the Bureau of Navigation This interference has at times caused me great concern as to how I could meet the needs of those under our care It hard to understand how Admiral Brownson could be specially inrotved as his ties pertain entirety fe another bureau and which he should not interfere uaiesc directed by the Sec- retary GENERAL RIXEY Hospital arm Jt com medial SURGEON 1 f belonging 1 cit cell far ill > ¬ SUN IS THEIR GOD Chicago Sect Worship in Blue Glass Room AND MYSTIC RITES JHK IClcct Gather io Watch Lender arrayed in gorgeous Silks Chant llufnrc Llsrltfi lnlthfnl Are Urged to Scud Donations Toward Cause Chugs Dec K at MM Park averse strangely garhed men aa women from all parts of tile workL With their faow toward Uke aryl c H ia adoratkHK the of tile OttMnaa Adncbl the day of Gahaalfar MIl cnetms their detty of day Strance rbantlnga fled the room weird tin burned oa an altar aoCt tatanca Ailed the air their Oriental gown Marta Kltaabeth Rnth Mtttott markaMe Christmas Day greaOn t the morning am Fires Blaze on Shrine The principal service of the tone he lire service or candle maw took place this evening When the sathered In the temple the Sees were obulmi the shrine sad twelve candles decorated the altar The Chicago Zoroaster presided and one toy one took envelopes gives by the faithful for the purpose of receiving a meoease of ihe oracle as imparted through the dickering of the altar candles With envelop in hand the leader passed hi front of the candles chanting mystic words continuing a candle gave a tremulous rocker One of the mesiajgit which were printed and stacked about the light then would toe put in the envelope sad returned to the person who submitted it To insure the message the faithful were urged to send a donation to Maoist in spreading the gtarteoe message of Mas dataan When the Oracle had spokes kit last message through the Sickening eandleo and the last chant was sung to the flames there was a feast to which the sat down at midnight The Cahanoar began yesterday It te to i close with the rising of the of Years morning j- SNOWSTOEM BLOCKS TRAINS Northern Pacific TralHc Blocked in North Dakota Fargo N Dale Dec S Twenty trains are tied up on the division of the North era Pacific between Jamestown and Man dan N Dale for lack of motive power Every effort win be made to move tile trains as soon as possible as a snow storm is ragtag in North Dakota Iat Takes Place In Even daylight dawned or frat today were th eNd lit a great room mailed with at the Temple of Lake n were their trtIM to Ute It Ctu18l1BM Day well and ue trea aDd Of tile tw8ft were and mystic were w- 8elftd by group worIIIdpen elM WU to charge of tIII re Me- at G tIt U sun New IN g CENSE Candle e As ISO 1tte khere solid ben glass hlaaditznati prostrated dbeNies weir paybtg ryas seemed as women eases rt0e- ll this ofd h- orgeous silks let eYe n- on died P >< = PhflfttiaipMa Dec SiLeading the grand march with her head eoaenmaa William Deerteg Edward Morrell today opened the barn dance which has been the feature of the TerreediUe Christmas for the last fifteen years Al- though Col and Mrs MorreUs Dana dance did not start until 3 oclock the guests began to arrive at 1 oclock to be in good time and all were on hand by 3 oclock when the or- chestra began the march Servants from the Morrell estate were the guests of honor and all the young people of TorrasdsJe and farmers fam- ilies from the vicinity were invited guests Col ilorreil with his niece sibs Margue- rite Hunt formed the second couple in the grand march and others participating Baltimore and Ohio to Plttsilmrpr Four solid vestJbuled trains leave New Union Station dully 910 a m with buf- fet parlor and dining car 122 p m Chi cago Limited with observation parlor car and diner 910 m Express sleeping cars 1230 night sleep ing cars Mrs o- as ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ WORKFOR 40000 MEN Pennsylvania Steel Mills Are Ready to Eesunie HIGH WAGES ARE MAINTAINED of the Great Plant De- clare that the Schedule of time Past Year Will Not Be Affected Many will Be in Readiness for Operation on January 6 Pa Dec By January f port Doqaeane and I Monongahehi Valley as far as Mon and down to- PtUaburg will be in oaeratton and more than several weeks Will have returned to work It fe of the blowing mflto said their pmnts will in fun ImiacdUttty af- ter the Ant of the new year and that the standard of wages will he The Companies to Resume National Tube Works and its conottt McKeesport emfsoyimj JM men Daquesne Steel Works CIN men Braddock mttla MM men Homestead mills TSM men Monosate and Charleroi nulls MM9 men Cmfrton mow 2sf user Donora mills MM men Woods mtOs V- tH men McKeesnort Tin Plate Company 5ft GMSsport Glass Works 3 vmen Firth Projectile Works 5N men Ptttsburg Steel Foundry Glassport- CJasaport Coke Works 25 men and Sev- ern Brothers work Glassport 148 sues JUSTICE HAELANS SLIP Claimed Zachary Taylor for Ken- tucky Born In Virginia Proud as we may be of tile State that gave birth to Abraham Lincoln sad Zach Justice John X Haring of the United States Supreme Court hi his great speech ia New York test Monday night male a remarkable slip m Us tribute to Ken- tucky hi nates the words here quoted The twelfth President of tins United States was sot a native of Kentucky according to the most widely accepted authority but was born bt Virginia The birth nines of Gen Zachary Tay lor is not far from Washington He ftrst the Mght hi Orange County Va 3 MM and died to the White House July S MSt Descendents of tile general live here and hereabouts and apart from cyclopedic information these descendents vouch toe the accuracy af Virginias daft to the honor of giving birth v Justice Marians memory usually rfs re- HaMe as any standard authority ftifled him hi tints Instance mud the net kae caused ao little commont here at the CapitaL t O of tM In who hart fer nnlJ- tcalJlucg 4I8tdet lit thin f1NDAeMda tattled Ii rT Tay1or saw him s Pate ling taoot mills MeeHeer art p 9dilM men been IMe abe r w S mm be aeon at ste w- tic Lilo jl have regains fin s ash far Sterling I e September tav ¬ ¬ ¬ SOCIETY WOMAN LEADS DANCE WITH COACHMAN AS PARTNER were MILS M Amory Mrs Hobart A Rare Miss targaierlte PaUersoo a debutante of this season Miss AjmaoeHe Brier Miss Harriet BMdle Mfes Lila Fis- cher Joseph Patterson third Henry Pat- terson Logan M Bettttt J and Thomas Kilby Smith It was 7 oclock before guests Sled past Col and Mrs telling them what a good time had Many poor amines In the Torresdale district were the recipients of Mrs Mor reirs charity and every cellar is stocked with coal add wood for the entire winter Mrs Morrett goes about this work very quietly and little is known of her many kteuneoscg At SL Francis Industrial School at Bd dington a school for poor buys founded and maintained by Cot and Mrs Mom rell SO boys were made happy by the presents which every one received tree Mrs Morrell A turkey a1nn r was served the boys And each received a box of candy Clear CeIlIng Beaded per 1000 Frank Ubbey Co 6th New York Bare the 00 i 6 ave I they ¬ ¬ > Statement ontlie Brown son Controversy RIGHTS Medical Men Should Com- mand Hospital Ships CALLS IT INTERFERENCE Goe Hack to Record of the Civil War to Prove that All Such Craft Including Transports Were Placed Under the Surgeon General of the Army Declares Japanese Ships Were Thus Commanded with iCUMMia Dclieved Statement Items Sanction of the Ircaident The roajgimtmH of Rear Ainiliii TWBard the Bureaa of Navigation hecaaso President Roosevelt its objec- tion ta placing a navel surgeon in corn end the controversy between and the staa of the rival service Involved in this incident Admiral Fans protest was the VK uj the trouble that has been brewing for a long tIlDe ran that the matter cannot be adjusted without muck dtacussion and the disuafrurtou et some hard knocks Coming right on toys of the publication of Henry Rente daMs attack on the bu system of the Navy Department the controversy between Admiral Brownson and Surgeon General Rtxey assumes an hnportaat and aspect It has served to call attention to the differences that exist between tile bureaus of the Navy Department and to demonstrate the need of a move hnrmoiilom Madam tratJoa ta attract st 4e Senate after the aIda of the causes which have operated ta bring about coadtCMae which naval Surgeon General Jttxey came into the limelight last night by giving out a pre- pared statement of his side of the eon troversy with Admiral Brownsoa which led to the resignation There enough ta what the Surgeon General says to indicate that his statement has too sanction of President Roosevelt It pre- sent the Presidents attitude ta the con- troversy ta an authoritative way and ken some of the Surgeon Generals ex conviction that the President te resentful of the radical course pursued by Admiral Brownson to emphastea his adherence to a principle The internal boa of the Bu- reau of Medicine and Surgery says the Surgeon General who te the thief of that bureau has beea ta my opinion too much interfered with by the Bureau of Navigation This interference has at rained me pare concern as to bow I could meet the needs of those under my care Admiral Rbeey anappy utterance wilt sot be lost on those wile inhere there te much truth to the erttfefems of tabarmonioag working of the naval bn ran system and additional food for thought will be supplied in another dec mrattett of Admiral Rixey that if it had sot been for the Bureau of Navigation the naval hospital ship Relief the dis pate over the command of which brought shoat Admiral Brownaons resignation would roar be with Admiral Evans sect teM of out on the Coast Aa Interesting Affair The trouble which brought about tbe re tirment of Admiral Brownson from the Bureau of Navigation is Interesting to the whole official contingent fa Washington on account of its personal aspect Admi rat Brownson has been Reese volts intimate friend for years Surgeon General Rixey te the White House phy skis as be was when Mr McKinley was President Both Admiral Brownson and Surgeon General Rixey were on terms intimacy with the Roosevelt family Many naval oflicers are Inclined to be I RIXEY REPliES In Struggle B 1 time eC Clyet ot t neely to tile Wae to tile Fame who far Thorough Airing Coming will M the fit Mr Itt HsaSe both tIIent be a titkeet are to latter Is u Sa to escape the dines the pack Pre of m b ASSERTS HIS Brsastsami oAce overruled end of a boapiW 6 reath aPWled lderthg sad those harp morn mane Heeled Moe tian casgrees ti ittewer- sl is ail wini a reaesaMie day h bound to thorough themodvta snztoas rem- edy peeartosnt i sposdbte ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ lieve the Surgeon General used his per- sonal influence to greater advantage than Admiral Brownson and thus won out in tbe dispute as to whether line officer or a surgeon should command the Relief Dr RlxeyVi Statement Dr Rtxeys statement gives a detailed explanation of his and President Reese Velfs tIe fat the controversy He says Admiral Brownson and I have been friends for many years and when on duty fat Washington as naval attending surgeon I was his family physician HIs resignation as chief of the Bureau of Navigation has been assigned to va- rious causes among ethers to a differ- ence of opinion as to the of the hospital ship Relief While I do not know that this is a cause it may be in- teresting to know the pretest status of this question Hospital ships as a rule always have been commanded by medical omeora with a a H g master and civilian crew for purposes of navigation The Rene formerly belonging to the United States army was always com- manded by a medical oflteer wives used as a hospital ship A Joint board of army and navy teal omcen convened by Executive order Continued on Page Column 4 Prices of All Kinds Lumber Tumbling I Frank Libbey t Co 5th iI I lied 3 6 ew aye command ¬ ¬

Transcript of I TIlE WASHINGTON HERALD - Chronicling...

Page 1: I TIlE WASHINGTON HERALD - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1907-12-26/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · OF QUALITY WASHINGTON HERALD ... The city of Boston wHI sink




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NO 445




Crews Use Tropical Sreeneryin Lieu of Firs


Gifts Received at Norfolk Savedfor the Event

Races by llont Grcvrs from the Vnri-

on Battle Ships Form Pnrt of Sportof the Day Louisiana Crew FlrntIn DliiRey Event While KansasOfficers Prove Superiority In TheirClans Reception on 3Iinncsotn

Port of Sp 4n Trinidad Des VboAmerican Battle ship fleet at anchor Intile harbor bore presented a beautifulsight Bach of them In celebrationof the anniversary was decorated withChristmas greens from masthead to waterline The decorations did netconsist of the firs hemlocks and sprucesthe evergreens of the North but of thetropical palms tend bamboos which added-

a touch of strangeness to the sight asviewed by some on the war

Men All JollyThe day was one of jollification among

ofilcers and men There were Christmastrees In the wardrooms of all tbe shipgbearing gifts for the officers from wiveschildren other relattves sweethearts andfriends to show that though many mitesfrom home they were not forgotten Mostof the gifts were presented while the shipswere in Hampton Roads with the

that the packages were not to beopened until Christmas Day

Considerable sport was furnishedof boat crews from the various

battle ships The race for dinghies waswon by a crew from the Louisiana while

tion to the races comic athletic contestswere oa all the ships and there werenumerous boxing contests

Reception on MinnesotaThis afternoon the officers of the Min-

nesota entertained all the other officersof the fleet at a very pleasant reception

This evening many dinner parties wewgiven and there was great jollity

The torpedo flotilla the departure ofwhich was delayed yesterday by an ac-cident to the WhIpple propeller sailedagain at S oclock this morning its desti-nation being Para Brasil


Celebrate Christum by BcatinKSeveral flTejrroeK

Norfolk Va Dec S Several hundredUnited States sailors from the NorfolkNavy Yard celebrating Christmas libertyIn this city became riotous tonightmobbed several negroes and terrorizedwhole streets in the downtown district

In squads of twentyftve or fifty theyinvaded streets and alleys sweeping allbefore them They gave scant quarterand few negroes or others put themselvesIn a position requiring it fProbably a dozen negroes and a few

men were caught in the pathInvaders After their victims had re-

rvived a severe pummeling they wore al-I wed to move on

The rioters were too numerous for thepolice on the rounds to suppress and thereserves had to be called out About ad zen men were placed under arrest oneof them Frank Miller a marine beingcharged with inciting a riot

Most of the men seemed to be excitedby drink and some of the intoxicatedones were not overcome until the Policemade a idteplay of force although allmeans to avoid a conflict wore used bythe officers It was recognized by thepolice that the men were on their Christmac spree and for that reason they woreas lenient as possible with them All ofthe men arrested except Miller arecharged with disorderly conduct

So far s is known tonight no onewas seriously injured by the rioters

DENVER TO NEW YORK 3260Denver and HIo Grande Outs Rate Be-

low All Former RecordsDenver Dec 25 Denver and Rio

Grande has announced rate of 3200from Denver to Now York via the Mis-souri Pacific the lowest rate made Inyears It Is a result of the rate warnow on between tho New York and Chi-cago lines

It is possible that the cut may gobelow that point The reduction amountsto 6 loss than the last cut which was toS3SM The fare last year for the samejourney was 4630 which was cut to 4299The total reduction over last years rateIs 5l2il

These tickets are good on tourist sleepIng and chair cars and the reduction atthis season of tho year Is expected tohave the effect of heavily increasing thetravel to the East The new rate to NewYork is less than the regular firstclassrate from Denver to Chicago

Erie May Start Rate IVnrChicago Dec 25 The Erie Railroad

has announced the withdrawal of all itspassenger rates now published fn theChicago rate sheet and a rate war of nomean proportions will be precipitated un-less the other ChicagoNew roadsbring enough pressure to stop itThe new rates which the Erie proposes toestablish will lie announced January 1and if flied with the Interstate CommerceCommission they will become effectiveFebruary 1

This action by the Erie arocsodt11the other trunk lines and it is not im-probable that several more will canceltheir rates in the Chicago rate sheet

Turkeys for Sagamore 11111

Oyster Bay N Y Doc 35 Noah Seaman superintendent of President Roosevelts place at Sagamore Hill and all ofthe employes on the estate were the recipients of Christmas turkeys from Mrand Mrs Roosevelt

Cypress Shingle IVo 1 500 per 1000Co 6th New York ave









Ite of-t


to bear


































For the District of ColumbiaMaryland Fair and colder

Thursday Friday freshwesterly winds


TELEGRAPHIC1 Battle Fleet Crews Observe Christmas1Shlp Atlas Tells of Wreck

Prophet Issues Pessimistic WarningChicago Sun Worshipers CelebrateWilliam James Bryan Appolntflcl

1 41000 Steel Woriiers to Resume SoonS Booth Tarkington ArrestedS Forakers Friend Accuses Roogevolt

Politics in Chaotic StateSBlg Tim Suittvan Gives Dinner9 Richard Crokefs Friend DIos9 Nows of Maryland and VIrglnlri9 Affinities Go Wrong

Car Kills VotomnUnion Good Report

LOCAL1 Admire Rixey Makes Statement2 Christmas Is Quietly Oborvo82 Negro Suffers from Evil Eye3 German Societies Celebrate4 Christmas in the ChurchesS Squab Man at New National5MIss Madison Weds In Local Hotel

11 House Members Seek Good Rooms13 Virginia Lawyer Gamblers12 Dr Starr Observes 100th Christmas


Pennsylvania Seer PredictsOnly Dire Things


Declares War Will Re ax Commonan Air and OH theFact that the World AV111 Come toan End on n Sunday December1JOS Fall to Set the hour

York Pa Dee 26 A prophet at leastone who claims to be a prophet and whoseprophecies nave attracted the attentionof pope who care for that sect oftang has issued his KB bttHotia It ishis habit and bin livelihood of coursebut this one is more startling than someof those previously issued

Some time ago he issued a statement-in he claimed that the UnitedStates would go to war and It wouldbe victorious that it would ride Utesea with its vessels sad be supreme onthe high waters and that all the nationswould be Involved in tho coming warThe moving of the fleet from HamptonRoads has stirred this prtpttec or nearprophot and be hi now watching theirinvomeat with great interest

Bulletin for IflOSThe end of the world This world will

come to an end in winter in the end ofthe month of December on a Sunday intire year 195 Heaven and earth willpus away Nineteen hundred and eightwill be a year of trouble such as wasnever known before Nation shall riseagainst nation Kingdom shaH riseagainst kingdom There shall be faminesand pestilences and earthquakes

Rivers wfll dry upThe fish of the sea will dieThe loa will boll up with a groat noiseThe cities of the nations will feltMountains will not be foundIslands will pass away

Xo Pity for Hub CityThe city of Boston wHI sinkNew York will go up in smokePeople will flee to the mountainsThe land will dry up to get ready for

fireThe crops will fan and prosperity will

be cut offThe banks will keep on failing This

cannot be stoppedRoosevelt will get rid of all his moneyThe Treasury will go dryPeople will carry their money in their

pockets and hide It in their homesFamUles will steal it from one another

This is the gold that is plied up for thelast days This gold will rust in yourpockets It will give you more troublethan good

Labor organizations will come underone head and rule the land

Will Be Great WrathThere will be great wrath among the

people Hatred killing one anotherhanging themselves and children will riseagainst their parents two against threeand three against two motherinlawagainst daughterinlaw All plagues thatare written In Bible will be broughtforth

The land will be full of lice frogscrickets and locusts Whosoever will bestung of these locusts will die

There will be signs In the sun In thomoon and in the stars In the end oftime the sun be black and the landwill be In distress Tho moon will be asblood the stars will tall and the heavenswill be shaken This coming summer andfall the elect the saints will be gatheredtogether For unto Jesus shall the

beThe bride is getting ready to meet

Jesus the bridegroom and we will bechanged in the twinkling of an eye andmeet the Lord In the air







orB Jdsrwn









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PhHtuletphfn Dec 2 A slim gracefulgirl with flaming black eyes and a wealthof redbrown hair twentynine years oldTayna Is one of the most pictur-esque figures in local labor circles and aleader of the six weeks strike of lEO girlsthe Bierberman Brothers wrapper factorywhere a strike has been in force she hasbecome as well a potent factor

Miss Leyes has devoted herr life and hertalents as a public speaker to the causeA graduate nurse in Russia she fled tothis country when her brother was killedin an Odessa massacre but last summerleft the Baltimore Hospital whore shewas studying for en American diplomaand came to Philadelphia and organized

Wide Boards 9200 per 100 FeetFrank Libbey Co 6th New York ave




Atlas Heralds Sinking ofViking Off Cape Horn


Norwegian Bark Goes Downwith Captain and His Wife

Mutiny nml Death Add to the Tcr-ror of the Long Voyage WhichEnd at San Francisco 27S DaysAfter Leaving Baltimore AmericanShip Laden with Government Coal

San Francisco Dec 25 The Americanship Atlas dropped anchor here today 21S

days out from Baltimore ending a tripmade tragic by a collision oil Cape Hornattended by the slaking of another vesselthe drowning of the fated crafts captainand his wife mutiny on its decks anddeath among its crew

On June I at 6 oclock in the eveningthe Atlas struck the Norwegian bark Vi-

king Peterson bound hope Ham-burg to Calmo Both were badly Damaged the contact but the bark faredworse

In the terror of the night thirteen of thecrew of tho Norwegian bark boarded UteAmerican ship crawling over tangledshrouds and dangling booms but CaptPeterson and his wife were not amongthose who mode the dangerous transfer

It was too dark to render aid thoughthe Atlas stood by tinting the night butthe next morning the Viking had disap-peared

Repaired at llloThe Atlas put into Rio de Janeiro for

repairs leaking badly On the way tothis port a mutiny took place among thecrew over some trouble with the matbut it was soon quelled

Before the collision oil Cape Horn threeof the ships company met death OnMny 23 J Schumacher and Charles Nolanseamen fell from the Jtbboora and weredrowned On June IS John Hook sailmaker did and was buriedat sea Whenthe ship arrived today the captains sonand Ute third officer were ill and thevessel was ordered Into quarantine

The Atlas had a earp of coal for theUnited States government The vesselhad been 19 days OUt from Rio de sucksand was overdue Reinsurance had heelordered at 10 per cent

The Viking was a new bark ot 2Stttons Nothing had been heard of it afterIt began its last voyage until the Atlasbrought in the tidings


Gov Broward Appoints Young Setainer to Seat in Senate

Though Only Thirty Years Old HeHas Been Very Active in

Florida Politics

TaJahaseee Fhu Dec 2 Go Na-poleon B Brewartl today appointed WI1Clam James Bryan of Jacksonville tothe United States SemUorshin to silt theunexpired term of the late Stephen BMallory The appointment teas seen

for Bryan has been a tart ofrighthand man to Goy Broward in a-political way

Bryan is a young man being only alittle more than thirty years old He is anative of Florida Bryan removed toJacksonville from Orange County severalyears ago and began the practice of lawHe took an active part in politics andwas instrumental in carrying Duval thecounty in hich 3acksonvllte is locatedfor Broward when the latter was can-didate for governor

Since then be has been the governorschief political adviser Two years agoBryan was elected solicitor of the DuvalCounty Court which position he stillholds

Some time before Mallory died Bryanhad announced lie would be a candidatefor the Senate ExSenator D M Fletch-er and Congressmen Lamar have akmannounced their candidacy for the Senate


Twenty More Bodies Hronftht Out atJacobs Creek 1n

JacobsCrock Pa Dec 25 There is nolonger hope victims of lastThursdays explosion at the Darr mineare alive Twenty bodies were broughtout today and remain unidentified Noattempt was made to remove the largonumber of hallos found in entry 27 amonggroat heaps of debris

A few more hours it is believed willbring the to the majority of thebodies Seventysix have been broughtout altogether The victims are thoughtto number 200 to 250






that say

work rs







the Wrapper Makers Union of which shesoon became president When tile strikewas called Miss Leyes was one of themoving forces among the employes andlast week addressed an audience of lttdpersons at a meeting in Penn Han withso much effect that the strike fund wasmaterially augmented

The strike she said today has spe-cial significance for the working people ofPhiladelphia because it Is the first timethat women have ever undertaken such athing here Then too it is unusual inthat it is not a strike for higher wagesnor shorter hours though the girls wereonly making from 3 to 5 a week workingfrom 7 In the morning until 6 at It

a strike for more courteous treatmentat the hands of the foremen

Flooring Alabama Good 92 100 FtFrank Libbey Co 6th New York LYe






efuMCfl Clinncc of Hljch Olllctr fromOklahoma

Guthrie Okla Dec 25 Thomas Hof Perry Okla recently aspirant

for a Democratic gubernatorial nomina-

tion said todayOne of the unwritten stories pf Okla-

homa polities is that William J Brymnwas invited sari for a time seriously con-

sidered moving to Oklahoma to lendfight for Statehood with the aasantaeethat Iris reward would be one ef Oklahomas first United States Senators Thisoffer was made him In IStt by mo asspokesman of a Democratic workers con-

ference convinced that the only chartfor Statehood in a generation rasa In se-

curing a leader of national prominenceMr Brjpin when I Joined hint on a trainen routo through Oklahoma to Texassaid he would much rather be Senatorfrom a great State than President Hepromised to consider the proposition Sev-

eral days later on his Effturn told mehe tad his newspaper and other interestsin Lincoln Nebu and be could nothow he could afford to take the step


Observe Christmas at Foot of 1000foot Shaft

Nov Dee One thousand feetbelow the surface of the earth tkreeminers today spent the strane t Christ

in the worldBailey McDonald and Brown have

been imprisoned m Alpha abaft oftho GIroux muse slurry InK De-

cember and the rescuers have threeweeks York to do berore tan reachthe men

But today they bad a tee hotfflaymeal beginning with strajglit wkMrjrand topped off with coffee andThese facts up to tight via themodern telephone with which the mine toequipped at the lCQtfoot level

The Imprisoned men sent tits mostcheerful Christmas message to all theirfriends by this means and stated thattier bad supplies enough to test paththe debris above them te removed


Supporters Declare They Cnn SeourePart of Delegation

Milwaukee Wta Dec 25 Suppertvrsof Taft will make an effort to CAjKare-

Wtocowrin delegation to the KaUoaaiconvention resjardless of the

dght planned by Senator La FoUetteNo definite can be taken until

January S under the primary electionlaws but on that date Taft men willbegin circulating nommarina mevery district hi toe State sad also fordelegates at

Some aceordinf to Taft menwill probably be for La FoUette ut mporters of President Roosevelts candi-date believe that they can thou thatWisconsin does not stand onanhnonslyor antfcorpsratloa said re steal

l of i Pottetle


Mrs Anna Rees Araesbary of Virginia Victim of Tragedy

Widely Through South aIimiclan llatl Dccn Content

teiui In iiip a Divorce

Hyde Park Was Dec JS abs AmReM AmoaVary a teacher ef VMBC inBoawike College Virginia ad tieSknown m the Sooth a a staler was shotMd killed by her husband Dr Waiter JU-

Amesbury of at the hemsMrs Jennie Rees mother of the dead

hero todayA diaagreemoat between the

anti wife which resulted In theirseveral years ago is supposed to

have been the cause ef the shooting sadit is also asserted that Mrs Amesburywas contemplating divorce proceedings

On Monday Mis Ameebury arrived herefrom Roanoke College to spend the holi-days with her mother and her two sonsToday Dr Amesbury came from Amesbury to have dinner with hit wife andboys After the party was seated at thedinner table Dr Amesbury and his wifeengaged In a conversation which teamnaiad suddenly when the doctor pulled arevolver from his pocket and flred twoshots at close range both bullets

Mrs Amesborys east and kill-ing her instantly

For a moment the other members ofthe family were terror stricken and thenmade thplr escape from the house Thepolice were telephoned for and Dr Amesbury was arrested on a charge of mur-der He will be given a hearing m thepolice court at Dedham tomorrow morn

ingDrAmesbury began practicing medi-

cine in Kingston about fifteen years ago

vocal abilities singing in several churchesAt that time Dr Amesbury is said tohave manifested considerate jealousy be-cause of tho attentions his wife receivedthrough her public appearances


Aged Churchman Dies In Edificeu lie Desires

New York Dec 25 Ellas T ManeTottenvlile Staten Island wellknownthroughout the island as Capt Mancedropped deal today at the early moming prayer meeting aT St Pa r Methodist Episcopal ChnrchT at Tottenriliwhile praying aloud

He had Just uttered the words O God

I want to die in Thy church with Thyname upon my lips when he sank backinto his chair and slid to the floor Hedied a few seconds after aid reached himCapt Mnnce was a lifelong member ofSt Pauls Church and was actively mtereatod in church and charitable workthroughout the island He was born onthe Island seventyeight years ago

Deposit Your Funds In titsBanking house of Union Trust Co 15thand H sts nw wher they will draw Interest Deposts subject to check Unsur-passed government control

Cnrtc Lunch Served DillsI At Ecksteins from 12 to 3 1112 Y ave






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SfJ8I TIle LRepublican










and Amesbury becarlte noted for her





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Admiral Brownson and I have bees friends for many yearsWhen on duty in Wasjfington as naval attending s rgton I was

his faintly physkiausbipe as a rule always have been commanded by

medical officers

The Relief lormerly to the Tjnld States

was always commanded by a medical officer when used as a s e rcalship

A joint board of army and navy medical recomxiiended that hospital ships should be ded by officers

and the recommendation was approved by both the Secretary ofWar and the Secretary of the Navy

The question was settled definitely during the civil war acid

all hospital ships and medical transports placed under the SurgeonGeneral of the army and have remained so up to the present time

Japanese naval hospital ships were commanded by medical

officersTheinternal administration of the Bureau of Medicine and

Surgery has been in my opinion too much interfered with by the

Bureau of Navigation This interference has at times caused me

great concern as to how I could meet the needs of those under our

careIt hard to understand how Admiral Brownson could be

specially inrotved as his ties pertain entirety fe another bureau

and which he should not interfere uaiesc directed by the Sec-





com medial




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Chicago Sect Worship inBlue Glass Room


JHK IClcct Gather io Watch Lenderarrayed in gorgeous Silks Chantllufnrc Llsrltfi lnlthfnl Are Urged

to Scud Donations Toward Cause

Chugs Dec K

at MM Park averse strangelygarhed men aa women from all parts

of tile workL With their faow towardUke aryl c H ia adoratkHK the

of tile OttMnaa Adncbl

the day of Gahaalfar MIl

cnetms their detty of dayStrance rbantlnga fled the room weird

tin burned oa an altar aoCt tatancaAiled the air

their Oriental gown

Marta Kltaabeth Rnth Mtttott

markaMe Christmas Day greaOn t themorning am

Fires Blaze on ShrineThe principal service of the tone

he lire service or candle mawtook place this evening When thesathered In the temple theSees were obulmi the shrine sadtwelve candles decorated the altar TheChicago Zoroaster presided and one toy

one took envelopes gives by the faithfulfor the purpose of receiving a meoeaseof ihe oracle as imparted through thedickering of the altar candles

With envelop in hand the leaderpassed hi front of the candles chantingmystic words continuing a candlegave a tremulous rocker One of themesiajgit which were printed and stackedabout the light then would toe put in theenvelope sad returned to the person whosubmitted it

To insure the message the faithful wereurged to send a donation to Maoist inspreading the gtarteoe message of Masdataan

When the Oracle had spokes kit lastmessage through the Sickening eandleoand the last chant was sung to the flamesthere was a feast to which thesat down at midnight

The Cahanoar began yesterday It te to i

close with the rising of the ofYears morning



Northern Pacific TralHc Blocked inNorth Dakota

Fargo N Dale Dec S Twenty trainsare tied up on the division of the Northera Pacific between Jamestown and Mandan N Dale for lack of motive powerEvery effort win be made to move tiletrains as soon as possible as a snowstorm is ragtag in North Dakota

Iat Takes Place In Even

daylight dawned

or frat today were theNd lit a great room mailed with

at the Temple ofLake


were their trtIM to Ute

ItCtu18l1BM Day well and ue treaaDd Of tile tw8ft were

and mystic were w-

8elftd by group worIIIdpen

elMWU to charge of tIII re





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PhflfttiaipMa Dec SiLeading thegrand march with her head eoaenmaaWilliam Deerteg Edward Morrelltoday opened the barn dance which hasbeen the feature of the TerreediUeChristmas for the last fifteen years Al-

though Col and Mrs MorreUs Dana

dance did not start until 3 oclock theguests began to arrive at 1 oclock

to be in good time and all wereon hand by 3 oclock when the or-

chestra began the marchServants from the Morrell estate were

the guests of honor and all the youngpeople of TorrasdsJe and farmers fam-

ilies from the vicinity were invited guestsCol ilorreil with his niece sibs Margue-rite Hunt formed the second couple inthe grand march and others participating

Baltimore and Ohio to PlttsilmrprFour solid vestJbuled trains leave New

Union Station dully 910 a m with buf-fet parlor and dining car 122 p m Chicago Limited with observation parlor carand diner 910 mExpress sleeping cars 1230 night sleeping cars









Pennsylvania Steel Mills AreReady to Eesunie


of the Great Plant De-

clare that the Schedule of time

Past Year Will Not Be AffectedMany will Be in Readiness forOperation on January 6

Pa Dec By January f

port Doqaeane and I MonongahehiValley as far as Mon and down to-

PtUaburg will be in oaeratton and morethanseveral weeks Will have returned towork

It fe

of the blowing mflto said theirpmnts will in fun ImiacdUttty af-ter the Ant of the new year and that the

standard of wages will he

The Companies to ResumeNational Tube Works and its conottt

McKeesport emfsoyimj JMmen Daquesne Steel Works CIN menBraddock mttla MM men Homesteadmills TSM men Monosate and Charleroinulls MM9 men Cmfrton mow 2sf userDonora mills MM men Woods mtOs V-tH men McKeesnort Tin Plate Company5ft GMSsport Glass Works 3 vmen

Firth Projectile Works 5N menPtttsburg Steel Foundry Glassport-CJasaport Coke Works 25 men and Sev-ern Brothers work Glassport 148 sues


Claimed Zachary Taylor for Ken-tucky Born In Virginia

Proud as we may be of tile State thatgave birth to Abraham Lincoln sad Zach

Justice John X Haring of the UnitedStates Supreme Court hi his great speechia New York test Monday night male aremarkable slip m Us tribute to Ken-tucky hi nates the words here quoted

The twelfth President of tins UnitedStates was sot a native of Kentuckyaccording to the most widely acceptedauthority but was born bt Virginia

The birth nines of Gen Zachary Taylor is not far from Washington Heftrst the Mght hi Orange County Va

3 MM and died to the WhiteHouse July S MSt Descendents of tilegeneral live here and hereabouts andapart from cyclopedic information thesedescendents vouch toe the accuracy afVirginias daft to the honor of giving

birth v

Justice Marians memory usually rfs re-HaMe as any standard authority ftifledhim hi tints Instance mud the net kaecaused ao little commont here at theCapitaL



of tM In

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Pate lingtaoot mills MeeHeer art


9dilM men been IMe

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aeon at stew-tic Lilo jl


fin s ash











were MILS M Amory Mrs HobartA Rare Miss targaierlte PaUersoo adebutante of this season Miss AjmaoeHeBrier Miss Harriet BMdle Mfes Lila Fis-cher Joseph Patterson third Henry Pat-terson Logan M Bettttt J and ThomasKilby Smith

It was 7 oclock before guests Sledpast Col and Mrs telling themwhat a good time had

Many poor amines In the Torresdaledistrict were the recipients of Mrs Morreirs charity and every cellar is stockedwith coal add wood for the entire winterMrs Morrett goes about this work veryquietly and little is known of her manykteuneoscg

At SL Francis Industrial School at Bddington a school for poor buys foundedand maintained by Cot and Mrs Momrell SO boys were made happy by thepresents which every one received treeMrs Morrell A turkey a1nn r wasserved the boys And each received a boxof candy

Clear CeIlIng Beaded per 1000Frank Ubbey Co 6th New York



00i 6 ave






Statement ontlie Brownson Controversy


Medical Men Should Com-

mand Hospital Ships


Goe Hack to Record of the CivilWar to Prove that All Such CraftIncluding Transports Were PlacedUnder the Surgeon General of theArmy Declares Japanese ShipsWere Thus Commandedwith iCUMMia Dclieved StatementItems Sanction of the Ircaident

The roajgimtmH of Rear Ainiliii TWBard

the Bureaa of Navigation hecaasoPresident Roosevelt its objec-tion ta placing a navel surgeon in corn

end the controversy between andthe staa of the rival service Involved inthis incident

Admiral Fans protest was the

VK uj thetrouble that has been brewing for a longtIlDe ran that the matter cannot beadjusted without muck dtacussion andthe disuafrurtou et some hard knocks

Coming right on toys of the publicationof Henry Rente daMs attack on the bu

system of the Navy Department thecontroversy between Admiral Brownsonand Surgeon General Rtxey assumes anhnportaat and aspect It hasserved to call attention to the differencesthat exist between tile bureaus of theNavy Department and to demonstratethe need of a move hnrmoiilom MadamtratJoa

ta attract

st 4e Senateafter the

aIda of the causes which have operatedta bring about coadtCMae which naval

Surgeon General Jttxey came into thelimelight last night by giving out a pre-pared statement of his side of the eontroversy with Admiral Brownsoa whichled to the resignation Thereenough ta what the Surgeon General saysto indicate that his statement has toosanction of President Roosevelt It pre-sent the Presidents attitude ta the con-troversy ta an authoritative way andken some of the Surgeon Generals ex

conviction that the President te resentfulof the radical course pursued by AdmiralBrownson to emphastea his adherence toa principle

The internal boa of the Bu-reau of Medicine and Surgery says theSurgeon General who te the thief of thatbureau has beea ta my opinion toomuch interfered with by the Bureau ofNavigation This interference has at

rained me pare concern as to bowI could meet the needs of those undermy care

Admiral Rbeey anappy utterance wiltsot be lost on those wile inhere therete much truth to the erttfefems oftabarmonioag working of the naval bnran system and additional food forthought will be supplied in another decmrattett of Admiral Rixey that if it hadsot been for the Bureau of Navigationthe naval hospital ship Relief the dispate over the command of which broughtshoat Admiral Brownaons resignationwould roar be with Admiral Evans sectteM of out on the Coast

Aa Interesting AffairThe trouble which brought about tbe re

tirment of Admiral Brownson from theBureau of Navigation is Interesting to thewhole official contingent fa Washingtonon account of its personal aspect Admirat Brownson has been Reesevolts intimate friend for years SurgeonGeneral Rixey te the White House physkis as be was when Mr McKinley wasPresident Both Admiral Brownson andSurgeon General Rixey were on termsintimacy with the Roosevelt family

Many naval oflicers are Inclined to be



In Struggle

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lieve the Surgeon General used his per-sonal influence to greater advantage thanAdmiral Brownson and thus won out intbe dispute as to whether line officer ora surgeon should command the Relief

Dr RlxeyVi StatementDr Rtxeys statement gives a detailed

explanation of his and President ReeseVelfs tIe fat the controversy Hesays

Admiral Brownson and I have beenfriends for many years and when onduty fat Washington as naval attendingsurgeon I was his family physician

HIs resignation as chief of the Bureauof Navigation has been assigned to va-rious causes among ethers to a differ-ence of opinion as to the of thehospital ship Relief While I do notknow that this is a cause it may be in-teresting to know the pretest status ofthis question

Hospital ships as a rule always havebeen commanded by medical omeorawith a a H g master and civilian crewfor purposes of navigation

The Rene formerly belonging to theUnited States army was always com-manded by a medical oflteer wives used asa hospital ship

A Joint board of army and navyteal omcen convened by Executive order

Continued on Page Column 4

Prices of All Kinds Lumber TumblingI Frank Libbey t Co 5th





6 ew aye


