Safal Electra erp Electra ERP.pdf · SAFAL ELECTRA ERP Established in 1999 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat,...


Transcript of Safal Electra erp Electra ERP.pdf · SAFAL ELECTRA ERP Established in 1999 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat,...

Page 1: Safal Electra erp Electra ERP.pdf · SAFAL ELECTRA ERP Established in 1999 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India First in Gujarat certified with ISO/ IEC 27001:2005 and UKAS accreditation


Page 2: Safal Electra erp Electra ERP.pdf · SAFAL ELECTRA ERP Established in 1999 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India First in Gujarat certified with ISO/ IEC 27001:2005 and UKAS accreditation

Established in 1999 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

First in Gujarat certified with ISO/ IEC 27001:2005 and UKAS accreditation from Bereau Veritas in IT – ERP Industries

All India Business & Community Award – Business Excellence 2011

Nominated Leaders of Tomorrow Award – 2012

Specialized in Metal/ Steel, Casting, Engineering, Food, Cement, Polymer and Infrastructure industries

Having thousands of satisfied users around the globe.

Presence in overseas market like Malaysia, Canada, Kenya & Tanzania


Page 3: Safal Electra erp Electra ERP.pdf · SAFAL ELECTRA ERP Established in 1999 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India First in Gujarat certified with ISO/ IEC 27001:2005 and UKAS accreditation

MRP-1 (Material Requirement Planning = Material Planning) & MRP 2 (Manufacturing Resource Planning = Manpower, Machine & Finance Planning)

Formula Management for Area & Weight Calculation for Various Finish Goods like Sheet & Panel.

Batch Number and Bar Code Generation for Each Finish Goods.

Machine Installation Management with After Sales Service Data Management like Customer Complaint, Solution, Customer Feedback, etc…

Material Size, Type and Property wise Inventory Management

Multi Level Bill of Material Management

Document & Video Attachment of Solution Instruction for Various Complaints.


Page 4: Safal Electra erp Electra ERP.pdf · SAFAL ELECTRA ERP Established in 1999 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India First in Gujarat certified with ISO/ IEC 27001:2005 and UKAS accreditation


Page 5: Safal Electra erp Electra ERP.pdf · SAFAL ELECTRA ERP Established in 1999 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India First in Gujarat certified with ISO/ IEC 27001:2005 and UKAS accreditation

• Extrusion specific Bill Of Material for easy configuration and quicker implementation

• Eliminate errors and data duplication with centralized die specifications and plastic recipes

• Simple workflow optimized for Plastic business processes from quotes all the way to invoicing

• Provide PLC production control dashboards and data acquisition with scanners and touch screens

• Made-For-Plastic scheduling tools to guarantee on time delivery

• Improve overall quality through Real Time PLC machine monitoring to track rejects

• Email & Fax automation along with online client access portals to drive superior customer service

• Marketing & Sales Management

• Inventory Management & Procurement Management

• Quality Control Management

• Currency Gain Loss Utility for Import & Export

• Plant & Finance Maintenance

• Human Resource Management

• Calibration Management

• Bar Code / RFID Management

• MRP 1 & MRP 2 Management

• Schedule wise Production Planning Management

• Online Order Integration


Page 6: Safal Electra erp Electra ERP.pdf · SAFAL ELECTRA ERP Established in 1999 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India First in Gujarat certified with ISO/ IEC 27001:2005 and UKAS accreditation

• User Friendly Highly Configurable Integrated Window Based Server - Client

• Quick return on Investment

• Reduce burden of Paper work

• User Friendly Eye Catching

• Screen Layout Summarized view of critical parameters of your entire business at a glance

• Multi Currency Operation

• Multi Company Enabled

• Multi Field Search Facility

• Multi User Login with User Right Management

• Ability to share data across various departments in an organization

• Graphical Representation of Reports

• Alerts on SMS with Auto Responder

• Dynamic Tax & Charges Calculation Facility

• Data Security and User Log Management

• User Friendly Screen Layouts

• ISO Required Report Generation*

• TS Required Report Generation*

• Data Entry Authorization


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Marketing ManagementForms Description Fields to be used

Lead Management Used for generate and maintain leads Party Details, Item Name, Lead Source, Taken By etc…

Forecasting Used for sales planning and forecasting Category, Item Name, Qty, Amount, From Date, To Date, Customer, Note etc…

Inquiry In this form fill up customer’s Inquiry for your products or services

Category, Inq. Date, Customer, Inq. By, Inq. Ref., Sales Person, Item, Quantity, Specification, Quote Date, Status, Loss Reason, Follow up, Attachments, Reminders etc…

Offer Here company enters their Offer based on customer’s Inquiry

Category, Date, Customer, Est. Delivery Date, Item, Quantity, Rate, Sales Executive, Encl., Basis of Rate, Taxes and Duties, Inspection, Mode of Dispatch, Insurance, Validity, Payment Terms, Delivery Terms, Transportation, Packing Spec. etc…

Customer’s PO Here you can enter customer’s PO details

Category, Date, Customer, Ref No, Customer Specification for Item, Marking, Scope, Pecking, Delivery Period, Shipment Inst., Communication, Quality Docs, Payment Follow ups, Terms and Conditions etc…

Order Acknowledgement

In this form enter final OA data which is given to customer

Category, Customer, Date, OA Type, Rev Date, Login Date, Rev No, Delivery At, Freight, Discount, Dispatch Mode, Contact Person, Credit Terms, Road Permit, Transportation, Attachments, Reminders etc…

Page 9: Safal Electra erp Electra ERP.pdf · SAFAL ELECTRA ERP Established in 1999 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India First in Gujarat certified with ISO/ IEC 27001:2005 and UKAS accreditation

Purchase Management - IForms Description Fields to be used

Indent In this form data comes from production planning or department for need of any item which is not in stockHere data can be come from Planning / Manual or based on Minimum Stock Level for inventory items

Category, Date, Department, Item Name, Quantity, Lead time, recommended supplier, Special features of item, available stock, remark etc…

Inquiry In this form company generate inquiry to various suppliers for purchase indent items.

Category, Date, Supplier, Item, Quantity, Availability, Specifications, Attachments, Reminders etc…

Quotation Here enter supplier’s quotation which is received on the base of inquiry

Category, Date, Supplier, Reff No, Item, Quantity, Rate, Amount, Remark, Valid upto, Payment terms, Credit Days, Form Type, Note and applicable charges

Order After judge supplier’s quotation company raise Purchase order to supplier

Category, Date, Supplier, Item, Qty, Order Type(Import/Local), In case of Import then LC Detail, Shipping Detail, For Local Purchase use Purchase Executive, Freight, Discount, Mode of dispatch, Contact Person, Transportation, Road Permit, Excise etc…

Page 10: Safal Electra erp Electra ERP.pdf · SAFAL ELECTRA ERP Established in 1999 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India First in Gujarat certified with ISO/ IEC 27001:2005 and UKAS accreditation

Purchase Management - IIForms Description Fields to be used

Inward After given purchase order material comes at your company’s location here material should be inwardFrom INWARD data might be go to INWARD QC

Category, Date, Supplier, Item, Weight, Book At, Driver Name, License No, LR Date, LR No, Destination, Transporter, Attachments, Document Settings, Packing etc…

GRN – Goods Receipt Note

After Inward OR Inward QC material will come to GRN form. If material is coming from Excisable traders then mfg bill detail will enter here.Deviation procedure is also available for any transaction.

Category, Date, Supplier, Item, Weight, Book At, Driver Name, License No, LR Date, LR No, Destination, Material Name, Quantity, Transporter, Attachments, Document Settings, Packing etc…

Final Purchase Here enter purchase invoice detail for accounting and stock effect

Category, Date, Supplier, Bill No, Bill Date, Item, Rate, Amount, Tax, Other Charges, Purchase Type, Credit Type, Credit Days, Remark etc…

Purchase Return In Purchase Return form enter goods return to supplier entry in case of rejection in qc or over quantity supply etc…

Category, Date, Supplier, Bill No, Bill Date, Item, Quantity, Rate, Amount, Other Charges, Deduction, Reason, Remarks etc…

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Design Management (R&D)Forms Description Fields to be used

Feasibility Study Here data comes from marketing Inquiry department when any new product’s requirement comes and top management’s involvement required.

Party Name, Feasibility Type, Inquiry Category, Inquiry Number, Follow-up details, Attachment and reminder facility.

DCR(Drawing Change Request)

Here data comes from marketing department / design department to change in drawing of any existing product / machinery

Date, DCR No, Part Number, Drawing Number, Existing revision number, Description of Part, Reason of Change in Design, Remarks, Attachments, Reminders etc..

DCN(Drawing Change Note)

Here design department will release note after fulfillment of drawing change request which was generated by concern department

Date, DCN No, Reference DCR Number, Rework Possibility, Replaceable with Old Revision, Finish Stock, WIP Stock, Part Number, Drawing Number, Existing revision number, Description of Part, Reason of Change in Design, Remarks, Attachments, Reminders etc..

Design BOM With the help of drawing change note concern department will change bill of material of any standard product / machinery

Design Code, Job Number, Design Date, Item Name, Item Code, Drawing Number, Batch Qty, BOM Type, BOM Date, BOM Category, Party Type, Planning, Remarks, Attachments, Reminders etc..

Billing Breakup When turnkey project based machinery comes in picture then we can break the billing part as per required.

Customer Name, Item Name, Order Number, Breakup Level, Item Quantity, Rate, Amount, Attachment & Reminder facility.

Page 12: Safal Electra erp Electra ERP.pdf · SAFAL ELECTRA ERP Established in 1999 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India First in Gujarat certified with ISO/ IEC 27001:2005 and UKAS accreditation

Production Management IForms Description Fields to be used

Production Planning Production Planning will starts form work order generation by this module company design their team and date wise production schedule and generate bought out item list as per minimum item quantity and BOM. MRP 1: Material PlanningMRP 2: Manpower, Machine & Finance PlanningSelection of Machine or Job work Party for different process.

Category, Date, Department, Planning by, Assembly – Sub Assembly Items, Quantity, Tem, Start Date, End Date, Priority, Bought out items, stock, lead time, Machine, Job work Party etc…

Production Order Production is depends on planning module. In this team wise and date wise production order will be generate as per planning. Batch No for ISO/ batch tracking for traceability. Concept of Theoretical Weight and Actual Weight in production and dispatch. Here Production department can change in BOM dynamically.

Category, Date, Team Name, Batch, Production Item, Row material item, Quantity, Remarks, Note, Stage etc...

Page 13: Safal Electra erp Electra ERP.pdf · SAFAL ELECTRA ERP Established in 1999 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India First in Gujarat certified with ISO/ IEC 27001:2005 and UKAS accreditation

Production Management IIForms Description Fields to be used

ECN – Engineering Change Note

This form will come in picture when there is a change in Bill of Material under the case of Production Order released. Here user can alter the Bill of Material after production order generation

Team Name, Work Order Number, Job Number, Item Name, Production ID, Level, Planning Number, Drawing Number, Pending Quantity, Production Date, Priority, Process, Production Completion Date etc...

Direct Production For those organization who don’t want to go for BOM, Planning, Production Order, Material Issue, Material Receipt. Here user have to mention Material Input and Material Output

Category, Department, Party, Team, Batch No, Input Item Name, Input Item Code, Input Quantity, Input Item Stock, Input Item Location, Output Item Name, Output Item Code, Output Quantity, Output Item Stock, Output Item Location , Attachments, Reminders

Material Transfer Note

When department want to transfer produced material to other order then Material Transfer Note document will come in use.

Category, Product ID, Production New ID, Item Name, Item Quantity, Item Rate, Item Anount, Attachments, Reminders

Page 14: Safal Electra erp Electra ERP.pdf · SAFAL ELECTRA ERP Established in 1999 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India First in Gujarat certified with ISO/ IEC 27001:2005 and UKAS accreditation

STORE Management (Inventory)Forms Description Fields to be used

Material Requisition Using this form user can request / generate indentof any material with required date and requireditem

Category, Date, Party, Department, Required Date,Required Item Name, Item Code, RequiredQuantity, Remark, Attachments, Reminders etc…

Material Issue By this form issue material to production or anyother department or party

Category, Date, Party, Department, Item, Quantity,Location, Available Stock, Rate, Amount, Remark,Attachments, Reminders etc…

Material Receipt Using this form store department receive materialfrom production or job work or from party

Category, Date, Party, Department, Item, Quantity,Location, Available stock, Rate, Amount, Remark,Attachments, Reminders etc…

Material Return Using this form store department receive scrapematerial / other material which is return fromproduction department or job work or from party

Category, Date, Party, Department, Item, Quantity,Location, Available stock, Rate, Amount, Remark,Attachments, Reminders etc…

Job-Work Detail By this form company give job work to out sideparties.

Category, Date, Party, Item, Quantity, Rate,Amount, Challan No, Transport Detail, Remark,Attachment, Reminders etc…

Material Rejection In some cases material rejection possible for somedefected material.

QC Details, QC No., Reason, Item Name,

Stock Transfer Transfer Stock form one location to other location Category, Date, Reason, From location, To location,Item, Stock, Remark, Attachments, Reminders etc…

Page 15: Safal Electra erp Electra ERP.pdf · SAFAL ELECTRA ERP Established in 1999 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India First in Gujarat certified with ISO/ IEC 27001:2005 and UKAS accreditation

Quality ManagementForms Description Fields to be used

Inward QC In item master for any purchase item if QC required is on then every purchase case Inward QC Required before Inward entry

Category, Date, Inward No, Checked By, Item, QC Parameter, Parameter Value, Reading Reasult, Accept Quantity, Reject Quantity, Conditional Accept Quantity, Aconditional Accepr Reason, Remarks, Attachments, Reminders etc..

Production QC In item master for any production item if QC required is on Production QC comes after assembly wise production entry. Inspection Offer & inspection done by customer or third party.

Category, Date, Production No, Checked By, Item, QC Parameter, Value, Reading Result, Accept Quantity, Reject Quantity, Conditional Accept Quantity, Condition, Remark, Attachments, Reminders etc…

Job-work QC This form comes at the time of job-work receipt entry if job work item QC required is on

Category, Date, Job-work No, Checked By, Item, QC Parameter, Value, Reading Result, Accept Quantity, Reject Quantity, Conditional Accept Quantity, Condition, Remark, Attachments, Reminders etc…

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Instrument calibrationForms Description Fields to be used

Calibration Using this form you can calibrate you measure your calibrate Limit Gauges, Gauges, Fixers, Multi Gauges and input the readings.

Code of Gage, Type of Gage, Part No. Dimension, Reference, Supervisor, Item wise Parameter/Specification/Obeserval Dimension , Frequency, Inspector, and In-charge

Instrument Calibration

Using this form you can calibrate you measure instrument and input the reading of those instrument.

Code of Instrument, Range, Least Count, Make, Type of Instrument, Group, Location, Department, Supervisor, Instrument Master, Steps, Error List and Actual Observation.

Inward - Outward When your measuring instrument going outside from your organization and coming back to your organization then inward and outward will be given.

Unit From, Unit To, Department From, Department To, Supervisor From, Supervisor To, Code of Instrument, Type of equipment, Range, part No.

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Machine maintenance

Machine Maintenance Predictive/ Preventive/ Breakdown/ Shutdown MaintenanceChecklists Equipment wise and shift wise. Equipment details with

Tools and tackles required Spares required Procedures Do’s and Don’ts Manpower requirement Man hour requirement

Breakdown analysis Equipment History & Failure Cost Spares Planning Individual Maintenance wise cost Breakdown Cost Calibration of tools and tackles

Check List

Break Down


History Card

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Sales ManagementForms Description Fields to be used

Dispatch Instruction Using this form you can dispatch your product to customer

Category, Date, Customer, Department, Location, Item, Quantity, Packing, Remarks, Attachments and reminders.

Delivery Challan Sales Challan or delivery challan will be generate for transporter to delivery goods at customer’s location

Category, Date, Customer Name, Transporter, Driver, License No, LR No, LR Date, RTO Name, LIC No, Sample detail, Book At, Destination, Packing, Remarks, Attachments, Reminders etc…

Invoice Sales Invoice entry for take account effect of sales and printing TAX/Retail Invoice for party

Category, Date, Customer, Sales Type, Credit Days, Form Type, Form No, Form Date, Item, Rate, Amount, Taxes, Overheads, Discounts, Other Charges, Remarks, Reminders

Sales Return For some cases it is possible that customer will return your sales material at that time you can use this form

Category, Date, Customer, Sales No, Item, Quantity, Rate, Amount, Charges, Return Reason, Remarks, Attachments, Reminders etc…

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Service ManagementForms Description Fields to be used

Customer Complain All the details regarding any type of complain from any client will be store over this module.

Category, Date, Customer, Complain Type, Complain Parameter, Frequency, Warranty Details, Remarks, Reminders, Attachments, etc…

Solution All the solution or suggestion against each complain will be in this module.

Category, Date, Customer, Complain Type, Complain Parameter, Frequency, Solution Parameter, Service Engineer Name, Warranty Details, Remarks, Reminders, Attachments, etc…

Customer Feedback All the feedback details about delivered product / service will be store in this module.

General feedback fields

Customer Visit Periodically visit at client site from our service engineer will be keep in this module.

Category, Customer Name, Visit Location, Visit Date, Feedback, Negotiation, Attachment, Reminders, etc…

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Personnel Administration Employee Details Leave Entitlement Loan/Advance Employee PF Employee ESI Induction Program Checklist (Task Wise) Probationers Evolutions Separation Acceptance Letter Settlement Detail Exit Interview Details Employee’s Gratuity Employee’s Superannuation Transfer Appraisal Promotion Salary Increment Temporary Staff Contractor

HRD Man Power Planning Recruitment Advertisement Consultant Data Bank (Previous Resumes) Interview Action Plan Direct Recruitment Training Institute Program Training Plan Execution

OrganizationPrepare Organization ViewReporting StructureView OrganizationOrganization Chart

ARS Shift Employee Master Shift Roster Attendance Uploading Control File Employee Calendar Manual Attendance Full Attendance Upload Attendance Department Wise OT Employee Wise OT

PayrollGrade Wise Salary StructureEmployee Wise Salary StructureGrade Wise Loan StructureOvertime AllocationArrearsPre Payroll ActivitySalary ProcessingBonus DetailFull Final SalaryLeave EncashmentMedical ReimbursementGrade wise Bonus Processing


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Finance ManagementForms Description Fields to be used

Bank In this form use Bank Receipt and Bank Payment entry with cost center, Profit Center, Party Bill Adjustment etc…

Daybook, Date, Voucher No, Ac Name, Amount, Deduction, Cheque No, Voucher Amount, TDS Amount, Cost Center, Profit Center, Bill No, Bill Date, Total Amount, Adjustment Amount, Balance Amount , Remarks, Reminders etc…

Cash In this form use Cash Receipt and Cash Payment entry with cost center, Profit Center, Party Bill Adjustment etc…

Daybook, Date, Voucher No, Ac Name, Amount, Voucher Amount, Cost Center, Profit Center, Bill No, Bill Date, Total Amount, Adjustment Amount, Balance Amount etc…

Journal Voucher For any expense or other voucher entry you can use this form

Daybook, Voucher No, Date, Narration, Account Name, Credit/Debit type, Remarks etc…

Cr / Dr Note Using this form company can give Credit or Debit note to any party

Daybook, Date, Voucher No, From Account, Narration, To Account, Narration, amount, Remarks etc…

Contra For Transfer company’s fund from Bank to Cash, Bank to Bank, Cash to Bank or Cash to Cash

Category, Date, Voucher No, Bank Acc, Cash Acc, Amount, Narration, Remarks etc…

Reconciliation Reconciliation refers to a process that compares two sets of records to make sure they are in agreement.

Category, Date, Voucher No, Bank Acc, Cash Acc, Amount, Narration, Remarks etc…

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