S1&2 Vision d'avenir et sentiment d'appartenance Global ... · S1&2 Vision d'avenir et sentiment...

S1&2 Vision d'avenir et sentiment d'appartenance Global warming and Climate change Séance 1 Task 1 : Anticipation Before you watch the video, in groups of 4 try to guess what the climate change is and what problems from climate change you will see. Make a list. Task 2 Video: Our planet in Transition: Pole to Pole http://www.green.tv/pole_to_pole/ Watch the video. Check your list of problems, . Discuss Can you add to your list (causes and consequences) ? Task 3 Discuss the issue of climate change. Focus on these questions : 1. What causes climate change ? 2. What is it due to 3. What are some of the direct effects of climate change ? 4. What are the long-term effects ? 5. What needs to be done to solve the problem ? Assignment : Fill the pronunciation grid

Transcript of S1&2 Vision d'avenir et sentiment d'appartenance Global ... · S1&2 Vision d'avenir et sentiment...

Page 1: S1&2 Vision d'avenir et sentiment d'appartenance Global ... · S1&2 Vision d'avenir et sentiment d'appartenance Global warming and Climate change Séance 1 Task 1 : Anticipation Before

S1&2 Vision d'avenir et sentiment d'appartenance

Global warming and Climate change

Séance 1

Task 1 : Anticipation

Before you watch the video, in groups of 4 try to guess what the climate change is and what problems from climate change you will see. Make a list.

Task 2

Video: Our planet in Transition: Pole to Pole http://www.green.tv/pole_to_pole/

Watch the video. Check your list of problems, . Discuss Can you add to your list (causes and consequences) ?

Task 3

Discuss the issue of climate change. Focus on these questions : 1. What causes climate change ?

2. What is it due to

3. What are some of the direct effects of climate change ?

4. What are the long-term effects ?

5. What needs to be done to solve the problem ?

Assignment : Fill the pronunciation grid

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Vision d'avenir et sentiment d'appartenance

Global warming and Climate change

Pronunciation grid - Word Stress

Use the Word Reference app on your mobile or your computer to find the stressed syllables for the missing words, listen to the pronunciation and train to pronounce them properly. Fill the grid with the missing ones and write them in phonetics

1. Alternative

2. Climate

3. Desert

4. Electric

5. Electricity

6. Extinction

7. Generation

8. Global

9. Polluted


11. Radiation

12. Ultraviolet

13. Warming

14. Carbon

15. dioxide

16. Ozone

17. Layer

Match with the appropriate word and pronounce properly :

/'klaimit / : / 'wɔːmiŋ:/ /ɔlʼtɝnətiv/

/'dezɘt / : /,ʤɛnɚ'reiʃən/ : /'leiə˞ / :

/ ik'stiŋkʃən / : / ilɛk'trisiti / : / kʼɑːbən / :

/ ʼgloʊbɚl / : / iʼlɛktrik / : / daiʼɒksaid / :

/ pəʼluːtid / : /'ʌltrəʼvaiɚlit/ : / 'əʊzəʊn / :

/ pəʼluːʃən / : /,reidi'eiʃən / :

Vision d'avenir et sentiment d'appartenance

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Global warming and Climate change

Pronunciation worksheet

Pronunciation : Word Stress

Use the Word Reference app on your mobile or your computer to find the stressed syllables for the missing words, listen to the pronunciation and train to pronounce them properly. Fill the grid with the missing ones and write them in phonetic

1. Alternative al ter na tive

2. Climate cli mate

3. Desert de sert

4. Electric e lec tric

5. Electricity e lec tri ci ty

6. Extinction ex tinc tion

7. Generation ge ne ra tion

8. Global glo bal

9. Polluted pol lu ted

10.Pollution pol lu tion

11. Radiation ra di a tion

12. Ultraviolet ul tra vio let

13. Warming war ming

14. Carbon

15. dioxide

16. Ozone

17. Layer

Match with the appropriate word and pronounce properly :

/'klaimit / : / 'wɔːmiŋ:/ /ɔlʼtɝnətiv/

/'dezɘt / : /,ʤɛnɚ'reiʃən/ :

/ ik'stiŋkʃən / : / ilɛk'trisiti / :

/ ʼgloʊbɚl / : / iʼlɛktrik / :

/ pəʼluːtid / : /'ʌltrəʼvaiɚlit/ :

/ pəʼluːʃən / : /,reidi'eiʃən / :

/'leiə˞ / : / kʼɑːbən / / daiʼɒksaid / : / 'əʊzəʊn / :

Séance 2

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Task 4a : The Greenhouse effect

Observe and discuss in order to explain what it is to the class

Task 4b . Causes, effects and consequences of climate change

1. Complete the sentences with an appropriate cause and effect transition signal. Choose from the list below

Cause and effect transition signals

Due to Because of As a result of Because

Consequently As Since Given that

For this reason Therefore As a result This is because

The reason for this is that

1. The most urgent problems the world faces are global warming and climate change …...................... greenhouse gases and deforestation. 2. ….......................................... of global warming, the world is experiencing a rises in sea levels

3.There are more and droughts and floodings in different regions of the world …..................... regions are suffering agricultural losses. 4. ….................................... temperatures are increasing, many plants and animal species may become extinct. 5. Many economies in the world will be seriously damaged …............................….......... is the impacts of climate change.

b. Rephrase the sentences using a different expression from the grid

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Task 5 : You are scientists studying climate change and you explain the situation : In groups prepare a 3mn oral account

Tool Box : Useful words and expressions to achieve your tasks

Nouns Verbs or expressions Adjectives

smoke environment environmentalist = green



car exhaust carbon dioxide fossil fumes

rubbish / waste


a power station

a factory

petrol / oil fossil fuels


heat a release /emission

greenhouse effect greenhouse gases (GHG) global warming

a warning

toxic substances


weather a hurricane / storm/tornado

a topical issue : un sujet d'actualité

truth # lie

the earth / planet flood # drought ice cap

sea level ecosystem



to protect /to save

to alter= to change

to pollute=to destroy=to damage,

to release/ to emit CO2 (carbon dioxide) into the atmosphere

to increase

to disappear to be responsible for to pour to trap To melt

to warn people against sthg

S+want+object+to+BV (see log)

to make people aware


to endanger

Average :


inconvenient = which disturbs




ominous = threatening = sinister...

to be /become aware of sthg :

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S3 Vision d'avenir et sentiment d'appartenance Global warming and Climate change


Task 1 : (5 mn)

We have talked about global-warming and its consequences on the earth.

List the solutions you can think of to fill the grid below

At home Industry Transport Agriculture electricity

Task 2 : (15 mn) - Step 1 : individual work : Read the text you have been given.

- Step 2 : In groups of 4 or 5 discuss the content of the text and pick out the solutions proposed to complete the grid above

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Task 3 :

In groups discuss and complete the Mind Map given to recap what you have learned. Fill the one for the group, wait until it is corrected to fill yours !

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S3 Vision d'avenir et sentiment d'appartenance Global warming and Climate Change


A Vocabulary

1. Scan the text for words and expressions related to global warming. Underline them

2. Find synonyms for these 2 words in the text - to increase : - to decrease : 3. Find in the text the word you would use to describe a series of increases and increases

B Grammar

1. a. Read the text again and find 6 sentences with have+V-en verbal forms. - - - - - - b. What do you call this form ?

c. Why is it used in each of them ?

d. Copy and observe sentences 1 and 3. - -

e. Explain why for and since are used ?

Since + …................

For + .......................

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2. Observe the 2 verbal forms in the following sentence « Scientist (1)have recently shown that the temperature on earth (2) has been increasing by 0.1° every ten years over the past few decades a. Which form expresses a result ? b. Which form expresses an action which has started in the past, is still on today and will probably continue in the future ? c. What do you call each form ? 1: 2: D. What tense does each form correspond to ?

Read the text about climate change. Put the verbs into the correct form: Past Simple or Present Perfect. Use long forms if possible.

At the moment, scientists agree that the world's climate ….......................(become) warmer over the past 50 years, but they disagree about the causes. Some believe that human activities …........................(cause) climate change. They argue that for 1,000 or 2,000 years before 1850, when records …........................(begin) , the temperature was more or less stable. Short warm or cold periods …......................(occur) during that time, but the climate …........................( always return) to the same level,

However, since the Industrial Revolution, human beings ….......................(burn) more and more fossil fuels, such as coal and oil. In 1800 the atmosphere …..................(contain) around 280 parts per million of carbon dioxide (CO2). Since then there …...................(be) an increase of about 31 %. This extra carbon dioxide …......................(raise) the world’s temperature because of the greenhouse effect.

Other scientists disagree that human activities over the past 50 years …...................(cause) global warming. They point out that volcanoes and other natural processes …......................(always release) CO2 into the atmosphere, and that human activity …...................(contribute) a rise in CO2 of only three per cent.

In 1999, 156 countries ….............................(sign) the Kyoto protocol, part of a United Nations agreement on climate change, which …....................(come) into force in 2005. They …............(agree) to reduce their emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, although, some countries, such as the USA and Australia, …............................(not take) any action so far.

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S4 Vision d'avenir et sentiment d'appartenance

Global warming and climate change

Expression of certainty

1. Let's get ready

A scientist used the following sentences. How sure is he about each statement ? There's no doubt at all that the earth is getting warmer. It's fairly certain that Earth will have heated up by 4 degrees. There will be many other effects. The USA and Russia could suffer from drought.

Put the expressions in the correct section of the line below.

100% Sure it will happen

50% Sure

100% it won't happen

Add these expressions to the line. Some have the same meaning and can be side by side.

Maybe will definitly definitely won't

may I'm not sure if probably won't

will probably perhaps it's possible that …

I doubt that … won't I'm certain that

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2. Discussion

What do you think ? Decide if the following ideas :

a) will hapen in the next 50 years

b) could happen

c) won't happen

Choose a, b or c for the following statements.

1. Most cars will be electric 2. Nuclear energy will end 3. Alternative energy will be more important than oil. 4. You will recycle all your bags, cans and paper. 5. Amost all the rain forests will disappear. 6. People will continue to sunbathe ; 7. The climate will get worse 8. The next generation will care more about the environment than the present. 9. In elections ''Green Issues » » will become more important than any other. 10. People will destroy the earth.

Where will you place these ideas on the line of certainty ?

Think about which expression of certainty you can use to express your opinion.

e.g.I'm certain that most cars will be electric

3. Group Work

Discuss with your group and decide where you want to put the ideas above. Write them with the new expressions

100% Sure it will happen

50% Sure

100% it won't happen

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S5 Vision d'avenir et sentiment d'appartenance

Global warming and climate change


Now, how much do you know Environmental Problems that face the world today ?

Look at the quiz and try to answer the questions in pairs as fast as possible (15 mn maximum). Check on the Internet for any missing information.

1. What are CFCs and how do they affect the environment ?

2. What alternative forms of energy do you know ?

3. What is the ozone layer ? What does it do ? What is happening to it ?

4. How are forests good for the environment ? What is happening to them ?

5. What is a hybrid car ? How does it help the environment ?

6. What is acid rain ?

7. What is recycling? How does it help the environment ?

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First name: ……………………………………………………………. Form:


Surname: …………………………………………………………………. Date:


Score : Written Comprehension : ….. / 10 pts - Written Expression : ….. / 10 pts


1. Find the word corresponding to the following definition in the text /1pt

A layer of ice in the Polar Regions = …………………………………………………………

2. Make a diagram (schema) explaining how global warming is involved in the Polar bears

causes and consequences of the phenomenon.

Use the back of this sheet.


The manager of a factory must explain why he has not chosen to use less polluting processes

and materials to produce his goods. He expresses several hypotheses. Write the speech he

has delivered at a conference. (100 words)

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S7 Climate Change

Home sweet home

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaBoLqds-Bg step 1 : from 0.00 to 0.45 (listening no picture)

1. Individually : Listen and circle the words you actually hear horses / wind / coughing fits / birds / metal / horns / cars / explosions / sneeze / songs / planes / music / pumping. 2. Match the following adjectives with their antonyms

noisy favorable

brutal comforting

ominuous relaxing

disturbing quiet

pleasant serene

Threatening relaxing

tiring promising

3. Check with your partner 2 . Individually (Sound and pictures) a. List everything you can see b. List the colours : c. What can you say about the colours ? Are they bright ? d. What french equivalent would you use ? → In English we can use the suffix '' ….............. '' → Rewrite the adjectives:-> 3. Sum up saying what you feel. Use : It makes me ….....

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Step 2 :from 0.45 to the end (listening no picture) 1. Note down everything you can hear 2. Pair work / Anticipate : What do you think you will see ? Use expressions of certainty. 3. Check : List everything you can see with you partner 4. Share your feelings with your partner. 5. Prepare an account to the class

Tool box: Agreeing: I (quite) agree; I agree 100%; I couldn't agree more Disagreeing: I totally disagree; I object to ..... ; not at all; I'm afraid I can't agree with you. Admitting: I must say ... ; admittedly..; That's quite true but...; obviously; of course;.... Complaining: I can't stand; I've had enough of; I'm sick of...; Suggesting: Why don't you ...?; You should.....; If I were you ........... I would........; Rebelling: How can you say....?; How dare you....?; You should know better! Nonsense! Being polite: Excuse me but.... ; Can I just say something?...; Sorry to interrupt you

but...; It may be true but ….; Could you …...(V), please?; I see your point but

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S.8 Vision d'avenir et sentiment d'appartenance Global warming and Climate change

Final task

You take part in a debate on environment. You must create the whole


Playing the role you have chosen.

-A moderator : introduces environmental issues, greets and names the different protagonists, encourage them to interact: What about you, …. Don't you think..... ? Do you agree with x when he / she says...... ?

-Two scientists: give the causes and the consequences of global warming,

explain what could happen if nothing is done

-Two spokesmen of the food and car industries: raise economic issues for

populations, organic agriculture….

-A spokesman of the government of a developed country: gives

arguments for doing nothing

- A spokesman of the government of a developing country: points out the

difficulties of the country to have an environmental protecting policy.

-A spokesman of a country with climate refugees: gives examples of


-A celebrity: disagrees with current policies, describes his / her views on the

topic and raises people's awareness.

-Two activists in non-governmental organizations (Greenpeace and World wild Fund): The impact of industry on the environment, give concrete examples of consequences of global warming.

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Useful texts and internet sites

Moving planet (1min31) advert


politicians and campaigners responses to the deal ( the Guardian)

http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2009/dec/19/copenhagen-reaction-delegates-speakCopenhagen reaction: delegates speak

Discovery chanel (2min) energy supply in the future (except oil) : renewable

sources (wind, nuclear, solar, geothermal and hydroelectric)


BBC News (2min18) where has the Deepwater Horizon oil gone ? dans sédiments

au fond de la mer, dans végétation. Pb pour écosystèmes (espèces menacées de poissons), nourriture pour Homme aussi.


National geographic (3min03) causes (greenhouse effect/CO2/CH4/oil) and

consequences of global warming (melting glaciers, species extinctions …)



Greenpeace (text) Climate change and its impact on wine in France.



WWF (3min49) the Artic is an indicator for climate change




The climate summit in Paris 2015





Christiane ZERMATTEN

Lycée Guillaume Fichet

Bonneville (74)

Académie de Grenoble