rts in Dementia – working creatively with people with dementia

 NAIDOO & ASSOCIATES  Arts in Dementia QuickTime and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. Marian Naidoo

Transcript of rts in Dementia – working creatively with people with dementia

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 Arts in Dementia

QuickTime and adecompressor 

are needed to see this picture.

Marian Naidoo

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There is a gr wing evi en e base f r the se f 

arts t r m te g health:

³The arts make a significant contribution to

improving the lives, health and wellbeing of  patients, service users and carer, as well as

those who work in the arts.´ 

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Department of Health Joint 

Prospectus (2007)

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Participatory arts can generate:

  A sense f a hievement, ri e an engagement

lea ing t lini al benefits, s h as a re e

nee f r servi esEnhan e mm ni ati n, relati nshi s an

im r ve atm s here f healthcare settings

Em werment an ers nal transf rmati n

thr gh ex eriences f enhance i entity anself-awareness

Feelings f energy, ca ability an enhancing the

ability t cope with hospitalisation

Compassion f or others

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 Article 27  (1) of the Declaration of 

H man Rights

Everyone has the right to f reely

participate in the cultural lif e of  the

community, to enjoy the arts an to share in scientific a vancement an

its benefits.

(WHO 1948)

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What about the evi ence?

There is plenty«««««««««

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 Although some of the pr ojects have

resulte in tangible outcomes in the

f orm of artwor s, vi eos etc, the mainemphasis is on the process - exploring

ways f or the creative activity to help 

people to express themselves ancommunicate with those ar oun them.

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Dr Rosalia Staricoff  commissione by Arts Council Englan

to un erta e a review of the me ical literature on arts an

health in or er to inf orm the evelopment of the policy on

arts an health.

Review cites nearly 400 papers showing the beneficial

impact of the arts on a wi e range of health outcomes.

Focus on studies published fr om 1990 to 2004 

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Singing and Music Making


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Singing f or the brain

Developed by The Alzheimer Society WestBer kshire Branch and launched in 2003

It is also known to be beneficial to those

suffering fr om depression and stress.

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Singing f or the Brain has both physical and 

mental benefits.

Exer cises all the muscles involved in

communication, helps impr ove breathing,

combats depression and reduces stress.

Stimulates the brain and challenges thosetaking part by intr oducing unfamiliar material,

simple part-singing, singing in r ounds and 

singing fr om memory.

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Sidney De Haan Research Centre

Undertaking f urther resear ch on singing f or the

wellbeing and health of older people.

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Dance has been found to alleviate social isolation and quite

literally helps take away the aches and pains associated witholder age.

Dr. Jonathan Skinner. Queens University Belfast

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Scientists at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine found

that ballroom dancing helps prevent dementia andAlzheimer ¶s disease.

Second study found that older people who danced had better 

balance and gait than non-dancers.

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Reminiscence Work

Largest UK intervention trial not involving dr ugs

Funded by the Department of Health 250 people with dementia each accompanied by a

family carer are attending Remembering Yester day,

Caring Today courses at more than 20 centres.

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Early results f rom the trial:-

Reduction in carer bur denIncrease autobiographical memory

Impr ovement in a sense of identity

Pam Schweitzer, Eur opean Reminiscence Networ k,

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Ladder to the Moon

Relationship Theatre

Impr oves the quality of life f or older people incare, particularly those living with dementia.

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Key benef its f or residents

Increased self-esteem.

Creative self expression Greater sense of community

Shared experience to re-live

Key bene

f its

f or sta


Impr oved relationships with residents Greater confidence with residentsIncreased  job satisfaction

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