Roslyn Middle School Choral Handbook · PDF filePlease remember the following basic rules: ......

Page 1 Roslyn Middle School Choral Handbook 2017-2018 Mrs. Feinman Chorus Teacher [email protected]

Transcript of Roslyn Middle School Choral Handbook · PDF filePlease remember the following basic rules: ......

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Roslyn Middle School Choral Handbook


Mrs. Feinman

Chorus Teacher [email protected]

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Welcome……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3

Program Organization…………………………………………………………………………………… 3

Objectives …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4

Classroom Routines and Expectations …………………………………………………………… 4

Rehearsal Etiquette …………………………………………………………………………………… 4

Concert Etiquette ....…………………………………………………………………………………… 5

Rules for Artistry & Learning …….……....………………………………………………………… 5

Concert Attire ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 6

Staying Informed ………………………………………………………………………………………… 7

7th/8th Grade Remind Instructions……………………………………………………………………8

6th Grade Remind Instructions………………………………………..………………………………9

Chorale Remind Instructions……………………………………………………………………………10

Grading ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11

Extra Credit ..……………………………………………………………………………………………. 12

Important Dates ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 13

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Welcome Dear Students, I am looking forward to working with you this year. I will be here to coach and support you as they reach your personal best. I have performed in a variety of venues, such as theater, opera, choirs, and symphonies. But above all, I love to teach. To me, one of the greatest joys is the challenge of working hard to learn new repertoire to achieve stellar results. I can't wait to share this lesson with you. This year we will learn about vocal health, music history, and musicianship, but we will also have a community wherein it is acceptable to make mistakes and learn. I encourage you to try your personal best every day so we can bring our repertoire to life. Sincerely, Mrs. Feinman

Program Organization The choral program at Roslyn Middle School consists of three choirs:

1) 6th Grade Chorus

2) 7th and 8th Grade Chorus

3) 7th and 8th Grade Select Chorale (By audition only)

The school also produces a musical in February.

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1. Choir members will learn music literacy to grow as musicians and also appreciate the music we sing.

2. Choir members should enjoy making music. Chorus class should be an enriching part of the day.

3. Choir members will have a positive attitude and always try their best. Making music and making beautiful, artistic music is something we will explore.

4. Choir members will have respect for each other and show consideration while rehearsing and performing.

Classroom Routines and Expectations Self-discipline is an important element of choir rehearsal and performance. Students must realize that they are a member of a performing group with an excellent reputation. Their behavior during school classes and at public performances reflects Roslyn Middle School and the Music Department. Please remember the following basic rules:

• Respect yourself and others. • Participate 100% of the time. • Come prepared with your choir folder and a pencil, ready to begin when the

bell rings • Only water bottles and choir materials are allowed on the risers. Leave

EVERYTHING else by the door. • Music folders must be treated with care • Students must ask before playing the piano or any sound equipment in the room. • Proper rehearsal and concert etiquette will be observed.

Rehearsal Etiquette • Phones are left on the side of the room • Students are ready with a pencil, folder, and positive attitude. • Students sing their correct parts • If students are waiting for director while another part is actively working, students

are completing a task from the “Rehearsal Options List” posted in classroom. • Choir members respond to director’s directions and requests respectfully and


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Concert Etiquette Audience members are encouraged to follow some well-established standards for formal concert behavior. • Refrain from talking during the performance. • Remain seated for the entire concert. If it is absolutely necessary to do so, move

only between selections and exit at the nearest door. • Wait to re-enter the auditorium until the performing group is finished. • Applause is the only appropriate form of expressing appreciation. A good “rule of

thumb” is to wait until the conductor lowers his or her hands to indicate the completion of the selection or work.

• Please eliminate disruptions by turning off pagers, cell phones, and removing small children who are crying or speaking loudly.

• Students are not permitted to leave until the end of the concert and are expected to observe all performing groups. This is part of the educational process.

Rules for Learning & Artistry (Taken from Judy Bower’s Rules for Expressive Singing)

1. Rule of Giving Good Class: It is the job of students to learn. It is the job of choral singers to be teachable, and to develop into the artists that their talent indicates. In rehearsals, you will give “good class”- have a learning expression on your face, listen, nod your head with understanding, smile, participate, and be PRESENT throughout the rehearsal.

2. Rule of Transfer: Transfer is the secret to learning. It is the singer’s job to transfer everything that is rehearsed to ALL their music, as indicated and appropriate.

3. Rule of Flow: Flow is the moment in music when the magic happens. All elements

of the academic and social transfer into creating FLOW. It happens when the group is ready in terms of skills, is expressing what is in their hearts and in the music, and when there is a total focus. Your focus and capacity to hold the energy of the music and your attention will create flow.

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Staying Informed • Listen in class and read the board outside the chorus room regularly for

announcements, additions and changes to rehearsals, meetings, auditions, etc. • Sign up for Weekly Updates: • Listen to morning announcements • Sign up for REMIND updates. • Extra copies of music are in the message center to sign out. STUDENTS MUST

ASK before taking an extra copy.



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Grading Policy The diligent, hard-working members of the Roslyn Middle School Choir know that being present is only one measure of success in choir. Grades are an important part of choral music education, and it is important for each member to be acquainted with the expectations of the Roslyn Middle School grading system. Tutorials are offered at a variety of times and can be arranged by making a morning or afternoon appointment. Grades will include but are not limited to the following:

• Daily Participation: 50% Daily rehearsal grades will be determined by attitude, respect, cooperation, effort, sectionals, sight-reading, attendance, and improvement. Each students begins with an “A” each day, and it is up to the student to maintain. Choral journaling is an integral part of the daily participation grade.

• Skills: 25% The choir member will be expected to improve individual musical skills.

An evaluation of this improvement will include quarterly music packets, individual sight-reading tests and skills tests if necessary, and written quizzes. The choir member will be evaluated on personal improvement of his/her ensemble skills during daily rehearsals.

• Performances: 25% All performances are mandatory. A performance is considered an examination of the material that has been covered in the singer’s class.

Weekly Choir Participation Rubric

Category 3 Great Job 2 Getting There 1 Room for Improvement

Attendance I was always on time for class and was not absent this week

I was sometimes late for class or was absent once this week

I was often late for class or was absent more than once this week

Class Procedure I always quickly got my folder and got to my assigned spot when I entered the room

I was sometimes a little slow getting my folder or getting to my assigned spot

I often took extra time to get my folder or get to my assigned spot

Posture I always stood with good singing posture

I sometimes forgot to use good singing posture

I needed to be reminded often to use good singing posture

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Behavior My behavior always showed that I am here to make a positive contribution and I did not distract during rehearsal

Sometimes my behavior did not show that I was here to make a positive contribution and I sometimes talked to others or distracted from rehearsal

I often behaved inappropriately during class and I often talked at inappropriate times during class

Listening Skills I heard and responded quickly to directions

I sometimes needed to be given directions more than once

I either didn’t hear the directions or appeared to ignore them

Attitude/Effort I always had a good attitude and gave my best effort this week

I sometimes had a good attitude and gave my best effort some of the time

I often did not have a good attitude and did not often give my best effort

Responsibility I always put my folder in the correct place after class

My folder partner and I sometimes did not put our folder in the correct place after class

My folder partner and I often did not put our folder in the correct place after class

Extra Credit Students often ask how they can improve their grades or boost their grades with extra credit. The following opportunities are equal to a 100% in Daily Participation for 1 Day. The items on this list are options, and students can be creative about how they make up a grade. Other extra-credit opportunities may present themselves throughout the year.

• Extra credit packets that are part of daily routine • Performance evaluation sheet (available in classroom) for a performance either in

Roslyn School District or anywhere else! • Choir member sings their part on any song for director outside class time. • Student performs sight-singing example on their own. • Student leads warm-ups or conducts a passage.

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Important Chorus Dates December 11th- 7th/8th Grade Chorus MS Winter Concert at HS, 7:30pm

December 12th- 6th Grade Chorus MS Winter Concert at HS, 7:30pm

December 13th- Chorale MS Winter Concert at HS, 7:30pm

May 7th- 7th/8th Grade Chorus MS Spring Concert I at HS, 7:30pm

May 8th- 6th Grade Chorus MS Spring Concert II at HS, 7:30pm

May 9th- Chorale MS Spring Concert III at HS, 7:30pm




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Parent and Student Acknowledgement Please keep handbook, tear this page off, sign and return

to Mrs. Feinman by Septemberp 15th 2017. Completion of this form counts as your first quiz grade of the year

Initial Next to Each Item

I have read and understand all of the policies and guidelines

that are written in the Roslyn Middle School Chorus Handbook.

I promise to adhere to all rules, required performances, events,

and expectations.

I have signed up for Weekly Update emails by visiting

I have signed up for REMIND text alerts by visiting

I have reviewed concert attire and will make sure I am

prepared for our concerts.

Student name (print):________________________________________

Student Signature:___________________________________________

Parent/Guardian name (print):__________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature:____________________________________

Student’s Grade (circle one): 6th 7th 8th

Choir Class Period (circle one) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th

Class Day (Cirlce one): A Day B Day







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Please list all singing, performing, dancing, instrument playing experience, etc. If none,

write “none”:







Anything additional you would like me to know?







Thank you for your support! I look forw ard to having an exceptional year!

~ Mrs. Feinman