Rosewood Final Presentation- marketing

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Transcript of Rosewood Final Presentation- marketing

  • 8/11/2019 Rosewood Final Presentation- marketing



    Hotels &Resorts

    A senseof


  • 8/11/2019 Rosewood Final Presentation- marketing


  • 8/11/2019 Rosewood Final Presentation- marketing


    Probability that a consumer is a:

    Non Repeat 'ests

    Mltistay &ests

    Mltiproperty &ests




    Probability that a consumer is a :

    Non Repeat 'ests

    Mltistay &ests

    Mltiproperty &ests

    Row 0

    Facing the trade-o1How 2ch can corporate 3randin 3e pshed withotndercttin the 4ale of indi4idal property 3rands5


  • 8/11/2019 Rosewood Final Presentation- marketing



    A sense of

    8ncreasin 3rand awareness forRosewood

    8ncrease cross9property sae to .+,

    Create Rosewood :nkies

    8ncrease ests; loyalty towardsRosewood

  • 8/11/2019 Rosewood Final Presentation- marketing


  • 8/11/2019 Rosewood Final Presentation- marketing


    randingtrategyPro $etter 3rand


  • 8/11/2019 Rosewood Final Presentation- marketing


    y e

    Corporate$randCLTV Calculation With Changes to Brand Strategy Year 1Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 200 200! 2010Number of Nights per Stay 2 2 2 2 2 2 2Number of Stays per guest1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25

    (assuming they are retained)

    Revenue Per Night 795 !" 9" 9!7 1##! 1#$! 112

    Revenue per %ustomer 19 21#7 22"" 2"$7 25#9 2$$# 219

    "ross #ro$it %er Custo&er 6'6 674 715 757 0' 51 !02

    &ess %ost to 'uire %ustomer *15#

    &ess 'nnua+ ,ar-eting %ost per %ustomer 9.0D *1!7 *152 *15$ *1$1 *1$$ *171

    Cash (lo) $ro& Custo&er i$ *etained '4' 527 56' 601 642 65 7'1

    . - D 0 E F

    Probabi+ity of eing Retained . 19.""5/ ".7"/ #.72"/ #.1!#/ #.#27/ #.##5/0peted %ash +o3 from %ustomer "!".#### 1#1.7#1 21.#!"5 !."!5 #.972 #.152 #.#"2

    4isount ator 1 1.# 1.1$$! 1.259712 1."$#!9$ 1.!$9"2#77 1.5$7!"2"

    +#V o$ ,-%ected Cash (lo) $ro& Custo&er '4' !4.'2415'17 1.04142477 '.44!145! 0.65!4422 0.1260'765' 0.0240174

    Total +#V o$ CLTV 45!.6250001

    CLTV Calculation With +o Changes to Brand StrategyYear 2004 2005 2006 2007 200 200! 2010

    Number of Nights per Stay 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

    Number of Stays per guest1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2

    (assuming they are retained)

    Revenue Per Night 795 !" 9" 9!7 1##! 1#$! 112

    Revenue per %ustomer 19# 2#22 21!! 2272 2!#9 255" 27#7

    "ross #ro$it %er Custo&er 611 647 66 727 771 17 66

    &ess %ost to 'uire %ustomer *15#

    &ess 'nnua+ ,ar-eting %ost per %ustomer 9.D0 *1" *1!2 *1!$ *151 *155 *1$#Cash (lo) $ro& Custo&er i$ *etained '27 50! 544 51 620 662 706

    . - D 0 E F

    Probabi+ity of eing Retained . 1$.$$9/ 2.77/ #.!$"/ #.#77/ #.#1"/ #.##2/0peted %ash +o3 from %ustomer "2$.5$## !.72$ 15.111# 2.$97 #.!7$ #.#52 #.#151

    4isount ator 1 1.# 1.1$$! 1.259712 1."$#!9$ 1.!$9"2#77 1.5$7!"2"+#V o$ ,-%ected Cash (lo) $ro& Custo&er '26.56 7.557'6' 12.!5527176 2.1'5164114 0.'510577' 0.057!51727 0.00!54'!0'

    Total +#V o$ CLTV 420.655475!

    A sense of

  • 8/11/2019 Rosewood Final Presentation- marketing


    $siness to$sinessidelity prora2 forenterprise e4ents

    !iscont forenterprises

    orani=in e4entsin 2ore than one

    of or hotels

    Prot fro2csto2i=ation toenterprise needs

    3ased onconsolidated data


    8ncenti4ise tra4elaencies to raise3rand awareness

    A sense of

  • 8/11/2019 Rosewood Final Presentation- marketing


    $siness tocost2ers"oyalty prora2

    for freIentests

    Prot fro2 csto2i=ation ofroo2 choices and

    acco2pani2ents 3ased ondata fro2 pre4ios stays

    A4antardeprora2 for

    Rosewood 7nkies

    'ettin loyalty 3enets P"

  • 8/11/2019 Rosewood Final Presentation- marketing


    the CorporatetrateyAll at once stratey 4s/ tae 3y tae stratey

    Year . Year - Year D Row 00++





    Customer Lifetime alue

    A sense of

  • 8/11/2019 Rosewood Final Presentation- marketing


    CLTV Calculation With Stage /y Stage Strategy Year 1

    Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 200 200! 2010

    Number of Nights per Stay 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

    Number of Stays per guest1.25 1.25 1." 1." 1." 1." 1."

    (assuming they are retained)

    Revenue Per Night 795 !" 9" 9!7 1##! 1#$! 112

    Revenue per %ustomer 19 21#7 2"22 2!$2 2$1# 27$$ 29"2

    "ross #ro$it %er Custo&er 6'6 674 74' 7 '5 5 !'

    &ess %ost to 'uire %ustomer *15#

    &ess 'nnua+ ,ar-eting %ost per %ustomer 9.DJ *1!" *151 *15$ *1$1 *1$$ *17#

    Cash (lo) $ro& Custo&er i$ *etained '47 5'1 5!2 6'2 674 720 76

    . - D 0 E F





    +/-.FFKFJE* +/-.FFKFJE*

    Probabi+ity of eing Retained . 19.1$9/ ".77#/ #.17/ #.177/ #.#"/ #.##/0peted %ash +o3 from %ustomer "!7.#### 1#1.7"9 22."#9$ 5.1$1! 1.19" #.27$# #.#$"

    4isount ator 1 1.# 1.1$$! 1.259712 1."$#!9$ 1.!$9"2#77 1.5$7!"2"

    +#V o$ ,-%ected Cash (lo) $ro& Custo&er '47 !4.244'120 1!.126464 4.0!7256'! 0.77470762 0.177'!'1 0.040216022

    Total +#V o$ CLTV 465.57'!76

    A sense of

  • 8/11/2019 Rosewood Final Presentation- marketing


    $asic internal trainin for e2ployees ?#pand 8T9yste2 & consolidate data on

    corporate le4el

    R "oo in low prole ite2s (e/ 3athro3es

    and towels) loan 1 >ense of placeL


    Cross Marketin Place R "oo on hih prole ite2s (e

    Hotel $siness Cards Cataloes)


    A sense of

    Corporate e4ents to create corporatefeelin

    8n4ite the 2anaers to en7oy 4ariosRosewood hotels

    >$y Rosewood .J*JL after hotel na2e $-$ and $-C prora2


  • 8/11/2019 Rosewood Final Presentation- marketing




    alue Propostion:?#clsi4e stays in niIe @Rosewood> locations


    ./ oft 3randin





    D/ "oyalty



    8ncreasin 3rand awareness forRosewood

    8ncrease cross9property sae to.+,

    Create Rosewood :nkies

    8ncrease ests; loyalty towardsRosewood

    A sense of

  • 8/11/2019 Rosewood Final Presentation- marketing
