Rolleri News 01-2009 GB

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  • 8/7/2019 Rolleri News 01-2009 GB


    news 1/09

    The periodical review of Rolleri Spa

    Year 3 - Yssue 1 - Junary 2008


    CNS/CBPA-C.N./PC/PP ECONOMY/523/2006

    Valida dal 22/09/2006

    EDITORIALQuality a constant attention

    DEPARTMENTResearch & Development department


    Tomatis SpaAUSTRIAAlu Sommer

    FOREIGN COUNTRYElectroAla International

    GERMANYSchmidl Stahldesign GmbH


    Exhibitions in2008

    ROLLERI CULTURA DIMPRESAHigh level proessional trainingand management consulting orour clients

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    Only some years ago a company would have advantage in the market by oering agood product at a good price. Nowadays this will only bring a temporary advantage.Customers expectations have changed and, as a consequence, also the way to satisythem has changed.

    Quality has become essential or success and survival o companies that operate in anextremely competitive markets.

    The reasons that brought companies in the ater-war years to adopt a quality systemwere dierent than nowadays.

    What does Quality work means in the 2000?It means to understand, satisy and try to anticipate customers needs and expectations.

    The service we give to our Customers, becomes an untouchable and hidden componento our product. Something that competitors will not easily imitate. It means knowingour Customers enough to anticipate their needs and implicit expectations.In this contextquality represents a undamental lever or the success o a company in the market.

    A satisfed customer is the best publicity a company can have.

    For this reason, any modern company must have a Quality System. Guaranteeing to hiscustomers reliability and seriousness.

    Quality System is oten seen as a mountain o orms to be flled in, designed only withthe aim to get the stamp required by the customers.

    This belie is extremely wrong. First because it is not necessary to fll in a mountain oorms, but specially because its useulness goes over a simple stamp that you can boast.

    A good Quality System brings to a company many advantages, such as costs reductionand productivity increase. It does not mean just to run a ew tests, to note down onorms some results without valuating them, to write (or, worse, make someone write)abstract procedures that none understands.

    This is not a good Quality System, this is obedience to requisites elt as imposed, this isthe kind o quality that has only costs but no returns.

    Work with a good Quality System means or a company to apply systematically.

    Quality principles to all o its work, and to each single aspect o the productive-managerial activity, with the main goal o a continuous improvement through thecustomers satisaction path. A good quality system can not exist i it is not customer

    oriented, i there is no sta participation, continuous improvement and a careul analysiso the data.

    Rolleri has obtained the Quality System certifcation in 1999.During these years we have continuously implemented it byollowing a development strategy that helps us to satisy ourcustomers needs and expectations, and improves our stas dailywork.

    We want to give much more importance to quality,because only through quality we will have the possibilityto oer a better service to our customers.

    Marco Rolleri Administrator member

    Quality System manager

    Quality a constant


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    1) Weve asked Mr Marco Rolleri,to shortly illustrate the history othe R&D department.Since the very rst years o ouractivity we realized that the growtho our company was linked to acareul and constant research o newsolutions. In a highly competitivemarket it is necessary to give supportto our customers with a moderntechnical service. For these reasonwe ounded the R&D department,something that lls us with pride.During these years we have selectedthe most prepared technicians andhave done great investments, in orderto support their work with suitableworking instruments.

    2 How is the R&D department

    structured? Who works in thisdepartment and which are thegoals you have set or it?R&D department o Rolleri SpAcarries out every day a researchactivity addressed not only toexternal clients but also to the

    internal ones. Many are in act thechanges and innovations introducedin our productive system, changes thathave improved our work. Speciallyin the sectioning department, whereproductivity has sensibly increasedthanks to our intervention.To be underlined is the narrowcollaboration with the colleagues othe technical dep. Our designers haveull responsibility or research projectso new products, ormulations andproduction processes. Two are theoperators that work together withme, Mr Mazzocchi Domenico and MrCassinari Marco, that work togetherwith the internal designers.Mr Mazzocchi is Head o thisdepartment (He is in act the inventoro the ROL1 System (Rolleri patented)

    I wish to highlight the close contacto collaboration that links our dept.with other B.U, in particular (Asalready noted beore) with the salesand technical oces. We organizeevery week working groups. This is anopportunity o comparison with the

    Research &development


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    trade responsibles and the Area managers, toanalyze the market and consider the requests wemight have.An optimization o the product represents orthe customer a cost reduction. To put intopractice all o this, it becomes important toconstantly maintain and strengthen contactswith the market. So R&D department becomesthe interace with customers and suppliers, eventhrough visits to the customers workshopThe main goal o the department is to bea orerunner in the development o newtechnologies and products o a higher quality,that will improve customers work and lower itscosts.The strategy o innovation in R&D department isbased on three principles1. constant research o new ideas, products and

    technologies2. technical know how to process the market

    needs. Deciding which improvements should betaken in consideration

    3. identication o new opportunities to exploittechnologies and scientic discoveries.

    3) This department has already given importantinnovations. Now we address the question toMr Domenico Mazzocchi, inventor o the Rol1System, the innovative and exclusive vertical

    quick clamping system or press brake tooling,and ask him to show us in details which are theinnovations introduced in these years.Speaking about product, we are proud to conrmthat we have obtained the grant o the European

    patent or what concerns ROL1 System. Thisrepresents an important step o a long way

    that has, as a nal goal, the extension o thispatent to the extra European countries.Last innovations are the introduction othe ROL1 pneumatic system, ROL2 system(a quick mechanical clamping system orlower tools), and nally ROL3 system or thehydraulic clamping o the upper tools.We have several new projects which we areworking in, linked in particular to the lowerclamping systems.

    4) How would you describe your relationwith the customers and what technicalstudies are related to customers needs?Incentives come oten rom customersbecause they require us special solutions,that we can satisy only by using applicationprograms in the lead, like the system oanalysis FEM, bending simulators, CAD 3D.Technological innovation is on the basiso R&D department. Our department hasa special cnc press brake machine that weuse to do some tests. We establish with

    our customer a direct relationship, madeo meeting and exchange o ideas, wecollect market requirements and we proposealternative solutions.Our team is made o expert people with theaim to understand and give a solution tocustomersneeds.

    In order to be always updated on last news,to receive in advance lmed sequencesand photos, we invite you to subscribe our

    mailing list and visit our web , on which you can see anddownload a video that better illustratesROL1, ROL2 and ROL3 Systems.

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    Tomatis Vittorio Snc was ounded in1963, in Cuneo, at Madonna delleGrazie.Since the beginning the company wasan outside contractor in the feld o thesheet metal working,Giving service or oxygen cutting andbending dierent productive parts. Withthe years Tomatis has grown and today itboast about 70 employees.

    The establishment is about 10.000mq andincludes, besides traditional workings,numerous oxygen-fame cutting machines,plasma cutting, laser cutting and 3D lasercutting or tubes.

    In its early days the company ound goodcustomers between, agricultural machinerymanuacturers. Today Tomatis customerscome rom dierent productive elds,such us sel moving machinery, industrial

    vehicles or construction.

    In order to improve the service givento clients, Tomatis has given particular

    Tomatisattention to technological innovation,renewing machinery and using the bestproducts in the market.

    Shears and mechanical press brakes usedat the beginning, became todays acilities,that include oxygen-fame cuttingmachines, plasma and laser cutting, and ocourse cnc press brakes.The choice to invest on a laser machine(the rst laser machine arrived in 1998)

    has represented a thorough turning pointor this company because, besides theguarantee o a high quality cut superior incomparison to the traditional technologies,it has allowed the company to increase theproduction and answer with promptness tocustomers requests.The major eature o the laser cuttingxtures is high automation, that hasappeared since the beginning thesuccessul strategy.

    One o the most valued requirements madeby the customers is, in act, the rapidityin the delivery o worked material. Thewidespread necessity to speed up the

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    production process in each phase. The

    eort, in order to satisy these requestsis the exploitation o the xtures evenon three shits (an example is the lasercutting) Each machinery has in acta loading and unloading system thatspeeds up the production and allows agreat fexibility even or what concerns

    job order or ew pieces.At the present time the machinery feeto the company is composed by shears ovarious dimensions, (up to 6000 mm and

    12mm o thickness), our pantographsor the oxygen-fame cutting, two lasercutting, seven laser cutting xtures (vewith dimensions 3000x1500 and twoo 2000x4000), one 3D laser or tubesand dierent bending machines with, amaximum tonnage o 7000 mm or 700ton o power.Bending department suddenly met agreat work increase, due to the newcutting technologies that had improved

    precision o the nal pieces andincreased the productive range o theseproducts. The necessity was to buy new

    machines o bigger dimensions, and in 2005 the

    company decided to purchase a new press brake4000mmx400tn.Results obtained with this machine and the highnumber o requests rom their customers madeit necessary to purchase a new xture, o biggerdimensions. It is in act a press brake machine with alength o 8 meters and a tonnage o 1200 ton.The investment, without doubts one o the mostimportant aced by the company during the lastyears, will allow them to manuacture specicparts that require a higher tonnage because o the

    characteristics o the material with which they arecomposed.In recent years technology has given us harder steels,which are becoming more common every day. Thiskind o steel supports more weight and holds biggerstructures but in the bending ace o productionmachinery and tooling become more and moreimportant, as a bigger tonnage is required.The correct use o these new materials is, or acompany like Tomatis, basic to be able to oer bestsolutions to their customers.

    In 2008 Tomatis Lamiere has strengthen bendingdepartment and increased cutting laser machines,with the purchase o a new xture with dimensions4000x2000, completely automated. The aim is toimprove urther the service oered to the customersand the quality o the nal product.A new year, rich in novelties and bets or theuture, that Tomatis Lamiere wants to ace withthe optimism and the resolution that have alwaysdistinguished this company.

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    AluSommer metalconstructionsThe History

    For more than 30 years among the biggestAustrian constructors o ace buildings,company AluSommer was ounded in1966 as individual rm by Mr MichaelSommer in his native country, Stoob. Atthe beginning this company had onlyeight employees and was specialized inthe production o shutters and rollingshutters.

    By 1972 could boast 30 employees thatworked on a 1200 m surace.In 1973 company increased theproduction range by introducing newproducts, like windows and aluminumdoors.

    On 01/05/1999 the individual rm MichaelSommer became AluSommer Srl.Today AluSommer is one o the most importantmetal constructions producer in the Austrianmarket, and thanks to a ten-year experience onthis eld, it can oer best quality aluminum andglass constructions.The rm major customers are constructors,architects and entrepreneurs. For thesecustomers, the technical oce o AluSommerplans and develops aluminum and glass ronts.

    On an internal surace o about 16.500 m 230employees work and mount every year, with thesupport o one o the most modern productionplants, more than 1500 tons o glass and about1200 tons o aluminum proles. Which are thenused or the production o about 120.000 m oconstructions made o aluminum and glass.

    Products and services

    Design, development, production and assemblyo

    Windows, doors and main doors made oaluminum with heat insulation

    Front continuous Upright and cross Structural ronts Double layer ronts Aluminum sheet ronts Special constructions made o glass and metal General services or covering o buildings Roadblock or sound- proong.

    View o the perorated sheet o the motorway (Sound-proofng).

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    Roadblock or the sound-proofng

    Boundary Canton Aargau - Zrich Hardturm

    An important actor or the productivity and thequality in the sheet metal working o AluSommer isrepresented by press brake tools produced by Rolleri.For the production o special tools AluSommer canalways rely on Rolleri technicians, that give alwaysinnovative and exhaustive answers.In the planning o roadblocks or the sound-proongon the border Canton Aargau - Zrich Hardturm inSwitzerland. AluSommer has used a special tool builtby Rolleri, with which they have realized both theinternal perorated sheets and the external sheets.Each single component o the perorated sheet andthe entire sheet has been manuactured with only one

    press brake tool.

    The clients

    Clients o AluSommer are: Managing directors Companies and business rms Public rms Building contractors and in particular investors.

    Human Resources

    AluSommer invests both in the business equipment andin the complete and constant vocational training o itssta. You will always nd young people between thesta, most o them have attend a three-years study ormetal technicians, others the double our-years courseor metal technicians and technical designers.As award or the eorts done in the eld o businessvocational training, AluSommer has obtained the staterecognition o training businessContinuous investments in sta training has been andwill be in the uture an important actor o success orAluSommer.

    Future challenges

    The constant growth and the development o themarket o the East Europe will be in the next years orAluSommer a hard point.Moreover, due to the present climatic conditions inMiddle Europe, among products oered by AluSommerthere will be also movable devices or protectionagainst foods

    View o the entire sheet.

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    ElectroAlfaInternational SrlElectroAla is a renowned Romaniancompany with relevant experience in theelectric energy industry eld that holds

    a leading position on the market. Lowvoltage and medium voltage electricalpanels produced by ElectroAla aredesigned or households, commercialbuildings, industrial buildings, publicbuildings and lighting systems.ElectroAla has 450 employees and hasstarted in 1996 to implement a qualitymanagement system in accordance withthe international ISO 9001 standard,certied by SRAC, TV CERT, IQ NET and

    Germanischer Lloyd.

    We talked with Mr. Emanuel Romaniuc,production manager at ElectroAla.

    Mr. Romaniuc, Electroalfa produces a lotof metallic enclosures for electrical panels.What about your bending sector and tools

    for this sector ? We own 4 CNC press bakes produced by topbrands in the machine tool market and dueto the big number o new projects we areconstantly looking or bending tools or thesemachines. Press brakes are very importantbecause the bending process actually decidesabout the accuracy o our products. Thequality o our products is number one issueat ElectroAla, we export all over Europeand thereore rom designers to press brake

    operators all have a huge responsibility. We haveproduced or example electrical panels or verysensitive applications (as the Nuclear PowerPlant) and always our products have ullled allquality requests. Bending sector and bendingtools have their role in achieving this qualitylevel.

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    You are a good customer for Rolleri bendingtools (punches and dies), what is your opinionabout them ?The quality o Rolleri tools is very good, delivery termor standard tools is excellent, support or choosingthe right tools is very good.

    How do you appreciate the support offered bylocal dealer, SM TECH?Very good support on technical and commercial side,

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    The specialization o the company in the eldo iron working allows his over 100 regularcustomers to avail o personalized projectseach one ollowing his personal needs

    The dynamic eature o this company is thecontinuos improvement. But i on one sidemany goals have been achieved, many othersstill have to be reached.Among uture projects there are the mass

    production o sheet metal parts andspecial products, and tubular tyres.Moreover, in a market always moreexigent, quality certication is one o

    the objects on which Schmidl GmbH willocus his resources in the immediateuture.

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    Exhibitions in 2008

    Exhibitions represent or our company aundamental moment, because they are aspecial occasion or us to get in contactwith the end users and to acknowledge

    market needsThis year Rolleri was present at LamieraExhibition in Bologna (rom 14th to 17thMay) with its own stand. This Exhibition canbe considered, or the press brake toolingmanuacturers, the most important ItalianFair and has gained a corroboration, interms o participation, that has passed themost optimistic orecasts.A great success thanks to the strategicposition o our stand, near to some o the

    most important worldwide press brakemachine manuacturers, and to the act thata higher number o these manuacturershad equipped their press brakes in exposalwith Rolleri toolingTwo are the outstanding qualities thatdistinguish company Rolleri, since manyyears indiscussed leader on the o pressbrake tooling market. These qualitiesare Constant Reserch and customersatisactionDuring Lamiera Exhibition we presentedRol1, Rol1 PN and the new Rol2 Systems.Considerable was the satisaction o Rollerimanagement or the success obtainedwith the presentation o these products,appreciated not only by our most loyalcustomers, but also by many visitors rom allover the world .In 2008 we had the opportunity tomeet our customers during three otherExhibitions, Cimes Exhibition in Beijing,Bimu in Milan and Euroblech in


    The necessity to participate in CimesExhibition in Beijing is linked to theoundation o a new detachmento company Rolleri. This new oceis directed by one o the RolleriAdministrator member, and has begunto turn his commercial gaze towards

    the worldwide emerging countries, Farand middle EastAn International characteristic hascharacterized 26 Edition o ExhibitionBimu/ Sortec that, going against ourexpectations (Actually Bimu has alwaysrepresented or us a bet, because it isan Exhibition ocused in particular onworking machine manuacturers andauxiliary products or the machiningo the tools and the technical sub-

    supplying) has seen an increase o 10%o visitors, rom European and ExtraEuropean countriesAt Euroblech Exhibition in Hannover thepresentation o the new Tools trolleywas an indiscussed success. It is tools-holder trolley that allows customer totransport tools in total security, thanksto the light structure and easy handling.

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    Rolleri CulturadImpresa

    In a phase in which the market is in constantevolution and competition becomes tighter

    every day. The background, the behavioralapproach, the skills and abilities o aperson. What we might call PROFESSIONALCOMPETENCE o a person, becomes aundamental aspect in the development o acompany.In 2007 Rolleri has enlarged the companywith the oundation o Rolleri culturadImpresa Srl. A new rm born rom theexperience in human resources managementthat Rolleri has gathered in these years,a rm that oers proessional training tomodern companies ready to ace a growthpath.

    Rolleri Cultura dImpresa started rompractical and eective bending technicalcourses and technical drawing courses.Something highly useul or Rolleris clients.These courses came as a result o growthexperienced by Rolleri in the last ten years,solving bending problems.Using the ability o the educators and

    consultants that worked with Rolleri orthe past years, a wide range o proessionaltraining courses is now available or clients.This oer is renewed every year, including

    more than 30 specic courses, divided into theollowing areas: sales and purchase, marketing,commercial, logistics, communication and humanresources development.Training through Rolleri cultura dImpresa representsan important resource or modern companies,representing an evolutionary lever that allows toace the market in an appropriate way and tocatch all the opportunities o a globalized systemcharacterized by very ast changes.Besides training Rolleri cultura dImpresa Srlorganizes and runs business meetings with great

    care or team building activities.At the moment Rolleri cultura dImpresa works onthe Italian market, but through Rolleri SpA in a shorttime we aim to export our activities abroad.

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