Risks Covered Under Fire Insurance Policy



fire insurance basic

Transcript of Risks Covered Under Fire Insurance Policy

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The r isk covered by a f ire insurance is theloss resul t ing from fire or al l ied per i l(some other cause) , and which is theproximate cause of the loss.

Actual loss by Fire or al l ied per i l andshould be accidental and non intentional .

Overheating without ignit ion causesdamage, are not be regarded as a f ireloss within the meaning of f ire insurance.

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Covers Loss due to Fire, Lightening,Explosion, Implosion, , Riots & Str ikes,Impact By Rai l , Aircraf t Damage, Ear thQuake, Flood, Storm, Tempest, Tor nado,Typhoon, Cyclones & Land Slide etc

Does not cover Lo ss Due t o f i r e c a use by -Ear th q u ake, A t tack o f f o re ign en e my, Civ i l s t r i f e(war) , M u t iny (Pu b. V s Govt . ) o r Mi l i t ar y r is in g,o r Lo s s cau s e d by bu r n in g o f pro pe r ty by o rde ro f any pu bl ic au th o r i ty o r a t tack o f f o re igne n e my, o r Loss caused by subterranean(Underground) f ire

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Destruct ion or damage to the proper tyinsured by its own f ermentat ion, naturalheating or spontaneous combustion or i tsundergoing any heating or drying processcannot be treated as damage due to f ire.For e.g. , paints or chemicals in a f actoryundergoing heat treatment andconsequently damaged by f ire is notcovered. Fur ther, bur ning of proper tyinsured by order of any Public Author i tyis excluded from the scope of cover

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Fire in Chemicalplant due tof ai lure of saf etysystem

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Lightning may resul t in f ire damage orother types of damage, such as a roofbroken by a f al l ing chimney struck bylightning or cracks in a building due to al ightning str ike. Both f ire and other typesof damages caused by lightning arecovered by the policy.

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Fire in the tanksof hydrocarbonstorage tank f armdue to l ightening

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Explosion is def ined as a sudden, violentburst with a loud repor t .

An explosion is caused inside a vesselwhen the pressure within the vesselexceeds the atmospher ic pressure act ingexter nal ly on its surf ace. An explosionmay cause f ire damage or concussiondamage. T hese are not covered underSFSP.

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Sudden release of energy due toexpanding pressure of gases and vaporscause explosion, While a chemicalexplosion involves a violent chemicalreact ion, a physical explosion ischaracter ised by sudden pressureequil isat ion between a container and itssurrounding, without involving achemical react ion.

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Oil f i red Fire Tubeboi ler in brewer y

Def ormat ion &cracking of f i re tubeas a resul t o foverheat ing

T he boi ler damagedas a resul t o fcont inued f i r ing onlow water level

Does i t cover underSFSP or BPP or MBIP?

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Unf ired pressur isedsteam accumulator

Def ormat ion &cracking of f i re tubeas a resul t o foverheat ing

T he vessel containingWater steam andGases exploded

Vessel tor n fromanchor par ts thrownf ar away

Does i t cover underSFSP or BPP or MBIP?

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Je t dyeing machine inprocess

Due to valve f ai luresteam pressureincrease resul t ing inexploding vessel andstr ucture resul t ing toadjoining proper ty

Which of losses arecovered under whichof these-SFSP/BPP/MBIP?

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Implosion means bursting inward orcollapse. This takes place when theexter nal pressure exceeds the inter nalpressure. This policy, however, does notcover destruction or damage caused tothe boilers (other than domesticboilers), economisers or other vesselsin which steam is generated andmachinery or apparatus subject tocentr i fugal force by its own explosion/implosion.

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H e at s to rage ve s s e lI mplode d du r in g th eo p e ra t io n wh en i twas fu l ly lo ade d,du e to f a i lu re ino p e ra t in g param e te r,wh i le exch an ge o fc lo s in g valve.Su bs tan t ia l amo u n t o fwate r r u n ou t cau s in gth e impl o s io n o f th eve s s e l by n e gat ivepre s s u re.

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Due to vacuum incooling towerchimneyimplosionresul ted causingcollapse

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The loss or damage to the property(by fire or otherwise) directly causedby aircraft and other aerial devicesand/ or articles dropped there fromis covered. However, destruction ordamage resulting from pressurewaves caused by aircraft travelling atsupersonic speed is excluded fromthe scope of the policy

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Air craf t dashed totower resul ted tof ire and collapse ofpar t of bui lding

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The act of any person taking part along with others inany disturbance of public peace (other than war,invasion, mutiny, civil commotion etc.) is construed tobe a riot, strike or a terrorist activity.

Any loss or physical damage to the property insureddirectly caused by such activity or by the action ofany lawful authorities in suppressing suchdisturbance or minimising its consequences iscovered.

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Further the willful act of any striker or lockedout worker, in connection with a strike or alock out, or the action of any lawful authorityin suppressing such act, resulting in visiblephysical damage by external means, is alsocovered.

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Malicious act would mean an act withmalicious intent but excluding omission ofany kind by any person, resulting in visiblephysical damage to the insured property,whether or not the act is committed in thecourse of disturbance of public peace or not.Burglary, housebreaking, theft or larcenydoes not constitute a malicious act for thepurpose of this cover.

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Total or partial cessation of work or theretarding or interruption or cessation of anyprocess or operations; or, permanentdispossession resulting from confiscation,commandeering, requisition or destruction byorder of the Government or any lawfullyconstituted authority; or permanent ortemporary dispossession of any building orplant or unit or machinery resulting from theunlawful occupation by any person of the sameor prevention of access to the same, are notcovered

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Storm, Cyclone, Typhoon, Tempest, Tornado andHurricane are all various types of violent naturaldisturbances that are accompanied by thunderor strong winds or heavy rainfall. Flood orInundation occurs when the water rises to anabnormal level. Flood or inundation should notonly be understood in the common sense of theterms, i.e., flood in river or lakes, but alsoaccumulation of water due to choked drainswould be deemed to be flood

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Empty tank collapseddue to heavy wind

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Impact by any Rail/ Road vehicle or animalby direct contact with the insured property iscovered. However, such vehicles or animalsshould not belong to or owned by theinsured or any occupier of the premises ortheir employees while acting in the course oftheir employment

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Destruction or damage caused by Subsidence of partof the site on which the property stands or Landslide/Rockslide is covered. While Subsidence meanssinking of land or building to a lower level, Landslidemeans sliding down of land usually on a hill.

However, normal cracking, settlement or beddingdown of new structures; settlement or movement ofmade up ground; coastal or river erosion; defectivedesign or workmanship or use of defective materials;and demolition, construction, structural alterations orrepair of any property or ground-works orexcavations, are not covered

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Due to heavy rain wash outof land and tunnel platelead to structure damage

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Loss or damage to property by water orotherwise on account of bursting oraccidental overflowing of water tanks,apparatus and pipes is covered

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Destruction or damage due to impact orotherwise from trajectory/ projectiles inconnection with missile testing operations bythe Insured or anyone else, is covered

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Damage caused by water accidentallydischarged or leaked out from automaticsprinkler installations in the insured'spremises is covered. However, suchdestruction or damage caused by repairs oralterations to the buildings or premises;repairs removal or extension of the sprinklerinstallation; and defects in constructionknown to the insured, are not covered

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This covers damage caused by burning,whether accidental or otherwise, of bush andjungles and the clearing of lands by fire, butexcluding destruction or damage caused byForest Fire

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