
______________________________ 1 Technical Specialist – SUBSEA7 – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2 Senior Engineer – Det Norske Veritas, DNV – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 3 Pipeline Engineer – PETROBRAS – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 4 Design and Construction Technician – PETROBRAS – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil IBP1525_11 HDD AS AN ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION FOR SHORE APPROACH OF OFFSHORE PIPELINES IN BRAZILIAN SCENARIOS Antonio Roberto de Medeiros 1 , Danilo Machado L. da Silva 2 Rafael F. Solano 3 , Jakson Siqueira 4 Copyright 2011, Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute - IBP This Technical Paper was prepared for presentation at the Rio Pipeline Conference & Exposition 2011, held between September, 20-22, 2011, in Rio de Janeiro. This Technical Paper was selected for presentation by the Technical Committee of the event. The material as it is presented, does not necessarily represent Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute’ opinion or that of its Members or Representatives. Authors consent to the publication of this Technical Paper in the Rio Pipeline Conference & Exposition 2011. Abstract The objective of this work is to present a study regarding to solutions for shore approach of offshore pipelines in Brazilian scenarios. An overview of offshore pipeline installation in Brazil is presented and the developments and solutions adopted during the last few decades are discussed. The benefits of HDD as an alternative solution for shore approach of offshore pipelines in Brazilian scenarios are presented. Of course, the challenges involved in HDD shore crossings are also highlighted. Issues related to the quality and reliability of HDD projects are discussed. Experiences and lessons learnt from HDD shore crossings in Brazil are presented and discussed, as well as, critical points in design, planning and executing these projects. 1 Introduction When compared to the pipelaying history from the first developments until the present, the offshore pipelaying history in Brazil is very recent. This is particularly true when considered pipelines that come to crossing the landfall. A historical study of the marine pipelines installed on the Brazilian coast lead to the first challenges faced in the initial phases of the import lines installation. These lines where necessary to supply the refining complex still in implementation and, in a second phase, at the beginning of the offshore discoveries in Brazil, to ensure the transport of production to refineries in the country. Although the Brazilian continental proportion with oil and gas field discovered all over the coast, the Brazilian pipeline mesh is still very small. However, promising growth potential of that mesh is foreseen for the coming years, which include pipelines that come to shore. It should be noted that with the no flaring and the gas valorization policies, which are fully in line with the optimization of the world energy resources, and reduction in CO 2 production, the transportation of the gas associated with the deep water oil fields development, is a new challenge which must be addressed. In general, deep water fields have been oil fields with associated gas, where the valorization of the gas has been a secondary issue. This situation is now changing and the demand for gas gathering and gas export pipeline systems linking deep water fields to onshore terminals and liquefaction plants will increase, making the offshore pipeline installation and the shore approach solution a critical factor in this process, not only due to technical challenges, but also due to environmental issues (Silva et al., 2011). The environmental protection concerns are significantly increasing in Brazil and there are very restrictive requirements from the environmental agency. These requirements are even more restrictive when related to coastal zones, for several reasons regarding to fauna and flora as well as regarding to economic activities such as fishery and tourism. Therefore, all the maximum requirements leading to the minimal impact and potential degradation of these locations are applied for shore approach projects. In this context HDD emerges as an alternative method in which the environmental issues can be minimized. The directional drilling method for performing pipeline crossings of a wide variety of surface obstructions was developed in the 1970’s. Since then, the advantages of the HDD technique have been considered by the pipeline industry. The technology has been applied as the most environmentally responsible and economical method of installing pipeline beneath obstacles on many projects worldwide.

Transcript of Riopipeline2011_ibp1525_11

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______________________________ 1 Technical Specialist – SUBSEA7 – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2 Senior Engineer – Det Norske Veritas, DNV – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 3 Pipeline Engineer – PETROBRAS – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 4 Design and Construction Technician – PETROBRAS – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


OF OFFSHORE PIPELINES IN BRAZILIAN SCENARIOS Antonio Roberto de Medeiros1, Danilo Machado L. da Silva2

Rafael F. Solano3, Jakson Siqueira4

Copyright 2011, Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute - IBP This Technical Paper was prepared for presentation at the Rio Pipeline Conference & Exposition 2011, held between September, 20-22, 2011, in Rio de Janeiro. This Technical Paper was selected for presentation by the Technical Committee of the event. The material as it is presented, does not necessarily represent Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute’ opinion or that of its Members or Representatives. Authors consent to the publication of this Technical Paper in the Rio Pipeline Conference & Exposition 2011.


The objective of this work is to present a study regarding to solutions for shore approach of offshore pipelines in Brazilian scenarios. An overview of offshore pipeline installation in Brazil is presented and the developments and solutions adopted during the last few decades are discussed.

The benefits of HDD as an alternative solution for shore approach of offshore pipelines in Brazilian scenarios are presented. Of course, the challenges involved in HDD shore crossings are also highlighted.

Issues related to the quality and reliability of HDD projects are discussed. Experiences and lessons learnt from HDD shore crossings in Brazil are presented and discussed, as well as, critical points in design, planning and executing these projects.

1 Introduction

When compared to the pipelaying history from the first developments until the present, the offshore pipelaying history in Brazil is very recent. This is particularly true when considered pipelines that come to crossing the landfall.

A historical study of the marine pipelines installed on the Brazilian coast lead to the first challenges faced in the initial phases of the import lines installation. These lines where necessary to supply the refining complex still in implementation and, in a second phase, at the beginning of the offshore discoveries in Brazil, to ensure the transport of production to refineries in the country.

Although the Brazilian continental proportion with oil and gas field discovered all over the coast, the Brazilian pipeline mesh is still very small. However, promising growth potential of that mesh is foreseen for the coming years, which include pipelines that come to shore. It should be noted that with the no flaring and the gas valorization policies, which are fully in line with the optimization of the world energy resources, and reduction in CO2 production, the transportation of the gas associated with the deep water oil fields development, is a new challenge which must be addressed. In general, deep water fields have been oil fields with associated gas, where the valorization of the gas has been a secondary issue. This situation is now changing and the demand for gas gathering and gas export pipeline systems linking deep water fields to onshore terminals and liquefaction plants will increase, making the offshore pipeline installation and the shore approach solution a critical factor in this process, not only due to technical challenges, but also due to environmental issues (Silva et al., 2011).

The environmental protection concerns are significantly increasing in Brazil and there are very restrictive requirements from the environmental agency. These requirements are even more restrictive when related to coastal zones, for several reasons regarding to fauna and flora as well as regarding to economic activities such as fishery and tourism. Therefore, all the maximum requirements leading to the minimal impact and potential degradation of these locations are applied for shore approach projects.

In this context HDD emerges as an alternative method in which the environmental issues can be minimized. The directional drilling method for performing pipeline crossings of a wide variety of surface obstructions was

developed in the 1970’s. Since then, the advantages of the HDD technique have been considered by the pipeline industry. The technology has been applied as the most environmentally responsible and economical method of installing pipeline beneath obstacles on many projects worldwide.

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The HDD industry has undergone many improvements since its early days. Engineering and technological developments have enabled larger, more accurate, and more complex pipeline installations by HDD.

The advantages that HDD could bring to pipeline shore approaches, compared with the conventional shore pull, open-cut methods, are now accepted and several pipelines shore approaches were installed worldwide. The main reason is that HDD can mitigate environmental impact and provide greater burial depths.

It should be noted however, that the risks that are associated with typical crossings also apply to shore approaches where they are combined with specific risks related to working in the marine environment. In fact, shore approaches using horizontal directional drilling are much more complex and challenging to complete than typical surface to surface installations. The increased challenges and complexity arise from an inability to readily access the exit location, less geotechnical information associated with ocean floor sediments, elevation differences between entry and exit locations, complexity of coordinating diving operations, tidal and storm influences, bore stability and drilling fluid management, casing and product pipe installation strategies, and buoyancy control (Duyvestyn, 2005; Smith, 2003).

This work presents a discussion regarding to solutions for shore approach of offshore pipelines in Brazilian scenarios. It starts at the beginning of the offshore pipeline installation history in Brazil at the first steps into shallow ocean waters until the current HDD shore approach designs.

2 Shore Approach Methods used in Brazil

When an export pipeline coming from offshore to onshore facilities is designed a shore approach solution need to be provided and the shore approach is a very complex project in the offshore pipeline installation. At this phase the pipeline on-bottom stability is analyzed for surf zone, the possibility of using concrete coating is verified as well as the necessary burial depth, the pipeline installation stress analysis is performed, the potential for local scour is also verified. Also in this phase, all the conditions related to the pipeline installation are studied. The installation method is defined, considering time and preliminary costs, the feasible methods, environmental legislation, regulations and order requirements from regulatory agencies (such as ANP and IBAMA1) and the Brazilian Navy. The burial technique is also defined.

The main methods used in Brazil for shore approaches are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 – Typical shore approach section and methods used in Brazil.

Associated to the shore pull and lateral deflection methods, post and pre-trenching techniques are usually used. A description of the horizontal directional drilling method, the focus of this work, is presented as follows.

2.1 Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)

Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) is an alternative construction method in the trenchless industry and it has experienced rapid growth in the construction industry over the past few decades. The horizontal-directional-drilling process represents a significant improvement over traditional open cut method for installing pipelines beneath obstructions, such as rivers, highways, railroads, islands and others. HDD is also increasingly being utilized for shore approach of offshore pipelines mainly because it has less environmental impact in certain cases vs. alternative methods.

Installation of a pipeline by HDD is generally accomplished in three stages. • The first stage involves drilling a small-diameter pilot hole along a designed directional path; • The second stage consists of enlarging (reaming) the pilot hole to a diameter that will support the pipeline and; • The third stage consists of pulling the pipeline back into the enlarged hole. In HDD operations for shore approach, as schematically shown in Figure 2, a drilling rig is positioned on shore

with the support of a lay barge or an installation vessel for pipeline installation and marine operations. Thus, the operation consists of performing a directional drilled pilot hole of size and depth according to the planned and designed 1 ANP – Agência Nacional do Petróleo (National Petroleum Agency) / IBAMA - Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (National Environmental Protection Agency)

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profile, then, the second stage takes place and the pilot hole is reamed until reach the necessary diameter to pulling the pipeline. In general, the pull is from sea to shore.

Figure 2 – HDD Shore Approach, schematically.

This method ensures that the pipeline will not be subject to instability due to wave and currents actions. It prevents

damages caused by dropped objects, such as anchors from small vessels, etc. The depth of cover also provides mitigation to thermal expansion effects, such as global buckling, in HT pipelines.

2.2 Selection of the Appropriated Method

In general, environmental issues are decisive factors during the definition of the most appropriated method to be used for the pipeline installation through the shore area. That occurs because it is required by the environmental agencies the preservation of local life. A permission to work can be denied, for instance, due to sea turtles season, tourism, local community, etc. From a technical point of view, the shore approach also presents some essential issues, such as points related to the pipeline on-bottom stability as well as the integrity of the pipeline in the surf zone.

Therefore, the selection of the most appropriate method shall meet technical and environmental issues beyond the management aspects of costs and schedules. All this makes the selection of the shore approach method a crucial point for a successful operation. The decision is based on the full knowledge of all possible alternatives and the necessary adjustments due to demands of the project, associated with preliminary studies of the region, risk analysis and technologies involved. Of course, costs and schedules are also considered.

It is clear that the design of shore approach is very complex due to the severe environmental conditions and high dynamic and interaction between waves, currents and sediment transportation in the surf zone. Moreover, the surf zone may present particular difficulties for the site investigation, for the installation design and operation as well as for the pipeline on-bottom stability throughout the design life.

The stability and the coastal dynamics are critical parameters in shore approach operations, especially with regard to pipeline burial. The burial height will also influence the selection of the method to be adopted. It should be noted that, because of the constant movement of waves and currents, and constant transportation of bottom sediments, the design assumptions for shore approach varies and depends on each location. Moreover, the intense bottom movement the changes in the shoreline may cause the pipeline exposure. Therefore, conventional techniques start to present limitations to fulfill all technical and environmental constraints.

Each shore approach method, see Figure 1 and Table 1, has specific features that take into consideration the environment, the economic occupation of the region, if it is a commercial area, a touristic area, a fishing area, a populated area, an environmental protection area, a private area, a military area, etc. Also takes into account the particularity of the site and nature at the place, its importance to the flora and fauna, its heterogeneity (rare vegetation, unusual shrubs, herbs), soil type, geology, geophysical features, incidence of waves, winds and current, type of seabed sand, clay, rocks, coral or existence of other provisions facilities in the installation location.

In any of alternative methods for shore approaches, a detailed design of the installation operation is required and must be performed in accordance with detailed procedures developed based on a careful and complete analysis of the site, which include a survey for a proper geotechnical, geophysical and geological subsurface characterization as well as the seabed characteristics, meteorological and oceanographic information. These studies will allow the accurate definition of potential problems and risks to be faced, providing the necessary understand to perform corrective action. In fact, the main points to be considered in shore approach designs are the safety and on-bottom stability of the pipelines.

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Table 1 – Summary of the shore approach methods characteristics.

Shore Pull • The shore pull methods are relatively simple, but the pipelines is exposed to mechanical damage

and on-bottom stabilities, which lead to a necessity of complementary actions such as opening trenches for the pipeline burial.

• On the other hand there is no limitation regarding to length, there are shore pull on the Brazilian coast running up to 4.5 km.

Lateral Deflection • The lateral deflection method has some limitations and is rarely used for shore approaches. • The lateral deflection presents the same problems of the shore pull alternatives and also need a

further intervention in order to provide pipeline burial and the requested stability. • For a detailed description on lateral deflection procedures, see (Silva et al., 2007).

Horizontal Directional Drilling • Accuracy in designed path; • There is no need of large excavations or landfill; • It reaches high depths; • There is an equipment mobility enabling quick assembly almost at any location; • Reduced environmental impact on the beach; • Area for mobilization of the drill rig is relatively small. • There are limitations regarding to the crossing distances; • Must be conducted within a small window of time and synchronized with other installation

operations to prevent the hole remains open; • Need support marine support at exit point side; • Depends on the available draft for support vessels; • Project highly dependent on the available geophysical and geotechnical information;

3 The beginning of shore approaches in Brazil

The first shore approaches in Brazil occurred in Dom João Mar field, at Todos os Santos Bay, in São Francisco do Conde/BA, Northeast Brazil. Those shore approaches occurred at mud areas, in a region with rocks formations on the seabed and maximum water depths of 15 meters. Similar shore approaches, in sheltered waters, occurred later in the Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, in maximum water depths of 21 meters.

3.1 Dom João Mar – 1954

The first oil discovery in offshore waters occurred in the Dom João Mar field, an area of 47 km2. Two thirds of this field is under Todos os Santos bay waters. The offshore part of the field was developed in two steps: Dom João Mar North in 1954 with the DJ-129 well, and Dom João Mar South in 1955 with the DJ-105 well.

The D. João Mar field was not in the open sea. Its geographical constitution had typical sheltered waters characteristics, surrounded by mangroves and protected from oceanic influence by a natural coastline. There were no beaches, or surf zone waves, only small waves caused by winds or high speed vessels. Meteocean and environmental characteristics very different from an offshore field, as it is known today. The first pipelay operations in the Todos os Santos Bay sheltered waters, had neither detailed studies for installation nor well-defined criteria for projects. There were no criteria, for instance, for on-bottom stability calculations, mechanical design, routing selection or free spans. The most important thing at that time was to support the production, providing the required flow rate from the start point to the target point. Initially, these pipelines had neither concrete coating nor anticorrosive coating. These pipes were the same type used in drilling wells, they were threaded onboard without protective coatings. In the early 70’s, just after some pipes began to present pitting damages, nearly two decades after installation, the replacement of these pipes have started, at this time a protective epoxy coating was used. After that, other materials were also used as anticorrosive coatings.

3.2 REDUC / Ilha D’Água / Pier Principal and Ilha D’Águ a / Ilha Redonda – 1961

The historical documentation of submarine pipelay operations in Brazil points to the construction, in 1961, of pipelines from the Duque de Caxias refinery, in Rio de Janeiro, to the interconnection at the Ilha D’Água, where the gas and the crude oil were imported for refining, and, subsequently, the sub products of the refinery processes were exported, Figure 3.

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Figure 3 – REDUC – Ilha D’água.

At the time, the first pipeline installation at the Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, the pipeline installation technology was already well developed. The pipeline already had anticorrosive coating and a concrete coating due to on-bottom stability issues, this concrete coating served also as a mechanical protection against accidental actions such as dropped objects. It should be noted that the difficulty to approach the shore at the Guanabara Bay, near the REDUC, was overcome with relative ease, although the water depth of 0.80m and 26” pipelines with 0.95m of diameter, there were no environmental controls as there are today. Thus, a trench 30m wide and more than 2 km long was easily opened, buoys were attached to the pipeline and it was towed through these channels.

3.3 TEDUT / Monobóia de Tramandaí – 1968

Only in 1968, in TEDUT - Terminal Almirante Dutra, the first shore approach occurred through no sheltered water. The operation was recorded by the famous Reporter Esso, from Tupi TV. That was a shore crossing to connect a single point mooring buoy, used to collect oil from tankers, in order to transport it to the refinery REFAP, still in construction at that time. A 34” pipeline was assembled on shore in Tramandaí/RS, in an area perpendicular to the shoreline, and was towed into the sea using buoys, Figure 4. There was a large shore line, with a plan bottom without any obstacles, the surf zone was the only challenge. The pipeline was laid directly on the seabed without any bottom preparation, being buried naturally, over the time, by the movement of waves and sea currents.

Figure 4 – Floating shore pull, Tramandaí/RS.

3.4 Guaricema / Atalaia (PGA-03 / EPA) – 1971

With the discovery of the Guaricema field in 1968, Sergipe coast, it was necessary to transport the oil offshore for onshore separation (oil / gas / water separation). After separation the oil would be pumped to the maritime terminal of Carmópolis, TECARMO. And, it was performed in Sergipe the first shore approach connecting an offshore field to an onshore terminal. It was a 16 inches pipeline, 16 km long connecting the Guaricema platform No 03 to the Atalaia production station (PGA-3 / EPA) in Aracaju/SE. The construction began with an old and poorly equipped barge, the LB-4, owned by INGRAM, which was later bought by McDermott. This pipeline was assembled onshore in 1971, with the barge positioned at 1200m from the shore, in water depths of 6 m, and pulled from shore to sea using floats, as shown in Figure 5. Once positioned, the pipeline was sunk without any bottom preparation. It was naturally buried by

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the waves and currents. This pipeline was completed by DB-20 from McDermott. After that, other field discoveries in different regions of Brazil had advanced techniques for installing pipelines in shore approaches.

Figure 5 – Shore Approach, Guaricema – 1971. Figure 6 – Shore Approach, Guamaré – 1982.

3.5 Guamaré - RN (Praia do Minhoto) - Gasodutos ECUB/PUB-2 – 1982

The 4.5 km long shore approach at Praia do Minhoto was the world record at the time. A real challenge that even the Brown & Root and McDermott declined the contract because of the potential risks due to adverse conditions at Natal coast. The region presented a large crossing length with submerged rocks formations, tidal variation of 3.3 m, waves up to 2m high, 1 node current velocity and local depth of only 5m at 5 km from the shore. The two pipelines (6" and 26”) were launched by the BGL-1 (a laybarge owned by Petrobras) and pulled by a constant tension winch onshore. All design and installation engineering as well as logistics and resources were developed and provided by Petrobras since, as previously mentioned, the biggest companies have declined this challenge. The GEINP (from the Portuguese, Grupo Especial de Instalações de Produção) was created inside the SEGEN (from the Portuguese, Serviço de Engenharia) at Petrobras. This especial group was responsible for building jackets and oil and gas pipelines along the Brazilian coast.

4 Horizontal Directional Drilling in Brazilian Scenar ios

In the Brazilian offshore scenario, this idea came from Shell, in joint venture with Petrobras in 1990. There were times of high risk contracts and the two companies worked together after the discovery of the Merluza field in the Santos Basin, São Paulo.

4.1 Merluza shore approach, 16” – Praia Grande / SP – 1990/1991

The consortium Petrobras and Pecten (Shell) provided the first application of this installation technique for shore approaches in Brazil. It occurred on the coast of Santos, São Paulo state, during the construction of a 16”, 212 km long gas pipeline (PMZL-1 / Praia Grande). The sore approach project (1200m) came from IntecSea (1989), and the pipeline was launched by Castoro VIII, Saipem.

This first HDD for shore approach in Brazil came to fulfill the need of crossing an extensive beach area with shallow water, clay soil and high marine traffic (in the route of vessels to the Santos Port). The preliminary survey, two shallow holes, indicated a sandy soil in the average depth of the drill path.

The first bore hole, started from shore to sea, had a very shallow drill path, just following the coast topography with 4 to 5 meters depth of cover. After 500m of drilling pilot hole mud came up on the beach and was abandoned after numerous unsuccessful attempts with additives (mica and crushed shells).

The second bore hole was started and due to high torque to rotate the column a tripping out of the column was necessary and a 10”, 156m in length casing was installed. This high torque motivated a discussion regarding to change the punch-out but there was no agreement between all parties and the operation continued. After punch-out, a reamer was connected to start the back reaming and the pullback operation simultaneously. The very high torque needed to rotate the 1200m column and reamer during this operation caused a column break at joint 32 from the probe. Unfortunately, all attempts to remove the column have failed and part of the pipeline and almost the entire drill string was lost.

The third bore hole was started using a new column. At the punch-out, with a 800m pilot hole, it was connected a 22” reamer on the drill string and a barrel reamer at the product pipe end, once again to try a simultaneous back-reamer and pullback from sea to shore. During pullback, the product pipe got stuck because the column break. At that point the pipeline was crossing the beach at a depth of 5 to 6m, near the low tide line. A cofferdam was built to find the pipeline pull head, a tie-in was performed and the pipeline was continued in a 3m depth trench to shore.

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After all these problems (soil fracture, bore hole collapse, stuck tools, loss of drill string, loss of product pipe) the work took almost two years to be completed. Such problems occurred due to an insufficient site investigation, which included a poor geophysical and geological knowledge of subsoil. The pipeline was finally installed in 1991 and buried for more 70 km from the coast toward PMZL-1.

4.2 Terminal Norte Capixaba (TNC), 16” – São Mateus / ES – 2004

In 2004, with worldwide developed technology, this alternative was again used in shore approaches in Brazil. And them, the idea initially proposed by Shell and Petrobras in joint venture, was again utilized to perform a shore approach in an environmental protected area (a turtle spawning area), at the Espírito Santo state.

Figure 7 – TNC / Shore approach scenario.

The two horizontal directional drilling performed in the Terminal Norte Capixaba (Barra Nova do Sul beach) were a success in terms of drilling and pullback. However there were some lessons learned of paramount importance for the future of this technique. The most important lesson was the need for research and previous knowledge of the underground features, in other words, the soil investigation plays a decisive role in the proper design and successful operation. Information regarding to this project can found in (Solano et al., 2004) and (Azevedo et al., 2005).

4.3 Camarupim gas pipeline, 24” – Praia de Cacimbas / ES – 2008/2009

After the success of the two previous operations, the HDD was again considered as a reasonable alternative for shore approaches. This time, it was used to crossing the Cacimbas beach, at Linhares/ES. Cacimbas beach can be compared to Barra Nova do Sul beach, it also presents riparian vegetation, large sand section and it is also an environment protected area due to sea turtles. For this shore crossing, a JD-500 Rig (500.000 lbs of tension capacity) was used as the main rig, and a second rig, type AA-140, with 140.000 lbs of tension capacity. This second rig was assembled and arranged on the deck of a marine barge to support and handling the drill pipes and to provide the required tension at the exit point to successfully complete the forward reamer operation. The hole was reamed in three steps: 1st Step: reamed to 26"; 2nd Step: reamed to 34"; and 3rd Step: reamed to 38".

Figure 8 – HDD at Cacimbas beach, drill rig onshore and at the support barge.

This project presented several problems: at first, the punch-out point occurred far from the planned target area. Therefore, a new pilot hole had to be performed. The second bore hole collapsed during the reamer phase, and tools got stuck but could be recovered. After that, a third bore hole was started. The third bore hole followed the planned path and reached the target area. Even so, due to the bad weather and long time waiting for better conditions, the opened hole started to collapse at the exit point. The exit point was partially repaired and the pullback operation was started. During the pullback operation, the drill column and product pipe got stuck. It occurred remain only 300m to complete the operation. With approximately 300 m of drill column and about 900 m of the product pipe inside the hole, numerous efforts to release the entire column were considered, including the use of a big hammer at the offshore side to kick the pipeline tail. In this scenario, at the same time that the shore rig pulled the column, the offshore rammer was used, unfortunately without success. With the columns (drill column + product pipe) still stuck, there was also a new attempt

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of pulling using a third and larger drill rig, again without success. Once decided for the loss of the drill column and the product pipe, a fourth bore hole was initiated. At the beginning of the fourth hole, an obstacle of great proportions was found, an oversized concrete block, abandoned buried in the proximities of the new drill path. Therefore, a new drill path was planned. And then, the fifth and last hole was started. This last attempt, 887m long, was accomplished in record time, with absolute success, and the new product pipe was successfully installed.

Several lessons can be learned from this Project as presented in (Bernardi et al., 2009), a discussion of these lessons and those from other projects will be presented further in this work.

4.4 Sul Capixaba gas Pipeline, 12”– Praia do Além / ES – 2009

In 2009, once again HDD was selected to be used for shore approach in an environmental protection area, very popular in summer seasons, with high tourism potential. The Além beach was defined as the point of shore approach of the Sul Capixaba gas pipeline, at Anchieta/ES. Again, this beach is a protected area due the sea turtles seasons. The pipeline installation was defined to occur in a not populated area, without nearby facilities but with a large sand section and rocks formations on the seabed. Figure 9 presents an overview of the HDD project and site. A 2km pipeline was installed by the Seven Navica vessel, from Subsea7.

This HDD was successfully accomplished in record time, although a two weeks fishery that occurred due to column break.

Figure 9 –HDD at Além beach, Sul Capixaba Gas Pipeline.

Additional information regarding to this project can be found in (Solano et al., 2007).

5 Discussions and Lessons Learnt

There are several advantages of the directional drilling installation method over alternative construction methods. Environmental issues are minimized as operations are limited to relatively small areas when compared to the complete crossing length as in other methods.

HDD provide an optimum depth of cover in the design of a crossing leading to maximum protection for the pipeline from anchors and future dredging and reduces long-term maintenance costs. Beach erosion risks are minimized and construction activities in surf zones can be avoided.

However, HDD is a very complex procedure not well understood by most contractors. Only few companies have the required competence in this procedure. The experience the lessons from previous projects can be decisive for a successful operation.

The main lessons that can be learnt from previous HDD shore approaches in Brazil are: there is mandatory a detailed site investigation including geophysical, geological and geotechnical studies to proper understand the soil characteristics. It is necessary to provide compatibility between geological and geotechnical investigations (identification of soil discontinuities, fractures and features of the site). It is also mandatory to have complete and detailed plans and procedures, including contingency scenarios. Attention shall be given to some issues in the design phase: definition of important parameters, such as, bending radius, pipe stress analysis, equipment selection, geometry and shape of hole, tracking and surveying, available equipments at the support barge, diving team, pipeline on-bottom stability, risk analysis, etc. (Silva et al., 2009)

• Sea states must also be considered in the planning for pipe fabrication and handling procedures. Tidal currents can jeopardize a poorly stabilized or inadequately protected pipestring. For large diameter pipelines, the inherent buoyancy of the pipe requires that special attention be applied to provide stability prior to installation and secure handling during the pullback operation.

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• The submerged weight of pipe in seawater is an important consideration. The submerged weight was sufficient for on-bottom stability during lay and handling during the HDD operations. The buoyant weight of the pipeline in the drilled hole is also a determining factor for pull force requirements and rig selection.

• The logistical challenges associated with working in remote HDD locations are similar to those encountered on shore approaches. Planning of the work and maintaining contingencies become very important processes.

• A mechanical failure or delay during the pullback operation can be catastrophic. For shore approaches remedial measures are generally more limited than those available onshore. As is always the case, the possibility of recovering from a "stuck pipe" situation greatly diminishes with time. In a marine environment where currents or tidal movement may be acting at the exit point, the time factor is of great importance since silting action is an added risk.

• There is no easy fast way to tackle rock formations. The task need to be performed using good quality tools in a patient and controlled drilling operation. The initial increased outlay will nearly always be offset by the savings through superior penetration rates, less tripping and decreased risk of tool failure (and subsequent fishing time).

• It is impossible to prepare for every occurrence in a drilling activity. However an ability to quickly react in order to change adverse conditions is vital. With this general thought in mind, brainstorming sessions during the planning stage can often save time when a particular occurrence takes place.

Regarding to environmental matters, the licenses and permitions to work issues need to be considered in the schedule. The licensing process in the oil segment consists of several stages. For each project, several licenses are necessary, a Preliminary license as well as Installation and Operation licenses, to be issued the regulatory agencies. In shore approach projects, there are always a municipal, a state and one or more federal agencies involved, acting in its coverage area, whether onshore or offshore, according to the law. The project should estimate and considered the time to obtain such licenses, based on the legislation and the complexity of the project. In some cases, additional studies can also be required by such agencies prior issue of environmental licenses, which can cause a delay to the project.

6 Final Remarks

The HDD has the advantage of causing minimal intervention and disturbance at the beach when compared to other alternatives to shore approach. It requires, however, some characteristics of the seabed in order to allow the necessary marine operations. The HDD utilization in the Brazilian coast is increasing. Moreover, studies of on-bottom stability associated with lift and drag forces acting on the pipelines as well as thermo-mechanical studies related to HT/HP pipelines have pointed to important issues leading to the scenario of using horizontal directional drilling to cross the surf zone due to the guarantee of stability and protection of the product pipe.

As discussed in this work a horizontal directional drilling shall not be started without an appropriated investigation of the site. The selection of this method should be done only after the complete understanding of the geophysical correlation with the geological and geotechnical data (with precise description of the different structural discontinuities, associated fractures and features of the investigated area), to properly support the horizontal directional drilling design, planning and execution.

Site investigation is the best investment in a HDD project. These investigations enable a suitable design for the HDD profile. Of course, as any other method, to ensure a successful installation, a detailed procedure shall be prepared for the operation, complying contingency procedures for all phases of the operation. And in general, when problems are identified it is often too late to initiate corrective action.

Besides all potential problems, risks and challenges, HDD is foreseen as a very suitable and attractive method for future shore approaches in Brazil.

7 References

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