Revision Logarithms & Exponentials Higher Mathematics Next.

Revision Logarithms & Exponentials Higher Mathematics Next

Transcript of Revision Logarithms & Exponentials Higher Mathematics Next.


Logarithms & ExponentialsHigher Mathematics


Logarithms Revision

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All the questions on this topic will depend

upon you knowing and being able to use,

some very basic rules and facts.

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Logarithms Revision

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Three Rules of logs

log log loga a ax y xy

log log loga a a

xx y


log logpa ax p x

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Two special logarithms

log 1a a

log 1 0a

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Relationship between log and exponential

log ya x y a x

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Graph of the exponential function

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Graph of the logarithmic function

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Related functions of

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

y f x a

y f x a

y f x

y f x

y f x a

y f x a

Move graph left a units

Move graph right a units

Reflect in x axis

Reflect in y axis

Move graph up a units

Move graph down a units

( )y f x

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Calculator keys

ln = loge

log = 10log

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Calculator keys

ln=log 2.5e 2 . 5 = = 0.916…

log=10log 7.6 7 . 6 = = 0.8808…

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Solving exponential equations

2.4 3.1 xe


log 2.4 log 3.1 xe e eTake loge both sides

log 2.4 log 3.1 log xe e e e

log 2.4 log 3.1 loge e ex e Use log ab = log a + log b

log 2.4 log 3.1e ex

Use log ax = x log a

Use loga a = 1 log 2.4 log 3.1e e x

0.25593... (2dp)0.26

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60 80 keSolving exponential equations

log 60 log 80 ke e eTake loge both sides

log 60 log 80 log ke e e e

log 60 log 80 loge e ek e

Use log ab = log a + log b

log 80 log 60e ek

Use log ax = x log a

Use loga a = 1 log 60 log 80e e k

0.2876... (2dp)0.29


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Solving logarithmic equations

3log 0.5y 0.53y Change to exponential form

Change to exponential form




1 13



(2dp)0.577.... 0.58y


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3log (2 ) 2 log (3 )e ee elog loge eA B C


expressing your answer in the form

where A, B and C are whole numbers.

3 2log (2 ) log (3 )e ee e 3 2log 8 log 9e ee e









log 8 log log 9e e ee 1 log 8 log 9e e


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5 5 5log 2 log 50 log 4 Simplify


2 50log


5log 25

25log 5 52 log 5 2


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Find x if 4 log 6 2 log 4 1x x

4 2log 6 log 4 1x x 4


6log 1


36log x




41 1 log 81 1x

1 81x 81x


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5 5log 3 log 4x Given find algebraically the value of x.

5log 3 4x 5log 12x

5 12x

10 10log 5 log 12x 10 10log 5 log 12x



log 12

log 5x 1.5439..x (2dp)1.54x


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Find the x co-ordinate of the point where the graph of the curve

with equation 3log ( 2) 1y x intersects the x-axis.

When y = 0 30 log ( 2) 1x

31 log ( 2)x

Exponential form


13 2x

12 3x Re-arrange1



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The graph illustrates the law

ny kxIf the straight line passes through A(0.5, 0)and B(0, 1).

Find the values of k and n.

5 5log log ny kx

5 5 5log log logy k n x

5logY k nX


0.5 y-intercept 1

5log 1k 5k



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Before a forest fire was brought under control, the spread of fire was described by a law of the form

0ktA A e


0A is the area covered by the fire when it was first detectedand A is the area covered by the fire t hours later.

If it takes one and a half hours for the area of the forest fire to double, find the value of the constant k.

1.50 02 kA A e 1.52 ke log 2 1.5 loge ek e

log 2 1.5e k log 2

1.5ek (2 dp)0.462.. 0.46k


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The results of an experimentgive rise to the graph shown.

a) Write down the equation of the line in terms of P and Q.

It is given that

logeP p and logeQ q

bp aq stating the values of a and b.

b) Show that p and q satisfy a relationship of the form

log log be ep aq

log log loge e ep a b q

logeP a bQ Gradient 0.6 y-intercept 1.8

0.6 1.8P Q 1.8 6.0o .8 5l g 1e a ea a



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The diagram shows part of the graph of

log ( )by x a

.Determine the values of a and b.

...(1)1 log (7 )b a Use (7, 1)

...(2)0 log (3 )b a Use (3, 0)

Hence, from (2) 3 1a 2a

and from (1) 5b1 log 5b


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The diagram shows a sketch ofpart of the graph of

2log ( )y x

a) State the values of a and b.

b) Sketch the graph of 2log ( 1) 3y x

1a 3b

Graph moves1 unit to the left and 3 units down


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a) i) Sketch the graph of 1, 2xy a a

ii) On the same diagram, sketch the graph of 1, 2xy a a

b) Prove that the graphs intersect at a point

where the x-coordinate is 1

log1a a

11x xa a 11 x xa a 1 1xa a

log 1 log log 1xa a aa a 0 log 1ax a

log 1ax a 1log 1ax a





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Part of the graph of

105 log (2 10)y x is shown in the diagram.

This graph crosses thex-axis at the point A and

the straight line 8y at the point B. Find algebraically the x co-ordinates of A and B.

108 5 log (2 10)x 10

8log (2 10)

5x 101.6 log (2 10)x

1.610 2 10x 1.610 10 2x 14.9x B (14.9, 8)

100 5 log (2 10)x 2 10 1x 4.5x A ( 4.5, 0)


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The diagram is a sketch of part of

the graph of , 1xy a a a) If (1, t) and (u, 1) lie on this curve, write down the values of t and u.

b) Make a copy of this diagram and on it

sketch the graph of 2xy a

c) Find the co-ordinates of the point of intersection of 2xy a with the line 1x

a) t a 0u b)

c) 2 1y a 2y a 21, a


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The diagram shows part of the graph with equation

3xy and the straight line with equation 42y

These graphs intersect at P.

Solve algebraically the equation 3 42x

and hence write down, correct to 3 decimal places, the co-ordinates of P.

10 10log 3 log 42x 10 10log 3 log 42x



log 42

log 3x 3.40217...x

P (3.402, 42)




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