Revelation Study 7: The Epistle to Pergamos - Revelation 2:12-17


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Revelation Bible Study Series: 7. The Epistle to Pergamos – Revelation 2:12-17 1

7. REVELATION SERIES: The Epistle to Pergamos – Revelation 2:12-17

As we have previously seen, the angels of the various churches are to be recognized as the elder or elders of the churches who are protected by the Lord Jesus Christ (1:16,20). For Pergamos this should have been a most comforting message, yet for them it would also have been a threatening message. Please Read Revelation 2:12-17 Verse 12: Pergamos was a very ancient city, having been the capital of the Attalid Kingdom and rising to prominence under Eumenes II (197-159 BC). Pergamos was located upon a large rocky hill of around 1000 feet, some 16km from the Aegean Sea. The city dominated the surrounding Caicus Valley. It became the capital of the province of Asia, being the seat of Roman government from the time of its bequeathment to Rome by Attalus III (133 BC). Pergamos was the center of much pagan worship, including that of Aesculapius the god of healing, being worshipped in the form of a serpent. Many the world over came to worship this god. There were also temples to other gods, including Zeus, Athene and Dionysius. It was also the center of Emperor worship in Asia and the east, being the first city to receive permission to build a temple to an emperor (Augustus in 29 BC). Pergamos also had an enormous library of some 200 000 volumes and it was thought that parchment was invented in this center. It was also home to the famous Greek physician Galen. The church was probably begun through the ministry of Paul when he was staying at Ephesus (Acts 19:10). Christ’s Self-designation to the church in Pergamos also comes from the initial vision of Revelation 1:13-18. It is appropriately relevant to this compromising church, for the Lord is the sovereign and almighty Judge (2:16). This sovereign rule and Judgeship does not belong to the emperor, but to Christ alone. The sword is clearly symbolic of the Lord’s Words of truth and right judgment (Is 49:2; Lk 2:35; Eph 6:17; Heb 4:12; Rev 19:13,15).

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QUESTION: How would this Self-designation of Christ’s be an encouragement to the believers in Pergamos? NOTE: INDIVIDUAL DISCOVERY QUESTION HERE: Where is it that Satan dwells (2:13)? Verse 13: Again the omniscience of Christ rings out loud and clear in this verse as in the earlier churches (1:13,20; 2:1,9). Christ is present in the church and is therefore very much aware of its current circumstances, with all the great pressure that was being brought to bear upon the church to conform to the world in which it lived. The church was resident in a city were the very headquarters of Satan was located. The reference to ‘Satan’s throne’ has been taken to mean a number of things. It could mean Zeus’ throne that overlooked the city from the temple or it could mean the presence of the cult of Asklepios, who was worshipped under the image of a serpent (12:9; 20:2). However it is most likely referring to Pergamos as the official cult center for emperor worship in Asia and the east, with Rome being the center in the west. It was here that Satan had established his official chair of government, being the ruler of this world (Jn 14:30). Obviously from this verse it can be seen that the church had already endured much suffering under pressure to abandon its loyalty to Christ and its trust in Him and His work for them, in order to conform to the false worship of the city. However the church did not cave to the pressure, but held fast to the Lord. One powerful example of this is given in the example of Antipas, who was in fact martyred for his faith. History suggests that he was the first pastor of the church and that he was slowly roasted to death during the reign of Domitian. It is significant that he is given the same designation as that of Christ in Revelation 1:5. There would be more such martyrs in Pergamos, including Carpus, Papylus and Agathonike. That this persecution was evident in Pergamos is of no surprise, given the close proximity of believers to the chair of Satan. QUESTION: What is the significance of Antipas being designated the same title as Christ in Revelation 1:5? Verses 14, 15: Though the church had been faithful to the Lord’s name and His faith, the Lord still had a few things against the church. This really boils down to two things in this passage, that of compromising with paganism and the failure to practice proper church discipline. Not all the church was given over to the ‘doctrine of Balaam,’ but some were. It would

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seem that these were really the Nicolaitans (2:6), who believed it was permissible to be both ‘loyal to Christ’ and to also continue in paganism, as part of their liberty in Christ. It would seem that they possibly saw in this a way to escape the persecution, while continuing as Christians. What the Nicolaitans were in fact doing was the same sort of thing that Balaam had done, teaching Balak to defeat Israel be seducing them with sexual immorality, thereby leading the people toward spiritual immorality (Num 25:1-18; 31:15,16). This wholesale compromise with paganism was met with the hatred of God. QUESTIONS: In your own words describe what was the sin of the church in Pergamos? How is this same sin prevalent in the professing church today? NOTE: INDIVIDUAL DISCOVERY QUESTION HERE: What does Revelation 2:16 mean? Verse 16: The church is commanded to repent, which is to turn from their present behavior immediately, rejecting their present practices and taking on board the Lord’s way of behavior and proper church practice. If this was not done, then the Lord would come very quickly upon the church, in order to pour out His judgment (2:5). This He would do by using the sword of His mouth against them and this can only mean a right judgment upon them according to the truth of the matter (by the Scriptures, cf Heb 4:12; Rom 13:4). Verse 17: Again there is a reference to both the regenerated ear and to the relevance of the message to all the churches (2:7,11). Those with spiritual ears would both hear and heed the Spirit’s message. To do so, would of course initiate the actual repentance commanded in the text. To those who hear and persevere to the end (2:7,11), an assurance is given to them that they will be able to eat of the ‘hidden manna.’ This can only refer to the eternal life which believers alone receive, as contrasted with the present human means of compromise in order to maintain physical life in the realm of Satan’s throne (2:14,15). Christ is the proper and heavenly food for believers, which they enjoy both now and eternally (Jn 6:33,35; 2 Cor 1:20). The white stone that is given to him who overcomes has been interpreted as many things, including being symbolic of acquittal at a trial (Roman use), as a ticket for entrance to the Kingdom (Roman use for public festivals, etc) and also as of the Urim and Thummin (Ex 28:30). The new name can not be that of God’s or Christ’s as in other passages, because that usage is generally stated (3:12; 14:1; 22:14), but is rather that of the believer’s (Is 62:2; 65:15) and probably reflects the nature of the believer in Christ, that is of who he really

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is. The believer himself receives the name (19:12). QUESTIONS: How would repentance be evidenced in the church at Pergamos? Discuss the practical relevance of verse 17 to the current day? INDIVIDUAL DISCOVERY Explain what verse 22 means by being cast ‘into a sickbed?’ What is the ‘morning star’ of verse 28? © All Bible Studies by the author may be freely copied, printed and distributed. We ask only that they remain unedited (unless approved by Kevin Matthews) and contain the Aussie Outpost name and website URL: This Bible Study is by Kevin Matthews. It is asked that this notice be included as is. Thankyou.