Rev Social Notes Staff Speaking on Woman's club, Morris M ... 8/Schenectady... · GAZETTE PHONE...

. ••; ,». •'.-." ; . » ' GAZETTE PHONE 44141 SGHENECTADY GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1947 ':"-vT,p'i: '•' .>••;•'•"",. ." '-•*?—A' t; ''''""" Ji UW^S'l < l?ft'*-1flyfly.'Wi t!AZETTTB PHONE 44141 m Rev G Victor Brown Is Guest Speaker for Woman 5 Alliance * Rev? C. Victor Brown, chaplain of Union college was "feuest speaker on the topic, "Religion of the College Group," for the meeting of the Woman's Alliance of. All Souls' Uni- tarian church which followed the luncheon meeting of the group yesterday afternoon at the church. Surveys Pattern Speaking especially In reference to the veteran group at college. Rev. Mr. Brown noted that one riiust Scrutinize the religious - pat- tern of an earlier period in order to understand the attitude of the youth of today towards religion. About the time of the first World war, the speaker noted, there was a generation which possessed no clear cut beliefs, but which took on the social concepts of the preced- ing generation, an attitude of laisse-faire towards the economic setup, a belief in white and national supremacy and lip service to a still earlier generation's firm belief in God. t The children of this era, placed In a society which produced World •war two, which thrust them into conditions where their chief aim in life was self preservation, are now looking primarily for eco- nomic security, the speaker de- clared. The only hope for Ameri- can culture and the individual in it lies in the rebuilding of a basic To Be June Bride religious and social the presentation of new, dynamic terms, he structure of forces and .religion in concluded. Mrs. Robert B. Hanna Jr., presi- dent, conducted a brief business . session. Reports were given by Mrs. Otis William Pike, secretary and Mrs. Avery Cooley, treasurer. Mrs. Sture Maimberg, speaking in the absence of Mrs. M. S. Mead Jr.. chairman of the ways and means committee, announced a dessert bridge planned for the afternoon of March 25, at the church, or the benefit-of the fund used to aid children in Europe. Mrs. C. Dorothea Greene, UNRRA representative in charge of displaced persons for Germany, a former president of the Alliance, here for a brief leave, thanked members for shipments of neces- sities which had reached her in Egypt and Germany and empha- sized the need for continued assist- ance to people in Europe. "Two weeks ago yesterday, she said, "I was with starving men, women and children who were dressed in sleazy used American clothing, with no underclothes, in below zero weather. There are 60 millions starving in Germany today and thfere will be more, conditions will bff worse, unless we in America help." Announcement was made of a sale planned for June at the bazaar at Starr Island. Mrs. Louis Navias and Mrs. Hanna are re- ceiving articles for the sale. ' *Mrs. H. H. Zielinski was in charge of luncheon arrangements. Assisting were members of—the" sewing group, Mrs. W. A. Curless, Mrs. Irving Langmuir, Mrs. E. G. , Conde,.Mrs. C. F. Green, Mrs. F. D. Phillips and Mrs. J. W. Kel- logg. Devotions were given by Mrs. H. A. Winne. Zonta Clul Devotes Program «./ To War Brides Guests of honor at the Zonta club dinner meeting at the GE Woman's club, Washington avenue, Monday evening were "war brides"' Mrs. Rose Marie French of Birm- ingham, England; Mrs. Jacqueline Squillace of Casa Blanca, North Africa; Mrs. Catherine Woodman- of Tipperary, Ireland; Mrs. Joan Uhland of Belfast, Northern " Ire- land, and bride-elect Miss Doris Lindelof of Stockholm, Sweden, who will be married here in the spring. Mrs. Helmer Webb spoke on the world reconstruction program of the YWCA. Miss Janet Webb, pres- ident, conducted a brief business session. Following dinner, Miss Edith Weller, in charge of the program for "the evening, introduced the guests and each spoke briefly of life in her native country during the war j'ears and on initial im- pressions of life in this country. An intimate picture of life under continuous bombing in London was revealed. Questions from the audi- ence brought out differences in school systems, first-hand account of living under strictly ratione food and clothing regimes, surprise at the "untouched" attitude preva- lent in America concerning effects of the war upon the daily pattern of life, both during the war and at the present time, in countries which were actively affected, and gentle censure of racial prejudices and "caste" systems found in this country. Among guests and members at- tending were Mrs. J. E. MacDonald, Mrs. F. O. Trombini, Miss Alice Naylor, Miss Mary G. McPherson, Mrs. Helen Putnam, Miss Bernice E- Hodges, Miss Bessie Armstrong, Mrs. Madeline C. Burkett, Miss Alma Roth, Miss Marian L. Schu- macher, Mrs. Doris Hodorowski, Mrs. Mary R. Holmes. Miss Helen E. Van Vranken, Miss May M. Chamberlain, Miss C. Van DeHyden, Mrs. J. H. Welin. Dr. Katherine B. Blodgett, Miss Consuelo M. Kelly, Miss Helen S. Gillespie, Miss Mary Baird, Mrs. Syhi^ Brown, Miss Agnes M. Eddy, Miss Helen DeLancey Watkins, Miss Bertha A. Cooper. Mrs. Paul- ine C. Fyler and Miss May Sara. . , by M. L. W. * :— —(White Studio) MISS MARY E. FITZ GERALD Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. FitzGer- ald' of Grand boulevard have an- nounced the engagement of their daughter. Miss Mary Elizabeth FitzGerald, to Thomas A. Howley, son of Mrs. Thomas L. Howley of McClellan street. Miss FitzGerald is a graduate of St. fYilnmha's High school and Social Notes By MARNETTE L, BONTA On Hospital Staff the Mildred Elley Business school, Albany. She is employed^ in the Motor and Generator Engineering division of the General Electric Co. Mr. Howley. also a graduate of St. Columba's High school, served two years and a half with the United States navy. He is now at- tending the University of Notre Dame. The wedding will take place in June. Salon 223 Will Meet Friday Night Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hequembourg of Ardsley road will entertain at their home -today from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. They also will entertain Friday afternoon at the same hours. Mrs. Edson D. Huntley of Glen- wood boulevard will entertain at a small tea at her home today in honor of Mrs. C. William Huntley, who has recently come to Schenec- tady to make her home. « • * Mrs. Trygve Dahl of Charles street entertained Tuesday night with a Valentine dance in honor of her son, Erdeman, at the Friendly Social club in Scotia. The gliests were Miss Barbara Conrad, Miss Geraldine Smith, Miss Marilyn Frederick, Miss Elaine Col- lins, Miss Georgia Nelson, Miss Janice von Lindin, Miss Ruth Worm, Miss Nancy Myers, Miss Cynthia Palmer, Miss Benita CoI T vin. Miss Patricia Horan, Miss Janet Fritschel. Miss Phyllis Buell. Miss Adele Cooper, Miss Billie Schwanker, Albert Ruiz, John Bodenstah, Dakin Coonradt, Oliver Westad, Richard Heineman. Wil- liam Fisher, Carlson Thompson, Ellsworth Cook, Edwin Hull, Rob- ert Ottman, Donald Gouger, Irving Gerding, Peter Clute and Richard Har- . Le- Rip- Mrs. Florence Martin to Be Wed to Navy Man Mr. and Mrs. John Martin of Hudson Falls have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Florence,Martin, to S 1/C Wallace T. Deyo, son of Mason Deyo of Glens Falls and the late Mrs. Deyo. Miss Martin attended Westport Central school and trained at the Maternity Hospital and Infants' home, Albany. Seaman Deyo also —attended the Westport Central school'and'was recently discharged from the United States Coast Guard. Re-enlisting witfi the USN, he«is serving .on the USS "Kearsarge," CV 33. and is sta- tioned at Guantanmo Bay, Cuba. The wedding will take place in thei near future. VISITING HOME Pvt. William G. Abbey, U.S. army, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Abbey of Central parkway, is home on an 11 day furlough, following an ap- pendectomy. He is stationed at Eglin Field, Fla. Watkins-Weaver ' Ceremony Held Announcement hag been made of the marriage of Mrs. Viola . S. Weaver, formerly of Ten Broeck street, Scotia, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Swart of Glenville, to Clarence D. Wat- kins of Scotia. The ceremony took place recently in Buffalo at the Williamsville Methodist church. Rev. Marshall Lucas officiated. Attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Philip Toll Hill, daughter arid son-in-law of Mrs. Watkins. Also present at the cere- mony was Mis9 Claudia Rose Hill. Mrs. Watkihs is" employed at the Naval Supply" depot. Mr. Watkins is an employe of the General Electric Co. The couple are residing a t 138 Bruce street in Scotia. FLORICULTURAL SOCIETY <The Schenectady Floricultural society will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Historical society build- ing on lower Union street. Colored slides will be shown and a Valen- tine party will follow the meeting. Mrs. George L. Winnie is chair- man. Salon 223, 8 et 40, will meet Fri- day evening at 8 o'clock at Post 21 rooms, 618 State street. Mrs. Eva Collins, le petit chapeau, will preside. New members will be ob- ligated by Mrs. Mary Nieman of Binghamton, le chapeau depart- mental. A cocktail party will be given after the meeting honoring department officers who'will be guests of the Salon at the depart- ment state dinner which'will be held on Saturday at the Hotel Van Curler. Honored guests include beside Mrs. Nieman, Mrs. Mae Hennes- Clara j sey, Troy, le. pre- miere: Mrs. Aletha Taylor, John- son City, le secretaure; Mrs. Blanche Carman, Endicott, le caissiere. Mrs. Margaret Collins will be chairman of the party and will be assisted by Mrs. Jennie Harris, Mrs. Emelia Schleede, Mrs. Marguerite Overbaugh, Mrs. Mable Hoose, Mrs. Heien Juckett, Mrs. Bess Goggins, Mrs. Ellen Traver and Mrs. Gen- evieve English. + Birthday Party Held At Barratiere Home Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barratiere of Cheltingham avenue entertained at a birthday party Sunday for their son Anthony, aged five, and daugh- ter Dorothy, aged four. Present were Mary Ann, Gloria and Shirley Franchetti, Richard and Robert Barratiere, Lawrence Gian- dre, Samuel and Frances Camma- rota, Rachel and Nicholas Pone, Joseph and Betty Lou Marco, Ros- lyn Manuli and Peter Attanansio. Also Miss Jennie Cammarota, Miss Nancy Giammatteo, Sebastian Cornell, Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Zullo, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Faatora r Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Attanansio, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Manuli, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Giandre, Mrs. Jo- seph Marco, Mrs. Viola Pone and Mrs. Louise Franchetti. Thomas. » • » . Mrs. Hans M. Rozendaal of Waverly place entertained at tea at her home yesterday afternoon in honor of Mrs. H. Laurence Achilles, who with Mr. Achilles is leaving this week to spend three months at Carmcl, Calif. The guests were Mrs. Mills Ten Eyck, Mrs. Charles Waldron, Mrs. E. A. Green, Mrs. Alan Howard, Mrs. Alexander Kennedy Jr., Mrs. William W. Jenkins, Mrs. J, Weir McHugh, Mrs. Richard P. Davis, Mrs. Theodore H. Lydgate and Mrs. Edward R. Grecff of Glen Cove, LI. * * Mrs. Edward R. Greeff of Glen Cove, LI, is visiting her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Theo- dore H. Lydgate of Stoneridge road. * * • A buffet supper was served Sun- day evening at the Civic Playhouse for those present for the dress re- hearsal of "The Importance of Being Earnest." by Oscar Wilde, current presentation of the Civic Players and third in the series of offerings for the winter season. Attending were members of the cast, those associated with other departments of the production, and their guests. They included Mr. and Mrs. Lin- vill Young and daughters, Diane and Sr.ndrr Mr. and Mrs. Osman A. Tilton, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred _E. Hilton and daughter, Sally Lou, Mr. and Mrs. David Smart, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stone and daughter, Pamela, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Put- nam. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott rington. Mrs. Samuel Fendley. Mrs land E. Vernon, Mrs. Charles ley, Mrs. Joseph Bocher, George Von Boretel, Miss Adrienne Glenfell, Miss Vivian Vercheraeau, Miss Luclile Leibowitz, Mis^r Made- line Neeland. Miss Florence Jones, Edward Tajkowski, Russell Field. Samuel Wheeler, J. D. Byrne. Arthur Matthew, Francis A. Hamil- ton Jr.. and George A. Bradford. » » « The Junior Etude club met Satur^ day at the home of Miss Carolyn Fonda. Parkwood boulevard. Mise Janet Kilmire was in charge of the program, given by Miss Marie Lis- ton. Miss Joyce Van Buren, Donald Hopkins, Miss Joyce Gilbert. Miss Fonda, Ray Poritsky, Miss Janet Fowler, Miss Jane Ramsey. Miss Joan Walbillick, and Claude Has- brouck. Others present were Miss Patricia Knowlton,. Miss Mar-ylyn Kotz, Samuel Cynthia Morse, Miss Jane Norton. James Liddle, Miss Fay Righthand, Miss Peggy Race, Miss_ Helen Slayton, Miss Evelyn Sadona. ?liss Nancy Stibbie, Miss Joan Wood, Miss Adele Weissman, Miss Alice Ayers, Miss Phyllis Blessing, Miss Sarah Burchart. Miss Sylvia Crissey, Miss Kay Cox, James DeSantis, Miss Rose De- massa. Miss Betty Gordon, Miss Helen Hogan, Miss Dora Hughes. Miss Ann Hamlen; and Mrs. Burt L Newkirk and Mrs. Henry A. Letteron, advisers to the club. = _*, „* * « - . . • Mrs. Benedict W. Tannler was hostess to the Ministers' Wives Fel- lowship at her home on Bradley street on Friday. Co-hostesses were Mrs. James H. Bagley and Mrs. Norman E. Vander Hart. Mrs. Charles Smith was in charge of devotions. Mrs. Augustus Tripp, president of the Schenectady Coun- ty Council of Church Women, was the speaker. Plans were hiade foT- a family "get-together" for all Protestant ministers and their fam- ilies which will be held Monday night, March 3, at 5:30 p.m. at the Trinity Methodist church. Attending Friday's meeting were Mrs. Tarrance F. Ogden, Mrs. Franklin Dietz, Mrs. A. A. Pierce, Mrs. Leon M. Adkins, Mrs. Albert G. Adriance, Mrs. Arthur K. Blaze, Mrs. Martin A. de Wolfe, Mrs. M. H. Farnum, Mrs. Elmer Haley, Mrs. Benjamin D. Profio, Mrs. David B. Russell, Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs. John Steinkraus, Mrs. Tannler, Mrs. Francis W. Trimmer, Mrs. J. F. Turnbull, Mrs. Vander Hart, Mrs. Nelson -VanRaalte, Mrs. Raymond j C. Van Zoeren, Mrs. A. C. Blinzing- I er. Mrs. Willard Rice, Mrs. Charles j Wagner, Mrs. James Bagley, Mrs. j Anthony Van Westenburg, Mrs. E. ! R. Michael and Mrs. Gerald White. Speaking on for the meeting - Means Outline of Combatting d at Afternoon '- Peth*t4en-Abatement" yesterday aft«jft$3I of the City Hospital auxiliary at the &BE Woman's club, Morris M. Cohn, city sanitary en©i^ejr^;d0* clared that two needs are recognized in combatting the problems of pollution, first a type of adequate compulsory state law, and secondly, sufficient funds with which to carry out a program of pollution abatement. 3g£$M MISS SH1R1.EY ANN MALE Miss' Shirley Ann Male, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Male of Marshall avenue, a graduate of Ncrtt Terrace High school in the class of 1944. w a s graduated from Westchester Schocl of Grasslands hospital, Valhalla. Jan. 30. Miss Male will remain at Grasslands hospital as a member of the staff. _ Nursing, on Heirlooms Are On Display at Quilt Party Co-Operation in Vogue Mr. Cohn stated that after 50 years of dumping wastes into rivers and streams of the country, the situation is being corrected. He said that New York state, sur- rounded by waters of inter-state character, is co-operating with neighboring states, in the battle against pollution. Interested in pollution not only as it concerns water within the state, a concern is shown for the pollution problem as far away as the waters of the Mississippi, the Ohio and the Del- aware, the speaker noted. Mr. Cohn told of some of the modern mea,ns which have been created to turn wastes into profit. For example a way has been dis- covered to transform wastes from distilleries into feed for catUe. The same has been done with waste from pulp wood plants, while milk waste has been converted into textiles. In —connection—with—Mr. Conn's * Mothers 9 Club at St. Thomas 9 Will Present Comedy v The Mothers' Thomas' church two-act comedy, by Riehard Hill club v of St. will present a "Hot Water," Wilkinson, at the church hall, Pleasant street and Sixth avenue, Friday, Feb. 14, at 8 p.m., and on Sunday* Feb. 16, at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m., Members' of the cast ar« Mrs. Pat Delia Villa, Mrs. An^ drew Kozubal, Mrs. Charles Woznack, Mrs. Domonic Mar- tin. Mrs. George von Stetina, Mrs. Joseph Kristel, Mrs. Stev- en Horinka, Mrs. Janette Mudg- ette and Miss Rosalyn Libera* tore. The play is under the direc- tion of Rev. John O'Grady and Mrs. Walter Stankiewicat. : Light and Shad* Your Horn* : MONT PLEASANT UNIT The Mont Pleasant unit of the Schenectady county Home bureau will hold a luncheon and ibusiness meeting today at 12:30 p.m. at the Y branch building on Chrisler avenue. Mrs. Earl Hamilton and Mrs. Roy Hamilton are the host- esses. Events of Today Mrs Presi Clifford Is Returned as ident of Local YWCA the Mrs. Roger Schenectady W. Clifford was again chosen.jiresident of Young Women's Christian association at a special meeting of the board of directors held at the associa- tion building yesterday afternoon. Other officers elected at this time include: ^ Others Serving MAJESTIC'S."HEW VALUE" PERMANENT WAVE CRASH 4««l prtcat *!H» tMi •«• aeoncamanf of a Rita parroanaM wava a I » R*w low prte*. •'>Wr «nty 12.tS y«« c«n $af * rati r»r* manaat f* *ha cw*l M*]atHc man' •tar . . . no start cth . .. HO itlmptoq . . . . |mt o/taHr ralva. £5 KOOL WAVE COLD WAVE CAMPUS WAVE '3.50 '4.50 PHONE 3-6407 The Modern Literature group of Trinity Methodist church will meet at 8 p.m. in the church lounge. Mrs. Walter Snyder. . member of AAUW, will review the book by Joshua Loth Lieb- man, "Peace of Mind." The wor- ship service will be in charge of Mrs. Clifford G. Pommer. Mrs. R. R. Brainard heads the hos- pitality committee and Mrs. J. T. H. Dempster, refreshments. Mrs. E. B. Vandewater is chair- man of the group. The Ladies' Aid society of Our Redeemer Lutheran church, Scotia, will meet at the church at 8 p.m. The Study club of the Scotia Reformed church will meet for supper at the home of Mrs. Waldemar Rode, 108 Sacandaga road, at 6:30 p.m. The Grand Boulevard group of the State Street Presbyterian church will meet at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. M. H. Hunt, 1348 Regent street. The Mary Owen group will meet at 12:30 p.m. at the home of. Mrs. V. R. Hurst, 137 Furman street Pythian sisters, Damon tem- ple 10, will meet at the Knights of Pythias hall, 968 State street, at 8 p.m. The meeting is open to all.Pythian sisters of the vi- cinity. General Eugene Grifffn aux- iliary 27, United Spanish War •aVeterans, will meet a t 8 p.m« at AOH h a l l , T2fl S t a t e street. , Mra. Myrtle Smith will preside. TKe WSCS 6f. the _,AlbaBX-_ Street Methodist church is serving a luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the churcb. The event Is open to the pub- lic ' First vice president, Mrs. George I, Coons: second vice president, Mrs. Harry J. Linton; third, Mrs. Ellis F. Auer; fourth, Miss Helen L Mynderse; secretary, Mrs. Lu- cius A. Norris; treasurer, Mrs. Haiold W. Rogers; assistant treas- urer, Mrs. Clark V. Poling. Mrs. Joseph F. Settle was named by the board to act as assistant treasurer during the absence of Mrs. Poling from the city. Mrs. Ernest E. George was chairman of the nominating committee. Other members were Mrs. Walter C. Heckman and Mrs. Fred J. Burkett. , Mrs. Thomas B. Huestis and Mrs. Malcolm V. Lane were elected to the board of directors for a term of three years each on the recommendation of the elected nominating committee. The report of this committee was given by Mrs. Benjamin P. Whitaker. Other members of the committee are Miss Marian H. Bradt, chairman, Mrs. Del Salmon, Mrs. Elbert H. Bancker and Mrs. Ferdinand Helm. Devotions were given by Mrs. Gerald E. Green. ' » Circle Will Meet Tonight Members of the Wesleyan Service guild of the Eastern Parkway Methodist church will meet In front of the church tonight at 7:15 o'clock to go by auto to the home of Mrs. Ellhu Quackenbush, 5 Marshall avenue. At 7:45 p.m. the Dorcas circle will meet at the home of Mrs. R. D. Moore, 1422 Valencia road. Mrs. F. R. Swann will he the assisting hostess. Knowltons Honored On 48th Anniversary Mrs. William P. Ham Sr., and Mrs. Alvina Taylor, wintering in St. Petersburg, Fla.. were host- esses recently at a party which honored the 48th wedding anniver- sary of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Knowlton. Among those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lembke, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ramsay, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Slocum, Mr. and Mrs. Am- brose Hamm, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gulch, Mr. and Mrs. George Bles- ser, Mr. .and Mrs. Emil Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hoffman, Miss Clara Lloyd, Mrs. Louisa Plude, Mrs. Edith Firth, Mrs. William Percy, Mrs. Fred LeDoux, Mrs. Mary Nicholson, Mrs. Janet Cook, John Monda, Henry Saulpaugh, David Connell, William P. Ham and Charles Lloyd. —-«- _ CIRCLE TO MEET Captain Getman circle, Ladies of the GAR, will meet at 6 Mynderse street tomorrow at 2 p.m. Mrs.' Hellen J. Hagadom will preside. Luncheon will be served a t 12:30 p.m., under the chairmanship of Mrs. Alice Fresuer, assisted by Mrs. Ruth Neilson. A program will be presented under the direction of Mrs-. Lillian Smith, patriotic instruc- tor. An heirloom quilt party was held Monday evening by the SCCW Book club of the Pilgrim Congre- gational church at the home of Mrs. Paul Canders on McClellan street, with Miss Lillian Johnson as assistant hostess. Miss Helen Carter spoke on "Quilts and Quilting,'' telling of the origin and early history of the art of quilt making especially in Egypt and European countries, dating from Bible times. "Crazy" quilts were used in ancient Greece and other eastern countries, the speaker explained," and showed how the patterns have grown from sim- ple squares to complicated geomet- ric designs. Miss Carter exhibited her heir- loom quilt, "Lady of the Lake" pattern, the pattern originating in Vermont in 1812 and consisting of more than 3,000 tiny pieces. Some of the pieces used in the quilt were fro-m the fancy r linings of men's top hats of that day. Mrs. Edward C. Altrock exhibited an heirloom "crazy" quilt made of silk and velvet pieces, each seam of which was decorated with a dif- ferent stitch. ^ Modern quilts were erhibited in- cluding one of the "Bridal Boquet" pattern suilted with blue thread. Several heirloom woven spreads were also displayed with woven dates of 1834. 1844: and 1848, t h e property of Mrs. C. E. Mochrie,. Miss Erna Visscher and Mrs. Can- ders. Knitted spreads of intricate pattern were exhibited by Miss Rouette Mochrie. Attending were Mrs. A. K. Blaze. Miss Helena Benson, Mrs. E. C. Altrock, Miss Carter, Mrs. R. S. Gallagher, Mrs. F. H. Marvin, Mrs. John Slater, Miss Visscher, Mrs. Glenn H. Wells, Mrs. Canders. Miss Johnson and MEETING POSTPONED Mrs. Louis Andrews, president of the Ladies of St. Ann of the Sacred Heart church, has announced that the February meeting of the group will be omitted due to repairs which are being made on the heating sys- tem at the church. The next meeting will take place on Tues- day, Marc-h—4T —— BROADWAY CHURCH WSCS The WSCS of the Broadway Methodist church will meet tomor- row at the church. The executive board will be in session a t 12 noon. A dessert tea will follow at 1 p.m. with Mrs. Lewis Sonn as hostess chairman. Mrs. Harry J. Ingersoll will be in charge of the program. talk the Genera! Electric film. "Clean Waters," was shown under the direction of Ben Papas of the GE motion picture department. Mrs. Guy M. Jones was in charge of yesterday's program and in- troduced the speaker. Speaking of the local situation. Mr. Cohn declared that someday we,. may_call - tlie„Mahawk„a»''clean stream" as the result of pollution abatement. Schenectady, pioneer in sewage disposal, is in the process of designing a new plant to care for wastes, while the cities of Amsterdam and Utica, also along the Mohawk, are working oh plans for adequate treatment of sewage, which will save the river from pol- lution. ' M,rs. Seigler Presides Mrs. Stanley D. Seigler, presi- dent, conducted the business meet- ing. It was announced that the annual luncheon of the auxiliary will be held April 29 at Wilber's Supper club on the Duanesburg road. Mrs. John M. Wallace is general chairman of the event. The annual meeting and election of of*' ficers of the auxiliary was an- nounced for March 4 at 2 p.m. at the City hospital on Altamont ave- nue. Mrs. Seigler announced the ap^ pointment of Mrs. Bernard Her- mann, chairman, and Mrs. William Mercer and Mrs. Clinton Harris-to serve on the nominating commit- tee which will report at the March meeting. - Additional members elected yesterday ttf serve" on the committee are Mrs. George Les- perance and Mrs. Herman Winkler. Mrs. Frank Melber, chairman of the auxiliary's sewing committee, announced that the group will hold an all-day mee'ting at the City hos- pital on Tuesday. Mrs. Seigler called attention to the annual rummage sale which the auxiliary will conduct in May, and said that articles will be needed for a fancy booth which will be a part of the sale. Mrs. Harold A. Sheridan, hospi- tality chairman, and her commit- tee served refreshments at the conclusion of the meeting. Those Attending Attending were Mrs. Seigler, Mrs. Dyer M. Utman, Mrs. Clinton Harris, Mrs. J. Edmond Savage, Mrs. John Walsh. Mrs. John Steven- son. Mrs. Charles W. Chant, Mrs. H. P. Daily, Mrs. Thomas L. Mac- Dowell, Mrs. William C. Moir. Mrs. Lewis Roberts, Mrs. Roger E. Mc- Cane, Mrs. William A. Bolster. Mrs. John L. Grattan. Mrs. George E. Connelly, Mrs. Guy M. Jones. Mrs. P. J. Carey, Mrs. Emil M. Hausheer, Mrs. Frank C. Melber, Mrs. Ellwood L. Clark, Mrs. Albert E. Kastensmith, Mrs. William H. Boolt, Mrs. John M. Wallace, Mrs. UKristina Taylor, Mrs. William F. Griesemer, Mrs. John L. Grattan, Serving on the committee on arrangements are Mrs. Henry Brunner Jr., Mrs. John Sauer- born, Mrs. John O'Connor, Mrs, George Kristel and Mrs* Wit* Ham Malicki. . - s - Mrs. Herman Winckler, Mra. Ber* } nard Hermann, Mrs. A jftjeA.J,J». v; Norris, Mrs. Hubert Male, Mrs; Wil« ; $ Ham South. Mrs. Walter H. NolI» M Mrs. James J. Ryan, Mrs. William. Mercer. -i'v '•' ^v Mrs. Thomas P. Feane, Mrs. Wll*"S Ham S. Stark, Mrs. Mae G. Norto^nj^i Mrs. Harry A. Consaul, Mrs. Harry^S Chislet, Mrs. Charles Taylor, Mr* ^1 Charles Mather, Mrs. Bud Warneri M, Mrs. Edward L. Sheehan, Mrs, John m P. Faber, Mrs. Leo J. McEvoy, Mrsi M George J. Lesperance, Mrs. Harold i A. Sheridan, Mrs. George WVit Martin. Mrs. Burleigh J. Douglass, Mrs. Chester W. Krusie, Mrs. PJfaff Earl Hames, Mrs. James Keneflckv M Mrs. Henry G. Reese, Mrs. Earl TVW Marx, Mrs. Catherine Dwyare, MrsV'S Joseph A. Haynes, Mrs. William A. ^ Riemen, Mrs. Bernard K. Hernp*^ s^ead, "Mrs. John B. Maclsaac, Mrs£S Giles Wagner Sr., Mrs. William^ Alliger, Mrs. F. B. Foss, Miss Jessii^ Lee and Mrs. Philip DuBois of S Waterbury, Conn. ^_j§ £ _ • .-_'fg. Child Conservation | League to Meet Mrsv Wilma D. Scott,,, director : oiS; parental education in the Schenec- tady public schools, will be :th#f speaker at a meeting of the Child 1 Conservation league Friday evenilS^ at 8 o'clock in the GE Woman's^ club on Washington avenue. '-M Mrs. Scott will discuss "Finding! a Way to Live Together and Pro»| mote Peace and Security." Th#i vocal sollst for the evening:. ; |s J t o i s Leonard Bishop. ••'-, < : '^T": ^ Mrs. Earl Havens and her <CWi$J"l mittee will be in charge of tne ao»^ cial hour following the meeting; AJll! those who have squares for 'the\B afghan have been requested t*^ bring them. Mrs, Conrad I. Smith will preside. ^ DIRECTORS WILL MEET ).% The board of directors of thlis Animal Protective Foundation Inc.,| will meet in the chamber of confc»§ merce rooms tomorow night at «|s o'clock. vg i i EXPERT WATCH, ond JEWELRY REPAIRS DIAMONDS RESIT READS RESTRUNG ENGRAVING UNUSUAL VALENTINE CARDS ond GIFTS GIFT SHOP PINE TREE S Juit 2 mllai 'r»m gjlllowp rd. on Troy rd. OPEN II a.m, le, I p.m. 5 fHONI 44111 DAILY and SUNDAY rs •••••••••••••••••••••• i i GIGANTIC FUR SAIE MT. PLEASANT FURRIERS O FRANCIS AYE. ipjn till 7 tM. tftfjftl e&tostfety 0j*fr#**i»* PKM0S6 Acts AT ONCE to R*neve and " m ii?IUEE and IESSIE&m*£8W@eiS Tinting and Dyeing fo bring new luster and beauty to ypur hair. Dependable, expert treat- ment. Phone 4-2118 *- ••• BEAUTY RETURNS HOME Mrs. William Anderson of Hoff- mans has returned home after vis- iting at Washington, DC. Alexan- dria, Va., Mt. Vernon, and Arling- ton, Va. While at Arlington, Mrs. Anderson was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P. Johnson, formerly of this city. WILL CONDUCT SALE Hillhuist Rebekah lodge will hold a rummage sale all next week at the Clinton street store. Those hav- ing rummage which they wish called for may call Mrs. Ina Van Woeart, 'phone 6-4601, or Mrs. Mariel Jansen, 4-3951. tANT US LAFAYETTE ST. A SUp Off Sfala St. WEDDING INVITATIONS Armouncei.Tienft of All Kind* Personalized Sfationvy Op«n Evaninqj by Appolntmao* 24-Hour Service Modern Arts Press SSI FnuXBTT ST. 4 Your PORTRAIT for a lovely VALENTINE Maka an aarly appotntmant -•. OSitlnctlva Photoqrapht 421 STATE ST. fhon* 4-4071 Nail fo Plata Thaatar "Muile by Muuk" >/v-i AVB3DING GOWNS Designed by Rose or Angela BRIDAL SHOP M0 ALBANY ST." —rifONK <Ktt63. ROSE'S Now You ~ Can Be Up-to-Date I (With a Reasonably Priced Cold Wave) This Week's Special Reg. $10 PRINCESS (CAUSED BY COLDS) . rrxrvwtx mint b*!f06d wh«n thou- sand* upon thot«Mitd» or Doctohi h*v» pt*»wito«4 it for •& u n a * yew*. Hfttvstt* ACU ai met not onl« to r«* trtvaluch coughing but alao 'RXHtn* phlegm 1 *nd fn*k«* It **M* to raMM. S*fe for both old and young. PUat- i?a!Sg£&4KnUSSII* m §Mmi Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Transcript of Rev Social Notes Staff Speaking on Woman's club, Morris M ... 8/Schenectady... · GAZETTE PHONE...

Page 1: Rev Social Notes Staff Speaking on Woman's club, Morris M ... 8/Schenectady... · GAZETTE PHONE 44141 SGHENECTADY GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1947 ':"-vT,p'i: '•' .>••;•'•"",.

. • • ; , » . • ' . - . " ; . » ' •


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Rev G Victor Brown Is Guest Speaker for Woman 5 Alliance

* Rev? C. Victor Brown, chaplain of Union college was "feuest speaker on the topic, "Religion of the College Group," for the meeting of the Woman's Alliance of. All Souls' Uni­tarian church which followed the luncheon meeting of the group yesterday afternoon at the church.

Surveys P a t t e r n Speaking especially In reference

to the ve teran group a t college. Rev. Mr. Brown noted that one riiust Scrutinize the religious - pat­t e rn of an earlier period in order to unders tand the at t i tude of the youth of today towards religion. About the time of the first World war , the speaker noted, there was a genera t ion which possessed no clear cut beliefs, but which took on the social concepts of the preced­ing generat ion, an a t t i tude of laisse-faire towards the economic setup, a belief in white and nat ional supremacy and lip service to a still ear l ier generat ion 's firm belief in God. t

The children of this era, placed In a society which produced World •war two, which thrust them into condit ions where their chief a im in life was self preservation, a re now looking primarily for eco­nomic security, the speaker de­clared. The only hope for Ameri­can cul ture and the individual in it lies in the rebuilding of a basic

To Be June Bride

religious and social the presentat ion of

new, dynamic terms, he

s t ruc tu re of forces and .religion in concluded.

Mrs. Rober t B. H a n n a Jr., presi­dent, conducted a brief business

. session. Repor ts were given by Mrs. Otis William Pike, secre tary a n d Mrs. Avery Cooley, t reasurer . Mrs . S t u r e Maimberg, speak ing in the absence of Mrs. M. S. Mead Jr . . cha i rman of the ways and m e a n s commit tee , announced a desser t bridge planned for the af ternoon of March 25, a t the church , or the benefit-of the fund used to aid children in Europe .

Mrs. C. Dorothea Greene, U N R R A representat ive in charge of displaced persons for Germany, a former president of the Alliance, here for a brief leave, thanked member s for shipments of neces­sities which had reached her in E g y p t and Germany and empha­sized the need for continued assist­ance to people in Europe. "Two weeks ago yesterday, she said, "I was with s tarving men, women and chi ldren who were dressed in sleazy used American clothing, wi th no underclothes, in below zero wea ther . There are 60 millions s t a rv ing in Germany today and thfere will be more, conditions will bff worse, unless we in Amer ica help."

Announcement was made of a sale planned for June a t the bazaar at S ta r r Island. Mrs. Louis Nav ias and Mrs. Hanna a re re­ceiving art icles for the sale. ' *Mrs. H. H. Zielinski was in

c h a r g e of luncheon a r r a n g e m e n t s . Assisting were members of—the" sewing group, Mrs. W. A. Curless, Mrs. I rv ing Langmuir , Mrs . E. G.

, Conde , .Mrs . C. F . Green, Mrs. F . D. Phil l ips and Mrs. J . W . Kel­logg. Devotions were given by Mrs . H . A. Winne.

Zonta Clul Devotes Program

— «./

To War Brides Guests of honor at the Zonta

club d inner meet ing a t the GE Woman ' s club, Washing ton avenue, Monday evening were "war brides"' Mrs. Rose Marie F rench of Birm­ingham, E n g l a n d ; Mrs. Jacquel ine Squillace of Casa Blanca, Nor th Africa; Mrs. Cather ine Woodman-of Tipperary , I re land; Mrs. J oan Uhland of Belfast, Nor thern " I re­land, a n d bride-elect Miss Doris Lindelof of Stockholm, Sweden, who will be mar r ied here in the spr ing.

Mrs. He lmer Webb spoke on the world reconst ruct ion program of the YWCA. Miss J ane t Webb, pres­ident, conducted a brief business session.

Following dinner, Miss Edi th Weller, in charge of the p rogram for "the evening, introduced the guests a n d each spoke briefly of life in her nat ive country dur ing the wa r j ' e a r s and on initial im­pressions of life in this country.

An in t imate picture of life under cont inuous bombing in London was revealed. Quest ions from the audi­ence brought out differences in school systems, first-hand account of l iving under strictly rat ione food and clothing regimes, surprise a t the "untouched" a t t i tude preva­lent in America concerning effects of the war upon the daily pa t t e rn of life, both dur ing the war and at the present t ime, in countries which were actively affected, and gentle censure of racial prejudices and "cas te" systems found in this country .

Among guests and members at­tending were Mrs. J. E. MacDonald, Mrs. F . O. Trombini , Miss Alice Naylor, Miss Mary G. McPherson, Mrs. Helen P u t n a m , Miss Bernice E- Hodges, Miss Bessie Armst rong , Mrs. Madeline C. Burket t , Miss Alma Roth , Miss Marian L. Schu­macher , Mrs. Doris Hodorowski , Mrs. Mary R. Holmes.

Miss Helen E. Van Vranken, Miss May M. Chamberlain, Miss C. Van DeHyden, Mrs. J . H. Welin. Dr . Ka the r ine B. Blodgett, Miss Consuelo M. Kelly, Miss Helen S. Gillespie, Miss Mary Baird, Mrs. Syhi^ Brown, Miss Agnes M. Eddy, Miss Helen DeLancey Watk ins , Miss B e r t h a A. Cooper. Mrs. Paul­ine C. Fy le r and Miss May Sara. . , by M. L. W.

* :—

—(White Studio) MISS MARY E. F ITZ G E R A L D

Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. FitzGer-a ld ' of Grand boulevard have an­nounced the engagement of their daughter . Miss Mary Elizabeth FitzGerald, to Thomas A. Howley, son of Mrs. Thomas L. Howley of McClellan street.

Miss Fi tzGerald is a gradua te of St. fYilnmha's High school and

Social Notes By M A R N E T T E L, BONTA

On Hospital Staff

the Mildred Elley Business school, Albany. She is employed^ in the Motor and Genera tor Engineer ing division of the General Electr ic Co.

Mr. Howley. also a g radua te of St. Columba's High school, served two years and a half with the United States navy. He is now at­tending the University of Not re Dame.

The wedding will t ake place in J u n e .

Salon 223 Will Meet Friday Night

Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hequembourg of Ardsley road will en ter ta in at the i r home -today from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. They also will en te r ta in F r iday afternoon a t the same hours .

• • • Mrs. Edson D. Hunt ley of Glen-

wood boulevard will en ter ta in a t a small tea a t her home today in honor of Mrs. C. William Huntley, who has recently come to Schenec­tady to make her home.

« • *

Mrs. Trygve Dahl of Charles street enter ta ined Tuesday night with a Valentine dance in honor of her son, Erdeman , a t the Fr iendly Social club in Scotia.

The gliests were Miss B a r b a r a Conrad, Miss Geraldine Smith, Miss Marilyn Freder ick , Miss Ela ine Col­lins, Miss Georgia Nelson, Miss J an ice von Lindin, Miss R u t h Worm, Miss Nancy Myers, Miss Cynthia Palmer , Miss Benita CoIT

vin. Miss Pa t r ic ia Horan, Miss J a n e t Fr i tschel . Miss Phyll is Buell. Miss Adele Cooper, Miss Billie Schwanker , Albert Ruiz, John Bodenstah, Dakin Coonradt , Oliver Westad, Richard Heineman. Wil­liam Fisher , Carlson Thompson, El lsworth Cook, Edwin Hull, Rob-ert Ot tman, Donald Gouger, I rv ing Gerding, Pe te r Clute and Richard


. Le-Rip-Mrs.

Florence Martin to Be Wed to Navy Man

Mr. and Mrs. John Mar t in of Hudson Fal ls have announced the engagement of the i r daughter , Miss F lo rence ,Mar t in , to S 1/C Wallace T. Deyo, son of Mason Deyo of Glens Fal ls and the late Mrs. Deyo.

Miss Mart in at tended Westpor t Cent ra l school and trained a t the Mate rn i ty Hospital and Infants ' home, Albany. Seaman Deyo also

— a t t e n d e d the Westport Central s c h o o l ' a n d ' w a s recently discharged f rom the United Sta tes Coast Guard . Re-enlisting witfi the USN, h e « i s serving .on the USS "Kearsa rge , " CV 33. and is sta­t ioned a t Guantanmo Bay, Cuba.

The wedding will take place in thei near future.

VISITING HOME Pvt . Will iam G. Abbey, U.S. army,

son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Abbey of Cent ra l parkway, is home on an 11 day furlough, following an ap­pendectomy. He is s ta t ioned a t E g l i n Field, Fla .

Watkins-Weaver ' Ceremony Held

Announcement hag been made of the mar r i age of Mrs. Viola . S. Weaver, formerly of Ten Broeck street , Scotia, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Swart of Glenville, to Clarence D. Wat-kins of Scotia.

The ceremony took place recently in Buffalo a t the Williamsville Methodist church. Rev. Marshall Lucas officiated. At tendants were Mr. and Mrs. Philip Toll Hill, daugh te r arid son-in-law of Mrs. Watk ins . Also present at the cere­mony was Mis9 Claudia Rose Hill.

Mrs. W a t k i h s is" employed at the Naval Supply" depot. Mr. Watk ins is an employe of the General Elect r ic Co. The couple a re residing a t 138 Bruce s t reet in Scotia.

FLORICULTURAL SOCIETY <The Schenectady Flor icul tura l

society will meet tomorrow a t 8 p.m. a t the Historical society build­ing on lower Union street . Colored slides will be shown and a Valen­tine pa r ty will follow the meet ing. Mrs. George L. Winnie is chair­man .

Salon 223, 8 et 40, will meet Fr i ­day evening a t 8 o'clock a t Post 21 rooms, 618 State street . Mrs. Eva Collins, le petit chapeau, will preside. New members will be ob­ligated by Mrs. Mary Nieman of Binghamton, le chapeau depart­mental . A cocktail pa r ty will be given after the meet ing honoring depa r tmen t officers w h o ' w i l l be guests of the Salon at the depart­ment s ta te dinner w h i c h ' w i l l be held on Saturday a t the Hotel Van Curler.

Honored guests include beside Mrs. Nieman, Mrs. Mae Hennes-

Clara j sey, Troy, le. pre­miere : Mrs. Aletha Taylor, J o h n ­son City, le secre taure ; Mrs. Blanche Carman, Endicott , le caissiere.

Mrs. Margare t Collins will be cha i rman of the par ty and will be assisted by Mrs. Jennie Har r i s , Mrs. Emelia Schleede, Mrs. Marguer i te Overbaugh, Mrs. Mable Hoose, Mrs. Heien Jucke t t , Mrs. Bess Goggins, Mrs. Ellen Traver and Mrs. Gen­evieve English.


Birthday Party Held At Barratiere Home

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bar ra t ie re of Chelt ingham avenue enter ta ined a t a bi r thday par ty Sunday for their son Anthony, aged five, and daugh­ter Dorothy, aged four.

P r e s e n t were Mary Ann, Gloria and Shirley Franche t t i , R ichard a n d Robert Bar ra t ie re , Lawrence Gian-dre, Samuel and F rances Camma-rota, Rachel and Nicholas Pone, Joseph and Bet ty Lou Marco, Ros-lyn Manuli and Pe te r At tanans io .

Also Miss Jennie Cammaro ta , Miss Nancy Giammatteo, Sebast ian Cornell, Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Zullo, Mr. and Mrs. Albert F a a t o r a r

Mr. and Mrs. E lmer At tanans io , Mr. and Mrs. Michael Manuli, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Giandre, Mrs. Jo­seph Marco, Mrs. Viola Pone and Mrs. Louise Franche t t i .

Thomas. » • »

. Mrs. Han s M. Rozendaal of Waverly place enter ta ined a t tea at her home yesterday afternoon in honor of Mrs. H. Laurence Achilles, who with Mr. Achilles is leaving th is week to spend three mon ths at Carmcl, Calif.

The guests were Mrs. Mills Ten Eyck, Mrs. Charles Waldron, Mrs. E. A. Green, Mrs. Alan Howard, Mrs. Alexander Kennedy Jr., Mrs . Will iam W. Jenkins , Mrs. J, Weir McHugh, Mrs. Richard P . Davis, Mrs. Theodore H. Lydgate and Mrs. E d w a r d R. Grecff of Glen Cove, LI.

• * *

Mrs. Edward R. Greeff of Glen Cove, LI, is visit ing her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Theo­dore H. Lydgate of Stoneridge road.

* * • A buffet supper was served Sun­

day evening at the Civic Playhouse for those present for the dress re­hearsal of "The Impor tance of Being Earnes t . " by Oscar Wilde, cur ren t presentat ion of the Civic Players and third in the series of offerings for the winter season. At tending were members of the cast, those associated wi th other depa r tmen t s of the production, and their guests .

They included Mr. and Mrs. Lin-vill Young and daughters , Diane and Sr.ndrr Mr. and Mrs. Osman A. Tilton, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred _E. Hilton and daughter , Sally Lou, Mr. and Mrs. David Smart , Mr. and

Mrs. Robert Stone and daughter , Pamela , Mr. and Mrs. Donald Put­nam. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott r ington.

Mrs. Samuel Fendley. Mrs land E. Vernon, Mrs. Charles ley, Mrs. Joseph Bocher, George Von Boretel, Miss Adr ienne Glenfell, Miss Vivian Vercheraeau, Miss Luclile Leibowitz, Mis^r Made­line Neeland. Miss Florence Jones, E d w a r d Tajkowski, Russell Field. Samuel Wheeler, J . D. Byrne. Ar thur Matthew, Francis A. Hamil ­ton Jr.. and George A. Bradford.

» » «

The Junior Etude club met Satur^ day at the home of Miss Carolyn Fonda . Parkwood boulevard. Mise J a n e t Kilmire was in charge of the program, given by Miss Marie Lis-ton. Miss Joyce Van Buren, Donald Hopkins, Miss Joyce Gilbert. Miss Fonda, Ray Pori tsky, Miss J a n e t Fowler, Miss J a n e Ramsey. Miss Joan Walbillick, and Claude Has-brouck.

Others present were Miss Pa t r ic ia Knowlton,. Miss Mar-ylyn Kotz, Samuel Cynthia Morse, Miss J ane Norton. J a m e s Liddle, Miss Fay Righthand , Miss Peggy Race, Miss_ Helen Slayton, Miss Evelyn Sadona. ?liss Nancy Stibbie, Miss Joan Wood, Miss Adele Weissman, Miss Alice Ayers, Miss Phyllis Blessing, Miss Sa rah Burcha r t . Miss Sylvia Crissey, Miss Kay Cox, J a m e s DeSantis, Miss Rose De-massa . Miss Be t ty Gordon, Miss Helen Hogan, Miss Dora Hughes . Miss Ann Hamlen; and Mrs. Bur t L Newki rk and Mrs. Henry A. Letteron, advisers to the club.

™ ™ „ „ = ™ _ * , „ * * « - . • • . • ™

Mrs. Benedict W. Tannler was hostess to the Ministers ' Wives Fel­lowship a t her home on Bradley s t ree t on Fr iday. Co-hostesses were Mrs. J a m e s H. Bagley a n d Mrs. N o r m a n E. Vander H a r t . Mrs. Charles Smith was in charge of devotions. Mrs. Augus tus Tripp, president of the Schenectady Coun­ty Council of Church Women, was the speaker. P l ans were h iade foT-a family "get- together" for all Pro tes tan t minis ters and the i r fam­ilies which will be held Monday night, March 3, at 5:30 p.m. at the Trini ty Methodist church.

At tending Fr iday ' s meet ing were Mrs. T a r r a n c e F . Ogden, Mrs. Frankl in Dietz, Mrs. A. A. Pierce, Mrs. Leon M. Adkins, Mrs. Albert G. Adriance, Mrs. Ar thu r K. Blaze, Mrs. Martin A. de Wolfe, Mrs. M. H. Fa rnum, Mrs. E lmer Haley, Mrs. Benjamin D. Profio, Mrs. David B. Russell, Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs. John Steinkraus , Mrs. Tannler , Mrs. Franc is W. Trimmer, Mrs. J . F. Turnbull , Mrs. Vander H a r t , Mrs. Nelson -VanRaalte, Mrs. Raymond

j C. Van Zoeren, Mrs. A. C. Blinzing-I er. Mrs. Willard Rice, Mrs. Charles j Wagner, Mrs. J ames Bagley, Mrs. j Anthony Van Westenburg , Mrs. E. ! R. Michael and Mrs. Gerald White .

Speaking on for the meeting-

Means Outline

of Combatting d at Afternoon

'- Peth*t4en-Abatement" yesterday aft«jft$3I of the City Hospital auxiliary a t the &BE

Woman's club, Morris M. Cohn, city sanitary en©i^ejr^;d0* clared that two needs are recognized in combatting the problems of pollution, first a type of adequate compulsory state law, and secondly, sufficient funds with which to carry out a program of pollution abatement. 3g£$M


Miss' Shirley Ann Male, daugh te r of Mr. and Mrs. Huber t Male of Marshall avenue, a g radua te of Ncrtt Terrace High school in the class of 1944. was graduated from Westchester Schocl of Grasslands hospital, Valhalla. Jan . 30. Miss Male will remain at Grass lands hospital as a member of the staff. _

Nursing, on

Heirlooms Are On Display at Quilt Party

Co-Operation in Vogue Mr. Cohn s ta ted that af ter 50

years of dumping was tes into r ivers and s t r eams of the country, the s i tuat ion is being corrected. He said t ha t New York s ta te , sur­rounded by wa te r s of in ter-s ta te charac ter , is co-operat ing with neighboring s ta tes , in t he bat t le aga ins t pollution. In te res ted in pollution not only as it concerns w a t e r within the state , a concern is shown for the pollution problem as far away as the waters of the Mississippi, the Ohio and the Del­aware , the speaker noted.

Mr. Cohn told of some of the modern mea,ns which have been created to turn wastes into profit.

F o r example a way has been dis­covered to t rans form wastes from distilleries into feed for catUe. The same has been done with waste from pulp wood plants , while milk waste has been converted into textiles.

—In—connection—with—Mr. Conn's


Mothers9 Club at St. Thomas9 Will Present Comedy


The Mother s ' T h o m a s ' church two-act comedy, by R i e h a r d Hill

club v of S t . will p resen t a "Hot Wa te r , " Wilkinson, a t

t he c h u r c h hall, P l ea san t s t r e e t and Sixth avenue , F r iday , F e b . 14, a t 8 p.m., and o n Sunday* Feb . 16, a t 3 p.m. a n d 8 p .m . ,

Members ' of t he cas t a r « Mrs. P a t Del ia Villa, Mrs . A n ^ drew Kozubal , Mrs . Char les Woznack, Mrs . Domonic M a r ­tin. Mrs . George von Stet ina , Mrs. Joseph Kris te l , Mrs . S tev­en Hor inka , Mrs . J a n e t t e Mudg-et te a n d Miss Rosa lyn Libera* tore.

T h e p l ay is u n d e r t h e d i rec­t ion of Rev. J o h n O 'Grady a n d Mrs. Wa l t e r Stankiewicat.

: W« Light and Shad* Your Horn* :

MONT P L E A S A N T U N I T The Mont P leasan t uni t of the

Schenectady county Home bureau will hold a luncheon and ibusiness meet ing today at 12:30 p.m. a t the Y b ranch building on Chrisler avenue. Mrs. Ea r l Hamil ton and Mrs. Roy Hami l ton are the host­esses.

Events of Today

Mrs Presi

Clifford Is Returned as ident of Local YWCA

the Mrs. Roger Schenectady

W. Clifford was again chosen.jiresident of Young Women's Christian association at a

special meeting of the board of directors held at the associa­tion building yesterday afternoon. Other officers elected at this time include: ^

Others Serving


PERMANENT WAVE CRASH 4««l prtcat *!H» tMi •« • aeoncamanf of a Rita parroanaM wava a I » R*w low prte*. • '>Wr «nty 12.tS y«« c«n $af * rati r»r* manaat f* *ha cw*l M*]atHc man' •tar . . . no start c t h . . . HO itlmptoq . . . . |mt o/taHr ralva.



'3.50 '4.50



The Modern Li tera ture group of Tr in i ty Methodist church will meet at 8 p.m. in the church lounge. Mrs. Wal te r Snyder. . member of AAUW, will review the book by Joshua Loth Lieb-man, "Peace of Mind." The wor­ship service will be in charge of Mrs. Clifford G. Pommer. Mrs. R. R. Bra inard heads the hos­pitali ty committee and Mrs. J . T. H. Dempster , refreshments . Mrs. E. B. Vandewater is chair-man of the group.

The Ladies ' Aid society of Our Redeemer Lutheran church, Scotia, will meet a t the church a t 8 p.m.

The Study club of the Scotia Reformed church will meet for supper a t the home of Mrs . Wa ldemar Rode, 108 Sacandaga road, a t 6:30 p.m.

The Grand Boulevard g roup of the Sta te Street Presby te r ian church will meet a t 1 p.m. a t the home of Mrs. M. H. Hun t , 1348 Regen t s t reet . The Mary Owen group will meet a t 12:30 p.m. a t the home of. Mrs. V . R. Hurs t , 137 F u r m a n s t r e e t

Py th i an sisters, Damon tem­ple 10, will meet a t the Knigh t s of Py th ia s hall, 968 S ta te s treet , a t 8 p.m. The meet ing is open t o a l l . P y t h i a n sisters of the vi­cinity.

General Eugene Grifffn aux­iliary 27, Uni ted Spanish W a r

•aVeterans, will meet a t 8 p.m« a t AOH hall, T2fl S ta te s t reet .

, Mra. Myrtle Smith will preside. TKe WSCS 6f . t he _,AlbaBX-_

St ree t Methodist church is serv ing a luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. a t the churcb . T h e even t Is open to the pub­l i c '

F i r s t vice president, Mrs. George I, Coons: second vice president, Mrs. Ha r ry J . Lin ton; third, Mrs. Ellis F . Auer ; fourth, Miss Helen L Mynderse; secretary, Mrs. Lu­cius A. Norr i s ; t reasurer , Mrs. Haio ld W. Rogers ; ass is tant t reas­urer , Mrs. Clark V. Poling.

Mrs. Joseph F . Settle was named by the board to act as ass is tant t r easu re r during the absence of Mrs. Poling from the city. Mrs. E r n e s t E . George was cha i rman of the nominat ing commit tee . Other members were Mrs. Wal te r C. H e c k m a n and Mrs. F r e d J . Burke t t . ,

Mrs. Thomas B . Hues t i s and Mrs. Malcolm V. Lane were elected to the board of d i rec tors for a t e rm of th ree years each on the recommendat ion of the elected nomina t ing commit tee . The report of this commit tee was given by Mrs. Benjamin P . Whi t ake r . Other members of the commit tee a re Miss Marian H. Brad t , cha i rman , Mrs. Del Salmon, Mrs. Elber t H. Bancker and Mrs. Fe rd inand Helm.

Devotions were given by Mrs. Gerald E. Green.

' »

Circle Will Meet Tonight

Members of the Wesleyan Service guild of the E a s t e r n P a r k w a y Methodist church will meet In front of t he church tonight a t 7:15 o'clock to go by au to to the home of Mrs. Ellhu Quackenbush, 5 Marshall avenue.

At 7:45 p.m. the Dorcas circle will mee t a t the home of Mrs. R. D. Moore, 1422 Valencia road. Mrs . F . R. Swann will he t he ass is t ing hostess.

Knowltons Honored On 48th Anniversary

Mrs. William P. H a m Sr., and Mrs. Alvina Taylor, win te r ing in St. Pe tersburg , Fla.. were host­esses recently a t a par ty which honored t he 48th wedding anniver­sary of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Knowlton.

Among those a t t end ing were Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lembke, Mr. and Mrs. Ar thu r Ramsay , Mr. a n d Mrs. E l m e r Slocum, Mr. and Mrs. Am­brose H a m m , Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k Gulch, Mr. and Mrs. George Bles-ser, Mr. .and Mrs . Emil Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Har r i s , Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hoffman, Miss Clara Lloyd, Mrs . Louisa Plude, Mrs. Ed i th F i r th , Mrs. Will iam Percy, Mrs. F r e d LeDoux, Mrs . Mary Nicholson, Mrs. J a n e t Cook, John Monda, Henry Saulpaugh, David Connell, William P . H a m and Charles Lloyd.

—-«- _ CIRCLE TO M E E T

Captain Getman circle, Ladies of the GAR, will meet a t 6 Mynderse s t r ee t tomorrow a t 2 p.m. Mrs.' Hellen J. H a g a d o m will preside. Luncheon will be served a t 12:30 p.m., under the cha i rmansh ip of Mrs. Alice Fresuer , assisted by Mrs. Ruth Neilson. A program will be presented under the direction of Mrs-. Lillian Smith, patr iot ic instruc­tor.

An heirloom quilt party was held Monday evening by the SCCW Book club of the Pilgrim Congre­gat ional church at the home of Mrs. Pau l Canders on McClellan s treet , wi th Miss Lillian Johnson as ass i s tan t hostess.

Miss Helen Car ter spoke on "Quilts and Quilting, ' ' telling of the origin and ear ly history of the a r t of quilt mak ing especially in Egyp t and European countries, da t ing from Bible t imes. "Crazy" quilts were used in ancient Greece and other eas tern countries, the speaker explained," and showed how the pa t t e rns have grown from sim­ple squares to complicated geomet­ric designs.

Miss Car te r exhibited her heir­loom quilt, "Lady of the Lake" pa t t e rn , the pa t t e rn originat ing in Vermont in 1812 and consisting of more than 3,000 tiny pieces. Some of the pieces used in the quilt were fro-m the fancy rlinings of men's top ha t s of tha t day.

Mrs. Edward C. Altrock exhibited an heirloom "crazy" quilt made of silk and velvet pieces, each seam of which was decorated with a dif­ferent st i tch. ^

Modern quilts were erhibited in­cluding one of the "Bridal Boquet" pa t t e rn suilted wi th blue thread . Several heirloom woven spreads were also displayed with woven dates of 1834. 1844: and 1848, the proper ty of Mrs. C. E . Mochrie, . Miss E r n a Visscher and Mrs. Can­ders. Kni t ted spreads of intr icate pa t t e rn were exhibited by Miss Rouet te Mochrie.

At tending were Mrs. A. K. Blaze. Miss Helena Benson, Mrs. E. C. Altrock, Miss Carter , Mrs. R. S. Gallagher, Mrs. F. H. Marvin, Mrs. John Slater, Miss Visscher, Mrs. Glenn H. Wells, Mrs. Canders .

Miss Johnson and

M E E T I N G P O S T P O N E D Mrs. Louis Andrews, president of

the Ladies of St. Ann of the Sacred H e a r t church, has announced tha t the F e b r u a r y meeting of the group will be omitted due to repairs which are being made on the heat ing sys­tem a t the church. The next meet ing will take place on Tues­day, Marc-h—4T ——


Methodist church will mee t tomor­row a t the church . The executive board will be in session a t 12 noon. A desser t t ea will follow a t 1 p.m. with Mrs. Lewis Sonn as hostess cha i rman . Mrs. H a r r y J. Ingersoll will be in charge of the p rogram.

talk the Genera! Electric film. "Clean Waters , " was shown under the direction of Ben Papas of the GE motion picture depar tment . Mrs. Guy M. Jones was in charge of yesterday's p rogram and in­troduced the speaker.

Speaking of the local si tuation. Mr. Cohn declared that someday we,. may_cal l - t l ie„Mahawk„a» ' 'c lean s t r eam" as the result of pollution aba tement . Schenectady, pioneer in sewage disposal, is in the process of designing a new plant to care for wastes, while the cities of Amste rdam and Utica, also along the Mohawk, are working oh plans for adequate t r ea tmen t of sewage, which will save the river from pol­lution. '

M,rs. Seigler Pres ides Mrs. Stanley D. Seigler, presi­

dent, conducted the business meet­ing. I t was announced tha t the annua l luncheon of the auxil iary will be held April 29 at Wilber 's Supper club on the Duanesburg road. Mrs. John M. Wallace is general cha i rman of the event. The annual meeting and election of of*' ficers of the auxil iary was an­nounced for March 4 a t 2 p.m. a t the City hospital on Al tamont ave­nue.

Mrs. Seigler announced the ap^ pointment of Mrs. Bernard Her­mann, cha i rman , and Mrs. Will iam Mercer and Mrs. Clinton H a r r i s - t o serve on the nomina t ing commit­tee which will report at the March meeting. - Addit ional m e m b e r s elected yes terday ttf serve" on the commi t tee a r e Mrs. George Les-perance and Mrs. H e r m a n Winkle r .

Mrs. F r a n k Melber, c h a i r m a n of the auxil iary 's sewing commit tee , announced t h a t the group will hold an all-day mee'ting a t the City hos­pital on Tuesday.

Mrs. Seigler called a t ten t ion to the annua l r u m m a g e sale which the auxil iary will conduct in May, and said t ha t ar t icles will be needed for a fancy booth which will be a p a r t of the sale.

Mrs. Haro ld A. Sheridan, hospi­tality cha i rman , and her commit­tee served re f reshments a t the conclusion of the meet ing.

Those At tending At tending were Mrs. Seigler, Mrs .

Dyer M. Utman , Mrs. Clinton Har r i s , Mrs. J . E d m o n d Savage, Mrs. John Walsh . Mrs. John Steven­son. Mrs. Char les W. Chant , Mrs. H. P . Daily, Mrs. Thomas L. Mac-Dowell, Mrs. Will iam C. Moir. Mrs . Lewis Rober ts , Mrs. Roger E . Mc-Cane, Mrs. Will iam A. Bolster. Mrs . J o h n L. Gra t t an . Mrs. George E. Connelly, Mrs. Guy M. Jones.

Mrs. P . J . Carey, Mrs. Emil M. Hausheer , Mrs. F r a n k C. Melber, Mrs. Ellwood L. Clark, Mrs. Albert E. Kas tensmi th , Mrs. William H. Boolt, Mrs. John M. Wallace, Mrs. UKristina Taylor, Mrs. William F. Griesemer, Mrs . J o h n L. Gra t t an ,

Serving on the commit tee on a r r a n g e m e n t s a r e Mrs . H e n r y B r u n n e r Jr. , Mrs. J o h n Sauer -born, Mrs. J o h n O'Connor, Mrs , George Kr is te l and Mrs* Wit* Ham Malicki.

. -s-

Mrs. H e r m a n Winckler , Mra. Ber* } na rd H e r m a n n , Mrs. A j ftjeA. J , J». v; Norr is , Mrs. H u b e r t Male, Mrs ; Wil« ;$ Ham South. Mrs. W a l t e r H. NolI»M Mrs. J a m e s J . R y a n , Mrs . William. ' £ Mercer . -i'v '•' ^v

Mrs. T h o m a s P . F e a n e , Mrs . Wll*"S Ham S. S ta rk , Mrs. M a e G. Norto^nj^i Mrs. H a r r y A. Consaul, Mrs . H a r r y ^ S Chislet, Mrs . C h a r l e s Taylor , M r * ^1 Char les Mather , Mrs. B u d WarneriM, Mrs. E d w a r d L. Sheehan, Mrs, J o h n m P. Faber , Mrs . Leo J . McEvoy, Mrs iM George J . Lesperance , Mrs . H a r o l d i A. Sher idan , Mrs. George WVit Mar t in . Mrs. Bur le igh J . Douglass , Mrs. Ches ter W. Krus ie , Mrs . PJfaff E a r l Hames , Mrs. J a m e s KeneflckvM Mrs. H e n r y G. Reese, Mrs . E a r l TVW Marx, Mrs . Cather ine Dwyare , MrsV'S Joseph A. H a y n e s , Mrs. Wi l l i am A. ^ Riemen, Mrs. B e r n a r d K. H e r n p * ^ s^ead, "Mrs. J o h n B . Mac l saac , M r s £ S Giles W a g n e r Sr., Mrs . W i l l i a m ^ Alliger, Mrs. F . B . Foss , Miss J e s s i i ^ Lee a n d Mrs . Phi l ip DuBois of S Wate rbu ry , Conn. ^_j§

— £ _ • .-_'fg.

Child Conservation | League to Meet

Mrsv Wi lma D. Scott,,, d i r e c to r : o iS ; pa r en t a l educat ion in t h e Schenec­tady public schools, will be : t h# f speake r a t a mee t ing of the Child 1 Conservat ion league F r i d a y e v e n i l S ^ a t 8 o'clock in the G E W o m a n ' s ^ club on Wash ing ton avenue . '-M

Mrs. Scott will discuss " F i n d i n g ! a W a y to Live Toge the r a n d P r o » | mote Peace a n d Secur i ty ." T h # i vocal sollst for the evening:. ; |s J t o i s Leonard Bishop. ••'-, < : ' ^ T " : ^

Mrs. E a r l H a v e n s and h e r <CWi$J"l mi t tee will be in charge of t n e ao»^ cial hour following the meet ing; AJll! those who have squares for ' the\B a fghan have been reques ted t * ^ br ing them. Mrs , Conrad I . S m i t h will preside. • ^

D I R E C T O R S W I L L M E E T ) .% The boa rd of d i rec tors of t h l i s

Animal Pro tec t ive Founda t ion I n c . , | will meet in the chamber of confc»§ merce rooms tomorow night a t «|s o'clock. vg

i i




S Juit 2 mllai 'r»m gjlllowp rd. on Troy rd. OPEN I I a.m, le, I p.m.

5 f H O N I 44111 DAILY and SUNDAY

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i i




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R E T U R N S H O M E Mrs. Will iam Anderson of Hoff-

mans has r e tu rned home after vis­iting at Washington , DC. Alexan­dria, Va., Mt. Vernon, and Arling­ton, Va. While at Arlington, Mrs. Anderson was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P . Johnson, formerly of this city.

W I L L CONDUCT SALE Hil lhuis t Rebekah lodge will hold

a rummage sale all next week at the Clinton street store. Those hav­ing rummage which they wish called for may call Mrs. Ina Van Woeart , 'phone 6-4601, or Mrs. Mariel Jansen , 4-3951.


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