Research Report

RESEARCH REPORT CULINL301A – Assessment Task 3 Genevieve Sayers

Transcript of Research Report


CULINL301A – Assessment Task 3

Genevieve Sayers


Where do Mermaids come from?

Came to choose this question as my 7year old

daughter had been asking me about it so I thought it

would be interesting to locate some resources for

her, to answer her question.

Outcome – to find suitable sources for a child, to be

able to learn new information about the topic.


Trying varying key word searches through Google.

Clicking on links/sources on websites.

Search, using key words, of LINC catalogue.


As the topic was largely historical in nature, able to make use of both

print and non-print tools.

Definition ‘Social Media Tools’ –tools which you can utilise to get your

media (content) uploaded on to the web ie. blog, video, newsletter,

podcast etc. The tools enable you (1 person) to share your message with

many easily and effectively.

I used a video clip from a website, an RSS feed from a blog and images

as required by the assessment criteria. I have also selected a website and

webpages as sources relevant for my client, that I found through varying

Google searches.


For the book, I searched through the LINC catalogue beginning

with Mermaids as the key word and then refined the search by

selecting children, mermaids and lending which came up with 26

records. Placed holds on 3 and the chosen one was most suitable.

Made use of Google, You-Tube and Flickr to conduct searches

which came up with a lot of not very authoritative sites. So I refined

my search key words to include reputable sites such as public

organisations (museums, galleries) and educational institutions.


Checked for currency (last updated/posted dates, frequency

of use of social media plugins, working links).

Checking of indicators of authority (URLs, About us and

Contact Us tabs to explore and verify information).

Looking through those small bottom of pages links at

copyright, privacy and terms of use policies.

Taking into account the overall ‘look’ and ‘feel’ of a site and

any errors obvious errors.


Yes, had too many resources

Had to go back through and analyse

relevance/appropriateness for ability and age of

client, keeping in mind the desired outcome.

Also had to re-look at the authority and currency of

the some of the sources.


Initially used old fashioned way of writing down!!

Used drafts in blogger to record possibilities and

also to manage posts.

Missed the class on Delicious and haven’t yet had a

spare moment to explore and make use of this tool.


Knew many of the tools were out there, just never found

the time to explore and make use of in the past.

Have adapted quickly to the new skills and have enjoyed

exploring and creating.

Difficult research question proved somewhat of a

challenge to find authoritative and relevant sources.

As a result, information literacy skills have jumped from

being average to advanced.