Research methods without videos

Research methods: Different types of research: - One of the types is to go out and ask different people how they feel towards your chosen topic, If you do this you should try to get a mix of ages and ask in different areas to see if it differs. Example: If you go around and ask people how much internet they use in a week they will most likely be less time spent online the older you are. - Another type of research method is a survey, this is where the investigator would send out a series of questions to a around so that they would write down their responses on that survey and then send them back. Example: If you made a survey about how people feel towards different parts of the media, such as T.V, newspaper, radio, mobile phones. You would then send it out and then later you would receive them back and then make a conclusion about what you've learned. - You could also use a already used archive such as a library, Library's have a large amount of books which contain information on your chosen subject. Example: If you wanted to find out about media habits in the past then you would find books about technology or the internet in the past.

Transcript of Research methods without videos

Research methods:

Different types of research:- One of the types is to go out and ask different people how they feel towards your chosen topic, If you do this you should try to get a mix of ages and ask in different areas to see if it differs. Example: If you go around and ask people how much internet they use in a week they will most likely be less time spent online the older you are.

- Another type of research method is a survey, this is where the investigator would send out a series of questions to a around so that they would write down their responses on that survey and then send them back. Example: If you made a survey about how people feel towards different parts of the media, such as T.V, newspaper, radio, mobile phones. You would then send it out and then later you would receive them back and then make a conclusion about what you've learned.

-You could also use a already used archive such as a library, Library's have a large amount of books which contain information on your chosen subject. Example: If you wanted to find out about media habits in the past then you would find books about technology or the internet in the past.


Quantitative: This is data which can be organised by using numbers,

Open Questions: These are questions that require more then a one word response, these can sometimes be the same size as a paragraph or even larger an essay.

Closed Questions: These can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no”, an example of these questions could be “do you own a mobile phone?”

Qualitative: Research that is discussed with a group or one on one with the subject and the researcher.

Research: Something that requires some investigating, this will give the researcher a variety of different results. The more researching you do the more results and variety that you will receive.

Bibliography: This is where the user would make a record of where he collected different types of data from other people work.

More Definitions Demographics: The numbers relating to

population and particular group, example: The demographics of students in media.

Psychographics: How to classify people according to what their attitude, life goals and other psychological needs are.

Class (A,B,C,D,E,F): These are classes such as the working class, middle class and also class A which is the upper class

Gender: This is what sex the person is whether it is female or male, in research for different products they would see which gender it would appeal to most.

Questions1) What is a over the shoulder shot?2) What is ethnography?3) What is a broadsheet? 4) What is IRC?5) What is melodrama?6) What is word of mouth? 7) What is propaganda? 8) What is Abundance?9) What is technophobia? 10)What is narration?

Answers1) Over shoulder shot, is thrown from over the shoulder2) Ethnography is when a group of people gather to do important

research3) Broadsheet is a type of newspaper4) Internet relay chat 5)When you over act 6) When you tell something positive/negative about something to

another person7) Propaganda is when a group of people use different methods such

as flyers and public speeches to convince people to think their way

8) Elimination of poverty and inequalities9) A fear of technology 10) A person saying what is happening in the story

Questionnaire research comparison Media books compared to using the internet, When I had to

find the definition about different words in the questionnaire I found it easier to use the book to find them. This was because the media book had a glossary which helped me find the words easier.

But some questions needed me to go on the internet because otherwise this would result in having to search through the whole book for an answer. An example of this was that I needed to find out what the name of the production company.

Trying to find information in a book is a lot harder to do then going on the internet to find it, when we had to answer questions given by other people in our class it took at lot longer to find the answers in the book compared to the internet.

My film: Casino Royale Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller Director: Marin Campbell, Made in 2006 Budget: $150,000,000 (estimated) Opening week: £13,370,969 Gross: $167,007,184 Target Audience: The target audience will be men as its genre is

more aimed at them, women might still go and see it as they are attracted to Daniel Craig the actor playing James Bond.

Demographics: They made a lot of money from this film, this means that there must be a very large number of people that are fans to this film.

Gender: This would most likely be more appealing to men as it is more of their genre types being used in the film, Women might watch it if they are into thriller or crime films as these two genres are both appealing to both genders.

The main character is in the dark showing off the crime genre of the film.

There is a gun on the table this shows that there is going to be a lot of action in this film.- His trademark gun

There are also poker chips on the table this goes along with the name of the film ‘Casino’ Royale.

The title uses the O’s in it so the it can make the word 007, this is very smart as the main characters code name is 007.

New bond, seems more sinister then the other bonds-His facial expression shows him being serious- Has he been effected by events in the film

Release date

Film Poster Analysis 1

Casino Royale Trailer

This trailer shows just how dark and sinister the James Bond franchise has become, This film is all about the first mission that James Bond is sent on. This gives the viewer an insight on why he became a womanising heartless man.

The big change for the Bond franchise is that the enemy's went from stereotypical bad guy thugs to more modern day terrorists.

People will be very interested to go and see this film as they will want to see why he’s like that in the future and what caused him to be like that. The film shows that death and danger are always a threat when you are working as a special agent and this is what fans want when they go to see these types of films

Critics Reviews

“The only thing missing from Casino Royale is a truly memorable theme song. Otherwise, this has almost everything you could want from a Bond movie, plus qualities you didn’t expect they’d even try for. It does all the location-hopping, eye-opening stunt stuff and lavish glamour expected of every big-screen Bond, but also delivers a surprisingly faithful adaptation of Fleming’s short, sharp, cynical book with the post-WWII East-vs.-West backdrop persuasively upgraded to a post 9/11 War on Terror” – Empire magazine

My Profile

16 year old boy Enjoys the use of current tech (Ipad, Gaming console) Interested in crime, action and thriller genres Not much interest in sports news Enjoys doing certain physical activities Occasionally reads/ watches the news, keeps updated with

current events across the world What films are coming out very soon Enjoys going out with his friends Watching actions films in the cinemas Regular user of T.V and internet

Audience profile for: Casino Royale

Enjoys the genre's of crime, thriller or action Someone aged at around 12-30+ will probably enjoy this film the most Targeted at people from class A – E Should have a large budget as people will be expecting an well made film

if it’s aimed at all classes For people that are fans of Martian Campbell People that enjoy the thrill of flashy cars, Games of poker and the ideas of

being in the spy world. I asked 10 people if they would watch a film like Casino Royale, 7 people

said they would but 3 said that they wouldn’t Wants to see intense chases and other thrilling situations Wants to watch the 21st film in the James Bond franchise Wants to see the brand new Bond Would you

watch Casino Royale?Yes No

Questionnaire on target audience

1) Which genre of film do you enjoy most?A)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________

2) Do you enjoy mixed genre films? A)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________

3) Do you think most films are made with one gender in mind? Why?A)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________

4) Do you think action films are more popular than romance films? Why?A)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________

5) Why is it that action films are targeted at male audiences? A)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________

6) Would action films be as popular if the main character was a woman?A)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________

7) Which genre do you think is most popular?A)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________

8) Which age rating do you think is most popular?A)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________

9) Do all popular films need to have a large budget?A)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________

10) Do you think there should be more gender mixed genre films?A)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Results for questionnaire

Q1 results: Out of the 10 people I asked, 5 people said they favourite genre is action, 2 people said comedy, 1 said romance, 2 people said they prefer the horror genre

Q2 results: Everyone said yes but that’s depending on the mix

Q3 results: Again everyone said yes because romance films will be made with women in mind, then with action films they said that they would be made with men in mind

Q4 results: 8 people said yes because they said there are a lot more of them compared to romance films, but the other 2 said that there have been very popular romance films such as titanic and the notebook

Q5: Everyone went along the lines that they believed that it was because men enjoy watching gunfights and explosions happen

Question 1



Question 3



Questionnaire continued… Q6 results: 7 people said No they said that people are more used to

seeing a man in the role of the hero in action films, but 3 said Yes as they said that the hunger games is one of the most popular films around and it has a female lead

Q7 results: 4 people said that it was Action and the other 4 said Sci-fi and another 2 said that it was Horror

Q8 results: Everyone said that it was between PG (Parental Guidance) and 12 as this is what most people would go to see at films as the movie will be open to more people

Q9 results: 9 people said that it would otherwise it wouldn’t be popular, One person said that when films were first made they weren’t spending millions and yet they were still considered popular

Q10 results: 6 people said yes but 4 said no, they 4 that said no stated that some films work better when aimed at only one audience

Methods and techniques comparison

To make the questionnaire on media I used a book which had facts about all the different aspects, compared to the internet I found this method to be slower as it was harder to find what I was looking for. But when I did find it in the book I found more information about the topic that I was looking at.

The internet was defiantly faster then using the book but I was never sure if what I was reading was completely reliable, but with the book it must have been true otherwise they wouldn’t have been able to publish the book.

Which is the most popular research method?

The most popular research method could be the use of a questionnaire, these are used to see what different peoples opinions are towards a certain subject. For example a company could want to know how much time people spend on the internet, they could also include how old that person is to see how much time that a certain age group spends online.

Another popular research method is going online to find certain types of research from different sources so that you can get more of a variation of what people think about these different subjects.

The use of open and closed questions in questionnaires are most of the reason why I believe that they are the best choice for finding out which would be the best. Their use gives the researcher a insight into what people think, by using a mix of open and closed you will be given a variation of long and short answers to apply to your investigation.

Plan for how to research Casino Royale

Get at least 10 people that have seen the film and then ask them a list of questions that relate to the how they think the film was and how they think that it could improve.

Some of the questions could be:- Do you think there’s any major improvements to be made?- Out of five how would you rate this film?- What do you think the producers target audience is?- Do you think that the age rating is right for this film?

From this I will be able to have some idea as to what people think about the film, I will then know how the film managed to become that popular in the time that it had been out. The critics reviewed the film to be an unmissable masterpiece.


Research into my chosen topic: Film Advertising

My chosen topic of film media is going to be film advertising, I have chosen this as this is a major part that effects how popular films will be in the future as they will raise awareness about when this film is coming out and what it is going to be about. This will cause fans of that genre of film to want to go and see it when it is released.

Advertising can be film posters, trailers or just adverts on the TV. These allow people that are fans of that film to start on planning on seeing it in the near future.

Film Advertising: This is where a company would send out advertisements. E.g. ads in magazines/ on TV to promote something that the company had released or is about to do.

Focus Group A focus group is a form of qualitative data which companies use to see

how certain groups would respond to their new product. Bigger and more experienced companies might use more then one focus

group so that they can get more of an idea about their product. Companies that are just starting would be most likely to use a focus group so that they could have an idea of what the publics opinion would be of the product that they released.

Advantages: Companies that are just starting would be most likely to use a focus group

so that they could have an idea of what the publics opinion would be of the product that they released.

They save time and money compared to having individual interviews.

Disadvantages: The group can have disagreements that will lead them to going off the

main topic. Some of the participants in the focus group will feel pressured to agree

with the main view.

Focus group questionnaire on film advertisement:

1) Do you think the use of film advertisement is effective?A)__________________________________________________________________________________

2) Without advertisement how would people be able to find out about films or TV programmes coming out in the future?A)__________________________________________________________________________________

3) Do you think that film media would have been nearly as popular if there wasn’t any advertisement? A)__________________________________________________________________________________

4) Do you think that it’s true that some company's spend billions on advertising their products?A)__________________________________________________________________________________

5) Why do you think companies spend so much on advertising? A)__________________________________________________________________________________

6) Should a company that’s only just starting spend more on advertising or should a company that’s popular? A)__________________________________________________________________________________

7) Do you think that the use of a focus group is important? A)__________________________________________________________________________________

8) Do you think that a focus group is good? Why? A)__________________________________________________________________________________

9) Do you think that most films won’t be as popular without the use of advertising? A)__________________________________________________________________________________

10) Do you think advertising is annoying? A)__________________________________________________________________________________

Primary research: After having 5 people fill out my questionnaire I have found

out that 3 out of the 5 found that advertising was annoying, they said that it got in the way of what they wanted to watch. But they did say that it was helpful because otherwise how would you know about anything coming out in the future.

We read a book about the different types of media, part of the book was about my topic of advertising. This helped me get some definitions of key parts of advertising and also what a focus group is.

Secondary research: Advertising has been used for a long time it even goes as

far back as the late 18th century, When coca cola first came out and they started to advertise it they would use posters to try and influence people to buy their product.

Colour films were made around the time of the 1920s – 1930s, this is when films started to become more popular as they were improved greatly compared to the older black and white films.

The use of advertising on films and TV programmes now has greatly increased and the more popular the film/ TV programme the more that they will advertise

When I looked at YouTube for information I found that film advertisement was all over the front cover, companies would probably pay to have their film trailer put on the front cover of the most popular video site in the world.

Presentation: For the next few minutes I will be talking about Film advertising,

about what sort of effect it makes on our lives and media. Advertising is a form of communication from a company to the customer, Advertising is used to try and encourage or persuade an audience.

Focus groups are an important aspect for making a company work because if they release something that people don’t like then nobody will buy it and the company won’t succeed.

In my research I found out that not many people are aware about how much money is spent on advertising. When this was being used in the late 18th century companies might spend a couple of thousand to advertise their company but now some of the largest companies will spend millions on advertising.

I found that secondary research was the most helpful as it gave me more information faster then primary.

Self Assessment

I felt that I had something for everything that we needed to cover in this unit. One of the flaws that I had was that I said that books were primary research when they were actually secondary.

I also feel that I spoke clearly and confidently, but I didn’t look at the audience much as I was trying to focus on saying good information to the class.

I managed to not say “Um” and pause in the middle of my PowerPoint slide.

Peer Assessment