Research and planning draft 3

Part A

Transcript of Research and planning draft 3

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Part A

Page 2: Research and planning draft 3

Genre •Characters dealing with emotional themes

•Characters who are in conflict at a crucial moments in their lives


Drug addiction


Class division

Violence against women


Part A

Delia Dan

Page 3: Research and planning draft 3

Crime drama

Historical drama

Comedy-drama Romance


Sub-genres of drama Delia Dan

Part A

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Delia 3 Individual Ideas

Part B

Delia Dan


Everything started at a party, girl wakes up, realises how much she drunk in the party.Next few weeks in college, she starts feeling bad. Her best friend is advicing her to go and do a pregnancy test, so she goes to do it and she finds out she is pregnant, A flashback goes in her mind of her parents arguing, so she says to her friend she is scared to keep the baby because of her parents. However, there will be a flashforward showing her being pregnant, and her family blaming her.WWW: Dramatic situationFlashbackflashforward EBI : Complicated to film

WWW: Flashback Dramatic idea Edge(builds suspense) EBI : More detailed


Girl is new in college. She choses the wrong friends. They make her do bad things, and make boys from college abuse her. She doesn’t know what to do, she is desperate, every time she is trying to do something, her life seems to get more complicated.WWW: Very emotional,Good ideaA situation that is realisticBinary opposition ( Strauss ) EBI : Include flashback or flash-forward.


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Teen pregnancy: she finds out she is pregnant

WWW: Dramatic situation as it involves lots of emotions and decisions. Crucial moment. Theories of Torodov

EBI : Could use flash forward Telling the end of the narrative at the begging ( _____ )

Making our target audience find out what happened at the begging that she made this decisions.


Relationship: Two befriends ‘Sonia & Leticia’ (past) reunite in college after lost contact with each other for 5 years. Becomes close to each other again. However after Sonia meet Leticia’s Boyfriend and felt in love, Sonia had to choose between ‘Friend or Lover’

WWW: emotional themesTheories of Torodov EBI : Able to include all the TheoriesShow the Boy (Leticia’s Boyfriend)

IDEAVanessa 3 Individual Ideas

Part B

Vanessa Justino

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• Girl getting pregnant , illegal abortion, guy forces her friend to sleep with him

• www a good idea• EBI it will be too complicated new year in college, a happy couple, the

girl makes new friend. She becomes addicted to drugs and her boyfriend is trying to make her stop.

www. – a good idea, interesting for our target audienceEBI we wont be able to have a boy that could play in the opening sequence.

Girl who will do anything to get her breasts bigger. She meets a guy, and he makes her believe that if she will do modelling for him, he is going to give her implant for free. Her best friends tries to tell her, but she doesn’t believe. After the surgery is done, she finds out the boy is a drug trafficker, so in her implants she has drugs so she can transfer them around. She wants to get revenge on the boy, but she is really sick

www The narrative is dramaticEBI Is very complicated to film, because it should have a lot of shots showing that.




Andreea3 Individual Ideas

Part B

Andreea Cristea

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Anna3 Individual Ideas

A very poor family (mother and her young teenager boy) that lives in the boss house’s working as housekeeper. The boss doesn’t have children, so he treats the boy as if it was his child. Giving him everything he ask. Because of this the boy started to ignore and ashamed of his mother.

WWW: Dramatic -clear narrative

EBI: We wont be able to find male characters and old people to participate

A girl that discovered that her sensitivity on boys(male) was changing constantly. So she decide to confront everyone, changing her appearance her way to live and think. But her mother will do anything to change her daughter.

WWW: Dramatic -clear narrative

EBI: The girl didn’t like the ideas to have a relationship with another girl



• Girl walking to college with her friends - they want to get food she says she is not hungry.

• She gets home and goes to the kitchen straight away

• She goes after to the bath room and pushes her two fingers down her throat making her self feel sick

• Goes to her room looks at magazines (models, skinny) looks at her self in the mirror

• Goes to bath room opens water tap in to bath tap takes her clothes off and enters .


Part B

Anna Azevedo

Page 8: Research and planning draft 3

Strongest Idea from Each Group Member


Girl who will do anything to get her breasts bigger. She meets a guy, and he makes her believe that if she will do modelling for him, he is going to give her implant for free. Her best friends tries to tell her, but she doesn’t believe. After the surgery is done, she finds out the boy is a drug trafficker, so in her implants she has drugs so she can transfer them around. She wants to get revenge on the boy, but she is really sick

www The narrative is dramaticEBI Is very complicated to film, because it should have a lot of shots showing that.

IDEA - Andreea

WHY ? Because they are dramatic narratives, which includes lots of emotions, conflicts and decisions

Part B

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• Girl walking to college with her friends - they want to get food she says she is not hungry.

• She gets home and goes to the kitchen straight away

• She goes after to the bath room and pushes her two fingers down her throat making her self feel sick

• Goes to her room looks at magazines (models, skinny) looks at her self in the mirror

• Goes to bath room opens water tap in to bath tap takes her clothes off and enters .


WHY ? Because they are dramatic narratives, which includes lots of emotions, conflicts and decisions

Part B


Everything started at a party, girl wakes up, realizes how much she drunk in the party.Next few weeks in college, she starts feeling bad. Her best friend is advising her to go and do a pregnancy test, so she goes to do it and she finds out she is pregnant, A flashback goes in her mind of her parents arguing, so she says to her friend she is scared to keep the baby because of her parents. However, there will be a flash-forward showing her being pregnant, and her family blaming her.

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Which Idea has taken Forward and Why?Anna’s Idea

Anorexia • Girl walking to college with her friends -

they want to get food she says she is not hungry.

• She gets home and goes to the kitchen straight away

• She goes after to the bath room and pushes her two fingers down her throat making her self feel sick

• Goes to her room looks at magazines (models, skinny) looks at her self in the mirror

• Goes to bath room opens water tap in to bath tap takes her clothes off and enters .

Part B

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How are we going to change or develop it from initial

state ?Idea of anorexiaIt is a good idea and we found a girl who has a anorexia but she didn't’t want to expose her body as we have shot in front of the mirror which involves nudity.

So we kept the same idea, but changed it into BULIMIA.As we have friends that are skinny and accepted the idea of acting like they have bulimia in our opening sequence.

Anorexia Bulimia

Part B

Anna Azevedo

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Why chosen this Genre?

• We choose this genre because it involves settings or life situations that portray realistic characters with lots of emotions which we can relate to it or attempt to understand...

• and having the theme bulimia we can portray lots of emotions as it is a real life issue.

• To make more exciting and bring out the audience emotions we decided to add thriller to get them more involved and as thriller leaves that mysterious moments it will be easier to create enigma on our opening sequence.

Part C

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Information of Genre

"woman's film"

Melodramas are a subgenres of drama films, characterized by a plot to appeal

the emotions from the film to the audience, viewer.

Addiction Drama

I think the subgenre could be addiction drama because the girl is addicted of not eating and always forcing herself to


Part C

Delia Dan

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Conventions Of Genre Drama

Conventions Examples

Love Ps I love you

Sad Ending If only

Tragedy Romeo & Juliet

Lost Love A walk to Remember

Happy Ending Note Book

Social Class Titanic

Poverty North Country

Part C

Andreea Cristea

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Conventions Examples

Mirror Odd Girl Out

Shadows Child’s Play

Flashback Resident Evil

Death / Killing The Ring

Blood Halloween(The curse of Michael Myers)

Conventions Of Sub-Genre Thriller

Part C

Andreea Cristea

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Inspiration of Films Part D

Anna Azevedo