REFLEX XRF V2 - ·...

Advanced instrumentation technology for greater productivity and precision REFLEX XRF V2.2 Frequently Asked Questions

Transcript of REFLEX XRF V2 - ·...

Advanced instrumentation technology

for greater productivity and precision




Frequently Asked Questions


XRF Fundamentals 3

Introduction 3

Safety 3

When to use Soil Mode or Geochem Mode 3

Geochem Mode 3

Soil Mode 3

Sample Preparation 3

Instrument 4

Configuration 4

Ambient Pressure 4

S/W version 4

F/W version 4

Filter wheel failure 5

Code 923, Code 1000 & MCA Error 5

Incorrect elements in XRF profile 5

Will not connect using USB 6

Some USB ports will not connect 7

Instrument will not Cal Check (see ambient pressure) 7

XRF Kit/PC 8

Connection to Internet 8

Insufficient privilege for REFLEX User 8

Incorrect CRMs 8

Broken/damaged CRMs 9

Incorrect power adapter for XRF test bench 9

Docking station damage (screws) 9

PC configuration 10




Shortcut configured to operate in "Demo" mode 10

Logmein functionality not operational 10

DHL not authorised to transport Lithium batteries 11

USB connection through Test stand will not connect 11

Default connection to REFLEX HUB is the wrong URL 12

REFLEX XRF Software 13

Elements Reported 13

CSV Export not correct 13

Data being written to incorrect sample 13

Data will not upload 13

Metadata configuration 13

Instrument trigger lock prevents reading 14

Software fails to start or is very slow in operation 15

Language/regional settings format 16


Calibration 17

Data Search 17

Reporting 17

HUB Login 18

QA Reporting 18




XRF Fundamentals



When to use Soil Mode or Geochem Mode

Geochem Mode

• Mg, Al or Si are required

• Best performance for light elements (Mg, Al, Si, P, S, K)

• Elements of interest are above a few percent concentration

• Interest in both major elements and traces

• Contains mostly heavy elements

Soil Mode

• Contains mostly light elements

• Elements of interest are below a few percent (traces)

• Elements of interest are heavier than K

• Low detection limits required for Ca, Cr, Mn

Sample Preparation





The instrument should be configured to the settings outlined in the

document 2.7 REFLEX XRF REFLEX Settings - Instrument

SOP_1.2.docx supplied with the instrument.

Under normal circumstances, the instrument should be preconfigured

to these settings, however they may have been changed on site.

The output from the instrument is unpredictable if the settings have

been modified.

Ambient Pressure

The instrument is configured to operate within a specific range of

barometric pressure. This can be adjusted on the instrument by

adjusting the barometer settings in the Safety/Hardware screen in the

instrument software.

S/W version

The minimum Delta Software version required for operation of

REFLEX XRF is The version number is displayed in the

REFLEX XRF Help About screen

F/W version



Instrument (cont)

Filter wheel failure

This is a hardware error caused by the failure of the filter wheel to

move or the sensor to detect the correct position.

There has been one issue where the filter wheel failed to move

smoothly because dust was allowed to enter through a perforation of

the instrument measurement window.

Code 923, Code 1000 & MCA Error

This indicates an empty spectrum. It basically means the system is

not recognising any X-RAYs. Most likely cause for this is a faulty

detector but totally dud X-ray tube could cause this as well (if the

issue is tube related you are likely to get tube voltage and/or current

errors as well).

Incorrect elements in XRF profile

The REFLEX XRF instruments have been configured for a specific

suite of elements. A subsequent change to the instrument profiles

introduced Ta to the instrument suite, and this initially caused a

problem with the REFLEX XRF software.

The software has been reconfigured to accept a dynamic list of

elements from the instrument and this should no longer present a

problem for the software to report.



Instrument (cont)

Incorrect elements in XRF profile (cont) However, care must be taken

with additional elements in the analysis suite due to the spectral

deconvolution into element concentrations. Some elements will interfere

with the spectra of other elements, and this needs to be considered


Will not connect using USB

• Windows Mobile Device Centre – the PC being connected to the

instrument must have the appropriate version (32-bit or 64-bit) of

WMDC installed.

• USB Cable – check connection with another cable. Suggest using the

gold plated cables supplied with the REFLEX XRF instrument

• USP Port on PC – use another USB port on the PC. Use USB2.0

ports in preference to USB3.0 ports.

• USB Port on Instrument/Test Stand – change from the test stand to

the side of the instrument or vice versa. The connection on the side

of the instrument has less connections than the back of the test stand

and in some cases this connection is more robust.

• USB Drivers on PC – ensure that the PC has the latest drivers for the

USB hardware on the PC. The hardware manufacturer generally has

more robust drivers than the generic Microsoft drivers installed

• USB Selective Suspend Settings – Windows 7 and 8 have a USB

selective suspend setting that may disable USB communication after

a period of time. This should be disabled for use with REFLEX XRF.



Instrument (cont)

Some USB ports will not connect

The reason for this is unclear, but there are some PC USB ports that will

connect to WMDC (and the REFLEX XRF instrument) better and in a

more robust manner than others. It may be the USB drivers or the power

supplied to the port.

Instrument will not Cal Check (see ambient pressure)

In the situation where the ambient barometric pressure is outside the

range allowed for in the instrument configuration, the instrument will not

provide an error until it is required to run a Cal Check (or the first


Refer to the section on Ambient Pressure above to provide advice on

setting the barometric pressure to local conditions.




Connection to Internet

The REFLEX XRF PC is configured to accept either a wired internet

connection or a wireless connection.

Should the wireless connection be used, the user must provide a valid

network and credentials to connect, however the connection must be

enabled using the REFLEX administrator account.

Refer to REFLEX support for assistance.

Insufficient privilege for REFLEX User

REFLEX User is a limited account, and can be used for data acquisition,

and transfer of data to REFLEX HUB once an internet connection is


Should anything be required that needs administrator privilege, contact

REFLEX Support for assistance.

Incorrect CRMs

Incorrect CRMs used during analysis can be changed using the REFLEX

XRF Sample Inspector. If they are changed prior to upload to REFLEX

HUB, the updated information will be transferred to the REFLEX HUB,

however if it is changed after upload, it will be correct locally only.

If required, contact REFLEX Support for advice on data in the REFLEX




XRF Kit/PC (cont)

Broken/damaged CRMs

Broken or damaged CRMs are unsuitable for use. If individual CRMs are

damaged, the remainder can be used. The damaged CRMs should be

discarded and replacement sought from REFLEX.

Incorrect power adapter for XRF test bench

The REFLEX XRF Test Bench can be supplied with either a 9VDC or

18VDC power requirement. Using the incorrect power supply can cause

damage to the equipment.

Each Test Bench and Power Supply is labelled with the require/supplied

voltage. Ensure that the correct supply is used.

It has been suggested that the plugs should be colour coded, but this is

yet to occur.

Note also that the power supply for the REFLEX XRF Docking Station is

18VDC but is not to be used to power the Test Stand.

Docking station damage (screws)

A number of the REFLEX XRF Docking Stations as supplied have weak

plastic screw sockets holding the base to the cover. Many of these have

been replaced (under warranty), and should any damage/breakage occur

to the Docking Station, contact REFLEX for a replacement.



XRF Kit/PC (cont)

PC configuration

Shortcut configured to operate in "Demo" mode

The early versions of REFLEX XRF software required a switch to be

appended to the executable file to operate in data capture mode. This

situation manifests itself by immediate connection to an instrument, and

rapid acquisition of Fe and Cu data only.

This has been corrected for V2.0 (and future releases), and does not

require this switch.

Should this occur, contact REFLEX for instructions.

Logmein functionality not operational

Logmein is the communication software used by REFLEX Support to

assist with troubleshooting our rental fleet. This should be installed and

activated during the PC imaging process.

If this is not enabled, contact REFLEX Support for advice on enabling or

for replacement of the PC.



XRF Kit/PC (cont)

DHL not authorised to transport Lithium batteries

Some transport companies are not legally allowed to transport Lithium

batteries, the batteries used by the REFLEX XRF instruments.

Ensure prior to transportation that the transport operator is licensed to

carry the batteries, and that the packaging requirements have been met.

In all cases, the REFLEX XRF DELTA instrument MUST be transported in

the supplied Pelican Case to minimise the possibility of damage.

Also note that during air transportation; only one of the supplied batteries

can accompany the REFLEX XRF DELTA instrument in the Pelican Case.

The other must be hand carried.

USB connection through Test stand will not connect

The USB connection of the PC to the Test Stand and ultimately to the

REFLEX XRF DELTA instrument has more connections than a direct

connection to the instrument itself. Because of this, there are some

situations where the USB connection via the test stand fails.

In this situation, re-seat all connections, and if the connection failure

continues, try connecting directly to the side of the REFLEX XRF DELTA


Refer to the section on “Will not connect using USB” should this continue.



XRF Kit/PC (cont)

Default connection to REFLEX HUB is the wrong URL

The URL configured to connect to REFLEX HUB is:

Some PCs have been configured with the URL: which will not connect. This can be

modified in the settings of Google Chrome.

In the event that this has occurred, and immediate connection is required,

edit the address bar by removing the “.au” and press the <Enter> key to

refresh the URL in the browser. Contact REFLEX Support for information

of a permanent resolution.




Elements Reported

In previous versions of the REFLEX XRF software, the list of elements to

be reported was fixed in the software. From version 1.1.5 this list is

dynamic and the software will report all elements (apart from Ta) that the

instrument analyses.

CSV Export not correct

The issue reported that the elements reported does not match the headings

of the CSV export should not occur from version 1.1.5. If it does, it should

be reported immediately to Reflex Support for advice.

Data being written to incorrect sample

Data will not upload

Metadata configuration



REFLEX XRF Software (cont)

Instrument trigger lock prevents reading

There is a known bug in the REFLEX XRF system that cannot control the

instrument trigger lock.

This is indicated by connection to the instrument, running a Cal Check, and

then getting an error during the running of the next sample that the trigger

is locked.

This is most easily worked around by closing the REFLEX XRF software

and restarting the REFLEX XRF DELTA instrument and the REFLEX XRF

software. When the instrument is restarted, connect to the instrument as

quickly as possible, and commence analysis.

Once analysis has started, the trigger will not lock while the REFLEX XRF

software remains connected to the instrument.



REFLEX XRF Software (cont)

REFLEX XRF Software fails to start or is very slow in operation

When the database of the REFLEX XRF becomes very large (i.e. more

than 2GB), the software may become sluggish in operation or in extreme

cases, fails to start.

In this case, it is necessary to create a new database for the software using

the flowing procedure:

• Upload to Hub or export to CSV any required samples


• Navigate to the C:\ReflexXRF\V2.2.1 directory

• Export any custom Calibration or QAQC CRM files

• Rename the file ReflexXrf.db to ReflexXrf-YYYYMMDD.db (where

YYYYMMDD is the current Year-Month-Day) or something similar

• Restart REFLEX XRF. This will create a new database.

• Add the required projects and import the custom Calibration or QAQC

CRM files

• REFLEX XRF is now ready for use



REFLEX XRF Software (cont)

REFLEX XRF Language/Regional Settings Format

REFLEX XRF will not operate correctly if using regional settings format and

language other than English.

The known issues are:

• Software crash with “Runtime Error” when the Format is set to French.

The runtime error is in the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library.

• Incorrect numbers displayed when Format is set to Spanish or

Portuguese (this uses the comma as the decimal separator). An

example is that the analysis is displayed as 3414421689913580032

ppm instead of 341442 ppm.





This has not yet been implemented in REFLEX HUB. Please contact

REFLEX Support for assistance should this be required.

Data Search

When logged into REFLEX HUB, click the Search option. Select the XRF

Assays view. A form will be presented to add selection criteria. Add the

required criteria and click the Search button.


After the Search has completed, the data will be present on the screen.

Click the icon above the data to export the data as Word, Excel or PDF





HUB Login

The REFLEX HUB login credentials will have been supplied by the HUB

Support team. Please note that the login to the REFLEX XRF for data

upload is case sensitive for both the username and password.

Also note that for the REFLEX XRF data upload, the URL should be: If the URL is https://stg-, contact REFLEX Support for assistance.

QA Reporting

This is not yet implemented.


REFLEX Asia Pacific

T +61 (0) 8 9445 4020

REFLEX North America

T +1 (705) 235 2169

REFLEX South America

T +56 (2) 2589 9300

REFLEX South Africa

T +27 (0) 11 905 5595


T +44 (0) 1273 405 975

Please contact your local

representative for further information:

[email protected]

April 2015