Reducing 3rd party content risk with Real User Monitoring

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Trusting 3rd party content providers without full visibility puts your web and mobile business at risk with single points of failure (SPOF), outages and serious performance bottlenecks outside your control. Real User Monitoring (RUM) empowers you to set appropriate Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and delivers indisputable facts to keep your providers honest. But, you also need to know what to expect. In this webinar you’ll learn: Common third-party services and how to measure them with RUM Using synthetic monitoring services to know what to expect Understanding and testing for SPOF Setting reality-based SLAs with your providers Information sharing for full accountability Join Web Performance veteran Cliff Crocker for this free webinar on a hot issue.

Transcript of Reducing 3rd party content risk with Real User Monitoring

  • 1. How Real User Monitoring Reduces 3rd Party Content Risk Webinar

2. Cliff Crocker VP Product - mPulse Real User Measurement 3. T O D AY W E W I L L C O V E R The impact of third-party resources on your site How to measure third-parties effectively Defining SLAs Reporting on third-party performance 4. S T E V E S O U D E R S W E B P E R F O R M A N C E G O L D E N R U L E 80% of time is spent on the front-end. 5. W H AT Y O U S E E , stylesheets Images & other media Display ads Product reviews and recommendations Personalization and placement Social media widgets 6. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! W H AT Y O U D O N T S E E Web analytics & marketing Tracking & targeting User experience measurement (CEM & RUM) Tag management 7. Top 25 retail sites from Alexa Examined Home page for each site using Focused on the number of third-party domains 3 R D PA R T Y S T U D Y 8. 3 R D PA R T Y S T U D Y 9. Primary Domain: Within the control of the site owner such as origin, image domains (CDN included) 3rd Party Domain: Hosted by a provider outside of the control of the site owner 3 R D PA R T Y S T U D Y 10. Domains Alexa Ranking 31 10 35 23 86 41 20 37 303131 4 48 38 42 16 11 6 28 68 31 36 4 198 212513351122532432351 7 3 7 17 Primary domains 3rd Party domains 3 R D PA R T Y S T U D Y - U N I Q U E D O M A I N S P E R PA G E Domains: Median - 32 Min - 25 Max - 87 11. 3 R D PA R T Y S T U D Y Compared to the HTTPArchive (All Sites) - average number of domains is 17!! 12. 91% 9% 91% of domains are 3rd parties 3 R D PA R T Y S T U D Y 13. Front-end single point of failure occurs when a document loads, but is blocked by a resource that fails (in this case third-party) causing the entire site to stop loading (simulation) 14. F R O N T- E N D S I N G L E P O I N T O F FA I L U R E 15. 1 5 O F 2 5 L A R G E S T O N L I N E R E TA I L E R S H AV E A F R O N T- E N D S I N G L E P O I N T O F FA I L U R E 40% 12% 48% Critical Non-Critical None 60% have a 3rd party front-end SPOF 16. T E S T I N G Y O U R S E L F F O R 3 R D PA R T Y F R O N T- E N D S P O F SPOF-O-MATIC & WebPagetest D E M O 17. O B J E C T L E V E L R U M Advances in browser technology make it possible to collect performance at the object level from end users Resource Timing - supported in mainstream browsers such as Chrome, IE, Android, Opera 18. R E S O U R C E T I M I N G For each request, it is possible to capture timing below 19. R E S O U R C E T I M I N G With one exception: Cross-origin requests (such as third-party content) Request Start and End only by default Unless: Timing-Allow-Origin:* response header is added