Recruitment performance solutions - Creating value and performance.



Cost per hire : Recruitment performance management and reporting analytics solution Comprehensive,Collaborative & Integrated Recruitment performance and reporting solutions. Gain complete recruitment function control One stop solution for all of your recruitment performance and reporting. Stay ahead of the competition. Log in @ for decisive analytics & strategic execution.

Transcript of Recruitment performance solutions - Creating value and performance.

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Page 2: Recruitment performance solutions -  Creating value and performance.

∎ Cost per hire is industry’s first recruitment performance management solution exclusively specializing in recruitment cost per hire calculation, hiring cost metrics, dashboard, spend analytics, hiring function performance analytics, cost performance, Quality of hire metrics, effectiveness statistics & reporting solutions for the entire HR & Recruiting function, industry across all types of organization.

∎ Cost per hire recruitment analytics analyzer engine computes multi dimensional recruitment process/business controls data, recruitment effectiveness data, quality of hire metrics data and provides key result metrics for bench marking and hiring competitiveness.


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The solution comes with extensive HR Metrics, Recruitment costing and Reporting analytics score card that will help the HR & Recruitment managers, executives to gain strategic data insights and deliver high performance consistently every time.

Cph metrics 2.0 will serve as a "Value solution" to the HR by creating significant value for superior HR & Recruitment performance, competitiveness, market leadership, strategic execution and ably complementing company’s goals and business vision towards corporate excellence.


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Low investment with excellent quality & superior value High ROI High success rate Immediate start up Short pay back period Provides competitive advantages Accurate result metrics No new head count to manage the solution Less management time


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Productivity with deep business impact Risk free & highly scalable solution Excellent customer service, training & support Unlimited users system support Provides real-time, on-demand, updated mission-critical information to key

personnel Enterprise portal type access allowing user(s) to access from any place,

time Strategically aligned solution that supports corporate goals and business



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Page 10: Recruitment performance solutions -  Creating value and performance.

We are attaching a sample company report link for your reference. Normally these are the reports cost per hire provides consistently every time by the system. Just click the link given below.


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For more information on our products, services, visit us @