Recent advances in materials and flexible electronics for ...

REVIEW Open Access Recent advances in materials and flexible electronics for peripheral nerve interfaces Christopher J. Bettinger 1,2 Abstract Peripheral nerve interfaces are a central technology in advancing bioelectronic medicines because these medical devices can record and modulate the activity of nerves that innervate visceral organs. Peripheral nerve interfaces that use electrical signals for recording or stimulation have advanced our collective understanding of the peripheral nervous system. Furthermore, devices such as cuff electrodes and multielectrode arrays of various form factors have been implanted in the peripheral nervous system of humans in several therapeutic contexts. Substantive advances have been made using devices composed of off-the-shelf commodity materials. However, there is also a demand for improved device performance including extended chronic reliability, enhanced biocompatibility, and increased bandwidth for recording and stimulation. These aspirational goals manifest as much needed improvements in device performance including: increasing mechanical compliance (reducing Youngs modulus and increasing extensibility); improving the barrier properties of encapsulation materials; reducing impedance and increasing the charge injection capacity of electrode materials; and increasing the spatial resolution of multielectrode arrays. These proposed improvements require new materials and novel microfabrication strategies. This mini-review highlights selected recent advances in flexible electronics for peripheral nerve interfaces. The foci of this mini-review include novel materials for flexible and stretchable substrates, non-conventional microfabrication techniques, strategies for improved device packaging, and materials to improve signal transduction across the tissue-electrode interface. Taken together, this article highlights challenges and opportunities in materials science and processing to improve the performance of peripheral nerve interfaces and advance bioelectronic medicine. Keywords: Peripheral nerve interface, Biomaterials, Flexible electronics, Polymers Background Peripheral nerve interfaces (PNI) are implantable electronic medical devices that serve as a physical link between the natural nervous system and human-made computing envi- ronments. Implantable PNI are also invaluable tools for bioelectronic medicine because PNI can record and decode neural signals in the peripheral nervous system and provide an avenue for neuromodulation. Furthermore, implantable PNI can be surgically deployed with minimal invasiveness, yet can access many diverse therapeutic targets. PNI designed for electrical recording or stimulation of periph- eral nerve targets often contain multielectrode arrays fabri- cated using materials commonly used in clinically approved medical devices for neuromodulation such as silicone-based substrates, platinum conductors, and polymer-based dielec- trics. Multilectrode arrays are fashioned into cuffs that wrap nerve bundles or are embedded in microfabricated devices that are inserted into the tissue of the desired target. Micro- fabricated multielectrode arrays for PNI have grown in complexity leading to form factors that including Michigan arrays, Utah arrays, Utah slant arrays, transverse intrafasci- cular multielectrodes (TIME), longitudinal intrafascicular electrodes (LIFE), regenerative sieve electrodes, tissue- engineered electrodes, and other microscale multielectrode arrays (Grill et al., 2009). These devices often use off-the- shelf materials combined with unique design elements, exotic form factors, or non-conventional approaches to tissue integration (Spearman et al., 2017). Despite many novel designs for PNI in recent years, there remains a critical need to improve the overall performance and chronic reliability in vivo. PNI composed of cuff electrodes or inserted devices can damage local tissue. Penetration of Correspondence: [email protected] 1 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA 2 Department of Biomedical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA Bioelectronic Medicine © The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Bettinger Bioelectronic Medicine (2018) 4:6

Transcript of Recent advances in materials and flexible electronics for ...

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REVIEW Open Access

Recent advances in materials and flexibleelectronics for peripheral nerve interfacesChristopher J. Bettinger1,2


Peripheral nerve interfaces are a central technology in advancing bioelectronic medicines because these medicaldevices can record and modulate the activity of nerves that innervate visceral organs. Peripheral nerve interfaces thatuse electrical signals for recording or stimulation have advanced our collective understanding of the peripheral nervoussystem. Furthermore, devices such as cuff electrodes and multielectrode arrays of various form factors have beenimplanted in the peripheral nervous system of humans in several therapeutic contexts. Substantive advances havebeen made using devices composed of off-the-shelf commodity materials. However, there is also a demand forimproved device performance including extended chronic reliability, enhanced biocompatibility, and increasedbandwidth for recording and stimulation. These aspirational goals manifest as much needed improvements in deviceperformance including: increasing mechanical compliance (reducing Young’s modulus and increasing extensibility);improving the barrier properties of encapsulation materials; reducing impedance and increasing the charge injectioncapacity of electrode materials; and increasing the spatial resolution of multielectrode arrays. These proposedimprovements require new materials and novel microfabrication strategies. This mini-review highlights selected recentadvances in flexible electronics for peripheral nerve interfaces. The foci of this mini-review include novel materials forflexible and stretchable substrates, non-conventional microfabrication techniques, strategies for improved devicepackaging, and materials to improve signal transduction across the tissue-electrode interface. Taken together, thisarticle highlights challenges and opportunities in materials science and processing to improve the performance ofperipheral nerve interfaces and advance bioelectronic medicine.

Keywords: Peripheral nerve interface, Biomaterials, Flexible electronics, Polymers

BackgroundPeripheral nerve interfaces (PNI) are implantable electronicmedical devices that serve as a physical link between thenatural nervous system and human-made computing envi-ronments. Implantable PNI are also invaluable tools forbioelectronic medicine because PNI can record and decodeneural signals in the peripheral nervous system and providean avenue for neuromodulation. Furthermore, implantablePNI can be surgically deployed with minimal invasiveness,yet can access many diverse therapeutic targets. PNIdesigned for electrical recording or stimulation of periph-eral nerve targets often contain multielectrode arrays fabri-cated using materials commonly used in clinically approvedmedical devices for neuromodulation such as silicone-based

substrates, platinum conductors, and polymer-based dielec-trics. Multilectrode arrays are fashioned into cuffs that wrapnerve bundles or are embedded in microfabricated devicesthat are inserted into the tissue of the desired target. Micro-fabricated multielectrode arrays for PNI have grown incomplexity leading to form factors that including Michiganarrays, Utah arrays, Utah slant arrays, transverse intrafasci-cular multielectrodes (TIME), longitudinal intrafascicularelectrodes (LIFE), regenerative sieve electrodes, tissue-engineered electrodes, and other microscale multielectrodearrays (Grill et al., 2009). These devices often use off-the-shelf materials combined with unique design elements,exotic form factors, or non-conventional approaches totissue integration (Spearman et al., 2017). Despite manynovel designs for PNI in recent years, there remains acritical need to improve the overall performance andchronic reliability in vivo. PNI composed of cuff electrodesor inserted devices can damage local tissue. Penetration of

Correspondence: [email protected] of Materials Science and Engineering, Carnegie MellonUniversity, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA2Department of Biomedical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

Bioelectronic Medicine

© The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link tothe Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.

Bettinger Bioelectronic Medicine (2018) 4:6

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the perineurium can cause tissue damage and a foreignbody response while chronically implanted cuff electrodescan induce fibrosis and alter the fasciular structure ofperipheral nerves (Fig. 1). The mechanical insult causedby PNI with any geometry can manifest as increased fibrouscapsule formation, deterioration of fascicle structure, and ageneral perturbation of the underlying anatomy. Biologicalresponses can compromise device performance, reducechronic reliability, and lead to failure modes such as reducedsignal-to-noise ratio during recording or increased stimula-tion thresholds during modulation (Nolta et al., 2015).Improving the in vivo performance of PNI will likely requirethe discovery, development, and successful deployment ofnovel materials.In addition to managing reliability at the tissue-device

interface, there are several other dimensions of materialschallenges that limit the performance, and therefore thepractical application, of PNI as tools to advance bio-electronic medicine. Formidable materials challengesalso include the following: reliable packaging materialsand barrier layers for chronic reliability of flexible andstretchable electronic implants; novel electrode materialsfor abiotic-biotic signal transduction. This mini-review willhighlight recent advances in novel materials, design, andmicrofabrication techniques for PNI (Fig. 2). Specially, thisdocument will highlight materials challenges associated withadvancing flexible PNI to improve mechanical matching atthe tissue-device interface and novel packaging materials to

increase the in vivo reliability of chronically implanted PNI.Lastly, novel materials and strategies to improve signaltransduction across the abiotic-biotic interface are dis-cussed. The technical content in this mini-review isintended to be introductory and by no means compre-hensive. Also, there are numerous other topics that areintegral to PNI performance that have been omitteddue to space limitations. This article uses a materialsscientist’s perspective to examine emerging trends innovel materials and device fabrication strategies withthe goal of catalyzing new ideas in PNI design for usein bioelectronic medicine.

Substrates and interconnects for flexible electrodesPolymeric substrates for flexible and stretchable electrodesThe current trend in PNI design aims to make thesedevices flexible, bendable, and stretchable to betterinterface with soft curvilinear tissues and reduce themechanical mismatch at the abiotic-biotic interface.Polymer substrates such as polyimide and parylene-basedpolymers have enabled progress in flexible peripheralnerve interfaces in recent decades (Stieglitz et al., 2000;Stieglitz et al., 2005). Advances in flexible electronics arepredicated on innovations in processing and microma-chining of polymers (e.g. polyimides and parylenes) thatcan integrate microscale components and create form fac-tors that are suitable for PNI (Noh et al., 2004a; Noh et al.,2004b; Ziegler et al., 2006). While flexible electronics

Fig. 1 Peripheral nerve interfaces (PNI) consisting of both inserted probes and cuff electrodes damage the target tissue and alter the underlyingphysiology. Utah slant electrodes (left) inserted into feline sciatic nerves induces inflammation, glial scarring, and rearrangement of the fascicles asshown by histology. Retraction of nerve fibers (green) is shown in the transverse axis while rearrangement of the fibers is shown in thelongitudinal axis. This figure is adapted from the following sources and used with permission: Grill et al. (copyright 2000 John Wiley & Sons) (Grill& Mortimer, 2000); Christensen et al. (copyright 2014, Springer) (Christensen et al., 2014)

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permit conformal integration of electrodes with curvilin-ear sub-structures, stretchable electronics can accommo-date strains in dynamic environments (Wagner & Bauer,2012) where PNI are often implanted. Elastomers play acentral role in advancing stretchable electronics for PNI.Silicone-based elastomers are attractive for implantablemedical devices generally, and for stretchable electron-ics for neural recording more specifically. From a manufac-turing standpoint, silicone-based elastomers such aspoly(dimethylsiloxane) are cost-effective, robust, largelychemically inert in physiological environments, and amen-able to established microfabrication techniques commonlyused in PNI manufacturing such as replica-molding, trans-fer printing (Guo et al., 2013). Silicones offer desirablemechanical properties for bioelectronics including relativelylow (and tunable) values for the Young’s modulus (EPDMS

~ 105 (Stieglitz et al., 2005)–106 Pa), high extensibility, andbulk hydrophobicity (γPDMS = 19.8 mN/m; γPMMA = 41.1mN/m) (Braley, 1970; Wu, 1971). From a regulatoryperspective, silicones are ubiquitous medical materials witha rich history for use implants including PNI, specificallycuff electrodes for peripheral nerve recording andstimulation. Silicone-based devices are used in several clin-ically approved devices for neuromodulation includingvagus nerve Silicones are highly stimulators (VNS TherapySystem; Cyberonics, Houston, TX USA) (Espinosa et al.,1999; Schachter, 2002). Silicones are highly permeability to

water vapor (PH2O(v)-PDMS = 3600 × 10− 9 cm3(STP)-cm/s-cm2-cm Hg) (Spivack & Ferrante, 1969) compared toother barrier layers such as parylene-C (PH2O(v)-Pary-C =2 × 10− 9 cm3(STP)-cm/s-cm2-cm Hg)(Spivack & Ferrante,1969; Charati & Stern, 1998; Favre et al., 1994; Robb, 1968).Despite this potential drawback, silicones continue to serveas the gold standard for substrates in PNI because flexibleand stretchable interfaces can potentially exhibit improvedbiocompatibility compared to rigid probes.

Bioabsorbable substrates and components for stretchableand bioresorbable electrodesBioabsorbale elastomers have utility as flexible andstretchable substrate materials for use in transient implant-able electronic devices. Bioabsorbable PNI may be used inapplications where recording or stimulation timelines maybe relatively short – on the order of weeks or months.Bioabsorbable PNI are advantageous because they do nothave to be explanted and therefore obviate many chal-lenges associated with chronic implants. Towards this end,bioabsorbable elastomers are often composed of simplemetabolizable monomers, hydrolytically active bonds, andhyperbranched amorphous networks to achieve bio-degradability and extensibility. Prominent examples ofbioabsorbable elastomers include polyurethane-ureas,poly(glycerol-co-sebacate) (PGS), poly(1,8-octanediol-co-citrate), polyurethanes, and their derivatives (Wang et al.,

Fig. 2 There are several important dimensions to consider in the design of peripheral nerve interfaces (PNI) with improved performance. 1) Theelectrode density can be improved through advances in device fabrication and manufacturing. The resolution of recording can also be improvedby new form factors and materials that anchor the device in close proximity to the target tissue. 2) Electrodes can be fabricated on dynamic andsmart materials that adopt unique shapes, respond to stimuli, or manage the in vivo tissue response. 3) PNI can be fabricated on flexible andstretchable substrates to match the mechanical properties of the target tissue. Elastomeric substrates such as silicones can match the propertiesof tissues in the spinal cord. Substrate materials with increased compliance will be required to match the mechanical properties of nerves in thePNS with smaller diameters. This figure is adapted from the following sources and used with permission: Cutrone et al. (copyright 2015, Instituteof Physics)(Cutrone et al., 2015); Minev et al. (copyright 2015, American Association for the Advancement of Science) (Minev et al., 2015)

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2002; Yang et al., 2004; Bettinger et al., 2008; Bettinger,2011). Like silicones, bioabsorbable elastomers are ex-tensible, can be synthesized in large quantities, proc-essed into thin films, and are compatible with softlithography and microfabrication techniques (Bettingeret al., 2006a; Bettinger et al., 2006b) including micro-molding (Bettinger et al., 2006a), photocrosslinking(Nijst et al., 2007), and 3D-printing (Hung et al., 2014).Unlike silicones, bioabsorbable elastomers are oftenhygroscopic and susceptible to degradation throughhydrolysis and enzymatic activity (Wang et al., 2003;Bettinger et al., 2009). Bioabsorbable elastomers offerutility as a substrate material for temporary implantsthat can eventually be resorbed within the body (Kim et al., 2010). Careful consideration must be given to the antici-pated time scales of hydrolytic degradation versus desireddevice lifetime (Kim et al., 2010; Bettinger & Bao, 2010a;Bettinger & Bao, 2010b). Flexible and bioabsorbable sub-strates are of particular interest because they comprise themajority of the device and therefore determine the pro-spective toxicity risk of the implant. Much work hasrecently been pursued to design, engineer, and characterizevarious other active components for implantable electron-ics (Hwang et al., 2012; Kim et al., 2012). Active compo-nents include biocompatible organic semiconductors,silicon, pigments, biodegradable dielectrics, and metalsthat can be dissolved and metabolized such as magnesium(Irimia-Vladu, 2013; Hwang et al., 2014). These materialscan be assembled into active and passive components suchas transistors, capacitors, antennae, and other electroniccomponents that may have utility in peripheral nerve inter-faces (Chang et al., 2017). Many bioabsorbable deviceshave functional lifetimes on the order of weeks or monthsafter implantation, which may be suitable for some acuteapplications, but less appropriate for situations wherelong-term stable function is required. Therefore, carefulconsideration must be granted to the final application ofthe implant.

Ultracompliant materials for flexible electrode arraysImproving the reliability of implantable bioelectronicdevices including PNI remains an important directivethat guides the design, evaluation, and adoption of newmaterials. Our current understanding of tissue-deviceinteractions suggests that the performance and reliability ofimplantable devices can be improved by matching themechanical properties at the biotic-abiotic interface. Bioin-tegration can be improved, in part, by using flexible andstretchable electronic devices that match the mechanicalproperties of the target tissue (Minev et al., 2015). Periph-eral nerves, cardiac muscle, and brain tissue exhibit elasticmoduli as low as G’brain ~ 1 kPa (Fallenstein et al., 1969), avalue that is orders of magnitude smaller than most elasto-mers. Novel fabrication processes that integrate electronics

with ultracompliant substrate materials, such as hydrogels,are therefore required for precise modulus matching at thetissue-PNI interface (Fig. 3). Hydrogel-based electronicshave the potential to seamlessly interface with electron-ically excitable tissues in the peripheral nervous system(Wu et al., 2015).

Extensible electronic componentsSeveral engineering strategies have emerged to conferextensibility to electronic components that are integratedwith flexible and stretchable substrate materials. One suchstrategy is to place active electronic components on mech-anically rigid domains that are integrated in a continuouselastomeric domain (Lacour et al., 2006). Deterministiccomposites with differential Young’s moduli confine largestrains to the flexible domains thereby reducing the effect-ive strain on the active components. Metallic interconnectsbetween active components must preserve their electricalconductivity while undergoing considerable tensile strainsof > 100%. Non-deterministic composites can preserveelectrical conductivity in high strain environments byemploying mobile colloidal additives that maintain con-tinuous contact during deformation (Kim et al., 2013; Dinget al., 2016). With respect to deterministic composites,there are several examples of compelling geometries topreserve the conductivity of microstructured metallicinterconnects under large tensile strains. For example,serpentine structures can access out-of-plane deform-ation modes that reduce the intrinsic strain on any onemicrostructure (Zhang et al., 2013). The performanceof serpentine interconnects can be enhanced by includ-ing secondary structures such as nested elements andfractal geometries. Other strategies for increasing theextensibility of conductors include fabricating 3D struc-tures using Kirigami or Miura folding (Wang et al.,2017; Xu et al., 2017). Features that increase the exten-sibility of microfabricated conductors span multiplelength scales, are largely complementary, and can becombined to preserve electronic properties underlarge strains.

Non-conventional strategies for manufacturingand device fabricationTransfer printing of microstructures structuresIntegrating functional electronics with polymer-basedsubstrates represents a critical dimension in manufacturingflexible and biointegrated electronic devices for bioelectronicmedicine. Recent innovations in soft materials processingand microfabrication can produce low-cost and flexible elec-tronic devices. These techniques include advanced photo-lithography, ink-jet printing, and 3D-printing (Muth et al.,2014; Jakus et al., 2015). While useful for prototyping, manyof these approaches present potential challenges in thescalable manufacturing of high-performance electronic

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devices such as high unit costs, poor reproducibility, andlow yields (Macdonald et al., 2014). Transfer printing is ageneralizable strategy for integrating electronic compo-nents with many substrate materials including elastomers,biodegradable polymers, protein matrices, and hydrogels.Transfer printing is an attractive approach to manufactureflexible and biointegrated electronics because the fabri-cation of the active components is fundamentallydecoupled from the preparation of the substrate, amaterial that may not be compatible with processes thatuse elevated temperatures, vacuum, organic solvents, orcorrosive buffers.

Advances in transfer printing and heterogeneous deviceintegrationThe central technical challenge is transfer printing of anyelectronic device is achieving differential adhesion betweenthe active layers and the various substrates. One way todynamically control the adhesion between elastomeric sub-strates and thin stacks of active components is by alteringthe rate of lamination and delamination. This technique,termed kinetic control of adhesion, is used for heteroge-neous integration of many inorganic active materials withelastomeric substrates in dry conditions in a scalable andreproducible way (Meitl et al., 2006). Other strategies fortunable adhesion between substrates and devices includealtering surface chemistries (Sedó et al., 2013), dynamiccontrol of texture (Wang & Xiao, 2017), or employingstimuli-responsive intermediate films. However, the noveltyand relative complexity of many of these approachesprohibits widespread use in advanced manufacturing atpresent. Flexible and biointegrated electronics canbenefit from ultracompliant hygroscopic materials with

mechanical properties that match that of the target tissue.Technical challenges facing the heterogeneous integration ofelectronics with hydrated materials include poor adhesion inwet environments and delamination of components due toswelling and deswelling cycles. To this end, bioinspiredmaterials design strategies enable the transfer printingof electronic structures to hydrogel-based substrates(Wu et al., 2015). Bioinspired adhesive motifs promoteinterfacial bonding between hydrogel substrates andmany electronic materials such as noble metals, oxides,and polymers (Wu et al., 2016).

3D-printing and non-conventional fabrication3D-printing affords another set of complementary strategiesto integrate active electronics into soft materials. Recentachievements include the 3D-printing of conductive inksinto shapes with complex topologies (Mannoor et al., 2013)to create biohybrid electronic devices. Flexible conductorswith complex topologies can also be fabricated by infusingmicrostructures with liquid metals (Ladd et al., 2013; Gozenet al., 2014). Liquid metals afford many advantages oversolid metallic counterparts including robust extensibility.Potential challenges in deploying liquid metals as stretch-able conductors in implantable medical devices includepreserving chemical stability in physiological conditionsand managing toxicity risk.

Advanced packaging materials for flexibleelectronicsProgress in device packaging, hermeticity, and on-boardenergy storage for PNI will likely emerge as a result ofrelentless, incremental innovation rather than fundamentally

Fig. 3 Modulus matching can guide the design of flexible and biointegrated electronic devices. The mechanical properties of various classes ofmaterials used in microfabricated electronic devices (top) and organs in the human body (bottom) are plotted on a logarithmic spectrum ofmechanical modulus. Materials traditionally used in microelectronic device fabrication (e.g. silicon, oxides, and metals) exhibit Young’s moduli thatare orders of magnitude larger than the excitable tissues with which they are intended to interface including the peripheral nervous system.There are opportunities to engineer PNI with stretchable and ultracompliant electrode materials that can better match the mechanical propertiesof the target tissue

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new approaches. Practical innovations in thin film process-ing, microfabrication, and materials integration will under-pin many prospective technologies. Achieving long-termhermeticity in implantable medical electronics is a formid-able challenge. This goal is especially challenging in devicesthat feature flexible and stretchable components. The idealhermetic packaging would: be composed of a material thatis stable in aqueous solutions; exhibit an extremely lowliquid water; be insulating to electronic and ionic cur-rents; use thin and conformal form factors that pre-serve flexibility and minimize the “dead space” betweenthe encapsulation layers and the underlying compo-nents; maintain insulating and barrier properties underlarge strains.

Trends in materials for flexible barrier layersChemical vapor deposition is a central materials process-ing strategy to create hermetic packaging. Conformalthin film barrier layers are desirable because films withsubmicron thicknesses preserve flexibility while conformaldeposition reduces the “dead space” in packaged devices.Chemical vapor deposition is compatible with many reliablepackaging materials including oxides, carbon-based mate-rials, and polymers such as parylene and its derivatives.Thin parylene films are desirable packaging materials be-cause they are hydrophobic barrier layers, present limitedintrinsic biological activity, offer robust dielectric properties,and preserve mechanical flexibility (Loeb et al., 1977). Des-pite the relatively large hydraulic permeability of parylenecompared to many inorganic films, flexible neural probesencapsulated in parylene-C achieve stable in vivo recordingsfor 12 months or longer (Hara et al., 2016). Nanoscalediamond is another emerging class of packaging materials(Narayan et al., 2011). Nanoscale diamond films have grainsizes that range from 2 to 5 nm (ultrananocrystalline) up to100 nm (nanocrystalline diamond). Collectively, coatingscomposed of nanocrystalline diamond exhibit attractivemechanical and tribological characteristics coupled withexcellent barrier and dielectric properties. Atomic layerdeposition (ALD) is another versatile chemical vapordeposition technique to deposit films with molecular-scaleprecision. Thin film oxides deposited using ALD havegained traction as packaging materials for implantedmedical electronics because the thickness and compositioncan be tightly controlled. One challenge is that oxides aresusceptible to hydrolysis, albeit at very slow rates. There-fore, chronic implants packaged with some types of metaloxides must be co-encapsulated in other inert materials thatlimit water uptake into components. Flexible bilayers ofnanometer-scale Al2O3 films and micron-scale parylene-Ccan greatly extend the in vitro stability of neural probescompared to devices encapsulated with parylene alone (Xieet al., 2012; Xie et al., 2014a).

Bilayer and composite strategies for improving theperformance of barrier layersMaintaining impermeable barrier layers under high extensi-bility is challenging because even small strains can producecritical size defects, propagate cracks, and delaminate films.Inventing new techniques to process novel materials intorobust barrier layers will likely require an amalgam ofstrategies from different disciplines. For example, barrierlayers composed of bilayer structures with alternatinglayers of metal oxides and noble metals can dramaticallyimprove hermeticity. Thin films of noble metals preventwater uptake and eliminate hydrolysis while thin filmsof oxides serve as a robust dielectric layer. The bilayerapproach to improved hermeticiy extends to bilayers ofAl2O3 and parylene-C (Xie et al., 2014b; Caldwell et al.,2017). Film delamination represents another critical modefor loss of hermeticity. Insulated electrodes with exposedwindows create metal-insulator interfaces that are suscep-tible to failure and film delamination. Adhesion-promotingstrategies are employed to address this issue. However,many bonding strategies are susceptible to the milieu ofcorrosive and reactive species in the biological environ-ment such as salts, free radicals, and aqueous solutionswith non-neutral pH values. Microwave heating ofparylene-based encapsulation layers can also support ro-bust bonding of polymer films between inorganic sub-strates (Noh et al., 2004b).

Future perspectives on device packagingThere are many opportunities to advance the performanceof materials and processing techniques for packaging,some of which are described here. Choosing the optimalpackaging strategy for implantable devices to administerbioelectronic medicine depends on many factors includingthe implantation site, desired lifetime, anticipated modesof mechanical deformation, and performance require-ments associated with barrier and dielectric properties.Polymers will continue to play a central role in packagingmaterials for implantable stretchable electronic devices.However, novel materials with improved dielectric proper-ties, reduced permeability, and facile processing over exist-ing commodity polymers will likely be required (Hassleret al., 2011). One particular concern is the performanceof the barrier layer under tensile or compressive strain.Substantial strains can generate cracks internal stressesthat can lead to delamination. Strategies for engineeringstretchable metallic interconnects may be repurposedfor the design and processing of packaging materials.Namely, techniques to increase the extensibility of materialswith intrinsically high Young’s moduli such as serpentinenetworks, microstructures with out-of-plane geometries,and geometries that support affine deformations arealso widely applicable to packaging materials includingmetals, oxides, and their composites. For example, one

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may consider fabricating barrier layers with topograph-ically rich features where out-of-plane structures ac-commodate stretching and bending without reducing thebarrier properties of the material (Wu et al., 2013;Münzenrieder et al., 2015).

Electrode materials for bioelectronic signaltransductionIncreasing the information bandwidth between the tar-get tissue and the implanted device is critical for manyapplications for PNI in bioelectronic medicine. Band-width can be improved by increasing the electrode dens-ity in multielectrode arrays (Hoon Lee et al., 2016).Insertional PNI with 25 electrodes/mm2 have been usedin various animal studies (Wark et al., 2013) while pilotstudies of cuff-type electrodes in humans employed elec-trodes on the order of ~ 1 electrode/mm2 (Tan et al.,2015). While the ideal electrode resolution is highlycontext- and application-dependent, the fundamentallimit on electrode size is ultimately governed by reliablesignal transduction across the biotic-abiotic interface.Towards this end, a fundamental challenges to improv-ing the spatial resolution of electrodes for implantableelectronic devices (including PNI) that interface with thenervous system is to address the fundamental mismatchin the information currency; electrons in most human-

made logic devices and ions in living cells and organisms.Electrodes prepared from inorganic materials such as Ptand TiN are largely chemically inert in aqueous environ-ments and modest voltages (< 5 V) and thus employcapacitive coupling for both recording and stimulation.However, capacitive coupling using platinum (Pt) and ti-tanium nitride (TiN) electrodes face limits on charge in-jection, which restricts the lower bound on electrode size(Weiland et al., 2002). Charge injection capacities (CIC) of~ 1 mC/cm2 or larger can achieved by texturingelectrodes to increase the geometric surface area (Cogan,2008). However, novel electrode materials that transducesignals through electronic-ionic coupling can increasecharge injection capacities and thus furtherminiaturize electrodes. Electrodes composed of redox-active inorganics such as activated iridium oxide(Cogan et al., 2004) (AIROF) use Faradaic charge trans-fer to increase the intrinsic injection capacity (CICAIROF

~ 1–4 mC/cm2). In addition to AIROF, iridium can alsobe deposited by DC reactive sputtering (SIROF), whichcan achieve comparable injection capacities to AIROF(Cogan et al., 2009). Iridium can also be alloyed alloyedwith Pt to produce hybrid PtIr electrodes, although PtIrelectrodes achieve in vitro CIC values several timessmaller than AIROF (Cogan et al., 2005). Redox activeconjugated polymers such as polypyrrole (PPy) and

Fig. 4 Peripheral nerve interfaces (PNI) that use organic electrodes offer at least two prominent advantages compared to interfaces composed oftraditional inorganic materials. Silicon-based substrates are depicted here as an example. First, organic electrodes obviate the formation of oxidelayers, which facilitates charge transport thereby potentially reducing the size of the electrode and improving spatial resolution. Second, organicelectrodes, such as those composed of conducting poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) doped with poly(styrene sulfonate) (PSS), can supportboth electronic and ionic transport. Organic electrodes therefore have the potential to transduce ionic signals emanating from neurons into electronicsignals, which can be recorded by microelectronic devices (or vice versa). This figure is adapted from the following source and used with permission:Rivnay et al. (copyright 2014, American Chemical Society) (Rivnay et al., 2014)

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poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) exhibit hybridelectronic-ionic conduction and can inject charge throughFaradaic reactions (Green et al., 2013). PEDOT-modifiedelectrodes can achieve charge injection capacities thatapproach values of CICPEDOT ~ 15 mC/cm2, a figure-of-merit that can reduce the characteristic dimension of stimu-lation electrodes by almost 4X compared to unmodifiedcounterparts. Electrode stacks that use organic interfacescomposed of conjugated polymers, for example, offer advan-tages over many inorganic electrodes such as the omissionof oxide layers, (potentially) more efficient charge transportacross the electrode, and efficient hybrid electronic-ionictransport (Fig. 4). Structure-property-processing relation-ships in conducting polymers are actively being explored toidentify new dopants, novel geometries to increase theeffective surface area, and elucidate novel charge transportmechanisms to improve signal transduction across thebiotic-abiotic interface. The promise of high-performanceorganic coatings for electrodes coatings is temperedwith practical challenges such as questionable long-termin vivo chemical stability and prospective regulatory chal-lenges to qualify new materials.

Conclusions, outlook, and opportunities formaterials scientistsImproving the in vivo reliability and performance ofchronically implanted PNI is critical to advancing scientificdiscovery and clinical translation of bioelectronic medi-cines. Most of the technical challenges that currently limitdevice performance are multifactorial, complex, and mustbe addressed by interdisciplinary efforts that span materialsscience, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering,and biomedical engineering. Many of these challenges arisefrom the fundamental asymmetries between the physicalproperties of the nervous system versus that of microfabri-cated electronic devices (Table 1). PNI reliability has stead-ily improved in recent decades, bolstered by novelmaterials processing strategies that have improved pack-aging, yield, and overall in vivo performance. Fundamentaldiscoveries in polymer science have also expanded the ma-terials toolbox available to engineers that design PNI. Newtechnologies in flexible and biointegrated PNI will also beinformed by expanding our collective knowledge of theunderlying mechanisms that govern the foreign body re-sponse to implanted devices. New strategies to improve re-liability may emerge including device miniaturization andbioactive components that either manage the underlyingbiological responses or more directly promote stabletissue-device integration. Understanding signal trans-duction at the tissue-device interface is another import-ant dimension of device design that will be informed byfundamental studies of charge transport through biologicalstructures, complex fluids, and functional materials such as

conducting polymers. Discovering novel mechanisms forcharge transport in soft matter or simply increasing ourunderstanding of the governing principles could estab-lish new paradigms for designing electrodes and inter-faces for next-generation PNI.

AcknowledgementsThe author acknowledges the many scientists and engineering working inthe area of peripheral nerve interface design whose work could not beincluded in this article due to space limitations.

FundingThe author acknowledges financial support provided by the followingorganizations: National Institutes of Health (R21NS095250); the DefenseAdvanced Research Projects Agency (D14AP00040); the National ScienceFoundation (DMR1542196); and the Carnegie Mellon University School ofEngineering.

Authors’ contributionsCJB prepared figures and wrote the manuscript. The author read andapproved the final manuscript.

Ethics approval and consent to participateNot applicable.

Consent for publicationThe author declares consent for publication.

Competing interestsThe author declares no competing interests, financial or otherwise.

Publisher’s NoteSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims inpublished maps and institutional affiliations.

Received: 23 January 2018 Accepted: 3 May 2018

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