Receiving Water Sampling Report

December 2016 Port Townsend Paper Corporation Receiving Water Sampling Report Prepared for: Port Townsend Paper Corporation 100 Mill Road Port Townsend, Washington 98368 Prepared by: Cosmopolitan Marine Engineering PO Box 623 Gig Harbor, Washington 98335

Transcript of Receiving Water Sampling Report

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December 2016

Port Townsend Paper Corporation

Receiving Water Sampling Report

Prepared for:

Port Townsend Paper Corporation 100 Mill Road

Port Townsend, Washington 98368

Prepared by:

Cosmopolitan Marine Engineering PO Box 623

Gig Harbor, Washington 98335

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INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 1Background ............................................................................................................................ 1Purpose ................................................................................................................................... 1Monitoring Stations ................................................................................................................ 1Schedule ................................................................................................................................. 3Project Staff and Responsibility ............................................................................................. 3

METHODS ................................................................................................................................. 3Conventional Water Quality Parameters ................................................................................ 3Metals ..................................................................................................................................... 4Recordkeeping ....................................................................................................................... 5Laboratory Measurements ...................................................................................................... 5

RESULTS ................................................................................................................................... 6Salinity and Temperature Profiles .......................................................................................... 6Dissolved Oxygen ................................................................................................................ 10Turbidity and pH .................................................................................................................. 10Ammonia and Metals ........................................................................................................... 10QA/QC ................................................................................................................................. 15Deviations from the SAP ..................................................................................................... 16Dissolved Oxygen Data........................................................................................................ 16

CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................................................................... 17


PageTable 1  Station Coordinates .............................................................................................. 2Table 2  Project Staff and Responsibility ........................................................................... 3Table 3  Conventional Parameter Field Equipment ........................................................... 4Table 4  Laboratory Analytes, Methods, and Target Detection and Reporting Levels ...... 6Table 5  Field Results, Conventional Parameters .............................................................. 7Table 6  Laboratory Results, Ammonia and Metals......................................................... 11

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PageFigure 1  Water Quality Sampling Stations ......................................................................... 2Figure 2  Salinity Profiles .................................................................................................... 8Figure 3  Temperature Profiles ............................................................................................ 9Figure 4  Ammonia Sampling Results ............................................................................... 12Figure 5  Copper Sampling Results ................................................................................... 13Figure 6  Mercury Sampling Results ................................................................................. 14


Appendix A: Metals Sampling Protocols Appendix B: Field Notes Appendix C: CTD/DO Profile Data from Seabird SBE19 Appendix D: Ammonia Criteria Worksheet Appendix E: ALS Laboratory Report for Field Study #1, 11/29/2015 Appendix F: ALS Laboratory Report for Field Study #2, 2/23/2016 Appendix G: ALS Laboratory Report for Field Study #3, 5/17/2016 Appendix H: ALS Laboratory Report for Field Study #4, 7/14/2016 Appendix I: ALS Laboratory Report for Field Study #5, 9/14/2016


CTD: Conductivity, Temperature and Depth DO: Dissolved Oxygen Ecology: Washington Department of Ecology EIM: Environmental Information Management System GPS: Global Positioning System LCS/DLCS: Laboratory/Duplicate Laboratory Control Sample LCS: Laboratory Control Sample MLLW: Mean Lower Low Water MS/DMS: Matrix/Duplicate Matrix Spike MS: Matrix Spike NPDES: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System PTPC: Port Townsend Paper Corporation QA/QC: Quality Assurance/Quality Control SAP: Sampling and Analysis Plan

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Port Townsend Paper Corporation (PTPC) was issued National Pollutant Discharge Elimination

System (NPDES) permit No. WA-0000922 by Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology).

Special Condition S9 requires a receiving water quality monitoring program of conventional

parameters and metals. The objective of the receiving water quality monitoring is to provide

ambient data that can be used to assess the reasonable potential of the PTPC discharge to meet

water quality standards at authorized mixing zone boundaries.

A Receiving Water Quality Monitoring Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) dated January 2015 was

submitted to and approved by Ecology. The plan established field sampling, laboratory analysis, and

reporting procedures for the PTPC receiving water quality monitoring program in accordance with

Ecology’s Guidelines for Preparing Quality Assurance Projects Plans for Environmental Studies

(Ecology Publication 04-03-030).


This report presents the results of the PTPC receiving water quality monitoring program conducted

between November 2015 and September 2016. The receiving water data from this study will also be

submitted to Ecology in electronic format for their EIM database. This report and the electronic data

files fully satisfy the requirements of NPDES Permit Condition S9.

Monitoring Stations

The PTPC outfall discharges final effluent to Glen Cove near Port Townsend, a Class AA

(Extraordinary) marine water body under WAC 173-201A. The outfall diffuser is 240 feet long

at an average discharge depth of 37 feet below MLLW. Ambient sampling was conducted at two

sample stations near the diffuser on five different occasions.

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Two sample stations were located at the mixing zone boundary, on each side of the diffuser

midpoint as shown in Figure 1. Ambient samples were obtained at a depth approximately 15 feet

above the bottom, one at each station on each sample day. The samples were obtained at this

depth because the mixing zone study revealed that it is within the range of depths that represent

ambient water being entrained into the effluent plume. Field replicates of selected water quality

parameters were obtained on one of the sample dates at each station.

Figure 1 Water Quality Sampling Stations

Latitude and longitude for the diffuser were determined by diver inspections and confirmed

during the mixing zone studies by the location of navigation aids and the visual effluent plume at

the surface. Station coordinates are provided in Table 1.

Table 1 Station Coordinates

Sta. MZ-North Lat. 48o 05.373’ N Long. 122o 47.688’ W

Sta. MZ-South Lat. 48o 05.310’ N Long. 122o 47.759’ W

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Ten ambient samples were collected (two stations over five events) as established in the SAP.

The sample events were separated by approximately ten weeks in order to cover a full annual

cycle. The sampling events were completed in November 2015, February 2016, May 2016, July

2016 and September 2016. Field replicates were obtained for conventional parameters at both

stations during the May 2016 sampling event.

Project Staff and Responsibility

Personnel involved in the project are listed in Table 2.

Table 2 Project Staff and Responsibility

Personnel Representing Title Responsibility

William Fox Cosmopolitan Marine Engineering Principal Project manager, sampler prep, clean sampler, data book

Peggy Fox Rick Nahum

Cosmopolitan Marine Engineering WQ technician Sample collection, sample storage, vessel operator

Howard Holmes ALS Environmental Laboratory project manager

Laboratory analysis, QA/QC, reporting

Kevin Scott PTPC Environmental manager

Mill contact


Conventional Water Quality Parameters

Conventional water quality parameters measured were temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen

(DO), turbidity, total ammonia (as N), and pH as follows:

The field parameters measured at each station were temperature, salinity, DO, and pH.

Temperature, salinity and DO were measured as profiles of the full water column.

pH was measured in the field from samples collected at the designated sample depth.

Ammonia and turbidity were determined from field samples collected at the sample depth

and shipped to ALS Environmental for analysis.

The sampling equipment that was used for conventional parameters is presented in Table 3.

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Table 3 Conventional Parameter Field Equipment

A Niskin sampling bottle, messenger-activated on a line 15 feet above an eight pound lead weight that sounded out the bottom each event.

A Seabird SBE-19 for measurement of salinity and temperature, and SBE-43 for oxygen profiles.

An Orion Model 230A portable pH meter and triode pH electrode for measuring pH of water from the Niskin bottle.

Sample jars and bottles with appropriate reagents, ice and cooler for transporting samples to the laboratory (prepared by ALS Environmental and shipped to Cosmopolitan Marine).

A Garmin e-Trex Legend GPS for station positioning.

Sampling occurred at the stations, depths, and intervals described previously. Vessel position

was held to within 20 feet of the station waypoints on all events. All samples were collected

during daylight hours. Weather and tide stage were recorded at each event.

The Orion pH meter was field calibrated per manufacturer’s recommendations at the Port of Port

Townsend boat launch prior to each use. pH was recorded in field notes to precision of 0.01 (std.

units). However, per Ecology protocol and the SAP, pH is reported herein to a precision of 0.1

standard units.

A Seabird SBE-19 equipped with SBE-43 DO sensor and SBE-5 pump was used to measure

salinity, temperature, and DO profiles of the water column. This assembly was pre-calibrated by

Sea-Bird at their Bellevue, Washington factory in June 2015, just prior to the first sampling

event. Salinity and temperature measurements are recorded to a precision of 0.01 parts per

thousand and 0.01oC, respectively. Dissolved oxygen was recorded to 0.01 mg/L, though per

Ecology protocol and the SAP the oxygen data have reported precision of 0.1 mg/L.


Dissolved fractions for the following metals were determined at each sampling station and event:

antimony, arsenic, zinc, copper, lead, silver, cadmium, nickel, manganese, and chromium (total).

Total-chromium rather than hex-chromium was tested due to method limitations for saltwater

reported by ALS, and approved by Ecology in the SAP. Mercury samples were collected and

analyzed separately from the other metals, and were as total recoverable rather than dissolved

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mercury (with the exception of the first sample event in which the sample was mistakenly

filtered at the lab).

Six bottle samples for metals analysis were collected during each event; one sample at each

station plus one field method blank, for both dissolved metals and total mercury. Field sample

collection methods followed clean techniques adopted from the City of Everett, using Lab-Line

plastic samplers (Appendix A). The metals and mercury samples were drawn from the same

sample casts and placed in separate bottles prepared by ALS. Three Lab-Line samplers were

prepared prior to each sample day, two for the sample stations 15 feet above bottom and one for

the field blank. Thus, no field decontamination of the sample bottles was necessary.


All sampling events were documented in a field notebook, which is included in Appendix B.

The date, field personnel, weather and tide conditions, and any deviations from normal sampling

procedures were noted. The field notebook contained the following information for each sample:

Time and station of conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) profiler casts

Station name, time and depth of samples collected in Niskin or Lab-Line bottles

pH field measurements from Niskin bottle

Chain of custody and analysis request forms provided by ALS were completed for each sampling

event. These forms provided a record tracing the possession and handling of the sample from

collection to analysis and provide a list of analyses requested to the laboratory. All sample

bottles were filled and placed on ice in a the dark cooler, and delivered to the laboratory by

courier the next business day. Temperature blanks were included in each cooler and noted at

ALS when received. The ALS laboratory reports include their documentation of time and

condition of samples received.

Laboratory Measurements

Analytes, laboratory methods, detection levels, and reporting levels are listed in Table 4.

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Table 4 Laboratory Analytes, Methods, and Target Detection and Reporting Levels

Parameter Recommended

Method MDL MRL

Turbidity 2 NTU

Ammonia (as N) SM 4500 20 µg/L

Antimony 200.8 0.3 µg/L 1.0

Arsenic 200.8 0.1 0.5

Zinc 200.8 0.5 2.5

Chromium (total) 200.8 0.2 1.0

Copper 200.8 0.4 2.0

Lead 200.8 0.1 0.5

Silver 200.8 0.04 0.2

Cadmium 200.8 0.05 0.25

Nickel 2008 0.1 0.5

Mercury 1631E 0.0002 0.0005

Manganese 200.8 0.1 0.5

All of the 200.8 metals and chromium shall be dissolved, filtering to be µg/L performed at laboratory. MDL = method detection level MRL = method reporting level


Results of the field measurements for conventional water quality parameters (temperature,

salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH and turbidity) at a depth of approximately 15 feet above the

bottom are presented in Table 5.

Salinity and Temperature Profiles

Uncorrected salinity and temperature data from the Seabird profiler are provided in Appendix C,

and presented graphically in Figures 2 and 3, respectively. The profiler was pre-calibrated by

Sea-Bird as previously discussed, and no subsequent calibration or adjustment of these values

has been conducted. Salinity data were consistent with marine water quality monitoring data by

Ecology at Station PTH005 – Port Townsend Harbor. Salinity peaked during the late summer

and autumn periods approaching 31 ppt, with minima in late winter and spring of approximately

30 ppt. Temperature data was also consistent with Ecology profiles, and met the water quality

standard for Extraordinary Marine Waters at all dates and at all stations.

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Table 5 Field Results, Conventional Parameters

WQ Parameter

WQ Criterion

PTPC #1 11/29/2015

PTPC #2 2/23/2016

PTPC #3 5/17/2016

PTPC #4 7/14/2016

PTPC #5 9/14/2016


Temp (deg C) – 13.0 9.47 9.44 8.87 8.86 11.07 10.96 11.53 11.56 11.50 11.42

Salinity (PSU) – – 30.65 30.60 30.05 30.00 29.78 29.79 30.80 30.81 31.25 31.31 1Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) 7.02 – 6.7 6.8 7.1 7.3 8.3 6.9 7.1 7.1 6.8 6.7

pH 7.0 8.5 7.7 7.7 7.7 7.7 7.9 7.9 8.0 8.0 7.9 7.9

Turbidity (NTU) – 5.0 1.03 1.14 0.65 0.48 1.41 1.24 0.63 0.51 0.62 0.80 1 Dissolved oxygen field data do not meet quality objectives. See QA/QC section for discussion. 2 DO standard when natural background concentration is less than 7.0 mg/L is 0.2 mg/L reduction below natural background.

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Figure 2: Salinity Profiles

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Figure 3: Temperature Profiles

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Dissolved Oxygen

Dissolved oxygen data 15 feet above the bottom is presented in Table 5. These data are rejected

and will not be entered into the EIM database, as discussed in the QA/QC section of this report.

Turbidity and pH

The water quality measurements for turbidity and pH 15 feet above bottom at each monitoring

station are provided in Table 5. Water quality standards for each of these parameters was met by

wide margins at all dates and at all stations.

Ammonia and Metals

Ammonia and metals sampling results are presented in Table 6. The results are also depicted

graphically in Figures 4 through 6 for ammonia, copper, and mercury, which are often the most

critical toxicants in Puget Sound. As shown in the table and figures, water quality standards for

ammonia and all metals were met by wide margins on all dates and at all stations.

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Table 6 Laboratory Results, Ammonia and Metals

WQ Parameter

WQ Criterion

PTPC #1 11/29/2015

PTPC #2 2/23/2016

PTPC #3 5/17/2016

PTPC #4 7/14/2016

PTPC #5 9/14/2016


Ammonia (as N) (mg/L) 10.9 1.6 0.02U 0.02U 0.02U 0.025J 0.046J 0.097 0.02U 0.02U 0.038J 0.047J

Arsenic (µg/L) 69.0 36.0 1.29 1.24 1.23 1.09 1.05 1.00 1.14 1.09 0.98 1.01

Cadmium (µg/L) 42.0 9.3 0.067 0.066 0.047 0.052 0.055 0.053 0.058 0.058 0.053 0.059

Chromium (hex) (µg/L) 1,100.0 50.0 0.19J 01.8J 0.13J 0.13J 0.17J 0.15J 0.20 0.26 0.17J 0.18J

Copper (µg/L) 4.8 3.1 0.372 0.484 0.349 0.275 0.29 0.29 0.40 0.30 0.39 0.51

Lead (µg/L) 210.0 8.1 0.136 0.025 0.047 0.009J 0.030 0.015J 0.010J 0.013J 0.019J 0.052

Mercury (ng/L) 1,800 25.0 0.08J 0.08J 0.33J 0.19J 0.42J 0.33J 0.39J 0.51 0.36J 0.44J

Nickel (µg/L) 74.0 8.2 0.46 0.43 0.47 0.41 0.43 0.39 0.37 0.39 0.39 0.38

Silver (µg/L) 1.9 – 0.009J 0.003J 0.003J 0.003J 0.005J 0.004U 0.004U 0.004J 0.006J 0.016J

Zinc (µg/L) 90.0 81.0 0.78 0.46J 1.19 1.89 1.40 0.43J 0.59 0.62 0.38J 0.59

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Figure 4: Ammonia Sampling Results

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Figure 5: Copper Sampling Results

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Figure 6: Mercury Sampling Results

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Quality Assurance and Quality Control checklist elements included the following:

The Orion pH meter was calibrated according to manufacturer instructions onshore just

prior to use for each sampling event.

The Seabird SBE-19 CTD/DO profiler was factory calibrated prior to the first sampling


The Lab-Line samplers were prepared prior to each event according to the “clean”

techniques in Appendix A.

Metals and mercury samples were collected from the Lab-Line samplers according to the

“clean” techniques in Appendix A.

Station location for all samples was achieved within 20 feet of the waypoints in Table 1.

Field notes are provided in Appendix B.

Uncorrected data from the Seabird SBE19 and SBE43 profiler are provided in

Appendix C.

Ammonia water quality criteria worksheet is provided in Appendix D, based on historical

pH and temperature data from Ecology marine water quality monitoring data at Station

PTH005 – Port Townsend Harbor.

Laboratory case narratives, certifications, and results are provided in the ALS reports in

Appendices E through I.

The following laboratory QA/QC results are also included in the ALS reports in

Appendices E through I:

Detection and quantitation levels achieved

Duplicate matrix spike (MS)

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Matrix/duplicate matrix spike (MS/DMS)

Laboratory control sample (LCS)

Laboratory/duplicate laboratory control sample (LCS/DLCS)

Deviations from the SAP

The following are the only deviations from the approved SAP:

In the first sample event November 29, 2015, the mercury sample was inadvertently

filtered by the laboratory with other metals, and thus reported as dissolved mercury

concentration. All subsequent chain-of-custody forms explicitly indicated mercury

samples were not to be filtered and thus reported as total mercury. The results from the

first sampling event are consistent with all others, thus this deviation is not considered

impactful to any conclusions that may be drawn.

Metals and mercury sample bottles were not double-bagged by the laboratory for the

third sample event. Metals concentrations in samples and field blank were consistent

with other events and thus this deviation does not appear to have influenced data quality.

Dissolved Oxygen Data

Following is a QA/QC chronology of the dissolved oxygen data recorded by the Seabird SBE-19


The SBE-43 DO sensor was successfully factory calibrated in April 2015 per the SAP.

No other calibrations steps were included in or contemplated for the SAP.

DO data from the first two field studies (November 2015 and February 2016) were

visually inspected following each event and found to be within historical ranges for Port

Townsend (Ecology Marine Monitoring Station PTH005).

DO data from the third field study (May 2016) was inspected and found to be very erratic

over the profiles and between stations, and below seasonal norms for Port Townsend.

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DO concentrations of 8.3 and 6.9 mg/L were recorded at 15 feet above bottom for the two

stations within minutes of each other.

Due to the questionable results observed in the third event, a saturation bath was set up in

the CME laboratory as a post-calibration step for each sample event. These

measurements revealed the DO sensor reading 83 percent and 72 percent of saturation for

the fourth and fifth events, respectively (July and September 2016). Results in Table 5

are adjusted accordingly.

There is no way to assess when th4e DO sensor lost calibration, or what possible corrections

might apply to the first three sampling events. Based on the erratic DO data, all DO data from

this study are rejected (deemed unreliable) and will not be included in the EIM database

submittal. Ecology may require a follow-up field program for DO. In that event, it is

recommended that DO sensors not be used, or that sensors be validated each event with DO

measurements be obtained by Winkler titration methods.


All water column data for toxicants (ammonia and metals) met field and laboratory QA/QC

protocol, and all data met water quality standards at the mixing zone boundary.

Temperature, pH, and turbidity samples also met QA/QC protocol, and met water quality

standards at the mixing zone boundary.

Dissolved oxygen data did not meet data quality standards and will not be reported in the EIM


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Appendix A

Metals Sampling Protocols

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Appendix A – Metals Sampling Protocols Page 1 of 2


“CLEAN TECHNIQUES” (Modified from City of Everett, August 1996)

Sample Equipment and Materials Required: 3 – acid washed plastic bottles for EPA 200.8 – no preservation (furnished by ALS) 3 – acid washed plastic bottles for EPA 1631E – with preservation (furnished by ALS) 3 – acid washed, Lab-Line plastic Grab Sampler 1 – acid washed, 1000 mL plastic bottle filled with DI water 6 – clean plastic bags 1 – field notebook and pencil 1 – clean plastic cooler and ice packs 6 – pairs powderless latex gloves Sampling Preparations: 1. Label all sample bottles (MZS-X, MZN-X, FB-X). Place acid washed/labeled sample

bottles in a clean plastic bag. Place sample bottles, DI water, and ice packs in a clean plastic cooler for transportation to the sampling site.

2. Acid was and DI rinse the Lab-Line sampler and transport to the sampling site in a clean plastic bag.

Field Work Personnel: The sampling field work requires a minimum of 2 personnel. The responsibilities of these

personnel are as follows:

Clean Person: This person is responsible for all sample bottle handling. This person will wear clean latex gloves and safety glasses at all times. The clean person will open the sample bottles, old them while they are being filled and cap them after they are filled. The clean person must avoid contacting any surface other than the sample bottles and marking pen and the field notebook during the entire sampling event. Between sampling sites, the clean sampler is responsible for recording routine sampling information in the field (i.e., tide conditions, weather and sea state, times, unusual occurrences and possible contamination problems) in the field notebook.

Sampler: This person navigates the boat and handles the Lab-Line grab sampler. The

sampler locates the sample site, collects the samples, and dispenses the samples into the appropriate sample bottles (which are being held by the clean sampler). The sampler must also wear clean latex gloves throughout the sampling event. The sampler is not to contact the sample bottles at any time during the sampling. The sampler must ensure that all samples are taken up-current and up-wind of the boat engine.

Note: The latex gloves worn by sampling personnel must be changed between every

sample site.

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Appendix A – Metals Sampling Protocols Page 2 of 2

Sample Collection:

Field Blank: Upon arrival at the sampling site, Sampler shall remove a Lab-Line sampler from the plastic bag and fill with DI water. Then fill the acid-washed plastic bottles labeled FB-X (held by Clean Person) with the DI water from the Lab-Line sampler.

Samples: Clean Person shall remove from plastic bag and lower unused Lab-Line

sampler to the appropriate depth (approximately 15 feet above bottom) and collect the sample. Retrieve the full sampler to the boat and dispense a portion of the water into the following sample bottles:

Site name – 200.8 Metals Site name – 1631E Hg After each metals sample is collected, Clean Person shall place it directly into double

plastic bags and insert into the clean plastic cooler.

Sample Preservation: After the sampling event, immediately transport all samples and blanks to the local UPS

shipping service for next-day delivery to the laboratory (ALS) contracted for the analysis of the samples in the clean plastic cooler. The lab personnel will filter and preserve the metals samples upon arrival to the laboratory. Preservation of the dissolved samples will be handled by lab personnel after the samples have been filtered.

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Appendix B

Field Notes

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Appendix C

CTD/DO Profile Data from Seabird SBE19

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CTD/DO Profile MZN-1 cast 1 11/29/2015 11:55:25 samples 611 to 680 sample rate = 1 scan every 2.0 seconds stop = switch off Scan No. Depth (m)Cond (mS/cm) Sal (PSU) Temp (C) Den(sigma-t) DO (mg/L) DO Sat (%) 24 0.369 33.066183 30.3493 9.4771 23.4062 6.7803 72.088 25 0.734 33.057954 30.3439 9.4735 23.4025 6.7828 72.106 26 1.063 33.003638 30.3281 9.4267 23.3975 6.7951 72.154 27 1.373 32.939455 30.3677 9.3026 23.4475 6.7833 71.849 28 1.684 32.830828 30.3480 9.1949 23.4486 6.8674 72.557 29 2.067 33.128769 30.6325 9.2189 23.6673 6.8748 72.807 30 2.396 33.173204 30.5880 9.3238 23.6164 6.9538 73.795 31 2.743 33.155094 30.5380 9.3605 23.5716 6.8761 73.006 32 3.053 33.132053 30.5473 9.3219 23.5848 6.8540 72.714 33 3.436 33.094195 30.5218 9.3063 23.5673 6.8887 73.045 34 3.765 33.069508 30.5270 9.2704 23.5769 6.9007 73.115 35 4.148 33.057990 30.5426 9.2382 23.5941 6.9116 73.186 36 4.605 33.059639 30.5575 9.2226 23.6081 6.9199 73.255 37 5.061 33.054701 30.5444 9.2318 23.5964 6.9537 73.622 38 5.499 33.056349 30.5490 9.2281 23.6006 6.9296 73.363 39 5.919 33.133714 30.5918 9.2704 23.6275 6.9210 73.361 40 6.321 33.130419 30.5615 9.3017 23.5990 6.8891 73.060 41 6.777 33.133713 30.5662 9.2999 23.6030 6.8495 72.639 42 7.197 33.252230 30.6250 9.3725 23.6377 6.8118 72.383 43 7.653 33.281860 30.6275 9.4046 23.6347 6.7974 72.283 44 8.091 33.301613 30.6294 9.4258 23.6329 6.8048 72.396 45 8.456 33.324660 30.6441 9.4359 23.6428 6.7829 72.186 46 8.912 33.346060 30.6477 9.4570 23.6423 6.7539 71.913 47 9.368 33.350999 30.6510 9.4588 23.6446 6.7081 71.429 48 9.825 33.352646 30.6454 9.4671 23.6389 6.6920 71.269 49 10.226 33.360879 30.6528 9.4680 23.6446 6.6965 71.321 50 10.628 33.367464 30.6554 9.4726 23.6459 6.6842 71.199 51 11.029 33.390511 30.6654 9.4882 23.6513 6.6980 71.375 52 11.412 33.392158 30.6646 9.4909 23.6502 6.6839 71.228 53 11.631 33.390513 30.6636 9.4900 23.6496 6.7346 71.766 54 11.230 33.372404 30.6524 9.4817 23.6421 6.7115 71.503

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CTD/DO Profile MZS-1 cast 2 11/29/2015 12:00:31 samples 681 to 737 sample rate = 1 scan every 2.0 seconds stop = switch off Scan No. Depth (m)Cond (mS/cm) Sal (PSU) Temp (C) Den(sigma-t) DO (mg/L) DO Sat (%) 18 0.314 33.054131 30.3028 9.5177 23.3636 15.6238 166.210 19 0.734 33.064005 30.3243 9.5039 23.3825 6.7322 71.607 20 1.191 33.047561 30.3516 9.4517 23.4119 6.9553 73.908 21 1.629 33.006448 30.4014 9.3434 23.4676 6.9642 73.848 22 2.104 33.050872 30.4982 9.2827 23.5525 6.9941 74.111 23 2.615 33.115029 30.5471 9.3020 23.5877 7.0185 74.426 24 3.163 33.119960 30.5080 9.3535 23.5492 6.9684 73.960 25 3.619 33.091999 30.5059 9.3222 23.5524 6.8799 72.970 26 4.002 33.092002 30.5182 9.3075 23.5644 6.9270 73.450 27 4.477 33.129839 30.5504 9.3149 23.5884 6.9507 73.729 28 4.988 33.139707 30.5297 9.3507 23.5666 6.9214 73.467 29 5.408 33.072267 30.5053 9.2983 23.5557 6.8890 73.027 30 5.919 33.103526 30.5496 9.2836 23.5926 6.8722 72.846 31 6.412 33.068980 30.4992 9.3011 23.5505 6.8968 73.111 32 6.886 33.101882 30.5350 9.2983 23.5788 6.8677 72.815 33 7.379 33.087080 30.5290 9.2873 23.5759 6.8868 72.997 34 7.799 33.095307 30.5443 9.2790 23.5891 6.8453 72.551 35 8.328 33.197299 30.6169 9.3158 23.6402 6.8613 72.814 36 8.839 33.249934 30.5919 9.4076 23.6064 6.8477 72.806 37 9.277 33.248289 30.5822 9.4168 23.5974 6.8189 72.509 38 9.788 33.286127 30.6104 9.4288 23.6176 6.8184 72.537 39 10.171 33.284482 30.5952 9.4443 23.6033 6.7969 72.326 40 10.646 33.320675 30.6217 9.4563 23.6221 6.7825 72.204 41 10.956 33.333835 30.6248 9.4682 23.6227 6.7689 72.080 42 10.993 33.322320 30.6138 9.4673 23.6143 6.7578 71.955 43 11.011 33.323965 30.6139 9.4691 23.6141 6.7036 71.380 44 10.938 33.309158 30.5973 9.4709 23.6008 6.7026 71.366

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CTD/DO Profile MZN-2 cast 3 02/23 14:11:11 samples 0 to 91 sample rate = 1 scan every 2.0 seconds stop = switch off Scan No. Depth (m)Cond (mS/cm) Sal (PSU) Temp (C) Den(sigma-t) DO (mg/L) DO Sat (%) 18 0.260 31.888967 29.5489 8.9983 22.8537 17.0993 178.945 19 0.424 31.903771 29.5640 8.9983 22.8655 6.0734 63.565 20 0.753 31.893903 29.5522 9.0001 22.8560 6.3582 66.543 21 1.063 31.856074 29.5325 8.9770 22.8440 6.5677 68.692 22 1.392 31.787001 29.5344 8.8892 22.8585 6.7181 70.127 23 1.593 31.749172 29.5062 8.8762 22.8383 6.8350 71.314 24 1.775 31.745893 29.5798 8.7836 22.9095 6.9170 72.054 25 1.994 31.721220 29.5496 8.7892 22.8851 6.9794 72.699 26 2.213 31.714645 29.5713 8.7549 22.9071 6.9638 72.491 27 2.469 31.711357 29.5717 8.7502 22.9081 6.9837 72.690 28 2.633 31.711358 29.5763 8.7447 22.9124 7.0060 72.916 29 2.871 31.655439 29.5479 8.7094 22.8953 7.0144 72.932 30 3.108 31.742622 29.6938 8.6426 23.0192 7.0230 72.980 31 3.309 31.806764 29.7102 8.7020 23.0234 7.0535 73.404 32 3.546 31.811696 29.6857 8.7372 22.9991 7.0581 73.498 33 3.783 31.814986 29.6843 8.7428 22.9972 7.0755 73.687 34 3.966 31.670245 29.5565 8.7168 22.9010 7.0748 73.576 35 4.203 31.724533 29.6871 8.6277 23.0161 7.0906 73.655 36 4.459 31.755784 29.7045 8.6454 23.0272 7.0782 73.564 37 4.605 31.790323 29.7199 8.6695 23.0358 7.1323 74.174 38 4.842 31.953158 29.8343 8.7335 23.1159 7.1693 74.722 39 5.079 32.037043 29.8678 8.7966 23.1328 7.1636 74.784 40 5.262 32.060071 29.8790 8.8114 23.1394 7.1117 74.272 41 5.536 32.079808 29.8820 8.8318 23.1388 7.0877 74.056 42 5.773 32.088033 29.8850 8.8383 23.1401 7.0746 73.932 43 5.974 32.099548 29.8928 8.8429 23.1456 7.1054 74.265 44 6.175 32.119287 29.9108 8.8457 23.1592 7.0957 74.177 45 6.375 32.125867 29.9151 8.8484 23.1622 7.1098 74.331 46 6.594 32.132448 29.9210 8.8494 23.1667 7.0864 74.091 47 6.850 32.135738 29.9228 8.8512 23.1678 7.1094 74.335 48 7.051 32.157123 29.9439 8.8521 23.1842 7.0707 73.943 49 7.215 32.214697 29.9977 8.8586 23.2253 7.0844 74.122 50 7.397 32.239372 30.0207 8.8614 23.2429 7.1267 74.580 51 7.580 32.245952 30.0259 8.8633 23.2466 7.1152 74.465 52 7.726 32.247598 30.0283 8.8623 23.2487 7.1359 74.682 53 7.908 32.247598 30.0251 8.8660 23.2456 7.1330 74.656 54 8.091 32.249244 30.0283 8.8642 23.2484 7.1393 74.721 55 8.292 32.250889 30.0291 8.8651 23.2489 7.1017 74.329 56 8.492 32.247599 30.0241 8.8670 23.2447 7.1480 74.814 57 8.675 32.250890 30.0297 8.8642 23.2495 7.1604 74.942 58 8.876 32.259116 30.0373 8.8651 23.2553 7.1429 74.764

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59 9.113 32.262407 30.0414 8.8642 23.2587 7.1431 74.767 60 9.314 32.264052 30.0399 8.8679 23.2569 7.1427 74.768 61 9.514 32.267343 30.0440 8.8670 23.2603 7.1283 74.618 62 9.715 32.270633 30.0496 8.8642 23.2651 7.1227 74.558 63 9.952 32.273924 30.0514 8.8660 23.2662 7.1311 74.649 64 10.226 32.273925 30.0497 8.8679 23.2646 7.1457 74.804 65 10.482 32.273926 30.0527 8.8642 23.2675 7.1524 74.870 66 10.737 32.278862 30.0577 8.8642 23.2714 7.1293 74.630 67 10.901 32.283797 30.0627 8.8642 23.2753 7.1232 74.569 68 11.084 32.285442 30.0627 8.8660 23.2751 7.1462 74.812 69 11.357 32.288733 30.0668 8.8651 23.2784 7.1815 75.183 70 11.576 32.290379 30.0676 8.8660 23.2789 7.1413 74.763 71 11.759 32.292025 30.0700 8.8651 23.2809 7.1646 75.007 72 11.960 32.295315 30.0733 8.8651 23.2835 7.1415 74.767 73 12.197 32.301896 30.0785 8.8670 23.2872 7.1497 74.859 74 12.361 32.303542 30.0816 8.8651 23.2900 7.1355 74.708 75 12.215 32.303540 30.0762 8.8716 23.2848 7.1431 74.796

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CTD/DO Profile MZS-2 cast 4 02/23/2016 14:18:09 samples 92 to 178 sample rate = 1 scan every 2.0 seconds stop = switch off Scan No. Depth (m)Cond (mS/cm) Sal (PSU) Temp (C) Den(sigma-t) DO (mg/L) DO Sat (%) 24 0.223 31.854017 29.5501 8.9536 22.8613 7.2555 75.854 25 0.534 31.839212 29.5501 8.9351 22.8640 7.2865 76.147 26 0.771 31.829343 29.5645 8.9055 22.8796 7.2838 76.075 27 1.045 31.829346 29.5783 8.8889 22.8929 7.3044 76.268 28 1.209 31.827701 29.5796 8.8852 22.8944 7.3377 76.611 29 1.428 31.835931 29.6042 8.8657 22.9165 7.3206 76.411 30 1.574 31.832640 29.5976 8.8694 22.9109 7.2972 76.170 31 1.739 31.783283 29.5792 8.8305 22.9021 7.3284 76.419 32 1.958 31.714180 29.5257 8.8092 22.8634 7.3117 76.183 33 2.122 31.702667 29.5462 8.7703 22.8851 7.3704 76.738 34 2.323 31.783296 29.6727 8.7184 22.9917 7.4214 77.242 35 2.505 31.784940 29.6580 8.7378 22.9773 7.4488 77.554 36 2.688 31.793168 29.6679 8.7360 22.9854 7.4790 77.869 37 2.852 31.796458 29.6674 8.7406 22.9843 7.4791 77.878 38 3.126 31.821140 29.6920 8.7416 23.0034 7.4667 77.763 39 3.363 31.900119 29.7617 8.7555 23.0559 7.4670 77.826 40 3.601 31.941251 29.7636 8.8037 23.0503 7.4351 77.579 41 3.838 31.942897 29.7629 8.8065 23.0493 7.4143 77.365 42 4.185 31.952770 29.7698 8.8102 23.0542 7.4308 77.548 43 4.441 31.992261 29.8073 8.8139 23.0830 7.3702 76.940 44 4.733 32.026816 29.8350 8.8231 23.1033 7.3873 77.148 45 4.988 32.063017 29.8668 8.8296 23.1272 7.3642 76.935 46 5.262 32.079472 29.8789 8.8352 23.1359 7.3363 76.659 47 5.499 32.112382 29.9104 8.8380 23.1601 7.3020 76.320 48 5.791 32.125547 29.9192 8.8435 23.1661 7.3060 76.376 49 6.065 32.128838 29.9201 8.8463 23.1665 7.2646 75.949 50 6.375 32.130485 29.9209 8.8472 23.1669 7.2699 76.005 51 6.704 32.142004 29.9334 8.8463 23.1769 7.3015 76.340 52 6.959 32.143650 29.9335 8.8481 23.1766 7.2637 75.948 53 7.251 32.151879 29.9410 8.8491 23.1824 7.2951 76.283 54 7.543 32.151880 29.9417 8.8481 23.1830 7.2870 76.196 55 7.762 32.155171 29.9450 8.8481 23.1856 7.2579 75.893 56 8.018 32.183146 29.9722 8.8500 23.2066 7.3028 76.380 57 8.310 32.189728 29.9757 8.8537 23.2088 7.2851 76.203 58 8.584 32.191375 29.9773 8.8537 23.2100 7.2707 76.053 59 8.803 32.207831 29.9934 8.8546 23.2225 7.2931 76.297 60 8.985 32.214413 29.9985 8.8565 23.2262 7.2696 76.057 61 9.241 32.214414 29.9984 8.8565 23.2262 7.2638 75.996 62 9.551 32.216061 30.0007 8.8556 23.2281 7.2728 76.089 63 9.806 32.217707 30.0008 8.8574 23.2279 7.2290 75.634 64 10.007 32.219353 30.0024 8.8574 23.2291 7.2548 75.905

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65 10.281 32.230872 30.0141 8.8574 23.2383 7.2399 75.755 66 10.555 32.234164 30.0158 8.8593 23.2394 7.2338 75.695 67 10.810 32.234165 30.0142 8.8611 23.2378 7.2278 75.635 68 11.138 32.234166 30.0164 8.8583 23.2400 7.2516 75.880 69 11.412 32.234167 30.0147 8.8602 23.2384 7.2576 75.945 70 11.668 32.232522 30.0129 8.8602 23.2370 7.2494 75.858 71 11.814 32.234168 30.0153 8.8593 23.2390 7.2204 75.555 72 11.576 32.234167 30.0123 8.8630 23.2361 7.2514 75.884

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CTD/DO Profile MZN-3 cast 6 05/18/2016 13:20:57 samples 84 to 162 sample rate = 1 scan every 2.0 seconds stop = switch off Scan No. Depth (m)Cond (mS/cm) Sal (PSU) Temp (C) Den(sigma-t) DO (mg/L) DO Sat (%) 29 0.187 34.445139 29.4780 12.2047 22.2679 7.1499 80.189 30 0.351 34.443495 29.4674 12.2161 22.2576 7.0982 79.623 31 0.680 34.497715 29.5021 12.2372 22.2806 7.1016 79.714 32 1.136 34.486213 29.4786 12.2530 22.2595 7.1320 80.070 33 1.556 34.565078 29.5228 12.2916 22.2867 7.1845 80.748 34 1.958 34.596296 29.5328 12.3162 22.2900 7.2260 81.262 35 2.396 34.295642 29.4265 12.0886 22.2490 7.3819 82.562 36 2.724 34.182301 29.4880 11.8734 22.3354 7.8650 87.598 37 3.126 33.998321 29.5255 11.6035 22.4124 7.9922 88.525 38 3.619 33.850481 29.5228 11.4277 22.4410 7.9268 87.470 39 4.148 33.751936 29.6031 11.2077 22.5415 7.6910 84.511 40 4.605 33.748654 29.6190 11.1836 22.5580 7.3574 80.812 41 4.970 33.809442 29.6888 11.1703 22.6145 7.1317 78.344 42 5.463 33.819300 29.6867 11.1845 22.6104 7.1013 78.034 43 5.974 33.825872 29.6879 11.1908 22.6103 7.1127 78.170 44 6.412 33.843945 29.7046 11.1917 22.6231 7.2385 79.562 45 6.905 33.901447 29.7531 11.2006 22.6593 7.4336 81.748 46 7.379 33.957298 29.7454 11.2773 22.6400 7.6336 84.082 47 7.854 34.055865 29.7669 11.3690 22.6408 8.0590 88.954 48 8.255 34.037796 29.7614 11.3539 22.6392 8.5330 94.153 49 8.711 33.985228 29.7411 11.3156 22.6300 8.7379 96.322 50 9.168 33.970449 29.7697 11.2621 22.6615 8.6888 95.688 51 9.624 33.868596 29.7107 11.2122 22.6244 8.5282 93.784 52 10.117 33.819328 29.7786 11.0684 22.7018 8.3052 91.088 53 10.591 33.820974 29.7953 11.0496 22.7179 7.8735 86.328 54 10.956 33.820976 29.7980 11.0461 22.7207 7.6626 84.011 55 11.412 33.817695 29.8200 11.0148 22.7431 7.5378 82.599 56 11.814 33.811126 29.8221 11.0040 22.7466 7.4956 82.117 57 12.233 33.794701 29.8255 10.9799 22.7533 7.4397 81.465 58 12.689 33.776637 29.8484 10.9297 22.7796 7.3239 80.121 59 13.146 33.771714 29.8747 10.8912 22.8067 7.1943 78.652 60 13.200 33.793071 29.8913 10.8966 22.8186 7.0727 77.339 61 13.182 33.774998 29.8677 10.9037 22.7991 6.9788 76.313

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CTD/DO Profile MZS-3 cast 5 05/18/2016 13:16:29 samples 0 to 83 sample rate = 1 scan every 2.0 seconds stop = switch off Scan No. Depth (m)Cond (mS/cm) Sal (PSU) Temp (C) Den(sigma-t) DO (mg/L) DO Sat (%) 29 0.278 33.652694 29.2551 11.5262 22.2161 6.2814 69.342 30 0.387 33.642844 29.2602 11.5076 22.2234 6.2953 69.470 31 0.680 33.628067 29.2431 11.5111 22.2094 6.3198 69.738 32 1.045 33.785707 29.4358 11.4596 22.3680 6.3111 69.651 33 1.319 33.903926 29.4721 11.5573 22.3790 6.3653 70.411 34 1.574 33.995873 29.4816 11.6565 22.3690 6.3717 70.637 35 1.903 34.035284 29.5130 11.6645 22.3919 6.4104 71.091 36 2.140 34.104252 29.5644 11.6831 22.4285 6.3889 70.904 37 2.469 34.015581 29.4974 11.6601 22.3806 6.4445 71.455 38 2.816 33.915425 29.4819 11.5581 22.3865 6.7052 74.177 39 3.126 33.867819 29.5298 11.4401 22.4444 6.8082 75.149 40 3.491 33.854686 29.5369 11.4152 22.4542 6.6374 73.229 41 3.838 33.839914 29.5580 11.3707 22.4783 6.4980 71.632 42 4.221 33.792300 29.5430 11.3316 22.4734 6.4824 71.393 43 4.641 33.710210 29.5380 11.2381 22.4858 6.5359 71.836 44 4.970 33.703648 29.5723 11.1872 22.5211 6.5180 71.576 45 5.371 33.687235 29.5955 11.1382 22.5476 6.5465 71.824 46 5.700 33.685594 29.5967 11.1346 22.5491 6.5863 72.256 47 6.029 33.692162 29.5879 11.1533 22.5390 6.6142 72.587 48 6.412 33.690525 29.6206 11.1105 22.5718 6.6294 72.702 49 6.704 33.700377 29.6186 11.1248 22.5678 6.6447 72.891 50 7.069 33.718440 29.6346 11.1265 22.5799 6.6871 73.367 51 7.361 33.706948 29.6283 11.1203 22.5761 6.7171 73.683 52 7.653 33.703663 29.6171 11.1301 22.5657 6.7448 73.997 53 7.963 33.700385 29.6497 11.0855 22.5987 6.7661 74.174 54 8.237 33.705310 29.6414 11.1015 22.5895 6.7478 73.996 55 8.529 33.713524 29.6644 11.0828 22.6106 6.7818 74.349 56 8.803 33.721735 29.6788 11.0747 22.6232 6.8128 74.683 57 9.095 33.728305 29.6923 11.0658 22.6352 6.7975 74.508 58 9.460 33.738160 29.7069 11.0596 22.6475 6.8300 74.861 59 9.788 33.741449 29.7453 11.0157 22.6849 6.8788 75.343 60 10.080 33.736530 29.7853 10.9603 22.7254 6.8623 75.091 61 10.390 33.736534 29.8041 10.9370 22.7440 6.8317 74.728 62 10.701 33.734893 29.8053 10.9334 22.7455 6.7817 74.175 63 11.065 33.744745 29.8017 10.9495 22.7400 6.8036 74.439 64 11.412 33.729974 29.8300 10.8967 22.7710 6.8184 74.529 65 11.303 33.738182 29.8286 10.9083 22.7679 6.7902 74.240

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CTD/DO Profile MZN-4 cast 7 07/14/2016 18:59:10 samples 0 to 68 sample rate = 1 scan every 2.0 seconds stop = switch off Scan No. Depth (m)Cond (mS/cm) Sal (PSU) Temp (C) Den(sigma-t) DO (mg/L) DO Sat (%) 26 0.314 36.226398 30.4624 13.0760 22.8664 8.2702 95.046 27 0.552 36.226398 30.4610 13.0777 22.8649 8.2792 95.152 28 0.771 36.218177 30.4511 13.0803 22.8568 8.3129 95.539 29 1.154 36.219823 30.4595 13.0716 22.8649 8.2944 95.314 30 1.355 36.223112 30.4541 13.0820 22.8588 8.2984 95.378 31 1.666 36.214892 30.4533 13.0734 22.8598 8.3058 95.445 32 1.976 36.219827 30.4619 13.0681 22.8675 8.3356 95.782 33 2.341 36.237915 30.4683 13.0812 22.8699 8.3496 95.972 34 2.633 36.231338 30.4578 13.0864 22.8608 8.3539 96.027 35 2.962 36.214896 30.4479 13.0794 22.8545 8.3787 96.292 36 3.254 36.208320 30.4521 13.0664 22.8602 8.3856 96.348 37 3.619 36.198456 30.4462 13.0621 22.8565 8.3744 96.206 38 3.911 36.019239 30.4270 12.8769 22.8771 8.4093 96.225 39 4.203 35.943612 30.4358 12.7776 22.9028 8.2719 94.462 40 4.495 35.846609 30.4252 12.6773 22.9136 8.0753 92.017 41 4.806 35.751259 30.4600 12.5226 22.9697 7.9265 90.050 42 5.244 35.670701 30.4523 12.4377 22.9796 7.7024 87.344 43 5.590 35.632898 30.5167 12.3140 23.0524 7.5019 84.884 44 5.901 35.588518 30.5688 12.1981 23.1142 7.2273 81.604 45 6.229 35.580301 30.5831 12.1708 23.1303 7.0246 79.277 46 6.558 35.522766 30.6086 12.0722 23.1682 6.9714 78.525 47 6.759 35.499756 30.6443 12.0017 23.2088 6.9117 77.755 48 6.850 35.494822 30.6302 12.0132 23.1957 6.7695 76.167 49 7.306 35.440576 30.6569 11.9170 23.2340 6.6299 74.457 50 8.018 35.310705 30.6416 11.7835 23.2462 6.5606 73.463 51 8.529 35.281133 30.7666 11.5975 23.3766 6.3761 71.172 52 9.040 35.274562 30.7910 11.5602 23.4022 6.1226 68.298 53 9.697 35.266347 30.8042 11.5344 23.4170 5.9368 66.195 54 10.390 35.258129 30.7974 11.5327 23.4121 5.9192 65.993 55 11.047 35.240049 30.8025 11.5051 23.4209 5.8687 65.394 56 11.759 35.223613 30.8084 11.4785 23.4303 5.7953 64.542 57 12.343 35.221973 30.8199 11.4625 23.4420 5.7514 64.035 58 11.540 35.228547 30.8318 11.4563 23.4524 5.7220 63.704

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CTD/DO Profile MZS-4 cast 8 07/14/2016 19:08:46 samples 69 to 131 sample rate = 1 scan every 2.0 seconds stop = switch off Scan No. Depth (m)Cond (mS/cm) Sal (PSU) Temp (C) Den(sigma-t) DO (mg/L) DO Sat (%) 22 0.479 35.461825 30.5384 12.0898 23.1105 6.0765 68.440 23 0.661 35.473324 30.4260 12.2412 22.9956 6.2610 70.694 24 0.954 35.359820 30.3606 12.1884 22.9546 6.4601 72.831 25 1.319 35.206862 30.4192 11.9363 23.0461 6.4159 71.975 26 1.647 35.185481 30.4202 11.9098 23.0517 6.2211 69.751 27 1.994 35.211809 30.4966 11.8470 23.1223 6.0907 68.232 28 2.396 35.228262 30.5174 11.8408 23.1395 6.0838 68.154 29 2.852 35.451988 30.7127 11.8647 23.2867 6.0678 68.092 30 3.290 35.389477 30.6539 11.8630 23.2414 6.1619 69.120 31 3.747 35.384542 30.6439 11.8691 23.2325 6.3585 71.330 32 4.203 35.491471 30.7174 11.9045 23.2831 6.3387 71.195 33 4.678 35.364797 30.5701 11.9354 23.1633 6.4278 72.176 34 5.152 35.335210 30.6994 11.7435 23.2983 6.4681 72.392 35 5.590 35.308899 30.7383 11.6655 23.3425 6.2965 70.373 36 6.120 35.317128 30.7600 11.6487 23.3623 6.1670 68.910 37 6.594 35.325354 30.7582 11.6602 23.3589 6.1143 68.337 38 7.142 35.310552 30.7591 11.6416 23.3629 6.1076 68.235 39 7.708 35.307268 30.7836 11.6078 23.3880 6.0795 67.883 40 8.164 35.297401 30.7850 11.5945 23.3914 6.0551 67.592 41 8.638 35.297404 30.7943 11.5830 23.4007 5.9978 66.940 42 9.058 35.294115 30.7917 11.5821 23.3989 5.9788 66.726 43 9.533 35.290828 30.7965 11.5723 23.4043 5.9847 66.779 44 9.971 35.284250 30.7958 11.5652 23.4050 5.9565 66.455 45 10.463 35.287543 30.8047 11.5581 23.4132 5.9351 66.210 46 10.847 35.266160 30.7986 11.5404 23.4116 5.9029 65.823 47 11.248 35.236556 30.8022 11.5013 23.4214 5.8294 64.951 48 11.795 35.229982 30.8282 11.4621 23.4485 5.7707 64.253 49 12.306 35.205310 30.8159 11.4479 23.4415 5.7554 64.058 50 12.306 35.210249 30.8511 11.4114 23.4753 5.7194 63.623

Page 39: Receiving Water Sampling Report

CTD/DO Profile MZN-5 cast 9 09/14/2016 12:11:38 samples 0 to 85 sample rate = 1 scan every 2.0 seconds stop = switch off Scan No. Depth (m)Cond (mS/cm) Sal (PSU) Temp (C) Den(sigma-t) DO (mg/L) DO Sat (%) 33 0.205 36.870717 30.9447 13.2235 23.2106 9.6285 111.330 34 0.424 36.809941 30.9429 13.1560 23.2223 9.8323 113.527 35 0.771 36.722878 30.9086 13.0980 23.2071 9.9664 114.912 36 1.045 36.478111 30.7280 13.0381 23.0790 9.9599 114.566 37 1.337 35.888462 30.6133 12.4955 23.0934 10.0142 113.811 38 1.629 35.914763 30.7697 12.3344 23.2447 8.7433 99.129 39 1.866 35.811282 30.6655 12.3414 23.1626 7.5075 85.076 40 2.122 35.688103 30.6126 12.2624 23.1363 7.2856 82.396 41 2.359 35.408904 30.4795 12.0990 23.0632 6.8437 77.069 42 2.578 35.464769 30.6867 11.9113 23.2581 6.3813 71.670 43 2.798 35.389224 30.6540 11.8628 23.2415 5.8643 65.782 44 3.163 35.422078 30.7153 11.8266 23.2956 5.5983 62.774 45 3.455 35.507495 30.8663 11.7435 23.4278 5.4080 60.591 46 3.765 35.574845 30.9887 11.6745 23.5352 5.2999 59.339 47 4.094 35.652041 31.0514 11.6886 23.5813 5.2117 58.392 48 4.459 35.653692 31.1033 11.6284 23.6324 5.1682 57.850 49 4.769 35.670120 31.1347 11.6098 23.6601 5.1963 58.153 50 5.061 35.668477 31.1196 11.6258 23.6456 5.1324 57.452 51 5.481 35.675050 31.1377 11.6116 23.6622 5.1534 57.676 52 5.828 35.679981 31.1602 11.5903 23.6835 5.1079 57.149 53 6.156 35.675054 31.1516 11.5947 23.6760 5.0996 57.058 54 6.485 35.683269 31.1676 11.5850 23.6901 5.0781 56.811 55 6.740 35.686555 31.1729 11.5823 23.6948 5.0560 56.564 56 7.069 35.686558 31.1877 11.5646 23.7094 5.0102 56.035 57 7.397 35.684919 31.2009 11.5469 23.7228 5.0037 55.946 58 7.653 35.688204 31.1943 11.5584 23.7156 4.9931 55.839 59 7.945 35.686564 31.2045 11.5442 23.7261 4.9652 55.513 60 8.255 35.688209 31.2217 11.5256 23.7428 4.9445 55.267 61 8.547 35.683283 31.2205 11.5211 23.7427 4.9355 55.160 62 8.894 35.683285 31.2219 11.5194 23.7441 4.9065 54.834 63 9.186 35.688214 31.2303 11.5149 23.7514 4.9098 54.869 64 9.478 35.686573 31.2338 11.5087 23.7552 4.9121 54.888 65 9.770 35.693144 31.2378 11.5114 23.7579 4.9189 54.969 66 10.062 35.693146 31.2482 11.4989 23.7682 4.9075 54.831 67 10.354 35.689864 31.2599 11.4812 23.7804 4.9290 55.054 68 10.701 35.681653 31.2533 11.4794 23.7756 4.9606 55.402 69 10.974 35.657018 31.2404 11.4661 23.7680 4.9160 54.885 70 11.266 35.666880 31.2904 11.4181 23.8154 4.8452 54.056 71 11.193 35.663593 31.2760 11.4314 23.8018 4.7288 52.767

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CTD/DO Profile MZS-5 cast 10 09/14/2016 12:18:55 samples 86 to 165 sample rate = 1 scan every 2.0 seconds stop = switch off Scan No. Depth (m)Cond (mS/cm) Sal (PSU) Temp (C) Den(sigma-t) DO (mg/L) DO Sat (%) 25 0.351 37.017380 30.8718 13.4817 23.1035 10.5176 122.205 26 0.570 36.848075 30.8801 13.2770 23.1502 10.5250 121.782 27 0.844 36.537414 30.8531 12.9527 23.1922 10.5261 120.958 28 1.100 36.412507 30.9010 12.7499 23.2681 10.1468 116.143 29 1.337 36.404296 30.9446 12.6871 23.3138 9.3754 107.203 30 1.538 36.404302 30.9790 12.6452 23.3483 9.0973 103.954 31 1.793 36.404305 30.9939 12.6269 23.3634 8.9820 102.606 32 2.049 36.381292 30.9742 12.6243 23.3486 8.9138 101.810 33 2.305 36.401020 30.9956 12.6208 23.3659 8.8709 101.326 34 2.597 36.386227 30.9873 12.6138 23.3608 8.7464 99.884 35 2.779 36.399380 31.0090 12.6024 23.3797 8.6755 99.064 36 3.035 36.405956 31.0151 12.6024 23.3845 8.6012 98.219 37 3.327 36.379655 30.9836 12.6103 23.3586 8.5625 97.774 38 3.583 35.970366 30.6420 12.5544 23.1046 8.4895 96.620 39 3.875 35.748539 30.8954 11.9880 23.4059 8.1507 91.812 40 4.112 35.771568 31.0392 11.8415 23.5442 6.6846 75.132 41 4.404 35.765007 31.1199 11.7372 23.6257 5.9346 66.589 42 4.696 35.766652 31.1288 11.7283 23.6342 5.8198 65.292 43 4.988 35.792954 31.1727 11.7062 23.6723 5.7749 64.777 44 5.280 35.791310 31.1605 11.7186 23.6606 5.6978 63.923 45 5.627 35.779810 31.1775 11.6849 23.6799 5.5943 62.724 46 5.901 35.760090 31.1806 11.6584 23.6871 5.5043 61.681 47 6.138 35.756809 31.2161 11.6123 23.7229 5.4432 60.951 48 6.467 35.760100 31.2363 11.5919 23.7423 5.4329 60.817 49 6.740 35.753527 31.2396 11.5803 23.7469 5.3730 60.133 50 7.051 35.746957 31.2563 11.5528 23.7648 5.3271 59.590 51 7.361 35.738743 31.2669 11.5306 23.7770 5.2106 58.263 52 7.689 35.738744 31.2690 11.5280 23.7791 5.1273 57.329 53 7.981 35.740389 31.2720 11.5262 23.7817 5.0817 56.818 54 8.310 35.737103 31.2679 11.5271 23.7784 5.0528 56.495 55 8.602 35.727243 31.2679 11.5155 23.7805 5.0419 56.360 56 8.857 35.719029 31.2839 11.4871 23.7980 4.9859 55.705 57 9.113 35.712457 31.2864 11.4765 23.8018 4.9424 55.208 58 9.423 35.702598 31.2864 11.4649 23.8039 4.8738 54.428 59 9.752 35.694384 31.2986 11.4409 23.8176 4.8329 53.948 60 10.098 35.679595 31.3059 11.4151 23.8279 4.7599 53.106 61 10.427 35.679600 31.3321 11.3840 23.8538 4.7645 53.131 62 10.354 35.682885 31.3210 11.4009 23.8422 4.7040 52.471

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Civil and



Appendix D

Ammonia Criteria Worksheet

Page 42: Receiving Water Sampling Report


Water Temperature, deg C (90th percentile)

Receiving Water pH,

(90th percentile)

Receiving Water

Salinity, g/Kg (90th percentile)

Pressure, atm (EPA

criteria assumes 1


Molal Ionic

Strength (not valid if >0.85)

pKa8 at 25 deg C

(Whitfield model "B")

Percent of Total

Ammonia Present as Unionized

Acute Chronic Acute Chronic12/16/2015 9.28 7.5 30.05 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.617 9.317 0.5% 40.34 6.0611/3/2015 10.82 7.4 31.21 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.642 9.319 0.4% 45.55 6.849/21/2015 11.91 7.9 31.31 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.644 9.320 1.4% 13.42 2.028/11/2015 12.60 7.8 31.11 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.640 9.319 1.2% 15.99 2.407/6/2015 11.95 7.6 30.82 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.634 9.319 0.7% 26.44 3.97

6/15/2015 11.91 7.6 30.58 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.629 9.318 0.7% 26.48 3.984/29/2015 10.13 8.1 30.08 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.618 9.317 2.0% 9.66 1.453/24/2015 9.32 7.9 30.28 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.622 9.317 1.2% 16.15 2.4311/18/2014 10.15 7.8 30.20 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.621 9.317 1.0% 19.07 2.8610/2/2014 11.28 7.7 31.24 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.643 9.320 0.9% 22.16 3.339/3/2014 12.28 8.0 30.94 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.636 9.319 1.8% 10.39 1.56

8/11/2014 11.99 7.9 30.72 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.632 9.318 1.4% 13.30 2.006/10/2014 11.33 7.9 29.79 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.612 9.316 1.4% 13.89 2.095/7/2014 9.48 7.7 30.36 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.624 9.317 0.8% 25.19 3.78

4/21/2014 8.99 7.5 30.32 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.623 9.317 0.5% 41.28 6.203/24/2014 8.03 7.3 29.86 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.613 9.316 0.3% 69.97 10.512/25/2014 7.34 7.2 30.64 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.630 9.318 0.2% 93.09 13.981/6/2014 7.74 7.2 31.12 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.640 9.319 0.2% 90.60 13.61

12/11/2013 7.56 7.4 30.95 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.637 9.319 0.3% 57.95 8.7111/22/2013 8.91 7.5 31.07 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.639 9.319 0.5% 41.71 6.2610/29/2013 10.02 6.9 31.01 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.638 9.319 0.1% 152.28 22.876/17/2013 10.30 8.0 30.51 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.627 9.318 1.6% 11.99 1.805/20/2013 9.84 7.9 30.27 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.622 9.317 1.2% 15.54 2.334/8/2013 8.34 7.5 30.66 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.630 9.318 0.4% 43.41 6.52

8/20/2012 11.08 8.1 30.49 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.627 9.318 2.1% 9.03 1.367/31/2012 11.01 7.9 30.33 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.623 9.317 1.3% 14.26 2.1411/15.2011 9.01 7.7 30.90 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.635 9.319 0.7% 26.17 3.9310/19/2011 10.35 7.7 30.74 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.632 9.318 0.8% 23.67 3.56

9/6/2011 11.09 8.0 30.67 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.631 9.318 1.7% 11.32 1.708/1/2011 11.35 7.8 30.30 1.0 0.233 0.035 0.623 9.317 1.1% 17.46 2.62

Acute Chronic11.23 1.69

Ammonia Criteria (mg/L as N)

Instructions: Enter receiving water data below under 'Input'. Add or delete rows if needed. Make sure calculation at bottom of page includes all rows. This tab can be used in-place of the 'NH3-marine' tab to calculate the ammonia criteria; this method uses real-

time data instead of most conservative values for temp, pH, and salinity. Using this approach is less conservative but better

Marine Un-ionized Ammonia Criteria CalculationCalculation of seawater fraction of un-ionized ammonia from Hampson (1977). Un-ionized ammonia criteria for salt water are from

EPA 440/5-88-004. Revised 19-Oct-93.

INPUT OUTPUTUnionized ammonia

criteria (mg un-ionized NH3 per liter) from EPA 440/5-88-


Ammonia criteria at each condition

(mg/L as N)

Page 43: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Civil and



Appendix E

ALS Laboratory Report for Field Study #1 – 11/29/2015

Page 44: Receiving Water Sampling Report

December 30, 2015 Analytical Report for Service Request No: K1513613

William FoxCosmopolitan Marine Engineering9612 Kopachuck Dr NWP.O. Box 623Gig Harbor, WA 98335

Analyses were performed according to our laboratory’s NELAP-approved quality assurance program. The test results meet requirements of the current NELAP standards, where applicable, and except as noted in the laboratory case narrative provided. For a specific list of NELAP-accredited analytes, refer to the certifications section at All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, and ALS Group USA Corp. dba ALS Environmental (ALS) is not responsible for use of less than the complete report. Results apply only to the items submitted to the laboratory for analysis and individual items (samples) analyzed, as listed in the report.

For your reference, these analyses have been assigned our service request numberEnclosed are the results of the sample(s) submitted to our laboratory December 01, 2015


Dear William,


Please contact me if you have any questions. My extension is 3364. You may also contact me via email at [email protected].

Respectfully submitted,

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

Howard HolmesProject Manager

ALS Group USA, Corp1317 South 13th AvenueKelso, WA 98626

+1 360 577 7222+1 360 636 1068

T :F :

ALS Environmental


Howard Holmes
Page 45: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Environmental

F :T :

+1 360 636 1068+1 360 577 7222

Kelso, WA 986261317 South 13th AvenueALS Group USA, Corp

Table of Contents




State Certifications, Accreditations, And Licenses

Case Narrative

Chain of Custody

General Chemistry


Page 2 of 36

Page 46: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

A2LA American Association for Laboratory Accreditation

CARB California Air Resources Board

CAS Number Chemical Abstract Service registry Number

CFC Chlorofluorocarbon

CFU Colony-Forming Unit

DEC Department of Environmental Conservation

DEQ Department of Environmental Quality

DHS Department of Health Services

DOE Department of Ecology

DOH Department of Health

EPA U. S. Environmental Protection Agency

ELAP Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program

GC Gas Chromatography

GC/MS Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry

LOD Limit of Detection

LOQ Limit of Quantitation

LUFT Leaking Underground Fuel Tank

M ModifiedMCL Maximum Contaminant Level is the highest permissible concentration of a substance

allowed in drinking water as established by the USEPA.

MDL Method Detection Limit

MPN Most Probable Number

MRL Method Reporting Limit

NA Not Applicable

NC Not Calculated

NCASI National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement

ND Not Detected

NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

PQL Practical Quantitation Limit

RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

SIM Selected Ion Monitoring

TPH Total Petroleum Hydrocarbonstr Trace level is the concentration of an analyte that is less than the PQL but greater than or

equal to the MDL.


Page 3 of 36

Page 47: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Inorganic Data Qualifiers

* The result is an outlier. See case narrative.

# The control limit criteria is not applicable. See case narrative.

B The analyte was found in the associated method blank at a level that is significant relative to the sample result as defined by the DOD or NELAC standards.

E The result is an estimate amount because the value exceeded the instrument calibration range.

J The result is an estimated value.

U The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected ("Non-detect") at or above the MRL/MDL. DOD-QSM 4.2 definition : Analyte was not detected and is reported as less than the LOD or as defined by the project. The detection limit is adjusted for dilution.

i The MRL/MDL or LOQ/LOD is elevated due to a matrix interference.

X See case narrative.

Q See case narrative. One or more quality control criteria was outside the limits.

H The holding time for this test is immediately following sample collection. The samples were analyzed as soon as possible afterreceipt by the laboratory.

Metals Data Qualifiers

# The control limit criteria is not applicable. See case narrative.

J The result is an estimated value.

E The percent difference for the serial dilution was greater than 10%, indicating a possible matrix interference in the sample.

M The duplicate injection precision was not met.

N The Matrix Spike sample recovery is not within control limits. See case narrative.

S The reported value was determined by the Method of Standard Additions (MSA).

U The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected ("Non-detect") at or above the MRL/MDL. DOD-QSM 4.2 definition : Analyte was not detected and is reported as less than the LOD or as defined by the project. The detection limit is adjusted for dilution.

W The post-digestion spike for furnace AA analysis is out of control limits, while sample absorbance is less than 50% of spike absorbance.

i The MRL/MDL or LOQ/LOD is elevated due to a matrix interference.

X See case narrative.

+ The correlation coefficient for the MSA is less than 0.995.

Q See case narrative. One or more quality control criteria was outside the limits.

Organic Data Qualifiers

* The result is an outlier. See case narrative.

# The control limit criteria is not applicable. See case narrative.

A A tentatively identified compound, a suspected aldol-condensation product.

B The analyte was found in the associated method blank at a level that is significant relative to the sample result as defined by the DOD or NELAC standards.

C The analyte was qualitatively confirmed using GC/MS techniques, pattern recognition, or by comparing to historical data.

D The reported result is from a dilution.

E The result is an estimated value.

J The result is an estimated value.

N The result is presumptive. The analyte was tentatively identified, but a confirmation analysis was not performed.

PThe GC or HPLC confirmation criteria was exceeded. The relative percent difference is greater than 40% between the two analytical results.

U The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected ("Non-detect") at or above the MRL/MDL. DOD-QSM 4.2 definition : Analyte was not detected and is reported as less than the LOD or as defined by the project. The detection limit is adjusted for dilution.

i The MRL/MDL or LOQ/LOD is elevated due to a chromatographic interference.

X See case narrative.

Q See case narrative. One or more quality control criteria was outside the limits.

Additional Petroleum Hydrocarbon Specific Qualifiers

F The chromatographic fingerprint of the sample matches the elution pattern of the calibration standard.

L The chromatographic fingerprint of the sample resembles a petroleum product, but the elution pattern indicates the presence of a greater amount of lighter molecular weight constituents than the calibration standard.

H The chromatographic fingerprint of the sample resembles a petroleum product, but the elution pattern indicates the presence of a greater amount of heavier molecular weight constituents than the calibration standard.

O The chromatographic fingerprint of the sample resembles an oil, but does not match the calibration standard.

Y The chromatographic fingerprint of the sample resembles a petroleum product eluting in approximately the correct carbon range, but the elution pattern does not match the calibration standard.

Z The chromatographic fingerprint does not resemble a petroleum product.

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Page 48: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Agency Web Site Number

Alaska DEC UST UST-040

Arizona DHS AZ0339

Arkansas - DEQ 88-0637

California DHS (ELAP) 2795


Florida DOH E87412

Hawaii DOH Not available -

Idaho DHW -

ISO 17025 L14-50

Louisiana DEQ 03016

Maine DHS Not available WA01276

Michigan DEQ,1607,7-135-3307_4131_4156---,00.html 9949

Minnesota DOH 053-999-457

Montana DPHHS CERT0047

Nevada DEP WA01276

New Jersey DEP WA005

North Carolina DWQ 605

Oklahoma DEQ 9801

Oregon – DEQ (NELAP) WA100010

South Carolina DHEC 61002

Texas CEQ T104704427

Washington DOE C544

Wisconsin DNR 998386840

Wyoming (EPA Region 8) -

Kelso Laboratory Website NA

ALS Group USA Corp. dba ALS Environmental (ALS) - KelsoState Certifications, Accreditations, and Licenses

Analyses were performed according to our laboratory’s NELAP-approved quality assurance program. A complete listing of specific NELAP-certified analytes, can be found in the certification section at or at the accreditation bodies web site.Please refer to the certification and/or accreditation body's web site if samples are submitted for compliance purposes. The states highlighted above, require the analysis be listed on the state certification if used for compliance purposes and if the method/anlayte is offered by that state.

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Page 49: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Case Narrative

ALS Environmental—Kelso Laboratory 1317 South 13th Avenue, Kelso, WA 98626 Phone (360)577-7222 Fax (360)636-1068


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Approved by______________________________________________

ALS ENVIRONMENTAL Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request No.: K1513613 Project: PTPC Date Received: 12/1/2015 Sample Matrix: Water

Case Narrative All analyses were performed consistent with the quality assurance program of ALS Environmental. This report contains analytical results for samples designated for Tier II data deliverables. When appropriate to the method, method blank results have been reported with each analytical test. Additional quality control analyses reported herein include: Laboratory Duplicate (DUP), Matrix Spike (MS), and Laboratory Control Sample (LCS). Sample Receipt Three water samples were received for analysis at ALS Environmental on 12/1/2015. The samples were received in good condition and consistent with the accompanying chain of custody form. The samples were stored in a refrigerator at 4ºC upon receipt at the laboratory. General Chemistry Parameters No anomalies associated with the analysis of these samples were observed. Dissolved Metals Matrix Spike Recovery Exceptions: The matrix spike recovery of Arsenic for the Batch QC sample was outside control criteria for the reductive precipitation procedure. Certain matrix components can interfere with the procedure’s reaction mechanism resulting in low recoveries. As a result of the interference, the reported values for this analyte may contain a low bias. The associated QA/QC results (i.e. Method Blank, LCSW, CCV, etc.) indicate the analysis was in control. No further corrective action was taken. No other anomalies associated with the analysis of these samples were observed.

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Howard Holmes
Page 51: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Chain of Custody

ALS Environmental—Kelso Laboratory 1317 South 13th Avenue, Kelso, WA 98626 Phone (360)577-7222 Fax (360)636-1068


Page 8 of 36

Page 52: Receiving Water Sampling Report

~~ Enuironmental CHAIN OF CUSTODY

1317 South 13th Ave., Kelso, WA 98626









I. Routine Report: Method Blank, Surrogate, as required

II. Report Dup., MS, MSD as required

Ill. CLP Like Summary (no raw data)

IV. Data Validation Report



P.O.# --=-=------­Bill To:

Circle which metals are to be ;;:mg)lll§~d:

Total Metals: AI As Sb Ba Be B Ca Cd Co Cr Cu Fe Pb Mg

Dissolved Metals: AI BaBeBCa


24 hr. 48 hr.

__ 5day

-Xstandard (15 working days)

Provide FAX Results

. \

Mn Mo Ni K Ag Na Se Sr Tl Sn V Zn Hg

K@Na Se Sr Tl


Container Supply Number

11111111111111111111111111111111111 64655

Sample Shipment contains USDA regulated soil samples (check box if applicable)


~?Jt v ~'.

1 1 c .. /A t:Date/Time

Printed Name =Fi-rm __ _ Firm


Signature Date/Time

Printed Name Firm


Signature Date/Time

Printed Name Firm

Copyright 2012 by ALS Group Page 9 of 36

Page 53: Receiving Water Sampling Report

~ ~ PC ilL

Cooler Receipt and Preservation Form

Client I Project,C~Ifhu1_ Mtttr1 tle_) Service Request

Received: l'Lj 1/15 Opened: I 2/1/ J .. ::S By: Jl)2 •uvc•u'-'U·__j~~~-By: 1{5~ 1. Samples were received via? Mail UPS DHL PDX Courier Hand Delivered

2. Samples were received in: (circle) Envelope Other ------------------------Box NA

3. Were custody seals on coolers? N


If yes, how many and where?__.(y' /'-"fJ-~w._· ""1_._1 _..1"'"1:'----------

4. Packing material: Inserts~ Bubble Wrap~ Wet lee Dry lee Sleeves

5. Were custody papers properly filled out (ink, signed, etc.)?

6. Did all bottles arrive in good condition (unbroken)? Indicate in the table below.

7. Were all sample labels complete (i.e analysis, preservation, etc.)?

8. Did all sample labels and tags agree with custody papers? Indicate major discrepancies in the table on page 2.

9. Were appropriate bottles/containers and volumes received for the tests indicated?

10. Were the pH-preserved bottles (see SMO G~rv SOP) received at the appropriate pH? Indicate in the table below

11. Were VOA vials received without headspace? Indicate in the table below.

12. Was Cl2/Res negative?

Sample ID on Bottle Sample ID on coc Identified by:







@ y










Bottle Count Out of Head- Volume Reagent Lot Sample ID Bottle Type Temp space Broke pH Reagent added Number Initials Time

Notes, Discrepancies, & Resolutions: _________ _

Page __ of_ __

Page 10 of 36

Page 54: Receiving Water Sampling Report

General Chemistry

ALS Environmental—Kelso Laboratory 1317 South 13th Avenue, Kelso, WA 98626 Phone (360)577-7222 Fax (360)636-1068


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Page 55: Receiving Water Sampling Report




Date Received:Date Collected:

Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPCCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project: 11/29/15


Basis:Units: NTU

NA180.1NonePrep Method:

Analysis Method:

Lab CodeSample NameDate

AnalyzedDil.MDLMRLResult Q

MZN-1 12/01/15 10:2010.040.201.03K1513613-001MZS-1 12/01/15 10:2010.040.201.14K1513613-002Method Blank 12/01/15 10:2010.040.20 J0.09K1513613-MB

Analytical Report

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

Printed 12/10/2015 4:37:57 PM 15-0000356510 rev 00Superset Reference:

Page 12 of 36

Page 56: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.

QA/QC Report

Client:ProjectSample Matrix: Ocean Water

PTPCCosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1513613

11/29/15Date Collected:Date Received: 12/01/15

12/01/15Date Analyzed:

Replicate Sample SummaryGeneral Chemistry Parameters

MZN-1 NTUBasis:Units:

K1513613-001 NALab Code:Sample Name:

RPD LimitMRL MDLAnalysis Method RPD

Duplicate Sample

K1513613-001DUP Result Average

SampleResultAnalyte Name

dba ALS Environmental

Turbidity 3 0.20 0.04 1.03 1.00 1.01 20180.1

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 12/10/2015 4:37:57 PM 15-0000356510 rev 00Superset Reference:

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Page 57: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Sample Name

K1513613Date Analyzed:Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPCCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project:Client:

Lab Control Sample SummaryTurbidity

Analysis Method:Prep Method:

180.1None NA


Analysis Lot: 474580


Spike AmountResult % Rec

% Rec Limits

NADate Extracted:

Lab Code

dba ALS EnvironmentalALS Group USA, Corp.

QA/QC Report

Lab Control Sample 90-110108 4.234.56K1513613-LCS

15-0000356510 rev 00Superset Reference:Printed 12/10/2015 4:37:58 PM

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Page 58: Receiving Water Sampling Report




Date Received:Date Collected:

Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPCCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project: 11/29/15

Ammonia as Nitrogen

Basis:Units: mg/L

NASM 4500-NH3 GMethodPrep Method:

Analysis Method:

Lab CodeSample NameDate


ExtractedDil.MDLMRLResult Q

MZN-1 12/08/15 15:14 12/9/1510.0200.050 UNDK1513613-001MZS-1 12/08/15 15:14 12/9/1510.0200.050 UNDK1513613-002Method Blank 12/08/15 15:14 12/9/1510.0200.050 UNDK1513613-MB

Analytical Report

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

Printed 12/10/2015 4:37:58 PM 15-0000356510 rev 00Superset Reference:

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Page 59: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

QA/QC Report

Client:ProjectSample Matrix:

Prep Method:Analysis Method:

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupPTPCOcean Water

SM 4500-NH3 GMethod

Service Request:Date Collected:Date Received:




Replicate Sample SummaryAmmonia as Nitrogen

Sample Name: Lab Code:Date


DuplicateResult Average


NC 0.050 0.020 ND U ND U NC 20MZN-1 K1513613-001DUP 12/08/15NC 0.050 0.020 ND U ND U NC 20Batch QC K1513814-001DUP 12/08/15

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 12/10/2015 4:37:58 PM 15-0000356510 rev 00Superset Reference:

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Page 60: Receiving Water Sampling Report

QA/QC Report

mg/LK1513613-001 Basis:Lab Code:

Units:Sample Name: MZN-1

Ammonia as NitrogenDuplicate Matrix Spike Summary


Client:Project:Sample Matrix:

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupPTPCOcean Water

Service Request:

Date Analyzed:Date Received:



Date Collected: 11/29/15

MethodSM 4500-NH3 G

Prep Method:Analysis Method:

Analyte NameRPD LimitRPDResult

Sample Result

Spike Amount % Rec

Matrix SpikeK1513613-001MS K1513613-001DMS

Duplicate Matrix Spike

% RecSpike

AmountResult% Rec Limits

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

12/9/15Date Extracted:

Ammonia as Nitrogen ND U 2.11 2.00 105 2.09 2.00 104 90-110 <1 20

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 12/10/2015 4:37:59 PM 15-0000356510 rev 00Superset Reference:

Page 17 of 36

Page 61: Receiving Water Sampling Report

QA/QC Report

mg/LK1513814-001 Basis:Lab Code:

Units:Sample Name: Batch QC

Ammonia as NitrogenDuplicate Matrix Spike Summary


Client:Project:Sample Matrix:

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupPTPCOcean Water

Service Request:

Date Analyzed:Date Received:



Date Collected: N/A

MethodSM 4500-NH3 G

Prep Method:Analysis Method:

Analyte NameRPD LimitRPDResult

Sample Result

Spike Amount % Rec

Matrix SpikeK1513814-001MS K1513814-001DMS

Duplicate Matrix Spike

% RecSpike

AmountResult% Rec Limits

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

12/9/15Date Extracted:

Ammonia as Nitrogen ND U 2.05 2.00 102 2.06 2.00 103 90-110 <1 20

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 12/10/2015 4:37:59 PM 15-0000356510 rev 00Superset Reference:

Page 18 of 36

Page 62: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Sample Name

K1513613Date Analyzed:Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPCCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project:Client:

Lab Control Sample SummaryAmmonia as Nitrogen

Analysis Method:Prep Method:

SM 4500-NH3 GMethod NA


Analysis Lot: 475705


Spike AmountResult % Rec

% Rec Limits

12/09/15Date Extracted:

Lab Code

dba ALS EnvironmentalALS Group USA, Corp.

QA/QC Report

Lab Control Sample 90-11099 16.216.0K1513613-LCS

15-0000356510 rev 00Superset Reference:Printed 12/10/2015 4:37:59 PM

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ALS Environmental—Kelso Laboratory 1317 South 13th Avenue, Kelso, WA 98626 Phone (360)577-7222 Fax (360)636-1068


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Page 64: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

Analytical Report

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1513613

Project: PTPC Date Collected: 11/29/15

Sample Matrix: Ocean water Date Received: 12/01/15

Mercury, Dissolved

Prep Method: METHOD Units: ng/L

Analysis Method: 1631E Basis: NA

Test Notes:

Dilution Date Date ResultSample Name Lab Code MRL MDL Factor Extracted Analyzed Result Notes

MZN-1 K1513613-001 0.5 0.06 1 12/02/15 12/03/15 0.08 J

MZS-1 K1513613-002 0.5 0.06 1 12/02/15 12/03/15 0.08 J

FB-1 K1513613-003 0.5 0.06 1 12/02/15 12/03/15 ND

Method Blank 1 K1513613-MB1 0.5 0.06 1 12/02/15 12/03/15 ND

Method Blank 2 K1513613-MB2 0.5 0.06 1 12/02/15 12/03/15 ND

Method Blank 3 K1513613-MB3 0.5 0.06 1 12/02/15 12/03/15 0.10 J

K1513613ICP.JB1 - Sample 12/06/15 Page No.:

Page 21 of 36

Page 65: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

QA/QC Report

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1513613Project: PTPC Date Collected: NASample Matrix: Ocean water Date Received: NA

Date Extracted: 12/02/15Date Analyzed: 12/03/15

Matrix Spike/Duplicate Matrix Spike Summary

Total Metals

Sample Name: Batch QC Units: ng/L

Lab Code: K1513673-001MS, K1513673-001MSD Basis: NATest Notes:

P e r c e n t R e c o v e r y

ALS RelativePrep Analysis Spike Level Sample Spike Result Acceptance Percent Result

Analyte Method Method MRL MS DMS Result MS DMS MS DMS Limits Difference Notes Mercury METHOD 1631E 0.5 50 50 1.53 49.1 51.5 95 100 71-125 5

K1513613ICP.JB1 - DMS 12/06/15 Page No.:

Page 22 of 36

Page 66: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

QA/QC Report

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1513613

Project: PTPC Date Collected: NALCS Matrix: Water Date Received: NA

Date Extracted: NADate Analyzed: 12/03/15

Ongoing Precision and Recovery (OPR) Sample SummaryTotal Metals

Sample Name: Ongoing Precision and Recovery (Initial) Units: ng/L

Basis: NA

Test Notes:


RecoveryPrep Analysis True Percent Acceptance Result

Analyte Method Method Value Result Recovery Limits Notes

Mercury METHOD 1631E 5.00 5.05 101 77-123

K1513613ICP.JB1 - OPR (lcsw) 12/06/15 Page No.:

Page 23 of 36

Page 67: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

QA/QC Report

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1513613

Project: PTPC Date Collected: NALCS Matrix: Water Date Received: NA

Date Extracted: NADate Analyzed: 12/03/15

Ongoing Precision and Recovery (OPR) Sample SummaryTotal Metals

Sample Name: Ongoing Precision and Recovery (Final) Units: ng/L

Basis: NA

Test Notes:


RecoveryPrep Analysis True Percent Acceptance Result

Analyte Method Method Value Result Recovery Limits Notes

Mercury METHOD 1631E 5.00 4.89 98 77-123

K1513613ICP.JB1 - OPR (lcsw) (2) 12/06/15 Page No.:

Page 24 of 36

Page 68: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

QA/QC Report

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1513613

Project: PTPC Date Collected: NALCS Matrix: Water Date Received: NA

Date Extracted: NADate Analyzed: 12/03/15

Quality Control Sample (QCS) SummaryTotal Metals

Sample Name: Quality Control Sample Units: ng/L

Basis: NA

Test Notes:


RecoveryPrep Analysis True Percent Acceptance Result

Analyte Method Method Value Result Recovery Limits Notes

Mercury METHOD 1631E 5.00 5.05 101 77-123

K1513613ICP.JB1 - QCS (icv) 12/06/15 Page No.:

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Page 69: Receiving Water Sampling Report


ALS Group USA, Corp.


dba ALS Environmental

C QAnalyte

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupClient:

Project No.:

Service Request: K1513613


Lab Code: K1513613-001DISS

Date Received:

Units:WATER ug/L

Project Name:

Sample Name:

Date Collected:

Basis: NA






AnalysisMethod MRL

Dilution Factor


DateAnalyzed ResultMDL

0.422Antimony J200.8 1.000 1.0 12/03/15 12/06/150.120

1.29Arsenic N200.8 0.50 1.0 12/03/15 12/04/150.03

0.067Cadmium 200.8 0.020 1.0 12/03/15 12/04/150.001

0.19Chromium J200.8 0.20 1.0 12/03/15 12/04/150.02

0.372Copper 200.8 0.100 1.0 12/03/15 12/04/150.003

0.136Lead 200.8 0.020 1.0 12/03/15 12/04/150.008

6.340Manganese 200.8 1.000 1.0 12/03/15 12/06/150.180

0.46Nickel 200.8 0.20 1.0 12/03/15 12/04/150.04

0.009Silver J200.8 0.020 1.0 12/03/15 12/04/150.002

0.78Zinc 200.8 0.50 1.0 12/03/15 12/04/150.05


Form I - IN

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Page 70: Receiving Water Sampling Report


ALS Group USA, Corp.


dba ALS Environmental

C QAnalyte

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupClient:

Project No.:

Service Request: K1513613


Lab Code: K1513613-002DISS

Date Received:

Units:WATER ug/L

Project Name:

Sample Name:

Date Collected:

Basis: NA






AnalysisMethod MRL

Dilution Factor


DateAnalyzed ResultMDL

0.336Antimony J200.8 1.000 1.0 12/03/15 12/06/150.120

1.24Arsenic N200.8 0.50 1.0 12/03/15 12/04/150.03

0.066Cadmium 200.8 0.020 1.0 12/03/15 12/04/150.001

0.18Chromium J200.8 0.20 1.0 12/03/15 12/04/150.02

0.484Copper 200.8 0.100 1.0 12/03/15 12/04/150.003

0.025Lead 200.8 0.020 1.0 12/03/15 12/04/150.008

2.670Manganese 200.8 1.000 1.0 12/03/15 12/06/150.180

0.43Nickel 200.8 0.20 1.0 12/03/15 12/04/150.04

0.003Silver J200.8 0.020 1.0 12/03/15 12/04/150.002

0.46Zinc J200.8 0.50 1.0 12/03/15 12/04/150.05


Form I - IN

Page 27 of 36

Page 71: Receiving Water Sampling Report


ALS Group USA, Corp.


dba ALS Environmental

C QAnalyte

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupClient:

Project No.:

Service Request: K1513613


Lab Code: K1513613-003DISS

Date Received:

Units:WATER ug/L

Project Name:

Sample Name:

Date Collected:

Basis: NA






AnalysisMethod MRL

Dilution Factor


DateAnalyzed ResultMDL

0.006Antimony U200.8 0.050 1.0 12/03/15 12/06/150.006

0.2Arsenic U200.8 0.5 1.0 12/03/15 12/06/150.2

0.007Cadmium U200.8 0.020 1.0 12/03/15 12/06/150.007

0.15Chromium J200.8 0.20 1.0 12/03/15 12/06/150.03

0.08Copper J200.8 0.10 1.0 12/03/15 12/06/150.02

0.006Lead J200.8 0.020 1.0 12/03/15 12/06/150.004

0.010Manganese J200.8 0.050 1.0 12/03/15 12/06/150.009

0.02Nickel U200.8 0.20 1.0 12/03/15 12/06/150.02

0.003Silver J200.8 0.020 1.0 12/03/15 12/06/150.003

0.2Zinc U200.8 0.5 1.0 12/03/15 12/06/150.2


Form I - IN

Page 28 of 36

Page 72: Receiving Water Sampling Report


ALS Group USA, Corp.


dba ALS Environmental

C QAnalyte

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupClient:

Project No.:

Service Request: K1513613


Lab Code: KQ1514299-01

Date Received:

Units:WATER ug/L

Project Name:

Sample Name:

Date Collected:

Basis: NA



Method Blank

AnalysisMethod MRL

Dilution Factor


DateAnalyzed ResultMDL

0.013Antimony J200.8 0.050 1.0 12/03/15 12/06/150.006

0.2Arsenic U200.8 0.5 1.0 12/03/15 12/06/150.2

0.007Cadmium U200.8 0.020 1.0 12/03/15 12/06/150.007

0.03Chromium U200.8 0.20 1.0 12/03/15 12/06/150.03

0.02Copper U200.8 0.10 1.0 12/03/15 12/06/150.02

0.008Lead J200.8 0.020 1.0 12/03/15 12/06/150.004

0.009Manganese U200.8 0.050 1.0 12/03/15 12/06/150.009

0.02Nickel U200.8 0.20 1.0 12/03/15 12/06/150.02

0.008Silver J200.8 0.020 1.0 12/03/15 12/06/150.003

0.2Zinc U200.8 0.5 1.0 12/03/15 12/06/150.2


Form I - IN

Page 29 of 36

Page 73: Receiving Water Sampling Report


ALS Group USA, Corp.


dba ALS Environmental

C QAnalyte

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupClient:

Project No.:

Service Request: K1513613


Lab Code: KQ1514300-01

Date Received:

Units:WATER ug/L

Project Name:

Sample Name:

Date Collected:

Basis: NA



Method Blank

AnalysisMethod MRL

Dilution Factor


DateAnalyzed ResultMDL

0.03Arsenic NU200.8 0.50 1.0 12/03/15 12/04/150.03

0.001Cadmium J200.8 0.020 1.0 12/03/15 12/04/150.001

0.02Chromium J200.8 0.20 1.0 12/03/15 12/04/150.02

0.003Copper J200.8 0.100 1.0 12/03/15 12/04/150.003

0.015Lead J200.8 0.020 1.0 12/03/15 12/04/150.008

0.04Nickel U200.8 0.20 1.0 12/03/15 12/04/150.04

0.002Silver U200.8 0.020 1.0 12/03/15 12/04/150.002

0.06Zinc J200.8 0.50 1.0 12/03/15 12/04/150.05


Form I - IN

Page 30 of 36

Page 74: Receiving Water Sampling Report


ALS Group USA, Corp.


dba ALS Environmental

Analyte Spike Result QC Method

ControlLimit %R %R


MZN-1SSample Name: Lab Code: K1513613-001DISSS

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group

Project No.:

Service Request: K1513613





Basis: NA


PTPCProject Name:



0.42270 - 130 965 1000.00 96.5JAntimony 200.8

18.270 - 130 983 1000.00 96.5Arsenic 200.8

0.14070 - 130 445 500.00 89.0UCadmium 200.8

3.9970 - 130 216 200.00 106.0JChromium 200.8

6.4870 - 130 235 250.00 91.4Copper 200.8

0.10870 - 130 860 1000.00 86.0JLead 200.8

6.34070 - 130 508 500.00 100.3Manganese 200.8

5.9070 - 130 473 500.00 93.4Nickel 200.8

0.56470 - 130 219 250.00 87.4Silver 200.8

9.570 - 130 430 500.00 84.1JZinc 200.8

Form V (PART 1) - IN

An empty field in the Control Limit column indicates the control limit is not applicable

Page 31 of 36

Page 75: Receiving Water Sampling Report


ALS Group USA, Corp.


dba ALS Environmental

Analyte Spike Result QC Method

ControlLimit %R %R


Batch QC1SSample Name: Lab Code: K1513620-001S

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group

Project No.:

Service Request: K1513613





Basis: NA


PTPCProject Name:



2.8050 - 147 3.69 2.00 44.5 NArsenic 200.8

0.01965 - 114 1.77 2.00 87.6JCadmium 200.8

0.3450 - 130 2.18 2.00 92.0Chromium 200.8

0.58450 - 120 2.300 2.00 85.8Copper 200.8

0.04955 - 118 1.700 2.00 82.6Lead 200.8

1.0760 - 126 3.11 2.00 102.0Nickel 200.8

0.01267 - 103 1.64 2.00 81.4JSilver 200.8

1.4150 - 133 3.05 2.00 82.0Zinc 200.8

Form V (PART 1) - IN

An empty field in the Control Limit column indicates the control limit is not applicable

Page 32 of 36

Page 76: Receiving Water Sampling Report


ALS Group USA, Corp.


dba ALS Environmental

Analyte Sample (S) QC MethodControlLimit RPDC Duplicate (D)

MZN-1DSample Name: Lab Code: K1513613-001DISSD

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group

Project No.:

Service Request: K1513613





Basis: NA


PTPCProject Name:

0.4340.422 2.8Antimony J J 200.8

18.518.2 1.6Arsenic 200.8

0.1400.140Cadmium U U 200.8

4.843.99 19.3Chromium J 200.8

6.516.48 0.5Copper 200.8

0.1060.108 1.9Lead J J 200.8

6.4906.340 2.320Manganese 200.8

5.865.90 0.7Nickel 200.8

0.3320.564 51.8Silver J 200.8

8.89.5 7.7Zinc J J 200.8

Form VI - IN

An empty field in the Control Limit column indicates the control limit is not applicable.

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Page 77: Receiving Water Sampling Report


ALS Group USA, Corp.


dba ALS Environmental

Analyte Sample (S) QC MethodControlLimit RPDC Duplicate (D)

Batch QC1DSample Name: Lab Code: K1513620-001D

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group

Project No.:

Service Request: K1513613





Basis: NA


PTPCProject Name:

2.752.80 1.820Arsenic 200.8

0.0200.019 5.1Cadmium J J 200.8

0.320.34 6.1Chromium 200.8

0.5870.584 0.520Copper 200.8

0.0260.049 61.3Lead 200.8

1.061.07 0.920Nickel 200.8

0.0070.012 52.6Silver J J 200.8

1.451.41 2.8Zinc 200.8

Form VI - IN

An empty field in the Control Limit column indicates the control limit is not applicable.

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Page 78: Receiving Water Sampling Report


ALS Group USA, Corp.


dba ALS Environmental


Solid LCS Source:Aqueous LCS Source:


Solid (mg/kg)

True Found %R True Found

Aqueous (ug/L)

C Limits


Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group

Project No.:

Project Name:



K1513613Service Request:

47.8 50 95.6Antimony

46.6 50 93.2Arsenic

23.9 25 95.6Cadmium

9.16 10 91.6Chromium

11.6 12.5 92.8Copper

48.3 50 96.6Lead

22.5 25 90.0Manganese

22.7 25 90.8Nickel

11.7 12.5 93.6Silver

22.8 25 91.2Zinc

Form VII - IN

Page 35 of 36

Page 79: Receiving Water Sampling Report


ALS Group USA, Corp.


dba ALS Environmental


Solid LCS Source:Aqueous LCS Source:


Solid (mg/kg)

True Found %R True Found

Aqueous (ug/L)

C Limits


Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group

Project No.:

Project Name:



K1513613Service Request:

1.70 2 85.0Arsenic

1.88 2 94.0Cadmium

1.94 2 97.0Chromium

1.920 2 96.0Copper

1.910 2 95.5Lead

2.03 2 101.5Nickel

1.78 2 89.0Silver

2.10 2 105.0Zinc

Form VII - IN

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Page 80: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Civil and



Appendix F

ALS Laboratory Report for Field Study #2 – 2/23/2016

Page 81: Receiving Water Sampling Report

March 16 , 2016 Analytical Report for Service Request No: K1601841

William FoxCosmopolitan Marine Engineering9612 Kopachuck Dr NWP.O. Box 623Gig Harbor, WA 98335

Analyses were performed according to our laboratory’s NELAP-approved quality assurance program. The test results meet requirements of the current NELAP standards, where applicable, and except as noted in the laboratory case narrative provided. For a specific list of NELAP-accredited analytes, refer to the certifications section at All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, and ALS Group USA Corp. dba ALS Environmental (ALS) is not responsible for use of less than the complete report. Results apply only to the items submitted to the laboratory for analysis and individual items (samples) analyzed, as listed in the report.

For your reference, these analyses have been assigned our service request numberEnclosed are the results of the sample(s) submitted to our laboratory February 24, 2016

RE: PTPC WQ Sampling

Dear William,


Please contact me if you have any questions. My extension is 3364. You may also contact me via email at [email protected].

Respectfully submitted,

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

Howard HolmesProject Manager

ALS Group USA, Corp1317 South 13th AvenueKelso, WA 98626

+1 360 577 7222+1 360 636 1068

T :F :

ALS Environmental


Howard Holmes
Page 82: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Environmental

F :T :

+1 360 636 1068+1 360 577 7222

Kelso, WA 986261317 South 13th AvenueALS Group USA, Corp

Table of Contents




State Certifications, Accreditations, And Licenses

Chain of Custody

General Chemistry


Page 2 of 34

Page 83: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

A2LA American Association for Laboratory Accreditation

CARB California Air Resources Board

CAS Number Chemical Abstract Service registry Number

CFC Chlorofluorocarbon

CFU Colony-Forming Unit

DEC Department of Environmental Conservation

DEQ Department of Environmental Quality

DHS Department of Health Services

DOE Department of Ecology

DOH Department of Health

EPA U. S. Environmental Protection Agency

ELAP Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program

GC Gas Chromatography

GC/MS Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry

LOD Limit of Detection

LOQ Limit of Quantitation

LUFT Leaking Underground Fuel Tank

M ModifiedMCL Maximum Contaminant Level is the highest permissible concentration of a substance

allowed in drinking water as established by the USEPA.

MDL Method Detection Limit

MPN Most Probable Number

MRL Method Reporting Limit

NA Not Applicable

NC Not Calculated

NCASI National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement

ND Not Detected

NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

PQL Practical Quantitation Limit

RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

SIM Selected Ion Monitoring

TPH Total Petroleum Hydrocarbonstr Trace level is the concentration of an analyte that is less than the PQL but greater than or

equal to the MDL.


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Page 84: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Inorganic Data Qualifiers

* The result is an outlier. See case narrative.

# The control limit criteria is not applicable. See case narrative.

B The analyte was found in the associated method blank at a level that is significant relative to the sample result as defined by the DOD or NELAC standards.

E The result is an estimate amount because the value exceeded the instrument calibration range.

J The result is an estimated value.

U The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected ("Non-detect") at or above the MRL/MDL. DOD-QSM 4.2 definition : Analyte was not detected and is reported as less than the LOD or as defined by the project. The detection limit is adjusted for dilution.

i The MRL/MDL or LOQ/LOD is elevated due to a matrix interference.

X See case narrative.

Q See case narrative. One or more quality control criteria was outside the limits.

H The holding time for this test is immediately following sample collection. The samples were analyzed as soon as possible afterreceipt by the laboratory.

Metals Data Qualifiers

# The control limit criteria is not applicable. See case narrative.

J The result is an estimated value.

E The percent difference for the serial dilution was greater than 10%, indicating a possible matrix interference in the sample.

M The duplicate injection precision was not met.

N The Matrix Spike sample recovery is not within control limits. See case narrative.

S The reported value was determined by the Method of Standard Additions (MSA).

U The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected ("Non-detect") at or above the MRL/MDL. DOD-QSM 4.2 definition : Analyte was not detected and is reported as less than the LOD or as defined by the project. The detection limit is adjusted for dilution.

W The post-digestion spike for furnace AA analysis is out of control limits, while sample absorbance is less than 50% of spike absorbance.

i The MRL/MDL or LOQ/LOD is elevated due to a matrix interference.

X See case narrative.

+ The correlation coefficient for the MSA is less than 0.995.

Q See case narrative. One or more quality control criteria was outside the limits.

Organic Data Qualifiers

* The result is an outlier. See case narrative.

# The control limit criteria is not applicable. See case narrative.

A A tentatively identified compound, a suspected aldol-condensation product.

B The analyte was found in the associated method blank at a level that is significant relative to the sample result as defined by the DOD or NELAC standards.

C The analyte was qualitatively confirmed using GC/MS techniques, pattern recognition, or by comparing to historical data.

D The reported result is from a dilution.

E The result is an estimated value.

J The result is an estimated value.

N The result is presumptive. The analyte was tentatively identified, but a confirmation analysis was not performed.

PThe GC or HPLC confirmation criteria was exceeded. The relative percent difference is greater than 40% between the two analytical results.

U The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected ("Non-detect") at or above the MRL/MDL. DOD-QSM 4.2 definition : Analyte was not detected and is reported as less than the LOD or as defined by the project. The detection limit is adjusted for dilution.

i The MRL/MDL or LOQ/LOD is elevated due to a chromatographic interference.

X See case narrative.

Q See case narrative. One or more quality control criteria was outside the limits.

Additional Petroleum Hydrocarbon Specific Qualifiers

F The chromatographic fingerprint of the sample matches the elution pattern of the calibration standard.

L The chromatographic fingerprint of the sample resembles a petroleum product, but the elution pattern indicates the presence of a greater amount of lighter molecular weight constituents than the calibration standard.

H The chromatographic fingerprint of the sample resembles a petroleum product, but the elution pattern indicates the presence of a greater amount of heavier molecular weight constituents than the calibration standard.

O The chromatographic fingerprint of the sample resembles an oil, but does not match the calibration standard.

Y The chromatographic fingerprint of the sample resembles a petroleum product eluting in approximately the correct carbon range, but the elution pattern does not match the calibration standard.

Z The chromatographic fingerprint does not resemble a petroleum product.

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Page 85: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Agency Web Site Number

Alaska DEC UST UST-040

Arizona DHS AZ0339

Arkansas - DEQ 88-0637

California DHS (ELAP) 2795


Florida DOH E87412

Hawaii DOH Not available -

Idaho DHW -

ISO 17025 L14-50

Louisiana DEQ 03016

Maine DHS Not available WA01276

Michigan DEQ,1607,7-135-3307_4131_4156---,00.html 9949

Minnesota DOH 053-999-457

Montana DPHHS CERT0047

Nevada DEP WA01276

New Jersey DEP WA005

North Carolina DWQ 605

Oklahoma DEQ 9801

Oregon – DEQ (NELAP) WA100010

South Carolina DHEC 61002

Texas CEQ T104704427

Washington DOE C544

Wisconsin DNR 998386840

Wyoming (EPA Region 8) -

Kelso Laboratory Website NA

ALS Group USA Corp. dba ALS Environmental (ALS) - KelsoState Certifications, Accreditations, and Licenses

Analyses were performed according to our laboratory’s NELAP-approved quality assurance program. A complete listing of specific NELAP-certified analytes, can be found in the certification section at or at the accreditation bodies web site.Please refer to the certification and/or accreditation body's web site if samples are submitted for compliance purposes. The states highlighted above, require the analysis be listed on the state certification if used for compliance purposes and if the method/anlayte is offered by that state.

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Chain of Custody

ALS Environmental—Kelso Laboratory 1317 South 13th Avenue, Kelso, WA 98626 Phone (360)577-7222 Fax (360)636-1068


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Page 87: Receiving Water Sampling Report

AEnulronmental CHAIN OF CUSTODY SR# --'VJ-'-'1-'-'--U!O_' 19-\_·· ·_I __ 1317 South 13th Ave., Kelso WA 98626 I 360 577 7222 I 800 695 7222 1 360 6361068 (fax) PAGE OF COC#




- I. Routine Report: Method Blank, Surrogate, as




P.O.# -:;;------­

Bill To: Sea '""' 4.. a.. r .4 " d ,.<._

~ Report Dup., MS, MSD as TURNAROUND REQUIREMENTS required

- Ill. CLP Like Summary (no raw data)

- IV. Data Validation Report

v. EDD -

__ 24hr __ 48hr.

__ Sday

~tandard (15 working days)

__ Provide FAX Results

Requested Report Date



· ..

X IY ....

· .. I~ IX I><

..... · ...•.


Circle which metals are to be analyzed·

Total Metals: AI As Sb Ba Be B Ca Cd Co Cr Cu Fe Pb Mg Mn Mo Ni K Ag Na Se Sr Tl So V Zn Hg


Container Supply Number

Ft'lier ~b -hn.-­do nor

vt"'\.e.--fz,.l s :;"' J/1' p ( ~ s- i' h

zoo. 8. fi:J S?!m; 11!!.:> -h~lie~

IIIII II iiiii ~~!! :~:~: ~!:!~ !!:: :~:: 67858

0 Sample Shipment contains USDA regulated soil samples (check box if applicable)


Signature Date/Time Signature Date/Time

Printed Name Firm Printed Name Firm

Copyright 2012 by ALS Group Page 7 of 34

Page 88: Receiving Water Sampling Report

A PC lft6 Cooler Receipt and Preservation Form

Client Service Request Kl6___._,1J1-'LL'""&--'L/f-L/-_____ _

Received:,9 lP By: ~ Unloaded: J-\aLl jlv· By: r_q I. Samples were received via? Mail F~fi£.}C Wf~~~) DHL PDX Courier Hand Delivered

2. Samples were received in: (circle) ~ Box Envelope Other NA

3. Were custody seals on coolers?' NA ~: N If yes, how many and where? .

If present, were custody seals intact? {!_) N If present, were they signed and dated? 6) N

< ~;.,.;z Corr, Thermometer ·. Cooler/CO~'I_D •. • •• • CoolioiTemp Factor 10 · · Filed

-~o . ·~ 'i_.) ·1 D. 3 r; 3u.-.;)

4. Packing material: Inserts rJ!_~i~i.;:$ ('!.~iil~w~ll]; {j!!J?~~ Wet Ice Dry Ice Sleeves

5. Were custody papers properly filled out (irik; Signed, etc.)?

6. Did all bottles arrive in good condition (unbroken)? Indicate in the table below.

7. Were all sample labels complete (i.e analysis, preservation, etc.)?

8. Did all sample labels and tags agree with custody papers? Indicate major discrepancies in the table on page 2.

9. Were appropriate bottles/containers and volumes received for the tests indicated?

10. Were the pH-preserved bottles (see SMO GEN SOP) received at the appropriate pH? Indicate in the table below

I L Were VOA vials received without headspace? Indicate in the table below.

12. Was C\2/ negative?







(NP:· G~

I_ Sample ID on Bottle

I Sample ID on COC

I Identified by:


Notes, Discrepancies, & Resolutions: ••


c~··, N (i> .. N

G> N

G' .N

(Y N (v")

N '~ y N

y N

Page __ of_. __

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Page 89: Receiving Water Sampling Report

General Chemistry

ALS Environmental—Kelso Laboratory 1317 South 13th Avenue, Kelso, WA 98626 Phone (360)577-7222 Fax (360)636-1068


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Page 90: Receiving Water Sampling Report




Date Received:Date Collected:

Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ SamplingCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project: 02/23/16


Basis:Units: NTU

NA180.1NonePrep Method:

Analysis Method:

Lab CodeSample NameDate

AnalyzedDil.MDLMRLResult Q

MZN-2 02/24/16 09:2010.040.200.65K1601841-001MZS-2 02/24/16 09:2010.040.200.48K1601841-002Method Blank 02/23/16 15:3010.040.20 J0.05K1601841-MB

Analytical Report

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

Printed 2/26/2016 9:55:37 AM 16-0000366037 rev 00Superset Reference:

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Page 91: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

QA/QC Report

Client:ProjectSample Matrix:

Prep Method:Analysis Method:

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupPTPC WQ SamplingOcean Water


Service Request:Date Collected:Date Received:




Replicate Sample SummaryTurbidity

Sample Name: Lab Code:Date


DuplicateResult Average


2 0.20 0.04 0.33 0.34 0.332 20Batch QC K1601762-002DUP 02/23/162 0.20 0.04 15.8 16.2 16.0 20Batch QC K1601832-001DUP 02/24/16

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 2/26/2016 9:55:37 AM 16-0000366037 rev 00Superset Reference:

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Page 92: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Sample Name

K1601841Date Analyzed:Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ SamplingCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project:Client:

Lab Control Sample SummaryTurbidity

Analysis Method:Prep Method:

180.1None NA


Analysis Lot: 485326


Spike AmountResult % Rec

% Rec Limits

NADate Extracted:

Lab Code

dba ALS EnvironmentalALS Group USA, Corp.

QA/QC Report

Lab Control Sample 90-110101 4.234.27K1601841-LCS

16-0000366037 rev 00Superset Reference:Printed 2/26/2016 9:55:38 AM

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Page 93: Receiving Water Sampling Report




Date Received:Date Collected:

Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ SamplingCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project: 02/23/16

Ammonia as Nitrogen

Basis:Units: mg/L

NASM 4500-NH3 GMethodPrep Method:

Analysis Method:

Lab CodeSample NameDate


ExtractedDil.MDLMRLResult Q

MZN-2 02/25/16 13:05 2/25/1610.0200.050 UNDK1601841-001MZS-2 02/25/16 13:05 2/25/1610.0200.050 J0.025K1601841-002Method Blank 02/25/16 13:05 2/25/1610.0200.050 UNDK1601841-MB

Analytical Report

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

Printed 2/26/2016 9:55:38 AM 16-0000366037 rev 00Superset Reference:

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Page 94: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

QA/QC Report

Client:ProjectSample Matrix:

Prep Method:Analysis Method:

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupPTPC WQ SamplingOcean Water

SM 4500-NH3 GMethod

Service Request:Date Collected:Date Received:




Replicate Sample SummaryAmmonia as Nitrogen

Sample Name: Lab Code:Date


DuplicateResult Average


<1 0.050 0.020 1.62 1.61 1.61 20Batch QC K1601816-001DUP 02/25/16NC 0.050 0.020 ND U ND U NC 20Batch QC K1601839-001DUP 02/25/16

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 2/26/2016 9:55:38 AM 16-0000366037 rev 00Superset Reference:

Page 14 of 34

Page 95: Receiving Water Sampling Report

QA/QC Report

mg/LK1601816-001 Basis:Lab Code:

Units:Sample Name: Batch QC

Ammonia as NitrogenDuplicate Matrix Spike Summary


Client:Project:Sample Matrix:

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupPTPC WQ SamplingOcean Water

Service Request:

Date Analyzed:Date Received:



Date Collected: N/A

MethodSM 4500-NH3 G

Prep Method:Analysis Method:

Analyte NameRPD LimitRPDResult

Sample Result

Spike Amount % Rec

Matrix SpikeK1601816-001MS K1601816-001DMS

Duplicate Matrix Spike

% RecSpike

AmountResult% Rec Limits

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

02/25/16Date Extracted:

Ammonia as Nitrogen 1.62 3.56 2.00 97 3.61 2.00 99 90-110 2 20

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 2/26/2016 9:55:39 AM 16-0000366037 rev 00Superset Reference:

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Page 96: Receiving Water Sampling Report

QA/QC Report

mg/LK1601839-001 Basis:Lab Code:

Units:Sample Name: Batch QC

Ammonia as NitrogenDuplicate Matrix Spike Summary


Client:Project:Sample Matrix:

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupPTPC WQ SamplingOcean Water

Service Request:

Date Analyzed:Date Received:



Date Collected: N/A

MethodSM 4500-NH3 G

Prep Method:Analysis Method:

Analyte NameRPD LimitRPDResult

Sample Result

Spike Amount % Rec

Matrix SpikeK1601839-001MS K1601839-001DMS

Duplicate Matrix Spike

% RecSpike

AmountResult% Rec Limits

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

02/25/16Date Extracted:

Ammonia as Nitrogen ND U 1.99 2.00 99 2.01 2.00 101 90-110 2 20

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 2/26/2016 9:55:39 AM 16-0000366037 rev 00Superset Reference:

Page 16 of 34

Page 97: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Sample Name

K1601841Date Analyzed:Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ SamplingCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project:Client:

Lab Control Sample SummaryAmmonia as Nitrogen

Analysis Method:Prep Method:

SM 4500-NH3 GMethod NA


Analysis Lot: 485523


Spike AmountResult % Rec

% Rec Limits

02/25/16Date Extracted:

Lab Code

dba ALS EnvironmentalALS Group USA, Corp.

QA/QC Report

Lab Control Sample 90-11099 16.216.1K1601841-LCS

16-0000366037 rev 00Superset Reference:Printed 2/26/2016 9:55:39 AM

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ALS Environmental—Kelso Laboratory 1317 South 13th Avenue, Kelso, WA 98626 Phone (360)577-7222 Fax (360)636-1068


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Page 99: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

Analytical Report

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1601841

Project: PTPC WQ Sampling Date Collected: 02/23/16

Sample Matrix: Ocean water Date Received: 02/24/16

Mercury, Total

Prep Method: METHOD Units: ng/L

Analysis Method: 1631E Basis: NA

Test Notes:

Dilution Date Date ResultSample Name Lab Code MRL MDL Factor Extracted Analyzed Result Notes

MZN-2 K1601841-001 0.5 0.06 1 02/26/16 02/27/16 0.33 J

MZS-2 K1601841-002 0.5 0.06 1 02/26/16 02/27/16 0.19 J

FB-2 K1601841-003 0.5 0.06 1 02/26/16 02/27/16 ND

Method Blank K1601841-MB1 0.5 0.06 1 02/26/16 02/27/16 ND

Method Blank K1601841-MB2 0.5 0.06 1 02/26/16 02/27/16 ND

Method Blank K1601841-MB3 0.5 0.06 1 02/26/16 02/27/16 ND

K1601841icp.jc1 - Sample 02/29/16 Page No.:

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Page 100: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

QA/QC Report

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1601841Project: PTPC WQ Sampling Date Collected: NASample Matrix: Water Date Received: NA

Date Extracted: 02/26/16Date Analyzed: 02/27/16

Matrix Spike/Duplicate Matrix Spike Summary

Total Metals

Sample Name: Batch QC Units: ng/L

Lab Code: K1601723-001MS, K1601723-001MSD Basis: NATest Notes:

P e r c e n t R e c o v e r y

ALS RelativePrep Analysis Spike Level Sample Spike Result Acceptance Percent Result

Analyte Method Method MRL MS DMS Result MS DMS MS DMS Limits Difference Notes Mercury METHOD 1631E 0.5 50 50 1.75 40.6 41.8 78 80 71-125 3

K1601841icp.jc1 - DMS 02/29/16 Page No.:

Page 20 of 34

Page 101: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

QA/QC Report

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1601841

Project: PTPC WQ Sampling Date Collected: NALCS Matrix: Water Date Received: NA

Date Extracted: NADate Analyzed: 02/27/16

Ongoing Precision and Recovery (OPR) Sample SummaryTotal Metals

Sample Name: Ongoing Precision and Recovery (Initial) Units: ng/L

Basis: NA

Test Notes:


RecoveryPrep Analysis True Percent Acceptance Result

Analyte Method Method Value Result Recovery Limits Notes

Mercury METHOD 1631E 5.00 5.30 106 77-123

K1601841icp.jc1 - OPR (lcsw) 02/29/16 Page No.:

Page 21 of 34

Page 102: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

QA/QC Report

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1601841

Project: PTPC WQ Sampling Date Collected: NALCS Matrix: Water Date Received: NA

Date Extracted: NADate Analyzed: 02/27/16

Ongoing Precision and Recovery (OPR) Sample SummaryTotal Metals

Sample Name: Ongoing Precision and Recovery (Final) Units: ng/L

Basis: NA

Test Notes:


RecoveryPrep Analysis True Percent Acceptance Result

Analyte Method Method Value Result Recovery Limits Notes

Mercury METHOD 1631E 5.00 4.92 98 77-123

K1601841icp.jc1 - OPR (lcsw) (2) 02/29/16 Page No.:

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Page 103: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

QA/QC Report

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1601841

Project: PTPC WQ Sampling Date Collected: NALCS Matrix: Water Date Received: NA

Date Extracted: NADate Analyzed: 02/27/16

Quality Control Sample (QCS) SummaryTotal Metals

Sample Name: Quality Control Sample Units: ng/L

Basis: NA

Test Notes:


RecoveryPrep Analysis True Percent Acceptance Result

Analyte Method Method Value Result Recovery Limits Notes

Mercury METHOD 1631E 5.00 5.29 106 77-123

K1601841icp.jc1 - QCS (icv) 02/29/16 Page No.:

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Page 104: Receiving Water Sampling Report


ALS Group USA, Corp.


dba ALS Environmental

C QAnalyte

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupClient:

Project No.:

Service Request: K1601841


Lab Code: K1601841-001DISS

Date Received:

Units:WATER ug/L

Project Name:

Sample Name:

Date Collected:

Basis: NA


PTPC WQ Sampling




AnalysisMethod MRL

Dilution Factor


DateAnalyzed ResultMDL

0.448Antimony J200.8 1.000 1.0 02/29/16 03/02/160.120

1.23Arsenic 200.8 0.50 1.0 02/25/16 02/29/160.03

0.047Cadmium 200.8 0.020 1.0 02/25/16 02/29/160.001

0.13Chromium J200.8 0.20 1.0 02/25/16 02/29/160.02

0.349Copper 200.8 0.100 1.0 02/25/16 02/29/160.003

0.047Lead 200.8 0.020 1.0 02/25/16 02/29/160.008

8.020Manganese 200.8 1.000 1.0 02/29/16 03/02/160.180

0.47Nickel 200.8 0.20 1.0 02/25/16 02/29/160.04

0.003Silver J200.8 0.020 1.0 02/25/16 02/29/160.002

1.19Zinc 200.8 0.50 1.0 02/25/16 02/29/160.05


Form I - IN

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Page 105: Receiving Water Sampling Report


ALS Group USA, Corp.


dba ALS Environmental

C QAnalyte

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupClient:

Project No.:

Service Request: K1601841


Lab Code: K1601841-002DISS

Date Received:

Units:WATER ug/L

Project Name:

Sample Name:

Date Collected:

Basis: NA


PTPC WQ Sampling




AnalysisMethod MRL

Dilution Factor


DateAnalyzed ResultMDL

0.362Antimony J200.8 1.000 1.0 02/29/16 03/02/160.120

1.09Arsenic 200.8 0.50 1.0 02/25/16 02/29/160.03

0.052Cadmium 200.8 0.020 1.0 02/25/16 02/29/160.001

0.13Chromium J200.8 0.20 1.0 02/25/16 02/29/160.02

0.275Copper 200.8 0.100 1.0 02/25/16 02/29/160.003

0.009Lead J200.8 0.020 1.0 02/25/16 02/29/160.008

1.010Manganese 200.8 1.000 1.0 02/29/16 03/02/160.180

0.41Nickel 200.8 0.20 1.0 02/25/16 02/29/160.04

0.003Silver J200.8 0.020 1.0 02/25/16 02/29/160.002

1.89Zinc 200.8 0.50 1.0 02/25/16 02/29/160.05


Form I - IN

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Page 106: Receiving Water Sampling Report


ALS Group USA, Corp.


dba ALS Environmental

C QAnalyte

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupClient:

Project No.:

Service Request: K1601841


Lab Code: K1601841-003DISS

Date Received:

Units:WATER ug/L

Project Name:

Sample Name:

Date Collected:

Basis: NA


PTPC WQ Sampling




AnalysisMethod MRL

Dilution Factor


DateAnalyzed ResultMDL

0.011Antimony J200.8 0.050 1.0 02/29/16 03/02/160.006

0.2Arsenic U200.8 0.5 1.0 02/29/16 03/02/160.2

0.007Cadmium U200.8 0.020 1.0 02/29/16 03/02/160.007

0.08Chromium J200.8 0.20 1.0 02/29/16 03/02/160.03

0.22Copper 200.8 0.10 1.0 02/29/16 03/02/160.02

0.013Lead J200.8 0.020 1.0 02/29/16 03/02/160.004

0.024Manganese J200.8 0.050 1.0 02/29/16 03/02/160.009

0.02Nickel U200.8 0.20 1.0 02/29/16 03/02/160.02

0.003Silver J200.8 0.020 1.0 02/29/16 03/02/160.003

0.3Zinc J200.8 0.5 1.0 02/29/16 03/02/160.2


Form I - IN

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ALS Group USA, Corp.


dba ALS Environmental

C QAnalyte

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupClient:

Project No.:

Service Request: K1601841


Lab Code: KQ1601786-01

Date Received:

Units:WATER ug/L

Project Name:

Sample Name:

Date Collected:

Basis: NA


PTPC WQ Sampling

Method Blank

AnalysisMethod MRL

Dilution Factor


DateAnalyzed ResultMDL

0.03Arsenic U200.8 0.50 1.0 02/25/16 02/29/160.03

0.001Cadmium J200.8 0.020 1.0 02/25/16 02/29/160.001

0.03Chromium J200.8 0.20 1.0 02/25/16 02/29/160.02

0.005Copper J200.8 0.100 1.0 02/25/16 02/29/160.003

0.009Lead J200.8 0.020 1.0 02/25/16 02/29/160.008

0.04Nickel U200.8 0.20 1.0 02/25/16 02/29/160.04

0.002Silver U200.8 0.020 1.0 02/25/16 02/29/160.002

0.06Zinc J200.8 0.50 1.0 02/25/16 02/29/160.05


Form I - IN

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Page 108: Receiving Water Sampling Report


ALS Group USA, Corp.


dba ALS Environmental

C QAnalyte

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupClient:

Project No.:

Service Request: K1601841


Lab Code: KQ1601902-01

Date Received:

Units:WATER ug/L

Project Name:

Sample Name:

Date Collected:

Basis: NA


PTPC WQ Sampling

Method Blank

AnalysisMethod MRL

Dilution Factor


DateAnalyzed ResultMDL

0.017Antimony J200.8 0.050 1.0 02/29/16 03/02/160.006

0.2Arsenic U200.8 0.5 1.0 02/29/16 03/02/160.2

0.007Cadmium U200.8 0.020 1.0 02/29/16 03/02/160.007

0.08Chromium J200.8 0.20 1.0 02/29/16 03/02/160.03

0.02Copper U200.8 0.10 1.0 02/29/16 03/02/160.02

0.012Lead J200.8 0.020 1.0 02/29/16 03/02/160.004

0.009Manganese U200.8 0.050 1.0 02/29/16 03/02/160.009

0.02Nickel U200.8 0.20 1.0 02/29/16 03/02/160.02

0.006Silver J200.8 0.020 1.0 02/29/16 03/02/160.003

0.2Zinc U200.8 0.5 1.0 02/29/16 03/02/160.2


Form I - IN

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Page 109: Receiving Water Sampling Report


ALS Group USA, Corp.


dba ALS Environmental

Analyte Spike Result QC Method

ControlLimit %R %R


Batch QC1SSample Name: Lab Code: K1601582-002S

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group

Project No.:

Service Request: K1601841





Basis: NA


PTPC WQ SamplingProject Name:



1.1550 - 147 2.68 2.00 76Arsenic 200.8

0.04265 - 114 1.62 2.00 79Cadmium 200.8

0.4650 - 130 1.90 2.00 72Chromium 200.8

0.60050 - 120 2.06 2.00 73Copper 200.8

0.17855 - 118 1.690 2.00 76Lead 200.8

1.1060 - 126 3.13 2.00 102Nickel 200.8

0.00567 - 103 1.48 2.00 74JSilver 200.8

1.3950 - 133 2.80 2.00 70Zinc 200.8

Form V (PART 1) - IN

An empty field in the Control Limit column indicates the control limit is not applicable

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Page 110: Receiving Water Sampling Report


ALS Group USA, Corp.


dba ALS Environmental

Analyte Spike Result QC Method

ControlLimit %R %R


Batch QC2SSample Name: Lab Code: K1601828-001S

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group

Project No.:

Service Request: K1601841





Basis: NA


PTPC WQ SamplingProject Name:



0.20570 - 130 47.8 50.00 95Antimony 200.8

0.370 - 130 48.7 50.00 97JArsenic 200.8

0.01470 - 130 23.3 25.00 93JCadmium 200.8

0.3170 - 130 9.42 10.00 91Chromium 200.8

2.7670 - 130 14.1 12.50 91Copper 200.8

0.30270 - 130 46.0 50.00 91Lead 200.8

33.170 - 130 57.2 25.00 96Manganese 200.8

0.6370 - 130 23.1 25.00 90Nickel 200.8

0.00770 - 130 11.2 12.50 90JSilver 200.8

15.070 - 130 39.4 25.00 98Zinc 200.8

Form V (PART 1) - IN

An empty field in the Control Limit column indicates the control limit is not applicable

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Page 111: Receiving Water Sampling Report


ALS Group USA, Corp.


dba ALS Environmental

Analyte Sample (S) QC MethodControlLimit RPDC Duplicate (D)

Batch QC1DSample Name: Lab Code: K1601582-002D

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group

Project No.:

Service Request: K1601841





Basis: NA


PTPC WQ SamplingProject Name:

1.11.2 8.7Arsenic 200.8

0.040.04 0.0Cadmium 200.8

0.50.5 0.0Chromium 200.8

0.600.60 0.020Copper 200.8

0.170.18 5.720Lead 200.8

1.21.1 8.720Nickel 200.8

0.000.01 200.0Silver J J 200.8

1.31.4 7.4Zinc 200.8

Form VI - IN

An empty field in the Control Limit column indicates the control limit is not applicable.

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Page 112: Receiving Water Sampling Report


ALS Group USA, Corp.


dba ALS Environmental

Analyte Sample (S) QC MethodControlLimit RPDC Duplicate (D)

Batch QC2DSample Name: Lab Code: K1601828-001D

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group

Project No.:

Service Request: K1601841





Basis: NA


PTPC WQ SamplingProject Name:

0.1890.205 8.1Antimony 200.8

0.30.3 0.0Arsenic J J 200.8

0.0100.014 33.3Cadmium J J 200.8

0.300.31 3.3Chromium 200.8

2.762.76 0.020Copper 200.8

0.3070.302 1.620Lead 200.8

33.433.1 0.920Manganese 200.8

0.630.63 0.0Nickel 200.8

0.0070.007 0.0Silver J J 200.8

16.915.0 11.920Zinc 200.8

Form VI - IN

An empty field in the Control Limit column indicates the control limit is not applicable.

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Page 113: Receiving Water Sampling Report


ALS Group USA, Corp.


dba ALS Environmental


Solid LCS Source:Aqueous LCS Source:


Solid (mg/kg)

True Found %R True Found

Aqueous (ug/L)

C Limits


Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group

Project No.:

Project Name:


PTPC WQ Sampling

K1601841Service Request:

1.54 2 77Arsenic

1.79 2 90Cadmium

2.05 2 102Chromium

1.74 2 87Copper

1.800 2 90Lead

2.06 2 103Nickel

1.70 2 85Silver

1.95 2 98Zinc

Form VII - IN

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Page 114: Receiving Water Sampling Report


ALS Group USA, Corp.


dba ALS Environmental


Solid LCS Source:Aqueous LCS Source:


Solid (mg/kg)

True Found %R True Found

Aqueous (ug/L)

C Limits


Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group

Project No.:

Project Name:


PTPC WQ Sampling

K1601841Service Request:

47.8 50 96Antimony

46.5 50 93Arsenic

23.3 25 93Cadmium

9.17 10 92Chromium

11.3 12.5 90Copper

46.3 50 93Lead

22.9 25 92Manganese

22.8 25 91Nickel

11.4 12.5 91Silver

22.4 25 90Zinc

Form VII - IN

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Page 115: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Civil and



Appendix G

ALS Laboratory Report for Field Study #3 – 5/17/2016

Page 116: Receiving Water Sampling Report

June 17, 2016 Analytical Report for Service Request No: K1605262

William FoxCosmopolitan Marine Engineering9612 Kopachuck Dr NWP.O. Box 623Gig Harbor, WA 98335

Analyses were performed according to our laboratory’s NELAP-approved quality assurance program. The test results meet requirements of the current NELAP standards, where applicable, and except as noted in the laboratory case narrative provided. For a specific list of NELAP-accredited analytes, refer to the certifications section at All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, and ALS Group USA Corp. dba ALS Environmental (ALS) is not responsible for use of less than the complete report. Results apply only to the items submitted to the laboratory for analysis and individual items (samples) analyzed, as listed in the report.

For your reference, these analyses have been assigned our service request numberEnclosed are the results of the sample(s) submitted to our laboratory May 19, 2016

RE: PTPC WQ Sampling #3

Dear William,


Please contact me if you have any questions. My extension is 3364. You may also contact me via email at [email protected].

Respectfully submitted,

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

Howard HolmesProject Manager

ALS Group USA, Corp1317 South 13th AvenueKelso, WA 98626

+1 360 577 7222+1 360 636 1068

T :F :

ALS Environmental


Howard Holmes
Page 117: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Environmental

F :T :

+1 360 636 1068+1 360 577 7222

Kelso, WA 986261317 South 13th AvenueALS Group USA, Corp

Table of Contents




State Certifications, Accreditations, And Licenses

Chain of Custody

General Chemistry


Page 2 of 36

Page 118: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

A2LA American Association for Laboratory Accreditation

CARB California Air Resources Board

CAS Number Chemical Abstract Service registry Number

CFC Chlorofluorocarbon

CFU Colony-Forming Unit

DEC Department of Environmental Conservation

DEQ Department of Environmental Quality

DHS Department of Health Services

DOE Department of Ecology

DOH Department of Health

EPA U. S. Environmental Protection Agency

ELAP Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program

GC Gas Chromatography

GC/MS Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry

LOD Limit of Detection

LOQ Limit of Quantitation

LUFT Leaking Underground Fuel Tank

M ModifiedMCL Maximum Contaminant Level is the highest permissible concentration of a substance

allowed in drinking water as established by the USEPA.

MDL Method Detection Limit

MPN Most Probable Number

MRL Method Reporting Limit

NA Not Applicable

NC Not Calculated

NCASI National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement

ND Not Detected

NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

PQL Practical Quantitation Limit

RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

SIM Selected Ion Monitoring

TPH Total Petroleum Hydrocarbonstr Trace level is the concentration of an analyte that is less than the PQL but greater than or

equal to the MDL.


Page 3 of 36

Page 119: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Inorganic Data Qualifiers

* The result is an outlier. See case narrative.

# The control limit criteria is not applicable. See case narrative.

B The analyte was found in the associated method blank at a level that is significant relative to the sample result as defined by the DOD or NELAC standards.

E The result is an estimate amount because the value exceeded the instrument calibration range.

J The result is an estimated value.

U The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected ("Non-detect") at or above the MRL/MDL. DOD-QSM 4.2 definition : Analyte was not detected and is reported as less than the LOD or as defined by the project. The detection limit is adjusted for dilution.

i The MRL/MDL or LOQ/LOD is elevated due to a matrix interference.

X See case narrative.

Q See case narrative. One or more quality control criteria was outside the limits.

H The holding time for this test is immediately following sample collection. The samples were analyzed as soon as possible afterreceipt by the laboratory.

Metals Data Qualifiers

# The control limit criteria is not applicable. See case narrative.

J The result is an estimated value.

E The percent difference for the serial dilution was greater than 10%, indicating a possible matrix interference in the sample.

M The duplicate injection precision was not met.

N The Matrix Spike sample recovery is not within control limits. See case narrative.

S The reported value was determined by the Method of Standard Additions (MSA).

U The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected ("Non-detect") at or above the MRL/MDL. DOD-QSM 4.2 definition : Analyte was not detected and is reported as less than the LOD or as defined by the project. The detection limit is adjusted for dilution.

W The post-digestion spike for furnace AA analysis is out of control limits, while sample absorbance is less than 50% of spike absorbance.

i The MRL/MDL or LOQ/LOD is elevated due to a matrix interference.

X See case narrative.

+ The correlation coefficient for the MSA is less than 0.995.

Q See case narrative. One or more quality control criteria was outside the limits.

Organic Data Qualifiers

* The result is an outlier. See case narrative.

# The control limit criteria is not applicable. See case narrative.

A A tentatively identified compound, a suspected aldol-condensation product.

B The analyte was found in the associated method blank at a level that is significant relative to the sample result as defined by the DOD or NELAC standards.

C The analyte was qualitatively confirmed using GC/MS techniques, pattern recognition, or by comparing to historical data.

D The reported result is from a dilution.

E The result is an estimated value.

J The result is an estimated value.

N The result is presumptive. The analyte was tentatively identified, but a confirmation analysis was not performed.

PThe GC or HPLC confirmation criteria was exceeded. The relative percent difference is greater than 40% between the two analytical results.

U The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected ("Non-detect") at or above the MRL/MDL. DOD-QSM 4.2 definition : Analyte was not detected and is reported as less than the LOD or as defined by the project. The detection limit is adjusted for dilution.

i The MRL/MDL or LOQ/LOD is elevated due to a chromatographic interference.

X See case narrative.

Q See case narrative. One or more quality control criteria was outside the limits.

Additional Petroleum Hydrocarbon Specific Qualifiers

F The chromatographic fingerprint of the sample matches the elution pattern of the calibration standard.

L The chromatographic fingerprint of the sample resembles a petroleum product, but the elution pattern indicates the presence of a greater amount of lighter molecular weight constituents than the calibration standard.

H The chromatographic fingerprint of the sample resembles a petroleum product, but the elution pattern indicates the presence of a greater amount of heavier molecular weight constituents than the calibration standard.

O The chromatographic fingerprint of the sample resembles an oil, but does not match the calibration standard.

Y The chromatographic fingerprint of the sample resembles a petroleum product eluting in approximately the correct carbon range, but the elution pattern does not match the calibration standard.

Z The chromatographic fingerprint does not resemble a petroleum product.

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Page 120: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Agency Web Site Number

Alaska DEC UST UST-040

Arizona DHS AZ0339

Arkansas - DEQ 88-0637

California DHS (ELAP) 2795


Florida DOH E87412

Hawaii DOH Not available -

ISO 17025 L16-57

Louisiana DEQ 03016

Maine DHS Not available WA01276

Minnesota DOH 053-999-457

Montana DPHHS CERT0047

Nevada DEP WA01276

New Jersey DEP WA005

North Carolina DWQ 605

Oklahoma DEQ 9801

Oregon – DEQ (NELAP) WA100010

South Carolina DHEC 61002

Texas CEQ T104704427

Washington DOE C544

Wisconsin DNR 998386840

Wyoming (EPA Region 8) -

Kelso Laboratory Website NA

ALS Group USA Corp. dba ALS Environmental (ALS) - KelsoState Certifications, Accreditations, and Licenses

Analyses were performed according to our laboratory’s NELAP-approved quality assurance program. A complete listing of specific NELAP-certified analytes, can be found in the certification section at or at the accreditation bodies web site.Please refer to the certification and/or accreditation body's web site if samples are submitted for compliance purposes. The states highlighted above, require the analysis be listed on the state certification if used for compliance purposes and if the method/anlayte is offered by that state.

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Page 121: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Chain of Custody

ALS Environmental—Kelso Laboratory 1317 South 13th Avenue, Kelso, WA 98626 Phone (360)577-7222 Fax (360)636-1068


Page 6 of 36

Page 122: Receiving Water Sampling Report

A Enulronmental CHAIN OF CUSTODY

Circ;Le which metals are to be anajyzed:

Container Supply Number

1111111111111111111111 IIIII 1111 1111 68913

Requested Report Date D Sample Shipment contains USDA regulated soil samples (check box if applicable)


-3 Signature Date/Time Signature Date/Time

Printed Name Firm Printed Name Firm Printed Name Firm

Copyright 2012 by ALS Group Page 7 of 36

Page 123: Receiving Water Sampling Report

A PC do.«v·cl Cooler Receipt and Preservation Form

Client &rmt.?f"' {, k " Service Request KJ6. _ ___,5=...2"'-'ft7"-. -"'Z...."'--------

Received: 6jtlf{fte> Opened: 5/t'f/lr.. By: f.Lt.. Unloaded: 5pt;jtc. By:_Jt~'kfr-----

I. Samples were received via? Mail Fed Ex @) 2. Samples were received in: (circle) E!!!'J Box

3. Were custody seals on coolers? NA-- G) N

DHL PDX Courier Hand Delivered

Envelope Other NA

If yes, how many and where? ( fre,.. f· j J,a, i:c,

If present, were custody seals intact? @ N If present, were they signed and dated? (]) N

I> ~.~ ~--TC!MP

eometetr. I Raw 'coOter:temp teil\p:elaink,, t ...... _ .. _·· ... , <_·_c ___ -_o_._'_'_ ._·_· .. •. ·j· .Themlo_· __ · __ •. _ ._• · ·_meter_· __ ,. Cooler/CQCID_. r...,p_k · .Factor ~- . -10 : ·!\lA

- Tmc:i(illlll\l~ber . . -~~~ Fll<lcl

7.3 7·/ I '-- --LL.2,_ J 3 SS l____d:>e-9' I .3 I 2: 9fl3£ 3 2-D5'1t:JvO ? !160

4. Packing material: Inserts ~!~~~bbt:=~;~ Wet Ice Dry Ice Sleeves

5. Were custody papers properly filled out (ink, signed, etc.)?

6. Did all bottles arrive in good condition (unbroken)? Indicate in the table below.

7. Were all sample labels complete (i.e analysis, preservation, etc.)?

8. Did all sample labels and tags agree with custody papers? Indicate major discrepancies in the table on page 2.

9. Were appropriate bottles/containers and volumes received for the tests indicated?


10. Were the pH-preserved bottles (see SMO GEN SOP) received at the appropriate pH? Indicate in the table below

II. Were VOA vials received without headspace? Indicate in the table below.

12. Was CI2/Res negative?

Sample 10 on Bottle

I Sample 10 on C!>C

I · ldenliflod by:


NA (j) N

NA m N



NA ffi N


~ y N y N

Bottle Count Out of Head' •· Volume Reagent Lot . Reaaent .. SamplaiO · Bottle Type Temp sp8ce Broke PH added Number fnltiats Time

Notes, Discrepancies, & Reso/ations: ___________________________________ _

Page __ of __

Page 8 of 36

Page 124: Receiving Water Sampling Report

General Chemistry

ALS Environmental—Kelso Laboratory 1317 South 13th Avenue, Kelso, WA 98626 Phone (360)577-7222 Fax (360)636-1068


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Page 125: Receiving Water Sampling Report




Date Received:Date Collected:

Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ Sampling #3Cosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project: 05/17/16


Basis:Units: NTU

NA180.1NonePrep Method:

Analysis Method:

Lab CodeSample NameDate

AnalyzedDil.MDLMRLResult Q

MZN-3 05/19/16 15:0010.040.201.41K1605262-001MZS-3 05/19/16 15:0010.040.201.24K1605262-002MZS-3 DUP 05/19/16 15:0010.040.201.03K1605262-003MZN-3 DUP 05/19/16 15:0010.040.201.31K1605262-005Method Blank 05/19/16 15:0010.040.20 J0.06K1605262-MB1

Analytical Report

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

Printed 6/2/2016 1:24:57 PM 16-0000377089 rev 00Superset Reference:

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Page 126: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

QA/QC Report

Client:ProjectSample Matrix:

Prep Method:Analysis Method:

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupPTPC WQ Sampling #3Ocean Water


Service Request:Date Collected:Date Received:




Replicate Sample SummaryTurbidity

Sample Name: Lab Code:Date


DuplicateResult Average


2 0.20 0.04 0.58 0.59 0.582 20Batch QC K1605209-005DUP 05/19/161 0.20 0.04 0.08 J 0.08 J 0.0805 20Batch QC K1605261-001DUP 05/19/16

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 6/2/2016 1:24:57 PM 16-0000377089 rev 00Superset Reference:

Page 11 of 36

Page 127: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Sample Name

K1605262Date Analyzed:Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ Sampling #3Cosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project:Client:

Lab Control Sample SummaryTurbidity

Analysis Method:Prep Method:

180.1None NA


Analysis Lot: 497192


Spike AmountResult % Rec

% Rec Limits

NADate Extracted:

Lab Code

dba ALS EnvironmentalALS Group USA, Corp.

QA/QC Report

Lab Control Sample 90-110100 4.234.23K1605262-LCS1

16-0000377089 rev 00Superset Reference:Printed 6/2/2016 1:24:57 PM

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Page 128: Receiving Water Sampling Report




Date Received:Date Collected:

Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ Sampling #3Cosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project: 05/17/16

Ammonia as Nitrogen

Basis:Units: mg/L

NASM 4500-NH3 GMethodPrep Method:

Analysis Method:

Lab CodeSample NameDate


ExtractedDil.MDLMRLResult Q

MZN-3 05/31/16 12:22 5/31/1610.0200.050 J0.046K1605262-001MZS-3 05/31/16 12:22 5/31/1610.0200.0500.097K1605262-002MZS-3 DUP 05/31/16 12:22 5/31/1610.0200.0500.069K1605262-003MZN-3 DUP 05/31/16 12:22 5/31/1610.0200.050 J0.034K1605262-005Method Blank 05/31/16 12:22 5/31/1610.0200.050 UNDK1605262-MB1Method Blank 05/31/16 12:22 5/31/1610.0200.050 UNDK1605262-MB2

Analytical Report

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

Printed 6/2/2016 1:24:58 PM 16-0000377089 rev 00Superset Reference:

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Page 129: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

QA/QC Report

Client:ProjectSample Matrix:

Prep Method:Analysis Method:

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupPTPC WQ Sampling #3Ocean Water

SM 4500-NH3 GMethod

Service Request:Date Collected:Date Received:




Replicate Sample SummaryAmmonia as Nitrogen

Sample Name: Lab Code:Date


DuplicateResult Average


<1 0.050 0.020 1.76 1.75 1.76 20Batch QC K1605393-005DUP 05/31/1614 0.050 0.020 0.166 0.191 0.178 20Batch QC K1605404-002DUP 05/31/161 0.050 0.020 0.174 0.176 0.175 20Batch QC K1605432-001DUP 05/31/16

NC 0.050 0.020 ND U ND U NC 20Batch QC K1605539-001DUP 05/31/16

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 6/2/2016 1:24:58 PM 16-0000377089 rev 00Superset Reference:

Page 14 of 36

Page 130: Receiving Water Sampling Report

QA/QC Report

mg/LK1605393-005 Basis:Lab Code:

Units:Sample Name: Batch QC

Ammonia as NitrogenDuplicate Matrix Spike Summary


Client:Project:Sample Matrix:

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupPTPC WQ Sampling #3Ocean Water

Service Request:

Date Analyzed:Date Received:



Date Collected: N/A

MethodSM 4500-NH3 G

Prep Method:Analysis Method:

Analyte NameRPD LimitRPDResult

Sample Result

Spike Amount % Rec

Matrix SpikeK1605393-005MS K1605393-005DMS

Duplicate Matrix Spike

% RecSpike

AmountResult% Rec Limits

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

05/31/16Date Extracted:

Ammonia as Nitrogen 1.76 3.56 2.00 90 3.57 2.00 90 90-110 <1 20

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 6/2/2016 1:24:59 PM 16-0000377089 rev 00Superset Reference:

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Page 131: Receiving Water Sampling Report

QA/QC Report

mg/LK1605404-002 Basis:Lab Code:

Units:Sample Name: Batch QC

Ammonia as NitrogenDuplicate Matrix Spike Summary


Client:Project:Sample Matrix:

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupPTPC WQ Sampling #3Ocean Water

Service Request:

Date Analyzed:Date Received:



Date Collected: N/A

MethodSM 4500-NH3 G

Prep Method:Analysis Method:

Analyte NameRPD LimitRPDResult

Sample Result

Spike Amount % Rec

Matrix SpikeK1605404-002MS K1605404-002DMS

Duplicate Matrix Spike

% RecSpike

AmountResult% Rec Limits

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

05/31/16Date Extracted:

Ammonia as Nitrogen 0.166 2.02 2.00 93 2.04 2.00 94 90-110 1 20

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 6/2/2016 1:24:59 PM 16-0000377089 rev 00Superset Reference:

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Page 132: Receiving Water Sampling Report

QA/QC Report

mg/LK1605432-001 Basis:Lab Code:

Units:Sample Name: Batch QC

Ammonia as NitrogenDuplicate Matrix Spike Summary


Client:Project:Sample Matrix:

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupPTPC WQ Sampling #3Ocean Water

Service Request:

Date Analyzed:Date Received:



Date Collected: N/A

MethodSM 4500-NH3 G

Prep Method:Analysis Method:

Analyte NameRPD LimitRPDResult

Sample Result

Spike Amount % Rec

Matrix SpikeK1605432-001MS K1605432-001DMS

Duplicate Matrix Spike

% RecSpike

AmountResult% Rec Limits

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

05/31/16Date Extracted:

Ammonia as Nitrogen 0.174 2.13 2.00 98 2.15 2.00 99 90-110 1 20

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 6/2/2016 1:24:59 PM 16-0000377089 rev 00Superset Reference:

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Page 133: Receiving Water Sampling Report

QA/QC Report

mg/LK1605539-001 Basis:Lab Code:

Units:Sample Name: Batch QC

Ammonia as NitrogenDuplicate Matrix Spike Summary


Client:Project:Sample Matrix:

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupPTPC WQ Sampling #3Ocean Water

Service Request:

Date Analyzed:Date Received:



Date Collected: N/A

MethodSM 4500-NH3 G

Prep Method:Analysis Method:

Analyte NameRPD LimitRPDResult

Sample Result

Spike Amount % Rec

Matrix SpikeK1605539-001MS K1605539-001DMS

Duplicate Matrix Spike

% RecSpike

AmountResult% Rec Limits

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

05/31/16Date Extracted:

Ammonia as Nitrogen ND U 1.98 2.00 99 2.00 2.00 100 90-110 1 20

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 6/2/2016 1:24:59 PM 16-0000377089 rev 00Superset Reference:

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Sample Name

K1605262Date Analyzed:Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ Sampling #3Cosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project:Client:

Lab Control Sample SummaryAmmonia as Nitrogen

Analysis Method:Prep Method:

SM 4500-NH3 GMethod NA


Analysis Lot: 498850


Spike AmountResult % Rec

% Rec Limits

05/31/16Date Extracted:

Lab Code

dba ALS EnvironmentalALS Group USA, Corp.

QA/QC Report

Lab Control Sample 90-11098 16.215.8K1605262-LCS1Lab Control Sample 90-11099 16.216.1K1605262-LCS2

16-0000377089 rev 00Superset Reference:Printed 6/2/2016 1:24:59 PM

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ALS Environmental—Kelso Laboratory 1317 South 13th Avenue, Kelso, WA 98626 Phone (360)577-7222 Fax (360)636-1068


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ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

Analytical Report

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1605262

Project: PTPC WQ Sampling #3 Date Collected: 05/17/16

Sample Matrix: Ocean water Date Received: 05/19/16

Mercury, Total

Prep Method: METHOD Units: ng/L

Analysis Method: 1631E Basis: NA

Test Notes:

Dilution Date Date ResultSample Name Lab Code MRL MDL Factor Extracted Analyzed Result Notes

MZN-3 K1605262-001 0.5 0.06 1 05/25/16 05/26/16 0.42 J

MZS-3 K1605262-002 0.5 0.06 1 05/25/16 05/26/16 0.33 J

FB-3 K1605262-004 0.5 0.06 1 05/25/16 05/26/16 0.06 J

Method Blank 1 K1605262-MB1 0.5 0.06 1 05/25/16 05/26/16 0.07 J

Method Blank 2 K1605262-MB2 0.5 0.06 1 05/25/16 05/26/16 ND

Method Blank 3 K1605262-MB3 0.5 0.06 1 05/25/16 05/26/16 ND

K1605262ICP.JB1 - Sample 05/27/16 Page No.:

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ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

QA/QC Report

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1605262Project: PTPC WQ Sampling #3 Date Collected: NASample Matrix: Ocean water Date Received: NA

Date Extracted: 05/25/16Date Analyzed: 05/26/16

Matrix Spike/Duplicate Matrix Spike Summary

Total Metals

Sample Name: Batch QC Units: ng/L

Lab Code: K1604654-003MS, K1604654-003MSD Basis: NATest Notes:

P e r c e n t R e c o v e r y

ALS RelativePrep Analysis Spike Level Sample Spike Result Acceptance Percent Result

Analyte Method Method MRL MS DMS Result MS DMS MS DMS Limits Difference Notes Mercury METHOD 1631E 0.5 50 50 2.63 41.6 42.5 78 80 71-125 2

K1605262ICP.JB1 - DMS 05/27/16 Page No.:

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ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

QA/QC Report

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1605262

Project: PTPC WQ Sampling #3 Date Collected: NALCS Matrix: Water Date Received: NA

Date Extracted: NADate Analyzed: 05/26/16

Ongoing Precision and Recovery (OPR) Sample SummaryTotal Metals

Sample Name: Ongoing Precision and Recovery (Initial) Units: ng/L

Basis: NA

Test Notes:


RecoveryPrep Analysis True Percent Acceptance Result

Analyte Method Method Value Result Recovery Limits Notes

Mercury METHOD 1631E 5.00 4.88 98 77-123

K1605262ICP.JB1 - OPR (lcsw) 05/27/16 Page No.:

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Page 139: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

QA/QC Report

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1605262

Project: PTPC WQ Sampling #3 Date Collected: NALCS Matrix: Water Date Received: NA

Date Extracted: NADate Analyzed: 05/26/16

Ongoing Precision and Recovery (OPR) Sample SummaryTotal Metals

Sample Name: Ongoing Precision and Recovery (Final) Units: ng/L

Basis: NA

Test Notes:


RecoveryPrep Analysis True Percent Acceptance Result

Analyte Method Method Value Result Recovery Limits Notes

Mercury METHOD 1631E 5.00 4.75 95 77-123

K1605262ICP.JB1 - OPR (lcsw) (2) 05/27/16 Page No.:

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ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

QA/QC Report

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1605262

Project: PTPC WQ Sampling #3 Date Collected: NALCS Matrix: Water Date Received: NA

Date Extracted: NADate Analyzed: 05/26/16

Quality Control Sample (QCS) SummaryTotal Metals

Sample Name: Quality Control Sample Units: ng/L

Basis: NA

Test Notes:


RecoveryPrep Analysis True Percent Acceptance Result

Analyte Method Method Value Result Recovery Limits Notes

Mercury METHOD 1631E 5.00 5.03 101 77-123

K1605262ICP.JB1 - QCS (icv) 05/27/16 Page No.:

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05/19/16 09:50


Date Received:Date Collected:

Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ Sampling #3Cosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project: 05/17/16

Dissolved Metals

Basis: NA

Analysis MethodAnalyte Name QDate Analyzed Date ExtractedDil.MDLMRLResult Units

Sample Name: MZN-3Lab Code: K1605262-001

Antimony 06/07/16 11:37 06/02/1610.11.0 J0.5200.8 ug/LArsenic 06/08/16 07:19 06/02/1610.030.501.05200.8 ug/LCadmium 06/08/16 07:19 06/02/1610.0030.0200.055200.8 ug/LChromium 06/08/16 07:19 06/02/1610.030.20 J0.17200.8 ug/LCopper 06/08/16 07:19 06/02/1610.020.100.29200.8 ug/LLead 06/08/16 07:19 06/02/1610.0040.0200.030200.8 ug/LManganese 06/07/16 11:37 06/02/1610.21.01.2200.8 ug/LNickel 06/08/16 07:19 06/02/1610.030.200.43200.8 ug/LSilver 06/08/16 07:19 06/02/1610.0040.020 J0.005200.8 ug/LZinc 06/08/16 07:19 06/02/1610.070.501.40200.8 ug/L

Analytical Report

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

Printed 6/8/2016 1:08:10 PM Superset Reference:

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05/19/16 09:50


Date Received:Date Collected:

Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ Sampling #3Cosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project: 05/17/16

Dissolved Metals

Basis: NA

Analysis MethodAnalyte Name QDate Analyzed Date ExtractedDil.MDLMRLResult Units

Sample Name: MZS-3Lab Code: K1605262-002

Antimony 06/07/16 11:47 06/02/1610.11.0 J0.5200.8 ug/LArsenic 06/08/16 07:23 06/02/1610.030.501.00200.8 ug/LCadmium 06/08/16 07:23 06/02/1610.0030.0200.053200.8 ug/LChromium 06/08/16 07:23 06/02/1610.030.20 J0.15200.8 ug/LCopper 06/08/16 07:23 06/02/1610.020.100.29200.8 ug/LLead 06/08/16 07:23 06/02/1610.0040.020 J0.015200.8 ug/LManganese 06/07/16 11:47 06/02/1610.21.0 J0.3200.8 ug/LNickel 06/08/16 07:23 06/02/1610.030.200.39200.8 ug/LSilver 06/08/16 07:23 06/02/1610.0040.020 UND200.8 ug/LZinc 06/08/16 07:23 06/02/1610.070.50 J0.43200.8 ug/L

Analytical Report

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

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Page 143: Receiving Water Sampling Report


05/19/16 09:50


Date Received:Date Collected:

Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ Sampling #3Cosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project: 05/17/16

Dissolved Metals

Basis: NA

Analysis MethodAnalyte Name QDate Analyzed Date ExtractedDil.MDLMRLResult Units

Sample Name: FB-3Lab Code: K1605262-004

Antimony 06/07/16 11:50 06/02/1610.11.0 UND200.8 ug/LArsenic 06/08/16 07:27 06/02/1610.030.50 UND200.8 ug/LCadmium 06/08/16 07:27 06/02/1610.0030.020 J0.004200.8 ug/LChromium 06/08/16 07:27 06/02/1610.030.20 J0.08200.8 ug/LCopper 06/08/16 07:27 06/02/1610.020.10 J0.07200.8 ug/LLead 06/08/16 07:27 06/02/1610.0040.020 J0.007200.8 ug/LManganese 06/07/16 11:50 06/02/1610.21.0 UND200.8 ug/LNickel 06/08/16 07:27 06/02/1610.030.20 UND200.8 ug/LSilver 06/08/16 07:27 06/02/1610.0040.020 UND200.8 ug/LZinc 06/08/16 07:27 06/02/1610.070.50 J0.25200.8 ug/L

Analytical Report

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

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Date Received:Date Collected:

Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ Sampling #3Cosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project: NA

Dissolved Metals

Basis: NA

Analysis MethodAnalyte Name QDate Analyzed Date ExtractedDil.MDLMRLResult Units

Sample Name: Method BlankLab Code: KQ1605785-01

Antimony 06/07/16 11:30 06/02/1610.0060.050 UND200.8 ug/LManganese 06/07/16 11:30 06/02/1610.0090.050 UND200.8 ug/L

Analytical Report

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

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Date Received:Date Collected:

Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ Sampling #3Cosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project: NA

Dissolved Metals

Basis: NA

Analysis MethodAnalyte Name QDate Analyzed Date ExtractedDil.MDLMRLResult Units

Sample Name: Method BlankLab Code: KQ1605784-01

Arsenic 06/08/16 06:22 06/02/1610.030.50 UND200.8 ug/LCadmium 06/08/16 06:22 06/02/1610.0030.020 UND200.8 ug/LChromium 06/08/16 06:22 06/02/1610.030.20 UND200.8 ug/LCopper 06/08/16 06:22 06/02/1610.020.10 UND200.8 ug/LLead 06/08/16 06:22 06/02/1610.0040.020 J0.010200.8 ug/LNickel 06/08/16 06:22 06/02/1610.030.20 UND200.8 ug/LSilver 06/08/16 06:22 06/02/1610.0040.020 UND200.8 ug/LZinc 06/08/16 06:22 06/02/1610.070.50 UND200.8 ug/L

Analytical Report

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

Printed 6/8/2016 1:08:11 PM Superset Reference:

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Page 146: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.

QA/QC Report

Client:ProjectSample Matrix: Ocean Water

PTPC WQ Sampling #3Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1605262

05/17/16Date Collected:Date Received: 05/19/16

06/07/16Date Analyzed:

Replicate Sample SummaryDissolved Metals

MZN-3 ug/LBasis:Units:

K1605262-001 NALab Code:Sample Name:

RPD LimitMRL MDLAnalysis Method RPD

Duplicate Sample

KQ1605785-03 Result Average

SampleResultAnalyte Name

dba ALS Environmental

Antimony 31 1.0 0.1 0.5 J 0.4 J 0.5 20200.8Manganese <1 1.0 0.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 20200.8

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 6/8/2016 1:08:11 PM Superset Reference:

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Page 147: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.

QA/QC Report

Client:ProjectSample Matrix: Elutriate, Liquid

PTPC WQ Sampling #3Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1605262

NADate Collected:Date Received: NA

06/08/16Date Analyzed:

Replicate Sample SummaryDissolved Metals

Batch QC ug/LBasis:Units:

K1605253-001 NALab Code:Sample Name:

RPD LimitMRL MDLAnalysis Method RPD

Duplicate Sample

KQ1605784-03 Result Average

SampleResultAnalyte Name

dba ALS Environmental

Arsenic <1 0.50 0.03 1.20 1.21 1.21 20200.8Cadmium 9 0.020 0.003 0.013 J 0.012 J 0.012 20200.8Chromium 11 0.20 0.03 0.06 J 0.07 J 0.06 20200.8Copper 4 0.10 0.02 0.53 0.50 0.51 20200.8Lead 125 0.020 0.004 0.165 0.038 0.102 20200.8Nickel 1 0.20 0.03 1.30 1.32 1.31 20200.8Silver 78 0.020 0.004 0.012 J 0.005 J 0.008 20200.8Zinc 7 0.50 0.07 0.80 0.75 0.78 20200.8

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 6/8/2016 1:08:11 PM Superset Reference:

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Page 148: Receiving Water Sampling Report

QA/QC Report

ug/LK1605262-001 Basis:Lab Code:

Units:Sample Name: MZN-3

Dissolved MetalsMatrix Spike Summary


Client:Project:Sample Matrix:

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupPTPC WQ Sampling #3Ocean Water

Service Request:

Date Analyzed:Date Received:



Date Collected: 05/17/16


Prep Method:Analysis Method:

Analyte Name ResultSample Result Spike Amount % Rec

Matrix SpikeKQ1605785-04

% Rec Limits

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

06/2/16Date Extracted:

Antimony 0.5 J 944 1000 94 70-130Manganese 1.2 453 500 90 70-130

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 6/8/2016 1:08:11 PM Superset Reference:

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Page 149: Receiving Water Sampling Report

QA/QC Report

ug/LK1605253-001 Basis:Lab Code:

Units:Sample Name: Batch QC

Dissolved MetalsMatrix Spike Summary


Client:Project:Sample Matrix:

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupPTPC WQ Sampling #3Elutriate, Liquid

Service Request:

Date Analyzed:Date Received:



Date Collected: N/A

EPA 1640200.8

Prep Method:Analysis Method:

Analyte Name ResultSample Result Spike Amount % Rec

Matrix SpikeKQ1605784-04

% Rec Limits

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

06/2/16Date Extracted:

Arsenic 1.20 2.86 2.00 83 50-147Cadmium 0.013 J 1.74 2.00 87 65-114Chromium 0.06 J 1.83 2.00 88 50-130Copper 0.53 2.18 2.00 83 50-120Lead 0.165 1.69 2.00 76 55-118Nickel 1.30 3.32 2.00 101 60-126Silver 0.012 J 1.64 2.00 81 67-103Zinc 0.80 2.46 2.00 83 50-133

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 6/8/2016 1:08:11 PM Superset Reference:

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Page 150: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Lab Control SampleKQ1605785-02

Analyte Name

K1605262Date Analyzed:Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ Sampling #3Cosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project:Client:

Lab Control Sample SummaryDissolved Metals

Analysis Method:Prep Method:



Analysis Lot: 499752


Spike AmountResult % Rec % Rec Limits

06/02/16Date Extracted:

dba ALS EnvironmentalALS Group USA, Corp.

QA/QC Report

Antimony 85-11598 50.048.8 Manganese 85-11596 25.024.0

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Lab Control SampleKQ1605784-02

Analyte Name

K1605262Date Analyzed:Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ Sampling #3Cosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project:Client:

Lab Control Sample SummaryDissolved Metals

Analysis Method:Prep Method:

200.8EPA 1640 NA


Analysis Lot: 499732


Spike AmountResult % Rec % Rec Limits

06/02/16Date Extracted:

dba ALS EnvironmentalALS Group USA, Corp.

QA/QC Report

Arsenic 71-12493 2.001.87 Cadmium 80-11497 2.001.93 Chromium 78-118102 2.002.03 Copper 63-12895 2.001.89 Lead 82-11395 2.001.91 Nickel 88-11297 2.001.94 Silver 80-11094 2.001.88 Zinc 79-133104 2.002.08

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Civil and



Appendix H

ALS Laboratory Report for Field Study #4 – 7/14/2016

Page 153: Receiving Water Sampling Report

August 17, 2016 Analytical Report for Service Request No: K1608026

William FoxCosmopolitan Marine Engineering9612 Kopachuck Dr NWP.O. Box 623Gig Harbor, WA 98335

Analyses were performed according to our laboratory’s NELAP-approved quality assurance program. The test results meet requirements of the current NELAP standards, where applicable, and except as noted in the laboratory case narrative provided. For a specific list of NELAP-accredited analytes, refer to the certifications section at All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, and ALS Group USA Corp. dba ALS Environmental (ALS) is not responsible for use of less than the complete report. Results apply only to the items submitted to the laboratory for analysis and individual items (samples) analyzed, as listed in the report.

For your reference, these analyses have been assigned our service request numberEnclosed are the results of the sample(s) submitted to our laboratory July 16, 2016

RE: PTPC WQ Sampling

Dear William,


Please contact me if you have any questions. My extension is 3364. You may also contact me via email at [email protected].

Respectfully submitted,

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

Howard HolmesProject Manager

ALS Group USA, Corp1317 South 13th AvenueKelso, WA 98626

+1 360 577 7222+1 360 636 1068

T :F :

ALS Environmental


Howard Holmes
Page 154: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Environmental

F :T :

+1 360 636 1068+1 360 577 7222

Kelso, WA 986261317 South 13th AvenueALS Group USA, Corp

Table of Contents




State Certifications, Accreditations, And Licenses

Case Narrative

Chain of Custody

General Chemistry


Page 2 of 38

Page 155: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

A2LA American Association for Laboratory Accreditation

CARB California Air Resources Board

CAS Number Chemical Abstract Service registry Number

CFC Chlorofluorocarbon

CFU Colony-Forming Unit

DEC Department of Environmental Conservation

DEQ Department of Environmental Quality

DHS Department of Health Services

DOE Department of Ecology

DOH Department of Health

EPA U. S. Environmental Protection Agency

ELAP Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program

GC Gas Chromatography

GC/MS Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry

LOD Limit of Detection

LOQ Limit of Quantitation

LUFT Leaking Underground Fuel Tank

M ModifiedMCL Maximum Contaminant Level is the highest permissible concentration of a substance

allowed in drinking water as established by the USEPA.

MDL Method Detection Limit

MPN Most Probable Number

MRL Method Reporting Limit

NA Not Applicable

NC Not Calculated

NCASI National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement

ND Not Detected

NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

PQL Practical Quantitation Limit

RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

SIM Selected Ion Monitoring

TPH Total Petroleum Hydrocarbonstr Trace level is the concentration of an analyte that is less than the PQL but greater than or

equal to the MDL.


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Page 156: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Inorganic Data Qualifiers

* The result is an outlier. See case narrative.

# The control limit criteria is not applicable. See case narrative.

B The analyte was found in the associated method blank at a level that is significant relative to the sample result as defined by the DOD or NELAC standards.

E The result is an estimate amount because the value exceeded the instrument calibration range.

J The result is an estimated value.

U The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected ("Non-detect") at or above the MRL/MDL. DOD-QSM 4.2 definition : Analyte was not detected and is reported as less than the LOD or as defined by the project. The detection limit is adjusted for dilution.

i The MRL/MDL or LOQ/LOD is elevated due to a matrix interference.

X See case narrative.

Q See case narrative. One or more quality control criteria was outside the limits.

H The holding time for this test is immediately following sample collection. The samples were analyzed as soon as possible afterreceipt by the laboratory.

Metals Data Qualifiers

# The control limit criteria is not applicable. See case narrative.

J The result is an estimated value.

E The percent difference for the serial dilution was greater than 10%, indicating a possible matrix interference in the sample.

M The duplicate injection precision was not met.

N The Matrix Spike sample recovery is not within control limits. See case narrative.

S The reported value was determined by the Method of Standard Additions (MSA).

U The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected ("Non-detect") at or above the MRL/MDL. DOD-QSM 4.2 definition : Analyte was not detected and is reported as less than the LOD or as defined by the project. The detection limit is adjusted for dilution.

W The post-digestion spike for furnace AA analysis is out of control limits, while sample absorbance is less than 50% of spike absorbance.

i The MRL/MDL or LOQ/LOD is elevated due to a matrix interference.

X See case narrative.

+ The correlation coefficient for the MSA is less than 0.995.

Q See case narrative. One or more quality control criteria was outside the limits.

Organic Data Qualifiers

* The result is an outlier. See case narrative.

# The control limit criteria is not applicable. See case narrative.

A A tentatively identified compound, a suspected aldol-condensation product.

B The analyte was found in the associated method blank at a level that is significant relative to the sample result as defined by the DOD or NELAC standards.

C The analyte was qualitatively confirmed using GC/MS techniques, pattern recognition, or by comparing to historical data.

D The reported result is from a dilution.

E The result is an estimated value.

J The result is an estimated value.

N The result is presumptive. The analyte was tentatively identified, but a confirmation analysis was not performed.

PThe GC or HPLC confirmation criteria was exceeded. The relative percent difference is greater than 40% between the two analytical results.

U The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected ("Non-detect") at or above the MRL/MDL. DOD-QSM 4.2 definition : Analyte was not detected and is reported as less than the LOD or as defined by the project. The detection limit is adjusted for dilution.

i The MRL/MDL or LOQ/LOD is elevated due to a chromatographic interference.

X See case narrative.

Q See case narrative. One or more quality control criteria was outside the limits.

Additional Petroleum Hydrocarbon Specific Qualifiers

F The chromatographic fingerprint of the sample matches the elution pattern of the calibration standard.

L The chromatographic fingerprint of the sample resembles a petroleum product, but the elution pattern indicates the presence of a greater amount of lighter molecular weight constituents than the calibration standard.

H The chromatographic fingerprint of the sample resembles a petroleum product, but the elution pattern indicates the presence of a greater amount of heavier molecular weight constituents than the calibration standard.

O The chromatographic fingerprint of the sample resembles an oil, but does not match the calibration standard.

Y The chromatographic fingerprint of the sample resembles a petroleum product eluting in approximately the correct carbon range, but the elution pattern does not match the calibration standard.

Z The chromatographic fingerprint does not resemble a petroleum product.

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Agency Web Site Number

Alaska DEC UST UST-040

Arizona DHS AZ0339

Arkansas - DEQ 88-0637

California DHS (ELAP) 2795


Florida DOH E87412

Hawaii DOH Not available -

ISO 17025 L16-57

Louisiana DEQ 03016

Maine DHS Not available WA01276

Minnesota DOH 053-999-457

Montana DPHHS CERT0047

Nevada DEP WA01276

New Jersey DEP WA005

North Carolina DWQ 605

Oklahoma DEQ 9801

Oregon – DEQ (NELAP) WA100010

South Carolina DHEC 61002

Texas CEQ T104704427

Washington DOE C544

Wisconsin DNR 998386840

Wyoming (EPA Region 8) -

Kelso Laboratory Website NA

ALS Group USA Corp. dba ALS Environmental (ALS) - KelsoState Certifications, Accreditations, and Licenses

Analyses were performed according to our laboratory’s NELAP-approved quality assurance program. A complete listing of specific NELAP-certified analytes, can be found in the certification section at or at the accreditation bodies web site.Please refer to the certification and/or accreditation body's web site if samples are submitted for compliance purposes. The states highlighted above, require the analysis be listed on the state certification if used for compliance purposes and if the method/anlayte is offered by that state.

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Case Narrative

ALS Environmental—Kelso Laboratory 1317 South 13th Avenue, Kelso, WA 98626 Phone (360)577-7222 Fax (360)636-1068


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Approved by______________________________________________

ALS ENVIRONMENTAL Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request No.: K1608026 Project: PTPC WQ Sampling Date Received: 07/16/16 Sample Matrix: Ocean Water and Aqueous Extract

Case Narrative All analyses were performed consistent with the quality assurance program of ALS Environmental. This report contains analytical results for samples designated for Tier II data deliverables. When appropriate to the method, method blank results have been reported with each analytical test. Additional quality control analyses reported herein include: Laboratory Duplicate (DUP), Matrix Spike (MS), and Matrix/Duplicate Matrix Spike (MS/DMS). Sample Receipt Three samples were received for analysis at ALS Environmental on 07/16/16. The samples were received in good condition and consistent with the accompanying chain of custody form. The samples were stored in a refrigerator at 4ºC upon receipt at the laboratory. General Chemistry Parameters No anomalies associated with the analysis of these samples were observed. Total and Dissolved Metals Matrix Spike Recovery Exceptions: The control criteria for matrix spike recovery of Nickel and Zinc for the Batch QC sample were not applicable. The analyte concentration in the sample was significantly higher than the added spike concentration, preventing accurate evaluation of the spike recovery. No other anomalies associated with the analysis of these samples were observed.

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Howard Holmes
Page 160: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Chain of Custody

ALS Environmental—Kelso Laboratory 1317 South 13th Avenue, Kelso, WA 98626 Phone (360)577-7222 Fax (360)636-1068


Page 8 of 38

Page 161: Receiving Water Sampling Report

AEnuironmental CHAIN OF CUSTODY 1317 South 13th Ave., Kelso WA 98626 1 +1 360 577 7222 I +1 800 695 7222 I +1 360 6361068 (fax) PAGE OF


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- I. Routine Report: Method

Blank, Surrogate, as


- II. Report Dup., MS, MSD as


- Ill. CLP Like Summary (no raw data)

- IV. Data Validation Report

v. EDD -


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1'0. # ------­Bill To:


__ 24hr. __ 48hr.

__ 5day

__ Standard (15 working days)

__ Provide FAX Results

Requested Report Date

Signature Date/Time

Printed Name Firm



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>L '>< ~ )L ltl..u-..Wc~

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Circle which metals are to be analyzed:

Total Metals: AI As Sb Ba Be 8 Ca Cd Co Cr Cu Fe Pb Mg Mn Mo Ni K Ag Na Se Sr Tl Sn V Zn Hg


F,l/vv 111~fz)s Container Supply Number

Lo. b ·-frsv 2-{}0, 8 ~~Cirhfj.e > do

111111111111 IIIII IIIII 111111111 1111 71529

0 Sample Shipment contains USDA regulated soil samples (check box if applicable)


Signature Date!Time Signature Date/Time

Printed Name Firm Printed Name Firm

Copyright 2012 by ALS Group


Page 9 of 38

Page 162: Receiving Water Sampling Report

A PC_ri1< Cooler Receipt and Preservation Form

fVi -, ' . ']~11 11~, ---;---f'----'----F-'-'-='--"--t-1. f-L<J.,""f-Yl-'-VV:...=~---~:oerviceRequest KI6 . -~ c ;' ...

--'--+""'---*""---- By: A c--./ Unloaded: ':f j;h/~ By~lj;/ tT- ~~- ~~ I. Samples were received via? Mail Fed Ex <:Jzj>§.;2_ DHL PDX Courier Hand Delivered

2. Samples were received in: (circle) (!_~~;;;");;, Box

3. Were custody seals on coolers? NA {j N

Envelope Other NA

If yes, how many and where0 -~' . 1/ [ +I) 8<'1/A,


/'I "'jJ:Q ; I /'

If present, were they signed and dated? ('£; N If present, were custody seals intact? N

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4. Packing material: Inserts Baggies ~;;,;;;;;;;i]:)_~~Cks>_._Wetlce Dry lee Sleeves

5. Were custody papers properly filled out (ink, signed, etc.)? NA r:y/ 6. Did all bottles arrive in good condition (unbroken)? Indicate in the table below. NA t'l

' 7. Were all sample labels complete (i.e analysis, preservation, etc,P NA &l 8. Did all sample labels and tags agree with custody papers? Indicate major discrepancies in the table on page 2. NA Y\

~. 9. Were appropriate bottles/containers and volumes received for the tests indicated? NA IY'

\:C;;;:"I f

NA Q::. I 0. Were the pH-preserved bottles (see SMO GEN SOP) received at the appropriate pH? Indicate in the table below

II. Were VOA vials received without headspace? Indicate in the table below.

12. Was CI2/Res negative? ~ y


·· .. . .

. Silml>le ID on Bottle Sarnole 10 on COC Identified bv;

. ·. Bottle Count Out of Head· Volume Reagent Lot

Sampl!>ID BoltleTVD<> Temo soace Broke DH Roaaent added Number initials

rn~ "










Notes, Discrepancies, & Resolutions: ___________________________________ _

Page __ of. __

Page 10 of 38

Page 163: Receiving Water Sampling Report

General Chemistry

ALS Environmental—Kelso Laboratory 1317 South 13th Avenue, Kelso, WA 98626 Phone (360)577-7222 Fax (360)636-1068


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Page 164: Receiving Water Sampling Report




Date Received:Date Collected:

Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ SamplingCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project: 07/14/16


Basis:Units: NTU

NA180.1NonePrep Method:

Analysis Method:

Lab CodeSample NameDate

AnalyzedDil.MDLMRLResult Q

MZS-4 07/16/16 12:2010.040.200.51K1608026-001MZN-4 07/16/16 12:2010.040.200.63K1608026-002Method Blank 07/16/16 12:2010.040.20 J0.06K1608026-MB

Analytical Report

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

Printed 7/20/2016 2:31:37 PM 16-0000384828 rev 00Superset Reference:

Page 12 of 38

Page 165: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.

QA/QC Report

Client:ProjectSample Matrix: Ocean Water

PTPC WQ SamplingCosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1608026

NADate Collected:Date Received: NA

07/16/16Date Analyzed:

Replicate Sample SummaryGeneral Chemistry Parameters

Batch QC NTUBasis:Units:

K1608012-001 NALab Code:Sample Name:

RPD LimitMRL MDLAnalysis Method RPD

Duplicate Sample

K1608012-001DUP Result Average

SampleResultAnalyte Name

dba ALS Environmental

Turbidity 3 4.0 0.8 534 550 542 20180.1

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 7/20/2016 2:31:37 PM 16-0000384828 rev 00Superset Reference:

Page 13 of 38

Page 166: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Sample Name

K1608026Date Analyzed:Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ SamplingCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project:Client:

Lab Control Sample SummaryTurbidity

Analysis Method:Prep Method:

180.1None NA


Analysis Lot: 505860


Spike AmountResult % Rec

% Rec Limits

NADate Extracted:

Lab Code

dba ALS EnvironmentalALS Group USA, Corp.

QA/QC Report

Lab Control Sample 90-11091 5.475.00K1608026-LCS

16-0000384828 rev 00Superset Reference:Printed 7/20/2016 2:31:37 PM

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Page 167: Receiving Water Sampling Report




Date Received:Date Collected:

Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ SamplingCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project: 07/14/16

Ammonia as Nitrogen

Basis:Units: mg/L

NASM 4500-NH3 GMethodPrep Method:

Analysis Method:

Lab CodeSample NameDate


ExtractedDil.MDLMRLResult Q

MZS-4 07/18/16 12:26 7/18/1610.0200.050 UNDK1608026-001MZN-4 07/18/16 12:26 7/18/1610.0200.050 UNDK1608026-002Method Blank 07/18/16 12:26 7/18/1610.0200.050 UNDK1608026-MB

Analytical Report

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

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Page 168: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

QA/QC Report

Client:ProjectSample Matrix:

Prep Method:Analysis Method:

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupPTPC WQ SamplingOcean Water

SM 4500-NH3 GMethod

Service Request:Date Collected:Date Received:




Replicate Sample SummaryAmmonia as Nitrogen

Sample Name: Lab Code:Date


DuplicateResult Average


NC 0.050 0.020 ND U ND U NC 20Batch QC K1607800-002DUP 07/18/16NC 0.050 0.020 ND U ND U NC 20Batch QC K1607807-001DUP 07/18/16NC 0.050 0.020 ND U ND U NC 20MZS-4 K1608026-001DUP 07/18/16

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 7/20/2016 2:31:38 PM 16-0000384828 rev 00Superset Reference:

Page 16 of 38

Page 169: Receiving Water Sampling Report

QA/QC Report

mg/LK1607800-002 Basis:Lab Code:

Units:Sample Name: Batch QC

Ammonia as NitrogenDuplicate Matrix Spike Summary


Client:Project:Sample Matrix:

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupPTPC WQ SamplingOcean Water

Service Request:

Date Analyzed:Date Received:



Date Collected: N/A

MethodSM 4500-NH3 G

Prep Method:Analysis Method:

Analyte NameRPD LimitRPDResult

Sample Result

Spike Amount % Rec

Matrix SpikeK1607800-002MS K1607800-002DMS

Duplicate Matrix Spike

% RecSpike

AmountResult% Rec Limits

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

07/18/16Date Extracted:

Ammonia as Nitrogen ND U 1.80 2.00 90 1.82 2.00 91 90-110 1 20

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 7/20/2016 2:31:38 PM 16-0000384828 rev 00Superset Reference:

Page 17 of 38

Page 170: Receiving Water Sampling Report

QA/QC Report

mg/LK1607807-001 Basis:Lab Code:

Units:Sample Name: Batch QC

Ammonia as NitrogenDuplicate Matrix Spike Summary


Client:Project:Sample Matrix:

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupPTPC WQ SamplingOcean Water

Service Request:

Date Analyzed:Date Received:



Date Collected: N/A

MethodSM 4500-NH3 G

Prep Method:Analysis Method:

Analyte NameRPD LimitRPDResult

Sample Result

Spike Amount % Rec

Matrix SpikeK1607807-001MS K1607807-001DMS

Duplicate Matrix Spike

% RecSpike

AmountResult% Rec Limits

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

07/18/16Date Extracted:

Ammonia as Nitrogen ND U 1.89 2.00 95 1.87 2.00 93 90-110 2 20

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 7/20/2016 2:31:38 PM 16-0000384828 rev 00Superset Reference:

Page 18 of 38

Page 171: Receiving Water Sampling Report

QA/QC Report

mg/LK1608026-001 Basis:Lab Code:

Units:Sample Name: MZS-4

Ammonia as NitrogenDuplicate Matrix Spike Summary


Client:Project:Sample Matrix:

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupPTPC WQ SamplingOcean Water

Service Request:

Date Analyzed:Date Received:



Date Collected: 07/14/16

MethodSM 4500-NH3 G

Prep Method:Analysis Method:

Analyte NameRPD LimitRPDResult

Sample Result

Spike Amount % Rec

Matrix SpikeK1608026-001MS K1608026-001DMS

Duplicate Matrix Spike

% RecSpike

AmountResult% Rec Limits

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

07/18/16Date Extracted:

Ammonia as Nitrogen ND U 1.85 2.00 93 1.88 2.00 94 90-110 1 20

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 7/20/2016 2:31:38 PM 16-0000384828 rev 00Superset Reference:

Page 19 of 38

Page 172: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Sample Name

K1608026Date Analyzed:Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ SamplingCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project:Client:

Lab Control Sample SummaryAmmonia as Nitrogen

Analysis Method:Prep Method:

SM 4500-NH3 GMethod NA


Analysis Lot: 506063


Spike AmountResult % Rec

% Rec Limits

07/18/16Date Extracted:

Lab Code

dba ALS EnvironmentalALS Group USA, Corp.

QA/QC Report

Lab Control Sample 90-110101 16.216.3K1608026-LCS

16-0000384828 rev 00Superset Reference:Printed 7/20/2016 2:31:38 PM

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Page 173: Receiving Water Sampling Report


ALS Environmental—Kelso Laboratory 1317 South 13th Avenue, Kelso, WA 98626 Phone (360)577-7222 Fax (360)636-1068


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Page 174: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

Analytical Report

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1608026

Project: PTPC WQ Sampling Date Collected: 07/14/16

Sample Matrix: Ocean water Date Received: 07/16/16

Mercury, Total

Prep Method: METHOD Units: ng/L

Analysis Method: 1631E Basis: NA

Test Notes:

Dilution Date Date ResultSample Name Lab Code MRL MDL Factor Extracted Analyzed Result Notes

MZS-4 K1608026-001 0.5 0.06 1 07/25/16 07/26/16 0.51

MZN-4 K1608026-002 0.5 0.06 1 07/25/16 07/26/16 0.39 J

FB-4 K1608026-003 0.5 0.06 1 07/25/16 07/26/16 0.15 J

Method Blank 1 K1608026-MB1 0.5 0.06 1 07/25/16 07/26/16 0.14 J

Method Blank 2 K1608026-MB2 0.5 0.06 1 07/25/16 07/26/16 ND

Method Blank 3 K1608026-MB3 0.5 0.06 1 07/25/16 07/26/16 ND

K1608026ICP.JB1 - Sample 07/26/16 Page No.:

Page 22 of 38

Page 175: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

QA/QC Report

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1608026Project: PTPC WQ Sampling Date Collected: NASample Matrix: Ocean water Date Received: NA

Date Extracted: 07/25/16Date Analyzed: 07/26/16

Matrix Spike/Duplicate Matrix Spike Summary

Total Metals

Sample Name: Batch QC Units: ng/L

Lab Code: K1608114-001MS, K1608114-001MSD Basis: NATest Notes:

P e r c e n t R e c o v e r y

ALS RelativePrep Analysis Spike Level Sample Spike Result Acceptance Percent Result

Analyte Method Method MRL MS DMS Result MS DMS MS DMS Limits Difference Notes Mercury METHOD 1631E 0.5 50 50 49.6 103 104 107 109 71-125 <1

K1608026ICP.JB1 - DMS 07/26/16 Page No.:

Page 23 of 38

Page 176: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

QA/QC Report

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1608026

Project: PTPC WQ Sampling Date Collected: NALCS Matrix: Water Date Received: NA

Date Extracted: NADate Analyzed: 07/26/16

Ongoing Precision and Recovery (OPR) Sample SummaryTotal Metals

Sample Name: Ongoing Precision and Recovery (Initial) Units: ng/L

Basis: NA

Test Notes:


RecoveryPrep Analysis True Percent Acceptance Result

Analyte Method Method Value Result Recovery Limits Notes

Mercury METHOD 1631E 5.00 5.74 115 77-123

K1608026ICP.JB1 - OPR (lcsw) 07/26/16 Page No.:

Page 24 of 38

Page 177: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

QA/QC Report

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1608026

Project: PTPC WQ Sampling Date Collected: NALCS Matrix: Water Date Received: NA

Date Extracted: NADate Analyzed: 07/26/16

Ongoing Precision and Recovery (OPR) Sample SummaryTotal Metals

Sample Name: Ongoing Precision and Recovery (Final) Units: ng/L

Basis: NA

Test Notes:


RecoveryPrep Analysis True Percent Acceptance Result

Analyte Method Method Value Result Recovery Limits Notes

Mercury METHOD 1631E 5.00 5.36 107 77-123

K1608026ICP.JB1 - OPR (lcsw) (2) 07/26/16 Page No.:

Page 25 of 38

Page 178: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

QA/QC Report

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1608026

Project: PTPC WQ Sampling Date Collected: NALCS Matrix: Water Date Received: NA

Date Extracted: NADate Analyzed: 07/26/16

Quality Control Sample (QCS) SummaryTotal Metals

Sample Name: Quality Control Sample Units: ng/L

Basis: NA

Test Notes:


RecoveryPrep Analysis True Percent Acceptance Result

Analyte Method Method Value Result Recovery Limits Notes

Mercury METHOD 1631E 5.00 5.49 110 77-123

K1608026ICP.JB1 - QCS (icv) 07/26/16 Page No.:

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Page 179: Receiving Water Sampling Report


07/16/16 08:40


Date Received:Date Collected:

Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ SamplingCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project: 07/14/16 18:00

Dissolved Metals

Basis: NA

Analysis MethodAnalyte Name QDate Analyzed Date ExtractedDil.MDLMRLResult Units

Sample Name: MZS-4Lab Code: K1608026-001

Antimony 08/04/16 01:46 07/21/1610.21.0 UND200.8 ug/LArsenic 07/27/16 11:14 07/25/1610.030.501.09200.8 ug/LCadmium 07/27/16 11:14 07/25/1610.0030.0200.058200.8 ug/LChromium 07/27/16 11:14 07/25/1610.030.200.26200.8 ug/LCopper 07/27/16 11:14 07/25/1610.020.100.30200.8 ug/LLead 07/27/16 11:14 07/25/1610.0040.020 J0.013200.8 ug/LManganese 08/04/16 01:46 07/21/1610.21.01.0200.8 ug/LNickel 07/27/16 11:14 07/25/1610.030.200.39200.8 ug/LSilver 07/27/16 11:14 07/25/1610.0040.020 J0.004200.8 ug/LZinc 07/27/16 11:14 07/25/1610.070.500.62200.8 ug/L

Analytical Report

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

Printed 08/11/16 5:38:29 PM Superset Reference:

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Page 180: Receiving Water Sampling Report


07/16/16 08:40


Date Received:Date Collected:

Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ SamplingCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project: 07/14/16 18:00

Dissolved Metals

Basis: NA

Analysis MethodAnalyte Name QDate Analyzed Date ExtractedDil.MDLMRLResult Units

Sample Name: MZN-4Lab Code: K1608026-002

Antimony 08/04/16 02:02 07/21/1610.21.0 UND200.8 ug/LArsenic 07/27/16 11:18 07/25/1610.030.501.14200.8 ug/LCadmium 07/27/16 11:18 07/25/1610.0030.0200.058200.8 ug/LChromium 07/27/16 11:18 07/25/1610.030.200.20200.8 ug/LCopper 07/27/16 11:18 07/25/1610.020.100.40200.8 ug/LLead 07/27/16 11:18 07/25/1610.0040.020 J0.010200.8 ug/LManganese 08/04/16 02:02 07/21/1610.21.01.2200.8 ug/LNickel 07/27/16 11:18 07/25/1610.030.200.37200.8 ug/LSilver 07/27/16 11:18 07/25/1610.0040.020 UND200.8 ug/LZinc 07/27/16 11:18 07/25/1610.070.500.59200.8 ug/L

Analytical Report

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

Printed 08/11/16 5:38:29 PM Superset Reference:

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Page 181: Receiving Water Sampling Report


07/16/16 08:40


Date Received:Date Collected:

Service Request:

Aqueous Equip BlankPTPC WQ SamplingCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project: 07/14/16 18:00

Dissolved Metals

Basis: NA

Analysis MethodAnalyte Name QDate Analyzed Date ExtractedDil.MDLMRLResult Units

Sample Name: FB-4Lab Code: K1608026-003

Antimony 08/04/16 02:06 07/21/1610.0080.050 UND200.8 ug/LArsenic 08/04/16 02:06 07/21/1610.200.50 UND200.8 ug/LCadmium 08/11/16 12:36 07/21/1610.0070.020 UND200.8 ug/LChromium 08/04/16 02:06 07/21/1610.030.200.28200.8 ug/LCopper 08/04/16 02:06 07/21/1610.020.10 J0.06200.8 ug/LLead 08/04/16 02:06 07/21/1610.0040.020 UND200.8 ug/LManganese 08/04/16 02:06 07/21/1610.0090.050 UND200.8 ug/LNickel 08/04/16 02:06 07/21/1610.020.20 UND200.8 ug/LSilver 08/11/16 12:36 07/21/1610.0030.020 UND200.8 ug/LZinc 08/04/16 02:06 07/21/1610.200.50 J0.21200.8 ug/L

Analytical Report

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

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Page 182: Receiving Water Sampling Report




Date Received:Date Collected:

Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ SamplingCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project: NA

Dissolved Metals

Basis: NA

Analysis MethodAnalyte Name QDate Analyzed Date ExtractedDil.MDLMRLResult Units

Sample Name: Method BlankLab Code: KQ1608474-01

Antimony 08/04/16 01:43 07/21/1610.0080.050 UND200.8 ug/LArsenic 08/04/16 01:43 07/21/1610.200.50 UND200.8 ug/LCadmium 08/11/16 12:33 07/21/1610.0070.020 UND200.8 ug/LChromium 08/04/16 01:43 07/21/1610.030.20 J0.12200.8 ug/LCopper 08/04/16 01:43 07/21/1610.020.10 UND200.8 ug/LLead 08/04/16 01:43 07/21/1610.0040.020 UND200.8 ug/LManganese 08/04/16 01:43 07/21/1610.0090.050 J0.019200.8 ug/LNickel 08/04/16 01:43 07/21/1610.020.20 UND200.8 ug/LSilver 08/11/16 12:33 07/21/1610.0030.020 UND200.8 ug/LZinc 08/04/16 01:43 07/21/1610.200.50 J0.30200.8 ug/L

Analytical Report

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

Printed 08/11/16 5:38:30 PM Superset Reference:

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Page 183: Receiving Water Sampling Report




Date Received:Date Collected:

Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ SamplingCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project: NA

Dissolved Metals

Basis: NA

Analysis MethodAnalyte Name QDate Analyzed Date ExtractedDil.MDLMRLResult Units

Sample Name: Method BlankLab Code: KQ1608471-01

Arsenic 07/27/16 08:50 07/25/1610.030.50 UND200.8 ug/LCadmium 07/27/16 08:50 07/25/1610.0030.020 UND200.8 ug/LChromium 07/27/16 08:50 07/25/1610.030.20 J0.04200.8 ug/LCopper 07/27/16 08:50 07/25/1610.020.10 J0.02200.8 ug/LLead 07/27/16 08:50 07/25/1610.0040.020 J0.006200.8 ug/LNickel 07/27/16 08:50 07/25/1610.030.20 UND200.8 ug/LSilver 07/27/16 08:50 07/25/1610.0040.020 UND200.8 ug/LZinc 07/27/16 08:50 07/25/1610.070.50 J0.13200.8 ug/L

Analytical Report

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

Printed 08/11/16 5:38:30 PM Superset Reference:

Page 31 of 38

Page 184: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.

QA/QC Report

Client:ProjectSample Matrix: Ocean Water

PTPC WQ SamplingCosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1608026

07/14/16Date Collected:Date Received: 07/16/16

08/04/16 - 08/11/16Date Analyzed:

Replicate Sample SummaryDissolved Metals

MZS-4 ug/LBasis:Units:

K1608026-001 NALab Code:Sample Name:

RPD LimitMRL MDLAnalysis Method RPD

Duplicate Sample

KQ1608474-03 Result Average

SampleResultAnalyte Name

dba ALS Environmental

Antimony - 1.0 0.2 ND U ND U ND 20200.8Arsenic 6 10 4 35 33 34 20200.8Cadmium - 0.40 0.14 ND U ND U ND 20200.8Chromium 26# 4.0 0.6 5.7 7.4 6.5 20200.8Copper 2 2.0 0.4 6.7 6.8 6.7 20200.8Lead - 0.40 0.08 ND U ND U ND 20200.8Manganese 20 1.0 0.2 1.0 1.3 1.2 20200.8Nickel <1 4.0 0.4 4.5 4.4 4.5 20200.8Silver - 0.40 0.06 ND U ND U ND 20200.8Zinc 11 10 4 10 J 11 10 20200.8

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 08/11/16 5:38:30 PM Superset Reference:

Page 32 of 38

Page 185: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.

QA/QC Report

Client:ProjectSample Matrix: Water

PTPC WQ SamplingCosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1608026

NADate Collected:Date Received: NA

07/27/16Date Analyzed:

Replicate Sample SummaryTotal Metals

Batch QC ug/LBasis:Units:

K1608134-003 NALab Code:Sample Name:

RPD LimitMRL MDLAnalysis Method RPD

Duplicate Sample

KQ1608471-03 Result Average

SampleResultAnalyte Name

dba ALS Environmental

Arsenic 1 0.50 0.03 0.48 J 0.49 J 0.49 20200.8Cadmium <1 0.020 0.003 0.035 0.035 0.035 20200.8Chromium 2 0.20 0.03 0.39 0.40 0.40 20200.8Copper 4 0.10 0.02 2.35 2.43 2.39 20200.8Lead <1 0.020 0.004 0.046 0.047 0.046 20200.8Nickel 1 0.20 0.03 35.4 34.9 35.2 20200.8Silver <1 0.020 0.004 0.009 J 0.009 J 0.009 20200.8Zinc 2 0.50 0.07 10.9 11.1 11.0 20200.8

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 08/11/16 5:38:30 PM Superset Reference:

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Page 186: Receiving Water Sampling Report

QA/QC Report

ug/LK1608026-001 Basis:Lab Code:

Units:Sample Name: MZS-4

Dissolved MetalsMatrix Spike Summary


Client:Project:Sample Matrix:

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupPTPC WQ SamplingOcean Water

Service Request:

Date Analyzed:Date Received:


08/04/16 - 08/11/1607/16/16

Date Collected: 07/14/16


Prep Method:Analysis Method:

Analyte Name ResultSample Result Spike Amount % Rec

Matrix SpikeKQ1608474-04

% Rec Limits

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

07/21/16Date Extracted:

Antimony ND U 999 1000 100 70-130Arsenic 35 1090 1000 105 70-130Cadmium ND U 461 500 92 70-130Chromium 5.7 234 200 114 70-130Copper 6.7 242 250 94 70-130Lead ND U 869 1000 87 70-130Manganese 1.0 539 500 108 70-130Nickel 4.5 496 500 98 70-130Silver ND U 224 250 89 70-130Zinc 10 J 436 500 85 70-130

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 08/11/16 5:38:30 PM Superset Reference:

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Page 187: Receiving Water Sampling Report

QA/QC Report

ug/LK1608134-003 Basis:Lab Code:

Units:Sample Name: Batch QC

Total MetalsMatrix Spike Summary


Client:Project:Sample Matrix:

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupPTPC WQ SamplingWater

Service Request:

Date Analyzed:Date Received:



Date Collected: N/A

EPA 1640200.8

Prep Method:Analysis Method:

Analyte Name ResultSample Result Spike Amount % Rec

Matrix SpikeKQ1608471-04

% Rec Limits

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

07/25/16Date Extracted:

Arsenic 0.48 J 1.59 2.00 55 50-147Cadmium 0.035 1.94 2.00 95 65-114Chromium 0.39 2.32 2.00 96 50-130Copper 2.35 4.26 2.00 96 50-120Lead 0.046 1.96 2.00 96 55-118Nickel 35.4 36.4 2.00 53 # 60-126Silver 0.009 J 1.84 2.00 91 67-103Zinc 10.9 13.2 2.00 112 # 50-133

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 08/11/16 5:38:31 PM Superset Reference:

Page 35 of 38

Page 188: Receiving Water Sampling Report

QA/QC Report

ug/LK1607464-004 Basis:Lab Code:

Units:Sample Name: Batch QC

Total MetalsDuplicate Matrix Spike Summary


Client:Project:Sample Matrix:

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupPTPC WQ SamplingWater

Service Request:

Date Analyzed:Date Received:



Date Collected: N/A

EPA 1640200.8

Prep Method:Analysis Method:

Analyte NameRPD LimitRPDResult

Sample Result

Spike Amount % Rec

Matrix SpikeKQ1608471-05 KQ1608471-06

Duplicate Matrix Spike

% RecSpike

AmountResult% Rec Limits

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

07/25/16Date Extracted:

Arsenic 0.66 2.19 2.00 77 2.19 2.00 77 50-147 <1 20Cadmium 0.040 1.88 2.00 92 1.91 2.00 94 65-114 2 20Chromium 0.49 2.40 2.00 95 2.44 2.00 97 50-130 2 20Copper 1.31 3.29 2.00 99 3.27 2.00 98 50-120 <1 20Lead 0.183 2.04 2.00 93 2.07 2.00 94 55-118 2 20Nickel 1.27 3.19 2.00 96 3.21 2.00 97 60-126 <1 20Silver 0.033 1.82 2.00 89 1.83 2.00 90 67-103 <1 20Zinc 6.79 8.83 2.008.87 2.00 104 102 50-133 <1 20

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 08/11/16 5:38:31 PM Superset Reference:

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Page 189: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Lab Control SampleKQ1608474-02

Analyte Name

K1608026Date Analyzed:Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ SamplingCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project:Client:

Lab Control Sample SummaryDissolved Metals

Analysis Method:Prep Method:



Analysis Lot: 508470


Spike AmountResult % Rec % Rec Limits

07/21/16Date Extracted:

dba ALS EnvironmentalALS Group USA, Corp.

QA/QC Report

Antimony 85-115101 50.050.7 Arsenic 85-115104 50.051.9 Cadmium 85-115100 25.024.9 Chromium 85-115111 10.011.1 Copper 85-115101 12.512.7 Lead 85-11597 50.048.7 Manganese 85-115106 25.026.6 Nickel 85-115103 25.025.9 Silver 85-11598 12.512.2 Zinc 85-11597 25.024.3

Superset Reference:Printed 08/11/16 5:38:30 PM

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Page 190: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Lab Control SampleKQ1608471-02

Analyte Name

K1608026Date Analyzed:Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ SamplingCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project:Client:

Lab Control Sample SummaryDissolved Metals

Analysis Method:Prep Method:

200.8EPA 1640 NA


Analysis Lot: 507194


Spike AmountResult % Rec % Rec Limits

07/25/16Date Extracted:

dba ALS EnvironmentalALS Group USA, Corp.

QA/QC Report

Arsenic 71-12488 2.001.75 Cadmium 80-11493 2.001.86 Chromium 78-11896 2.001.92 Copper 63-12893 2.001.86 Lead 82-11393 2.001.87 Nickel 88-11296 2.001.92 Silver 80-11088 2.001.76 Zinc 79-133107 2.002.14

Superset Reference:Printed 08/11/16 5:38:30 PM

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Page 191: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Civil and



Appendix I

ALS Laboratory Report for Field Study #5 – 9/14/2016

Page 192: Receiving Water Sampling Report

October 17, 2016 Analytical Report for Service Request No: K1610897

William FoxCosmopolitan Marine Engineering9612 Kopachuck Dr NWP.O. Box 623Gig Harbor, WA 98335

Analyses were performed according to our laboratory’s NELAP-approved quality assurance program. The test results meet requirements of the current NELAP standards, where applicable, and except as noted in the laboratory case narrative provided. For a specific list of NELAP-accredited analytes, refer to the certifications section at All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, and ALS Group USA Corp. dba ALS Environmental (ALS) is not responsible for use of less than the complete report. Results apply only to the items submitted to the laboratory for analysis and individual items (samples) analyzed, as listed in the report.

For your reference, these analyses have been assigned our service request numberEnclosed are the results of the sample(s) submitted to our laboratory September 15, 2016


Dear William,


Please contact me if you have any questions. My extension is 3364. You may also contact me via email at [email protected].

Respectfully submitted,

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

Howard HolmesProject Manager

ALS Group USA, Corp1317 South 13th AvenueKelso, WA 98626

+1 360 577 7222+1 360 636 1068

T :F :

ALS Environmental


Howard Holmes
Page 193: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Environmental

F :T :

+1 360 636 1068+1 360 577 7222

Kelso, WA 986261317 South 13th AvenueALS Group USA, Corp

Table of Contents




State Certifications, Accreditations, And Licenses

Chain of Custody

General Chemistry


Page 2 of 32

Page 194: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

A2LA American Association for Laboratory Accreditation

CARB California Air Resources Board

CAS Number Chemical Abstract Service registry Number

CFC Chlorofluorocarbon

CFU Colony-Forming Unit

DEC Department of Environmental Conservation

DEQ Department of Environmental Quality

DHS Department of Health Services

DOE Department of Ecology

DOH Department of Health

EPA U. S. Environmental Protection Agency

ELAP Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program

GC Gas Chromatography

GC/MS Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry

LOD Limit of Detection

LOQ Limit of Quantitation

LUFT Leaking Underground Fuel Tank

M ModifiedMCL Maximum Contaminant Level is the highest permissible concentration of a substance

allowed in drinking water as established by the USEPA.

MDL Method Detection Limit

MPN Most Probable Number

MRL Method Reporting Limit

NA Not Applicable

NC Not Calculated

NCASI National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement

ND Not Detected

NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

PQL Practical Quantitation Limit

RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

SIM Selected Ion Monitoring

TPH Total Petroleum Hydrocarbonstr Trace level is the concentration of an analyte that is less than the PQL but greater than or

equal to the MDL.


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Page 195: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Inorganic Data Qualifiers

* The result is an outlier. See case narrative.

# The control limit criteria is not applicable. See case narrative.

B The analyte was found in the associated method blank at a level that is significant relative to the sample result as defined by the DOD or NELAC standards.

E The result is an estimate amount because the value exceeded the instrument calibration range.

J The result is an estimated value.

U The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected ("Non-detect") at or above the MRL/MDL. DOD-QSM 4.2 definition : Analyte was not detected and is reported as less than the LOD or as defined by the project. The detection limit is adjusted for dilution.

i The MRL/MDL or LOQ/LOD is elevated due to a matrix interference.

X See case narrative.

Q See case narrative. One or more quality control criteria was outside the limits.

H The holding time for this test is immediately following sample collection. The samples were analyzed as soon as possible afterreceipt by the laboratory.

Metals Data Qualifiers

# The control limit criteria is not applicable. See case narrative.

J The result is an estimated value.

E The percent difference for the serial dilution was greater than 10%, indicating a possible matrix interference in the sample.

M The duplicate injection precision was not met.

N The Matrix Spike sample recovery is not within control limits. See case narrative.

S The reported value was determined by the Method of Standard Additions (MSA).

U The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected ("Non-detect") at or above the MRL/MDL. DOD-QSM 4.2 definition : Analyte was not detected and is reported as less than the LOD or as defined by the project. The detection limit is adjusted for dilution.

W The post-digestion spike for furnace AA analysis is out of control limits, while sample absorbance is less than 50% of spike absorbance.

i The MRL/MDL or LOQ/LOD is elevated due to a matrix interference.

X See case narrative.

+ The correlation coefficient for the MSA is less than 0.995.

Q See case narrative. One or more quality control criteria was outside the limits.

Organic Data Qualifiers

* The result is an outlier. See case narrative.

# The control limit criteria is not applicable. See case narrative.

A A tentatively identified compound, a suspected aldol-condensation product.

B The analyte was found in the associated method blank at a level that is significant relative to the sample result as defined by the DOD or NELAC standards.

C The analyte was qualitatively confirmed using GC/MS techniques, pattern recognition, or by comparing to historical data.

D The reported result is from a dilution.

E The result is an estimated value.

J The result is an estimated value.

N The result is presumptive. The analyte was tentatively identified, but a confirmation analysis was not performed.

PThe GC or HPLC confirmation criteria was exceeded. The relative percent difference is greater than 40% between the two analytical results.

U The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected ("Non-detect") at or above the MRL/MDL. DOD-QSM 4.2 definition : Analyte was not detected and is reported as less than the LOD or as defined by the project. The detection limit is adjusted for dilution.

i The MRL/MDL or LOQ/LOD is elevated due to a chromatographic interference.

X See case narrative.

Q See case narrative. One or more quality control criteria was outside the limits.

Additional Petroleum Hydrocarbon Specific Qualifiers

F The chromatographic fingerprint of the sample matches the elution pattern of the calibration standard.

L The chromatographic fingerprint of the sample resembles a petroleum product, but the elution pattern indicates the presence of a greater amount of lighter molecular weight constituents than the calibration standard.

H The chromatographic fingerprint of the sample resembles a petroleum product, but the elution pattern indicates the presence of a greater amount of heavier molecular weight constituents than the calibration standard.

O The chromatographic fingerprint of the sample resembles an oil, but does not match the calibration standard.

Y The chromatographic fingerprint of the sample resembles a petroleum product eluting in approximately the correct carbon range, but the elution pattern does not match the calibration standard.

Z The chromatographic fingerprint does not resemble a petroleum product.

Page 4 of 32

Page 196: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Agency Web Site Number

Alaska DEC UST UST-040

Arizona DHS AZ0339

Arkansas - DEQ 88-0637

California DHS (ELAP) 2795


Florida DOH E87412

Hawaii DOH Not available -

ISO 17025 L16-57

Louisiana DEQ 03016

Maine DHS Not available WA01276

Minnesota DOH 053-999-457

Montana DPHHS CERT0047

Nevada DEP WA01276

New Jersey DEP WA005

North Carolina DWQ 605

Oklahoma DEQ 9801

Oregon – DEQ (NELAP) WA100010

South Carolina DHEC 61002

Texas CEQ T104704427

Washington DOE C544

Wyoming (EPA Region 8) -

Kelso Laboratory Website NA

ALS Group USA Corp. dba ALS Environmental (ALS) - KelsoState Certifications, Accreditations, and Licenses

Analyses were performed according to our laboratory’s NELAP-approved quality assurance program. A complete listing of specific NELAP-certified analytes, can be found in the certification section at or at the accreditation bodies web site.Please refer to the certification and/or accreditation body's web site if samples are submitted for compliance purposes. The states highlighted above, require the analysis be listed on the state certification if used for compliance purposes and if the method/anlayte is offered by that state.

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Page 197: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Chain of Custody

ALS Environmental—Kelso Laboratory 1317 South 13th Avenue, Kelso, WA 98626 Phone (360)577-7222 Fax (360)636-1068


Page 6 of 32

Page 198: Receiving Water Sampling Report

AEnu,.anmental CHAIN OF CUSTODY 1317 South 13th Ave., Kelso WA 98626 I +1 360 577 7222 I +1 800 695 7222 I +1 360 6361068 (fax) PAGE OF



f'I!"Z5 -5 9/4/ih IM>

MZ..N-5 9/ilf/t~ H/1> '


f?.,-~ J /l't!Jb H.v


P.O.# -------

- I. Routine Report: Method Bill To: Blank, Surrogate, as required



. I)L I>L ~ y_ Oo·•, t.<>~ie.-

I)<( )L )L ~ I Oce't-\ We:·!

X. )L ! lY!. IN etb

Circle which metals are to be analyzed:

Total Metals: AI As Sb Ba Be B Ca Cd Co Cr Cu Fe Pb Mg Mn Mo Ni K Ag Na Se Sr Tl Sn V Zn @> Dissolved Metals: AI ~ Ba Be 8 Ca @ Co Cr ~Fe c:;> Mg @ Mo~ K 6)Na Se Sr Tl Sn V @ Hg


__ 24hr. __ 48hr.

- Ill. CLP Uke Summary

(no raw data) __ 5day

__ Standard (15 working days)

- IV. Data Validation Report __ Provide FAX Results

v. EDD -Requested Report Date

F;'/fer /J1e-/c,k 5~mjJ)e !: /;....

L"'b ·-ftrv- zoo, '8 Hj SCtmf>/es do /Jof -h'ller

Container Supply Number

11111111111111111111111111111111111 72929

0 Sample Shipment contains USDA regulated soil samples (check box if applicable)


Signature Dateffime Signature Date/Time

Printed Name Firm Printed Name Firm

Copyright 2012 by ALS Group


Page 7 of 32

Page 199: Receiving Water Sampling Report

PC~ Cooler Receipt and Preservation Form

Client I ,.'7t~lq?c'/t /',1?\ Service Request KJ6-'"{_,(J:_.:gtf_"-"---.J'--------c---.-' ' Opened: 9,/tS}Jb By: 1 ''cJ Unloaded: Cf/15/tC:, By:(~(:::;

I. Samples were received via? USPS , .. ---···----., ''

Fed Ex (UPS ..) DHL --~----

PDX Courier Hand Delivered ----~-~.,

2. Samples were received in: (circle) CEooll!!-~' Box Envelope Other NA

3. Were custody seals on coolers? NA y 6/ If yes, how many and where? _____________ _

If present, were custody seals intact? y N If present, were they signed and dated? y N

Corr. Thermometer Cooler/COC ID Tracking Number Raw CorntCted. Raw r~~r:,·~ Cooter Temp COQlerTtJ:n Ttm.;-£1;1Jmk r tMk Factor ," ID " NA "",. NA FUed

o.; - 0 .l-1 '2 . (, ? <' • :.> -0. i 3{, z_ 72..<721 ll Ofti3 t:?iUI) (/1~5 2Sb7

4. Packing material: Inserts dl_t!_{g/gfk.:[!ubbl; Wf'll]}J(!iefPac'k£) Wet Ice Dry Ice Sleeves "--- .. ··~·-"·""-"......-- ·-"---~------"

5. Were custody papers properly filled out (ink, signed, etc.)?

6. Were samples received in good condition (temperature, unbroken)? lf applicable, tissue samples were received:

7. Were all sample labels complete (i.e analysis, preservation, etc.)?

Indicate in the table below.

Frozen Partially Thawed Thawed

8. Did all sample labels and tags agree with custody papers? Indicate major discrepancies in the table on page 2.

9. Were appropriate bottles/containers and volumes received for the tests indicated?

I 0. Were the pH-preserved bottles (see SMO GEN SOP) received at the appropriate pH? Indicate in the table below

II. Were VOA vials received without headspace? Indicate in the table below.

12. Was CI2/Res negative?

Sample II) on Bottle · Sample ID .on coc Identified by:

NA y

NA ;_ /--

'7•"''h Cy..>

NA 1 ) (Y

NA ·y ,

~ NA Y!

NA '""''' .. ,_

Qjy y

@ y

BOttle Count O~tof Head- Volume Reagent Lot Sample ID Bottle Type Temp space Broke PH Reaaent added Number Initials










Notes, Discrepancies, & Resolutions: ,fe<.:tl i/l(tf I ::J.r:r;p .. ;; 1u 51 IJ);e/k, ··· '1/)T 1./Alti:" g,~, 11.-"'"'"~ unl n 'T\M~ ~f1UI'\ i I iV""'""'

7!25!16 Page of. __ _

Page 8 of 32

Page 200: Receiving Water Sampling Report

General Chemistry

ALS Environmental—Kelso Laboratory 1317 South 13th Avenue, Kelso, WA 98626 Phone (360)577-7222 Fax (360)636-1068


Page 9 of 32

Page 201: Receiving Water Sampling Report




Date Received:Date Collected:

Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ SAMPLINGCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project: 09/14/16


Basis:Units: NTU

NA180.1NonePrep Method:

Analysis Method:

Lab CodeSample NameDate

AnalyzedDil.MDLMRLResult Q

MZS-5 09/16/16 11:2510.040.200.80K1610897-001MZN-5 09/16/16 11:2510.040.200.62K1610897-002Method Blank 09/16/16 11:2510.040.20 J0.07K1610897-MB

Analytical Report

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

Printed 9/23/2016 5:03:48 PM 16-0000392890 rev 00Superset Reference:

Page 10 of 32

Page 202: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

QA/QC Report

Client:ProjectSample Matrix:

Prep Method:Analysis Method:

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupPTPC WQ SAMPLINGOcean Water


Service Request:Date Collected:Date Received:




Replicate Sample SummaryTurbidity

Sample Name: Lab Code:Date


DuplicateResult Average


<1 0.20 0.04 29.7 29.9 29.8 20Batch QC K1610893-001DUP 09/16/161 0.20 0.04 0.62 0.63 0.626 20MZN-5 K1610897-002DUP 09/16/16

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 9/23/2016 5:03:48 PM 16-0000392890 rev 00Superset Reference:

Page 11 of 32

Page 203: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Sample Name

K1610897Date Analyzed:Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ SAMPLINGCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project:Client:

Lab Control Sample SummaryTurbidity

Analysis Method:Prep Method:

180.1None NA


Analysis Lot: 514464


Spike AmountResult % Rec

% Rec Limits

NADate Extracted:

Lab Code

dba ALS EnvironmentalALS Group USA, Corp.

QA/QC Report

Lab Control Sample 90-110103 5.475.64K1610897-LCS

16-0000392890 rev 00Superset Reference:Printed 9/23/2016 5:03:49 PM

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Page 204: Receiving Water Sampling Report




Date Received:Date Collected:

Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ SAMPLINGCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project: 09/14/16

Ammonia as Nitrogen

Basis:Units: mg/L

NASM 4500-NH3 GMethodPrep Method:

Analysis Method:

Lab CodeSample NameDate


ExtractedDil.MDLMRLResult Q

MZS-5 09/22/16 09:10 9/22/1610.0200.050 J0.047K1610897-001MZN-5 09/22/16 09:10 9/22/1610.0200.050 J0.038K1610897-002Method Blank 09/22/16 09:10 9/22/1610.0200.050 UNDK1610897-MB

Analytical Report

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

Printed 9/23/2016 5:03:49 PM 16-0000392890 rev 00Superset Reference:

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Page 205: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

QA/QC Report

Client:ProjectSample Matrix:

Prep Method:Analysis Method:

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupPTPC WQ SAMPLINGOcean Water

SM 4500-NH3 GMethod

Service Request:Date Collected:Date Received:




Replicate Sample SummaryAmmonia as Nitrogen

Sample Name: Lab Code:Date


DuplicateResult Average


NC 0.050 0.020 ND U ND U NC 20Batch QC K1610900-001DUP 09/22/16NC 0.050 0.020 ND U ND U NC 20Batch QC K1610945-001DUP 09/22/16

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 9/23/2016 5:03:49 PM 16-0000392890 rev 00Superset Reference:

Page 14 of 32

Page 206: Receiving Water Sampling Report

QA/QC Report

mg/LK1610900-001 Basis:Lab Code:

Units:Sample Name: Batch QC

Ammonia as NitrogenDuplicate Matrix Spike Summary


Client:Project:Sample Matrix:

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupPTPC WQ SAMPLINGOcean Water

Service Request:

Date Analyzed:Date Received:



Date Collected: N/A

MethodSM 4500-NH3 G

Prep Method:Analysis Method:

Analyte NameRPD LimitRPDResult

Sample Result

Spike Amount % Rec

Matrix SpikeK1610900-001MS K1610900-001DMS

Duplicate Matrix Spike

% RecSpike

AmountResult% Rec Limits

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

09/22/16Date Extracted:

Ammonia as Nitrogen ND U 1.99 2.00 100 2.02 2.00 101 90-110 <1 20

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 9/23/2016 5:03:49 PM 16-0000392890 rev 00Superset Reference:

Page 15 of 32

Page 207: Receiving Water Sampling Report

QA/QC Report

mg/LK1610945-001 Basis:Lab Code:

Units:Sample Name: Batch QC

Ammonia as NitrogenDuplicate Matrix Spike Summary


Client:Project:Sample Matrix:

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupPTPC WQ SAMPLINGOcean Water

Service Request:

Date Analyzed:Date Received:



Date Collected: N/A

MethodSM 4500-NH3 G

Prep Method:Analysis Method:

Analyte NameRPD LimitRPDResult

Sample Result

Spike Amount % Rec

Matrix SpikeK1610945-001MS K1610945-001DMS

Duplicate Matrix Spike

% RecSpike

AmountResult% Rec Limits

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

09/22/16Date Extracted:

Ammonia as Nitrogen ND U 2.00 2.00 100 2.02 2.00 101 90-110 <1 20

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 9/23/2016 5:03:50 PM 16-0000392890 rev 00Superset Reference:

Page 16 of 32

Page 208: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Sample Name

K1610897Date Analyzed:Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ SAMPLINGCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project:Client:

Lab Control Sample SummaryAmmonia as Nitrogen

Analysis Method:Prep Method:

SM 4500-NH3 GMethod NA


Analysis Lot: 515447


Spike AmountResult % Rec

% Rec Limits

09/22/16Date Extracted:

Lab Code

dba ALS EnvironmentalALS Group USA, Corp.

QA/QC Report

Lab Control Sample 90-11095 16.215.5K1610897-LCS

16-0000392890 rev 00Superset Reference:Printed 9/23/2016 5:03:50 PM

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Page 209: Receiving Water Sampling Report


ALS Environmental—Kelso Laboratory 1317 South 13th Avenue, Kelso, WA 98626 Phone (360)577-7222 Fax (360)636-1068


Page 18 of 32

Page 210: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

Analytical Report

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1610897

Project: PTPC WQ SAMPLING Date Collected: 09/14/16

Sample Matrix: Ocean water Date Received: 09/15/16

Mercury, Total

Prep Method: METHOD Units: ng/L

Analysis Method: 1631E Basis: NA

Test Notes:

Dilution Date Date ResultSample Name Lab Code MRL MDL Factor Extracted Analyzed Result Notes

MZS-5 K1610897-001 0.5 0.06 1 09/20/16 09/21/16 0.44 J

MZN-5 K1610897-002 0.5 0.06 1 09/20/16 09/21/16 0.36 J

FB-5 K1610897-003 0.5 0.06 1 09/20/16 09/21/16 0.18 J

Method Blank 1 K1610897-MB1 0.5 0.06 1 09/20/16 09/21/16 0.08 J

Method Blank 2 K1610897-MB2 0.5 0.06 1 09/20/16 09/21/16 ND

Method Blank 3 K1610897-MB3 0.5 0.06 1 09/20/16 09/21/16 ND

K1610897ICP.JB1 - Sample 9/30/16 Page No.:

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ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

QA/QC Report

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1610897Project: PTPC WQ SAMPLING Date Collected: NASample Matrix: Ocean water Date Received: NA

Date Extracted: 09/20/16Date Analyzed: 09/21/16

Matrix Spike/Duplicate Matrix Spike Summary

Total Metals

Sample Name: Batch QC Units: ng/L

Lab Code: K1611060-001MS, K1611060-001MSD Basis: NATest Notes:

P e r c e n t R e c o v e r y

ALS RelativePrep Analysis Spike Level Sample Spike Result Acceptance Percent Result

Analyte Method Method MRL MS DMS Result MS DMS MS DMS Limits Difference Notes Mercury METHOD 1631E 0.5 50 50 0.41 56.3 57.0 112 113 71-125 1

K1610897ICP.JB1 - DMS 9/30/16 Page No.:

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Page 212: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

QA/QC Report

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1610897

Project: PTPC WQ SAMPLING Date Collected: NALCS Matrix: Water Date Received: NA

Date Extracted: NADate Analyzed: 09/21/16

Ongoing Precision and Recovery (OPR) Sample SummaryTotal Metals

Sample Name: Ongoing Precision and Recovery (Initial) Units: ng/L

Basis: NA

Test Notes:


RecoveryPrep Analysis True Percent Acceptance Result

Analyte Method Method Value Result Recovery Limits Notes

Mercury METHOD 1631E 5.00 5.11 102 77-123

K1610897ICP.JB1 - OPR (lcsw) 9/30/16 Page No.:

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Page 213: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

QA/QC Report

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1610897

Project: PTPC WQ SAMPLING Date Collected: NALCS Matrix: Water Date Received: NA

Date Extracted: NADate Analyzed: 09/21/16

Ongoing Precision and Recovery (OPR) Sample SummaryTotal Metals

Sample Name: Ongoing Precision and Recovery (Final) Units: ng/L

Basis: NA

Test Notes:


RecoveryPrep Analysis True Percent Acceptance Result

Analyte Method Method Value Result Recovery Limits Notes

Mercury METHOD 1631E 5.00 5.07 101 77-123

K1610897ICP.JB1 - OPR (lcsw) (2) 9/30/16 Page No.:

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Page 214: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

QA/QC Report

Client: Cosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1610897

Project: PTPC WQ SAMPLING Date Collected: NALCS Matrix: Water Date Received: NA

Date Extracted: NADate Analyzed: 09/21/16

Quality Control Sample (QCS) SummaryTotal Metals

Sample Name: Quality Control Sample Units: ng/L

Basis: NA

Test Notes:


RecoveryPrep Analysis True Percent Acceptance Result

Analyte Method Method Value Result Recovery Limits Notes

Mercury METHOD 1631E 5.00 4.96 99 77-123

K1610897ICP.JB1 - QCS (icv) 9/30/16 Page No.:

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09/15/16 09:40


Date Received:Date Collected:

Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ SAMPLINGCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project: 09/14/16

Dissolved Metals

Basis: NA

Analysis MethodAnalyte Name QDate Analyzed Date ExtractedDil.MDLMRLResult Units

Sample Name: MZS-5Lab Code: K1610897-001

Antimony 10/04/16 05:58 09/28/1610.11.0 J0.4200.8 ug/LArsenic 10/12/16 10:38 09/29/1610.030.501.01200.8 ug/LCadmium 10/12/16 10:38 09/29/1610.0030.0200.059200.8 ug/LChromium 10/12/16 10:38 09/29/1610.030.20 J0.18200.8 ug/LCopper 10/12/16 10:38 09/29/1610.020.100.51200.8 ug/LLead 10/12/16 10:38 09/29/1610.0040.0200.052200.8 ug/LManganese 10/04/16 05:58 09/28/1610.21.03.5200.8 ug/LNickel 10/12/16 10:38 09/29/1610.030.200.38200.8 ug/LSilver 10/12/16 10:38 09/29/1610.0040.020 J0.016200.8 ug/LZinc 10/12/16 10:38 09/29/1610.070.500.59200.8 ug/L

Analytical Report

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

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Page 216: Receiving Water Sampling Report


09/15/16 09:40


Date Received:Date Collected:

Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ SAMPLINGCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project: 09/14/16

Dissolved Metals

Basis: NA

Analysis MethodAnalyte Name QDate Analyzed Date ExtractedDil.MDLMRLResult Units

Sample Name: MZN-5Lab Code: K1610897-002

Antimony 10/04/16 06:16 09/28/1610.11.0 J0.3200.8 ug/LArsenic 10/12/16 10:42 09/29/1610.030.500.98200.8 ug/LCadmium 10/12/16 10:42 09/29/1610.0030.0200.053200.8 ug/LChromium 10/12/16 10:42 09/29/1610.030.20 J0.17200.8 ug/LCopper 10/12/16 10:42 09/29/1610.020.100.39200.8 ug/LLead 10/12/16 10:42 09/29/1610.0040.020 J0.019200.8 ug/LManganese 10/04/16 06:16 09/28/1610.21.03.3200.8 ug/LNickel 10/12/16 10:42 09/29/1610.030.200.39200.8 ug/LSilver 10/12/16 10:42 09/29/1610.0040.020 J0.006200.8 ug/LZinc 10/12/16 10:42 09/29/1610.070.50 J0.38200.8 ug/L

Analytical Report

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

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Page 217: Receiving Water Sampling Report


09/15/16 09:40


Date Received:Date Collected:

Service Request:

Aqueous Equip BlankPTPC WQ SAMPLINGCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project: 09/14/16

Dissolved Metals

Basis: NA

Analysis MethodAnalyte Name QDate Analyzed Date ExtractedDil.MDLMRLResult Units

Sample Name: FB-5Lab Code: K1610897-003

Antimony 10/04/16 06:21 09/28/1610.0060.050 UND200.8 ug/LArsenic 10/04/16 06:21 09/28/1610.200.50 UND200.8 ug/LCadmium 10/04/16 06:21 09/28/1610.0070.020 UND200.8 ug/LChromium 10/04/16 06:21 09/28/1610.030.200.21200.8 ug/LCopper 10/04/16 06:21 09/28/1610.020.100.23200.8 ug/LLead 10/04/16 06:21 09/28/1610.0040.020 J0.008200.8 ug/LManganese 10/04/16 06:21 09/28/1610.0090.050 J0.028200.8 ug/LNickel 10/04/16 06:21 09/28/1610.020.20 J0.02200.8 ug/LSilver 10/04/16 06:21 09/28/1610.0030.020 UND200.8 ug/LZinc 10/04/16 06:21 09/28/1610.200.500.55200.8 ug/L

Analytical Report

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

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Page 218: Receiving Water Sampling Report




Date Received:Date Collected:

Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ SAMPLINGCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project: NA

Dissolved Metals

Basis: NA

Analysis MethodAnalyte Name QDate Analyzed Date ExtractedDil.MDLMRLResult Units

Sample Name: Method BlankLab Code: KQ1612065-01

Antimony 10/04/16 05:45 09/28/1610.0060.05 J0.008200.8 ug/LArsenic 10/04/16 05:45 09/28/1610.20.5 UND200.8 ug/LCadmium 10/04/16 05:45 09/28/1610.0070.02 UND200.8 ug/LChromium 10/04/16 05:45 09/28/1610.030.2 UND200.8 ug/LCopper 10/04/16 05:45 09/28/1610.020.1 UND200.8 ug/LLead 10/04/16 05:45 09/28/1610.0040.02 UND200.8 ug/LManganese 10/04/16 05:45 09/28/1610.0090.05 J0.016200.8 ug/LNickel 10/04/16 05:45 09/28/1610.020.2 UND200.8 ug/LSilver 10/04/16 05:45 09/28/1610.0030.02 UND200.8 ug/LZinc 10/04/16 05:45 09/28/1610.20.5 UND200.8 ug/L

Analytical Report

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

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Page 219: Receiving Water Sampling Report




Date Received:Date Collected:

Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ SAMPLINGCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project: NA

Dissolved Metals

Basis: NA

Analysis MethodAnalyte Name QDate Analyzed Date ExtractedDil.MDLMRLResult Units

Sample Name: Method BlankLab Code: KQ1612189-01

Arsenic 10/12/16 10:29 09/29/1610.030.5 UND200.8 ug/LCadmium 10/12/16 10:29 09/29/1610.0030.02 UND200.8 ug/LChromium 10/12/16 10:29 09/29/1610.030.2 J0.04200.8 ug/LCopper 10/12/16 10:29 09/29/1610.020.1 J0.03200.8 ug/LLead 10/12/16 10:29 09/29/1610.0040.02 UND200.8 ug/LNickel 10/12/16 10:29 09/29/1610.030.2 UND200.8 ug/LSilver 10/12/16 10:29 09/29/1610.0040.02 UND200.8 ug/LZinc 10/12/16 10:29 09/29/1610.070.5 J0.11200.8 ug/L

Analytical Report

ALS Group USA, Corp. dba ALS Environmental

Printed 10/13/16 4:38:32 PM Superset Reference:

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Page 220: Receiving Water Sampling Report

ALS Group USA, Corp.

QA/QC Report

Client:ProjectSample Matrix: Ocean Water

PTPC WQ SAMPLINGCosmopolitan Engineering Group Service Request: K1610897

09/14/16Date Collected:Date Received: 09/15/16

10/04/16Date Analyzed:

Replicate Sample SummaryDissolved Metals

MZS-5 ug/LBasis:Units:

K1610897-001 NALab Code:Sample Name:

RPD LimitMRL MDLAnalysis Method RPD

Duplicate Sample

KQ1612065-03 Result Average

SampleResultAnalyte Name

dba ALS Environmental

Antimony 29 1 0.12 0.4 J 0.3 J 0.4 20200.8Arsenic 5 10 4 20 22 21 20200.8Cadmium - 0.4 0.14 ND U ND U ND 20200.8Chromium 54 4 0.6 2.3 J 4.0 3.2 20200.8Copper 9 2 0.4 6.3 6.8 6.5 20200.8Lead - 0.4 0.08 ND U ND U ND 20200.8Manganese 3 1 0.18 3.5 3.4 3.4 20200.8Nickel 5 4 0.4 3.9 J 4.1 4.0 20200.8Silver NC 0.4 0.06 0.13 J ND U NC 20200.8Zinc 4 10 4 8 J 9 J 8 20200.8

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 10/13/16 4:38:31 PM Superset Reference:

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Page 221: Receiving Water Sampling Report

QA/QC Report

ug/LK1610897-001 Basis:Lab Code:

Units:Sample Name: MZS-5

Dissolved MetalsMatrix Spike Summary


Client:Project:Sample Matrix:

Cosmopolitan Engineering GroupPTPC WQ SAMPLINGOcean Water

Service Request:

Date Analyzed:Date Received:



Date Collected: 09/14/16


Prep Method:Analysis Method:

Analyte Name ResultSample Result Spike Amount % Rec

Matrix SpikeKQ1612065-04

% Rec Limits

ALS Group USA, Corp.dba ALS Environmental

09/28/16Date Extracted:

Antimony 0.4 J 1030 1000 103 70-130Arsenic 20 1080 1000 106 70-130Cadmium ND U 460 500 92 70-130Chromium 2.3 J 221 200 109 70-130Copper 6.3 244 250 95 70-130Lead ND U 863 1000 86 70-130Manganese 3.5 488 500 97 70-130Nickel 3.9 J 501 500 99 70-130Silver 0.13 J 225 250 90 70-130Zinc 8 J 455 500 89 70-130

Results flagged with an asterisk (*) indicate values outside control criteria.

Results flagged with a pound (#) indicate the control criteria is not applicable.

Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPD) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded.

Printed 10/13/16 4:38:32 PM Superset Reference:

Page 30 of 32

Page 222: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Analyte Name

K1610897Date Analyzed:

Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ SAMPLINGCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project:Client:

Lab Control Sample SummaryDissolved Metals



Lab Control SampleKQ1612065-02


Spike AmountResult % Rec % Rec LimitsAnalytical Method

dba ALS EnvironmentalALS Group USA, Corp.

QA/QC Report

Antimony 85-115107 50.053.3 200.8Arsenic 85-115101 50.050.6 200.8Cadmium 85-115101 25.025.2 200.8Chromium 85-115105 10.010.5 200.8Copper 85-11598 12.512.3 200.8Lead 85-11598 50.048.9 200.8Manganese 85-11597 25.024.3 200.8Nickel 85-115100 25.025.0 200.8Silver 85-11596 12.512.0 200.8Zinc 85-115100 25.025.0 200.8

Superset Reference:Printed 10/13/16 4:38:31 PM

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Page 223: Receiving Water Sampling Report

Analyte Name

K1610897Date Analyzed:

Service Request:

Ocean WaterPTPC WQ SAMPLINGCosmopolitan Engineering Group

Sample Matrix:Project:Client:

Lab Control Sample SummaryTotal Metals



Lab Control SampleKQ1612189-02


Spike AmountResult % Rec % Rec LimitsAnalytical Method

dba ALS EnvironmentalALS Group USA, Corp.

QA/QC Report

Arsenic 71-12496 2.001.93 200.8Cadmium 80-114101 2.002.01 200.8Chromium 78-118104 2.002.08 200.8Copper 63-12897 2.001.93 200.8Lead 82-11399 2.001.97 200.8Nickel 88-112107 2.002.14 200.8Silver 80-11090 2.001.80 200.8Zinc 79-133118 2.002.35 200.8

Superset Reference:Printed 10/13/16 4:38:32 PM

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