Realise the power of social recruiting

Realise the power of social recruiting

Transcript of Realise the power of social recruiting

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Realise the power of social recruiting

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The recruitment landscape is changing fast.

Recruiters can no longer post, pray and expect results.

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1. Candidates have more career choices.

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1. Candidates have more career choices.

2. Clients have more channels to research potential partners.

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1. Candidates have more career choices.

2. Clients have more channels to research potential partners.

3. The recruitment industry is more competitive than ever.

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Q.How do you stay ahead?

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Q.How do you stay ahead?

A. Connect directly with the best candidates before your

competitors do.

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Q.How do you stay ahead?

A. Connect directly with the best candidates before your

competitors do.


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Social networks enable you to:

• Listen, participate and engage with candidates and clients.

• Develop a company

brand that makes clients and talent want to partner with you.

• Build pipelines to find talent faster.

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Social networks are booming

22.5% of all internet time is spent on social networking.1

Social professional networks have become the number 1 source of quality hires for global staffing firms.2

Read more:

LinkedIn’s Global Staffing Trends Report reveals 3 hot trends that every staffing and search leader needs to know:

2015 Global Staffing Trends (tip sheet)2015 Australia Staffing Trends (full eBook)2015 India Staffing Trends (full eBook)2015 Southeast Asia Staffing Trends (full eBook)non APAC countries





Social professional


Internet job boards

Employee referral


Internal candidate database3

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Social recruiting is the new normal and is an essential tool for:• Tapping into talent pools. • Connecting and engaging

with quality talent.

• Locating hard-to-find talent.

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Recruitment patterns are also evolving.

Most professionals:

• No longer need to actively job seek.

• Are connected

via social media.

• Can choose from multiple opportunities.

• Are also being targeted by your competitors.

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In this new context, the best recruiters act like marketers.

• They invest in their brand.

• They engage with clients and candidates online.

• They recruit more efficiently.

• They grow their business as a result.

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As a recruiter, your talent pool has expanded. Your ability to reach and

engage that pool has improved.

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As a recruiter, your talent pool has expanded. Your ability to reach and

engage that pool has improved.

Now, you need the right social recruiting solution

at your fingertips.

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Enter LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the modern recruiter’s best friend

• LinkedIn has more than 364 million members worldwide.4

With LinkedIn you can:

• Build your personal brand and your firm’s brand.

• Engage key talent pools and potential clients.

• Recruit candidates and new clients.

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Let’s take a brief look at how it works.

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Let’s take a brief look at how it works.

Step 1: Build your brand

LinkedIn helps you build a strong personal brand as well as a strong

company brand.

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Your personal brand

A great personal brand can make the difference between attracting and losing top talent.

LinkedIn lets you build your personal recruiter brand using your LinkedIn profile.

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Your personal brand

A great personal brand can make the difference between attracting and losing top talent.

LinkedIn lets you build your personal recruiter brand using your LinkedIn profile. An average of 45 million

profiles are viewed on LinkedIn every day.5


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Your LinkedIn profile is a prime branding opportunity

The number one activity on LinkedIn is checking out profiles.

Recruiters have 10 times more traffic to their profiles than the average member.6

A stand-out LinkedIn profile is the ultimate way to:

• Show talent why it’s worth connecting with you.

• Show clients what a stellar recruiter you are.

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LinkedIn lets you measure the success of your personal-brand-building strategy.Free analytics tools let you:

• See who’s viewed your profile.

• See who’s viewed your status updates.

• See how your network is expanding.

Read more:

Devoting time to building your personal brand will increase your

response and referral rates and help you recruit better talent. These 6

simple steps outline the key areas you should invest in to boost your brand

on LinkedIn.

6 Steps to Building Your Recruiter Brand on LinkedIn

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What about your company brand?

Do candidates and clients view you as a trusted partner, or have they never

heard of you?

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With a LinkedIn Company Page you can:

• Build your brand presence.

• Showcase your company culture.

• Differentiate yourself from your competition.

A stand-out LinkedIn Company Page will make clients and talent want to engage with you.


48,000+ staffing and recruiting companies have Company

Pages on LinkedIn.7

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The best thing about a Company Page?

It lets LinkedIn members follow your firm.

And followers are valuable:

• 79% are interested in job opportunities from companies they follow.8

• 68% want to receive relevant news and insights from companies on LinkedIn.9

• 100% are more likely to respond to an InMail from someone at a company they follow.10

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Track your Company Page performance

Free LinkedIn analytics let you:

• See who’s visiting your Company Page.

• See if the audiences you want to engage are well represented.

• Benchmark your ‘followship’ against similar organisations and competitors.

Read more:

Do you love data? Measure the strength of your talent brand & get

your agency’s customized index score. Learn more about

Talent Brand Index.

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Step 2: Engage your

target audiences

LinkedIn helps you engage with clients and talent via personal and Company Page status updates, and with your

Career Page.

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Personal status updates

Personal status updates are the perfect way to stay top-of-mind and engage your LinkedIn connections at scale.

Status updates can include interesting stories, news, blog posts (yours or others’), photos, videos, SlideShares and more.

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Company Page status updates

Company Page status updates allow you to leverage your following.Companies that post at least one status update on LinkedIn per week get:

• 40% more views.11

• 25% more applications.12

Read more:

One of the best ways to boost your firm’s brand is to use content

marketing. Read the Content Marketing

Guide for Talent Acquisition tailormade for time-poor staffing and

search professionals.

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Career Pages

Career Pages allow you to engage the broader LinkedIn

network with relevant information on:

• Your open opportunities. • Your brand.

• Your team.

Learn more about LinkedIn Career Pages.

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Step 3: Recruit candidates

and clients

LinkedIn helps you do what you do best: recruit!

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Recruit candidates

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Find that needle in the haystack

Even in a global marketplace, great talent can be hard to find.

LinkedIn can help you find the right candidates and get their attention.

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Activate passive talent

Increasingly, top talent doesn’t even enter the marketplace.

Yet across the global talent pool 85% of professionals are approachable and open to hearing about a new opportunity.13

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Unlock passive talent potential

As the world’s largest source of passive candidates, LinkedIn helps you:

• Connect with passive talent.

• Find the right talent for your clients and your firm.

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Build a talent pipeline

With LinkedIn you can pipeline talent so you can fill roles (including hard-to- hire positions) more quickly.

Talent Pipeline in LinkedIn Recruiter enables you to aggregate, track, contact and nurture talent leads.

Read more:

Imagine having an engaged talent pool at your fingertips for every hard-to-hire

role. Those who pipeline talent are living that dream. Pipelining not only saves you

and your team from reinventing the wheel for every role, it reduces time to hire and

leads to better quality candidates.

12 Tips to Build a Stunning Talent Pipeline

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Recruit clients

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Warm up cold leads

69%* of buyers are more likely to choose a vendor if the salesperson is recommended to them by someone in their professional network.

LinkedIn allows you to leverage members of your own network and reach out to mutual connections and potential clients.

*Survey of 1,500 LinkedIn members who influence or make B2B purchases and are Managers or above (LinkedIn).

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Reach out to job posters

For professional recruiters, LinkedIn Groups can be a useful lead generation tool.

By seeing which companies are posting jobs in Groups, you can engage with active job posters at a time when they are potentially open to a conversation.

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Keep tabs on targeted clients

Follow the LinkedIn Company & Career pages of potential clients to receive news about any new jobs posted and any staff joining or leaving.

Use Search Alerts created in LinkedIn Recruiter Professional Services to remain informed of any new relevant LinkedIn members who could be potential new leads.

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Gain Market Intelligence

With information gained through LinkedIn Recruiter Professional Services, you can:

• Gain insight into the hiring trends of the locations, industries, and companies you recruit for.

• Identify any companies undergoing growth that may be in need of your services.

Read more:

Tired of cold calling? Let us help you. Download “Business Development on LinkedIn: The Staffing Professional’s

Guide”, a technical guide that features step-by-step instructions on

how to utilize LinkedIn for business development purposes. For anyone in a sales, business development or

marketing role, or those running a full desk within the staffing industry.

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So there you have it.

New recruitment landscape?

No problem.

With LinkedIn you can build, engage and recruit successfully in today’s

social-media-charged environment.

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Now you know why you need LinkedIn, you’re ready to learn more about how you

and your firm can benefit from it.

The recruiting firm’s LinkedIn field guide provides an in-depth look at how LinkedIn can help you:

Build your brand foundations.Engage your target audiences.

Recruit more candidates and clients.

D O W N L O A D T H E R E C R U I T I N G F I R M ’ S L I N K E D I N F I E L D G U I D E .

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LinkedIn tools at a glance

Free LinkedIn Tools

Personal Profile Targeted Status Updates Talent Pool Reports

Job Posts

Job Slots

Sponsored Jobs

LinkedIn Recruiter and Recruiter Professional Services

Build Engage Recruit

Company Page

Employee Profile Ads Sponsored Updates

Career PagesTargeted Ads

LinkedIn Followers


( ( SponsoredUpdates)







LinkedIn Talent Solutions

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Additional resources

Build Engage Recruit

6 Steps to Building Your Recruiter Brand on LinkedIn

Content Marketing Guide for Talent Acquisition

Recruiter Professional Services

12 Tips to Build a Stunning Talent Pipeline

Business Development on LinkedIn: The Staffing Professional’s Guide

The Recruiter’s Guide to Writing Effective LinkedIn InMails

LinkedIn Career Pages

The Employer Brand Playbook

Talent Brand Index

( (








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1 LinkedIn, The industry trends every staffing executive needs to know.

2 LinkedIn, Top Southeast Asian staffing trends for 2015.

3 ibid.

4 LinkedIn Talent Solutions, Six steps to building your recruiter brand on LinkedIn.

5 Brad Mauney, Five simple ways to boost your professional brand on LinkedIn,, July 2013.

6 LinkedIn, The industry trends every staffing executive needs to know.

7 LinkedIn Research (as referenced in The recruiting firm’s LinkedIn field guide).

8 ibid.

9 LinkedIn Company Pages and Followers (

10 LinkedIn Research (as referenced in The recruiting firm’s LinkedIn field guide).

11 LinkedIn Talent Solutions, Hacking the science behind LinkedIn status updates.

12 LinkedIn, The industry trends every staffing executive needs to know.

13 Talent Trends 2014: What’s on the minds of the professional workforce (

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Interested in knowing more about how LinkedIn can help you beat your competition to the best candidates and become a preferred

partner to your clients?

Speak to a Business Solutions Consultant

for Staffing and Search in your region, or

request a free demo.