Re White Paper

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  • 8/14/2019 Re White Paper





    OPROARTS Apps Report Engine

    OPRO Japan Co., Ltd.

    Integrating sites with OPROARTS Apps Report Engine
  • 8/14/2019 Re White Paper


    Copyright 1997-2010 OPRO Japan Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


    IntroductionThis whitepaper discusses how users could use OPROARTS Apps Report Engine Force.

    com application along with sites to develop scalable web applications easily.

    BackgroundOPROARTS Apps Report Engine

    OPROARTS Apps Report Engine (RE) is a application introduced by OPRO

    Japan Co., Ltd. This application was developed with the objective of overcoming the Force.

    com limitations in developing multi paged PDF documents and reports.

    RE provides the ease of API based PDF document generation on platform. application developers will be able to use this application to develop multi

    paged PDF documents with great consistency and accuracy.

    It has improved the PDF rendering on in a number of methods. It has introduceda band based reporting model where users could specify contents for the page header, footer

    and body. This allows the users to have a structure to the documents. They could specify

    this structure on a visualforce page template.

    RE has also improved the page numbering model and has made significant improvements

    on page numbering during mail merge. Default page numbering methodology

    does not reset the page numbers when the same PDF document is attached to multiple

    recipients or opportunities. But RE allows re-setting of page numbers when merging tomultiple recipients & multiple opportunities. This feature ensures that each recipient will

    receive his/her copy of correctly-page-numbered PDF document.

  • 8/14/2019 Re White Paper


    Copyright 1997-2010 OPRO Japan Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    2 Sites sites platform is a proprietary technology of Sites technology

    is expected to revolutionize the web development industry by offering users a web

    development platform different from traditional web hosting model. Users will be able to

    focus on do it yourself web development on their PaaS platform without seeking expertweb hosting. This platform is primarily based on Visualforce technology. Within this new

    cloud based web development paradigm, users could develop applications rapidly without

    building their web sites from the scratch.

    Integration Benefits site paradigm itself is built with the objective of minimizing the web site

    development time. It allows the users and developers to take to technology

    beyond CRM. Also it allows the users to integrate their web applications with their CRM

    accounts with ease.

    RE also follows the same principle. Its designed with the objective of reducing the

    development time and cost of reports on Users could focus more on the contents

    of their reports without worrying about the structure of the reports.

    Furthermore, the RE is developed to reduce the complexity of generated reports by

    introducing template based report development. This allows the users to separate structure

    from content. If you have to alter the report format, you can alter the report template without

    changing the application.

    In addition users could implement multiple features such as document delivery by email

    or fax. It also allows users to attach and download the document with ease. Rather than

    spending development time on implementing the document delivery, it could be done using

    the report engine.


    This solution will show how we can integrate sites with RE to develop a web

    application easily.

    Users will start developing an integrated application by installing RE on their

    account. Then, they can extend the RE functionality in to their application by making simple

    API calls to the RE application. They could integrate the RE in to the application domainof the web site being developed.

    Extended benefits of this solution include easy integration in to third party service provider

    apps. For instance users could forward the generated PDF output to email to eax service.

  • 8/14/2019 Re White Paper


    Copyright 1997-2010 OPRO Japan Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


    Sample Application of integrating RE with Salesforce Sites.

    In this sample application we have integrated RE with the sites to develop a web

    application where participant can download the seminar ticket after completing registration


    Sample application can be accessed from the following link.

    Sample Application Steps

    The potential customer (Lead) fills the seminar registration form and clicks on the preferred

    delivery method; download, mail or fax.

    This action triggers a Lead creation in your Salesforce organization and then calls RE to do

    the creation and delivering of the seminar ticket in PDF format.

    How to develop the integrated application:

    1. Sign up for a free Developer edition account.

    2. Install OPROARTS Apps Report Engine from Appexchange.


    Youll be able to use this trial-version for 30-days.

    3. Install following unmanaged package which includes sample source files for the



    Note: If RE is not installed already in your production account, an error will be

    displayed. Please refer RE documentation for more details.

    4. Create new web site.

    Please refer,

    for an in-depth tutorial on how to create your sites page.

  • 8/14/2019 Re White Paper


    Copyright 1997-2010 OPRO Japan Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


    5. Set active home page and enable access to all the Visualforce pages of the RE and

    RE_Sites_Source packages as shown in the following screen shot. Press Public

    Access Settings button and scroll down to Standard Object Permissions. Set read/

    Write permissions for Lead and Contacts standard objects.

    6. Customize the code as described in code walkthrough section in order to integrate thefront-end, data and RE.

  • 8/14/2019 Re White Paper


    Copyright 1997-2010 OPRO Japan Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


    Code Walkthrough Application home page developed using Sites


    Button actions of the Visualforce page invoke the relevant methods in page controller class

    (SiteController class) and create and pass relevant parameters to the RE. Please refer RE

    documentation for more information about parameter settings.

    Following sample code shows how to set parameters for sending emails. You have to

    customize templateUrl and the returnUrl according to the web Address of the newly

    created site.


    Change tohttp://******/apex/BusinessDoc.

    ****** will be default web address of the newly created site.

    Common parameters define the output template. Action parameters set the other parameters

    for mail such as To addresses and Cc addresses for emailing.

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    Copyright 1997-2010 OPRO Japan Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


    Code sample for controller class of the home page (SiteController).

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    Copyright 1997-2010 OPRO Japan Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


    Code sample for controller class of the output template (RE_OutputController class).

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    Copyright 1997-2010 OPRO Japan Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


    Code sample for output visualforce template (BusinessDoc).

    Code sample for brochure (RE_brochure).

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    Copyright 1997-2010 OPRO Japan Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


    Note: This brochure will be dynamically generated as a PDF and attached to the email sent

    to the user using the application.

    A screenshot of the output PDF

    User can also use an email template to embed rich contents with merged information in the

    mail body(E.g including an image to the email body). This sample scenario demonstrates

    the use of email templates.

    However, to keep things simple, you can set plain text messages as email body using

    emailBody parameter, without using email templates.

  • 8/14/2019 Re White Paper


    Copyright 1997-2010 OPRO Japan Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


    Sample Visualforce code of the email template (RE_Email_Quote).

    Email Confirmation page

    7. Test your application.

    Now you can try out the integrated application and customize further to suit your


  • 8/14/2019 Re White Paper


    Copyright 1997-2010 OPRO Japan Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.


    TEL: +81 3-5765-6510

    FAX: +81 3-5765-6560


    Email: [email protected]

    OPRO Japan Co., Ltd.6F, Shibashin-Mita Bldg., 3-43-15,

    Shiba, Minato-Ku, Tokyo, 105-0014,



    Integration of RE in to sites will expand the benefits of Sites platform. It will

    instantly enable developers to implement document generation and delivery features at

    minimal cost and time.

    Reduced web development cost and time Easy integration More precise output generation to end users Easy customization of templates