Re Engineering Book (1)

UNIT-I INTRODUCTION Productivity concepts Productivity benefit model Productivity cycle Macro and micro factor of productivity 1



Transcript of Re Engineering Book (1)

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Productivity concepts

Productivity benefit model

Productivity cycle

Macro and micro factor of productivity


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1.1. PRODUCTIVITYProductivity quotient is obtained by dividing output by one of the factors of production

in this way it is possible to speak of the productivity of capital investment or raw materials according to whether output is being considered in relation to capital, investment or raw material etc.


The term productivity is often confused with the term production. “Many people think that the greater the production, the greater the productivity. This is not necessarily true. We shall show this by an example, but before doing so, let us clarify the meanings of the terms production and productivity.

Production is concerned with the activity of producing goods and/or services.

Productivity is concerned with the efficient utilization of resources (inputs) in producing goods and/or services (output).

If viewed in quantitative terms, production is the quantity of output produced, while productivity is the ratio of the output produced to the inputs.


Suppose that a company manufacturing electronic calculators produced 10,000 calculators by employing 50 people at 8 hours/day for 25 days. Then, in this case,

Production=10,000 calculators

Productivity (of labor) = 10,000 calculators/50*8*25man-hours.

= 1 calculator/man-hour

Suppose this company increased its production to 12,000calculators by hiring 10 additional workers at 8hours/day for 25 days. Then,

The production = 12,000 calculators

Productivity (of labor) = 12,000 calculators/60*8*25 man-hours

= 1 calculator man-hours

Clearly, the production of calculators has gone up 20 percent (from 10,000 to 12,000), but the labor productivity has not gone up at all.


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We can easily show, by similar computations, that there could have been other extreme cases wherein the labor productivity went down even though production went up: or, the labor productivity went up along with the production.

The point we are making is that an increased production does not necessarily mean increased productivity.

Efficiency is the ratio of actual output attained to standard output expected.

For example: if the output of an operator is 120 pieces per hour while the standard rate is 180 pieces per hour, the operators efficiency is said to be 120/180=0.6667 or 66.67 percent.

Effectiveness is the degree of accomplishment of objectives.

Whereas how well the resources are utilized to accomplish the results refers to the efficiency. Productivity is a combination of both effectiveness and efficiency, since effectiveness is related to performance while efficiency is related to resources utilization.

The terms of productivity, effectiveness and efficiency in the following manner.

Productivity index = output obtained/input expended

= performance achieved/resources consumed

= effectiveness/efficiency

The first two identities of the above expression are clearly consistent with the usual definition of productivity; the last one is somewhat confusing for two reasons:

1. Productivity index is a numerical value, but effectiveness is not.

2. Mali does not also define efficiency Ina technical sense, that is, as the ratio of actual output to expected output tot expected or standard output. Further, his definition implies that productivity can be increased by reducing by efficiently-something that does not seem logical at all.

Perhaps the confusion could have been accorded by expression the productivity index as follow

Productivity index = f (effectiveness)/F (efficiency)

Where f and F refer to some functions.


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Three basic types of productivity appear to be emerging; we shall refer to these basic forms as follows.


Partial productivity is the ratio of output to one class of input. For example labor productivity (the ratio of output to labor input) is a partial productivity measure. Similarly, capital productivity (the ratio of output to capital input) and material productivity (the ratio of output to material input) are example of partial productivities’.


Total factor productivity is the ratio of the output to the sum of associated labor and capital (factor) input. By net output, we mean total output menus intermediate goods and services purchased. N0tice that the denominator of this ratio is made up of only the labor and capital input factors.


Total productivity is the ratio of total output to the sum of all input factors. Thus a total productivity measure reflects the joint impact of all the inputs in producing the output,’

In all of the above definition both the output and input(s) are expressed in real or physical terms. By being reduced to constant dollars (or any other monetary currency) of a reference period. This reduction to base period is accomplished by dividing the values of output and input by deflators or inflators, depending upon whether the prices of outputs and inputs have gone up of down, respectively, In other words the effect of reducing the output and input to a base period is to eliminate the effects of price variations, so that only the physical changes in output and input are considered in any of the productivity ratios.

We shall take a simple the ABC Company. The data for output produced and inputs consumed for a particular time period are given below.

Output = Rs1000

Human input = 300

Material input = 200

Capital input = 300

Energy input = 100


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Other expense input = 50

It is assumed that these values are in constant dollars with respect to a base period. Then the partial, total factor and total productivity values are computed as follows.

Partial productivities:

Human productivity = output/human input

= 1000/300=Rs/Rs3.33

Material productivity = output/material input

= 1000/200=Rs/Rs5.00

Capital productivity = output/capital input

= 1000/300=Rs/Rs3.33

Energy productivity = output/energy input

= 1000/100=Rs/Rs10.00

Other expense productivity = output/other expense input

= 1000/50= Rs/Rs 20.00

Total factor productivity = net output/ (labor+capital) input

= total output-materials and services purchased/ (labor+capital) input.

Assume that the company purchased all its materials and services, including the energy, machinery and equipment and other services, such as marketing advertising information procession consulting etc.

Net output = 1000-(200+300+100+50)

= 1000-650

= Rs350

Total factor productivity = 350/300+300

= Rs/Rs 0.583

Total productivity = total output/total input


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= total output/ (human+material+capital+energy+other expense) input


=1000/950= Rs/Rs 1.053

Unless otherwise stated, we shall use these three basic definitions of productivity in the rest of the book. Notice that when we refer to partial productivity, we are implying more than one type of partial productivity. Labor productivity which is one of the most commonly used measures, is clearly a partial productivity measure since it relates output to only labor input.

1.2. PRODUCTIVITY BENEFIT MODELTraditionally, employees and unions have been suspicious of management’s

intentions to improve productivity because of the consequence often associated with such improvement. In many companies in the United States. Labor productivity improvements often resulted n layoffs, which are certainly unwelcome, particularly when the workers are given short notice. On the other hand many other companies have reaped the benefits of labor productivity gains by not hiring new employees when workloads increased, or by letting attrition take care of the excess labor force. While in many case labor productivity improvement is what is focused upon by management, including industrial engineers, there may have been many opportunities to improve material, capital, energy, and other expense productivities that were ignored. Even though labor productivity improvement might occur in an organization, if the total cost per unit of the product or service is not reduced and if the quality of the product or service is not improved it does not appear that this is a true productivity improvement while trying to reduce the number of workers, a company may bring in so much automation, robotics etc., that the savings in labor might be far exceeded by the excessive capital costs, thus causing and actual increase, in the unit cost of manufacturing of the product or service since.

Price /unit = cost/unit profit margin/unit

If the cost/unit increases, management if forced to either reduces the profit margin per unit to stay even. Of face a reduction in market share by holding the previous profit margin, in either case, the company management in question has a difficult choice. However, the opposite the favorable-is true when the total cost per unit is decreased and the quality of the product or service is improved.

The improvement of total productivity of a product or service results in the reduction of the total cost per unit. Therefore improving the total productivity results in two favorable management strategies:


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1. The consumers will benefits through savings by purchasing the product or service at lower prices for the same quality or even better quality in some cases.

2. The organization will most likely benefit through a gain in market share, and this might, in turn, create greater revenue-generating opportunities and take advantage of the economies of scale.

3. The employees of the organization will benefits through increased in real wages or salaries.

4. The share holders or owners of the organization will benefits through larger dividends on their share. Also, the organization will have a better chance of reinvesting the profits in new products, services, processes and ventures.

1.3. THE PRODUCTIVITY CYCLEThe productivity cycle schematically. At any given time, an organization that is in midst

of an on-going productivity program may be involved in one of the four stages or phases. Productivity program. Productivity evaluation, productivity planning and productivity improvement. We abbreviate these four phases MEPi, where, m,e,p,I stand, respectivily, for measurement, evaluation planning and improvement.

An organization that begins a formal productivity program for the first time can begin with productivity measurement once the productivity levels are measured, they have to be evaluated or compared against planned values, Based on this evaluation, target levels of productivity are planned on both short-and/or long term bases, to achieve the planned targets, productivity improvement takes places in a formal manner, in order to assess the degree to which the improvement will take place next period, productivity levels must be measured again. This cycle thus continues for as long a she productivity programs operate in the organization.

The productivity cycle concept shows us that productivity improvement must be preceded by measurement evaluation, and planning. All four phases are important not just productivity measurement or just productivity improvement. Also, this cycle emphasizes the process nature of the productivity issue. A productivity program is not a onetime project, but rather a continuous. Ongoing process.

EXAMPLE: For an illustration of the concept of the productivity cycle, let us consider the xyz company, which has had a formal productivity program for several years. Last year, the company total productivity was measured to b3e $/$1.250(that is, every dollar of total input used, the company produced 1.25 dollars worth of output), based on the historical record of achievement in total productivity, the target level of total productivity for last year was $/$.


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300. The productivity manager of the company makes an evaluation of the total productivity change in two ways : first, by comparing the actual achievement against the target set, and second, by comparing the actual total productivity levels between two consecutive years. In the first case, the achievement was short by[(1.300-1.250)/1.250]*100 percent , that is ,a percent while in the second case, the improvement of total productivity from the year before last to last year was [(1.250-1.250)/1.250]*100 percent, that is , 2.46 percent . These two types of evaluations helped the productivity manager set a realistic target for total productivity for this year of 1.310. In order to go from 1.250 last year to 1.310, this year (an expected improvement of 4.8 percent). The productivity manager had to institute some additional productivity improvement techniques, such as quality circles and statistical quality control. At the end of the year. He or she will measure the total productivity again to see whether, in fact, the target of 1.310 was achieved, then begin the evaluation phase again.


1.4.1. Micro level productivity:

Micro level productivity is an important role in information policy particularly in providing evidence on how and where key driver of productivity improvement can be seen.

Micro level data work has proved particularly power full in assessing “five drivers” of productivity work in practice and perhaps where potential productivity gains are not being achieved. “Five drivers” of productivity are

1. competition2. innovation3. investment4. skill5. enterprise


The effect of competition on productivity in enabling more production\vity firm to grow at expense of other and in giving firm a clear incentive to improve performance can be seen in firm level data. One study shows that these processes and the entry and exit of business associated with them.


The competition is positively associated with innovation by firm innovation can boost productivity in two ways,


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Firms investing in R&D them self’s and reaping the benefits from new or improved products and process or spillovers from creator of knowledge to others firm to compel. Studies have shown that both these process R&D investment and use of external knowledge influence the ability of firm to innovate international sales and innovation have been shown to be associated with superior productivity.

Innovation includes not only technical development but also design and this too has been shown to generate positive returns.


Investments improve the labor productivity by increasing the stock of capital available to workers. A number of studies has estimated the effects and recent works has been shown the specific productivity impact associated with investing in hardware (it).investing software and the use of employee have also been shown to be associated with higher level of firm productivity. These effects are particularly large when supported by modem broadband communication network.


The quality and quantity of skill in an economy or a firm affect its productivity capability. Linking of skill variables to ABI information has produced a series of analysis showing that both qualification and occupations are associated with productivity effect.


The creation of new firm to exploit new ideas is essential to the competitive process studies into the demography of enterprises and effect of entry of new firm on productivity have been carried out in a number of countries.

Micro data analysis:

It is possible to analysis relationship between economic variable more closely. The presences of linked demographic information in many data sets allow more complex tabulation and regression result to be exacted than by simply using aggregates.

It is possible to isolate the effects of factors such as region, firm size and foreign ownership on the productivity of individual businesses.


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Productivity comparisons based on some systematic measurement approaches at the

international level are valuable tools for understanding and evaluating the impact of productivity on the

domestic and international markets of competing countries.

2.1.1. MEASUREMENT APPROACHES Rostas’s Measures Comparison of the value of the gross output per unit of labor

Comparison of the value of the net output per unit of labor

Comparison of the physical output (gross as well as net) per unit of labor

Comparison of the physical input of materials. Shelton and Chandler’s Measures Hourly labor cost = E/L

Output per man-hour = Q/L

Unit labor cost = (E/L) (Q/L) = E/Q

Where, E = aggregate labor cost 9cor expenditure)

L = man-hours of labor

Q = quantity of output

Methods of measuring unit labor costs

1. Measurement by product. This method considers a typical product and compares labor costs

(and possibly production costs) from plant-to-plant in different countries by using actual cost


2. Measurement by industry: This approach consists of aggregating the output of all the different

products of individual companies or of an industry into a combine figure.

Although this method is easier to implement because of the availability of data for basic

industries in industrialized countries, there are some difficulties, the most serious ones being

quality differences and product diversity.

3. Measurement by all manufacturing industries: Measurement is done on a combined

manufacturing industry basis. This method to comparing the productivities of various countries.


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Unit labor cost estimates:

Labor expenditure (cost)

Output (production)

Time periods and time trends

Currency exchange rates

2.2. PRODUCTIVITY MEASUREMENT AT THE NATIONAL LEVELThe measurement intricacies of a national economy, because organizations form the basic units

of an economy. The productivity measures used by countries appear to be partial productivity

indicators, particularly labor productivity. Whether it is to report a growth or decline, this measure has

been employed by national governments around the world.

2.2.1. Index approach Labor productivity indexes

Capital productivity indexes

Labor and capital productivity indexes

Labor productivity indexes: among the partial productivity measures, labor productivity appears

to be the most commonly used.

The three types of labor productivity indexes commonly employed are as follows:

1. BLS indexes: These are the indexes published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) every


Labor productivity =

2. NBER indexes:

Labor productivity =

3. Brooking Institute indexes:

Capital productivity indexes. By definition

Capital productivity =


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2.3. PRODUCTIVITY MEASUREMENT IN ORGANIZATIONS LEVELEconomics, engineers, managers, and accountants have taken different approaches

in measuring productivity at the firm level.

Economists: Index approach; production function approach; input-output approach.Engineers: Index approach; utility approach; servo-system approachManagers: Array approach; financial rations approachAccountants: Capital budgeting approach; unit cost approach

2.3.1. Index Approach:An index number is a quantity which shows by its variations the changes over time or space of a

magnitude which is not acceptable of direct measurement in it or of direct observation in practice. Kendrick – Creamer Model:Their indices are basically of three types: Total productivity, Total factor productivity, and Partial


Total productivity index for a given period


Total factor productivity index =

Net output = output – intermediate goods and services

Total factor input = (man-hour input of the measured period weighted by

base-base period average hourly earnings, preferably

including fringe benefits)

+ (total capital of the measured period expressed in base-

period prices and weighted by the base-period rate of

return, with depreciation treated as intermediate service)


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Net output = total factor input, in the base period

Productivity gain = difference between net output and total factor input

Partial productivity of labor =

Partial productivity of capital =

Partial productivity of material = Craig – Harris Model.2

Total quantity Pt =

Where, Pt = total productivityL = labor input factorC = capital input factorR = raw material and purchased parts input factorQ = other miscellaneous goods and services input factorOt = total output APC Model.4The American Productivity Center (APC) has been advocating a productivity measure that relates

profitability with productivity and price recovery factor

Profitability =



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= (productivity) (price recovery factor) Mundel’s Model.Mundel present two alternatives form of productivity

PI = =

PI = =

Where ,PI = productivity indexOMP = aggregated outputs, measured periodOBP = aggregated outputs, base periodIMP = inputs, measured periodIBP = inputs, base period

2.3.2. Production Function ApproachEconomics have used the products function approach in the past four decades. Their approach

has been to develop some general mathematical expression for output as a function of input factors,

Pure theory of production functions. Production functions are the development of three kinds

of functions. The Cobb-Douglas function

Q =


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Where Q = outputL = labor inputK = capital inputu = random measurement error componenta, d, and f and constants to be estimated The constant elasticity of substitution (CSE) function

Q =

Where Q = value-added outputL = labor input = total man-hoursK = gross book value of capital adjusted by capacity utilization coefficienta = arbitrary constant of proportionalityb = distribution parameterr = substitution parameterv = degree of returns to scalee = base of the natural logarithmu = random measurement error with mean zero and variance

The term u represents uncontrollable and unpredictable variations in output that occur after an input

factor is employed in production. The variable elasticity of substitution (VES) function

Q =

2.3.3. Input – Output ApproachInput – Output (I-O) analysis was originally applied to the study of flows in the national


Although, much work has been reported using the I-O approach at the national and industrial

levels of productivity measurement, very little has been done on applying this technique at the firm



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2.3.4. Servo-System ApproachHershauer and Ruch present a “servo-system model of worker productivity.” Their servo-system

approach: “Productivity related to output through a conversion process.”

This model is called the “servo-system” model because it is a dynamic feedback system, in which

the output of an action taken by one person or group eventually has an effect on that person or group.

2.3.5. Capital Budgeting ApproachMao [1965] demonstrated capital technique in measuring the “productivity” of public


Mao’s basic approach is (1) to compute a rate of return for each of the projects and then rank

the projects according to their rates of return, and (2) to determine the cost of social capital and use it

as the cutoff rate for the projects. The criterion for accepting or rejecting a project thus depends on

whether its rate of return is higher or lower than the social cost of capital.

2.3.6. Unit Cost ApproachIndirect ways of measuring productivity has been to determine and a analyze the “unit” costs,

where “unit” is the division, plant, department, or product. The unit costs are composed of direct labor,

direct material, and fixed and variable overheads.

The measure they use is what they call QPR (Quality Productivity Ratio), which is defined as

QPR1 =



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QPR3 =

For Example,

Suppose, a company manufactures 100 items in time period 1, and that out of these, 10 are

rejected. The processing costs are Rs100 / 1000 items, and the error (reject) correction costs are

Rs1000 / 1000 items. Then

QPR1 = = = 4.5 items per rupee

2.4. TOTAL PRODUCTIVITY MODEL (TPM)The total productivity model (TPM) is a basic model from which several versions are derived. It is

based on a “total productivity” measure and a set of five partial productivity measures. The model can

applied in any manufacturing company or any service organization.

Total productivity =

Where, Total tangible output = value of finished units produced

+ value of partial units produced

+ Dividends from securities

+ Interest from bonds

+ Other income and


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Total tangible input = value of (human + material + capital)

+ Energy + other expense) inputs used

Figure.2.1 output element considered in the total productivity

Figure 2.2 input elements considered in the total productivity model


Outputs (tangible)

Finished units produced

Partial units produced

Dividends from securities

Interest from bonds

Other income

For sale For internal use

For sale For internal use

Inputs (tangible)






Clerical staff

Capital Material

Raw materials

Purchased parts






Electricity etc

Other Expense


Taxes, (local, city, state, federal)

Professional’s fees


Information processing

Office supplies

R & D

General administration expense, etc.



Plant (buildings and structures)


Tools and equipment

Others (amortized

R & D, etc.)




Accounts receivable

Notes receivable

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2.4.1. Notation for the Total Productivity Model

TPF = total productivity of a firm =

TP1 = total productivity of product1i


PPij = partial productivity of product i with respect to input factor j

{j} = { H, M, C, E, X}

H = human input (includes all employees)

M = material and purchased parts input (includes raw materials and purchased parts used in manufacturing and assembly)

C = capital input (includes the uniform annual cost of both fixed and working capital)

E = energy input (includes oil, gas, coal, electricity, etc.)

X = other expense input (includes taxes, professional fees, information processing expense, office supplies expense, travel expense, etc.)

i = 1, 2, …………. N

N = total number of products manufactured in the period under consideration (current period)

Oi = current-period output of product i in value terms (expressed in constant rupee, or any other monetary unit, of base period, using selling price as the weight)

OF = current-period output of the firm in value terms (expressed in Constant dollars, or any other monetary unit, of base period, using selling price as the weight)

OF = ∑ Oi

Ii = current-period total input for product i in value terms (expressed in constant dollars, or any other monetary unit, of base period)


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∑ Iij = IiH + IiM + IiC + IiE + IiX

Iij = current-period total input of type j for product i in value terms (expressed in constant rupee, or any other monetary unit, of base period)

IF = total current-period input used by the firm in value terms (expressed in

constant dollars, or any other monetary unit, of base period)

= ∑ Ii = ∑ ∑ Iij

If 0 and t represent subscripts corresponding to base period and current period,


TPFt = =

TPF0 = =

We define the total productivity index for the firm in period t, (TPIF)t

(TPIF)t =

The total productivity index for a product i in period t, (TPI)it

(TPI)it =


Tangible input

I period t


Product iTangible output

in period t



productivity = TPit =

in period t

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Figure2.3 total productivity for a product i as a ratio of total tangible output to total

tangible input


TPit = =

TPio = =

2.4.2. Tangible Output Elements Finished units produced. These units can be expressed either in physical or in value terms. Thus,

for example, we may that the output of a product in a certain period is 1000 tons


Tangible input

in period t


FirmTangible output

in period t



productivity = TFPit =

in period t

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Figure2.4 total productivity for a firm as a ratio of total tangible output to total tangible


Base period, any normal period in which the production was not much different from the


Partial units produced partially completed units should also be considered when counting the

total tangible output produced during the period. The work in process inventory form the partial


2.4.3. Tangible Input Elements:

Human input: The direct labor has traditionally been consider, we have consider all the human

resources employed in producing the output.

Material input: The “material” input consists of raw material and purchased parts.


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When one or more products manufactured in the current period were not produced in the base

period, the calculation for each raw material corresponding to a product is as follows

Capital: TPM, we consider both the fixed capital and the working capital. The fixed capital comprises

land, plant (buildings and structures), machinery, tools and equipment, and amortized research and

development costs. The working capital, on the other hand, includes money needed to support

inventory, cash, accounts receivable and notes receivable.

Energy: The energy input is the cost of energy incurred by using up one or more of the fuel resources,

such as oil, gas, coal electricity, and water. If solar energy is consumed, the cost of solar panels is

considered under fixed capital items.

2.4.4. STEPS IN IMPREMENTING THE TOAL PRODUCTIVITY MODELA step-by-step procedure is essential to achieve successful productivity-measurement efforts in

an organization. The following 12 steps are a guide.

1. Sales, profit and cost analysis

2. Familiarization with products, processes, and personnel

3. Allocation of total output and input (when necessary) to a particular operational unit

4. Data collection design

5. Base-period selection

6. Obtaining deflator information

7. Data collection and recording areas for improvement

8. Data synthesis

9. Productivity computations

10. Charting productivity indices

11. Productivity trend analysis


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12. Introduction to the evaluation phase of the productivity program

Figure2.5 sales, profit, and cost analysis


Evaluate total productivity for any given product i(I) between two periods t-1 and t and (2)

within a given period t.

We compare the actual total productivities TP it–1 and TPit in period t-1 and t, respectively. In the

second case, we compare the actual total productivity TP it in period t with two types of budgeted total

productivities. TPit and TPii. These two evaluations should provide a fairly powerful tool in planning total

productivity for each product.1


TPit = actual change of total productivity of product I between two successive periods, t-1 and t

Oit = actual change of tangible output of product I between two successive


Sales records for the products for the past 3 years or more

Income statements for the past 3 years or more

Computations of percentage contribution in the total

Application of Pareto’s law

Managerial judgment

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Periods, t-1 and tIt = actual change of tangible input of product I between two successive

Periods, t-1 and t

TPit = TPit - TPit-1

Oit = Oit - Oit-1

Iit = Iit - Iit-1

TPit =

TPit-1 =

Oit = Oit-1 - Oit

Iit = Iit-1 - Iit

TPit-1 =

TPit-1 =


TPit = for t I; Oit, 0; TPit-1, Iit-1 0

Case 1. TPit = 0; that is, the total productivity has remained constant between periods

t-1and t.

Case 2. TPit > 0; that is, the total productivity has increased in period t as compared to

Period t-1

Case 3 . TPit < 0; that is, the total productivity has decreased in period t as compared to


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Period t-1.


Actually feasible “paths” of the more general set of pats in what we call the Productivity

Evaluation Tree (PET). This tree shows the theoretically possible changes in output and input that result

in changes in total productivity.

Figure2.6 The productivity evaluation tree (PET)

2.6. PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT MODEL Productivity improvement model approaches are:

1. Goodwin’s model2. Sutermeister’s model3. Hershauer and Ruch’s model4. Crandall and Wooton’s strategies5. Stewart’s strategy6. Aggarwal’s approach

2.6.1. Goodwin’s ModelThe question he attempted to answer was: “How can we improve the way we improve?”


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Improvement Management – this approach is not directly related to improving the productivity of an

organization, it nevertheless provides a fairly good conceptual framework to view productivity


Figure2.7 Goodwin’s model for “improvement management”

2.6.2. Sutermeister’s ModelSutermeister’s approach to productivity improvement is characterized by identifying and

explaining the interrelationships of factors affecting worker productivity.

The relation between need satisfaction, morale, employees; job performance and productivity is

much too complex for us to assume that satisfaction of individual’s needs will automatically lead to

better job performance and increased productivity.

He argues that even when individual’s needs are well met, they are fairly well satisfied with their

jobs and their firm, and have a fairly high level of morale, it is possible that they will fully restrict their

output by not working at their best, but work against the firm’s goal of increased productivity.


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Figure2.8 Sutermeister’s model

2.6.3. Hershauer and Ruch’s ModelHershauer and Ruch present what they call a “servo system model” of worker productivity. This

model is based on the existing literature and on information gathered during the analysis of several

productivity conscious organizations.

In their model, Hershauer and Ruch consider the individual worker performance a the focal

point of the model, where in organizational and individual factors impact this performance either

directly or indirectly. They contend that any factor in their model can be traced as an input through the

model to worker performance, and many factors can be traced to performance as an output. They

consider their model as a servo system because of this feedback effect and the time-delay

characteristics. In other words, the output generated as a result of an action taken by a person or group

eventually has an effect on this person or group.


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Figure 2.9 Hershauer and Ruch’s model

2.6.4. Crandall and Wooton’s StrategiesCrandall and Wooton present a model that “integrates the role of productivity improvement

with the growth of the organization and the role of the executive as a productivity decision maker”.

They suggest a shift in concern from traditional strategies of efficiency-oriented productivity

improvement to strategies focusing on the growth and development of organizations. Their contention

is that productivity improvement strategies in an organization must be dependent upon the

organizational growth stage. They identify four possible stages of organizational growth.

The entrepreneurial the initial development of an organization and involves the exploration of its

environment to introduce new products or services. The growth in this stage is external in nature.


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The bureaucratic stage the organization and codification of administrative and work processes. It is an internal growth to bureaucratize and organize the results of the entrepreneurial stage.

Diversification and systemization is basically a segmentation of the enterprise into multiple product

line, services, and activities, as well as the establishment of the complex interrelationships necessary to

support a diversified organization. This stage involves both internal and external growth.

Mega organizational growth represents exceptionally complex environments turbulent change

conditions involves both internal and external growth.

2.6.5. Stewart’s StrategyStewart proposes a productivity improvement strategy for organizations based on a systems

perspective, which requires that one view an organization a complex network of interdependent

subunits, all aimed at producing a blend of activities that enhances the overall performance of the

organization in the long run. He argues that all opportunities for productivity improvement must

compete with each other for common resources, acknowledging the concept of diminishing marginal

return, that is, an one given improvement action is pursued, the marginal improvement due to the

incremental use of a given technique would likely decrease.


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Figure 2.10 productivity improvement strategies

1. Using the Nominal Group Technique (NGT), a structured group process, identify the

opportunities for productivity improvement. A task force of approximately 12 members of

diverse points of view from within the organization is formed for this purpose, and with the help

of a trained facilitator, meeting for about two hours, identifies the opportunities for productivity

improvement in the form of a prioritized listing. (The NGT involves the silent generation of ideas

for productivity improvement, round robin presentation, clarification, voting and ranking, and

final decision.

2. Compile and distribute the results of step 1 to all participants.


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3. Conduct an “implementation work session. “This involves the task force, under the supervision

of the facilitator, generating essential implementation information about the top 10 productivity

improvement opportunities identified in step 1. A work sheet is used for this purpose.

4. Compile the information from step 3 and communicate the summaries to top management.

5. Have the top management make a decision as to which productivity improvement opportunities

will be explored further. This set of opportunities selected is denoted as the “action set”. (O 1,


6. For each productivity improvement ides in the action set, let the top management form a

“micro” group consisting of from two to five people. Provide the micro group with the results of

the implementation work session so that each of the groups can get some idea of what first

steps seem appropriate and what obstacles are faced in implementing the idea.

7. In each micro group, develop a problem-solving strategy with the assistance of a “process

consultant”. The strategy might be as simple as obtaining information from a vendor or a

complicated as conducting a detailed cost-benefit analysis.

8. Have each of the micro groups produce a recommendation to the top management as to

whether the particular ideas should be pursued further or not.

9. Have the top management make the final decision as to which of the recommendations from

each of the micro groups should be fully implemented and which should not continued. The

decision criteria here include the availability of man power, the extent of capital expenditures,

and the potential disruption within the organization.

10. Assign the responsibility for implementing those productivity improvement opportunities that

have been approved in step 9. These opportunities are designated {O1,…… Oj} in the figure.

11. Implement the set {O1,…… Oj}

12. Follow up or monitor progress.

2.6.6. Aggarwal’s Approach

1. Identify and priotize the objectives of the company or organization. In a meeting of the

department, managers must agree on the three to five most important goals to be achieved

through productivity improvement efforts. These goals must be prioritized, and the meeting

should focus on the problems and conflicts that might be expected.


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2. Delineate criteria for outputs within organizational limitations. In this step, the management

must quantify each of the goals and study all the limitations impinging on the goals. The

limitations may relate to capital, personnel, technology, or markets.

3. Prepare action plans. After working out the details of action plans, responsibilities must be

assigned to individuals on a tentative basis.

4. Eliminate known barriers to productivity. Capacity bottlenecks, wasteful repetitive work

elements, wasteful repetitive cost expenditure, and such other aspects must be considered by

the managers.

5. Develop productivity measuring method and calculate the base-period productivity. Based on

the goal priorities established in step 1, choose a productivity measure or measures for that set

of goals. Calculate the base-period productivity for these measures.

6. Execute action plans and start ongoing measurement and reporting. Focus attention on priority

action items that yield quick returns. Concentrate on short, visible, urgent, and easily

achievable activities with the effort level being in proportion to the anticipated returns. In other

words, work with the “Pareto principle – distinguish vital few from trivial many”. Side-by-side,

periodic measurement and reporting must be started.

7. Motivate workers and supervisors to achieve higher productivity. Hundreds of companies

located in a host of countries around the world report that workers’ participation in more than

80 percent of the cases has helped to increase the productivity of their respective companies or

department. Advance planning, special retraining or education, and recognition are important

to improve productivity.

8. Maintain the momentum of productivity efforts. The company should start new productivity

projects one after the other in order to keep the momentum. Each project reinforces the other

and regenerates motivation.

9. Keep auditing the organizational climate. Without the continued interest and support of

operating managers and staff specialists, productivity efforts will have little success. Attempting

to accomplish several major productivity projects simultaneously, or starting to ignore the

perpetual need for training the workers and the supervisors, may spoil the organizational

climate for productivity efforts.


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The productivity improvement techniques heavily dependent upon new technologies are numerous.

1. Computer-aided design (CAD)

2. Computer – aided manufacturing (CAM)

3. Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM)

4. Robotics

5. Laser technology

6. Energy technology

7. Group technology

8. Computer graphics

9. Maintenance management

10. Rebuilding old machinery


Computer-aided design (CAD) refers to the design of products, processes, or systems with the

help of a computer. It was found to be particularly useful in dealing with complex geometry and three-

dimensional internal parts.

The aircraft industry was one of the first to apply CAD as a productivity improvement tool.

Examples are:

Design of automobile chassis, engine parts, and suspension parts

Design of circuit configuration in printed circuit boards for electronic products

Design of facilities to minimize the unnecessary movements of materials, people, and products

Design of the human form three-dimensionally, and the use of it to evaluate the physical

interaction between man and workplace or task (for example, in aircraft cockpits, trucj cabs

passenger vehicles, cranes, forklifts)

CAD replaces the manual design on drafting boards with interactive design at the CRT (cathode-ray

tube) terminal of a computer, where a special mechanism is used to change the design on the

terminal. This special mechanism is usually a “pen”.


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2.7.2. COMPUTER – AIDED MANUFACTURING (CAM)Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) involves the use of a computer to design and control the

manufacturing process. Some typical areas covered by CAM include:

Assembly-line balancing

Machine sequencing and loading

Parts scheduling

Inventory control

Capacity planning

Operator scheduling

Automated inspection

The effectiveness of CAM will depend upon the efficiency and flexibility of the software used.

IITRI (Illinois Institute of Technology Research Institute, 35 West Federal Street, Chicago, IL 60616 has

been offering CALB (Computer-aided line balancing), GALS (generalized assembly-line simulator), CAMEL

(Computer-aided machine loading), CBS(computer-aided batch scheduling), MS (manufacturing


2.7.3. COMPUTER –INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING (CIM)Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) is a fully integrated CAD/CAM system that provides

computer assistance from marketing to product shipment. It encompasses several functions, including

order entry, bill of material processing, inventory control, and materials requirements planning; design

automation, including drafting, design and simulation, manufacturing planning, including process

planning, routing and rating, tool design, and parts programming, and shop floor control, such as

numerical control, assembly automation, testing and process automation.

2.7.4. ROBOTICSAn industrial robot is a reprogrammable multifunctional manipulator designed to move

material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable programmed motions to accomplish a

variety of tasks.

An industrial robot consists of three basic components: manipulator, power supply, and control

system. The manipulator which has several axes of motion incorporated in it, performs the actual work

of the robot in reaching, grasping, moving, placing, and or doing a task of an operation on a part. The

power supply provides and controls the power for the actuators of the manipulators (for example,

hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders, electric or hydraulic motor, etc). the control system is the “brains” of


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the robot. It provides the sequencing and coordination of the motions of the various axes of the robot.

It also provides a communication linkage with external devices and machines.

2.7.5. LASER TECHNOLOGYLaser technology involves the use of a laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of

Radiation) beam to generate heat energy that may be used in diverse ways.

One of the firs applications of laser technology was in cutting metals, or drilling, but soon the

application areas extended to welding, hardening, alloying, and cladding. Laser-assisted inspection is

now a reality. At present, research is being done on lasers in machining”.

Laser technology is now being applied in conjunction with fiber optics for communications

purposes. There is a tremendous savings potential with lasers, although the initial cost of laser

technology is relatively high. This technology makes flexible manufacturing systems even more of a

present reality.

2.7.6. ENERGY TECHNOLOGYEnergy technology, as we use the term here, implies the use of new sources of energy. For

example, the use of chemise energy , solar energy ,geothermal energy, and hydrogen energy would fall

in this category.

Economies of production and distribution of the energy effect on the environmental, ecological, and

social aspects of the system in which the new energy technology will be used.

2.7.7. GROUP TECHNOLOGYGroup technology involves organizing and planning production parts into batches that have

some similarity in geometry and processing sequence.

Small batch production has the inherent disadvantage of lost production time due to too many

machine setups and the consequent loss of time due to setting up. yet 75 percent of all machined parts

are produced in small batches. Therefore, it becomes increasingly important to find ways of minimizing

the machine setup times in small batch manufacture,

2.7.8. MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENTMaintenance management is a formalized approach to maintaining the currently available

machinery and equipment to help them function according to the maintainability and reliability


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characteristics. Yet it can be a very effective means of cutting down maintenance costs and increasing

human productivity, fixed capital productivity.

2.7.9. REBUILDING OLD MACHINERY Many large corporations have their own machine building department where the remodeling is

under taken very methodically. This can certainly pay off. Of course the remodeling effort can be made

easier if the shop floor employees are encouraged to suggest the modification themselves. This effective

technique can have a positive effective the long run on productivity.


2.8.1. INVENTORY CONTROLInventory control is concerned with two basic questions: when to order and how much to order. An

effective inventory –control system will accomplish the following:

Six areas:

1. Development of demand forecasts, the treatment of forecast errors.

2. Selection of inventory models.

3. Measurement of inventory costs (carrying shortage, order)

4. Methods to record and account for items.

5. Methods for receipt, handling , storage, and issue items.

6. Information procedures to reports exceptions.


1.2 Fixed order size systems (quantity- based).Fixed order quantity, variable review period.

3.4 Fixed –order interval systems (time–based)Fixed review period, variable –order quantity)

5 Derived –order quantity system (production- based)Order quantity is variable.

Perpetual inventory system. Under this system, whenever the stock drops to the reorder level or below,

an order is triggered for a quantity to the equal to the economic order quantity (EOQ).

Periodic inventory system. The inventory position is checked only at specified time interval


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Figure 2.11 Periodic inventory systems.

Optional replenishment inventory system. In this system, stock levels are reviewed at regular intervals.

But orders are not placed until the inventory position has fallen to a predetermined recorder point.

Materials requirements planning (MRP) inventory system. This system functions by working back ward

from the scheduled completion dates of end products or major assemblies to determine the dates and

quantities of the various component parts and materials that are tope ordered. The system works well

when (a) a specific demand for an end item is known in advance, and (b) the demand for an item is tied

in a predictable fashion to the demand for other items.

Figure 2.12 Optional replenishment inventory systems.


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2.8.3. THE ABC ANALYSIS:The ABC Analysis helps classify the items into three categories – A,B, and C, where An equals

high –value items, B equals medium –value items, and C equals low –value items. This way, tight

inventory control can be exercised on the A items, moderate control on the B items, and lose control on

the C items. Thus, the ABC analysis separates the “vital few” from the “trivial many”.

Figure 2.13 Typical ABC inventory analysis A= high value items B= medium value items

C= low value items

2.8.4. MATERIAL REQUIREMENT PLANNING (MRP):MRP is a management planning and control techniques. Its initial processing function is to work

backward from planned quantities and completion dates for end items on a master production schedule

to determine what and when individual parts showed be ordered.

MRP is sometimes referred to as “time –phased requirements planning” because “time phasing”

involves working the material requirements backward based on the lead time for each item.

The MRP works with the following three data inputs:

1. The demand for end items is scheduled over a number of time periods and recorded on a

master production schedule (MPS). The MPS tells us how many of and when each items is

wanted. It is developed from the end item forecasts and customer order. It must project a

realistic plan of production so as to accommodate the available capacity.


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2. The bill –of –materials (BOM) records, also known as the “product structure records.: contain

the bills of materials for the end items in levels representing the way they are actually

manufactured: from raw materials to subassemblies to assemblies to end items. The BOM is

shored conveniently in a data file a computer.

3. The “inventory status records” are the third source of data input for the MRP. They contain on-

hand balances of items inventory. Open orders, lot sizes, lead times, and safety stocks.

2.8.5. MATERIALS MANAGEMENT:Materials management is composed all material –related functions, such as purchasing,

transportation, logistics, production control inventory, and sometimes even quantity.

The materials management process in a company depends upon the type of product, the quantity and

reliability levels demanded, the percentage of the product manufactured within the company and the

percentage of the product produced from suppliers, the storage capabilities for purchased and

manufactured parts, subassemblies and finished products, the materials –handling systems available,

the manufacturing and distribution process, the level of knowledge of the users of the materials

management system and so on.

2.8.6. QUANTITY CONTROL:Quantity controls is an effectives system for the growing quantity development, quantity

maintenance, and quantity improvement efforts of the various groups in an organization so as enable

production and service at the most economical levels which allow for full customer satisfaction.

Three aspects of quantity are important:

1. Quantity of design.

2. Quantity of conformance.

3. Quantity of performance.

The quantity of design for a product or service established by the specification of quantity level,

grade, or standard. It is dependent upon the intended use of the product or service. All products or

services are not designed at a high quality level because of the cost –value trade –off involved.

Quantity conformance refers to the degree to which the specified quality of design is satisfied in

producing a product or in delivering a service.


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Quality of performance, or reliability, is controlled by using tests on a sample of production. Defense

equipment, such as missiles, rockets, and space vehicles are the most commonly known items that are

subjected to intensive life tests. Automotive and aircraft engines are further. Examples: in fact, whether

it is desired that performance be consistently high with the greatest possible probability of successful

functioning, the quality of performance becomes important.

To access the quality of conformance, measurement of quality is necessary. This is accomplished by

inspection. Inspection is of two basic forms; 100 percent inspection and sampling inspection. When

every item is inspected, it constitutes 100 percent inspection.

Sampling inspection involves the checking of sample(s) from lots or batches. A formal m\name for

sampling inspection is acceptance sampling. Acceptance sampling is done by attributes by variables.

Acceptance sampling by attributes involves a decision such as go or no go, good or bad, yes or no,

defective or not defective.

1. Single sampling plan, where in a sample of size n is taken at random from a lot. The number of

defectives x in this sample is compared with the number of defectives c. If x ≤ c, the lot is

accepted; if x >c, the lot is rejected.

2. Double sampling plan, where in a sample of size n is taken from a given lot. If it contains c 1 or

less defective, it is accepted; if it contains more than c2 defectives, it is rejected; if the defectives

are greater than c1, but not more than c2, a second sample of size n2 is taken. If in the combined

samples the defectives are c3 or less, the lot is accepted. If not, the lot is rejected. The double

sampling plan may reduce the total amount of inspection, when compared to single sampling


3. Multiple sampling plans, which are an extension of the double sampling, where in many samples

may be taken.

4. Sequential sampling plans require the observation of items from a lot one at a time. The

sequence of samples is such that the number of samples is determined entirely by the outcome

of the sampling process. Several sequential plans are available to the practitioner.

5. Continuous sampling plans differ from the above in that they are applied to a stream of items

rather than to lots.


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2.8.7. MATERIAL – HANDLING SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENT:The three M’s of material handling are: material, move, and method. Material handling involves

the movement of material by some method.

Material handling and plant layout are closely interrelated. Therefore, whenever productivity

improvement is sought by improving the present material –handling system, care must be taken to

evaluate the expected changes in the facility’s layout configuration that might in turn affect one or more

of the five basic input factors in the total productivity expression.

The effect of material – handling –systems improvement on total productivity may not always

be positive, particularly when the capital investments in sophisticated material –handling-systems are

proportionately larger than the human, material, working capital, energy, and other expense input


2.8.8. MATERIAL REUSE AND RECYCLING:Depending upon the product or service, material input typically ranges from 5 to 60 percent. It

becomes more challenging to reduce the material input when there is already a good quality control

system for incoming parts, raw materials, and subassemblies. Most of the direct materials cost may be

squeezed out through the value engineering technique. Opportunity To reduce the material input: the

reuse or recycling of raw materials.

One of the most common examples of recycling is the melting of aluminum cans, while one of

the common cases of material reuse is the mixing of aluminum metal trimmings from die casting with

“virgin” metal to reduce the direct cost of the material.


2.9.1. FINANCIAL INCENTIVES (INDIVIDUAL)Several individual financial incentive plans have been used in companies, businesses, and other

organisms to increase labor productivity.


This plan is characterized by two main features. Pay is directly proportional to the number of units



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Minimum daily rate is guaranteed. The earnings generated in the PWP is given by

E pw = ∑ (Ni) (PWRi)


Ni = number of pieces of type i produced.

PWRi = piecework rate for type i item


SPR, = standard production rate for type i item (pieces per hour)

WRi = wage rate for type i item


PWRi =


The standard hour plan overcomes the problems with the piecework plan by using standard hours per

piece instead of rupees per piece.

The earning in this plan are given by

ESH = ∑ (SHEi) X (WRi)


SHE I = standard hours earned for item type i

SHEi =


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The MDW plan was introduced in the united stated during the early 1930s when organized labor tried

getting away from time studies and piecework rates.

They are similar to the day work (DW) plan,

Let t = any time period and BRt = base rate in period t. then, in the MDW plan.

BR t+1 = (BRt) ( std i)

std I =


Scanlon planThis plan works as follow:

Set up a target ratio (or norm),

TR =


SVOP = sales value of production

= value of receipts for goods sold + value of goods in stock

1. Each month, compute the sales value of production (SVOP) at the selling price.

2. Compute allowable labor cost: (TR) (SVOP).

3. Compile actual labor cost.

4. Compute savings in labor cost: Allowable labor cost – actual labor cost.

5. Share the labor cost savings in an agreed proportion. (A common proportion)


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6. At the end of a year, if the reserve balance is positive, pay it for the employees; if not, wipe out

the deficiency by using the reserve fund.

Rucker plan:The plan establishes a relationship between the total earnings of hourly rated employee’s and

the net production values created in the plant. That is, employee earnings are related to the value –

added output.

1. Compute the standard (target) percentage of labor cost from historical records. The target ratio

is given by

2. Compute the actual percentage of labor cost given by,

3. Pay the bonus on the savings.

Kaiser plan:The Kaiser plan was presented in 1962. It provides employees with a 32.5 percent share of the

savings from increased productivity over base- year costs of labor plus material. This share is guaranteed

even if the company does not make a profit. It guarantees against loss of job and income when

improvements in methods or technology are introduced.

tonnage plan:The plan bases its “standard” on the tons of material produced per man – hour. The norm is a

base period that is established by historical data, and the entire workforces in the percent increase in

succeeding periods.

Profit sharing plan:Profit sharing encourages everyone in the company to work toward increasing profit. Since,

profits can be improved even by simply increasing the selling prices.(causing inflation), it is not a direct


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approach to productivity improvement. If profits are generated due to overall reductions in total

manufacturing costs.

The distribution of profits takes any one of the three forms:

1. Cash plan, wherein profits are paid directly to workers on a periodic basis.

2. Deferred plan, under which the profits are invested for the employee and paid to him or her

upon retirement or separation.

3. Combined plan, under which both forms (1) and (2) are used.

2.9.6. EMPLOYEE PROMOTION:Employee promotion is both a financial and form of motivation to enhance human productivity.

It involves the upgrading of an employee’s status, and is a natural way of recognizing an employee’s

skills, knowledge, proficiency and effort at jib / her present job.

2.9.7. JOB ENRICHMENTJob enrichment is a nonfinancial motivation technique that provides Variety in assigned tasks

Employee autonomy and discretion in performing tasks Feedback on performance the satisfaction of

completing a whole or identifiable portion of work that can be associated with an end product or


2.9.8. JOB ENLARGEMENTJob enlargement involves the enlargement of responsibilities associated with a job. The

proponents of job enlargement argue that jobs, when made very specialized and specific, become so

routine that they get to be boring and monotonous, causing high absenteeism, high turnover, and low

morale, with consequent low productivity.

2.9.9. JOB ROTATIONJob rotation involves the rotation of workers into different jobs for short periods of time.

This method can provide, “all-rounds” in a company’s operations because the workers are given an

opportunity to learn and perform tasks and operations that they were not originally hired for.

Job rotation is not exactly the same as retraining. The need for the latter generally arises out of

the necessity to displace an employee from his or her existing job, whereas job rotation is a conscious


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effort on an on-going basis to provide the opportunity for workers to exercise their freedom in staying

on a given task for a certain length of time.

Participation is an approach to overcoming resistance to change through employee involvement

in planning and implementing.

There are several participation approaches to improving partial or total productivity.

Quality-control 9QC) circlesProductivity quality (PQ) teamsProductivity action teamsProductivity circlesProductivity maintenance groupsEmployee participation groups(EPGs)

2.9.10. SKILL ENHANCEMENTThere is a certain amount of training cost involved whenever skill enhancement has to occur.

Also, this technique may yield productivity improvement more on a long-term than a short-term basis.

2.9.11. MANAGEMENT BY OBJECTIVESManagement by objectives (MBO) is a managerial motivation technique that has received

worldwide attention. The MBO process aids motivation of all participants by having superior and

subordinate managers jointly identify common goals, carefully define them, and together monitor

progress toward achieving results.

In setting up the goals, care must be taken not to :

Set simplistic goals

Set goals without adequate resources

Set harsh goals that cause resentment

2.9.12. COMMUNICATIONCommunication refers to the adequate and timely flow of information with a feedback mechanism.

The purpose of effective communication is to achieve mutual understanding between the

employees and management, and to help establish the social conditions that will motivate the employee

to improve productivity.

2.9.13. WORKING CONDITON IMPROVEMENTThe factors that must be audited to assess the present working conditions at each workplace

area are


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1. Temperature, light, and humidity

2. Noise

3. Colors of the surroundings

4. Extent of handling hazardous materials, parts, or products

5. Extent of manual handling of heavy items.

The level of safety for operators depends on the extent to which these five factors are in

the satisfactory zone.

2.9.14. TRAININGSome of the common forms of training are

On-the-job training

Apprenticeship training

Internship training

Outside courses

Visitation training

Training must be an on-going feature if total productivity is to be improved on a consistent


Training may actually decrease the total productivity initially (because the other expense input

will increase when training expenses are incurred) without offering an immediate increase in the output.

However, the long-term effect of training on human productivity and on total productivity should be


2.9.15. QUALITY CIRCLESThe quality-control (QC) circles, or quality circles, are groups of employees who voluntarily

cooperate to solve problems related to production, quality, work environment, maintenance,

scheduling, or anything that affects these areas.

2.9.16. TIME MANAGEMENTTime management is a powerful technique, particularly for white-collar, supervisory, and

management personnel.

Time management involves the minimization of the wasteful elements of a person’s

administrative work.


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1. Interruptions by drop-in visitors (without appointment)

2. Attending lengthy and unnecessary meetings that accomplish very little

3. Inability to say ‘no’ for some tasks.

4. Inability to delegate work

5. Lack of responsibility and authority to do certain jobs

To minimize these “time-wasters”, time management applies simple, common-sensical, but very

effective programming rules to every item of work. Time management always improves human



2.10.1. VALUE ANALYSIS / VALUE ENGINEERINGValue analysis (VA) is concerned with the modification of the existing design of a product or

service with the objective of reducing the overall cost of manufacturing or delivering of the service. On

the other hand, value engineering (VE) is concerned with the development of a new design for a product

or service with particular emphasis on the ease of use and cost of manufacturing or delivering value

analysis and value engineering, the primary objective is to design for functional value. Improvements in

the design of the products or service without sacrificing, the functional value in terms of quality,

reliability, and functional capabilities are most likely to decrease total input for the same amount of


Value engineering, the role of the design engineer is greater. Depending upon the type of

product for which value engineering is being applied, there may be as few as one or two individuals to a

large group on a VE team from design engineering, research and development, marketing, and


Value analysis and value engineering involve two basic features:

1. Component elimination

2. Material substitution

2.10.2. PRODUCT DIVERSIFICATIONProduct diversification involves the addition of new product types of models to the existing

ones. The reasons for product diversification may:


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1. The competition introduced a new product recently

2. The existing models of products are not sustaining the market share

3. The consumer’s perception of quality for the existing products has been poor in recent months

and years.

4. Raw materials, component parts, and energy supplies have unexpectedly become scarce.

5. The company has developed product that is far ahead of the competition.

2.10.3. PRODUCT SIMPLIFICATIONProduct simplification: the elimination of extraneous or marginal lines, types, and models of

products, it includes a reduction in the range of materials and component parts used, and a reduction in

the complexity of methods and processes of manufacture.

2.10.4. PRODUCT STANDARDIZATIONProduct standardization is a systematic effort on the part of design engineers, industrial

engineers, and marketing managers to create a product mix that minimize manufacturing, distribution,

selling, and maintenance costs.

2.10.5. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTResearch and development (R&D) takes two forms: basic and applied, basic research tends to

focus on the development of fundamental knowledge, while applied research attempts to explore the

potential applications for the fundamental knowledge so developed. Although business organizations

mostly emphasize applied research, there are many organizations that invest to a considerable extent in

basic research.


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Principles of organizational transformation and reengineering

Fundamentals of process reengineering

Preparing the workforce for transformation and reengineering



DSMCQ and PMP model.


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Organizational transformation and process reengineering require eliminating old and

archaic processes, policies, procedures, technologies, principles and structures that affect

organizational operations. The organizational transformation and process reengineering effort

can be seen as the continuous rethinking, assessment, evaluation, redesign and improvement

of structures, work process elements, procedures, technologies, management systems, right-

sizing and core competencies to achieve competitive performance.

Figure 3.1 Edosomwan organizational and process transformations

As shown in Figure 3.1, the transformation process must focus on the management system,

the social system, the technical system, the behavioral system and critical competitive factors.


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The management system pertains to the way that policy, Procedures, practices,

protocols and directives are established, enforced and maintained. The leadership system of the

organization sets the tone, vision and indicators of what should be done, how it should be done

and what should be accomplished. The management system carries into effect strategies,

processes and project management, and it encompasses the vision, mission and values of the


The social system has a significant impact on motivation and the ability to implement

new ideas; it addresses organizational culture, structure, rewards, teamwork, values and the

creativity of individuals and groups. The social system is influenced by the values of the

founders, leaders, families, peers and supervisors, as well as group behaviors.

The technical, system includes the tools and mechanisms necessary to achieve

excellent products and services. It pertains to measures which serve as the basis for

improvement and planning.

The behavioral system relates to the fundamentals of the human side of quality, as

characterized by the habits, attitudes, work patterns and behaviors of individuals and groups.

Through modification of the elements in the behavioral system, it is possible to implement

change that can lead to a significant breakthrough in performance. The behavioral elements

are often difficult to change, and when a change is made, it positively influences the speed

of organizational and process transformation.


4.2.1.REALIZATIONThis phase of transformation and process reengineering involves recognition of the needs

and challenges that face the organization and individuals. This phase requires a detailed

understanding of the competitive environment, products and services, socio-cultural factors,

economic and political factors, values, ethics and quality of working life issues. The

realization phase should serve as a wakeup call to the organization and its individuals,

bringing to their attention the fact that if an organization is to continue to operate in a

competitive, global economy, it must constantly seek a means for incremental and radical


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improvement. This phase also should involve the use of comparative data and information to

alert decision makers and the organizational workforce that there is a sense of urgency for

incremental and radical performance improvement. The foundation premise which must be

encouraged at all levels is that organizational transformation starts with individual initiative

and leadership. This leadership for positive change is essential, especially at the highest

level of the organization but also at every other level and in every function.

Figure 3.1 Edosomwan 6 R’s Organisational Transformation and Reengineering

4.2.2. REQUIREMENTSBefore beginning the process reengineering effort, an organization needs to define its

mission, vision, values and the key requirements to satisfy and exceed customer expectations. In

defining the total requirements, the voice of the customer must be heard. The requirements of the

internal customer (voice of the business), suppliers and process owners as well as external

customers must be captured. Following this, key product and service performance indicators

and specifications are established to support the requirements. The key requirements are then

used to define the ideal primary, secondary and auxiliary work processes.

4.2.3. RETHINKThe rethinking phase of process reengineering involves reexamining all current and

existing conditions of the organization. Current processes are evaluated against objectives and

expected outcomes. The sources of process weaknesses and variations are identified. A careful


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reevaluation of outdated procedures, policies, structures, technologies, methods and work

habits is performed.

4.2.4. REDESIGNThe process reengineering phase of redesign involves a careful understanding of the

content, make-up, behavior, pattern and elements of work- processes. To understand and

proceed with process redesign, the organizational process must be seen as a set of logical,

related tasks performed to achieve a desired outcome. A set of processes forms an

organizational system. The processes are used to transform inputs into useful outputs.

A careful review of the entire system of an organization's procedures, products and services

should be done. Each work element, task and job must be analyzed to determine how best

to redesign the key processes in order to achieve desired outcomes. The process redesign

efforts must obey three important rules.

Rule 1: All the requirements of the organization and customers must be met.

Rule 2: The redesign process must eliminate all sources of waste and improve the

competitive position.

Rule 3: The redesign process must fulfill job satisfaction requirements. Process redesign can be

radical, which means that all current processes are eliminated and replaced by new ones, or

incremental, which means that some of the existing process elements are adapted as part of

the new, redesigned process

4.2.5. RETOOLThe retool phase involves the evaluation and adaptation of more competitive

systems, such as technologies, machinery and other critical tools required to improve the

production or service work processes, in order for the retooling efforts to be adequate.

Current technologies are mapped according to prequalified process characteristics. Items such

as mean time to failure, mean time to repair, mean time to dismantle and output per

technology or machine are identified. The new set of tools is based on ideal, redesigned

processes that were derived after reviewing the weaknesses of current processes and tools.


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4.2.6. REEVALUATEThe final phase of process reengineering requires the reevaluation of the entire

process to ensure that once the redesign and retool efforts are completed, the new process

has met its objectives. The best way to reevaluate process performance is to collect data on

critical performance success factors, such as quality, productivity, customer satisfaction, market

share, variation levels, profitability indexes, job satisfaction indexes and cost reduction savings.

Those who perform the work have responsibility for monitoring the performance of the process

because they are best qualified to control the sources of variation in the process .

4.3. FUNDAMENTALS OF PROCESS REENGINEERINGA coordinated, continuous improvement approach is required to rethink, redesign, retool

and reinvent new processes that will perform better than existing ones. The fundamental

definitions and basic elements which must be understood include the following.

4.3.1. THE ORGANIZATION PROCESS ELEMENTSThese elements are comprised of activities and tasks. A process element may be

referred to as a sub process when it is subordinate to, but part of, a larger process. A sub

process can also be defined as a group of activities within a process which comprise a

definable component.

4.3.2. THE ORGANIZATION PROCESSThis can be defined as the organization of inputs, such as people, equipment, energy,

procedures and materials, into work activities needed to produce a specified end result or

output. It can also be viewed as a sequence of repeatable activities characterized as having

measurable inputs, value-added activities and measurable outputs. It is a set of interrelated

work activities characterized by a set of specific inputs and value-added tasks to produce a set

of specific outputs.

4.3.3. THE ORGANIZATION PROCESS OWNERThe process owner coordinates the various functions and work activities at all levels of

a process. The process owner has the authority or ability to make changes in the process as


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required and manage the process end to end, so -is to ensure optimal overall

performance. The process owner coordinates the inputs and outputs related to a given


4.3.1. THE ORGANIZATION PROCESS ASSESSMENT AND ANALYSISThis involves an objective assessment of how well a methodology identifies the

strengths and weaknesses of the organization. The analysis involves a systematic examination

of a process to establish a comprehensive understanding of the process itself. The analysis

should include consideration of process simplification, eliminating unneeded or redundant

elements and improving all elements involved in the process.

4.3.4. THE ORGANIZATION PROCESS OUTPUT MEASURESThese are measures that pertain to how well a particular process is meeting or

exceeding the requirements of self-unit internal or external customers. The organization

process output measures could include, but are not limited to, quality of products and

services, productivity, efficiency, effectiveness, job satisfaction, morale, revenue growth,

profitability, cost of quality, cost reduction indexes, reliability of systems and technology,

market share, improvement indexes and process variation indicators.

4.3.5. PROCESS MANAGEMENT, CONTROL AND IMPROVEMENTThis can be defined as the disciplined management approach of applying

prevention methodologies to the implementation, improvement and change of work processes

in order to achieve performance objectives, such as productivity, efficiency, effectiveness and

adaptability. A critical element in the success of process management is the concept of cross-

functional process focus improvement, which involves all stockholders in achieving designed

performance improvement.


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People may resist change for reasons connected to their own activities. Change

sometimes disrupts other plans, projects or even personal and family activities that have nothing

to do with the job. The anticipation of those disruptions causes resistance to change.

The following steps are recommended to prepare the organization team for transformation

and reengineering.

STEP 1: PEOPLE INVOLVEMENTIn beginning the organizational transformation and reengineering effort, it is important

to identify the critical voices (such as customers, unions, suppliers, process owners, managers

and employees) and involve them in the process of diagnosing for change. In diagnosing for

change, employees should understand the business thoroughly and find out what is

happening, what is likely to happen in the future and how the anticipated changes will affect

their own organization. Specific attention should be paid to market-driven changes, customer

expectations, technology changes, skill mix changes, product development cycles, regulations,

competitors. Cultural changes and service and manufacturing capability, among others


Most change effort begins with the identification of a problem or stems from a need

presented by a new market requirement. Change efforts involve attempting to reduce

discrepancies between the real and the ideal. It should be pointed out those reducing

discrepancies between the actual and the ideal means thinking the change through

thoroughly and carefully. In this step, the participative management style works very well.

Planning and preparation include the following:

Description of the change and communication of the anticipated benefits.

Obtaining input from those who will be affected by the change, those who will

help to implement the change and those who will benefit from the change. Input


Page 60: Re Engineering Book (1)

from customers, employees, peers, superiors and subordinates should be


Assess the organizational readiness to make the change. This usually requires

answering the following questions:

o What is the maturity level of the people involved?

o Are they willing and able to make the change?

o What leadership, decision-making and problem-solving skills are available, and

what are the assumptions behind the change?

o What are the expected risks and benefits?

o Is everyone ready to undertake the change?

Prepare the change plan with different options and highlight the preferred plan and


Anticipate the skills and knowledge required to master and implements the change.

Focus on the changes that are critical for success. Change the most important things

once, if possible, to encourage stability, and change routine and minor operations

when appropriate.

STEP 3: DEVELOP CHANGE AGENTS AND TRANSITION STRUCTURESChange agents must have the skills and ability to diagnose a given situation and

develop acceptable solutions. The essential skills and abilities include, but are not limited to,

the following: facilitating, listening, participative designer, team leader, catalyst and courage.

The wisdom to know when to push the change versus when to step back and let people accept

the change over time is also required. Humility can easily facilitate the implementation of

change. Successful change management cannot be achieved without the proper

communication channels. Appropriate new communication channels are required to get

people involved and to let them know why the change makes sense. When appropriate,

create a transition team to oversee the change and develop policies and procedures that make

implementation of the change easy.


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STEP 4: CHANGE EXECUTION AND IMPLEMENTATIONMost change fails to yield expected results, not because it is not good but because

the ingredients and mechanisms for implementation were not executed properly. Leadership,

vision, courage, empathy, humility and wisdom are required to implement transformation and

reengineering projects. The work force must be inspired and motivated to change. Everyone

within the organization must he helped to understand the environment and how to implement

the desired change. Everyone in the organization needs to know how to implement the aspects

of the change that affect their own work. In addition, the following must be done to ensure

effective implementation:

Help the managers and the members of the work force understand how to define

the change and how to understand the management, communication and training

process involved in managing the change.

Develop the managerial tools and skills required to manage the change. These include

analytical, behavioral and organizational management skills; willingness to change;

commitment to change and the desire to manage the change.

Recognize the informal organization and provide a positive climate for those affected to

respond and accept the change quickly. An organization can be viewed as a social

system consisting of a loose network of small groups of people. People in these

groups can form a strong bond of loyalty to each other. These groups should be

used to institute the change. If the informal groups and the informal leaders accept

the proposed change, the change will occur much more smoothly. If they oppose

the change, it may be nearly impossible to implement. Therefore, it is important to

identify and get the informal groups involved in the change execution and


Develop "change agents" for change execution and effective implementation. It is very

important for the leader of the change to seek the active support of the critical mass of

the work force. The critical mass usually "represents a sufficient number of influential

people who support the proposed change. When the critical mass support is

obtained, the change execution and implementation occur much more smoothly.


Page 62: Re Engineering Book (1)

Assess the readiness of the enterprise to make the change, allowing enough flexibility

for people to prepare for the change and deal with the consequences. Plans should be in

place to deal with the logical, rational and irrational sides of change.

In order to implement a change successfully at any level of the organization, the following steps

are suggested:

Step 1: Assess the magnitude of the proposed change and the vision for it.

Step 2: Divide the change into manageable and familiar steps and specify Implementation


Step 3: Communicate the change effectively.

Step 4: Assess the potential response to the change. Identify potential avid supporters, those

who are undecided and the resisters.

Step 5: Develop and implement strategies to win the support of everyone, including the

undecided and resisters. Step 6: Develop and implement actions to assist those affected by the

Change and follow up on open issues.


Organizations and people are led by vision and guided by mission and purpose. The

organizational continuous improvement process must be guided by results-oriented

principles and methodology.


The organization leaders should create a sense of urgency for continuous- improvement

and constancy of purpose. Including goal setting, planning, policy deployment and efficient

implementation of improvement projects. Strategic, tactical and operational transformation

plans must address both the needs and means to achieve meaningful results. It is

important that the voices of the customers, suppliers, process owners, unions, management


Page 63: Re Engineering Book (1)

and work force be heard and incorporated in the transformation plans. The policy deployment

process also should be used to set priorities, including a focus on the following task

Promote the transformation and reengineering vision, policies, goals, objectives and

expected benefits.

Ensure that comprehensive plans are in place at all levels to manage transformation


Develop a comprehensive guideline for reengineering and restructuring work processes.

Provide training to everyone on the skills required to achieve successful



Organizational and process reengineering efforts should focus on reducing layers of

management and structures that cause delays. Processes that have too many steps should

be redesigned achieve steps and improvement in cycle time. Outdated procedures,

policies, systems and programs need to be evaluated, simplified or eliminated when they no

longer serve any useful purpose.

PRINCIPLE 3: ELIMINATE AND MINIMIZE WASTEEvery member of the organization should take it as a personal responsibility to

eliminate waste. Any activity, task, work elements system or process that does not add

value to the final output or outcome desired by an organization or individuals can be defined

as waste. Waste results in delays increased costs, increased cycle time, decreased productivity

and an increase in rework. Excessive transportation, storage steps and duplicate machines.

PRINCIPLE 4: DESIGN AND IMPLEMENT PARALLEL PROCESSESLinear processes produce long cycle times. The linear process requires that everything

must wait for the completion of a previous step before the next step can begin. The parallel

process reduces cycle time, process bottlenecks and delays that affect customer satisfaction.


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Constant innovation of work processes can lead to breakthrough and improvement.

Everyone should be encouraged to examine their own job and work habits to find better ways

to creatively accomplish the same work Technology should be utilized to increase productivity

and improve quality when the benefits far outweigh the costs. However, the social aspects and

impact of new technology should be analyzed thoroughly before introduction to the work



1f the performance of any system or process is not measured, it cannot be meaningfully

improved. Quantitative and qualitative measures that address both objective and subjective

elements should be implemented. The measures recommended should include, but are not

limited to, the following:

Revenue per employee

Percent defectively

Process control limits

Cost of quality

Total factor and partial productivities

Profitability ratios

Customer satisfaction indexes

Reliability rates

Morale and job satisfaction indexes


Error and defect prevention mechanisms are the primary source of controlling process

variation. Everyone should be trained to prevent errors and defects at the source. Processes

that have no errors and defects produce error- and defect-free outputs. An error and defect

prevention philosophy can best be implemented when the following mechanisms are in place:


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Appropriate tools and techniques for solving problems

Adequate training provided to handle the challenges and process problems

Decision-making latitude and constructive empowerment provided to people to handle

their own responsibilities effectively

Existence of a support structure for implementing new process improvement ideas

Several types of errors and defects can occur due to technology, methods, data, process

complexity, training, techniques, materials, machines, manpower, environmental factors,

design flaws, policies, procedures, decision-making process and lack of experience and

attention to detail. Errors and defects can be prevented and corrected by reviewing

process and performance data, evaluating the skill base, examining causes and effects of

problems, and implementing variation control mechanisms within the process.


No process can be fully reengineered without defining the key owners. A process owner

is the person responsible for overseeing the evaluation, assessment and implementation of

process improvement ideas. When there is no process ownership, the responsibility for

reengineered, new ideas has no home. In order to avoid this, primary, secondary and

auxiliary process owners must be defined at all levels. The definition of the process owners

should also include key process outcomes, measures, suppliers, process customers, process

dependencies, decision-making-gates and problem resolution sources.


Understanding and responding to the needs, inputs and expectations of these voices

are essential in order to identify potential beneficial areas for reengineering as well as identify

sources of implementation obstacles to new ideas. The dialogue between these voices also

ensures that no inputs, process variables or outputs are ignored in the process reengineering

effort In order to achieve the full involvement process, the reengineering team must

take the following actions:


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Provide a framework for defining and identifying process owners, customers, suppliers and


Provide policy that requires each individual and organizational work unit to know its

suppliers, process owners, customers and unions

Define a measurement system that evaluates total performance and the relationship

between process owners, customers, suppliers and unions.

PRINCIPLE 10: PROMOTE RADICAL AND INCREMENTAL IMPROVEMENTSThe radical redesign of a process involves the complete elimination of all process

steps and elements and the substitution of a complete new process package. This approach is

only cost effective and beneficial if the benefits of the radical new process clearly outweigh the

costs of maintaining and improving the old process. Incremental process reengineering calls for a

careful approach to promote improvements; a systematic approach is needed for the

identification of small improvement opportunities in existing structures, processes; tools and

systems in order to incrementally change the performance outcomes.

4.6. TRANSFORMATION AND REENGINEERING METHODOLOGYOrganizational transformation and reengineering cannot be achieved in a crisis

management manner. All aspects of the transformation and reengineering effort must be

coordinated properly. The final outcomes can be achieved if the ten-phase methodology.

PHASE 1: CURRENT ENVIRONMENT ASSESSMENTThe assessment provides a baseline for product, process and information quality, as well

as human resource utilization. The next step is to break down the product and service system

into part or process characteristics and determine qualitative and quantitative issues and target

values for the defined characteristics.

The following suggestions are recommended for enhancing the partnership among the supplier,

process owner and customer. First, maintain continuous communication with customers and

suppliers. This requires one-on-one contact, an on-line communication channel, telephone

contact and periodic site visit. Second, encourage customer participation in developing quality


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excellence strategies for new products and services. Encourage suppliers to participate in

implementing a quality excellence and total customer satisfaction program.

Organizational Structure: The effectiveness of the organizational structure, span of control,

policies, procedures and decision-making processes.

Leadership for Transformation and Reengineering: The senior management vision and

commitment to organizational transformation and improvement

Culture and Environment: The culture that promotes continuous improvement and building

blocks and values that guide the organization toward excellence. This also includes the

operating philosophy at all levels of the organization, including work force empowerment,

ability to encourage partnership for progress at all levels and a customer-driven culture of


Information Utilization and Analysis: The effectiveness of the company's collection and

analysis_ of quality improvement and planning.

Strategic Quality Planning: The effectiveness of the company's integration of the customers'

quality requirements into its business plan.

Human Resource Utilization: The success of the company's efforts to realize the full potential

of the work force for quality management.

Quality Assurance Results: The effectiveness of the company's systems for assuring quality

control in all its operations and in integrating control with continuous quality improvement. The

demonstration of quality excellence is based upon quantitative measures and results.

Customer Satisfaction: The effectiveness of the company's utilization and integration of new

technology into new and mature products and processes.

Innovation, Technology and Process Management: The ability and commitment of the company to

encourage and manage innovation at all levels of the organization.

Supplier Management: The successes of the company's efforts to encourage and develop a

supplier network that utilizes effective quality assurance and management techniques and



Page 68: Re Engineering Book (1)


The senior management of the organization has the ultimate responsibility to define a

clear and shared vision of where the organization is headed. It is very important that the vision is

written, disseminated and understood by everyone. The organization's values should extend

beyond the basic requirements for legal behavior. These values should include, but are not

limited to, customer satisfaction priorities, honesty, fairness, teamwork, strength, business ethics

and integrity, and commitment to growth.


The creation of an organizational transformation and reengineering team is an

excellent way to achieve results quickly. The team must be trained in change

management, cohesiveness, tools, techniques for problem solving and decision making,

measures and critical success factors, people sensitivity and project management. Once the

team is trained, the various levels of the process should be identified. The following are

three recommended levels of processes:

Primary Processes: Primary processes are the key processes within an organization which

produce the main products, services or final output for the external customer.

Secondary Processes: These are the second-level work processes within an organization. They

support the key processes to deliver the final output to the external customer.

Auxiliary Work Processes: These are the third-level work processes which support the

secondary work processes to deliver the final output.

PHASE 4: DEFINE KEY PROCESS OWNERS, SUPPLIERS AND CUSTOMERSThe Edosomwan tri-level definition of processes, suppliers, process owners and

customers represents an organization as a total system, which contains inputs, processes and

outputs. The system is maintained by suppliers, process owners and customers.


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Figure 3.2 The Edosomwan Tri level definitions of process, suppliers, process owner

and customer

External Customer: The final arbiter who receives the work output. The external customer is

the judge of whether or not the quality, price, delivery, schedule, service and other

specifications are exceeded and met.

Internal Customer: The internal judge of the output that comes from another department or


Self-Unit Customer: Every individual is a self-unit customer of themselves. Excellence at the

individual level calls for self-inspection, a disciplined attitude, better work habits, self-

measurement and evaluation, and self-ownership and accountability for the final output.

Supplier: Anyone responsible for supplying inputs to a process or system. There are also

three levels of suppliers: (a) external suppliers, who provide desired inputs from outside the

organization (also called external vendors); (b) internal suppliers, who provide input from one

department or one individual to another within the same organization and (c) self-unit

suppliers, which means every individual supplies himself or herself with critical input, such as

personal time and materials.

Process Owner: The person charged with the ultimate responsibility for a set of primary,

secondary or auxiliary work processes. The process owner is also the final decision maker on

process improvement implementation and allocation of resources and can take the blame or

credit for the problems or progress involved in the process.


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The key tasks in this phase include (a) identify and record all steps in the process; (b)

detailed description of each process step; (c) arrange each process step in its correct order;

(d) identify each process step by type, such as operation, delay, inspection, transportation

and decision gates; (e) determine the process beginning and end; (f) identify process inputs and

outputs and (g) determine the process metrics. At the completion of this phase, the process

analysis team or individual should gain general familiarity with the process, identify the key

purpose for analysis and identify opportunities for improvements and current strengths.


The success factors include, but are not limited to, the following: customer satisfaction,

financial measures, productivity measures, quality measures, job satisfaction measures and

profitability measures. It is strongly recommended that critical measures be monitored



The goal of process reengineering is to eliminate waste, delays, redundancies and

excessive bottleneck . Focus on opportunities for improving the following: (a) inefficiency in

process steps; (b) time-consuming delay steps; (c) redundant inspection steps; (d) sources of

rework and repairs, (e) excessive paperwork, policies and procedures; (f) sources of lost

productivity and efficiency and (g) excessive process steps that increase cost of quality.

PHASE 8: DESIGN, IMPROVE AND PROTOTYPE NEW PROCESSESReengineering has a cross-functional perspective is to assemble a team that

represents the functional units involved in the process being reengineered and all the units

that depend on it. Rather than looking for opportunities to improve the current process, the


Page 71: Re Engineering Book (1)

team should determine which of its processes really add value and search for new ways to

achieve the end result. When looking for improvement opportunities.

Questioning the value of every process step

Eliminating non-value-added work elements and activities

Reducing process complexity

Using technology or systems to improve performance

Combining process steps through linear or parallel design

Selecting the most efficient method of transportation, movement and sequencing


The key to achieving radical quantum performance and results is implementing

improvement ideas at all levels. Improvements often reflect drastic changes in culture, structure,

systems, policies, procedures, technologies and tasks. The improvement may also reflect

significant changes in existing jobs by integrating task elements and empowering workers with the

authority to deliver better results. Process improvements can be implemented in four ways:

Radical switch to the new method

Incremental or gradual switch to the new method

Controlled implementation of portions of recommended improvements

Pilot testing of total improvements


The vision for improvement should be continuous. Everyone within the organization

needs to be involved in the ongoing identification of new improvement opportunities; the

improvement effort, responsibilities and ownership of results are clearly defined. It is

recommended that a breakthrough in new knowledge and the pilot approach to testing should

be encouraged. In order to avoid a sudden stop in process improvement progress, strategies for


Page 72: Re Engineering Book (1)

overcoming resistance to change must be implemented. Continuous measurement, evaluation,

planning and improvement of process improvement ideas are recommended.


It is important to have guidelines for organizational transformation because they

facilitate integration, execution and transition from the current state to the future

organizational state in the most effective manner. The following guidelines are recommended

for handling the organizational transformation process.


Perform a thorough evaluation to understand the organization's climate and culture.

Secure and obtain total support of everyone who will be affected by the transformation and

changes. The process of building commitment begins with the senior management of the

organization and is continued until all the stakeholders and members of the work force are


Stage 1. Visualization and Awareness: People have a sense of what needs to be done

differently. They can visualize the elements of the future, but they are uncertain how the vision

for transformation can be realized.

Stage 2. Apprehension and Self-Concern: The means for realizing the transformation

effort becomes very clear, and people are concerned about how they will be affected by the

transformation and changes. Several personal questions are asked: How will the changes affect

careers?.. .compensation?. . job security?.. decision making latitude?.. .the quality of work life?

Stage 3. Reality and Mental Tryout: People now view the transformation effort as

reality and know that changes are inevitable. People's attitudes begin to shift to either avid

supporters or resisters. The supporters will find ways to make the perceived changes work for

them, and the resisters will find ways to defeat the new ideas. At this point, most resisters are

converted to supporters if the benefits of the changes are explained properly.


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Stage 4. Transformation and Change Acceptance: People accept the changes and are

willing to deal with the consequences. Stage 4 is easier to achieve if there are specific

implementation steps for the change4 and the timing and content are realistic and open to

new opportunity.

4.7.2. LMI CIP TRANSFORMATION MODELBroad goals are focused down through all the organization’s layers, and

improvement practices follow a structured, disciplined methodology. Training and tread

building have fundamental, supporting roles throughout the LMI CIP Transformation

Model, as people and groups in the organization must be trained in appropriate subjects at

the appropriate times and groups must learn to function as teams. The ultimate objectives

are to (1) establish a perpetual and total commitment to continuous improvement

throughout the organization and (2) involve everyone. Continuous process improvement

should become the organization’s way of life. Envisioning, shown in is a process that includes

developing the organization's overall mission and goals and, within the context of that overall

mission, building individual and group awareness of positive transformation and reengineering

objectives, philosophy, principles and practices. Creating a customer focus is a key element of

improving the organization's effectiveness. Each individual must demonstrate belief in the

organization's mission and ownership of its vision. An Executive Steering Committee (ESC), led by

the head of the organization, guides and leads the overall transformation and reengineering

effort, which becomes integrated into the organization's way of doing business. The ESC is also

instrumental in enabling the achievement of the mission.


Page 74: Re Engineering Book (1)

Figure 3.3 LMI CIP Transformation model

Top management must become committed to the implementation and must demon-

strate that commitment; highly visible and vocal champions can help publicize that

commitment. Everyone must work toward removing the barriers to transformation and

establish support, rewards and recognition systems that encourage positive behavior and

drive out the inherent fear of change. Training and time resources for the entire work force are

essential. Finally, the organization must empower individuals and groups at all levels by

providing them the authority necessary to meet their responsibility for process improvement

Figure 3.4 Envisioning

Improving the processes, illustrated in Figure 3.6, is the result of envisioning a

new way of doing business, enabling that vision and focusing the effort to achieve

specific goals and objectives. The organization’s improvement activities include many of

the more mechanical processes to define and standardize processes, to assess

measurement are critical elements throughout the continuous improvement process.

Learning is one of the fundamental elements supporting the organizational

transformation and continuous improvement effort. It comprises training and education.

Team building begins with the establishment of the ESC and continues through all levels to the

bottom of the organization. In many cases, team building simply means training existing work

groups to act as teams; in other situations, common problems and concerns may be addressed

through creating cross-functional teams which dram participants from all interested areas. All

teams should be linked, horizontally and vertically, and should follow the structured process

improvement cycle within the framework of the common organizational goals


Page 75: Re Engineering Book (1)

4.8. DSMC Q&PMP TRANSFORMATION MODELThe DSMC Q8PAMP Transformation Model, is a broad conceptual model with

interrelated actions and emphases that describe a general process for transformation from the

point v,-hen an organization recognizes a need to change to the point at which it becomes a

competitive organization of the future The model depicts an organization as an open system

with various feedback loops from the environment, and it highlights the interrelationships

between the various components of a quality and productivity management effort.

Figure 3.5 DSMC Q & PMP Transformation model


The "organizational system" box in the middle of the model represents the system that

exists; it could be an entire company, a division, a plant, a department or just individual day-


Page 76: Re Engineering Book (1)

to-day activities. The system has upstream systems (internal and external suppliers) which

provide inputs in the form of labor, material, capital, energy and data/information. The system

takes these inputs and converts them into outputs in the form of products or services.

Downstream systems (internal and external customers) then react to those outputs, creating

outcomes, such as customer satisfaction, readiness, profitability, etc.


At the top of the diagram is the new competition the organization must respond to in

order to compete in a global economy. This new competition and global economy influence

the business strategy and visions of the organization and the future. Key performance

indicators are identified to provide feedback on performance progress.

The following steps are included in ,in effective strategic planning process: (a) develop a

collective strategic awareness among the management team; (b) convert that awareness into

specific planning assumptions; (c) create a set of agreed-upon, prioritized, strategic objectives;

(d) focus those objectives into a series of action items, (e) determine who will be accountable

and responsible for each action item and develop teams to take action; (E) measure, assess and

evaluate the effectiveness of improvement actions and (g) continuously support the

improvement effort.


Interventions happen at five checkpoints: upstream systems, inputs, process, outputs

and downstream systems. Quality management efforts must be defined relative to these five

checkpoints. In effect, transformation and continuous improvement efforts are commitments

to a practice of managing all five quality checkpoints. The management team then develops,

through the performance improvement planning process, a balanced attack to improve total

system performance, not just system subcomponents.


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4.8.4. MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATIONAfter interventions are made to the system, - measure, and access and analyze

performance at the five checkpoints to determine whether the expected impact actually

occurred. Based on these data, make an evaluation relative to the business strategy, the

environment (both internal and external), the vision, the plan and the improvement

actions themselves.


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The PMI Leadership Expectation Setting (L.E.S.) Model revolves around the continuous

improvement of quality indicators the primary expectation of this eight-step model is the

continuous improvement of processes and systems within an employee's own function. Leaders

and co-workers participate and are expected to provide constructive help and support. L.E.S. is

predicated on the belief that individuals in organizations are leader’s just as much as top



The first step is to develop a personal mission statement which is consistent with the

mission of the entire organization. Make it explicit, but remember that it is to be a guideline for

future decision making As a leader, a personal vision and mission must be understood by other

individuals in the organization. A vision understood only by one individual will not move others.

A feeling of employee ownership in the organization's future must be cultivated.


The main improvement priority should be to focus process improvement efforts on the

highest priority functions. To do this identifies the responsibilities of the job which have the

greatest effect group's results. From this identification, determine specific opportunities for

improvement in the personal leadership processes.



Page 81: Re Engineering Book (1)

In identifying improvement opportunities, understand what the major job functions and

tasks are, focus on the customers' requirements and priorities and, using those requirements,

define personal improvement efforts. Finally, identify factors that indicate the level of quality

in the work, establish a basis for results and measure the level of improvement achieved.

STEP 4: SHARE THE RESULTS WITH MANAGERDiscuss the personal improvement plan with a manager to ensure that it is meaningful to

the organization as a whole and that it contributes to overall organizational goal s-f-he

manager should agree with the proposed plan for improvement and should provide comments

on the approach where appropriate Since the time and resources available for improvement

depend l0 a large extent on the manager's support, it is essential to obtain the manager's

agreement before proceeding.

STEP 5: SHARE THE L.E.S. PLAN WITH SUBORDINATESLeadership improvement is meaningless absent the context of those individuals being

led. Subordinates are the ultimate purpose of the improvement plan; in effect, they are the

major customer. share the plan with subordinates and ask for their comments and perceptions.

Invite them and individual leaders to begin the L.E.S. process themselves. Encourage each

individual to share his or her progress with the group.

STEP 6: USE A SYSTEMATIC APPROACHTo provide consistency to the improvement process, adopt a structured, systematic

approach An approach, such as this one, enables individuals to display progress in a manner

understandable by all. A disciplined method of defining a problem, observing it, determining its

causes, taking action, checking the effectiveness of that action, standardizing the solution

and evaluating the process is a key to providing consistency.

STEP 7: SHARE PROGRESSLeadership Expectation Setting is not only a model for individual improvement; it is also

a basis for continuous performance communication and feedback between employees and

supervisors. When sharing progress, do not focus on completing or updating forms; rather,


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engage in substantive discussion of improvement objectives obstacles to meeting those

objectives and lessons learned along the way. Often, more important lessons are learned in

failure than in success; therefore, the performance assessment, both with the

supervisor and with the subordinates, should focus on the underlying causes of failure instead

of the fact of failure itself.

STEP 8: CASCADE L.E.S. MANAGEMENT THROUGH THE ORGANIZATIONSet the expectation that L.E.S. and individual improvement can be applied at any level in

the organization However, personal leadership and adherence to the process are crucial to its

success in the organization. Demonstrate a belief in, and commitment to, the improvement

process to help inspire its adoption by others.


The Production and Service Improvement Model (PASIM is a disciplined process

improvement approach which requires continuous process assessment and an organized use

of common sense to find easier and better ways of doing work, as well as streamlining the

production and service processes to ensure that goods and services are offered at minimum

cost. The PASIM concept is shown in Figure 4.2. The PASIM improvement strategy focuses on

the following areas:

Elimination of bottlenecks

Reduction in production costs, wasted materials, engineering changes, non-value-added

operations, the amount of paperwork, chronic overtime, error rate, work repetition, work-in--

process inventory, transportation and materials handling, and training time

Improved job safety, employee morale, customer service, and productivity and quality at the



Page 83: Re Engineering Book (1)

Figure 4.1 PASIM Conceptual frame work


Principle 1: Management and employees must have the positive attitude that

productivity and quality improvement can result from the organized use of common sense to

address service and production problems. Management support must be shown through ex-

ample, practice and an organization policy statement.

Principle 2: A total teamwork approach among functional organizations, such as

research and development, marketing, personnel, purchasing, manufacturing, information

systems, quality, facilities and distribution, maintenance, finance, production control, service

centers, engineering and others, must be used to address all problems.

Principle 3: There must be total productivity and quality improvement at the source

of production and service. Heavy reliance on inspection and other non-value-adding operations

within the work organization must be discouraged. The required basic training must be provided

to obtain high-quality goods and services at the source of production or service.

Principle 4: Reduction in the layers of management at all levels must be encouraged. Too

many levels of management cause additional bottlenecks. A level of management must be

instituted within the organization only if it will add value to the improvement of the production

and service function.

Principle 5: A total impact assessment must be done for all service and process

changes, policy changes and implementation of new ideas and techniques.


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Principle 6: A total reward system, based on contribution to improving and managing all

aspects of a task to obtain acceptable goods and services, must be in place.

Principle 7: Production and service errors that affect productivity and quality are

controllable through common sense and good judgment. The production rate must be

equal to the consumption rate.

Principle 8: Both management and explodes must be encouraged to question

every task and job in detail.

Principle 10: Both management and employees should adopt the practice of

seeing every job as make-ready, do it and put it away.


The eleven steps begin with the selection of a process to improve and result in

the implementation of a continuous improvement cycle which operates on the process.

The model looks at an organization as a network of linked processes run by internal

producers and customers.


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Figure 4.2 Moen and Nolan Strategy for process improvement

STEP 1: DETERMINE TEAM OBJECTIVEThe team must begin with a clear statement of the objective it hopes to achieve.

Each member of the team should view the accomplishment of this objective as

important and worthwhile.

STEP 2: DESCRIBE THE PROCESSOnce the team has determined and agreed upon its objective, it should describe

and document the process it intends to improve.


The flow chart visually demonstrates the flow of the process over time. Flow

charts work best when simple, including only enough detail to give a basic

understanding of what is happening.


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STEP 4: IDENTIFY SUPPLIER/CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPSOverall performance is improved as [producers work in teams with their suppliers

(internal and external) to improve internal customer satisfaction and, hence, external

customer satisfaction.

STEP 5: IDENTIFY MEASURES OF PERFORMANCEIt must identify basic measures of performance for the outcome of each stage. These

measures are identified as checkpoints on the flow chart. Each measure must be clearly defined as

to what specifically is being measured and, more importantly, what that measure means. Identi-

fying performance measures creates windows through which processes can be observed.

STEP 6: DEVELOP POSSIBLE CAUSE FACTORSMeasurements provide key indications of process performance prob lems and their

causes. Use a number of tools to keep track of and assess these possible cause factors, which will

identify opportunities for improvement.

STEP 7: DOCUMENT WHAT WAS LEARNEDStrict, consistent documentation is essential to maintaining control over the

improvement process. Once improvements have been implemented, maintain a history of

the entire improvement effort." This history serves to provide lessons which might be

applied to other projects and also provides a data trail to analyze the success or failure of the

improvement efforts.

STEP 8: PLANOnce a project has been selected, the theory phase of the planning step begins. Theory

may range from a hunch or "gut feeling" to well accepted scientific principles at various times

throughout the cycle. The next phase is to plan data collection. Data will be used to increase

process knowledge and help establish a consensus among team members. The questions to be

answered by the data will guide the data collection process.


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STEP 9: OBSERVE AND ANALYZEThe observation phase begins when the plan for data collection is put in place. The

data should be observed as soon as they become available. Any data collection process has

many opportunities for error and many opportunities for special causes to occur. Plotting the

data chronologically as they are obtained is vital in order to recognize problems.

Once the data are obtained, they are analyzed to help answer the questions posed in the

theory phase. In preparing for this analysis, the team should determine the resources

needed. They will usually be able to analyze their own data, but there will be times when help

from a statistician or other expert is needed.

STEP 10: SYNTHESIZEThis phase brings together the results of the data analysis and the existing knowledge of

the process. The theory is modified if the data contradict certain beliefs about the process. If

the data confirm the existing theory about the process, then the team will be confident that

the theory provides sufficient basis for action on the process.

STEP 11: ACTAgreement on the suitability of improvement action is obtained by repeating the

improvement cycle; it is the repeated use of the cycle that is important.

5.4. LMI CIP PERSONAL IMPROVEMENT MODELIt involves establishing a vision for the personal improvement effort and enabling that

effort, focusing on personal behavior and the expectations to achieve continuous improvement

in performance, and finally evaluating the efforts to improve.


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Figure 4.3 LMI CIP Personal improvement model

STEP 1: ENVISION PERSONAL IMPROVEMENTBuild self-awareness of the need to improve and the individual ability to improve.

Assessing relationships within the organization as well as customers and suppliers provides a

fundamental understanding . Develop expectations for personal behavior and begin creating the

personal vision for improvement.

STEP 2: ENABLE PERSONAL IMPROVEMENTThis effort starts with educating oneself about improvement goals and about

performance improvement concepts, principles and practices. Process of learning-learning

about using performance improvement tools, about the processes, about the collection and

use of data and about the process of learning itself.

STEP 3: FOCUS ON IMPROVEMENTMaking improvement a high personal priority and creating time in the schedule for

improvement activities are vital to this effort and are a clear demonstration of a personal

commitment to improvement.


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STEP 4: IMPROVE YOUR JOBDefine your job as the collection of the processes owned. By removing complexity from

the personal processes and pursuing small, incremental improvements, a substantial increase

in the effectiveness of personal performance can be achieved.

STEP 5: IMPROVE YOURSELFFacilitate communication between yourself and others, as well as among others.

Remove personal barriers, seek the assistance of others to remove the barriers you do not

control and work to eliminate your personal fears of change and improvement. This is best

done through education and through communication with others. Depend on the vision to

guide the improvements, and use that vision to maintain momentum.

STEP 6: HELP OTHERS IMPROVEThrough the personal improvement effort, the organization as a whole can improve. By

training and coaching others, by creating more leaders, by working to create teams and

eliminate barriers and by encouraging the improvement activities of others.

and enabling that effort, focusing on personal behavior and the expectations to achieve

continuous improvement in performance, and finally evaluating the efforts to improve.

STEP 7: EVALUATE PERSONAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRESSThe value of improvement lies in the effort to improve beyond the results and by

documenting personal improvement efforts so they may be shared with and used by others, you

will derive the most from your own efforts. Celebrate personal success and the success of others.

Ensure through personal evaluation that the improvement effort itself is rewarding and provides

further incentive for continuous improvement effort.

5.5. NPRDC PROCESS IMPROVEMENT MODELThe NPRDC Process Improvement Model is also a PDCA-based model. It begins by stating a

goal for improving a process and proceeds through institutionalizing successful process changes

in documented process standards.


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Figure 4.4 NPRDC Process improvement model

STEP 1: PLANDocumenting the current understanding of how the process functions, defining the

customers of the process and understanding customer needs and requirements. Once the

process is understood, make the improvement goals more specific; define the actual desired

changes in process outcomes.

STEP 2: DODefine the structure for improving the process. Identify the elements of the

process, both internal and external, that potentially have an effect on the quality of the process

and its products. To verify the theoretical causes of quality, identify measures of process perfor-

mance. In defining measurement points, ensure that they are specific, repetitive and consistent.

Before obtaining measurement data, establish clear, concise data collection procedures to

ensure that the data are collected periodically and consistently. ,


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STEP 3: CHECKCheck the process performance to ensure that the process is understood and, more

importantly, to improve the process. Collecting and analyzing data is the primary tool for doing

this. Data collection must be focused and consistent, performed in accordance with the

procedures established in the Do phase. Analyze the data aggressively and thoroughly,

STEP 4: ACTSelect the causes to be changed, taking one-time action on special causes and

developing remedial changes for common causes. Implement both types of actions on a trial

basis and evaluate their effects. For ineffective changes, go back and identify new causes of poor

quality or causes of performance problems. Document effective changes and build them into

the normal way of performing the process; this usually entails modification of existing process

standards. Finally, set in place a means of monitoring process performance over the long

term, ensuring that the suggested changes continue to have their desired effects and that

people are performing the process according to the new standard. The process improvement

cycle continues forever...without end.


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5.1. PROCESS ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE (PAT)This is a systematic approach to defining all tasks required to execute a process (Figure

5.1 and Table 5.1). The following steps are recommended for performing the PAT:

Step 1: Select a particular process based on the degree of performance problem.

Step 2: List the value-added and a non-value-addled. task within the process.

Step 3: Record process times for all activities.

Step 4: Based on the information obtained in Steps 2 and 3, determine which task or activity

is required to produce the final output.

Step 5: Seek alternative approaches or methods to perform existing task at reduced cost and

improved quality levels.

Step 6: Eliminate the waste and non-value-added tasks, and implement improved value-added

methods in the process.

Step 7: Implement the right controls for process monitoring and follow-up on continuous

improvement actions.


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Figure 5.1 the components and characteristics of a typical process

5.1.1. FLOW CHARTING AND PROCESS ANALYSIS TECHNIQUEThe flow chart shown in Figure 5.2 provides an example of how the various factors and

steps can be interrelated in an assembly process. It provides the basis for understanding the

standard process procedures and the relationship between the people and the work to be

done. When constructed accurately and analyzed properly, a flow chart can help to understand

and identify process bottlenecks, such as delays, excessive transportation, waiting time and

queuing time. It also is used to identify key customers, suppliers and process owners by

operational work-unit performance level, quality level.

Step1: Understand the process and the relationship between all process parameters

(manpower, machines, materials, methods, procedures, technology, systems and policies).

Step 2: Understand the flow chart process symbols (Process, transportation, delays and

decision points).

Figure 5.2 sample flow chart

Step 3: Construct the flow chart starting with the first activity or event. Connect all activities or

processes using arrows in a chronological order.


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Step 4: Identify the key problems by reviewing every step and element specified.

Step 5: Develop a solutions strategy for problems, identifying and implementing corrective

actions for continuous improvement.

5.1.2. WORK FLOW ANALYSIS (WFA)WFA is a structured system which improves work process by eliminating unnecessary

tasks and streamlining the work flow. WFA identifies and eliminates unnecessary process steps

by analyzing functions, activities and tasks. It uses cross-functional teams and is implemented in

seven steps.

Figure 5.3 sample workflow diagram

Step 1: Define the process in terms of purposes, objectives and start end points.

Step 2: Identify functions and major responsibilities of the organization, including manpower

and planning.

Step 3: Identify activities below functions.


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Step 4: Identify tasks or basic steps used to perform each activity and to provide the most

specific description of a process.

Step 5: Analyze the proves with a cross-functional team.

Step 6: Identify lengthy tasks, choke points, repetitious tasks, etc.

Step 7: Determine and implement an action plan for improvement.

5.1.3. VALUE ANALYSIS APPROACHThe value analysis is a systematic approach to examining the functional design of a

product or specific part, to develop a more efficient, less costly alternative. The following steps

are recommended for implementing the value analysis approach.

Step 1: Select the product or part for analysis and evaluate its importance.

Step 2: Develop a functional definition of the part and describe its purpose and use in the

product in question. Specific questions to ask when analyzing parts are:

Does it contribute to the use of the product?

Is it cost effective?

Are all the features required?

Are there alternative parts that are better?

Can recycled material be used?

Can another supplier provide the part for less cost?

Can the function of the part be combined with something else?

Step 3: collect data on part performance and cost, and evaluate the contribution of the part to

the final product.

Step 4: Develop alternatives. Conduct a brainstorming session to determine the function of the

part and to develop ways to overcome any apparent roadblocks.

Step5: Design or establish specifications for the proposed new component or part.

Step 6: Evaluate the new part through prototype testing, and compare the cost of new and

existing parts. Select the best alternative.

Step 7: Implement the preferred part in the product and subassembly, and put it into

operation. Follow up to ascertain that the new part is performing the same function at a lower

cost and improved quality.


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5.1.4. NOMINAL GROUP TECHNIQUEThe nominal group technique (NGT) is a proactive search process that involves a

participative group approach to identifying specific problems and issues, or providing ideas and

solutions to resolve problems previously identified. It is a methodology for generating ideas,

recording those ideas and prioritizing them to move toward consensus decisions, NGT can be

especially useful when resolving complex problems, when a group is under time pressures or to

avoid potential conflicts associated with discussing and prioritizing sensitive issues. The steps

for using NGT are displayed in Figure 5.7 and described below.

Step 1: Idea Generation Process

The group leader resents the purpose of the meeting, which may be to generate ideas

for resolving a specific productivity or quality problem. The ground rules for proactive group

participation are provided, and time is given for group members to silently record ideas on

paper individually without comment.

Step 2: Round Robin Silent Reporting of ideas

Ideas are collected by the facilitator. Two methods are commonly used:

If the ideas tare sensitive or if the quantity of participants or ideas is very- large, facilitator

collects the ideas and records them individually and anonymously for the group.

Each person can present his or her ideas one at a time in turn, with no evaluation or

prejudgment by other team members, while the facilitator records the ideas.

Step 3: Clarification of Ideas and Group Discussion

Once all ideas have been recorded, each is discussed for accurate interpretation, to

clarify misunderstandings and to combine any lams that are repetitious in nature.

Step 4: Ranking of ideas

The ideas are then prioritized by each participant. There are many methods for ranking, the

most common being simple voting or weighted voting and pare to prioritization. The goal of

this step is to use ranking techniques to reach a consensus decision by the group on the ideas

of interest.

Step 5: Implementation

Once an idea is selectee for recommendation or implementation, the group works together to develop an implementation plan and establish an expected results time line.


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5.1.5. FISHBONE DIAGRAM OR CAUSE-AND-EFFECT DIAGRAMThe fishbone diagram or cause-and-effect diagram, helps to relate the elements of a

process. It relates possible causes to specific effects. All variation levels are identified by

examining all the possible cause. All the possible causes that add to the variation level of the

resulting effect are identified using; a brain storming approach. The cause-and-effect diagram

provides a method to involve all the people and factors in ale service or manufacturing process to

see how the various factors come together to make up flat ideas are then prioritized by each

participant. There is many the total performance.

Figure 5.4 Fish Bone Diagram


The steps for constructing a fishbone diagram and implementing recommended solution

strategies are as follows:

Step 1: Perform a thorough analysis of the production service operation work unit and

define the purpose and problem for using the fishbone diagram.

Step 2: Initiate group meetings involving all parties likely to be affected by the problem.

Step-3: Use the brainstorming or nominal group technique to identify all possible causes of

the specific problem and identify potential effect and impact on quality, performance,

productivity and total customer satisfaction.

Step 4: Pinpoint the main causes of the problem. Identify the key contributor (machine,

material, methods, technology systems, people, policies or procedures).

Step 5: Develop alternative solutions to fix the problem identified.

Step 6: Implement the solution and follow up with continuous corrective action and



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5.1.6. PARETO ANALYSISA Pareto diagram can be described as a graphic representation of identified causes,

shown in descending order of magnitude or frequency, as depicted in Figure 5.9. The

magnitude of concern is usually plotted against the category of concern. The Pareto diagram

enables the process improvement analyst to identify the vital key problems, projects or issues on

which to concentrate.

Figure 5.5 pare to diagram


The following steps are recommended for constructing a Pareto diagram.

Step 1: Specify why a Pareto diagram is required, and create a clear definition of the items to be

ranked, the-criteria to be used and the factor. The Motivation for Pareto analysis usually comes

from too many complex problems occurring within an operation unit or a specific process. The

Pareto diagram is then used to categorize the various problems in their order of magnitude. For

example, a computer manufacturer wanted to understand the repair and analysis cost

associated with specific types of computer products. The Pareto analysis technique was applied

in order to understand the magnitude of tins problem. Steps 2 through 4 give specific examples

of the application of the Pareto analysis technique.

Step 2: Perform data collection and record the data by item. In this step, the number of

occurrences of each problem and the associated magnitude in weight, cost or time are


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collected and recorded. For the computer products example, the repair and analysis cost for

each type of computer is presented in Table 5.2.

Step 3: Calculate percentages for each item and rank them in order. The percentages for each

item and the total cumulative percentages for all items are calculated as follows:


item % = x 100

Item % = x 100 total items (weight or value)

Example for computer type C2:

Item % = x 100% = 47.5%

Cumulative % = (each item % + previous cumulative %)

Table 5.1 Repair and analysis Costs for Computer Products

Computer Type Defect


(Total Number)

Average Cost Per

Occurrence (s)

Total Repair Cost

Pert Computer Type





























The product and cumulative percentages for the computer example are presented in

Table 5.1

Step 4: Construct graph axes, and plot bars and a cumulative percent line. Based on the values

of items obtained in Step 3, the Pareto diagram is constructed. The Pareto diagram for the

computer examples is presented.


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ContentsUNIT-I INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................1

1.1. PRODUCTIVITY..................................................................................................................2

1.1.1. COMMON MISUSE OF THE TERM............................................................................................2

1.1.2. BASIC DEFINITIONS OF PRODUCTIVITY...................................................................................4

1.1.3. PARTIAL PRODUCTIVITY:........................................................................................................4

1.1.4. TOTAL FACTOR PRODUCTIVITY:..............................................................................................4

1.1.5. TOTAL PRODUCTIVITY:...........................................................................................................4

1.2. PRODUCTIVITY BENEFIT MODEL........................................................................................6

1.3. THE PRODUCTIVITY CYCLE.................................................................................................7

1.4. MACRO AND MICRO FACTOR OF PRODUCTIVITY:..............................................................8

1.4.1. Micro level productivity:........................................................................................................8

Micro data analysis:.........................................................................................................................9

2.1. PRODUCTIVITY MEASUREMENT AT THE INTERNATIONAL LEVEL..............................................11

2.1.1. MEASUREMENT APPROACHES.........................................................................................11 Shelton and Chandler’s Measures.........................................................................................11

2.2. PRODUCTIVITY MEASUREMENT AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL.......................................................12

2.2.1. Index approach................................................................................................................12

2.3. PRODUCTIVITY MEASUREMENT IN ORGANIZATIONS LEVEL.....................................................12

2.3.1. Index Approach:..............................................................................................................13

2.3..1.1. Kendrick – Creamer Model:..................................................................................................13

2.3..1.2. Craig – Harris Model.2...........................................................................................................14

2.3..1.3. APC Model.4........................................................................................................................14

2.3..1.4. Mundel’s Model...................................................................................................................14


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2.3.2. Production Function Approach.................................................................................................15

2.3..2.1. The Cobb-Douglas function...................................................................................................15

2.3..2.2. The constant elasticity of substitution (CSE) function............................................................15

2.3..2.3. The variable elasticity of substitution (VES) function.............................................................16

2.3.3. Input – Output Approach.................................................................................................16

2.3.4. Servo-System Approach...................................................................................................16

2.3.5. Capital Budgeting Approach............................................................................................16

2.3.6. Unit Cost Approach.........................................................................................................16

2.4. TOTAL PRODUCTIVITY MODEL (TPM)......................................................................................17

2.4.1. Notation for the Total Productivity Model.......................................................................19

2.4.2. Tangible Output Elements...............................................................................................21

2.4.3. Tangible Input Elements:.................................................................................................22

2.4.4. STEPS IN IMPREMENTING THE TOAL PRODUCTIVITY MODEL............................................23

2.5. PRODUCTIVITY EVALUATION IN COMPANIES AND ORGANIZATIONS.......................................24

2.5.1. EXPRESSION FOR TOTAL PRODUCTIVITY CHANGE............................................................24

2.5.2. THE PRODUCTIVITY EVALUATION TREE (PET)...................................................................25

2.6. PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT MODEL..................................................................................26

2.6.1. Goodwin’s Model............................................................................................................26

2.6.2. Sutermeister’s Model......................................................................................................27

2.6.3. Hershauer and Ruch’s Model...........................................................................................28

2.6.4. Crandall and Wooton’s Strategies....................................................................................29

2.6.5. Stewart’s Strategy...........................................................................................................29

2.6.6. Aggarwal’s Approach.......................................................................................................31


2.7.1. COMPUTER - AIDED DESIGN (CAD)...................................................................................33


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2.7.2. COMPUTER – AIDED MANUFACTURING (CAM)................................................................34

2.7.3. COMPUTER –INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING (CIM)........................................................34

2.7.4. ROBOTICS........................................................................................................................34

2.7.5. LASER TECHNOLOGY........................................................................................................35

2.7.6. ENERGY TECHNOLOGY.....................................................................................................35

2.7.7. GROUP TECHNOLOGY......................................................................................................35

2.7.8. MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT.......................................................................................35

2.7.9. REBUILDING OLD MACHINERY.........................................................................................36

2.8. MATERIALS - BASED PRODCUTIVITY IMPROVEMENT TECHNIQUES..........................................36

2.8.1. INVENTORY CONTROL.....................................................................................................36

2.8.2. TYPES OF INVENTORY CONTROL SYSTEMS:...........................................................................36

2.8.3. THE ABC ANALYSIS:.........................................................................................................38

2.8.4. MATERIAL REQUIREMENT PLANNING (MRP):..................................................................38

2.8.5. MATERIALS MANAGEMENT:............................................................................................39

2.8.6. QUANTITY CONTROL:......................................................................................................39

2.8.7. MATERIAL – HANDLING SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENT:..........................................................41

2.8.8. MATERIAL REUSE AND RECYCLING:..................................................................................41

2.9. EMPLOYEE - BASED PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT TECHNIQUES...........................................41

2.9.1. FINANCIAL INCENTIVES (INDIVIDUAL)..............................................................................41

2.9.2. PLACE WORK PLAN (PWP)....................................................................................................41

2.9.3. STANDARD HOUR PLAN (SHP)..............................................................................................42

2.9.4. MEASURED DAYWORK (MDW) PLAN:...................................................................................42

2.9.5. FINANCIAL INCENTIVES (GROUPS)...................................................................................43

Scanlon plan.........................................................................................................................43

Rucker plan:.........................................................................................................................43


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Kaiser plan:..........................................................................................................................44

tonnage plan:.......................................................................................................................44

Profit sharing plan:...............................................................................................................44

2.9.6. EMPLOYEE PROMOTION:.................................................................................................45

2.9.7. JOB ENRICHMENT............................................................................................................45

2.9.8. JOB ENLARGEMENT.........................................................................................................45

2.9.9. JOB ROTATION................................................................................................................45

2.9.10. SKILL ENHANCEMENT......................................................................................................46

2.9.11. MANAGEMENT BY OBJECTIVES........................................................................................46

2.9.12. COMMUNICATION...........................................................................................................46

2.9.13. WORKING CONDITON IMPROVEMENT.............................................................................46

2.9.14. TRAINING........................................................................................................................47

2.9.15. QUALITY CIRCLES.............................................................................................................47

2.9.16. TIME MANAGEMENT.......................................................................................................47

2.10. PRODUCT - BASED PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT TECHNIQUES........................................48

2.10.1. VALUE ANALYSIS / VALUE ENGINEERING.........................................................................48

2.10.2. PRODUCT DIVERSIFICATION.............................................................................................48

2.10.3. PRODUCT SIMPLIFICATION..............................................................................................49

2.10.4. PRODUCT STANDARDIZATION.........................................................................................49

2.10.5. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT.......................................................................................49

UNIT-III ORGANIZATIONAL TRANSFORMATION..................................................................................50



4.2.1. REALIZATION...................................................................................................................52

4.2.2. REQUIREMENTS...............................................................................................................53


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4.2.3. RETHINK..........................................................................................................................53

4.2.4. REDESIGN........................................................................................................................53

4.2.5. RETOOL...........................................................................................................................54

4.2.6. REEVALUATE...................................................................................................................54

4.3. FUNDAMENTALS OF PROCESS REENGINEERING.......................................................................55

4.3.1. THE ORGANIZATION PROCESS ELEMENTS........................................................................55

4.3.2. THE ORGANIZATION PROCESS.........................................................................................55

4.3.3. THE ORGANIZATION PROCESS OWNER............................................................................55

4.3.1. THE ORGANIZATION PROCESS ASSESSMENT AND ANALYSIS............................................56

4.3.4. THE ORGANIZATION PROCESS OUTPUT MEASURES.........................................................56

4.3.5. PROCESS MANAGEMENT, CONTROL AND IMPROVEMENT...............................................56


STEP 1: PEOPLE INVOLVEMENT............................................................................................................57

STEP 3: DEVELOP CHANGE AGENTS AND TRANSITION STRUCTURES....................................................58

STEP 4: CHANGE EXECUTION AND IMPLEMENTATION........................................................................58

Step 5: Develop and implement strategies to win the support of everyone, including the undecided and resisters...................................................................................................................................60

4.5. PRINCIPLES AND METHODOLOGY FOR ORGANIZATIONAL TRANSFORMATION AND REENGINEERING.................................................................................................................................60

4.6. TRANSFORMATION AND REENGINEERING METHODOLOGY.....................................................64

4.7. ORGANIZATIONAL TRANSFORMATION GUIDELINES................................................................69

4.8. DSMC Q&PMP TRANSFORMATION MODEL.............................................................................72

UNIT IV REENGINEERING PROCESS IMPROVEMENT MODELS.............................................................76

5.1. PMI MODEL............................................................................................................................77

STEP 1: DEVELOP A MISSION STATEMENT..........................................................................................77

STEP 2: IDENTIFY KEY LEADERSHIP FUNCTIONS...................................................................................77


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STEP 3: IDENTIFY IMPROVEMENT OPPORTUNITIES.............................................................................77

STEP 4: SHARE THE RESULTS WITH MANAGER....................................................................................78

STEP 5: SHARE THE L.E.S. PLAN WITH SUBORDINATES........................................................................78

STEP 6: USE A SYSTEMATIC APPROACH..............................................................................................78

STEP 7: SHARE PROGRESS...................................................................................................................78

STEP 8: CASCADE L.E.S. MANAGEMENT THROUGH THE ORGANIZATION...........................................79


5.3. MOEN AND NOLAN STRATEGY FORPROCESS IMPROVEMENT..................................................81

STEP 1: DETERMINE TEAM OBJECTIVE................................................................................................81

STEP 2: DESCRIBE THE PROCESS..........................................................................................................82

STEP 4: IDENTIFY SUPPLIER/CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS....................................................................82

STEP 5: IDENTIFY MEASURES OF PERFORMANCE................................................................................82

STEP 6: DEVELOP POSSIBLE CAUSE FACTORS......................................................................................82

STEP 7: DOCUMENT WHAT WAS LEARNED.........................................................................................82

STEP 8: PLAN......................................................................................................................................83

STEP 9: OBSERVE AND ANALYZE.........................................................................................................83

STEP 10: SYNTHESIZE..........................................................................................................................83

STEP 11: ACT......................................................................................................................................83

5.4. LMI CIP PERSONAL IMPROVEMENT MODEL.............................................................................83

STEP 1: ENVISION PERSONAL IMPROVEMENT.....................................................................................84

STEP 2: ENABLE PERSONAL IMPROVEMENT........................................................................................84

STEP 3: FOCUS ON IMPROVEMENT.....................................................................................................84

STEP 4: IMPROVE YOUR JOB...............................................................................................................85

STEP 5: IMPROVE YOURSELF...............................................................................................................85

STEP 6: HELP OTHERS IMPROVE.........................................................................................................85


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STEP 7: EVALUATE PERSONAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRESS..................................................................85

5.5. NPRDC PROCESS IMPROVEMENT MODEL................................................................................85

STEP 1: PLAN......................................................................................................................................86

STEP 2: DO ........................................................................................................................................86

STEP 3: CHECK....................................................................................................................................87

STEP 4: ACT ........................................................................................................................................87

5.1. PROCESS ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE (PAT).....................................................................................89

5.1.1. FLOW CHARTING AND PROCESS ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE....................................................90

5.1.2. WORK FLOW ANALYSIS (WFA).........................................................................................91

5.1.3. VALUE ANALYSIS APPROACH...........................................................................................92

5.1.4. NOMINAL GROUP TECHNIQUE.........................................................................................93

5.1.5. FISHBONE DIAGRAM OR CAUSE-AND-EFFECT DIAGRAM..................................................94

5.1.6. PARETO ANALYSIS...........................................................................................................95