Random Relinquish Kurome Moment: 15

Random Relinquish & Kurome Moment #15 Wittle Monsters _________________________________________________________ If there is one emotion humans produce that I will never get tired of it is without a doubt fear, and if there is one thing humans create that will never cease to amaze me, it is monsters. Urban legends. Ghost stories. Things that go bump in the night, they have always amused me. I love the fear they invoke, the terror they bring, and the best part is they are all fictional. They



Transcript of Random Relinquish Kurome Moment: 15

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Random Relinquish & Kurome Moment #15

Wittle Monsters


If there is one emotion humans produce that I will never get tired of it is without a doubt fear, and if there is one thing humans create that will never cease to amaze me, it is monsters. Urban legends. Ghost stories. Things that go bump in the night, they have always amused me. I love the fear they invoke, the terror they bring, and the best part is they are all fictional. They

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are constructs of the human mind, nothing to be scared of- yet we fear them anyway.

The most well known of these monsters, these legends, these stories; they will never fade away. In that sense I almost consider them immortal. As longas others continue to talk about them they will always exist, yet that doesn't work for us. Funny how our creations, in a way, our superior to us in that regard.

Still, I-

"Relinquish!" I heard a voice call out to me while I'm stuck in the oh-so endless abyss of my own thoughts. "What are you doing?"

It seems I forgot me and Kurome were munching down junk food this afternoon in the local food court. Like I always say.

Thinking is dangerous.

Very. Very, dangerous.

I recovered from my sporadic train of thoughts in order to answer. "Thinkingtoo much." I answered.

"Again?" She questioned me, taking a bite from the burger she's been eating this afternoon at the table.

Actually, one of the burgers. She has plenty more than just that burger on hertray...

"I can't help it, my lovely. I'm simply... A thinker. Always have been."

She took a moment to wipe her mouth with a napkin, and point her finger towards my dish.

Pardon me. 'Dish' is perhaps a bit too formal a title for this food. I would gladly call it 'processed green leaves bathed in fat and sodium.'

"Eat some of your salad, it'll calm your nerves."

I sighed with indifference.

"I thought you loved caesar salad?"

I crafted my reply while tossing around the dreaded lettuce with my fork.

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"Indeed I do, Kurome. This is not up to par with my standards."

She laughed at my comment- fair. That does seem a bit out of my character.

"So you have standards now?" She questioned me while opening a packet of honey.

"Only for the things I enjoy the most. This salad has an awful spread of dressing, far too much. I should have requested that they let me put it on myself-..." My words were abruptly halted by the sight of Kurome's eccentric taste in food.

"... Is something wrong?" She questioned me with a face that just screamed genuine perplexity, while she continued.

"... Are you using honey as a dipping sauce for your fries?"

I was answered by her placing the fry into her mouth, with a look of enjoyment on her face.

"Mhmm. Its the best!" She repeated the previous action.

"Reminds me of something my sister would do with food..."

"I think we'd get along well. You should introduce me to her sometime."

"Not a good idea. For one I don't know where she is. For another, you two would probably fight over food."


She knows I was just joking, right? I'd like to believe that, but I feel a bit disheartened in that regard after she rolled her eyes and shoved more of the fries dipped in honey down her gullet.

Isn't my lovely the cutest?

"Are we going anywhere else after this?"

I wonder how many fries she ate in the course of a few seconds before talking to me again.

"Funny you ask that. I say we walk around here some more, and catch a horror flick at the local theater!"

"We just saw one the other week."

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"Indeed we did. What's wrong with another?" I questioned her with such zeal. As I love a good scare, even if she does not. ".... Is someone scared of them?"

"Why would I be scared of something that isn't real?"

"That is the elegant beauty of horror, my wittle rose." I began. "The best horror does not come from rabid jump scares, or gruesome kills- it comes from realism. Subtly. Slow tension building. Making you believe that these creatures, these horrible, abominable monstrosities can somehow enter your life. The beauty of horror is that it is not real. If it was, there would be nothing to be scared of anymore."

And I truly believe that, with all of my heart.

"Mhmm..." I was rewarded with slight laughter while she began to sip on hercan of soda.

Too bad she does not.

"Meh." I crossed my arms with annoyance. "Forget about it, just the ramblesof your resident madman."

"Stop calling yourself that." She had set the soda aside.

Good. So much sugar. Too many carbs. Any normal person would bloat up like a water balloon- but I don't think you would exactly call us 'normal' to begin with.

"Stop making me think it, sugar lips."

There was a pause.


Silence. An oh-so interesting silence.

... I don't care for silence. It makes me focus on the ringing in my ears. I say its time I broke it.

"Something wrong, my lovely?"

"Where do you come up with nicknames for people?"

"Oh, I pull them out of some random corner of my head. Its actually quite easy, I take note of the first thing I notice about someone, twist and turn it,

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and eventually it becomes a nickname. Give me 20 seconds and I'll think of a nickname for anyone."

Kurome crossed her legs and showed me a smile clearly built upon confidence and assurance, trying to call my bluff- unfortunately for her therewas none. I am deadly serious.

"You're exaggerating."

"Kurome, I'm not one to exaggerate. I simply say and do things that are overzealous and superfluous at times."

"Same difference."

"Informal fallacy: Misconception." I replied.

"Same difference." She retorted.


"That doesn't make any sense, Kurome."

"Of course it doesn't make sense, darling- that's why it makes sense. Isn't that what you say?"

... Did she just use my own phrase against me? She did, didn't she? On one hand I'm a bit irritated, but on another I'm a masochist, and rather impressedthat she found a good opening to attack me.

Impressive, my wittle flower.

I bowed my head in defeat "... I concede."

Kurome ruffled my hair with her hand, perhaps trying to reassure me by saying something along the lines of 'Don't worry, its not that bad', or just rubbing it in my face. I'm going to say there is a 50-50 chance that both of those can go either way.

"It's okay, darling."

Ah. I assume its reasonable to go ahead and say that the reassurance option is correct.

"But I think a good sport would throw my trash away as a sign of honorable defeat."

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Well... I did just that. Kurome actually has unexpected and quick burst of witas well as cleverness at times. Then again, if she told me to discard of her tray of trash in any other context I would have done it anyway- so she doesn't exactly win here.

At least that's what I tell myself to cushion the verbal ass kicking she just handed me.

I sat back down in my chair while having an annoyed look, aimed directly towards my hands.

"What's wrong, darling?"

Nothing now that you called me that again. Oh, how it sends my heart into the bloodiest of joys!

"Ah, nothing my lovely, truly. I absolutely love having honey on the tips of my fingers. It's one of my hobbies."

"You've never told me about that."

No kidding. I just made it up eight seconds ago...

"I was in fear of rejection from you."

"You think I would leave my darling due to a small fetish like that?"



I know. That's what I'm saying!

"Relax, Relinquish. Its nothing to be embarrassed about."

"Its a hobby, Kurome... And one that I made up!"

"You take your hobbies so far that they become fetishes."


Hmph. 'Fetish' indeed. I know all my kinks, thank you. Honey is not one of them.... And after further thought, that sounds quite repulsive.

"Remember when you got so obsessed with that video game that you made

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charts, statistics, and entire guides on how to play it?"


"... Yes, I recall."



She laughed so carelessly from my sudden, and admittedly foolish outburst fueled by a false accusation. We even turned a few heads from this...

I retreated to the mens restroom in order to wash my hands from this damn sugary substance, when in reality that was just an excuse to hide my second defeat from her- at least my hands were sparkly clean afterwards.

But eventually you have to go back and face cruel, but lovely reality.

"Hope you had a good laugh, my lovely."

"I sure did."

"Oh, I can tell. Your face is still red."

"Its the aftermath of the laugh of victory, Relinquish."

I'm quite sure...

"If you want, I can pat your head again to make you feel better."

"A gracious offer, but I fear I'll have to decline. Maybe later." I took a moment to pause and look at my watch. "What I would really like to do though is catch that horror flick!"

She yawned and stretched her arms. "What's playing this time."

"Night Of The Living Dead. Original, mind you. This is gonna be awesome, right!" I gave a thumbs up.

Only to be met by her thumbs down.

"Aw. Come on, my lovely." Desperately trying to spark some interest in her, so she could look forward to the event.

"This is going to be so cheesy..."

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"You'll change your tune right quick when you witness slow and subtle fear. You may need to sit in my lap at the theater, wouldn't that be grand?"

She blushed. I felt so happy. Perhaps I won this time?

"You're a monster sometimes, darling."

"Indeed I am. A very dreadful one at that. I snatch the little kiddies in the night, feast on their flesh, and snuggle next to my flower during bedtime."


I could finally see her smile, and a genuine one at that. Why, I do not know. Most would be disturbed by what I had said, especially Sailor. Its at times like this I recall that no matter what I have ever said, no matter what thought I have expressed, Kurome has always been with me, never shunning me away, always trying to understand my way of thought.

Good luck with that, my dear.

My brain is like millions of grains of rice thrown into space, begging to make some coherent sense. Not even I myself know how it works, I just go with the motions.

But... I do appreciate you staying with me for so long, never giving up on me.

"What would you do without me, Relinquish?"

I would like to refer her to the anime ending...

"Make Wave my punching bag."

"Don't you do that already?"

"True. But I hit him because I care about him."

"Like I said, you're a monster sometimes."

"Aren't we all, my lovely?"

Its odd. I found that the tension after this had change. It became more slow. Heavy. Kurome had her attention completely dedicated towards me, as if shewas waiting for something.

"Relinquish. If I were a monster, what do you think I'd be?"

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"Ooh, that's a fun one!... Any specific reason why you'd like to know that?"

"I'm just interested to hear what you have to say."

Funny. That's the same thing a psychiatrist told me a few years ago. Ah, memories.

"Very well." I gladly gave into her request, but I needed time to construct myreply. 30 seconds seems like a decent time period- and so the seconds past. "If you were a monster, my flower; you would be a raven spun from the finest of pure black silk, flying over the lands, reanimating the carcasses of man and beast alike."


"You sure do have alot of imagination."

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say she liked my answer.

"... Do you think you can answer some more questions for me?"

I was rather analytical, one could say, about this- and I could tell she was too. I'm sure she'll use my answers to put all these little details together and find some connection to them that regards my mental state.

But hey, if it my lovely's request and it makes her happy, I will of course participate. Who knows, I may even learn something about myself by the end of this?

"Shoot me dead, my lovely."

P.S: That's my slang for 'Go ahead'.

"What kind of monster do you see Wave as?"

Oh, bloodiest of joys- he says sarcastically.

"Must I speak about Sailor?"

"Not if you don't want to."

... Dammit!

"Alright. Just let me think for a second..."

"Aw. My darling wants to talk about his best friend!"

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"Kurome, I'm trying to think here!"

Why must everyone try to mutate my relationship with Wave to make it more than what it really is? He's just my good friend...

Okay. A great friend...

... My best friend.

... *Sigh*

"Got it." I announced. "Wave is a blue sea serpent with a forked tongue, and a long body. He uses this body of his to wrap around ships, sending them to a watery grave."

"So... He's a Gyarados?"

"No. If anything he's a Kyogre... Actually, yeah, scrap the last monster- he is most definitely a Kyogre."

"I'm sure that Wave is happy we made him a legendary Pokemon."

"How about we make him a Magikarp with an Everstone permanently attached to him instead?"

I was expecting that my proposal would be met with her annoyance, as she does not like me bashing on our friend too much, but she actually bursted into laughter after this... I was quite glad.

I would hereby like to thank Wave wherever he is in the world for participating in my flowers amusement.

Her laughter though, had eventually ended. "Okay, so what kind of monster is Sis then?"

Oh dear me, Akame? The Scarlet Red? Easy.

"Akame is an all black wolf with red eyes that only appears from midnight to twelve thirty pm. She cannot physically hurt you, but if you look into her eyes, you will drop dead."

"Sis sounds really overpowered."

"Overpowered? You make it sound like some sort of video game."

"Well, these are just hypothetical questions."

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"I see. Just know that if this were to be turned into a video game, I'd make you a top tier character- easily."

"Of course you would..."

I sniffed the air. I had picked up the scent of transparent sarcasm.

"What are you doing?" She interrupted me.

"Smelling sarcasm." Was my answer. "Now then, the flick starts soon. You got anymore questions you wanna throw at me?"

"A couple... But those can wait for later. Right now I just want you to answerone more."

"Bring it on."

I was so eager to get past this final challenge she threw at me, but my excitement was halted by her question.

"Relinquish, what kind of monster do you see yourself as?"


I was... Confused. How to answer such a question, I wonder. I never really think about myself much. Sometimes I barely know who I am, so this question is sort of a blind spot for me. What kind of beast could I beast?

A rabid bear that tears things to bloody ribbons?

A giant flying bird that carries men woman and children off to my nest?

Maybe a large burrowing worm that drags people underground. So many choices...

I've got it.

"Kurome." I began. "I am... A big bad wolf-esque figure. A tall canine covered in black, shaggy fur, that stands upright. Having a white mouth, and set of jaws. Also sporting razor claws to tear my prey apart. I am a beast that eats men woman and children to satisfy my own hunger, yet the satisfaction I strive for is seemingly never achieved, no matter how much I eat..."

After I said this I almost felt rather dizzy. Some things felt like a blur. And something in my heart felt of faint sadness. Why, I do not know. But... That all changed the moment Kurome placed her hand over my own, and gave me

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that famous smile that she always put on when she tried to help me out of some terrible state I had put myself in due to my own thoughts.

Coincidentally, I always felt fine when she did this. I never thought that I was sad. Depressed. Anything regarding those emotions. But I suppose her actions speak louder than my ways of thought.

"Why does the monster eat, Relinquish?" She asked of me.

"Meh.. Why does anyone eat anything, Kurome? To try and fill something that isn't there. The monster just... Hasn't found the thing that can fill it up yet."

"What do you think the monster would need for it to stop eating others?"

"An interesting question. Perhaps... A friend. Something it can't kill, rather, something it does not want to kill, nor consume. Someone to endure the terrible night with them."

".... Do you think the monster has that friend?"


"... I'm quite sure he has, Kurome."

Indeed. The monster has.

Kurome reached from across the table, placing her hands on my face and lightly kissing my forehead. "Good job, my darling."

I felt like such a good boy. The happiness in my heart was sure to not fade for quite a while, evident in the smile I gave her.

"Now lets go see that movie." She had got up from her chair, urging me to do the same, holding my hand as we walked out of this damned food court.

"Wait." Kurome stopped the both of us. "You didn't finish your salad."

I didn't, did I?

"... Meh. That's alright."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, my lovely." I took the lead, and guided as we as continued to walk towards our new destination. "When I'm with you I feel rather full."

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*After movie*

Relinquish: *Walking out of theater* Now wasn't that a good movie, my lovely?! :D

Kurome: Not really, but at least they had half off on sweets at the concessions stand! :D

Relinquish: =.=.... Lets go back home. >_>