Random Relinquish & Kurome Moment 10


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Transcript of Random Relinquish & Kurome Moment 10

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Random Relinquish & Kurome Moment #10

Title: Sporadic

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"Relinquish..." Kurome warned me with anger in her voice.

"Calm down, my lovely. We're almost done." I assured her.

"What are you doing back there anyway?" Followed by her moving her hands behind her, trying to discover what hair style I'mtrying to give her.

"Nope." I said to her, while lightly putting her arms down and sitting behind her. "Just relax, and enjoy the surprise. Don't you trust me with your hair-"

"No." She answered as well as interrupted.


"Well why not?" I questioned her. "You do my hair all the time, and I never complain to you. What the difference?"

"I'm actually good at it." She answered.


"Come now, Kurome. Didn't I tell you before that I use to do my sisters hair when I was younger?" I asked her, while... Actually somewhat enjoying her blunt answers, eager to see what she wouldsay next.

"She was that girl with you in those old pictures, right?" She questioned me, while slightly turning her head to face me.


"I didn't like her hair." And she turned right back around.

Ah. She's lucky I'm a masochist.

"Don't worry, my lovely. When I'm done with you you'll be the cutest most gluttonous little gal around." I once again assured her with a smile.

"You better. Or you'll be sleeping alone for a week. Or a few more

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depending on how bad this is." She told me.


"That's a low blow, Kurome."

"So is messing with a womans hair, Relinquish."

In case you have not noticed, Kurome is very, very defensive of her hair. And does not like me, or even most others touching it when not necessary. She only trust herself, and her older sister to do it. Rarely ever going to the salon. And even on the rare occasion, she will only trust one specific person there to do it for her.

What an honor.

She wont even trust me, her significant other for more than a year, to try my hand at it. Even though she regularly tinkers and toys with my hair on a regular basis like its a goddamn toy.Putting it in all sorts of sporadic, flashy, and just plain time consuming styles that I frankly find to be downright illogical.

And it looks like I finally got a little payback.

You see Red, I like to call her, is away for a while due to a trip that she decided to partake this year. Traveling across multiple locations in the world in order to taste 'authentic' and 'cultured' meat. She should be back in, say, 2 more weeks. And she promised Kurome that once she got back she would do her hair for her, but since Kurome's hair grows at a rather quick pace, and the one stylist at the salon she favors is spending a day with his family, guess who the task of fixing up my lovely's hair falls upon?

Yours truly.

Oh so resilient she was when I first offered to style her hair for her, refuting the idea for a good 30 minutes before even

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considering it. And I enjoyed every second of it. It was spectacle. I laughed so much I fear I tore something, and my voice may be shot for the rest of the day. Doing things such as trying to plug her ears with her own fingers while chanting "La la la la la" and walking away. Chewing on her crunchy cookies as loud and as obnoxiously as possible in order to tune me out. Even combining the two of these previous actions, and throwing the blankets of our bed over her so she could neither see nor hear me.

But I eventually broke her down. Just took a while. Funny, I imagine this is the closest we have ever gotten to having a legitimate arguement as a couple. Making a fuss over such petty things, then again in her mind jer hair is most likely the physical feature she values the most. Which to this day I still don't understand, but hey, her thing. She doesn't question why I play alot of video games.

Wait... She does.

Or why I wear this long black coat of mine no matter what the weather is.

... Okay, she does that as well.

Or why I have this rather odd tattoo on my chest.

... No. This joke is far too easy. Moving on.

To make a long story short, everything has lead me and her to our current situation. Which is her sitting in front of me with her legs crossed on our bed, while I do the same except sitting behind her, and doing my best to not screw up this hair that she seemingly worships. While she of course is munching on as many sweets (Which I implore her not to do on the bed, as I hate crumbs...) as possible to try and 'cope' with the stress of someone else doing her hair puts on her. Leaving wrapper upon wrapper in her wake.

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"Oh, the horror of someone else touch my hair."

Regardless. It seems I've neared completion. I believe the moment of truth is upon me.

"And." I began. "We're just... About... Done!" I announced to Kurome, while finishing up her last lock of hair.

After this Kurome immediately, and some would argue jump out of the bed, causing all the candy and sweet wrappers on thebed to fall to the floor, and ran directly to the bathroom to the right of our room in order to look at herself in the mirror. All within the course of barely 2 seconds.

... I can see why she was an assassin. You should see how fast she moves when I tell her dinner is ready, especially if I say we'll be having desert too. I have a feeling her and her sister could compete in the olympic sprint if you just put a box of cookies or a plate of steaks at the finish line.

"Relinquish, come here please!" Kurome told me, and in turn snapping me out of reality.

And I did just that.

As I entered the bathroom I could see her looking at her new hair style at multiple different angles. I didn't want to do anything too flashy, but thought a little variation would be interesting. So I decided to put her hair in two pigtails from theback, taking advantage of her long hair that had been growing out for a while. The two tails are so long that they can run down her shoulders for a bit. And I of course kept that one signature lock her hers that falls in between her eyesbrows.

If you ask me I did rather well. But I suppose that's not up for me to decide, right. Still, I am curious.

"So...?" I questioned Kurome with a smile.

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"Hmm..." Was her only reply. Still trying to look at herself from as many different angles as possible in the mirror.

"Well I'm not dead yet, so I assume you don't immediately hate-"

"Ssh!" She cut me off. "I need to focus, Relinquish! Stay quiet for a bit." She told me.

"... Of course, my lovely. Just tell me when to speak." I told her as I leaned against the bathroom wall with me eyes closed and my arms crossed.

Why did you call me in here if... And how intricate and "deep" is this whole hair nonsense anyway? Do people truly value it that much? ... Well, "different strokes for different folks" is theterm I believe we use in situations like this. Anyhow, it was about 3 minutes before I heard her call my name, and gave her opinion of my work.

"Okay. So how'd I do, my lovely?" I was eager to await her answer.

"Hmm... I like it!" She answered while looking at me with a smile.


"Yes." She once again answered. "This can work. I like how simpleit is... "She said while grabbing one of the pigtails. "You did a goodjob, Relinquish."

"And did you ever doubt me, Kurome?" I questioned her with a smile

"You seem so happy right now that I don't think I should answer." She replied.


"Anyway." She began. "I think I can keep my hair like this for a while. It doesn't look like it'll be alot of upkeep. I can let my hair down at night, and it should only take a minute or two to put it up

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again in the morning... Its a nice change of pace."

"You wanna know something else, my lovely?" I questioned her.

"What's that?" She looked at me curiously.

"Your hair doesn't seemingly defy gravity anymore!" I answered with a sarcastic grin.

After saying this she lightly punched my shoulder. Even thoughit was light, despite what one may believe she can actually throw quite a strong slugger at you...

"And that's a bad thing." She rhetorically questioned me.

"Not at all, Kurome." I said to her while putting my arm around hershoulder, and walking with her outside of the bathroom. "So, lets say we go out to eat?"

"I don't think so." She bluntly answered.

"Oh, don't wanna show my masterpiece off to the world because you're afraid of being embarrassed?" I qustioned her while lightly pouting.

"More like I don't want to mess your 'masterpiece' up by somethingfrom outside." She said while leaving my side, and now laying on our bed. "Why don't we order some pizza instead?"

"Sounds pretty decent." I replied. "... Say, maybe I could do your hair again sometime, Kurome?"

"Maybe in about 8 more months." She answered me while turning herself to the left side of the bed, now facing away from me. And you know what... I could hear her muffled laughter in her voice.


"Well fine then, my lovely. I'll endure the wait." I told her while laying on the bed, and lightly wrapping my arm around her waist. "As we all know, I'm very patient."

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"Your actions are speaking louder than your words, dummy. Now go order the pizza." She told me while lightly pushing me away.

I wasn't trying anything...

"Of course, Kurome." I said to her while getting out of the bed, andgrabbing the phone.

"And don't forget-"

"I know." Seems it was my turn to interrupt her. " 'Ask if they can put candy on my side of the pizza.' Got it, my lovely." I said to her with a smile.

"Good job, my darling." She praised me while turning around, and giving me a thumbs up with a smile.

An odd choice for a topping, but like I said before. "Different strokes for different folks."



*A few weeks later*

Akame: And he did this? :o

Kurome: Mhmm. Do you like it? :)

Akame: Its incredible. :)

Relinquish: Aw, Red. You flatter me. :P *Blushes*

Wave: He didn't do too bad of a job. :)

Relinquish: Yeah. I didn't ask for your opinion, sailor. -_-+

Wave: =.=.... So how did your trip go, Akame? :o

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Akame: It was fun. I even got a few gifts for all of you. :) Kurome, here's some meat flavored sweets. *Hands box to Kurome*

Kurome: Oh... Thanks. I hope these taste good. :o

Akame: Relinquish, here's some frog legs in a jar. *Hands me jar of frog legs*

Relinquish: ... I thought these things were supposed to be fried? O.o

Akame: They say this species is better eaten raw. :)

Relinquish: ... I think I just saw one of them twitch! O.O

Akame: And Wave, I got you some shark jerky. *Hands bag of shark jerky to Wave*

Wave: Thanks, Akame! I haven't had this stuff in years! :D

Relinquish & Kurome Monologue: He really likes his gift. O.o