Ramen Girl...

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Transcript of Ramen Girl...

  • 8/9/2019 Ramen Girl...


  • 8/9/2019 Ramen Girl...



     Japanese non-verbalCommunication

    Cultural Studies within

    The Movie

    The Japanese and‘face’

    Harmony in JapaneseSociety

    ti!uette and Custom"n Japan


    #nderstandin$ a

    forei$n ways%elationship and

  • 8/9/2019 Ramen Girl...


    Cultural Studies &ithin

    The Movie

    Culture is the result of human creation

    such as belief' art' and custom(

    "n the movie we can see culturalelements such as )

    Self-esteem*an$ua$e systemCustomThe way of thou$ht

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    The Japanese and


    • +ace is a mar, of personal di$nity andmeans havin$ hi$h status with ones

    peers(• Savin$ face is crucial in Japanese society(

    The Japanese will try never to do anythin$to cause loss of face(

    • The Japanese believe that turnin$ down

    someones re!uest .promise/ causesembarrassment and loss of face to theother person(

    • +ace can be lost' ta,en away' or earned

    throu$h praise and than,s( Therefore' they

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  • 8/9/2019 Ramen Girl...


     Japanese non-verbalCommunication• Since the Japanese strive for harmony and are $roup

    dependent' they rely on facial e1pression' tone ofvoice and posture to tell them what someone feels(

    • They often trust non-verbal messa$es more than thespo,en word as words can have several meanin$s(

    • The conte1t in which somethin$ is said a2ects the

    meanin$ of the words( Therefore' it is imperative tounderstand the situation to fully appreciate theresponse(

    • +rownin$ while someone is spea,in$ is interpretedas a si$n of disa$reement(

    • Most Japanese maintain an impassive e1pressionwhen spea,in$(

    • 1pressions to watch out for include inhalin$throu$h clenched teeth' tiltin$ the head' scratchin$the bac, of the head' and scratchin$ the eyebrow(

    • 3on-verbal communication is so vital that there is a

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    Harmony in Japanese Society

    • Harmony is the key value in Japanese society.

    • Harmony is the guiding philosophy for the Japanese in family andbusiness settings and in society as a whole.

    •  Japanese children are taught to act harmoniously and cooperativelywith others from the time they go to pre-school.

    •  The Japanese educational system emphasizes the interdependence

    of all people, and Japanese children are not raised to be independentbut rather to work together.

    •  This need for harmonious relationships between people is reected inmuch Japanese behavior.

    •  They place great emphasis on politeness, personal responsibility andworking together for the universal, rather than the individual, good.

    •  They present facts that might be disagreeable in a gentle andindirect fashion.

    •  They see working in harmony as the crucial ingredient for workingproductively.

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     Japanese Hierarchy

    •  The Japanese are very conscious of age andstatus.

    • veryone has a distinct place in the hierarchy, beit the family unit, the e!tended family, a social or

    a business situation.

    • "t school children learn to address other studentsas senior to them #$senpai$% or &unior to them#$kohai$%.

    •  The oldest person in a group is always revered andhonored. 'n a social situation, they will be served(rst and their drinks will be poured for them.

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    ti!uette and Custom "n Japan

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    #nderstandin$ a forei$nways

    •  Japanese understand that it is very di)cult forforeigners to work in Japan.

    •  They will not e!pect you to speak or read Japanese, or be conversant with their strictcultural nuances and protocol.

    • *istakes are allowed as long as genuine respectis shown at all times.

    •  They will usually try to help you but often feelembarrassment at their own lack ofunderstanding or nglish language ability.

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    %elationship and communication

    • +ne way to build and maintainrelationships is with greetings seasonalcards.

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