Raising and Disciplining the New Children


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Raising and Disciplining the new ChildrenMichelle Eloff2004

Transcript of Raising and Disciplining the New Children

Page 1: Raising and Disciplining the New Children

Raising and Disciplining the new ChildrenMichelle Eloff2004

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet thee at this time and to bring unto thee the blessings of understanding, of wisdom, of truth, and of love. Greetings, beloved ones. And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.

Beloved ones, as we join you in the presence of Christ at this time, we wish to bring to you the message and the teachings of raising and disciplining the new children who inhabit your planet at this time and who are coming at a rapid rate. The vibrational frequency of the earth's energy has increased. This is as a result of higher-vibrational-frequency beings inhabiting your planet. It is also a result of all of those of you who are consciously working on your own development, and through this, increasing your own vibrational frequency.

Many people, however, still do not understand what the results of a higher vibrational frequency are. Humanity is still locked in the third dimensional vibration, and even though much of consciousness has moved beyond this, there is still a vast lack of understanding.

The new children bring in the opportunity to change humanity's consciousness as well as their understanding of vibration, of multi-dimensional interaction through the building of the conscious, the unconscious and the sub-conscious, and awakening the conscious to both unconscious and subconscious. Now the average adult who has been on the earth for, let us say, 30 or more years, will have difficulty grasping the concept of a person vibrating at a faster frequency and this frequency influencing their behaviour. And this is exactly what has caused such a misdiagnosis of these new children. Once again, this is because humanity does not understand what these frequencies mean.

These children are labelled different names: Indigoes, Crystals , Goldens and Rainbows. We will simply refer to them as New Children at this time, because all of them are bringing in higher vibrational frequency. Many of these children are far more advanced in their consciousness than the average human adult on your planet. Therefore this causes friction in environments. Now you try and tell the average human being that their child is far more evolved than they are. It will be very difficult to understand. But the level of evolution does not make the parent less than - all it does is open a window of opportunity for the parent to catch up in consciousness in the material world in order to understand how to work with the energy within the material world, so there is no judgment or separation with regard to whether the person is more advanced or not.

You as conscious parents and grandparents are very important links in the chain of life, and we will call this the golden chain of opportunity for a new way of life. You who are parents and grandparents of these new children offer the opportunity for other adults to learn to understand what these precious beings are bringing to this world. First of all, humans need to understand that these children are not the same as they were at that age. So a three-year-old of today is very different to a three-year-old of 30, 40 or 50 years ago. Even 20 years ago, they were very different because your earth is in a constant process of change. Therefore, the consciousnesses will change all the time.

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These children are more open to the world around them. Because the level of consciousness on Earth has increased, automatically these children are able to be born into the world having more of their consciousness intact, making them more evolved consciously than, say, you were at the same age. So it is very important, when you explain to someone why these children are different, that you make it clear that it is as a result of all of your collective work which has raised the consciousness vibration, which is in turn allowing these children to be in touch with and express more of their consciousness and their psychic selves. And as evolution continues and as the consciousness continues to evolve, so the children will be even more psychic or in touch than they presently are.

These children are here to completely break down the system of the old paradigm, to release the archaic belief systems that you were raised in, that your parents and grandparents were raised in. Because this is a time unlike any other time, where God is Gaia, and all of you are moving through an accelerated rate of growth consciousness, but you are also moving through an ascension process. Each time a group of beings ascends in consciousness, Mother Earth's vibration increases. This is why we speak so often of the various dimensions that are influencing your world at any given time, and how you as an individual are influenced by various dimensions at various times on your path. Vibration, frequency: all of these determine how you experience your life. Because these children are so sensitive, they will pick up on what is not being revealed in their environment. They will be very sensitive to frequencies that perhaps you are unable to sense, and this will also result in some of them experiencing erratic mood swings.

With regards to hyperactivity specifically, or to Attention Deficit Disorder, as it is so commonly known, these children do not have a problem. The people who are trying to deal with them have a problem in understanding what these children's needs are. Yes, there are some - very, very few of them - who do in actual fact suffer from ADD or ADHD. However, the vast majority absolutely does not. And this is where the great shift in consciousness lies. This is where the educational system will begin to change, the way people parent their children will begin to change. The interaction between parent and child will have to change in order for these children to be supported in the best way possible.

Attention Deficit Disorder is simply the child having difficulty focusing on one specific thing at one specific time. These children, because of their high frequency, naturally cannot sit in one spot focusing on something because their energy is just too fast. This is why we have said it is important - of vital importance - that animals are used with these children, where they can interact with live, living energy. This will automatically calm their systems and they will be able to focus a lot more intently at that given moment. 10 to 15 minutes is the maximum attention focus for these children.

And putting them in front of a television or in front of a computer for hours and hours on end will do more harm than good because it begins to scramble the electrical systems of their body, and this causes an even more static and distorted energy to flow through them. Some children then eventually become lethargic, disinterested, un-focused, and an addictive pattern emerges where all they want is their TV or their computer and they lose touch with nature. This then results in many other problems, learning problems as they move through their natural school years. So keep

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television to a minimum, otherwise if television or computers are being used, ensure that it is educational.

The ideal environment for these children, especially in a play environment or school environment, is where the children have set programmes, because they do enjoy routine to a certain extent as it gives them a sense of security. So for instance, if their day begins with breakfast and then going to school, or they have their breakfast at play school, the environment would be most supportive if it is started off, perhaps, with a fairytale or a story which is not too long, and where each child be supported or allowed to give their input on the story, or a topic is chosen and each child is offered the opportunity to utilize their imagination and contribute to the content of the story. Once this has been done, the children can then be taken outdoors, weather permitting, for some playtime. This can go on for 15 to 20 minutes. Then another activity after that could be something creative - perhaps painting, drawing, cutting out shapes. 15 to 20 minutes for that as well. You will be able to see very quickly when the child becomes bored. After that, either ball games or time spent with animals, and that can be the end of their playschool morning or interaction or educational time.

Now, if you look at this you will see that the child has been experiencing many activities, that they have been stimulated, and have been able to use up all the energy that is usually not used up in a classroom because they have to sit in one space for so long. It is used up in the playground, it is used up with imagination, it is used up with creative expression - and you do not have the problem of hyperactive children disrupting everybody else, because they are focused and absorbed in what they are doing. We do fully understand that there will always be some children who will have difficulty concentrating or focusing, and this is where you need to look at what the child's home environment is all about. Dealing with children is not just looking at their behaviour in the schoolroom. One needs to understand what is happening in their home environment.

If there are problems between the parents, for instance, the child is going to play up, especially if the child is not feeling safe in their environment, and this will be played out perhaps by bullying or biting or hitting, perhaps tantrum-throwing. When the child behaves with throwing a tantrum, for example, you as the parent or as a teacher need to explain to the child that you hear that they are feeling angry, but you cannot understand what their need is when they are screaming and kicking and shouting, and when they are finished with their tantrum the child can come to you and tell you what he needs or what he wants - and you walk away. The child needs to see that behaviour such as throwing a tantrum is not going to get her what she wants. Otherwise the child will use this behaviour as a means of manipulation for many years to come, perhaps even all the way through to late adulthood. "In order for me to get what I want, I will just throw a tantrum." So nip it in the bud right at the beginning. You are not deserting the child in a time of need, because you have told the child that you hear what he or she wants, but you do not understand what they are trying to communicate because of the screaming and shouting. So you are not abandoning her. Remember this.

In the home, a child needs boundaries. Without boundaries, the child will never learn about him- or herself. The child will never feel safe enough to explore himself or his environment, so you as a parent, a grandparent or a teacher need to set a very firm boundary in place, and that boundary needs to be constant. Do not shift the poles every other day; this will only confuse the child. So for instance, the boundary would be - no playing with sharp objects, but they can have as much fun

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with plastic or wooden utensils and there is no negotiation on that whatsoever. That is a firm boundary and when the child is seen playing with a sharp object, it is taken away and replaced at the same instant with either a plastic or wooden utensil. By taking something away that is considered dangerous and replacing it with something else, you are showing the child that there is always an alternative; there is always something that will come along to replace that which has been taken away. This causes the child to feel safe.

Generally in the past, it was a spank on the bottom and the object yanked away and the child told they are naughty for playing with the knife, or the parent would get such a shock that they will scream at the child, but without explaining why, and this is what has caused so much confusion throughout generations. This is what has manifested in many of the issues of loss and lack: no sooner do I have something than it is taken away from me without any explanation - so you are developing a healthy sense of exchange within your child's consciousness. Children need to be told why something is happening and what exactly is happening, regardless of their age. Always remember this. You as an adult might not think that a two-week-old baby will be able to understand the fact that something is going to happen or perhaps an emergency has occurred and you need to be away from your baby for a few hours. You must explain to your baby why he will or she will be left with someone that they are not accustomed to being left with and you do what you have to do. And you will see that as your child grows older, his or her sense of security is still there, because they understand the motivation behind the parent's actions. This eases separation anxiety later on.

With the boundaries being constant, the child learns where he begins and where he ends. Make no mistake - the child will most certainly test those boundaries. That is inevitable and that is where you as the parent need to stand firm in yourself. If you are not sure in yourself about a boundary that you have set, you can count on the fact that your little one will push that, just to see if you really mean what you say; just give in the slightest and you have lost the battle. However, this is not to be a battle of wills. It is simply a system that is set in place in order for the child to develop within a healthy and safe environment.

Now this moves on to disciplining the child in the sense of does one smack or does one not smack? We say it of the utmost importance to try other ways before you smack your child. The reason we say this is that if the child gets smacked all the time, the message that your child is getting is that violence gets its way: in order to have something done or get something done, it is ok to use violence. Look at the media: your television, your movies - everything is about using violence to get one's way. Both the good guys and the bad guys use it. So the message to humanity is hit, shoot, slap and kick your way through life. This is not the consciousness that these children are accustomed to. So if this method is being used in the home environment, the child will accept violence as an accepted means of behaviour.

These children are very intelligent. They command respect; they insist on being told the truth regardless of what the truth is. If the parent is in any way untruthful with the child, the child will know this and will usually begin to play up. Be very conscious of your child's behaviour when you are feeling out of sorts or when there is something in the family that is not flowing harmoniously. Perhaps you are not being completely honest with yourself and the child is acting this out on your behalf. We have witnessed on numerous occasions how, for example, a mother pushes herself

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beyond her limitations, and the child will constantly interfere in her time schedule, for instance, and every time she wants to do something that is work-related or that takes her beyond her limit, the child will demand her attention or will keep on throwing temper tantrums or will become ill until the moment the mother realizes that it is time to take time out and to relax, and miraculously the child becomes healed or the child's whole mood changes. These children are mirrors. That is very important. Through your disciplining yourself, so you discipline your child.

The word 'discipline' comes from the Latin word disciplinare, which means 'to teach'. So disciplining these children is about teaching them. Disciplining yourself is about teaching yourself new ways and new systems of dealing with life in general. Every little thing that you do, every little thing that you say, is absorbed by your child and he/she will act it out, reflect it straight back at you, sometimes in a very amusing way, and sometimes in a horrifying way. However, these children need the support and honesty through consistency and explanation.

We said earlier on that some of these children can be very sensitive. That is because their energy system is a sensitive one, and just as there are many different adults on the planet, so there are many different children on the planet, some of them boisterous and loud and aggressive - which is their natural energy's frequency. More of these children are sensitive than not, because they come from a world or a place where the energy is very, very smooth. Many of these new children have not had hundreds of incarnations as most adult humans have, especially for the very new children. Some of them may have only had a maximum of three lifetimes on the Earth plane. Therefore it is quite an adjustment to come into this very noisy, very aggressive planet, and it takes a lot for them to adapt to the system.

One of the things that the children are having the most difficulty adapting to is the education system because it does not support their true needs. Many of the children do not want to attend school, or - especially the sensitive ones - find themselves in positions perhaps where they are being bullied, ridiculed or rejected completely, and the feeling that builds inside of them because of being ostracized causes them to move into an even deeper shell of themselves. Because these children are more advanced does not mean to say that they will not hurt one another. Children are influenced by their family environment, as I have said already, and the programming that is imprinted by their parents, by siblings and family members will play itself out on the playground. So those children who tend to gang up against one another are the ones who need as much love and support as possible because they are falling into the system of rigidity, of judgment, of separation, whereas these children have come to show us a different way, all of us - whether you are in a physical body or whether you are in a discarnate body: we are all being taught a new way. Everybody's attention is on the Earth plane at this time in order to see how these new children make the changes and through that we are also learning.

Sensitive children need to be told how much they are loved and supported. They need to understand that the other children are not the same and that there are reasons for their behaviour, and you can explain this in any manner that you choose to, but do not separate your sensitive child from the rest of the world because you are embarrassed by his/her behaviour. Rather teach this child tools of wisdom to enable him to see through the illusion, where this child can come to find ways to fit into the system that he or she has come to.

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Beloved ones, we wish to thank you for gathering in the presence of Christ upon this day; for coming to hear what the children need people like you to hear. The more you see these children as the divine beings that they are, the more you will acknowledge the divinity of your own being, and through this you will grow in strength and spirit and in wisdom. These children have come to pave the way for the future, and as you acknowledge their power so you will see that the power of the new world will benefit you. Do not be afraid to show other parents the new tools and the new way. Make suggestions where you see they will benefit from it. Never impose your will on anyone else or fully condemn their behaviour with their children, but make another way possible by leading by example.

May the light of Christ embrace each one of you, your children and your family, and may you as a family come to experience harmony, peace, acceptance, understanding and mutual love, mutual experiencing of the true aspects of life that will bring joy and harmony. Trust in the many invisible arms that hold all of you and know that not ever are you alone. I am Kuthumi, Lord of light, love and wisdom and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai.