Quiet Time With Elohim- Ex. 3

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Transcript of Quiet Time With Elohim- Ex. 3

  • 8/7/2019 Quiet Time With Elohim- Ex. 3


    Quiet Time with Elohim!Growing in the habit of quiet time with Elohim

    Hear, O Yisrael: YHWH our Elohim, YHWH is one! And you shall loveYHWH your Elohim, with all your heart, and with all your being and with

    all your might. And these Words, which I am ordering you today, shall be

    on your heart: And you shall teach them carefully to your children. You

    shall talk about them when you sit at home, when you are traveling on

    the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Bind them around as

    a sign around your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between youreyes. And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on

    your gates.

    Debarim/ Dueteronomy 6:4-9

    The Scripture passage should be read by an adult to the child, everyday.

    Then, instrucons should be given to the child to complete the acvity

    for the day. Each month there is a them and a memory verse for your

    child to memorize.

    Each days acvies that follows will relate to the daily passage or storyline. Be sure the child reads the daily Scripture along with you. These

    brief passages will greatly forfy the weeks teaching and bring the child

    into daily and personal contact with Elohims Word. When the Scriptures

    have been read, place a check mark in the square for that day.

  • 8/7/2019 Quiet Time With Elohim- Ex. 3


    Quiet Time with Elohim!Growing in the habit of quiet time with Elohim

    Quiet Time Instrucons:

    Yom Rishon: Read Shemot/ Exodus 3:4 and discuss. Then trace

    over all the leers to nish the verse.

    Yom Sheni: Read Shemot/ Exodus 3:5:-10Color by number to

    see the bush that did not burn.

    Yom Shilishi: Read Shemot 3:11-14Elohim said He would help

    Moshe. Color the stars to nd out what Elohim said.

    Yom Revii: Read Shemot 3:15-16 Help Moshe obey Elohim

    and meet with the elders of Yisrael.

    Yom Chamishi: Read Shemot 3:17-18 Color, then match by

    drawing a line from the ojbects in box A to the objects in box B.

    Yom Shishi: Read Shemot 3:19-22Color the leers. Then hold

    your paper up to the mirror. Who helped Moshe and Who helps


  • 8/7/2019 Quiet Time With Elohim- Ex. 3


    Quiet Time with Elohim!Shemot- Exodus 3 @Moshe speaks to Elohim@

    Yom Rishon:

    here I am....And he (Moshe) said,____________________________________________-----------------------------------------____________________________________________Shemot/ Exodus 3:4

    Yom Sheni:

    Yom shilishi










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  • 8/7/2019 Quiet Time With Elohim- Ex. 3



    Quiet Time with Elohim!Shemot- Exodus 3 @Moshe speaks to Elohim@

    Yom Revi i:

    Yom Chamishi:

    Yom shishi: