Questoin 2

Evaluati on: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Transcript of Questoin 2


How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My media product represents particular social groups because not everyone likes heavy metal/rock magazines and music so not everyone is going to buy it. Due to my colour scheme being black, red and white people will instantly see whether the magazine is for them or not, this conveys a specific type of person/social group that would buy the magazine. For example, Young teenage girls are more likely to buy pop magazines and not heavy metal/rock magazines. So music magazines of this genre do associate with the more gothic people.

On the front cover there is a picture of a solo artist, this is because younger people are more likely to buy the magazine then because they might possibly feel like they can relate to that particular artist because they are of similar age. The artist is also on the contents page, she is dressed in black and has dark make up with pale skin, this connotes that the magazine is based around heavy metal/rock music because she is portrayed by appearance with that genre. On the front cover and contents page I included coverlines and features that included real bands that are in the rock music industry, so that people who are looking at my products can see that it is a rock magazine because they enjoy listening to those bands and then will acknowledge that their music is heavy metal/rock.

The double page spread image shows a more classic rock artist who is older and is in an earlier generation of rock. This could appeal to the older generation who in their time might have listened to Jed or in general prefer the older generation rock music. In my double page spread I chose to ask questions to do with the personal life of Jed as well as just his music life, this is because I wanted the audience to relate to the article.