Question six

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  1. 1. The technology that we used within the production of our thriller was a video camera, unfortunately as our group didnt have access to other more high-tech cameras such a DSLRs, however, I believe having a lower quality camera benefited us, this was because it made the graphics within the alley way scene was disoriented and also slightly blurred; this linked with the idea of the girl walking home whilst intoxicated; it shows the outcome off the drink and how much of a dangerous situation she was in. To experiment with the small video camera we decided to use a hand held effect, this was whilst running down the alley way with a close up of the femme fatal. This made it more unsettled, whilst making the audience feel more uncomfortable as we are seeing the terror facial expressions about the experience she is having. However, a problem with the camera is that it was hard to be able to see, as the lighting was very limited we were unable to view the shots correctly; this meant the camera had to have extra lighting used by a torch, as we couldnt get access to other lighting equipment as we were outside.
  2. 2. Within post production technology editing program Premier Pro allowed to fix the problems that could not have been attended to during production. For example we had a problem of breaking the 180 rule, this allowed me to flip the shot over fitting with the shot angle conventions which had been followed throughout the first two minutes. With the narrative the opening switches between the present and a flashback; to make sure this was easy for the audience to understand we used dip to white transitions between the specific scenes. This also allowed the change to be less abrupt and run more smoothly whilst showing the difference and cut of the setting. Alongside this we used a sound-bridge to make sure the sound to compliment the shot transitioned smoothly as well, it was found during our rough cut that the sound was the main thing letting the opening down as a collective. Using the sound bridge allowed the film to flow easier with no stopping and starting, this had to be amended as it would make the opening feel rushed and flickered.
  3. 3. I have used different presentational devices within my blog, this was to make it more creative and also to make it less of a drag to receive the information that I am putting across to the examiner. For example the use of Prezi and using video clips allows the information to be processed a lot easier within a small space. Along with the video clips it lets us to annotate and back up our points with it being evidenced. It also allows different ways to explore communication making it less boring for everyone to read.
  4. 4. Technology has helped within research for the thriller to find intertextual references by using the internet. Google allowed us to find influences from other popular thriller films, as well as a sub-genre of crime thrillers allowing us to be able to stick to the popular convention of thriller openings, it also helped us when we ran out of ideas on how to use titles, transitions and narrative. For example I took an idea of Taken and the abduction of the female. The use of YouTube also helped as we could search for particular music types that can be associated within the thriller opening and what we could (whilst sticking with copyright agreements using free music).
  5. 5. Technology has helped us within our planning regarding social networking chat sites like Facebook, this let us communicate what work needed to be done, any suggestions to the filming/editing and when we needed to meet up to be able to complete certain tasks. Using the site enabled us to have things done a lot quicker and to space out equally. To take photos of locations we used mobile phones, this is because it was easier as we had them on us and the quality was high enough to be able to recognise where they were shot.
  6. 6. Technology has helped us within our planning regarding social networking chat sites like Facebook, this let us communicate what work needed to be done, any suggestions to the filming/editing and when we needed to meet up to be able to complete certain tasks. Using the site enabled us to have things done a lot quicker and to space out equally. To take photos of locations we used mobile phones, this is because it was easier as we had them on us and the quality was high enough to be able to recognise where they were shot.