Qualitas T&G portfolio

HR SERVICES PERSON AND ORGANISATION DEVELOPMENT CHANGE MANAGEMENT Qualitas T&G Consulting and Organizational Development Ltd. H-6728 Szeged, Alkotmány u. 104. Post address: H-6725 Szeged, Szent Ferenc u. 19. Phone: +36-62-558 141; 142 Fax: +36-62-558 143 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.qualitas.hu www.kompetenciavizsgalat.hu

Transcript of Qualitas T&G portfolio

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Qualitas T&G Consulting and Organizational Development Ltd.

H-6728 Szeged, Alkotmány u. 104.

Post address: H-6725 Szeged, Szent Ferenc u. 19.

Phone: +36-62-558 141; 142

Fax: +36-62-558 143

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.qualitas.hu


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“Qualitas: A guarantee for conscious and accountable development both for the person

and the organisation”

Guaranteed: the tasks are performed in a transparent manner by well-prepared specialists

who focus on quality work.

Conscious: only after having full insight into the clients’ problems and needs do we offer a


Accountable: we take responsibility for the success of the entire complex development


Development: the organisation will be more successful thanks to the change that takes

place in the interest of reaching the jointly articulated objectives.

For the person and the organisation: as a result of our development work, we find optimal


Our company, Qualitas T&G Consulting and Service Limited Liability Enterprise was estab-

lished in 1996.

Over the years, our scope of activities has widened continuously. Today we deal with train-

ing programmes, organisation development, change management, human resource devel-

opment, RDA competence model and MBTI type indicator model applications, personal de-

velopment, leadership development, leader support (coaching), and assessment. We use

modern IT backing in our work (internet-based assessment system, project-monitoring

internet services, etc.).

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We offer a systematic and solution-centered approach!

Next you will find the methods and techniques we use. The organisation, group and personal

development processes in all cases represent tailor-suited solutions.

Content 1 Leadership, management ..................................................................................................................... 4

1.1 Coaching ........................................................................................................................................ 5

1.2 MBTI applied in leadership ............................................................................................................ 6

1.3 RDA - a profile-based workforce selection and development system .......................................... 7

1.4 Leader trainings ............................................................................................................................. 9

2. Human resource development ...................................................................................................... 10

2.1 Personal development ................................................................................................................ 10

2.2 Group development .................................................................................................................... 11

Problem-solving team–coaching ................................................................................................... 11

T-group trainings built on own experiences .................................................................................. 11

Trainings ........................................................................................................................................ 11

3. Dealing with changes..................................................................................................................... 12

3.1 Blue-ocean workshop – focus on the future ............................................................................... 12

3.2 Change management .................................................................................................................. 13

3.3 Organisation development .......................................................................................................... 14

3.4 IT support for developments ....................................................................................................... 15

4. How to request an offer; financing ............................................................................................... 16

5. References ..................................................................................................................................... 17

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1 Leadership, management

A manager (as a leader) has to set objectives, formulate strategies and tactics, communicate

appropriately, know how to manage others, negotiate and persuade, motivate and super-

vise, face challenges and obstacles on a daily basis as well as manage and control change in

order to achieve goals. At the same time a leader (as a manager) also has to be involved in

the operative management, monitoring and evaluation of the realisation process of the


The key figures in an organisation’s success are its leaders. According to research, 25% of an

organisation’s success depends on leadership. This is why the training of leaders, the con-

tinuous development of their leader skills, abilities, and their personal leader efficiency en-

joy paramount importance. For this we offer the following methods and techniques.

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1.1 Coaching

Have you ever felt you are trapped in a particular situation?

Have you ever felt that you are just surrounded by obstacles and cannot find your way


Have you felt that you have studied and worked a lot but what you have learnt are not

part of your everyday operation?

Has it ever happened to you that when facing a novel situation you were overwhelmed

by all the new things, which seemed like mission impossible to manage?

Or have you ever felt that you simply have to move on and leave things behind?

If you can associate with just one of the above questions, and you have not found an answer

to it yet, coaching is the solution you need. A coach is a person who asks the right questions

and helps you find the answers too!

What is coaching?

Coaching provides support to leaders in the development process, helps apply new things in

practice, provides targeted development of skills and abilities, and helps integrate these in

the person’s behaviour. The coaching process consists of 6-8 meetings, during which the

coach helps the client find the answers to the questions set and enables the client to mobi-

lise his/her resources.

Our coach will help you achieve the following objectives:

recognise your own values and hidden abilities as well as those of others,

accept, manage and bring the best out of the changes that take place around you,

be able to change your behaviour if you feel it is necessary, and to this end

be able to explore and mobilise your resources.

It does not happen without your input. If you start off, you will clearly feel that you are on

the right track towards achieving the goals you have set for yourself. And that is what we call

true success.

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1.2 MBTI applied in leadership

Many times in our relationship with people we experience that there are certain people who

approach issues similarly to us, while we cannot fully understand how others can have to-

tally opposing ideas. There are people who share the same values as us, while others simply

do not; there are people who are attracted to the same things, while others show no inter-

est whatsoever in the things that turn us on.

Here we offer MBTI, with the help of which we can identify the main characteristic features

of the people around us, and we can improve our knowledge of ourselves as well as others.

MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) is mainly used in the field of Human Resources and con-

sultancy. This is an ideal tool for personal development, team building and team develop-

ment. During team building for example, we can analyse the goals of the team, assess the

types of the current team members and think over what would be needed from the future

team members, what the objectives are and what personal characteristics would be re-

quired in order to achieve these objectives.

The consultancy process starts with identifying the personality type of the client, then the

MBTI consultant works together with the client on 4-6 occasions when they concentrate on

developing the personal efficiency of the client with the help of the MBTI information.

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1.3 RDA - a profile-based workforce selection and development system

Mobilise your hidden competencies in order to increase the efficiency of the individual and

organisation. The right person for the right position.

RDA is a competence assessment model, which is useful for company leaders, HR man-

agers and HR specialists. It is a quick and cost-efficient profile-based workforce selection

and development system that consists of two internet questionnaires, a detailed con-

sultant feedback and development proposals.

One of the key elements of efficient work is when the worker feels competent in the

field he/she works in day by day. It is vital in the life of an organisation to have the right

people in the right position. RDA provides you with the solution to how you can optimise

your team.

Save time with our online services. On www.kompetenciavizsgalat.hu webpage, you can find assistance for the following:

increasing work efficiency;

developing and managing human resources, assessing leaders and workers, develop-ing individuals and groups;

assessing training needs;

making recruitment and selection processes easier;

career orientation for students in public and higher education, further education and labour market consultancy;

provide support to private individuals in the way they lead their lives;

exploring and developing corporate organisation cultures, and improving organisa-tional climate.

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A picture tells more than a thousand words. Visual representation helps

you see clearly.

The tool we apply is the RDA competence assessment and development model. Below you can see the RDA profile of a person compared with a function profile. It is well illus-trated how the person matches the given position and what areas this person needs de-velopment in.

Where else can the model be used?

• Working out personal and professional development programmes • Restructuring and change management • Conflict management • Preventing burn-out • Re-positioning, re-integration • Improving communication efficiency • Monitoring training programmes • Assessing the personal competences of people with reading problems with picture


Other related services

• Online data recording and analysis • Further trainings • Personal and team coaching • Mentoring • Benchmarking • Personal and group consultancy • Coaching

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1.4 Leader trainings

One of the most effective ways of learning is experiencing. “Experience learning is an active

way of learning and developing. Participants do not receive their knowledge from the trainer

but they process their own experiences and this is how they learn new things about them-

selves, each other and the world. The knowledge learnt this way results in a more efficient

personal operation than before as it is not based on theory but the actual personal experi-

ences of the participants.” (András Boros)

Training programmes on offer:

Leading skills training

Leadership methodology studies

Change management

Time management

Leading and decision-making motivation

Communication training

Conflict management training

Moderation training

Self-awareness training

Improving personal efficiency, assertiveness training

Our well-trained specialists build tailor-suited, personalised training programmes based on

the needs of the client.

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2. Human resource development

“No organisation can depend on geniuses, the supply is always scarce and unreliable. It is the

test of an organisation to make ordinary human beings perform better than they seem ca-

pable of, to bring out whatever strength there is in its members, and to use each man’s

strength to help all the others perform. The purpose of an organisation is to enable common

men to do uncommon things.” (Peter Ferdinand Drucker)

Developing workers in an organisation is always based on how much the worker in question

matches the expectations of the given position or the organisation. Following the establish-

ment of a personal profile, we give tailor-suited individual, group and organisational devel-

opment proposals.

Next you will find our human resource development services.

2.1 Personal development

For individual development we offer three methods: RDA, MBTI and coaching.

What developing workers in an organisation depends on is:

The right person for the right job!

Development is based on the match between the person and the requirements of the given

position and the organisation.

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2.2 Group development

Problem-solving team–coaching

Team-coaching is a process developed for group situation analysis and problem solving, dur-

ing which participants together come up with practical solutions that would assist them di-

rectly in their daily work. In addition to coming up with specific and practical solutions, co-

operation between participants improves, which will lead to building and developing closer

connections among and between people.

5-8 participants from the same position or from different levels

Group situation analysis, problem-solving in practice

Specific and practical solutions not only for the case owners

Developing cooperation skills


Quick integration into everyday practice

T-group trainings built on own experiences

Communication training – let your voice be heard

Conflict management training – achieve you goals

Leading and decision motivation – recognise what lies beneath your own and other

people’s decisions

Team building training – let organisational objectives replace personal goals


Moderation – you can speak the same language as others

Leadership methodology studies – a group requires conscious management

Change management – do not step in the same river twice

Diagnosis and development of organisational cultures – what really counts is under-

neath the surface

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3. Dealing with changes

As the saying goes, in our changing world, the only thing that remains constant is change.

The future is for adaptive and pro-active organisations. We provide consultancy assistance to

handling and managing change. We give assistance to network operation.

3.1 Blue-ocean workshop – focus on the future

What is a Blue Ocean?

Blue Ocean is an uncontested market space; a novel strategic approach, with the help of

which – when applied systematically – “we can explore markets without competitors, where

the ocean is still blue and where our goals are limited by the value/cost trade-off and price

competition” (W. Chan Kim - Renée Mauborgne)

We developed our Blue Ocean programme because we realised that companies and enter-

prises are facing greater challenges than ever before and we are convinced that this pro-

gramme can help them think about the future and come up with plans. If you also feel that

this is one way to future success and survival, try our Blue Ocean workshop programme.

The “Blue Ocean workshop” is a session based on creative methods that focus on working

out a desired vision for the future thus helping you find solutions that would bring break-

through in society and business.

During the Blue Ocean workshop you work out the elements of a desired future by finding

the development paths that best match present facts.

A two-phase programme: a 1-day planning workshop, which is free and you only cover ac-

tual costs such as travel fees. This is followed by a tailor-made, personalised session, which is

based on the results.

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3.2 Change management

Change happens to organisations by itself, involuntarily, while changing is a conscious and

planned process – this is why it is mostly related to leadership. Do organisations and within

them, the people want to change? What is the driving force behind change – being attracted

by and wishing for change or dreading the risk of not changing? What costs more, change or

remaining the same? How can we decide? How can we prepare our organisation for change?

And how can we go through this persistently and systematically?

We can provide you with professional assistance to carrying out changes. During change

management we use the so-called CHAMP model. Our experts build a change management

programme that is tailor-made to the personal needs and set objectives.

We use a targeted, tailor-made and integrated application of several models and tools that

assist you in managing changes. In order to establish a diagnosis, we collect the necessary

information about the organisation and to the some extent the members, and the environ-

ment of the organisation, these are systematically categorised, after which we plan the

depth and process of the change. We provide client-specific process consultancy for the re-

alisation phase. The process is evaluated with the help of the input-output-outcome-impact


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3.3 Organisation development

In the long-term, the success of an organisation, a company is strongly influenced by what

the organisation culture is like, and how developed the organisational culture is that sup-

ports the realisation of the objectives. It is of vital importance what traditions cooperation

has in an organisation. Can colleagues work together, work as a team, how partner-oriented

is the operation; do they pay attention to the needs and expectations of the customers and

the partners? Certain elements of the organisational culture – such as worker involvement,

innovation support, worker assessment and motivation system – all create excellent condi-

tions and circumstances for the contextual functioning of a quality management system.

In order to develop organisational cultures and organisations, we perform the following:

Organisation diagnosis – the assessment of the organisation’s actual status

Vision shaping and objective setting workshop

Defining the organisational culture that assists in the realisation of the objectives

Assessing training needs, planning training programmes

Organisational planning, organisational development

In the process of organisation development, we also apply the PDA (Process Diagrammatic

Approach) model, which is built on the theory that in the development of organisations, it is

not Euclid’s straight path that is the shortest. If we diagnose the starting point (diagnosis)

and define the objective, we will be able to plan the most optimal way to cross the distance

between the two.

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3.4 IT support for developments

During development, we always use internet service applications that provide easily accessi-

ble information for our partners and clients, and that give targeted support for decision

preparation and monitoring the realisation of projects. We use and offer our e-Q Center sys-

tem, which enables us to perform questionnaires, needs and satisfaction surveys, organisa-

tion culture and climate analyses, training and development assessment, project follow-up

and the examination of how the knowledge is integrated into the organisation.

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4. How to request an offer; financing

The process of requesting an offer/order

If our services above have raised your interest and if you feel you have found answers to

your questions and problems in our brochure, do not hesitate to request a personalised of-


1. Please, fill in the Offer Request Form and forward it to Qualitas T&G Kft. Do not worry

if you do not have specific ideas for the suitable method, we will only use the infor-

mation you provide as a guideline to find you the best solution.

2. After receiving the Offer Request Form, we will contact you.

a. Prior to sending our personalised offer, we strongly recommend a personal

meeting so that certain issues and development areas can be clarified and

identified. Only after this can we provide you with an appropriately personal-

ised offer.

b. During our personal meeting we can help you find the best financing possibili-

ties and check what e.g. EU tenders and applications or subsidies are available

at the time.

3. Based on this personal meeting we prepare the personalised offer.

4. Following the preparation of the offer, we are at your disposal for further personal

negotiations or consultation.

Financing possibilities for our services

Our Clients may choose from the following financing possibilities:

Own sources;

European Union tenders and applications, if applicable;

Hungarian New Széchenyi Plan sources;

Hungarian vocational subsidy sources.

For further details, please visit us on www.qualitas.hu.

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5. References


Szeged Megyei Jogú Város

Szolnok Városi Óvodák