Qc property report 2015


Transcript of Qc property report 2015

A Message from the Managing Director

I am very pleased to introduce to you, my friends and colleagues in the industry, PRIME Philippine's maiden issue aptly called TheProperty Market Report. On its auspicious first launch, PRIME has collated, synthesized and effectively put together all relevant market data and information that a real estate investor should know. On this same report, PRIME will feature young and vibrant Quezon City thanks to its strong, upside and promising investor potential.

We at PRIME believe that all content reported here are industry relevant especially for start-ups, running, and established businesses involved in the real estate trade. The goal is to provide real estate service at the highest standard for all clients. Though a tall order, PRIME is nonetheless committed in meeting these challenges head on. This Property Market Report is PRIME's statement and commitment to deliver outstanding Philippine real estate service both to local and international companies who are exploring the real estate landscape. Our team's objective in preparing this report is to; first and foremost, provide potential investors principal access to credible and significant data and insight. And second, to inform our readers about PRIME's current discoveries and studies on real estate trends from 2014 to what is expected for 2015.

In just five (5) years, the Philippine economy has sustained incredible growth all the while achieving four (4) investment upgrades. Monumental credit goes to the current government who has been firm in its conviction to fight corruption all the while providing solid, sound and secure investment infrastructure for the country's local and foreign investors. One undeniable example is leasing. If you lease out a residential condominium unit in Metro Manila, the return rate will range from 6%-8% versus a 2%-3% return rate in other neighboring countries. Such attractive figures have resulted in strong take ups by residing foreign nationals (Expats) and overseas Filipino workers (OFWs). Simultaneously, with the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sector dynamically driving office space procurement in highly urbanized cities, there has been noticeable and positive growth in the real estate industry of the country.

In addition, with above average English proficiency and literacy rate of the Filipino worker coupled with a culture that is naturally service-oriented, the Philippines has instinctively become the 'country of choice' to start BPO services. While the main economic driver in most cities are BPOs, it’s a different case for Quezon City. The BPO industry is just one of the many economic avenues for this young and vibrant City. Being the largest city in Metro Manila, Quezon City has real estate potential that has remained untapped for many years:

One, QC is home to a good number of government offices. These offices will be growing and expanding in the coming years that will eventually translate to taking up large volumes of office space in the future. Second, the City is built on Adobe Rock. A type of rock that is considered to be one of the toughest and strongest types of natural foundations best for building residential structures, commercial complexes and other forms of architecture. And third, the City has unparalleled location advantage in the whole of Metro Manila. Spanning from 6 to 18 lanes, the road network of the city is the widest and most strategic, all in preparation for a city to become a Central Business District (CBD). A plan brilliantly conceived decades ago.

And it is through this Property Market Report that you hold in your very hands where PRIME can help you closely examine and monitor the movement of the office market and real estate investor potential of Quezon City. As you read this dear investor, we at PRIME Philippines fervently hope that the information we have conscientiously put together helps you on all your current and future real estate plans and endeavors.