Q.2 A2 Media Evaluation


Transcript of Q.2 A2 Media Evaluation

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Question No.2

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The similarities between all products are quite apparent. The font all across the all 3 products have something to do with the theme of technology and a ‘screen’. They all include an image of the lead actor. This is to show the importance of his character and how he is the only actor in this movie. Another similarity between all three products is the use of specific props. The syringe is essential to the plot as it the cause of Abel’s demise, so it is featured in the movie and it is teased in the magazine article.

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MESSAGE TO THE AUDIENCEThe movie is supposed to show audience members that not everything is as it seems and the concept of deception is very important to the plot of the movie. I also hope to convey a message of relatability with the audience members and the character as any individual would fall for the trap that their future self is trying to help them if they are having a live conversation through a monitor screen.

The message that I am trying to convey through the Poster is that it is a dark and enigmatic thriller movie. The use of dark and quite bland colours are supposed to represent a very gloomy atmosphere. I used the static effect on the background with the title to show that this ‘screen’ is very important to the plot of the movie. This allows the audience to get an idea of the focus of the plot. I also used two pictures of the same actor to also suggest that the two individuals are different. For the static picture is chose a frightened expression and then a sinister looking one in front of it. This was to reinforce to the audience the message that these two people are separate, and the contrast is supposed to convey that. It could be argued that the evil twin should be the one in the screen lingering over Abel in the fore-front, however I decided to switch it so that the twin is in the front and Abel is in the back to show that the repetition occurs. Here I am hinting at the audience that Abel has been stuck in this repetitive situation for a long time as the Twin makes sure they swap roles.

The magazine article is supposed to give the reader’s a review of what they are expected to see from this movie. The use of a picture from the actual movie is supposed to give the readers an idea of what is to come. I used the syringe picture because it is quite a pivotal moment in the movie, however to readers who have not watched this they may just ignore it as something else. When they see the movie and remember the scene they understand what the article was trying to hint at. So solely it might not provide a certain message but when paired with the viewing of the movie the reader’s will understand what was trying to be conveyed. The use of the pixelated font is trying to reinforce the suggestion that the entity that is the ‘screen’ is integral to the narrative of the movie.

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UNIQUE SELLING POINTOne of the main USP of the Movie is the fact that with its run time of 6 minutes, it manages to be a full feature movie that gives the audience the enigmatic narrative. Furthermore, it being a short thriller movie attracts audience who enjoy thrillers and short movie enthusiasts. The narrative and the twist at the end would be another main unique selling point as it very different to the average thriller. When they realise that it was his brother all along playing a game just to toy with him due to jealousy they get the satisfaction of being caught of guard with that type of an ending. On top of that the creepy truth that the Twin acted like Abel and slept with his girlfriend then killed her immediately after that is something that real thriller enthusiasts will love. The audience are just as confused and gullible as Abel as they believe that the Twin is Abel from the future trying to help him. The use of brother’s being rivals is a generic plotline, however with the twisted situation that one siblings puts the other in is very unique, attracting more audience members. The USP of the film is apparent through the poster and the magazine article. With the poster we see the main title font is pixelated and computerised. Here it is supposed to represent the whole atmosphere of the plot and how essential the whole ‘screen’ aspect is. Another example of this can be seen with the background of Abel and how it has a static filter on it. With the magazine article the USP of the movie is explained through the actual article. The picture of Abel holding the syringe is important as it shows what is eventually his own wrong doing.

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MODE OF ADDRESSThe MOA for the magazine is in 3rd person. This is because it is providing the audience with their opinions and reaction on the movie, instead of the audience’s reaction. On the other hand the poster and the movie is 1st person as it is dependant on the individual’s viewing and interpretation of it. I think this mode of address is effective as it gives the audience the opportunity to have their own interpretation of the movie and the poster, and then on top of that they have the opinion of a professional that allows them to find new meanings in the same movie. Furthermore, this movie is free to watch in Vimeo so it is available to wide audience. The poster and the magazine article are formal as they are supposed to represent a real life example of a movie’s advertisement and marketing. This is gained through the use of professional fonts and using real posters as an example to create these. However the actual movie is quite informal with the type of language that I used by the actor. There is a lot of colloquial language used in the lines acted out by the lead actor. The MOA for all of them is quite hostile as it’s a thriller movie, and they typically feature a bad situation. With the poster the way Abel is scared and how evil the twin looks shows a quite negative vibe. The article’s explanation also gives off a very hostile explanation of the plot and their view point on it. The movie is the most hostile MOA as it shows the audience the plot of the movie and how negative the tone is. This in combination with the 1st person viewing gives them a really powerful message.