Pt. 1 Introduction Pt. 2 Inspiration Pt. 3 Baptism of Holy Spirit Pt. 4 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Pt....

Pt. 1 Introduction Pt. 2 Inspiration Pt. 3 Baptism of Holy Spirit Pt. 4 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Pt. 5 Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Pt. 6 Blasphemy Against the Pt. 2 Inspiration

Transcript of Pt. 1 Introduction Pt. 2 Inspiration Pt. 3 Baptism of Holy Spirit Pt. 4 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Pt....

Page 1: Pt. 1 Introduction Pt. 2 Inspiration Pt. 3 Baptism of Holy Spirit Pt. 4 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Pt. 5 Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Pt. 6 Blasphemy Against.

Pt. 1 Introduction

Pt. 2 Inspiration

Pt. 3 Baptism of Holy Spirit

Pt. 4 Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Pt. 5 Indwelling of the Holy Spirit

Pt. 6 Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit

Pt. 2Inspiration

Page 2: Pt. 1 Introduction Pt. 2 Inspiration Pt. 3 Baptism of Holy Spirit Pt. 4 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Pt. 5 Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Pt. 6 Blasphemy Against.

Pt. 3Inspiration

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17. That the man of God may be complete, throughly furnished unto all good works.”

2 Tim. 3:16-17

66 books 39 + 27

Page 3: Pt. 1 Introduction Pt. 2 Inspiration Pt. 3 Baptism of Holy Spirit Pt. 4 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Pt. 5 Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Pt. 6 Blasphemy Against.

Not Inspired

Part is Inspired

Whole is Inspired

Human production No inspired literature No hope

Who Decides Bible does not tell which part Would require an inspired man

Bible Claims this Verbal Inspiration“God spoke” “The Lord has spoken” more than 3,800

Page 4: Pt. 1 Introduction Pt. 2 Inspiration Pt. 3 Baptism of Holy Spirit Pt. 4 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Pt. 5 Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Pt. 6 Blasphemy Against.

God’s Part Man’s Part

Divine element


His thoughts, will, way

His Truth

Man not angels

Men to man – 2 Cor. 4:7

Human language

Works through men


Page 5: Pt. 1 Introduction Pt. 2 Inspiration Pt. 3 Baptism of Holy Spirit Pt. 4 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Pt. 5 Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Pt. 6 Blasphemy Against.

Breathe In - God breathed English - from Latin = blow or breathe into

“Inspiration means that influence which God exercises through the Holy Spirit over the minds of Biblical writers to make them infallible in the

receiving and recording of His will.”

Bible written by men influenced by the Holy Spirit (Jn. 16:13)


Page 6: Pt. 1 Introduction Pt. 2 Inspiration Pt. 3 Baptism of Holy Spirit Pt. 4 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Pt. 5 Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Pt. 6 Blasphemy Against.

Enabled writers to receive and express revelation

Did not create the material, the truth

Guided the writer in expressing the truth

All written communications were through humans

No angel ever wrote anything preserved in the Bible


Page 7: Pt. 1 Introduction Pt. 2 Inspiration Pt. 3 Baptism of Holy Spirit Pt. 4 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Pt. 5 Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Pt. 6 Blasphemy Against.

Revelation- “unveiling” that which is revealed- Unveiling the truth- 1 Cor. 2:10 “God has revealed them to us through His Spirit”- It is the word of God expressed in human language


God, through the Holy Spirit, illuminates the mind of man with His thoughts and enables man

to express those thoughts, and when expressed, they become revelation.

Page 8: Pt. 1 Introduction Pt. 2 Inspiration Pt. 3 Baptism of Holy Spirit Pt. 4 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Pt. 5 Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Pt. 6 Blasphemy Against.

All revelation is inspired, but not all inspired material is revelation.

Revelation - that which could not be knownInspiration - method of keeping free from errors

Revelation & Inspiration Inspiration


Page 9: Pt. 1 Introduction Pt. 2 Inspiration Pt. 3 Baptism of Holy Spirit Pt. 4 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Pt. 5 Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Pt. 6 Blasphemy Against.

Primitive Revelation - Patriarchal - to Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob

Covenant Revelation - Jewish Dispensation – God revealed through Moses

Christian Revelation - Christian Dispensation - Heb. 1:1-2 - Jn. 16:13


Page 10: Pt. 1 Introduction Pt. 2 Inspiration Pt. 3 Baptism of Holy Spirit Pt. 4 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Pt. 5 Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Pt. 6 Blasphemy Against.

Given to Man- Made to man for man- Inspired to record the revelation

Work of the Holy Spirit- Eph. 6:17- Men could not have written- 2 Tim. 3:16-17


Page 11: Pt. 1 Introduction Pt. 2 Inspiration Pt. 3 Baptism of Holy Spirit Pt. 4 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Pt. 5 Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Pt. 6 Blasphemy Against.

LK. 12:11-12- what = the thought- how = the words or manner of expression

Matt. 5:18 “For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.”

1 Cor. 2:13 “These things we also speak, not in words which man's wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.”


Page 12: Pt. 1 Introduction Pt. 2 Inspiration Pt. 3 Baptism of Holy Spirit Pt. 4 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Pt. 5 Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Pt. 6 Blasphemy Against.

Kept their personal styles- Hebrew - Greek- Educated - uneducated

Not just mechanical - like a robot- Luke was a physician- Lk. 18:25 “needle”

Limitations of inspiration- Not omniscient - 1 Cor. 1:16- Not immune to bodily afflictions – 2 Cor. 11- Not incapable of sinning – (Peter)


Page 13: Pt. 1 Introduction Pt. 2 Inspiration Pt. 3 Baptism of Holy Spirit Pt. 4 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Pt. 5 Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Pt. 6 Blasphemy Against.

1. Anticipated departures from faith- 1 Tim. 4:1-3

2. Up-to-date with Scientific Knowledge- Jer. 33:22 – “stars cannot be numbered”- Job 26:7 – “hangs earth on nothing”- Isa. 40:2 - “circle of the earth”

3. Impartiality in describing human character

4. Does not cater to human curiosity- Jn. 8:1-8- People raised from the dead


Page 14: Pt. 1 Introduction Pt. 2 Inspiration Pt. 3 Baptism of Holy Spirit Pt. 4 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Pt. 5 Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Pt. 6 Blasphemy Against.

5. Unity of the Bible - 66 books, 40 different authors, different countries, same purpose, subject matter, agreement

6. Prophecies - Joshua 6:26 - rebuilding of Jericho

Foundation = firstborn Gates = youngest

- 1 Kings 16:34 - came true 550 years later


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“Knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.”

2 Pet. 1:20-21

Pt. 2Inspiration

Page 16: Pt. 1 Introduction Pt. 2 Inspiration Pt. 3 Baptism of Holy Spirit Pt. 4 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Pt. 5 Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Pt. 6 Blasphemy Against.

Pt. 1 Introduction

Pt. 2 Inspiration

Pt. 3 Baptism of Holy Spirit

Pt. 4 Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Pt. 5 Indwelling of the Holy Spirit

Pt. 6 Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit

Pt. 2Inspiration

Page 17: Pt. 1 Introduction Pt. 2 Inspiration Pt. 3 Baptism of Holy Spirit Pt. 4 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Pt. 5 Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Pt. 6 Blasphemy Against.




baptismbaptismACTS 3:22ACTS 3:22

JN. 8:24JN. 8:24

LK. 13:3LK. 13:3

JN. 12:42JN. 12:42

Acts 2:38Acts 2:38Rev. 2:10Rev. 2:10