PsychoTactics Ltd., PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New ... · “Hey these are women,...


Transcript of PsychoTactics Ltd., PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New ... · “Hey these are women,...

Page 1: PsychoTactics Ltd., PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New ... · “Hey these are women, neighborhood, same university, kids, jeans, shoes, et cetera. On paper they all look alike.
Page 2: PsychoTactics Ltd., PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New ... · “Hey these are women, neighborhood, same university, kids, jeans, shoes, et cetera. On paper they all look alike.
Page 3: PsychoTactics Ltd., PO Box 36461, Northcote, Auckland, New ... · “Hey these are women, neighborhood, same university, kids, jeans, shoes, et cetera. On paper they all look alike.

© 2008 by Sean D’Souza. All rights reserved. Published by Psychotactics Ltd. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in ad database or retrieval system without the prior written permis-sion of Psychotactics Ltd.

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The Brain Audit Kit is available at special quantity discounts to use as premiums and sales promotions, or for use in corpo-rate training programs. This is part of the entire Brain Audit series which includes audio programs, on-line training, etc.

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IntroductionFor the longest time ever, we’ve been misled by one concept.The concept of target audience.

Because target audience works on the concept of demographics.It segregates people based on various factors such as income, where they live, age group etc.It assumes that your neighbour, who lives on your street, and has a similar income, has the same interests as you. And has the same problems as you do.

And you know as well as I do that that’s rubbish.I’m interested in Kasumi knifes and fine food. He’s interested in fishing all day.My food budget is smaller than his, because I don’t have three kids like he does.Our house is at a different level, and different size than their house.

And yet, technically, we could be in the same demographic.A marketer could technically be trying to talk to both of us at the same time. Which as we said before, is rubbish.

So how do we solve this problem?Here’s how. We use the concept of profiling. A concept that’s used by cops to catch criminals. A concept that’s used to create powerful characters in movies and TV series. A concept that’s used by every one of us when we’ve gone on a date.

Target profile? What’s that?’re about to find out, eh!

Warm regards from Kiwi land,SeanP.S. The timings in the transcript to follow aren’t exactly accurate. This is because the initial recording was then re-recorded to improve the quality of the recording. Just in case you’re pedantically counting the min-utes (heh, heh).

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Target Profile Transcript[Music]

Sean D’Souza: Today we’re going to cover the most important topic that you’d ever, ever have to deal in marketing. People get this wrong and of course this derails the entire marketing process. So let me just start off with today with a name. If I say the name Chris then you’ll notice something. Everyone in the room if I’m sitting in the room, everyone doesn’t answer. Only Chris will answer. And supposing there are several Chris’s and I say, “Chris Smith” then only Chris Smith will answer.

Today’s learning is about speaking not to everyone - not even to Chris, but to Chris Smith. Chris Smith is one on one. And thousands and even millions of Chris Smiths exist around the world.01:03

How do we use this power not to speak to an audience, but to speak to an individual one-on-one? How is it possible that we could use our website? How is it possible that we could use our brochure? How is it possible that we can do a presentation to a varied group of people and still be speaking to one person at a time? How can we make our marketing so personalized that people are astounded as if you’re speaking to them one on one.

Well welcome to the most important topic in marketing. You get this right and you will get a lot of stuff right. You get this wrong and you will get a lot of stuff wrong. The reason why it is so important for this to be right is because first of all, it starts to personalize your communication like nothing else before. But more impor-tantly, you don’t have to struggle to write anything anymore. You don’t have to struggle to create your presen-tations. You don’t have to struggle to write your brochure.02:02

The system works so effectively that literally the client starts writing everything for you. So what are you go-ing to learn today? Well today we’re going to cover three main topics. And the main topics are, “Why Target Audience Makes Marketing Difficult?”. Despite what you’ve been told target audience is not the solution.

The second is, “Target Profile versus Target Audience”. How does target profile matter even more that target audience? The third thing is, “How To Create Target Profile for Products and Services?” Now the purpose of this call is very simple. The purpose of this call is simply to make sure that you understand this concept and start to use it in your business.

And start to get results. Why do we need you to get results? We need you to get results because we’d like you to be part of the Attversumption Masterclass in Campbell, California on May 11th to the 14th this year.03:05

So just a brief understanding of what’s the Attversumption Masterclass and we’d go to the rest of the topic. Attversumption Masterclass is about the struggle. Now there is a basic flow in your marketing plan. That’s the reason why most businesses struggle. The reason why most businesses struggle is the lack of attention in the marketing plan to attraction, conversion and consumption.

So marketing plans usually have a factor of attraction and conversion. But they have no understanding of what consumption means and how it fits in. So why would you bother with consumption? Well they’re actu-ally 1/3 of the whole marketing plan. Most marketing plans don’t have a consumption model. They have a very weak attraction and conversion model. So when you get to the Attversumption Masterclass, what you will learn is you’ll stop to get the specifics of what you need to put in your marketing plan.04:02 You’ll understand the links and cross links between attraction, conversion and consumption. But why leave home? Why bother coming all the way to California? Well the reason is very simple, you won’t be just sitting in the class, you’ll actually work on the project itself. You’ll start to work on your own business and so you’ll learn a whole lot more because I’ll be there. I’ll help you. I’ll tweak. And it’s not just blah-blah, sit there, listen and go home.

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You can get that through any situation just by listening to audios, et cetera but this is actually a workshop. And just to get those details, it’s May 11th to the 14th. And to get the details you have to go to That’s So let’s get right back into today’s topic.05:00

The three main things that we’re going to cover today are, the first thing that we’re going to cover is “Why target audience makes marketing difficult?” The second is “Target profile versus target audience: Why it mat-ters?” And the third is “How to create target profile for products and services?” Let’s go to the first topic which is the concept of target audience. Why does target audience make marketing so difficult?

Well first, let’s understand one thing. The concept of target audience. How do we define target audience? What is a target audience? When you start to look at marketing, what do you start to get is a factor of, “Hey let’s start to look at an audience.” And the problem with an audience is easily defined if we start to look at three women. Now let’s assume that there are three women sitting in a cafe. And they’re all in their 30’s. They all live in the same neighborhood. They all went to the same schools, same university. All of them have the average of 2.2 kids.06:02

They all like wearing jeans. They all love buying shoes. And if you look at the data on paper, they seem alike. Now marketing calls this a target audience. They call it an audience and they label it with the term “demo-graphics”. So what is a demographic? A demographic is essentially a segregation of a group of people on the basis of what makes them similar. So if they’ve got certain similarities then you put them aside and you say, “Hey these are women, neighborhood, same university, kids, jeans, shoes, et cetera. On paper they all look alike.

And this is what most marketers call a target audience. Well the point is that let’s supposing these people, you wanted to sell them jeans. Now you know that they like jeans. They all wear jeans. But there’s a bit of a prob-lem because technically if you had these audience it should be very easy to sell jeans to this audience.07:00

But you’ll see that there is a problem. And the problem is very simple. The first woman she weighs 107 pounds which is 49 kilos. The second woman weighs 132 pounds which is 60 kilos. The third woman weighs 200 pounds which is 91 kilos. Now you’re selling a generic product like jeans. And you’re selling it to a demo-graphic. Logically, you should be able to sell it to all of these three women, no problem.

What you find is that you cannot do that. You cannot do that because you can’t actually sell to an audience. The first woman who weighs 107 pounds doesn’t have the same problem as the woman who’s 132 pounds, who doesn’t have the problem with the woman who has the weight of 200 pounds. And the reason for that is very simple. We’re not just debating a factor of weight here. We’re debating style and color and shape. There are so many parameters with why a person is going to buy your jeans.08:03

The purchase isn’t always dependent on the weight or waist. There are so many other factors. And what you do is you’ve technically picked a perfect target audience. They all live in the same neighborhood, same education. All are young mothers. All are addicted to caffeine. All love their jeans, et cetera. But you still have a problem selling them the jeans. And that’s because there’s really nothing in common. So when you start to look at how am I going to speak to someone. How am I going to get this audience’s attention? Yo have to find something in common.

Obviously, eventhough they’re wearing jeans, there’s nothing in common because they’re choosing on dif-ferent grounds. So what are those grounds? Let’s look at another example before we find out what exactly is this problem with target audience. Let’s suppose those same women now decided to look for something like shoes. Well one woman would decide on the basis of price. Another woman would decide on the basis of color. A third on the basis of size.

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The fourth in terms of shape. The fifth comfort and there are a whole variation of things that they would chose from. So it would never be one thing. One person would be buying on the basis of price, the other on comfort, et cetera. And yet this is an audience. They’re so similar. That’s a demographic. It should work. And it doesn’t. It doesn’t because essentially target audience doesn’t work like it should.

Now the biggest problem that most of us have, this is not just most of us in small businesses but if you look at the big businesses as well. You look at the medium-sized businesses, you look at every business, the first thing that they don’t know is they don’t know who their target audience is. They tried to sell to everyone. And you’ll see this on a page.

You’ll see someone writing five or different headlines. They’ll say, “Do you have these problems?” And they’ll list one, two, three, four, five, six problems. Well I’m not really interested in six problems. I’m only interested in one problem.10:04

So the first thing is that most of us don’t understand this factor. We don’t understand who is our target audi-ence. And the second thing is that we use terminology just like I am right now which is target audience. And we’ve just found that there are three women with very similar backgrounds and very similar in all ways. They form the perfect demographic and we can’t sell to them. We can’t sell shoes to them. We can’t sell coffee to them. We can’t sell jeans to them. What’s the problem?

The reason is the target audience itself is vague. So if target audience is vague then we’re stuck. What are we going to do then? Well what we have to do is we have to shift to the concept of target profile.11:01

Now target profile makes marketing very simple. Because you’re starting to speak to a specific audience. And the second thing that it does it makes communication a whole lot easier. It makes communication enor-mously easier because instead of you sitting there and trying to work out what am I going to write. What am I going to write for this webpage? What am I going to write for this brochure copy. What am I going to do for this presentation? You don’t do any of that. Your audience does it for you.

So how do we do this? How do we actually get to an audience member and start to speak to them and then everyone in the audience just perks up and listens. How can we possibly turn this around and say that target audience doesn’t exist and yet speak to an audience. Well we do this with the concept called target profile. So the second topic for today is target profile. Now there’s a difference between target profile and target audi-ence.12:00

Well first we have to define what is target profile. Target profile is not based on a demographic.It is actually based on a single person with a single problem. So for instance, it’s Chris Smith or Tania and we are specifi-cally speaking to one person. So let’s take the example of shoes for instance. Well you saw that there were several problems. One was price, second was color, third was size, fourth was shape, fifth was comfort and there were lots of other variations.

Now what we’re starting to see is that we’re defining this profile not by where they come from, what they do, where they live, what kind of coffee they drink, et cetera. But we’re actually defining it based on the biggest problem they have. So this is important for a very simple reason. First of all, it dramatically reduces the con-fusion in your marketing message. How does it do that? Let’s take an example of a shoe store.13:01

Now let’s supposing you own a shoe store, what would you do? You would stock the store with all kinds of shoes, all kinds of sizes, all kinds of stuff like that. And there would be variations of price, colors, size, shape, comfort. It wouldn’t solve the problem. It wouldn’t solve my wife’s problem for instance. So my wife has a shoe size of size five. Now size five is a very small shoe size for most of the women as you can tell. And she

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couldn’t get her shoes anywhere. Or if she does get her shoes then she doesn’t get them the style she wants. She doesn’t get it in the color she wants.

The first thing is that she cannot get her size. So she can walk through one, two, three, four, five shoe stores and not get the shoes that she wants. And if she does get the shoe that she wants then she cannot get it in the style that she wants.14:00

So what we are seeing here is a factor of we’re actually selling to an audience now that has a very specific problem. We’re not selling to all the women in the planet. We’re not selling to all the women in the western countries. We’re not selling to the eastern countries. We’re actually selling to my wife. Only one person. That’s Renuka. We’re only selling to one person.

Now is it possible to run a business selling to one person? Here’s how it works. There is a site called Feet Pe-tite. And Feet Petite essentially sells shoes to people with small feet. So they’ve got little feet. They’ve got size five and smaller. So what Feet Petite does is that they profile a person. They go look. Let me talk to Renuka. And Renuka has this problem. What is that problem? She has really small feet so she can’t get shoes.15:00

And they start to drill down on that one specific problem instead of just saying we’ve got loads of shoes, we can solve all your problems of price, color, size, shape, comfort. Because when Renuka’s looking for shoes, her primary problem is always going to be size. That’s the first thing that she’s going to look for. So if there are 50 signs out there and on of them says “size”, that’s what she’s going to look for when she’s looking for shoes.

So what we have there is a profile. We’re now only speaking to one person. But how does this work? Well obvi-ously it works because the business, Feet Petite, works exceedingly well. They sell to a lot of women. They have lots of events where women come to but the shoes. And size six and above don’t go to these events. So what they’ve done is they’ve very clearly isolated the Renuka and then managed to get all the Renuka’s that are interested.16:02 Now this is just in New Zealand. But if you take this concept and you go across the world, you will start to find that you are starting to appeal to one very small segment that has one specific problem. And so your question might arise. Well how do I then create a profile? Well I understand the profile, it’s different from an audience. It’s not just a demographic. But it’s people with this very specific problem. So how do I create this profile? There are five very clear steps that you need to follow to create a profile.The first thing is you have to start off with something vague. So you have to go and create a vague target audi-ence. The second is you have to choose a real person. The third is you have to list the problems you could solve. The fourth is you have to choose one problem then expand it. And finally you have to use a real person to get feedbacks. So let me explain how these all works.17:01

First of all, step one, vague target audience. What is a vague target audience? We had a vague target audience above. They were a people who drunk coffee, went to the same university, 2.2 kids, wearing jeans, shoes, et cetera. That’s a vague target audience. We know that we’re speaking to women. Now from that bunch of women, we actually chose one person. We chose a real person like Renuka. And we said, “Ok fine. There are 50 women there or 100 women or 2,000 women, we’re going to choose one person.”

Then we’re going to say well what if she buys, she wants to buy shoes, we’re selling shoes. List the number of problems that you could solve by you selling shoes. So you could sell shoes. The problems that could cause that you’d be solving could be a factor of price. You could sell better priced shoes, color, size, shape, comfort, occasion, whatever. You could sell on different categories.18:02

But you want to choose one of those problems. So you could say, “Well, are you struggling to find the right price, color, size, shape, comfort, fit and occasion?” Well you’re not actually communicating. You have to either talk about size or occasion or comfort or price. One of those things is going to appeal to Renuka more

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than anything else. So what you’ve got to do now is you’ve got to choose that one problem and then expand it.

So let’s suppose you chose the concept of size. Well if you chose the concept of size that would appeal to her. But how do we know that it’s going to appeal to her? What we’re going to do is we’re not going to sit at our desk and write copy. We’re not going to sit at our desks and try to figure out what’s going on in Renuka’s mind.

We’re actually going to use a real person. That’s step five. You’re going to call up the person. You’re going to take that person out to coffee. A real person, a person you can call. A person whose phone number you have. A person who can sit with you over lunch.19:03

And you are going to say here’s a list of these things. Here is the product we sell. Which one of these problems are of most interest to you? And she will pick it. And then you will know why that is important because you’re going to ask her. You’re going to ask her, “Well, what kind of problem do you have with size?” And then she’ll tell you. “What happens when you go to the shoe store? And then, “How do you feel?”

And so you’re starting to get a whole range of emotions and frustrations and problems and solutions. And she’ll write all the copy for you. All you have to do is make sure you record everything faithfully either on a dictaphone or on a piece of paper. And you will find that that one person will write all you’re copy for you. Will write your entire presentation for you because now you’re specifically targeting that one person. Now what you can do from here is then you take that information and you create your webpage.20:05

You’d take that information and you create your sales page. You’d take that information, you write your ar-ticle. You’d take that information, you create your presentation. Because that person has gone from a vague target audience to a real person to the list of problems. You choose one problem and expand it. And then you use a real person to get feedback because that person will give you the information.Now the objections I’ve come up are very quick. First of all is, wanted to exclude people. Well yes, it will exclude people. We are speaking to Chris. We’re not speaking to the world. But we’re not just speaking to Chris. We’re speaking to Chris Smith. So you will find that Chris Smith is interested in something. And there is something that is of most interest to him compared with anything else. And that amazingly there tens of thousands of Chris Smiths around the world. There are tens of thousands of Renuka’s around the world.21:02

There are tens of thousands of that same person duplicated several times over. And that if you speak to them, they’ll listen and they listen very attentively. So it is going to exclude people. This is what targeting is about. It’s not about getting your shotgun out and hoping something hits. You specifically go after one specific. Let me give you an example. Just this morning I was tweaking a website. And it was about blogging.

And there were several issues on that website about how blogging can help you with credibility, can get you get high profile, can get you get all those kinds of things. Well if you start to write something like I said that are on just a whole bunch of things. It’s very hard. It’s like writing for price, color, size, shape, comfort, fit and occasion. How do you sit down and write? How do you create an argument? Well it’s impossible. It’s not hard. It’s just impossible.22:00

And that’s why most communication is impossible. Well when you sit and you think well , let’s think now of Bruce. And so you go, ok first of all let’s start with a vague target audience. And vague target audience would be bloggers. Then we’ll choose a real person and that would be Bruce. Now what problems did Bruce have? Bruce has fewer customers. He has less credibility. He’s got a whole list of problems that Bruce could have as a blogger.

And in that there’s one problem which is most of you will have this problem or are likely to have this prob-lem. That is, you can blog your heart out and no one is making a comment. It frustrates you. it depresses you. Day after day you get to your blog. You make this absolutely stunning post and you don’t have an audience.

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Now Bruce feels that way. It would be really good Bruce to get customers. It would really be good for Bruce to get credibility. It would really be wonderful that Bruce could stand up on the stage and speak to a thousand people.23:12

But for God’s sake, if Bruce could just get five people responding to his blog every single day or every single week or whenever he posted. That’s the starting point. That’s what Bruce would be interested in. Now you can’t figure this out unless you actually speak to Bruce. You can’t sit there and try work out concepts in your brain because you’re sitting in your brain. You’re not sitting in the customer’s brain.

And it’s only when you start to speak to Bruce that Bruce will tell you these things. And he won’t tell this to you in the first five minutes. You probably got to have to speak to him for five, ten, fifteen, twenty minutes and then somewhere along Bruce will say, “You know what? I really would like people to comment back again. I hate writing everyday and not seeing any response.”24:00 So is it going to exclude people? Absolutely, it’s going to exclude people. But if you’re looking at your business and your business already has multiple target audiences, what are you going to do then? First recognize the fact that every business is going to have multiple audiences. There is not one kind of person that buys pizza. There is not one kind of person that buys a phone. However when you start to speak to people with a specific in mind, you will find that they will respond to that specific.So for instance when you start to see how the iPod is sold, you’ll think well how is the iPod sold? Well they have multiple audiences you know. There are old people, young people, joggers, all kinds of audiences, all kinds of demographics. But what are they really solving? They’re really solving a problem of not being cool enough. So the iPod is not the best in the world. It’s not the best MP3’s. It’s not the cheapest MP3. It doesn’t solve all those problems.25:01

What it does is it makes you really, really cool. So if you look at iPods advertising and one of the biggest reasons for their success, it’s like putting cool on your forehead. If you look at all their ads, they’re all cool. If you look at the styling , it’s cool. If you look at the way everything is set-up, everything is set-up for one single profile. That is one person who wants to be cool. And that’s how you set up. Even though you’ve got multiple audiences, you can send a one consistent message, solving one consistent problem.

Now if you’ve got several target audiences and you’re still petrified, well this is the world of digital. Today there’s digital printing. There’s digital photography. There’s digital everything, websites, everything. So if you’re so petrified that you’re driving away clients, well create five different pages with five different five prob-lems being solved. But every single page is only going to deal with one profile. One person, one problem.26:07

If you want to do offline, brochures. Well you can print five brochures at a time today, ten, before you had to print a thousand. You’ve got business cards and you want to focus on one person, well you can print batches of business cards. That’s today’s world. So there’s no reason to say, “Well I’ve got multiple audiences.” Ideally, you should be looking for one specific audience.

And we’ll take some examples just after this in the third section. Again, same thing with multiple products. You’ve got multiple products, you can have them on separate pages, separate brochures, separate everything, if you want to. What we found is that when you start to profile or when you start to use the “attversumption” which is attraction, conversion, consumption. What you start to get is a roll-over like karate. When someone joins a karate class, they are actually buying into several products.27:01

They’re buying into the white belt product, the yellow belt product, the green belt product, the black belt product. They’re buying to several products. And you’re moving them from one end to the other. And you’re doing that in a very systematic, strategic way. And yes you may have multiple products but each product is solving a different problem for a different person as they move down the scale. And so that’s what target profile does.

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The problem of a person with a white belt is not a problem with the red belt. The person with the red belt is not the problem with the black belt. You have to understand that a target profile is completely different for every stage of every product. And the third thing is well what if my product or service solves multiple prob-lems? You just saw that. Supposing you have a shoe store and you have price, color, size, shape, comfort, fit, occasion. Well every product solves multiple problems. But you have to pick one. That’s what we learned when we did the steps to create target profile.

The steps are: Start with a vague target audience. Choose a real person. List the problems you can solve. Choose one problem and then expand it. And use a real person to get feedback. So then how do we take this to the next level. If we choose one problem, how are we going to get the other problems or the other benefits and features across. You do this by driving home that first problem in all its glory. One, two, three, four para-graph until the person completely understands. This is for me. And then all of the other benefits, all of the other problems get solved. That becomes the big bonus. It’s like, “Oh yes, that would be great to have.”

So when Renuka’s going to buy her shoes, she’s looking at size and that’s the most important thing. And then after that she’s going to look at colors, she’s going to look at shape, comfort, occasion, et cetera. She is going to be interested in that stuff but right after you solve the biggest problem which is about size. If you don’t solve that one problem and don’t drive it home to completion, then all you’re doing is you’re waffling.29:10

And when you waffle, you’re not speaking to one person. You’re trying to speak to an audience. When you waffle you’ re not solving one problem, you’re trying to solve seven problems. It’s very, very hard to get a message across and most of the time the message goes crazy. It doesn’t get across because it’s just simply not speaking to a single person. You see today’s goal? And today’s goal we’re not talking about the entire thing in marketing. We’re just talking about target profile.

Why target profile is more important than target audience? And the only people that called today are those who are interested. So the email goes out to over 10,000 people. But only so many people, those who are interested in this specific topic are in the call today. And that’s it. No one else.30:00

So what we’ve covered so far is first of all, topic one which is why target audience makes marketing difficult? Then topic two which is target profile versus target audience. And the third thing is we’re going to see the real examples of target profile. Does it actually work in the real world? Or is it a whole bunch of crap? Well I’ll give you an example. Let’s say I said. “Ok, I want you to buy a $100 t-shirt. Now I’ve done this in many workshops.

Ok, how many of you would like to buy a $100 t-shirt? Now the average t-shirt is $20, $25, $30, maybe $40 but that’s about all you’re going to pay for a t-shirt. And occasionally you’ll get one or two people in the room say-ing, “Yes, I’ll buy $100 t-shirt. But my challenge is very simple. May challenge is how can I get 75% to 80% of this room to buy a $100 t-shirt. Now that’s a very difficult thing to say. How can you stand up and say to your audience?31:01

Well I’m going to speak to this audience and from this audience I’m going to carve a profile. And then when I say what I say, 75% to 80% of the people suddenly decide they want to buy a $100 t-shirt. How is that pos-sible? Well you use target profile to create clarity for your product. Now how do I sell a $100 t-shirt? I sell the $100 t-shirt by telling you what exactly that t-shirt does.

Imagine this. Imagine a t-shirt that you could wear in the desert. So it’s boiling hot 45 degrees centigrade. I don’t know how much that is in Fahrenheit but it’s very hot. You’re out in the boiling sun in the Middle East. Then you take that very same t-shirt and you’re wearing it in a cold place, very cool place. So you haven’t switched t-shirts. The same t-shirt you can wear in a very hot place, a very cold place.32:00

You can take that very same t-shirt and then you can wear it for one day, two days, three days, five days, seven

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days, 17 days, 27 days, 37 days, 47 days and it doesn’t stink. And the third thing is that you can wear that t-shirt, so if you would have just one or two layers of that t-shirt, you could go right down from sea level right up to mountains and it’s freezing cold and it’s snowing and you’re just wearing three layers of t-shirts.

So $300 worth of t-shirt, that’s all. Now who’s going to buy the t-shirt? Suddenly this seems like a magic t-shirt. It’s not a magic t-shirt. It’s a t-shirt that exists. It’s made by a company called IceBreaker. It’s a New Zealand company. It’ called IceBreaker. And the average cost of the t-shirt is $100. The beauty of it is the way they mar-ket it. They don’t always market it exceedingly well on their website. But if you look at their packaging, they talk about no stink. No stink.33:05

And their communication is through video. And you’ll start to see the testimonials of Sir Peter Blake. Now for those of you who don’t know who Sir Peter Blake is or was. Sir Peter Blake won the America’s top and he was a sailor. So he was out at sea, grinding, pulling down those sails, et cetera. And sometimes he was out there 30, 40, 45 days.

And he tried carbon t-shirts. He tried synthetic t-shirts. Two days tops, it will start to stink. This t-shirt could go for 45 days, handle the cold, handle the heat, not stink. No stink. See the clarity in that statement? It is now speaking to an audience that’s partially demographic which is people who are out there doing lots of activity. But what problem is it solving?

34:00 The problem that it’s solving is no stink. And so it gets a very clear message across. So that if I said to you “IceBreaker”, you could literally say the reason why I buy it at $100 is no stink. So target profile creates great, great clarity for your company. And target profile creates great clarity for your product. We just saw that with Feet Petite. We saw how they appeal to the Renuka’s of the world.

So IceBreaker how it appealed to the Karens of the world. There’s another site that I buy from. It’s called Vin-eonline. Now Vineonline is very simple. They sell $40 wines for $20 prices. So essentially what they’re doing is they’re saying you can buy fancy wine at 50% discount. So what is happening here. Essentially they’re looking at a profile. A profile of a sophisticated tightwad. A person that likes expensive wines, considers himself/her-self sophisticated but doesn’t want to pay the retail price.

So when we look at the various products, we see the clarity. With the first brand, Feet Petite you’re getting a specific of size. With the second brand is Ice-breaker you’re getting no stink. The Vineonline you’re getting $40 wine for $20 prices—the sophisticated tightwad. And if you start to look behind every single one of those, you’ll start to see there’s a person. So when you look at feet petite there’s Renuka, when you look at no stink there’s the late Sir Peter Blake, when you look at $40 wines at $20 prices you’re looking at me. I want the fancy wine but I don’t want to pay the prices.

And so you’re actually looking at the very specific profile. And when you write for that specific profile, you are creating something that’s magical - that appeals to that group and isolates everyone else. That there’s large enough numbers of that group and there always are enough to run a very profitable business and to create what is called loyalty.36:06

Now, loyalty is essentially a myth because loyalty doesn’t exist. People only buy things from you because it’s getting them some benefit. And so if they’re not getting stink, they’re getting $40 wine for $20, they’re getting a choice, you know of shoes of below size five that’s why they’re coming to you. That’s it. Now you see this and you start to see that a company can have this very clear target profile and as a result stand out from the rest of the companies.

You can also start to see this in products. Now if you look at Psychotactics itself you look at Brain Audit, you look at the Website Masterclass, you look at say a product like pricing and you’ll start to see that every single product is written for a different person. It’s not written from a perspective of writing headlines. I don’t sit

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there and go “Hey, what kind of neat headline can I write today?”37:01

It’s like I’m going to write from Matthew. Matthew is interested in pricing. Matthew tell me something about pricing and I can speak to Matthew and find out what are his individual problem with pricing and that’s my headline. And then as he speaks to me I’ll get the rest of information. And that’s how I’m going to write my copy. That’s how I make my presentation. That’s how I wrote my brochure. What people tend to do is they stupidly sit down and write copy. They stupidly sit down and create the presentation. They’re not thinking of anyone. They’re not able to speak to the person.So when we created the Website Masterclass which we’ve run for a couple of years in California before this Attversumption Masterclass. Essentially I spoke to someone and I spoke to the person called Mark. And I said “Well you know we’re doing this Website Masterclass, mark. What should I say, you know something like in-crease your customers to the website, et cetera?” And he said, “Yes that’s fine, you know but there’s a problem with your website and it’s different from my website”.38:07

He said, “I don’t have 10,000 customers.” So how am I going to make profit from that website? That became the headline. If you’d go to the Website Masterclass and you look at the headline, it talks about Mark. It talks to Mark. And how do we know that it sells? Because year after year we’ve had the Website Masterclass and it’s been absolutely full. There’s no standing room at the workshop.

When we sell home studies. And it’s one of our highest selling product. Because it actually speaks to the Marks of the world, that specific person. So you can start to see that, a) you can use this concept to profile for your company. You can use it for each your products. And you’ll see that you know, even in Psychotactics we have a very specific profile.39:02

We’re talking about structure and layering. We saw that in today’s goal as well. We went systematically from point one to point B to point C. I’m sorry, point A to point B to point C. And even when I told you how do you create a profile? I gave you five simple steps that you could create a profile. That’s called structure. That means that you understand what you’re doing. You understand how to do it. And you understand how to do it in a consistent basis.

And so when you start to understand what the customer wants because you’re actually speaking to Chris Smith or Renuka or Matthew. You’re actually speaking to someone and you can see their picture and you can speak to them on the phone. You can take them to lunch. You can do all that kind of stuff. That’s when you know that you’re actually getting a message across. Otherwise you’re just writing lines.

Otherwise you’re just writing stuff that’s completely wasted, useless and sounds like crap. Otherwise you’re just trying to tackle with too many problems in one goal. You’re just going “Ok, let’s cover choice and color and size and shape and comfort and everything”. And I don’t get anything.40:06

So let’s summarize what we’ve done and then let’s take questions. I’ll open up the line shortly. The three things that we covered. The first thing is “Why target audience makes marketing difficult?” Because the target audience can be perfect. They can all be three women sitting at the same cafe, going to the same neighbor-hood, same universities, same number of kids, wear jeans, buy shoes, et cetera. You look at the data on paper, it’s perfect but it doesn’t work. So that’s target audience for you.

Target profile on the other hand is when you’re speaking to one person, Chris Smith. And it matters because it’s very precise. You can speak to the person and you can go through the five steps where you actually start to first look at the vague target audience. And then you built from there and you go choose the real person, list the problems you could solve. Then choose one problem from that. Expand on it, expand, keep expanding on it, keep going for three, four paragraphs on your website.41:04

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And then use that real person to get feedback. So that you know that you’re actually speaking to someone’s real problems. And you will find that there are thousands of people out there who have the same, exact same problems and they see themselves as Chris Smith. And third is, “How to create a target profile for products and services?” I gave you the examples.You saw how it worked for Icebreaker which is no stink. Feet Petite, you saw how it works for their shoes. And Vineonline which is $40 wines for $20 prices. So you’re starting to see very clear profiles. And the same thing applies to products that you saw. The Brain Audit has a different profile but are actually speaking to com-pletely different person from Website Masterclass.

The Website Masterclass is completely different person from people who subscribe. It’s very clearly different, different profiles all the time and you’re speaking to a different profile. That’s how it works. So that’s the sum-mary. I’m going to take some questions and then I’ll wrap up. Yes.42:02

Wayne: This is Wayne.

Sean D’Souza: Yes, go for it, Wayne.

Wayne: I have five different levels of people, all within one market. I deal in the financial services industry. I have young advisers, brand new and young to the business, developing advisers who have been around for a while and still struggling with growth. The established advisors have been around for a long time. Mentors who are mentoring other people and management people.

And I’ve been dealing with these five audiences for many years. Do I hear you suggesting that I should break down each one individually and have a separate focal point for each of them so there’s no cross-referencing between them?

Sean D’Souza: Absolutely. Look Wayne, if I’m talking to you, for instance, and I’m talking to Brenda. Brenda is your wife, right?

Wayne: Yes.

Sean D’Souza: Ok, am I speaking to the same people?

Wayne: Not at all.43:02

Sean D’Souza: Ok. So, even if I’m showing you the same photograph, you’re looking at one part of the pho-tograph, I’m looking at the another part of the photograph. Brenda is looking at the other part of the photo-graph. If you show this to 10 people, each person is looking at a different part of the photograph. You’ll see this when you were a child, if you went out with your parents and you had this great instance of when you had this fabulous time with your father or with your mother.

And you go back and you tell your dad, “You remember this?” and he remembers nothing. And then he’ll turn to you and say, “Do you remember this?” and you remember nothing. Each person is looking at what they’re interested in at that point in time. And you want to speak to them pretty much like how people look at a photograph.

When they look at the photograph, they’re only looking first for themselves. So if I took a photograph of you because I know you’re a part of a Protege two years ago. And if you look at the photograph of the Protege of two years ago, I can guarantee I know exactly who you’re looking at first.

Wayne: Right.

Sean D’Souza: You’re looking at yourself.

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44:04 Wayne: Yes.

Sean D’Souza: And so that’s what every customer does. And if you start to talk about someone else, someone else in that Protege group then you’re not interested or you are less interested. So who should I speak to first? If I’m going to speak to you, I’m going to make sure that I speak only to you, Wayne. And that’s what makes a big difference. Yes, that’s what I’m suggesting.

I’m suggesting that you speak to a different audience with very specific. You need to actually know, ok the first person, the mentor that I’m speaking to that is Cristina. Here are Cristina’s problems. You need to be able to call up Cristina, take Cristina to lunch, work with her, talk to her and literally get an ok on the webpage based on Cristina’s biggest problem and then the subproblems. The same thing applies to Andy. Andy is probably in different stage of life from Cristina. You need to be able to speak to Andy.45:00

You cannot sit down there and expect one product to solve all their problems? Well it does. But it’s not as effective as if you specifically look at them as individuals just as you would look at the photograph and say “Well that’s me and that’s what I’m looking at first.” Because that’s what people do.

Wayne: So, does that mean that at my website I can have five doors?

Sean D’Souza: You can have five products. You can have one company profile. So for instance when you look at the Icebreaker for instance, now their website is not the grandest website that I would recommend. But essentially if they’ve got no stink can be worn at different temperatures and they’ve got different benefits or different problems to be solving they need to get one problem across so that they’ve hooked me on that one problem.

And then once they’ve got me their problem then they can sell me different products. Like they can sell me clothes that I need to wear on this type of trek or that type of trek or clothes that solve a style problem or something else. But at the very core they need to understand that there is one biggest problem. Oh go for it.46:13

Gabrielle: Oh good, thank you. First of all thanks for all the information.

Sean D’Souza: Who am I speaking to?

Gabrielle: Oh, I’m sorry my name is Gabrielle.

Sean D’Souza: Hi, Gabrielle.

Gabrielle: Now how do you handle free things? I have a lot of free things on my site and people are going there but they’re not going to purchase things.

Sean D’Souza: So the question is likely different from what we’re covering today in terms of target profiles. But let’s answer it from two points of view. One is from attraction point of view and the second is from a tar-get profile point of view. The first thing is you have to understand who am I really speaking to.

So if you’ve got free things on your website, you need to first understand well who is that person? Is it Ana that’s going to the website? Is it Renuka, is it Chris, is it Wayne? Who am I speaking to and what do they really want to solve? Because if I don’t understand that in the first place then I’m going to have a waffly free thing that I’m giving away.47:12

I’m not suggesting your stuff is waffly. I’m saying that I might have something that really doesn’t appeal to that person that I really, really want. So the first thing is a target profile. But the second thing about attraction

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which is how do I get the person to buy in to that thing? And you’re saying “Well wait a second, I didn’t say buy, I said free.”

Well the person doesn’t really want what it is you’re selling even if it is free because they still have to mentally buy into it. They still have to download it, they still have to listen to it. What makes a difference is the way you structure that information based on a target profile. So once you understand the target profile, you can start to write information or text that accompanies that free thing that causes people to go, “Wow, I really really want this. What is it? How do I download it? Where do I sign up?”48:08

So what you’ve got to do is you have to make sure first of all you know who you’re speaking to. And the second thing is, once you know who you speaking to, then you can very easily create information. Let me give you an example. Let’s supposing you say you have a product on pricing. Now well if you just said, “Ok I have a prod-uct on pricing, I’m going to sell it to or I’m going to give it away free. It’s a great product.”

But then no one is downloading it. No one is listening into it. What am I going to do? How am I going to do this? Well the first thing is, provided you have visitors to the website, first of all you got to recognize who is that visitor? What do they want? What part of pricing do they want? Do they actually want the whole con-cept of pricing or is it something like how do you increase your prices by 15% every quarter without losing customers?49:01

Now soon as I understand that, I understand someone who’s now into reasonably aggressive pricing. We’re not talking about some kind of artist or some kind of person that’s very... Some kind of person that wants to heal the world. We’re talking about someone that aggressively wants to increase their prices every quarter. That’s different from someone who wants to increase their prices every year. That’s different from someone who wants to increase their prices every six months.

And when you start to speak to that specific person, you’re going to put together a pitch which absolutely speaks to that one person. And that all those one person, so if you’re speaking to Chris Smith and Chris Smith wants to increase their prices every quarter. Well all the Chris Smiths of the world will respond to it. But you’ve got to know who you’re speaking to because if you don’t then you’re offering, the way you word your offering is going to be weak. And no matter how good the content, they’re not going to take it even if it’s free.50:02

Sean D’Souza: Did that answer your question Gabrielle?

Gabrielle: Yes it did. Thank you very much. They’re helpful.

Sean D’Souza: So why are we having this session? We’re having this session for a very simple reason. And the reason is that if you want to write a marketing plan, you want to create a marketing plan that increases your revenue by 300% or more, you need to have a factor of attraction, of conversion and consumption. Most of these marketing plans don’t have consumption at all.

And if you don’t have consumption in your marketing plan well it’s going to fall to pieces for a very simple reason. If the customer doesn’t consume what they bought from you, they’re not going to come back. And you don’t need hundreds and thousands of customers. You just need a selected numbers of customers that keep coming back and eating just like they do at the restaurants time after time after time.

It doesn’t matter whether you sell refrigerators or beds or computers or services or training. The point is how do you get this marketing plan together. How are you going to see this step by step strategy unfold for your business as a one on one person.51:11

This is what you can do at the workshop. You not only learn the concepts but you actually apply it at the workshop. So to get more information go to That’s

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Attversumption Masterclass | | 15 or send me an email at [email protected]. This event is from May 11-14 in California and this is been brought to you by

Now what are we going to do next week? Next week we’re going to go into opt-in. We’re going to see what is opt-in. Is it just filling in the forms so that you get people on your database? How do we structure opt-in? What are the dynamics of opt-in? How does it play its role in consumption? How does it play its role in attraction?How does it play its role in conversion? You’ll stop to see how opt-in plays an enormous role and why it’s often just left behind by most people?52:09

Why they don’t understand the concept of opt-in? And how it makes a big difference whether you given away something free or selling something. Once you learn opt-in you will stop to reconstruct your information in a way that’s completely different from what you’re doing right now. So I’ll speak to you next week and we’ll talk about opt-in. This is Sean D’Souza from saying goodbye for now and I’ll speak to you soon. Bye, bye.


More information:To get goodies on Attversumption (yeah, free): (Only available free till April 30, 2008)To contact Sean: [email protected] | 64 9 449 0009To ask questions about the event or about other doubts: [email protected]

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