Psyche Sample

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  • 7/31/2019 Psyche Sample



    Xrfttcd ky

    Gfidc Nirjb Airgcr

    Kiscg jd tac lyta j` Nupfg idg Usynacis tjbg fd Wac Hjbgcd Iss ky Ipubcfus

    Bfbfita & UcdulkrignaEbfbfitaidgpcdulkri.njl(>;>)078-3>;8

  • 7/31/2019 Psyche Sample


    [CIGC[ DJWC=

    Wj kjrrjw `rjl Mjad Iuhust's fdtrj `jr Wac Dfdcs, F lust cxpbifd waitwfbb kc jkvfjus tj vfcwcrs kut djt tj rcigcrs= scvcrib intjrs wfbb kcpbiyfdh lubtfpbc pirts fd tafs `fbl.

    9) VJSDH F^W[I idg U^VNAC

    ;) LIFI idg J[SIB

    >) [CVIDDC idg [CGFPIB

    Ft wfbb ibb lioc scdsc - F prjlfsc.


  • 7/31/2019 Psyche Sample



    Acivy krcitafdh.

    @IGC FD=


    Giro. I trfnobc j` ljjdbfhat `rjl i nrino fd tac nurtifdsrcvcibs vcry bfttbc cxncpt `bisacs j` twj `jrls ljvfdhtjhctacr jd i kcg. Wac sjudgs j` rihhcg krcitafdh idgrustbfdh saccts lioc ft nbcir waits hjfdh jd.

    Wacd tacrc irc twj hisps, `jbbjwcg ky sbjw sfhas j` pbcisurc,idg jdc j` tac `jrls rjbbs jvcr fdtj tac ljjdbfhat. Fts tjjgiro tj gfstfdhufsa idytafdh jtacr taid tait fts i XJLID,acr krcita qufnocdcg idg acr `inc hbfstcdfdh wfta swcit. ^acqufctby witnacs tac stirs jutsfgc.

    Wafs fs G[. NAI[FWV JK[FCD (lfg->5s).

    Wac giro saigjw j` tac UC[^JD sacs wfta dughcs acr.

    LID^ PJFNCAcy - waitrc yju tafdofdh:

    Nairfty krcios fdtj i slfbc idg turds tjwirg afl.

    NAI[FWVWait F aivc tj pcc.

    ^ac hfvcs afl i pcno jd tac nacco, tacd nbflks jut j` kcg idgnrjsscs tac rjjl.

    Wacrcs i @BI^A J@ BFHAW is sac `bfps tac swftna -

    - rcvcibfdh ILJ^ DHSVCD (lfg->5s), i vcry`ft lid - is fd,`jrlcr-Divy-^CIB-djw-NFI-^pcnfib-Jpcritfjds-Hrjup-j``fncr `ft- waj H[JID^ idg pubbs tac njvcrs jvcr afs acig.

    NAI[FWV (NJDWG)(djt sjrry)


    ^ac NAJ[WBC^ idg turds tac bfhat kino j``, gunofdh fdsfgc tackitarjjl must fd tflc tj ivjfg i pfbbjw lfssfbc.

    Wacrcs tac KS]] j` i pajdc djtf`fnitfjd, idg Iljs `incrcippcirs `rjl udgcr tac njvcrs, bft ky tac kbuc bfhat j` afspajdc snrccd.

    ILJ^Acy - kikc:

  • 7/31/2019 Psyche Sample


    NAI[FWV(lu``bcg, tarjuha tac gjjr)


    Iljs turds jd tac kcgsfgc bfhat idg ljvcs tj pubb jd sjlcnbjtacs.

    ILJ^Bjjos bfoc F hjtti hj fd.

    Wacrcs i @BS^A, idg Nairfty rcippcirs.

    NAI[FWVKut - tac ifrpjrt! Fl bcivfdh fdmust i njupbc ajurs idywiy - nidtyju wift:

    Iljs saiocs afs acig dj idg stcps up tj acr, wrippfdh acr fdafs irls. Wacy OF^^.

    I`tcrwirgs, ac puts afs nafd jd acr acig, wafna sacs bcidfdhihifdst afs nacst.

    NAI[FWV (NJDWG)Sha. Wait lcids Fbb aivc tj tioc inik.

    ILJ^Xcbb, F gjdt cvcd aivc tflc tjsajwcr.

    ^ac stfnos acr djsc fd afs irlpft idg tiocs i kfh sdf``, tacd

    pubbs iwiy, acr djsc ibb wrfdobcg wfta `iux gfshust.

    NAI[FWVWacyrc surc hjfdh tj rchrct tait.

    Iljs BISHA^ idg pubbs acr fdtj idjtacr qufno OF^^.

    ILJ^F ibsj gjdt aivc tflc tj gj tafsrfhat.

    Ac pubbs i [FDHKJQ jut j` afs pjnoct idg hfvcs ft tj acr.

    ^ac jpcds ft - ft's id CDHIHCLCDW [FDH.

    ^ac hrfds it afl idg puts ft jd. Wacd sac OF^^C^ afl ihifd.

    Idg tait's tac wajbc prjpjsib.

    Iljs pubbs iwiy.


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    ILJ^ (NJDWG)Bjvc yju, gjro - Fbb ^oypc yju fdDcw Vjro, joiy:


    Bjvc yju, tjj, dcrg.

    Ac hriks i UINOCG GS@@CB KIH `rjl udgcr tac kcg idg fs hjdc.

    Nairfty sfhas idg nbflks fdtj afs sfgc j` tac kcg, sduhhbfdhfdtj afs pfbbjw.

    ^ac iglfrcs acr dcw rfdh `jr i ljlcdt, tacd rcinacs jvcr idgturds jut tac bfhat.


    ^bcco krfno strunturc wfta ljgcrd bidgsnipfdh. ^CDFJ[^bjftcr, ibjdc idg fd hrjups, jd tac hrjudgs - tafs fs irctfrclcdt ajlc.

    I VCBBJX NIK pubbs up idg Nairfty nbflks jut.

    Idjtacr XJLID stcps `jrwirg `rjl dcxt tj tac `rjdt gjjr,slfbfdh. Wafs fs ^AIXDWIV, i kfh, naccr`ub DS[^FDH IWWCDGIDW(lfg->5s).

    Nairfty stcps up tj acr idg ^aiwdtiy BISHA^, pubbfdh acr fdtji kfh auh.

    Wacd sac ajbgs acr it irls bcdhta, H[FDDFDH.

    ^AIXDWIVVjurc `fdibby acrc!


    Ft's hjjg tj scc yju ihifd! ^jrry Fgfgd't lioc tac bist rcudfjd -ajws Miy:

    ^AIXDWIVIt tait stihc j` prchdidny wacrcyju cit ibb tac tafdhs. Wacrc irc ibjt j` bitc dfhat trfps tjHrfstcgcs. Xait ikjut Iljs:

    Nairfty sajws acr acr bc`t aidg, tac CDHIHCLCDW [FDH hbcilfdhfd tac sudbfhat.

    ^aiwdtiy hrfds idg hfvcs acr i afha `fvc.


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    ^AIXDWIV (NJDWG)Njdhrits! Idg wacd gfg tafs aippcd:

    NAI[FWVXait tflc fs ft: Liykc sfx ajursihj:

    ^AIXDWIVVju aivc i gitc yct:

    NAI[FWVAi - dj. Ajdcstby, F aivc dj fgciajw tafs wfbb wjro wfta afs mjk. Acfs ibwiys jd nibb. Idg F lcidIBXIV^.

    ^aiwdtiy rifscs id cyckrjw, tacd ajbgs tac `rjdt gjjr j`Bfbbfid Kjjtas jpcd `jr acr kc`jrc `jbbjwfdh acr fdsfgc.


    Bfoc i buxury ajtcb, cxncpt ibb tac hucsts irc ^CDFJ[^.^aiwdtiy occps wibofdh, idg Nairfty aurrfcs tj occp up.

    ^AIXDWIVXcbb, i`tcr yju'rc gjdc wfta yjurfdtcrvfcws, wc nid hj `jr gfddcridg yju nid tcbb lc ibb ikjut ft.

    Nairfty djgs.

    NAI[FWVCxncpt F nidt tcbb yju cvcrytafdh-

    ^AIXDWIV-niusc tacd yjug aivc tj ofbb lc.F hct ft.

    (ifr qujtcs)Ftg kc trcisjd.

    ^ac rjbbs acr cycs.

    ^AIXDWIV (NJDWG)Usaiw, F siy.

    Nairfty nidt acbp BISHAFDH.

    Wacd ^aiwdtiy stjps, ibljst liofdh Nairfty kulp fdtj acr.

    Wacrcs i N[JXG hitacrfdh irjudg i wfdgjw jpcdfdh jdtj iWC[[INC. Wac `ifdt sjudg j` jpcritfn sfdhfdh nid kc acirg.


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    F^W[I (J.^.)(sfdhfdh)

    Ivc Lirfi, Hritfi pbcdi-

    ^aiwdtiy turds tj Nairfty.

    ^AIXDWIVJa hjg - fts Ls. @fsacr. Fbb kcrfhat kino.

    ^aiwdtiy rusacs tjwirg tac nrjwg, Nairfty `jbbjwfdh ljrcsbjwby kcafdg.

    F^W[I (J.^.)(sfdhfdh)

    Lirfi, hritfi pbcdi-


    I busa hrccd spinc wfta i slibb gcnjritfvc pjdg. I pfbc j`nbjtacs sfts dcxt tj sifg pjdg -

    - idg id JBG XJLID (15s) sfts fd tac witcr, acr cycs nbjscg.^ac fs quftc kciutf`ub, kut sac fs ibsj diocg. Wafs fs F^W[I@F^AC[.


    Lirfi, hritfi pbcdi-

    ^aiwdtiy hriks i tjwcb idg rud-wibos up tj acr.

    ^AIXDWIVLs. @fsacr: Bct lc must acbpyju kino tj yjur rjjl.

    F^W[I (NJDW'G)(sfdhfdh)

    Ivc, ivc gjlfdusGjlfdus tcnul-

    Fstri stjps sfdhfdh, jpcds acr cycs, idg hbircs it ^aiwdtiy.

    F^W[I (NJDWG)Dj, taido yju. Fl pcr`cntbynipikbc.

    Idg sac stidgs wfta pcr`cnt hrinc tj stcp jut j` tac pjdg.^aiwdtiy qufnoby njvcrs acr -

    - kut Fstri kits acr aidgs iwiy, hrikkfdh tac tjwcb acrscb`idg wibofdh kino fdsfgc.

    ^aiwdtiy bcts jut i ^FHA, idg hriks Fstris nbjtafdh.

    Nairfty `jbbjws kcafdg.


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    ^aiwdtiy `jbbjws i trifb j` wct `jjtprfdts, Nairfty nbjsc jdacr accbs. Wacy stjp fd `rjdt j` tac gjjr tj jdc j` tacprfvitc suftcs.

    ^AIXDWIV^jrry ikjut tafs - F'bb must acbpLs. @fsacr hct grcsscg, tacd sajwyju tj yjur `frst fdtcrvfcwsukmcnt.

    NAI[FWV(rc`crcdncs nbjscg gjjr)

    Xait ikjut acr: Xay fsdt sac jd lybfst:

    ^aiwdtiy saiocs acr acig.

    ^AIXDWIVLs. @fsacr: ^ac's i kft kcyjdg waityju'rc hjfdh `jr, F tafdo.

    Nairfty must slfbcs it acr. ^aiwdtiy `fdibby slfbcs kino.

    ^AIXDWIV (NJDWG)Joiy - `fdc - kut gjd't siy Fgfgd't wird yju.

    ^aiwdtiy hfvcs i qufno ODJNO, tacd jpcds tac gjjr i kft.


    Ls. @fsacr: Vju gcncdt: F'vc hjt ly`rfcdg Gjntjr J'Krfcd wfta lc.^ac'g bfoc tj spcio wfta yju, f`tait's ibrfhat.

    F^W[I (J.N.)(`rjl fdsfgc)

    Vcs, ^aiwdtiy - njlc jd fd.

    ^aiwdtiy jpcds tac gjjr wfgcr idg sajws Nairfty fdsfgc.


    I slibb bjvc scit idg njzy naifr irc tac jdby pbincs tj sft,wafbc i kjjonisc jvcrstu``cg wfta kjjos `fbbs jdc wibb, idg islibb uprfhat pfidj `fbbs idjtacr. I lusfn stidg jvcr`bjwfdhwfta sacct lusfn stidgs fd i njrdcr, fd `rjdt j` i birhcnikfdct rcnjrg pbiycr.


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    Wac `jnib pjfdt j` tac rjjl, tajuha, fs i @[ILCG JUC[IUJ^WC[, igvcrtfsfdh tac pcr`jrlidnc j` F^W[I @F^AC[ isLirhucrftc fd @iust, gitcg 9600.

    ^aiwdtiy ljvcs tjwirg Fstri, waj sfts jd tac bjvc scit wftapcr`cnt pjsturc. ^acs wcirfdh i buxurfjus kitarjkc, idg acr

    aifr fs wrippcg up fd tac birhc tjwcb hfvcd tj acr ky^aiwdtiy.

    ^AIXDWIVXidt lc tj acbp yju hct grcsscg,liil:

    Fstri tiocs acr nbjtacs `rjl ^aiwdtiy idg grjps tacl fd ipfbc jd tac tikbc fd `rjdt j` acr, fhdjrfdh tac qucstfjd.^aiwdtiy saiocs acr acig.

    ^AIXDWIV (NJDWG)Irc yju wirl cdjuha, li'il: ^aibb F

    lioc yju sjlc tci:

    Fstri hfvcs acr i nairlfdh slfbc.

    F^W[IWaido yju, ycs.

    ^aiwdtiy gfsippcirs fdtj i slibb OFWNACD.

    Lcidwafbc, Nairfty stcps up tj i sacb` `ubb j` @[ILCG UAJWJ^.I yjudhcr Fstri (bitc ;5s), acr ^F^WC[^ (>5s), acr @IWAC[(bitc 35s) -

    - idg tac bist jdc, j` i GJDOCV. Nairfty turds tj Fstri,ikjut tj iso ikjut ft, kut Fstris kccd witnafdh acr.

    F^W[I (J.N.) (NJDWG)(naunobcs)

    Waits Bunfus. Ac wis ly pct wacd Fwis yjudhcr. Bfvcg tj kc ibljst`jrty ycirs jbg, f` yju nid kcbfcvcft.

    Nairfty ljvcs tj tac naifr. ^aiwdtiy rcippcirs idg scrvcstacl tci, tacd sfts jd tac bjvc scit dcxt tj Fstri.

    F^W[I (NJDWG)(tj ^aiwdtiy)

    Vju sifg sac-(fdgfnitcs Nairfty)

    -wis yjur `rfcdg:


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    ^aiwdtiy idg F wcrc rjjllitcs itNjbulkfi. Xacd sac acirg F wisgjfdh tafs stugy, sac hivc lc inibb, suhhcstfdh F sajubg tibo tj

    sjlc j` yjur dcfhakjrs acrc.

    Fstri tiocs i sfp j` acr tci.


    NAI[FWVF'l i psynafitrfst gjfdh i stugy jdtac bfdo kctwccd nrcitfvfty idglcdtib fbbdcss.


    F scc. Must kcniusc F'l jbg gjcsd'tlcid F'l lcdtibby fbb.

    Nairftys cycs wfgcd wfta fddjncdnc.

    NAI[FWVJa - `jrhfvc lc - F ligc idissulptfjd kiscg jd tac bjvcbypcr`jrlidnc F must wftdcsscg, idgtait wis wrjdh.

    (kcit, scirnacs `jr wjrgs)Fts must sj njlljd `jr nrcitfvcpcjpbc tj struhhbc wfta lcdtib

    fbbdcss - idg sjlctflcs, kcniuscsjnfcty bfocs tj usc taitstcrcjtypc is ibljst i lihfnib wiyj` cxpbifdfdh tac cxfstcdnc j`tibcdt tacy gjdt udgcrstidg,nrcitfvc pcjpbc j`tcd rcncfvc igfihdjsfs idywiy, rchirgbcss j`wactacr fts gcscrvcg jr djt.

    ^aiwdtiy hfvcs acr i suktbc taulks up.



    Fstri sfts up i bfttbc strifhatcr (f` taits pjssfkbc).


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    F^W[IWait's vcry truc. F wis i `iljussjpridj - F sidh ibb tac hrcitjpcris - idg kcniusc tacy gfgd'tudgcrstidg ly pissfjd idg wait fttjjo tj kc i hrcit irtfst, ly

    `ilfby aig lc njllfttcg tj idfdsidc isybul.(kcit)

    Ajdcstby, F tafdo ly sfstcrs wcrcmust mcibjus F wis Usynac, idg taitF wis kcnjlfdh i hjggcss.

    Nairfty slfbcs wftajut kittfdh id cyc.

    NAI[FWVCxintby. ^j liy F fdtcrvfcw yju `jrly stugy: F must widt tj acir sjlcj` yjur stjrfcs ikjut yjur bf`c is

    id irtfst, idg ajw tait gfihdjsfsnilc tj kc.

    Fstri hfvcs acr tac sfgc-cyc, kut DJG^.

    NAI[FWV (NJDWG)Waido yju.

    Nairfty pubbs jut acr UAJDC, ibrcigy jpcd tj i [CNJ[GFDH IUU.^ac afts tac [CG KSWWJD tj rcnjrg, idg scts ft gjwd jd tactikbc fd `rjdt j` acr.


    (tj tac rcnjrgcr)Fdtcrvfcw wfta Fstri @fsacr, Mudc95, ;591. Gjntjr Nairfty JKrfcdidg Ls. @fsacr's dursfdh ittcdgidt,^aiwdtiy Minosjd, kjta prcscdt.

    Nairfty pubbs i DJWCKJJO jut j` acr KIH idg turds tjwirgFstri. ^ac `bfps ft jpcd tj i bfst j` qucstfjds.

    NAI[FWV (NJDWG)@frst j` ibb, F must cxpbifdcg tjyju way F'l acrc. Nid yju tcbb lcwait tait rcisjd wis, fd yjur jwdwjrgs:


    Vju irc gjfdh i stugy jd tac bfdokctwccd nrcitfvfty idg lcdtibfbbdcss.

    Nairfty slfbcs.


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    NAI[FWVIdg wait pbincs yju fd tac nitchjryj` nrcitfvc:

    F^W[IF il i `iljus jpcri sfdhcr.

    Nairfty saf`ts fd acr naifr, hrjwfdh scrfjus.

    NAI[FWVIdg nid yju pbcisc sairc wfta lcwait lcdtib fbbdcss yju wcrcgfihdjscg wfta:

    F^W[I^nafzjparcdfi. Xacd F wis tafrtyycirs jbg.

    (kcit)Fl sjrry - F dccg i ljlcdt.

    ^ac tiocs i stcigyfdh krcita. ^aiwdtiy tjunacs acr irl.


    Vjurc gjfdh vcry wcbb.

    Fstri giks it acr cycs wfta i AIDGOC[NAFC@.

    Nairfty tiocs i sfp j` acr tci, hfvfdh tacl i ljlcdt. Wacdacr pajdc KS]]C^ wfta i tcxt, sj sac pfnos ft up.

    ^ccfdh fts `rjl Iljs, acr krjw `urrjws wfta wjrry. ^ac tips

    tj rcig ft.

    JD ^N[CCD= p

    ^AIXDWIV (NJDWG)Nairfty:

    Nairfty bjjos up tj `fdg acrscb` stidgfdh, kjta wjlcdwitnafdh acr wfta njdncrd.

    NAI[FWVFts Iljs. Fbb must kc i lfdutc.

    ^aiwdtiy djgs, idg Nairfty stcps jutsfgc.


    Nairfty tips acr pajdc tj nibb Iljs.

    Ft gjcsdt cvcd rfdh=


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    ILJ^(tarjuha pajdc)

    Vjuvc rcinacg Iljs Dyuhcd. Bcivclc i lcssihc, idg Fbb nibb yjukino is sjjd is F nid.

    NAI[FWV(fdtj pajdc)Acy - fts lc. F must hjt i wcfrgtcxt `rjl yju, wafna liocs lcwjrrfcg kcniusc yju prjkikby bc`tjd i lfssfjd tafs ljrdfdh, wafnalcids yju wcrc suppjscg tj aivchjdc giro idg djt kc tcxtfdh lc, sjFl ajpfdh yjurc joiy. Idg f` yjuI[C joiy, F odjw yju wjdt kcibbjwcg tj rcspjdg idywiy, wafnawjubg must lioc yju i mcro `jrliofdh lc wjrrfcg jvcr id iss-

    gfibcg tcxt fd tac `frst pbinc.^jjjj... F hucss taits ft. Bjvcyju, dcrg. Njlc ajlc sjjd.

    ^ac aidhs up, bcttfdh jut i ^FHA. Wacd sac stcps kino fdsfgctac rjjl.


    Nairfty hfvcs ^aiwdtiy i slibb slfbc idg rcturds tj acr scit.Lcidwafbc, Fstri ippcirs is f` djtafdh ais gfsturkcg acr -yju wjubgdt odjw sacg must kccd upsct.

    F^W[IFs cvcrytafdh ibrfhat, GjntjrJKrfcd:

    NAI[FWVF must aig tj rcspjdg tj i tcxt.

    F^W[IWj Iljs - ycs. Ac lust kc flpjrtidttj yju.

    Nairftys niuhat j``-huirg. ^acg `jrhjttcd sacg sifg afsdilc.

    NAI[FWVVcs. Acs ly `fidn.

    Fstri hfvcs acr acr nairlfdh slfbc. Wacd sac turds tj^aiwdtiy.


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    F^W[I(tj ^aiwdtiy)

    Gfg F cvcr tcbb yju ikjut LV`fidn: J` njursc, ac cvcdtuibbykcnilc ly auskidg...

    ^aiwdtiy's `inc fs i liso j` surprfsc.

    ^AIXDWIVDj - F gjdt tafdo sj - ibb yjurrcnjrgs ibwiys bfstcg yju is sfdhbc-

    Fstri stidgs idg hbfgcs tjwirg tac rcnjrg pbiycr. Afttfdh tacswftna, LS^FN kchfds tj pbiy.

    Fts tac fdtrj tj tac sjdh sac wis sfdhfdh cirbfcr,IvcLirfi.


    Xacd F wis yjudhcr, F aig lidyiglfrcrs kut dj suftjrs.

    Kjta Nairfty idg ^aiwdtiy bcid `jrwirg, gcspftc taclscbvcs.


    I pinocg ajusc. Wac LS^FN tridsftfjds `rjl tac rcnjrgcgvcrsfjd jd tac rcnjrg tj tait j` i BFPC J[NAC^W[I.

    I VJSDHC[ PC[^FJD J@ F^W[I (>5), i wjlid wajsc sig cycs wfbboccp yju fdtrfhucg `ir bjdhcr taid acr pcr`cnt kciuty cvcr

    njubg, stcps jut jdtj tac stihc j` tac fnjdfn rjjl, tac scits`fbbcg wfta wcbb-grcsscg pcjpbc, stidgfdh idg NACC[FDHbjugby.

    ISGFCDNCKrivi! Cdnjrc!

    Vjudh Fstri stcps tj ncdtrc stihc idg ajbgs acr aidgs up.Cvcryjdc hjcs qufct idg sfts gjwd.

    Vjudh Fstri nbjscs acr cycs, tiocs i gccp krcita, idg jpcdsacr ljuta tj sfdh=


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    VJSDH F^W[I(sfdhfdh)

    Ivc Lirfi, Hritfi pbcdiLirfi, hritfi pbcdiLirfi, hritfi pbcdiIvc, ivc gjlfdus

    Gjlfdus tcnulKcdcgfnti tu fd lubfcrfkusCt kcdcgfntusCt kcdcgfntus `runtus vcdtrfsPcdtrfs tuic, McsusIvc Lirfi

    Acr sfstcr LIFI (>3), i wjlid wfta tfhat, giro nurbs idgtfrcg cycs, sfts dcxt tj acr kbidg auskidg HCJ[HC (33), idgfs cdtridncg wfta wait fs hjfdh jd jdstihc.

    Dcxt tj tacl sfts Fstris jtacr sfstcr [CVIDDC (>>),i sj`t,pissfvc, pfdo nbjug j` `clfdfdfty, idg acr auskidg MJAD (>3).

    [cyiddc `fhats kino i VIXD idg bcids acr acig jd Mjadssajubgcr.

    Lcidwafbc, is sac sfdhs, Vjudh Fstri fs udikisacg - hfvfdhacr ibb tj tac sjdh.

    VJSDH F^W[I (NJDWG)(sfdhfdh)

    -Ivc Lirfi, Litcr Gcf.Jri prj djkfs pcnnitjrfkusJri prj djkfsJri, jri prj djkfs pcnnitjrfkus.

    Lifi niddjt tcir acr cycs `rjl acr, idg suknjdsnfjusby ajbgsacr krcita, strifdfdh wfta cvcry `fkcr tj acir cina djtcnjlpbctcby.

    VJSDH F^W[I (NJDWG)Dudn ct fd ajri ljrtfs,Ct fd ajri ljrtfs djstricCt fd ajri ljrtfs, ljrtfs djstricCt fd ajri ljrtfs djstricIvc Lirfi.

    ^bjwby, qufctby, tac sjdh njlcs tj i nbjsc, idg Vjudh Fstrikjws acr acig, spcdt.

    Wacrc fs i ljlcdt j` iwcg sfbcdnc.

    Wacd tac nrjwg MSLU^ kino tj fts `cct idg taudgcrs wftaIUUBIS^C.

    Lifi witnacs Vjudh Fstri prjugby idg nbips, acr cycsgidhcrjusby krfhat.


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    Lcidwafbc, jdstihc, Vjudh Fstri `fdibby jpcds acr cycs idgbjjos it tac iugfcdnc tait fs stfbb ippbiugfdh acr wfta istidgfdh jvitfjd. ^ac fs djw grcsscg fd Idnfcdt [jlid ittfrc.

    ^ac saiocs acr acig, `rjwdfdh, idg qufnoby bcivcs tac stihc,fhdjrfdh tac nrfcs `jr idjtacr cdnjrc.

    Lifi witnacs acr sfstcrs cxft, i puzzbcg cxprcssfjd jd acr`inc - kut tacd rcibfzcs tait tac iugfcdnc fs stfbb nbippfdh,sj sac slfbcs it Hcjrhc idg occps nbippfdh is wcbb.

    [cyiddc, lcidwafbc, fs sjudg isbccp jd Mjads sajubgcr.


    Limcstfn `butcg pfbbirs sajubgcr tac hrcit strunturc, wafnastidgs jd i afbb. ^cvcrib jtacr tclpbcs irc dcirky -

    fdnbugfdh i auhc jdc `jr Mupftcr - kut tafs fs tac jdc wacrci N[JXG J@ SUUC[-NBI^^ XJLCD irc hitacrfdh.

    Fts Iprfb ;>rg, idg tacyrc ikjut tj ncbckritc tac PfdibfiSrkidi.

    U^VNAC (>5),pbiycg ky tac silc wjlid is Vjudh Fstri, ippcirs`rjl fdsfgc tac tclpbc, qufnoby wibofdh gjwd tac stcps tjmjfd tac nrjwg.

    Acr WXJ ^F^WC[^, J[SIB (>3),pbiycg ky tac silc wjlid isLifi, idg [CGFPIB (>>),pbiycg ky tac silc wjlid is [cyiddc,ippcir fd tac gjjrwiy kcafdg acr, tryfdh tj nitna up.

    U^VNACFts djt ly `iubt!

    Usynac gjcsdt djtfnc - sacs uscg tj ft - kut sac griws ibjt j` stircs idg gjukbc-tiocs `rjl tac pcjpbc irjudg acr.

    J[SIBF odjw.

    U^VNACF dcvcr isocg `jr tafs. Ajw gj Fhct tacl tj stjp:

    [cgfvib kursts jut BISHAFDH, is f` tafs fs tac `uddfcst tafdhsacs cvcr acirg.

    [CGFPIBF` tacy njubg must scc yju fd tacljrdfdh, tacrcs dj wiy tacyg cvcrtafdo yju wcrc-


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    Jruib cbkjws acr qufct, acr ljuta twftnafdh wfta i slfbc.

    Aurt, Usynac wibos iacig, mjfdfdh tac hrjup j` wjlcd stidgfdhdcir i GFWNA kcsfgc tac tclpbc, wacrc MSUFWC[^ AFHA U[FC^Wstidgs LSWWC[FDH jvcr scvcrib NI^O^ J@ XFDC.

    Acr sfstcrs mjfd acr.

    Usynac ^FHA^, `rustritcg.

    U^VNACXait lust sac tafdo j` lc:

    Jruib slfbcs, tryfdh tj njdsjbc acr.

    J[SIBUsynac, Fl surc sac gjcsdt tafdoj` yju it ibb.

    I `bisa j` rcbfc` nrjsscs Usynacs `inc.

    U^VNACF ajpc djt.

    Wac Afha Urfcst turds idg ajbgs up afs aidgs `jr qufct.

    MSUFWC[^ AFHA U[FC^WXfta tafs, bist ycirs vfdtihc j`sinrcg wfdc, wc hfvc Mupftcr afstrfkutc.

    Usynac, Jruib, [cgfvib, idg tac jtacr wjlcd ibb NACC[ is tac

    nisos irc jpcdcg idg pjurcg fdtj tac gftna.

    Fts i mjy`ub ncbckritfjd -

    - kut tacd Usynac idg acr sfstcrs turd tj `fdg I VJSDHU[J^WFWSWC (93) odccbfdh it acr `cct wfta i KJSYSCW j` [J^C^,LV[WBC, idg [S^AC^.

    [cgfvib bcts jut i `rustritcg ^FHA.

    [CGFPIB[cibby: Ihifd:!

    Wac sfstcrs qufnoby nfrnbc irjudg tac hfrb, urhfdh acr tj hctup.

    Wac jtacr wjlcd fd tac nrjwg strcil irjudg tacl, bcivfdh `jrljrc `cstfvc ncbckritfjds.

    J[SIB(tj prjstftutc)

    Xait irc yju gjfdh acrc, nafbg:(LJ[C)


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    Vju sajubg kc it tac Njbbfdctclpbc, djt acrc.

    [cgfvib HFHHBC^ dcrvjusby wacd tac hfrb rc`uscs tj ljvc.


    F` tac jtacr wjlcd scc yju, yjubbkc wafppcg. Vju odjw wjlcd j` yjurtypc ircdt ibbjwcg acrc.

    Usynac odccbs idg bjjos tac prjstftutc fd tac cyc.

    U^VNACFl djt acr. F prjlfsc. Fl mustaulid. DJW Pcdus.

    Wac hfrbs cycs wcbb up wfta tcirs. ^ac j``crs Usynac acrkjuquct.

    U[J^WFWSWCJa - kut yju irc! F odjw ft, mustis pbifd is bjjofdh it yju. Ubcisc -F krjuhat yju tafs - pbcisc,hjggcss - kbcss lc wfta sjlc j`yjur kciuty idg `ivjr!

    Usynacs `inc sj`tcds, idg sac bcids `jrwirg tj ofss tacprjstftutc jd tac `jrcacig idg inncpt acr kjuquct.

    Wac hfrb, hritc`ub, N[FC^ idg KJX^ kc`jrc bcivfdh.

    Jruib turds tj Usynac.

    J[SIBFd `rjdt j` acr jwd tclpbc:! Vjutclpt acr writa.

    [CGFPIBJruib, F tajuhat yju sifg tachjggcss gjcsdt tafdo j` acr itibb.

    J[SIBXcbb, F bfcg.

    Usynac, lcidwafbc, fhdjrcs tacl, tiofdh tac kjuquct idgstirtfdh kino up tac stcps j` tac tclpbc.

    Acr sfstcrs gjdt odjw wactacr tj `jbbjw acr jr djt.

    Usynac, stfbb ajbgfdh tac kjuquct, stcps tarjuha tac gjjrfdtj--

    J[SIB (NJDW'G)


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    FDW. NI[DCHFC AIBB - F^W[I^ G[C^^FDH [JJL - DFHAW (9607)

    Bivfsa `bjwcrs idg `ruft kisocts `fhat `jr spinc fd tafsbuxurfjus, afggcd djjo.

    Usynac, stfbb wcirfdh acr Idnfcdt [jlid hirk, stcps fdsfgc

    idg sauts tac gjjr kcafdg acrscb`.

    Wacd, sbfgfdh gjwd tj tac `bjjr, sac tiocs i gccp krcita j`tac kjuquct sacs stfbb ajbgfdh kc`jrc kurstfdh fdtj tcirs.


    Bjdh idg gflby-bft. Lifi, [cyiddc, Hcjrhc, idg Mjad - grcsscgfd gcnigc-ipprjprfitc ittfrc- stidg jutsfgc tac rcncdtby-nbjscg gjjr.

    Wac lu``bcg sjudgs j` Vjudh Fstris N[VFDH nid kc acirg `rjlfdsfgc.


    ^ajubg wc hj fd:

    Lifi saiocs acr acig, dj.

    LIFI^acs fd jdc j` acr ljjgs. Flrcibby wjrrfcg ikjut acr.

    Hcjrhc tiocs acr aidg idg hufgcs acr iwiy `rjl tac gjjr. Mjadputs afs irl irjudg [cyiddcs sajubgcrs, idg tacy `jbbjw.

    MJAD(tj Lifi)

    Ajw sj:

    Lifi saruhs.

    LIFI^ac must scclcg jgg jdstihc, fsibb.

    [cyiddc HFHHBC^.

    [CVIDDCKut sacs ibwiys kccd jgg, Lifi.

    Lifi slfbcs.

    LIFILjrc sj taid usuib, tacd.


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    Hcjrhc squcczcs acr aidg.

    HCJ[HCVju odjw acr kcttcr taid idyjdc. F`yju siy sjlctafdhs wrjdh, tacdsjlctafdh lust kc wrjdh.

    Lifi hfvcs afl i hritc`ub bjjo.

    [CVIDDCKut nid ft wift `jr idjtacr giy:Fl zjdocg.

    Mjad swjjps acr up fdtj afs irls, idg sac ^A[FCO^ wftagcbfhat.

    MJADWacd F juhati hct yju ajlc, bfttbcbigy!

    Lifi mjfds fd tac biuhatcr, idg bcts acrscb` kc pubbcg iwiy`rjl Fstris grcssfdh rjjl.


    Nairfty idg ^aiwdtiy irc stfbb bcidfdh `jrwirg, bfstcdfdh.

    Fstri sfts kino fd tac bjvcscit idg udwrips acr aifr,stirtfdh tj gry ft wfta tac tjwcb.

    F^W[IWait wis tac giy ly sfstcrs gcnfgcgF lust kc sfno.

    NAI[FWVKut wait ikjut yjur `fidn: Vjusifg tafs stjry wis ikjut afl.

    Fstri stjps wait sacs gjfdh idg sfts up tibbcr, acr cycssafdfdh.

    F^W[I(tj Nairfty)

    Ac njlcs bitcr fd tac stjry. Idgyjubb scc - ac wcdt lfssfdh, tjj,kut F `judg afl fd tac cdg. Gjdtwjrry - F must odjw yju wfbb, tjj.

    Nairftys slfbc gfsippcirs. ^ac stidgs.

    NAI[FWVKut Iljs fsdt lfssfdh, Ls. @fsacr.


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    Fstri `urrjws acr krjw, njd`uscg. Nairfty, lcidwafbc, kbfdos,tryfdh tj hct acr kcirfdhs - sacs suggcdby gfzzy.

    ^aiwdtiy rusacs tj acr sfgc.


    (wafspcrs)Vju joiy:

    Nairfty `jrncs i slfbc idg sfts kino gjwd.

    NAI[FWV(udgcr acr krcita)

    Gfzzy spcbb.

    ^ac stirts tj pino acr tafdhs.


    Aippcdfdh i bjt:

    Nairfty saruhs.



    ^aiwdtiy hrfds it acr.

    ^AIXDWIV(`jrhcttfdh tj wafspcr)

    Ft wis jdc j` tac `frst sfhds `jr

    Miy tait sac wis prchdidt.

    Nairftys cycs wfgcd. ^ac hriks acr pajdc, stjps tacrcnjrgfdh, idg stidgs tj bcivc. ^aiwdtiy, stfbb hrfddfdh,`jbbjws suft.

    Fstri bcids kino jd tac bjvc scit, acr cycs nbjscg.

    F^W[I@jrhfvc lc `jr djt stidgfdh,bigfcs, kut F `fdg lyscb` udusuibbytfrcg.

    ^AIXDWIVF'l hjfdh j``-saf`t djw - kut wjubgyju bfoc lc tj scdg Kridgjd fd tjnacno jd yju:

    F^W[I(saiocs acig, dj)

    F'bb kc `fdc. Must dccg tj rcst.(LJ[C)


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    Waido yju `jr yjur vfsft, GjntjrJ'Krfcd - Fg kuy jdc j` tajscgruhstjrc prchdidny tcsts jd yjurwiy tj yjur ajtcb, f` F wcrc yju.

    ^aiwdtiy BISHA^ idg sacpacrgs Nairfty jut tac gjjr kc`jrc sac

    nid rcspjdg.


    Wacrcs tac KCCU j` i ocynirg jpcdfdh tac gjjr, idg tacdNairfty ippcirs, nirryfdh jdc j` tajsc WFD@JFB ^XID^ J@BC@WJPC[^ idg i UIUC[ KIH `rjl i G[SH^WJ[C. ^ac turds jd tacbfhat, puts tac swid fd tac lfdf-`rfghc, idg tjsscs acrminoct idg pursc isfgc.

    Ofnofdh j`` acr sajcs, sac nirrfcs tac pipcr kih fdtj -


    Bfoc cvcry jtacr ajtcb kitarjjl yjuvc cvcr sccd, cxncpt wftatac gctrftus j` Nairftys ljrdfdh rjutfdc.

    Uubbfdh gjwd acr pidts, Nairfty sfts jd tac tjfbct idg jpcdstac kih, pubbfdh jut i AJLC U[CHDIDNV OFW. Jpcdfdh tac kjx,sac pubbs jut tac UCC ^WFNO.

    Xfta i ^FHA, sac ajbgs ft gjwd wacrc sac nid UCC jd ft.

    Wacd sac puts ft jd tac njudtcr, `busacs, pubbs acr pidts

    kino up, idg wisacs acr aidgs.

    Djt odjwfdh wait tj gj wfta acrscb` wafbc sac wifts `jr tacrcsubts, sac sfts kino gjwd jd tac (nbjscg) tjfbct idg pubbsjut acr UAJDC -

    - tacrcs i LC^^IHC DJWF@FNIWFJD. ^ac afts UBIV, idg i vfgcjj` Iljs, fd `rjdt j` i pbifd kinohrjudg, stirts.

    ILJ^Acy, kikc - hucss F lfsscg yju.Bfstcd, F nidt hfvc gctifbs, kutFl hjfdh tj kc hjfdh giro `jr iwafbc. F bjvc yju, gjdt wjrry, idgFbb nibb yju is sjjd is F nid,joiy: Ofno iss wfta yjur stugy idglioc lc prjug.

    Idg tacd tac vfgcj stjps.

    Nairftys njd`uscg. ^ac nacnos tac WFLC ^WILU j` tacdjtf`fnitfjd=

    F^W[I (NJDW'G)


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    JD UAJDC ^N[CCD= 95=9> U.L. C.^.W.

    Acr `inc `ubb j` rcbfc`, sac jpcds i dcw tcxt tj Iljs=

    JD ^N[CCD= Vju dcrg! ^j ft rcibby wis id iss-tcxt: Vju2chhpbidt cljmf4

    ^ac tips ^CDG, ^FHA^, tacd rclclkcrs tac pcc stfno ihifd.

    ^ac nacnos ft.


    Gizcg, sac wibos kino jut tj -


    Nairfty nbflks udgcr tac njvcrs wfta acr nbjtacs stfbb jd,

    afttfdh UBIV jd Iljs lcssihc ihifd.

    Acr cycs irc krfhat wfta tcirs, kut sac rc`uscs tj bct tacl`ibb.

    Xacd tac lcssihc fs gjdc, sac must afts UBIV ihifd.
