Project on Judicial Activism

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  • 7/24/2019 Project on Judicial Activism




    Efaf Ali (3rd year 5th sem)JUDICIAL ACTIVISM



  • 7/24/2019 Project on Judicial Activism



    Chapteriatio! Pa"e No.


    Table of Abbreviation ....................................................................................................5


    I. Introduction.............................................................................................................6

    Brief introduction of the research project

    Objects of research

    Research Methodology

    cheme of !hapteri"ation

    II. Judicial Activism......................................................................................................9

    III. Public Interest Litigation.........................................................................................16

    IV. Imlication o! Judicial Activism..............................................................................1"

    V. #onclusion.............................................................................................................$1


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    (&is ro)ect reort &as been reared b' t&e aut&or as a student o! 3rd 'ear under t&e !ive

    'ear %%A.LL.% *+, Program in t&e -A( La/ c&ool !or academic uroses onl'. (&e

    vie/s e0ressed in t&is reort are ersonal to t&e student and do not re!lect t&e vie/ o!

    commission or an' anot&er erson la/ sc&ool or an' o! its sta!! or ersonnel. An' !or

    academicall' ublis&ing o! t&is article t&en it must be aut&orit' !rom t&e resective la/

    sc&ool in an' manner. (&is reort is t&e 2International La/ and egulation o! e!ugees and

    t&e same or an' art t&ereo! ma' not be used in an' manner /&atsoever /it&out e0ress

    ermission o! t&e -A( La/ c&ool in /riting.

    !a! Ali

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    I !eel &ig&l' elated to /or on t&is d'namic and &ig&l' imortant toic t&at is

    2Judicial Activism. (&is toic instantl' dre/ m' attention and attracted me to researc& on it.

    I am !ortunate to be rovided /it& an oortunit' to /rite m' aer under t&e ind

    suervision o! -r. ac&in &arma *Asst. Pro!. -A( La/ c&ool, and I am t&an!ul to &im

    !or roviding me /it& t&e aroriate guidance /&ile /riting t&e aer.

    (&is aer /ould not &ave been ossible /it&out &er valuable inuts &onest remars

    and earnest e!!ort to guide me t&roug&out t&e dra!ting o! t&e aer. I /ould lie to e0tend m'

    sincere t&an to &er !or giving me &er valuable time to vie/ m' researc& !rom &er bus'


    I am &ig&l' indebted to t&e librar' sta!! to &el me !ind t&e relevant boos and

    )ournals and ot&er o!!icials and o!!ice sta!!s /&o &ave also e0tended t&eir &el /&enever


    I /ould lie to e0tend m' sincere t&ans to m' !riends and !or t&eir revie/ and &onest


    o I &oe I &ave tried m' level best to bring in ne/ ideas and t&oug&ts regarding t&e

    basics o! t&is toic. 7ot to !orget m' dee sense o! regard and gratitude to m' !acult' adviser-r. ac&in &arma /&o la'ed t&e role o! a rotagonist. Last but not t&e least8 I t&an all t&e

    members o! t&e -A( La/ c&ool and all ot&ers /&o &ave &eled me in maing t&is ro)ect

    a success.

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    (able o! Abbreviations

    (7#.(erms And #onditions

    .#..................................................................................................................ureme #ourt

    +.#.....+ig& #ourt

    PIL....Public Interest Litigation


    V. ......Versus

    (AI..(elecom egulator' Aut&orit' o! India

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    Judiciar' &as become t&e centre o! controvers' in t&e recent ast on account o! t&e sudden

    level o! )udicial intervention. (&e area o! )udicial intervention &as been steadil' e0anding

    t&roug& t&e device o! ublic interest litigation.

    (&e )udiciar' &as s&ed its rostatus:uo aroac& and taen uon itsel! t&e dut' to en!orce

    t&e basic rig&ts o! t&e oor and vulnerable sections o! societ' b' rogressive interretation

    and ositive action.

    (&e ureme #ourt &as develoed ne/ met&ods o! disensing )ustice to t&e masses t&roug&

    t&e ublic interest litigation. ;ormer #&ie! Justice P7. %&ag/at under /&ose leaders&i

    ublic interest litigation attained a ne/ dimension comments t&at is intended to re!er to and cover t&e action o! t&e court in e0cess

    o! and be'ond t&e o/er o! )udicial revie/. ;rom one angle it is said to be an act in e0cess

    o! or /it&out )urisdiction. (&e #onstitution does not con!er an' aut&orit' or )urisdiction !or

    >activism> as suc& on t&e #ourt.

    Judicial activism re!ers to t&e inter!erence o! t&e )udiciar' in t&e legislative and e0ecutive

    !ields. It mainl' occurs due to t&e nonactivit' o! t&e ot&er organs o! t&e government.

    Judicial activism is a /a' t&roug& /&ic& relie! is rovided to t&e disadvantaged and

    aggrieved citi=ens. Judicial activism is roviding a base !or olic' maing in cometition

    /it& t&e legislature and e0ecutive. Judicial activism is t&e rendering o! decisions /&ic& are

    in tune /it& t&e temer and temo o! t&e times.

    In s&ort )udicial activism means t&at instead o! )udicial restraint t&e ureme #ourt and

    ot&er lo/er courts become activists and comel t&e aut&orit' to act and sometimes also direct

    t&e government regarding olicies and also matters o! administration.

    Judicial activism &as arisen mainl' due to t&e !ailure o! t&e e0ecutive and legislatures to act.

    econdl' it &as arisen also due to t&e !act t&at t&ere is a doubt t&at t&e legislature and

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    e0ecutive &ave !ailed to deliver t&e goods. (&irdl' it occurs because t&e entire s'stem &as

    been lagued b' ine!!ectiveness and inactiveness.

    (&e violation o! basic &uman rig&ts &as also led to )udicial activism. ;inall' due to t&e

    misuse and abuse o! some o! t&e rovisions o! t&e #onstitution )udicial activism &as gained


    O()e#ti*es of the paper +-

    (&e aer &as been designed to !ul!ill !ollo/ing ob)ectives /&ic& could contribute

    and !acilitate to en&ance t&e understanding !ollo/ing?

    1. (o stud' and understand /&at )udicial activism is.

    $. (o stud' and anal'=e t&e merits o! )udicial activism.

    3. (o stud' and anal'=e t&e dra/bacs o! )udicial activism

    4. (o stud' and anal'=e t&e rocess o! imlication o! )udicial activism

    5. (o stud' and no/ t&e areas o! )udicial activism.

    6. (o stud' and no/ t&e various aroac&es to )udicial activism.

    Resear#h Metho,o$o"+-

    (&e doctrinal met&od o! researc& &as been used /&ic& involve collection o! data

    !rom bot& rimar' and secondar' sources. (&e researc&er &as relied on rimar' sources lie

    International #&arters resolutions o! t&e international bodies and committees related t&ereto

    and econdar' sources lie boos /ritten b' various eminent aut&ors and articles !ound in

    t&e )ournals and /ebsites e)ournals. @se o! internet also became ver' relevant to !ind out t&e

    most udated relevant and at in!ormation /&ic& &eled me in e0loring t&e sub)ect !rom

    various dimensions.

    S#he%e of Chapteriatio!

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    (&e comlete ro)ect is divided into !ive c&aters. (&e !irst c&ater is an introduction to t&e

    researc& ro)ect. (&e second !ocuses on /&at Judicial Activism is. (&e t&ird one is t&e stud'

    on Public Interest Litigation. (&e !ourt& c&ater deals /it& t&e rocess o! recogni=ing t&e

    imlications o! Judicial Activism. And t&e last c&ater is t&e closing o! t&e aer summing u

    t&e aer and !inding out a !inal conclusion !rom t&e aer.

    Ch II - /,i#ia$ A#ti*is%

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    (&e )udicial activism is use o! )udicial o/er to articulate *e0ress, and en!orce /&at is

    bene!icial !or t&e societ' in general and eole at large. ureme #ourt desite its

    constitutional limitation &as come u /it& !l'ing colors as a c&amion o! )ustice in t&e true

    sense o! t&e /ord. J@(I# t&is seven letter /ord is one o! t&e most debated ones in t&e

    entire nglis& dictionar'. it& t&e entire /orld oulation being lined to it t&ere is no

    doubt about t&e !act t&at /it& c&anging tongues t&e de!inition does c&ange. (&e )udicial

    activism &as touc&ed almost ever' asect o! li!e in India to do ositive )ustice and in t&e

    rocess &as gone be'ond /&at is rescribed b' la/ or /ritten in blac and /&ite. Bnl' t&ing

    t&e )udiciar' must ee in mind is t&at /&ile going overboard to do )ustice to common man

    must not overste t&e limitations rescribed b' sacrosanct i.e. (&e #onstitution.

    Judicial activism describes)udicialrulings susected o! being based on ersonal or olitical

    considerations rat&er t&an on e0isting la/.1(&e :uestion o! )udicial activism is closel' related

    toconstitutional interretationstatutor' construction and searation o! o/ers.

    Black#s $aw Dictionaryde!ines )udicial activism as a

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    describing it as )udicial e0tremism )udicial terrorism transgression into t&e domains o! t&e

    ot&er organs o! t&e tate negating t&e constitutional sirit etc.

    Judicial activism imlies going be'ond t&e normal constraints alied to )urists and t&e

    #onstitution /&ic& gives )urists t&e rig&t to strie do/n an' legislation or rule against t&e

    recedent i! it goes against t&e #onstitution. (&us ruling against ma)orit' oinion or )udicial

    recedent is not necessaril' )udicial activism unless it is active. In t&e /ords o! Justice J.

    Verma Judicial Activism must necessaril' mean 2 t&e active rocess o! imlementation o!

    t&e rule o! la/ essential !or t&e reservation o! a !unctional democrac'.

    In a modern democratic set u )udicial activism s&ould be looed uon as a mec&anism to

    curb legislative adventurism and e0ecutive t'rann' b' en!orcing #onstitutional limits. (&at

    is it is onl' /&en t&e Legislature and t&e 0ecutive !ail in t&eir resonsibilit' or tr' to avoid

    it t&at )udicial activism &as a role to la'. In ot&er /ords )udicial activism is to be vie/ed as

    a 2damage control e0ercise in /&ic& sense it is onl' a temorar' &ase. ecent times &ave

    seen )udiciar' la' a intrusive roles in t&e areas o! constitutionall' reserved !or t&e ot&er

    branc&es o! governments. Issues in )udicial activism arise /&en governance is aarentl'

    done b' -andamus.

    (&e #onstitution o! India oerates in &a' &armon' /it& t&e instrumentalities o! t&e

    e0ecutive and t&e legislature. %ut to be trul' great t&e )udiciar' e0ercising democratic o/er

    must en)o' indeendence o! a &ig& order. %ut indeendence could become dangerous and

    undemocratic unless t&ere is a constitutional disciline /it& rules o! good conduct and

    accountabilit'? /it&out t&ese t&e robes ma' rove arrogant.3

    Judicial activism is t&e vie/s t&at t&e ureme #ourt *.#, and ot&er )udges can and s&ould

    creativel' *re,interret t&e te0ts o! t&e #onstitution and t&e la/s in order to serve t&e )udges>

    o/n visions regarding t&e needs o! contemorar' societ'. 4Judicial activism believes t&at

    )udges assume a role as indeendent olic' maers or indeendent

  • 7/24/2019 Project on Judicial Activism


    societ' t&at goes be'ond t&eir traditional role as interreters o! t&e #onstitution and la/s. (&e

    concet o! )udicial activism is t&e olar oosite o! )udicial restraint.

    ;ailure on art o! t&e legislative and e0ecutive /ings o! t&e Kovernment to rovide Fgood

    governanceG maes )udicial activism an imerative. Celivering )ustice to a oulation o! over

    a billion does not sound lie and never /ill be an eas' tas. It &o/ever becomes increasingl'

    di!!icult in a countr' lie India. (&e 0ecutive t&e Legislature and t&e Judiciar' are t&e t&ree

    /ings o! t&e Indian democrac'.

    Judicial activism &o/ever came into its o/n onl' in t&e last coule o! 'ears. In &is Cr. air

    +ussain -emorial Lecture ;ormer #&ie! Justice o! India A.-. A&madi said 2In recent

    'ears as t&e incumbents o! Parliament &ave become less reresentative o! t&e /ill o! t&e

    eole t&ere &as been a gro/ing sense o! ublic !rustration /it& t&e democratic rocess. (&is

    is t&e reason /&' t&e *ureme, #ourt &ad to e0and its )urisdiction b' at times issuing

    novel directions to t&e e0ecutive.

    -an' are critical o! )udicial activism as an e0ercise o! )udicial o/ers /&ic& dislaces

    e0isting la/s or creates more legal uncertaint' t&an is necessar' /&et&er or not t&e ruling &as

    some constitutional &istorical or ot&er basis. Judicial activism can be considered as

    2legislating !rom t&e benc&. ome &ave even gone to t&e e0tent o! calling it )udicial t'rann'.

    (&is imlies t&at a )udge is ruling on t&e basis ersonal olitical convictions or emotions.

    Ceclaring t&at t&e )udiciar' &as a vital !unction to rotect minorit' rig&ts in a luralist

    societ' !ormer Attorne' Keneral o! India oli J orab)ee said >>)udicial activism &as

    contributed to t&e rotection o! !undamental &uman rig&ts.5

    &en serious issues lie environmental ollution cro u and t&e statutor' bodies tae no

    action and t&e eole su!!er t&e courts &ave to ste in to alleviate &uman su!!ering &e added.

    #alling uon t&e )udiciar' to evolve a >>)urisrudence o! comassion>> -r orab)ee said t&e

    institution o! ublic interest litigation *PIL, &ad &eled to secure >>!undamental rig&ts as a

    living realit' !or some sections o! societ'.>> +o/ever t&e senior ureme #ourt la/'er

    cautioned t&at PIL >>could not be treated as a ill !or ever' ill>> and said t&at some &ad soug&t

    to use it as an instrument o! blacmail and oression. (&e )udiciar' &ad to be vigilant


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    against ersonal olitical and ublicit'oriented litigation mas:uerading *Pretend to be

    someone or somet&ing t&at 'ou are not , as PIL &e added. +o/ever t&e abuse o! PIL /as not

    a ground !or its abolition or restriction as it &ad la'ed an imortant role in securing )ustice to

    su!!ering sections ranging !rom undertrial risoners to c&ildren /oring in &a=ardous

    occuations and /orers treated as slaves in :uarries and ilns. Lauding Justice *etd., V

    Nris&na I'er !or &is )udgments u&olding rig&ts o! risoners -r orab)ee said torture /as

    ramant in Indian rison cells. %' giving )udgments against solitar' con!inement and

    &andcu!!ing o! risoners Justice Nris&na I'er &ad u&eld basic &uman dignit'.

    Judicial activism mig&t sound !or a la' man a &eav'dut' term but in t&e simler manner is

    :uite eas' to comre&end. e can sa' in simle /ords t&at )udicial activism is a ractice b'

    t&e )udges t&at does not involve t&e balance o! la/ instead it &amers it. In )udicial activism

    t&e )udge laces &is !inal decision /it& &is &eart and mind /&ic& is emotionall' &andled. It

    at times /ors in our !avour to save !rom t&e /rong decision to tae lace but at times it also

    bac!ires on us. In ot&er /ords /e can easil' sa' t&at )udicial activism is t&e ractice going

    be'ond t&e normal la/ !or t&e )ur'. (&ere are some ver' imortant cases /&ic& come in t&e

    tal /&enever /e discuss about )udicial activism in India. Bhopal gas tragedy and the

    %essica $al Murder caseare among t&e to t/o. (&e latter /as an oen and s&ut case !or all.

    -one' and muscle o/er tried to /in over t&e good. %ut latel' it /as /it& t&e &el o!

    )udicial activism t&at t&e case came to at least one decision. (&e t/o most rominent !igures

    in t&e %ar #ouncil o! India /&ose names are t&e most inter related /it& )udicial activism are

    Justice Pra!ullac&andra 7at/arlal %&ag/ati and Justice Vaid'anat&aura ama Nris&na I'er.

    The &olak 'ath case6is an e0amle o! )udicial activism. (&e ureme #ourt b' a ma)orit' o!

    si0 against !ive laid do/n t&at t&e !undamental rig&ts as ens&rined in PartIII o! t&e

    #onstitution are immutable and be'ond t&e reac& o! t&e amendator' rocess. (&e o/er o!

    arliament to amend an' rovision in PartIII o! t&e #onstitution /as taen a/a'. In

    (esavananda Bharati case b' a ma)orit' o! seven against si0 t&e ureme #ourt &eld t&at b'

    Article 36" o! t&e #onstitution Parliament &as amending o/ers. %ut t&e amendator' o/er

    does not e0tend to alter t&e basic structure or !rame/or o! t&e #onstitution. (&e basic

    !eatures o! t&e #onstitution being ? *i, uremac' o! t&e #onstitution8 *ii, eublican and

    C. %+@ LAL 2Judicial Activism and Accountabilit' idd&art& Publications I%7 ? "1$$M15"33"39

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    Cemocratic !orm o! government8 *iii, ecularism8 *iv, earation o! o/ers bet/een t&e

    legislature t&e e0ecutive and t&e )udiciar'8 and *v, ;ederal c&aracter o! t&e #onstitution.

    uremac' and ermanenc' o! t&e #onstitution &ave t&us been ensured b' t&e

    ronouncement o! t&e summit court o! t&e countr' /it& t&e result t&at t&e basic !eatures o!

    t&e #onstitution are no/ be'ond t&e reac& o! Parliament.

    A!ter maing t&ese observations certain reasons can be generali=ed /&ic& lead to )udicial

    activism. (&e !ollo/ing are some o! t&e /ell acceted reasons /&ic& comel a court or a

    )udge to be active /&ile disc&arging t&e )udicial !unctions assigned to t&en eit&er b' a

    constitution or an' ot&er organic la/.

    i, 7ear #ollase o! resonsible government.

    ii, Pressure on )udiciar' to ste in aid.

    iii, Judicial ent&usiasm to articiate in social re!orm and c&ange.

    iv, Legislative vacuum le!t oen.

    v,(&e constitutional sc&eme.

    vi,Aut&orit' to mae !inal declaration as to validit' o! a la/.

    vii,ole o! Judiciar' as guardian o! !undamental rig&ts.

    viii, Public con!idence in t&e )udiciar' etc.

    In t&e 19"MGs t/o remarable develoments in t&e Indian legal s'stem rovided a strong us&

    to )udicial activism in India."(&ere /as a broadening o! e0isting environmental la/s in t&e

    countr' and )udicial activit' t&roug& ublic interest litigation began in earnest in India. (&ese

    t/o develoments gave more scoe to citi=ens and ublic interest grous to rosecute a

    cororation or a (7# /&ic& violates environmental norms.

    It is a no/n !act t&at )udicial activism &as given us some ver' good case la/s and at&

    breaing )udgments /&ic& even led to revolutionar' c&anges in t&e societ' (o den' )udicial

    activism to t&e courts is to nulli!' t&e )udicial rocess and to negate )ustice. (ae a/a'

    !Bmdutt role o! )udiciar' in t&e democratic s'stem o! india *)udicial activism under t&e sureme court o! india,? golden researc& t&oug&ts *set 8 $M1$,

    "by )ranay $al and *eena %ha+ ,Judicial activism and t&e environment in India. Imlications !or transnational

    cororations Bccasional aer no.6 reort as art o! unctad Dcbs ro)ect? #ross %order nvironmental-anagement In (ransnational #ororations

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    )udicial activism and t'rann' /ill ste in to !ill t&e vacant sace.9 It is rig&tl' stated b'

    !ormer Justice +ida'tualla& t&at 2(&e !irst rincile to observe is t&at t&e /isdom o! t&e la/

    must be acceted. A little incursion into la/maing interstitiall' as +olmes ut it ma' be

    ermissible. ;or ot&er cases t&e attention o! Parliament andDor Kovernment can be dra/n to

    t&e !la/.1M

    In India alt&oug& t&e activism versusrestraint debate e0isted even in t&e re#onstitution

    eriod it did not vigorousl' taeo!! till t&e 19Ms /&en t&e ureme #ourt o! India itsel!

    became ver' active. +o/ever t&e underl'ing &iloso&ical issue o! t&e relations&i bet/een

    means and ends &as been long debated in Indian &iloso&'. 11-a&atma Kand&i /&o

    advocated t&at t&e means used !or ac&ieving a articular result must also be as accetable as

    t&e result itsel!. As /e s&all see t&e saga o! )udicial decisionmaing b' t&e &ig&est court in

    India indicates t&at )udicial activism or t&e mere ursuit o! ends /it&out regard to t&e means

    &as become t&e dominant aroac& in )udicial t&ining.

    it& t&is bacground it becomes necessar' !or t&e Judge to as lie +amlet /&et&er it is

    nobler in t&e mind to remain imervious to t&e dominant discourse around or to trim t&e sails

    o! &is t&ining to t&e /inds blo/ing around. (&is is a :uestion o! great moment /&ic& must

    &aunt an' conscientious Judge. (radition and good sense demand t&at irresective o! t&e

    olitical debate around t&e Judge maintains a neutral stance in &is decisionmaing being

    guided onl' b' acceted legal rinciles and t&e dictates o! &is conscience. (&e Judge being

    &uman t&e social ambience in /&ic& &e oerates is liel' to a!!ect &is )udgment but t&e

    e0tent to /&ic& &e disallo/s t&is to &aen determines &is mettle.

    It /as rig&tl' ut b' legal luminar' ;ormer Justice &ri %.7 &riris&na in &is art.

    kinning the !at t&at undesirable conse:uences ensuing !rom Judicial activism are dela'

    baclog and abuse o! ublic interest litigation e0edienc' and )udicial error credibilit' o!

    $ -adon C.P. #on!erence Paer t&e (&ird International #on!erence o! Aellate Judges .$M at


    #%Justice -. +ida'atulla&-ighways and Bye.$anes of %ustice *19"4, $ ## J1 at . 5

    ## &y 'stie &*+* Sri,rish-a. S/0++0+1ACAT .(2%%5) " SCC (') 3

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    institution is :uestioned in certain situations diversion o! institutional resources !or t&e

    uroses ot&er t&an constitutionall' assigned and !inall' )udicial activism is ersonalit'

    drivern t&an institutionali=ed ad)udication.

    Areas of /,i#ia$ A#ti*is%

    Curing t&e ast decade man' instances o! )udicial activism &ave gained rominence. (&e

    areas in /&ic& )udiciar' &as become active are &ealt& c&ild labour olitical corrution

    environment education etc.

    (&roug& various cases relating to %and&ua -uti -orc&a %i&ar @nder trials Pun)ab Police

    %omba' Pavement C/ellers %i&ar #are +ome cases t&e )udiciar' &as s&o/n its !irmcommitment to articiator' )ustice )ust standards o! rocedures immediate access to

    )ustice and reventing arbitrar' state action.

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    CH III - P/($i# I!terest Liti"atio!+ A! I!!o*ati*e Step to0ar,s /,i#ia$


    Public interest litigation means a suit !iled in a court o! la/ !or t&e rotection o! ublic

    interest suc& as ollution terrorism road sa!et' etc. Judicial activism in India ac:uired

    imortance due to ublic interest litigation. It is not de!ined in an' statute or act.

    It &as been interreted b' )udges to consider t&e intent o! ublic at large. (&e court &as to be

    satis!ied t&at t&e erson /&o &as resorted to PIL &as su!!icient interest in t&e matter.

    In India PIL initiall' /as resorted to to/ards imroving t&e lot o! t&e disadvantaged sections

    o! t&e societ' /&o due to overt' and ignorance /ere not in a osition to see )ustice !rom

    t&e courts. A!ter t&e #onstitution *(/ent' ;i!t& Amendment Act 191, rimac' /as given to

    Cirective Princiles o! tate Polic' b' maing t&em en!orceable. (&e courts to imrove

    administration b' taing u PIL cases !or ensuring comliance constitutional rovisions &as

    also increased.

    PIL is !iled !or a variet' o! cases suc& as maintenance o! ecological balance maing

    municial aut&orities coml' /it& statutor' obligations o! rovision o! civic amenities

    violation o! !undamental rig&ts etc. It &as rovided an oortunit' to citi=ens social grous

    consumer rig&ts activists etc. easier access to la/ and introduced a ublic interest

    ersective. Justices P.7. %&ag/ati and V.. Nris&na A'er &ave la'ed a e' role in

    romoting t&is avenue o! aroac&ing t&e ae0 court o! t&e countr' seeing legal remedies in

    areas /&ere ublic interests are at stae.

    PIL &as been considered a boon as it is an ine0ensive legal remed' due to nominal costs

    involved in !iling t&e litigation. %ut t&ere are some roblems also in t&e PIL cases.

    (&ere &as been an increase in t&e number o! !rivolous cases being !iled due to lo/ court !ees.

    Kenuine cases got receded to t&e bacground and rivatel' motivated interests started gaining

    redominance in PIL cases. In vie/ o! t&is t&e ureme #ourt &as !ramed certain guidelinesgoverning t&e PIL.

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    Presentl' t&e court entertains onl' /rit etitions !illed b' an aggrieved erson or ublic

    sirited individual or a social action grou !or en!orcement o! t&e constitutional or t&e legal

    rig&ts o! a erson in custod' or o! a class o! ersons /&o due to reasons o! overt' disabilit'

    sociall' or economicall' disadvantaged osition are !inding it di!!icult to aroac& t&e court

    !or redress.

    PIL is an e0traordinar' remed' available at a c&eaer cost. As Justice %&ag/ati observed in

    t&e case o! Asiad /orers case >no/ !or t&e !irst time t&e ortals o! t&e court are being

    t&ro/n oen to t&e oor and t&e do/ntrodden. (&e courts must s&ed t&eir c&aracter as

    u&olders o! t&e establis&ed order and t&e status :uo. (&e time &as come no/ /&en t&e courts

    must become t&e courts !or t&e oor and t&e struggling masses o! t&is countr'.

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    (&e landscae o! recent ureme #ourt rulings o!!ers some interesting insig&ts into t&e

    metamor&osis o! )udicial activism in India.1$-ost striingl' t&e ureme #ourt recentl'

    issued a notice to t&e @nion government seeing an e0lanation o! t&e stes taen b' it to

    ameliorate *mae better, t&e lig&t o! Indian students in Australia /&o &ave been !acing

    raciall' motivated attacs. ;oreign olic' is /idel' considered to be non)usti!iable t&at is

    courts cannot inter!ere. Oet t&e inter!erence b' Indian courts &as not /&oll' been

    condemned. (&e ne0t and almost e:uall' striing instance is a ureme #ourt notice

    :uestioning t&e roli!eration o! -a'a/ati statues allegedl' /ort& crores o! ruees in @ttar

    Prades&. Lie !oreign olic' budgetar' allocations butter guns or statues are non)usticiable.

    %ut )udicial inter!erence in t&is matter too &as not been derecated nor is it /ort&' o! serious


    +o/ever )udicial activism in India &as no/ taen on an interesting !ace. (&e courts in India

    ursue a !orm o! revie/ /&ic& can be described at best as FdialogicG a term used !amousl'

    b' Peter +ogg and Allison %us&ell in t&e conte0t o! t&e #anadian ureme #ourtGs decisions.

    (&e Indian ureme #ourtGs ga=e &as no/ gone be'ond t&e rotection o! t&e sociall' and

    economicall' do/ntrodden and into t&e realm o! ublic administration. +o/ever its

    oinions o!ten resemble asirations rat&er t&an binding ronouncements. ;or e0amle t&e

    ureme #ourt issued guidelines in $MM6 to re!orm t&e olice administration Q /&ic& is a

    tate sub)ect on /&ic& onl' t&e tate Assemblies can legislate. imilar guidelines &ave been

    issued increasingl' in legislative s&eres. %ecause o! t&ese oinions at least in t&eor'

    emlo'ers must no/ act against se0ual &arassment at t&e /orlace bans must be rudent

    in t&eir use o! recover' agents and olice o!!icers must !ollo/ rocedures rior to an arrest

    mildl' similar to t&e AmericanMirandarig&ts. *In India t&e' could er&as be called F%asuG

    rig&ts consideringD/(/ Basu v/ tate of 0est Bengal 19"6,.

    In t&e $K Licenses case t&e #ourt &eld t&at all ublic resources and assets are a matter o!

    ublic trust and t&e' can onl' be disosed o! in a transarent manner b' a ublic auction to


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    t&e &ig&est bidder. 13(&is &as led to t&e President maing a e!erence to t&e #ourt !or t&e

    #ourtGs legal advice under Article 143 o! t&e #onstitution. In t&e same case t&e #ourt set

    aside t&e e0ert oinion o! t&e (elecom egulator' Aut&orit' o! India *(AI, to sell $K

    sectrum /it&out auction to create greater teledensit' in India.

    (&e #ourt &as !or all ractical uroses disregarded t&e searation o! o/ers under t&e

    #onstitution and assumed a general suervisor' !unction over ot&er branc&es o!

    governments. (&e temtation to rus& to t&e ureme #ourt and +ig& #ourts !or an'

    grievance against a ublic aut&orit' &as also de!lected t&e rimar' resonsibilit' o! citi=ens

    t&emselves in a reresentative sel! government o! maing legislators and t&e e0ecutive

    resonsible !or t&eir actions. (&e ans/er o!ten given b' t&e )udiciar' to t&is t'e o! overreac&

    is t&at it is comelled to tae uon t&is tas as t&e ot&er branc&es o! government &ave !ailed

    in t&eir obligations. Bn t&is secious )usti!ication t&e olitical branc&es o! government ma'

    b' t&e same logic tae over t&e !unctions o! t&e )udiciar' /&en it &as !ailed and t&ere can be

    no doubt t&at t&ere are man' areas /&ere t&e )udiciar' &as !ailed to meet t&e e0ectations o!

    t&e ublic b' its ine!!icienc' and areas o! cases.

    Justice Jacson o! t&e @.. &as atl' said? 2The doctrine of judicial activism which justifies

    easy and constant readiness to set aside decisions of other branches of &overnment is wholly

    incompatible with a faith in democracy and in so far it encourages a belief that judges should

    be left to correct the result of public indifference it is a vicious teaching/ @nless t&e

    arameters o! PIL are strictl' !ormulated b' t&e ureme #ourt and strictl' observed PIL

    /&ic& is so necessar' in India is in danger o! becoming di!!use unrinciled encroac&ing

    into t&e !unctions o! ot&er branc&es o! government and ine!!ective b' its indiscriminate use.

    In recent orders t&e ureme #ourt &as directed t&e most comle0 engineering o!

    interlining rivers in India. 14(&e #ourt &as assed orders banning t&e asting o! blac !ilm

    on automobile /indo/s. Bn its o/n t&e #ourt &as taen notice o! %aba amdev being

    !orcibl' evicted !rom t&e amlila grounds b' t&e Cel&i Administration and censured it. (&e

    #ourt &as ordered t&e e0clusion o! tourists in t&e core area o! tiger reserves. All t&ese



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    managerial e0ercises b' t&e #ourt are &ung on t&e dubious )urisdictional eg o! en!orcing

    !undamental rig&ts under Article 3$ o! t&e #onstitution. In realit' no !undamental rig&ts o!

    individuals or an' legal issues are at all involved in suc& cases. (&e #ourt is onl' moved !or

    better governance and administration /&ic& does not involve t&e e0ercise o! an' roer

    )udicial !unction.

    Bn t&e ot&er &and in its activist and controversial interretation o! t&e #onstitution t&e

    ureme #ourt too a/a' t&e constitutionall' con!erred o/er o! t&e President o! India to

    aoint )udges a!ter consultation /it& t&e #&ie! Justice and aroriated t&is o/er in t&e

    #&ie! Justice o! India and a collegium o! !our )udges. In no #onstitution in t&e /orld is t&e

    o/er to select and aoint )udges con!erred on t&e )udges t&emselves.

    (&e #ourt is made t&e monitor o! t&e conduct o! investigating and rosecution agencies /&o

    are erceived to &ave !ailed or neglected to investigate and rosecute ministers and o!!icials

    o! government. #ases o! t&is t'e are t&e investigation and rosecution o! ministers and

    o!!icials believed to be involved in t&e Jain +a/ala case t&e !odder scam involving t&e

    !ormer #&ie! -inister o! %i&ar Lalu Prasad Oadav t&e (a) #orridor case involving t&e

    !ormer #&ie! -inister o! @ttar Prades& -a'a/ati and t&e recent rosecution o! t&e (elecom

    -inister and o!!icials in t&e $K (elecom scam case b' t&e ureme #ourt.

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    (&e Judiciar' cannot tae over t&e !unctions o! t&e 0ecutive. (&e #ourts t&emselves must

    disla' rudence and moderation and be conscious o! t&e need !or comit' o! instrumentalities

    as basic to good governance. Judicial activism &as to be /elcomed and its imlications

    assimilated in letter and sirit. An activist #ourt is surel' !ar more e!!ective t&an a legal

    ositivist conservative #ourt to rotect t&e societ' against legislative adventurism and

    e0ecutive t'rann'. &en our c&osen reresentatives &ave !ailed to give us a /el!are state let

    it sring !rom t&e Judiciar'.

    (&e o/er o! )udicial revie/ is recogni=ed as art o! t&e basic structure o! t&e Indian

    #onstitution. (&e activist role o! t&e Judiciar' is imlicit in t&e said o/er. Judicial activism

    is a sine 1ua non o! democrac' because /it&out an alert and enlig&tened )udiciar' t&e

    democrac' /ill be reduced to an emt' s&ell. Judicial activism in its totalit' cannot be

    banned. It is obvious t&at under a constitution a !undamental !eature o! /&ic& is t&e rule o!

    la/ t&ere cannot be an' restraint uon )udicial activism in matters in /&ic& t&e legalit' o!

    e0ecutive orders and administrative actions is :uestioned. (&e courts are t&e onl' !orum !or

    t&ose /ronged b' administrative e0cesses and e0ecutive arbitrariness.

    Judicial activism is not an aberration. It is an essential asect o! t&e d'namics o! a

    constitutional court.15 It is a counterma)oritarian c&ec on democrac'. Judicial activism

    &o/ever does not mean governance b' t&e )udiciar'. Judicial activism must also !unction

    /it&in t&e limits o! t&e )udicial rocess.

    (&e )udiciar' is t&e /eaest bod' o! t&e state. It becomes strong onl' /&en eole reose

    !ait& in it.16uc& !ait& constitutes t&e legitimac' o! t&e #ourt and o! )udicial activism. #ourts

    must continuousl' strive to sustain t&eir legitimac'. #ourts do not &ave to bo/ to ublic

    ressure but rat&er t&e' s&ould stand !irm against ublic ressure. &at sustains legitimac'

    #5.P. at&e Judicial Activism? (&e Indian 0erience 6 as&. @. J. L. R PolG' M$9 *$MM1,


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    o! )udicial activism is not its submission to oulism but its caacit' to /it&stand suc&

    ressure /it&out sacri!icing imartialit' and ob)ectivit'. #ourts must not onl' be !air t&e'

    must aear to be !air. uc& inarticulate and di!!used consensus about t&e imartialit' and

    integrit' o! t&e )udiciar' is t&e source o! t&e #ourtGs legitimac'.

    (ae a/a' )udicial activism and t'rann' /ill ste in to !ill t&e vacant sace.

    o to sum u t&e )udicial activism in India it /ill be ver' aroriate to :uote t&e /ords o!

    Cr. A.. Anand #&ie! Justice o! India /&o said ?

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    1, I'er V.. Nris&na 2Judicial Activism and Administrative Autonom' The

    Administrator Vol.LII ArilJune 199 .1.

    $, at&e .P.%udicial Activism in 2ndia3 Transgressing Borders and 4nforcing $imits+

    B0!ord @niversit' Press $MM5 edition.

    3, %ag .N. 2Judicial Activism vis.5.vis Public AdministrationAdministrator Vol.

    LII ArilJune .16

    4, 2Judicial Activism? Its Imact on Public AdministrationAdministrator Vol. LII

    ArilJune .19.

    5, 7air #&ettur anaran 2Judicial Activism? Its elevanc'Administrator Vol. LII

    ArilJune .141.

    6, Pal&i/ala 7ani 2ole o! Judiciar'? Kovernment b' t&e Judiciar' !M$% Vol. 31

    BctCec 1995 193.

    , Prasad P..V. 2Judicial Activism? Its Imlications !or Public Administration

    Administrator Vol. LII

    ArilJune .153

    ", ///

    $) ///./

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