Project INTRA - Home | Interreg Europe...Project INTRA: Good Practice #1 – Boosting...

Project INTRA: Good Practice Template | 1 / 206 Project INTRA: Collection of good practices from Extremadura region in Spain internationalisation plan for Extremadura’s enterprises (PIMEX) 2 Training for new professionals in foreign trade (FORMACOEX) 15 Consolidation plan in international markets 27 Aids addressed to the internationalisation of the Extremadura economic activity 40 Promotional brands: “Alimentos de Extremadura” 50 Export consortiums 60 International public tender programme 70 Transversal services for internationalisation: Extremadura exports 80 Transversal services for internationalisation: i-Export 98 Transversal services for internationalisation: Commercial delegations (external network) 107 International promotion plan 117 Support program for the international expansion of SMEs (Xpande) 127 Digital Xpande support program 137 Outsourcing of export services for fine foods producers 148 Innovation as a driver to access new markets 157 Customized raw meat products from Iberian pork’s, for the Japanese market 166

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Project INTRA:

Collection of good practices from Extremadura region in Spain

internationalisation plan for Extremadura’s enterprises (PIMEX) 2

Training for new professionals in foreign trade (FORMACOEX) 15

Consolidation plan in international markets 27

Aids addressed to the internationalisation of the Extremadura economic activity 40

Promotional brands: “Alimentos de Extremadura” 50

Export consortiums 60

International public tender programme 70

Transversal services for internationalisation: Extremadura exports 80

Transversal services for internationalisation: i-Export 98

Transversal services for internationalisation: Commercial delegations (external network) 107

International promotion plan 117

Support program for the international expansion of SMEs (Xpande) 127

Digital Xpande support program 137

Outsourcing of export services for fine foods producers 148

Innovation as a driver to access new markets 157

Customized raw meat products from Iberian pork’s, for the Japanese market 166

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1. Name of the organisation owner of in charge of the practice


2. Region/country where the practice takes place

Extremadura (Spain)

3. Title of the case/practice


4. Website (If available)

5. Description of the case/practice (around 2000-2500 characters)

The Internationalisation Plan for Extremadura Enterprises (hereinafter PIMEX) and the Training

Program for New Professionals in Foreign Trade (hereinafter FORMACOEX) make up an

integral tool to support the business fabric and to a certain unemployed profile with high

qualification in the Region.

With PIMEX, SMEs with motivation to internationalise their products and/ or services are

reached. It provides the target audience (SMEs) with the tools needed to achieve their

objectives: for SMEs, their start abroad.

The success of this practice lies in the combination of both programs, as it is created the contact

between a company with motivation BUT no foreign trade department with a professional with

training and skills BUT in search of a company where to work.

PIMEX is a Support Program to help Extremadura companies to initiate and go forward in

their internationalisation process. It also seeks participating companies assume international

strategic planning as profitable and achievable in their business plans.

PIMEX objectives are:

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· Start to Extremadura companies coming from different sectors and sizes in the export


· Increase the amount of their exports.

· Professionalize Extremadura companies in the field of foreign trade and establish the

bases of the foreign trade departments, accompanying them in their internationalisation


Companies susceptible of participating in PIMEX are those already in an initial stage of

internationalisation, with sporadic exports or no exports at all, and that meet the requirements

established in the program. These requirements are listed below:

· Companies or self-employed whose activity resides in Extremadura.

· Companies that have not participated in the PIMEX Plan in the last 5 years.

· To have a regular business activity during the last year.

· In the case of self-employed, they must be of legal age.

· Producer of goods / services or marketers with their own brand.

Interested companies in PIMEX should register through an on-line questionnaire via the web

page of Extremadura Avante

An Evaluation criterion (technical analysis) is established in order to select the companies

participating in the program. The valuation criteria used as reference in 2016 were the following:


- Exportable product or service according to their characteristics

and competitive advantages _____________________________________ 25 points

- Financial, organisational and productive capacity of the company

and management team _________________________________________ 25 points


- More than 30% of sales outside Extremadura ________________________ 15 points

- Less than 15% of sales outside Spain ______________________________ 5 points

This criterion rewards companies that are already operating out of the region, and that if

exporting, they are doing it in an initial way.


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In case of tie between punctuation obtained, the order is established according to the highest

score regarding: internationalisation potential, sales distribution and, in last place,

reception date of application via web.

Extremadura Avante Advanced Services to SMEs, S.L.U., may require clarification or

rectification, through the provision of documents, interviews or visits, in order to facilitate the

assessment and accredit compliance with the requirements.

As for the specific support offered to the companies participating in PIMEX, we can talk about

technical, training and commercial support.

· Technical support. Technical staff of the International Area within Extremadura Avante

supports the participating company in the development of the plan, personalized follow-

up and resolution of consultations regarding its internationalisation process.

· Training support based on training pills regarding strategic planning and addressed to

management or commercial director. Its objectives are:

o Qualify in foreign trade, professionalizing international business management,

especially in Strategic Planning.

o Develop a medium-term and individual International Roadmap.

· Support in actions for external promotion: Actions and expenses valued at a

maximum of 2,500� per company are supported. Extremadura Avante Advanced

Services to SMEs, S.L.U. will start with the concession procedure applicable for each


In order to become beneficiary from external promotion actions, and as minimum criteria, the

planned training plans and commitments must be met and the actions will always be linked to

the international commercial work.

Among the possible actions are considered: commercial trips, promotional material,

specialized consultancy or legal advice, among others.

Extremadura Avante Advanced Services to SMEs, SLU, is the entity managing the contracting

procedures of the services, whose users are the companies participating in PIMEX.

Participants in PIMEX commit themselves to participate in the following formative actions:

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- Assistance to three face-to-face group trainings, with a length of approximately

4 hours in strategic planning, sales techniques and access to distribution

channels�among others.

- Assistance to three individual tutorials in the facilities of the participating

company, and with length of approximately 2 hours each to work with experts in

their internationalisation plan.

After the training, the companies participating in PIMEX will have a SWOT analysis of their

company, an appropriate selection of the markets to export, as well as an action plan or

international roadmap for internationalisation in the medium term.

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5.1. Duration (start-end)

The PIMEX program begins in the first quarter of the year with the incorporation of the

company to the program and ends on December 31st of the current year.

The programme has been running since 2002.

5.2. Goals

Regarding PIMEX and since 2002, more than 500 Extremadura companies have participated

in these programs and have received the adequate support to strengthen their foreign trade


5.3. Partners involved

Extremadura Regional Government

Extremadura Avante Advanced Services to SMEs, S.L.U.

5.4. Total cost of the practice

For the 2016 annuity, the PIMEX Plan has a cost/budget of 88,280 euros (75,000 for actions

+ 5,000 for training + 8,280 � for consultancy) aimed at the participation of 30 Extremadura


In the past, the total investment in these instruments was as follows:

INVESTMENT 2012 2013 2014 2015

PIMEX/FORMACOEX 252.208,12 � 506.784,71 � 583.103,50 � 513.740,88 �

6. Why do you think this could be a good practice?

PIMEX Plan gives the company a �push� for its international activity not only in economic terms,

but also, by supporting them at the beginning of its international strategy with the monitoring and

supervision by Extremadura Avante technicians and consultants specialized in foreign trade who

work in group and individual way with the companies participating in the program.

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Finally, it is important to point out that the ratios obtained regarding level of satisfaction are

around 8 points out of 10 in all editions.

7. Type of practice (multiple response)


x policy + successful implementation

observatory/benchmarking/monitoring the SME Internationalisation activities

dissemination (please specify)



funding measure

x financial measure (e.g. tax relief, grant for exports, etc)

investment attraction measure


x entrepreneur training, coaching, mentoring, consultancy

access to knowledge

technology transfer

open innovation

cross-sectoral networking


x internationalisation (e.g. creation of international partnerships, access to foreign markets, �)

cluster development

incubator/ promotion of start-up

networking, matchmaking, �

OTHER (please specify)

8. How does the practice support and help enhance the SME Internationalisation?

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With PIMEX the company is given training, technical and economic support to develop its

international activity, which allows it to acquire skills and abilities in order to face

internationalisation in an autonomous way in the short / medium term.

Synergy between both programs allows that expectations of company and student are fulfilled,

and therefore, at institutional level, that objectives of professionalizing SMEs in their international

trade strategies and students trained as foreign trade technicians are also achieved.

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9. Which problems/challenges/needs is the practice addressing? Please tick the appropriate

objectives (multiple response)1

Challenges OBJECTIVES Tick where



Resources /



Export coaching course x

Incentives to foster internationalisation activity x

Exports forums

Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Trade visits x

Internationalisation/Export Academies x

Other: please specify



ion support


and services

Developing technology incubators

Developing technology parks

Market research support X

Export/Internationalisation observatory facilities X

IPR support/ Institutional protection of intellectual property

Account management support

Developing technology centres/competence centres/applied

research centres as a key tool for competitive improvement in


Diversifying and specializing technology centres and services

High level consultancy support ( eg advisors who help innovative

SMEs to boost R&D output and identify adaptations that might

make a product suitable for new overseas markets)

Other : please specify


Insurance solutions & risk management (e.g. covering of exporters

and foreign buyers of exports against commercial and political

risks of non-payment)

Financing short-term exports

Pre-Shipment financing

Post-Shipment financing


Credit guarantee scheme

1 Based on OECD report on � Top Barriers and Drivers to SME Internalization�

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Funding/grants for recruitment of advisors, researchers,


Funding to attend international trade events and exhibitions X

Grants to support any stage of the internationalisation activity X

Other: please specify


provision and


Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Creation of thematic critical masses and cluster development

Establishing interregional innovative business clusters and mega-


Fostering the transferability of innovative technologies overseas

Export promotional activities/marketing X

Regularly updated analysis reports on foreign markets

Trade missions X

Partner search & alliances

One stop customer centre to assist SME exporters with foreign

market information and contacts


Trade centres abroad ( that can offer market research information,

trade fair support etc)


Market intelligence services

Other: please specify

Indirect actions:


measures to

stimulate SME



Venture capital funds that finance innovative and high-growth


Public funding schemes for start-ups

Improvement of technological capabilities of export-oriented SMEs

Other : please specify

10. Source of funding (multiple response)

X regional funds

national funds

EU funds � H2020

EU funds � ERDF

X EU funds � other (please specify) European Social Fund

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private funding (self-financed)

private (e.g. financed by business angels)


other (please specify)

11. Focus (choose the most relevant one)

X focused on the SME Internationalisation

focused on SME support sector

X focused on sector specific SME Internationalisation

focused on other sector (please specify)

12. Is the practice linked to a specific policy? Please add a short description of the policy and

its link to the strategy/programme here.

PIMEX comes directly from the Regional Government policies to encourage the region's export

activity, as reflected in the Extremadura general budgets year after year.

13. If this practice is not focused on the SME Internationalisation, why do you think it is

applicable in this field?

It is a practice directly related to SMEs internationalisation.

14. Geographical focus (choose one answer)

X local

X regional




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15. Actors involved in the practice (multiple response)

X regional government

national government

X development agency

university or research institution

X SME, enterprises

association of enterprises/professionals

other (please specify)

16. Outputs: direct consequences of the practice. Depending on the practice goals, please

provide quantitative indicators that are available for your practice. Some examples are listed




TIMEFRAME (during which




Nº of participating companies

(PIMEX): 500

2002-2016 Internal records, project


17. Please state if this practice is transferable in terms of:

X organisational model / implementation process

X specific tools (e.g. training, financial support, �.)

policy making process

definition of financial feasibility

X methodology for the assessment of the problem to be address

methodology for the involvement of the targeted stakeholders

X risk management strategy involved

exit strategy involved

review and maintenance methodology

X metrics for the evaluation of the implementation process

marketing strategy

other (please specify)

18. List main success factors referred to the context where the practice took place

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Legislation that favours the internationalisation of companies

and active policies of training and employment generation

Very relevant

x Relevant

Party relevant

Not relevant

Existence of a support organisation for internationalisation

recognised by SMEs in the region

Very relevant

x Relevant

Party relevant

Not relevant

Team formed by professionals with great experience and

closeness to the SME of Extremadura as executors of the


x Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

Not relevant

19. Further materials and reference available (paper, PPT, information sheet, leaflet, video,

press releases, articles, blogs, photos,...). Please list and enclose

Final Report PIMEX 2015

Extremadura Avante website:

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Contact Details: contact person of the practice (name, e-mail, �)

Cristina Yárritu: [email protected]

Phone: +34 924 319 159

Rocío Esteban: [email protected]

Phone: +34 924 005 838

Contact Details: person compiling this form (name, e-mail, �)

Cristina Fernandez: [email protected]

Tel.: +34 924 319 159


The strong commitment of Extremadura Regional Government with the tools to support the

internationalisation of companies in the region is a fact for more than 20 years now. Their survival is

due, to a large degree, to the level of satisfaction shown by the companies participating in these

programs, as well as the need to bring companies in our region to professionalization standards

regarding foreign trade departments, that would placed us at a level of competitiveness comparable

to our European partners.

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1. Name of the organisation owner of in charge of the practice


2. Region/country where the practice takes place

Extremadura (Spain)

3. Title of the case/practice


4. Website (If available)

5. Description of the case/practice (around 2000-2500 characters)

The Internationalisation Plan for Extremadura Enterprises (hereinafter PIMEX) and the Training

Program for New Professionals in Foreign Trade (hereinafter FORMACOEX) make up an

integral tool to support the business fabric and to a certain unemployed profile with high

qualification in the Region.

With FORMACOEX it is provided theoretical and practical training to unemployed people with

higher degree and knowledge of languages (other than Spanish). The programme provides to

the target audience (skilled unemployed) with the tools needed to achieve their objectives: their

insertion in the labour market as foreign trade technicians.

The success of this practice lies in the combination of both programs, as it is created the contact

between a company with motivation BUT no foreign trade department with a professional with

training and skills BUT in search of a company where to work.

The Training Plan for New Professionals in Foreign Trade, FORMACOEX, is aimed at

graduates in unemployment situation with interest in foreign trade, knowledge of languages and

commercial attitudes.

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The main objectives of FORMACOEX are the following:

· Training to future export professionals, equipping them with the skills,

qualifications and practical vision necessary for the performance of their future work

in regional companies.

· Fostering the inclusion of Extremadura students into the labor market, reducing

unemployment among this segment of regional population.

Among the specific objectives we can highlight:

· Training participants in foreign trade operations as well as in the development of

international marketing plans.

· Development of a training period in regional companies, so that the participant

can complete his/her training and initiates activities focused on foreign trade, based

on the reality of an Extremadura company.

FORMACOEX provides both theoretical training for those interested in acquiring theoretical

fundaments in the field of foreign trade, as well as practical training aimed at those interested in

putting into practice their previous theoretical knowledge in foreign trade operations and

internationalisation. The practical training will be developed in a regional company adhering to

the FORMACOEX program. In this sense, the companies that participate in the PIMEX program

are offered the possibility of hosting one of the participants in FORMACOEX program.

During the development of FORMACOEX practical training, a technical team of permanent

tutoring and monitoring of each student will be created with the objective of guaranteeing the

assimilation of contents and the fulfilment of tasks for the accomplishment of an international

marketing plan simulation. This team will also ensure the proper training and acquisition of

practical knowledge in foreign trade matters of the students.

During the theoretical training, face-to-face, aspects such as export in the regional SMEs, the

selection of markets to export, international marketing, customs and international taxation will be


This training is carried out in person by both, specialized teachers in international operation and

consultants with proven experience in internationalisation strategies. From each of the modules,

an evaluation to the students will be made. Those students that exceed 50% of the approved

subjects will overcome the course.

On the other hand, during the practical training in companies, the students are incorporated to

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regional companies with exporting potential and vocation during a period of approximately 6

months. During this period, the participants perform tasks related to the implementation of a

foreign trade department in a company. They begin with the knowledge of the product / service

offered by the company, perform documentary research to analyze the most attractive markets

for those products / services offered, collect information about the company's international

communication, sales channels, potential clients, etc. Participants are also given the possibility

to attend international promotion actions as a training exercise. The practical training period

ends with the delivery of a road map or presentation of the company's international strategy and

a final report in which the activities developed by the participant during his/her internship period

are collected.

To sum up, the synergies and complementarities between PIMEX and FORMACOEX make

them very useful tools to support SMEs in their first steps in internationalisation.

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5.1. Duration (start-end)

In FORMACOEX, the student who performs the theoretical training does it during the first

semester of the year, and in the second semester, it will take place his/her incorporation to

the company for practical training.

The programme has been running since 2002.

5.2. Goals

Around 500 of participants have joined the practical training also since 2002.

As a result of the combination of both programs in the different editions, the recruitment index

of the FORMACOEX by the companies participating in PIMEX has varied from a 20 to 40%

success rate of recruitment. This indicates on the one hand that a significant percentage of

students have been inserted in the labour market, and on the other hand, that an equally

important number of companies ends up betting to strengthen their international strategy.

5.3. Partners involved

Extremadura Regional Government

Extremadura Avante Advanced Services to SMEs, S.L.U.

5.4. Total cost of the practice

The costs/budget of FORMACOEX program ascend to 82,000� in 2016, comprising the

theoretical course (120 students), monetary deliveries without compensation of the practical

training (26 participants) and the complementary training activities to be performed during this


In the past, the total investment in these instruments was as follows:

INVESTMENT 2012 2013 2014 2015

PIMEX/FORMACOEX 252.208,12 � 506.784,71 � 583.103,50 � 513.740,88 �

6. Why do you think this could be a good practice?

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Likewise, companies and participants in FORMACOEX are in direct contact with the other tools

of support to the foreign trade placed by the public institutions, concretely from Extremadura

Avante, in such a way that they have first hand information.

Finally, it is important to point out that the ratios obtained regarding level of satisfaction are

around 8 points out of 10 in all editions.

7. Type of practice (multiple response)


x policy + successful implementation

observatory/benchmarking/monitoring the SME Internationalisation activities

dissemination (please specify)



funding measure

x financial measure (e.g. tax relief, grant for exports, etc)

investment attraction measure


x entrepreneur training, coaching, mentoring, consultancy

access to knowledge

technology transfer

open innovation

cross-sectoral networking


x internationalisation (e.g. creation of international partnerships, access to foreign markets, �)

cluster development

incubator/ promotion of start-up

networking, matchmaking, �

OTHER (please specify)

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8. How does the practice support and help enhance the SME Internationalisation?

With FORMACOEX, students are given training, technical and economic support to develop their

international activity, which allows them to acquire skills and abilities in order to face

internationalisation in an autonomous way in the short / medium term.

Synergy between both programs allows that expectations of company and student are fulfilled,

and therefore, at institutional level, that objectives of professionalizing SMEs in their international

trade strategies and students trained as foreign trade technicians are also achieved.

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9. Which problems/challenges/needs is the practice addressing? Please tick the appropriate

objectives (multiple response)1

Challenges OBJECTIVES Tick where



Resources /



Export coaching course x

Incentives to foster internationalisation activity x

Exports forums

Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Trade visits x

Internationalisation/Export Academies x

Other: please specify



ion support


and services

Developing technology incubators

Developing technology parks

Market research support X

Export/Internationalisation observatory facilities X

IPR support/ Institutional protection of intellectual property

Account management support

Developing technology centres/competence centres/applied

research centres as a key tool for competitive improvement in


Diversifying and specializing technology centres and services

High level consultancy support ( eg advisors who help innovative

SMEs to boost R&D output and identify adaptations that might

make a product suitable for new overseas markets)

Other : please specify


Insurance solutions & risk management (e.g. covering of exporters

and foreign buyers of exports against commercial and political

risks of non-payment)

Financing short-term exports

Pre-Shipment financing

Post-Shipment financing


Credit guarantee scheme

1 Based on OECD report on � Top Barriers and Drivers to SME Internalization�

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Funding/grants for recruitment of advisors, researchers,


Funding to attend international trade events and exhibitions X

Grants to support any stage of the internationalisation activity X

Other: please specify


provision and


Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Creation of thematic critical masses and cluster development

Establishing interregional innovative business clusters and mega-


Fostering the transferability of innovative technologies overseas

Export promotional activities/marketing X

Regularly updated analysis reports on foreign markets

Trade missions X

Partner search & alliances

One stop customer centre to assist SME exporters with foreign

market information and contacts


Trade centres abroad ( that can offer market research information,

trade fair support etc)


Market intelligence services

Other: please specify

Indirect actions:


measures to

stimulate SME



Venture capital funds that finance innovative and high-growth


Public funding schemes for start-ups

Improvement of technological capabilities of export-oriented SMEs

Other : please specify

10. Source of funding (multiple response)

X regional funds

national funds

EU funds � H2020

EU funds � ERDF

X EU funds � other (please specify) European Social Fund

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private funding (self-financed)

private (e.g. financed by business angels)


other (please specify)

11. Focus (choose the most relevant one)

X focused on the SME Internationalisation

focused on SME support sector

X focused on sector specific SME Internationalisation

focused on other sector (please specify)

12. Is the practice linked to a specific policy? Please add a short description of the policy and

its link to the strategy/programme here.

FORMACOEX comes directly from the Regional Government policies to encourage the region's

export activity, as reflected in the Extremadura general budgets year after year.

13. If this practice is not focused on the SME Internationalisation, why do you think it is

applicable in this field?

It is a practice directly related to SMEs internationalisation.

14. Geographical focus (choose one answer)

X local

X regional




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15. Actors involved in the practice (multiple response)

X regional government

national government

X development agency

university or research institution

X SME, enterprises

association of enterprises/professionals

other (please specify)

16. Outputs: direct consequences of the practice. Depending on the practice goals, please

provide quantitative indicators that are available for your practice. Some examples are listed




TIMEFRAME (during which




Nº of participants in training

sessions (FORMACOEX):


2002-2016 Internal records, project


17. Please state if this practice is transferable in terms of:

X organisational model / implementation process

X specific tools (e.g. training, financial support, �.)

policy making process

definition of financial feasibility

X methodology for the assessment of the problem to be address

methodology for the involvement of the targeted stakeholders

X risk management strategy involved

exit strategy involved

review and maintenance methodology

X metrics for the evaluation of the implementation process

marketing strategy

other (please specify)

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18. List main success factors referred to the context where the practice took place





Legislation that favours the internationalisation of companies

and active policies of training and employment generation

Very relevant

x Relevant

Party relevant

Not relevant

Existence of a support organisation for internationalisation

recognised by SMEs in the region

Very relevant

x Relevant

Party relevant

Not relevant

Team formed by professionals with great experience and

closeness to the SME of Extremadura as executors of the


x Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

Not relevant

19. Further materials and reference available (paper, PPT, information sheet, leaflet, video,

press releases, articles, blogs, photos,...). Please list and enclose

Final Report FORMACOEX 2015

Extremadura Avante website:

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Contact Details: contact person of the practice (name, e-mail, �)

Cristina Yárritu: [email protected]

Phone: +34 924 319 159

Rocío Esteban: [email protected]

Phone: +34 924 005 838

Contact Details: person compiling this form (name, e-mail, �)

Cristina Fernandez: [email protected]

Tel.: +34 924 319 159


The strong commitment of Extremadura Regional Government with the tools to support the

internationalisation of companies in the region is a fact for more than 20 years now. Their survival is

due, to a large degree, to the level of satisfaction shown by the companies participating in these

programs, as well as the need to bring companies in our region to professionalization standards

regarding foreign trade departments, that would placed us at a level of competitiveness comparable

to our European partners.

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1. Name of the organisation owner of in charge of the practice


2. Region/country where the practice takes place

Extremadura (Spain)

3. Title of the case/practice

Consolidation Plan in International Markets

4. Website (If available)


5. Description of the case/practice (around 2000-2500 characters)

The Consolidation Plan in International Markets (from this point forward �Consolidation Plan�)

in combination with the aid line for hiring foreign trade technicians within the Order 31/2014,

from 11th March, (from this point forward �the Order�), form a comprehensive tool to support the

Extremadura�s SMEs that have the objective to consolidate their internationalisation strategy and

strengthen the export department.

In order to understand the good practice it is necessary to describe the Consolidation Plan and

the Order in an independent way.

The Consolidation Plan is an aid programme created by the Regional Government of

Extremadura, through Extremadura Avante, for the regional SMEs to accompany them in the

international market until they are mature enough to be on their own.

The main objective of the Consolidation Plan is to support the regional enterprises to

consolidate not only the international sales, but also the export department and training in

international marketing and strategy.

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The enterprises that are willing to participate in the Consolidation Plan must be motivated and

interested in getting forward in their internationalisation process, pending the satisfaction of the

conditions required in the programme. These conditions are the following:

· Enterprises or self-employers whose activity is developed in Extremadura.

· To prepare or have designed a business internationalisation project in international


· To have regular business activity during the last 2 years.

· In the case of self-employers, they must be of legal age.

· To be producer of the good or service to be marketed or trading company with own

brand of exportable products or services and with internationalisation potential.

· To have funding, organizational and productive capacity, both the company and

management team.

The proposals applying to the Consolidation Plan are registered through an on-line questionnaire

in the website of Extremadura Avante The interested enterprises

must fulfil the mentioned questionnaire. Valuation criteria established for 2016 are the following:


*Definition of new markets introduction strategies __________________________ 15 points.

*Definition of activities to develop in those markets _________________________ 15 points.

*Definition of markets to be consolidated _________________________________ 10 points.

To value these criteria, the applicant enterprises fulfil a specific Action Plan document given by

Extremadura Avante, together with the application form.


* At least 1 full time foreign trade technician in staff _________________________ 30 points.

* At least 1 part time foreign trade technician in staff ________________________ 15 points.

* Outsourcing of export services (professional or company) in exclusivity ________ 15 points.

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* Outsourcing of export services (professional or company) without exclusivity ____ 5 points.

Accumulative if several of the above criteria are met, with a general maximum of 30 points.



(0-20 POINTS).

By this criterion, the participation in the Consolidation Plan is rewarded to those enterprises

which had previous contact with the Extremadura Avante support tools to start foreign trade.


In case of tie, the order is established by the higher score in: Internationalisation Project,

foreign trade department and in the last case, the submission date via web.

Extremadura Avante Servicios may request clarification or correction, through the presentation

of documents, interviews or visits, with the aim to facilitate the valuation and confirm the

fulfilment of the required conditions.

In relation to the specific support offered to the participating enterprises in the Consolidation

Plan, we can distinguish among technical, training and commercial support.

· Technical support: technicians of Extremadura Avante support the participant in the

development of a plan, through a personalised monitoring and by answering questions.

· Group and individual Training support: focus on the management team and foreign

trade technician. The objectives are:

o To qualify in foreign trade, especially in Marketing and Communication

Strategies and New Sales Models.

o To develop an International Road Map on Marketing and Communication

Strategies and New Sales Models.

· Support in promotion actions abroad: aid for activities and expenses for a maximum

of 3.000�/company.

Minimum criteria to be met: to achieve the foreseen training programmes and commitments

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made, always related to the international commercial work.

Some of the possible activities are: commercial trips, promotional material, specialized

consultancy or legal advice, among others.

Extremadura Avante is the institution managing the service�s hiring procedures, where the users

are the participating enterprises in the Consolidation Plan.

The participants in the Consolidation Plan can take part in the following training activities:

· General Training Plan:

- Attendance to three group in-person trainings by Extremadura Avante

· Individual Training Plan: The individual Training Plan will consist in two individual

classes, finishing with the following deliverables:

- Deliverable 1.- Action Plan 2016, including marketing and communication

strategies to develop in the selected markets.

- Deliverable 2.- Design of an International Road Map, including new sales

channels in the selected markets.

5.1. Duration (start-end)

The Consolidation Plan starts during the first trimester of the year and ends on the 31st

December of the current year. The enterprises can apply to this programme for two years in a


5.2. Goals

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Consolidation Plan: over 200 enterprises have participated in this programme and have

received support to consolidate their foreign trade department since 2004.

5.3. Partners involved

Junta de Extremadura (Regional Government of Extremadura)

Extremadura Avante Servicios Avanzados a Pymes, S.L.U.

5.4. Total cost of the practice

In 2016, the Consolidation Plan has a cost of 103.280 euro (90.000 for activities + 5.000 for

training + 8.280 � for consultancy) for the participation of 30 regional enterprises.

In the past, the total investment in these instruments was as follows:

INVESTMENT 2012 2013 2014 2015

CONSOLIDATION PLAN 86.420,18 � 95.635,35 � 125.634,30 � 93.345,81 �

6. Why do you think this could be a good practice?

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The Consolidation Plan is a boost to develop the international activity of the SMEs, not only at an

economic level, but also in the support to the international strategy through the monitoring and

protection given by the Extremadura Avante technicians and the foreign trade consultants

working within the programme.

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7. Type of practice (multiple response)


x policy + successful implementation

observatory/benchmarking/monitoring the SME Internationalisation activities

dissemination (please specify)



funding measure

x financial measure (e.g. tax relief, grant for exports, etc)

investment attraction measure


x entrepreneur training, coaching, mentoring, consultancy

access to knowledge

technology transfer

open innovation

cross-sectoral networking


x internationalisation (e.g. creation of international partnerships, access to foreign markets, �)

cluster development

incubator/ promotion of start-up

networking, matchmaking, �

OTHER (please specify)

8. How does the practice support and help enhance the SME Internationalisation?

Through the Consolidation Plan the SME receives training, technical support, commercialization

tools and staff to develop its international activity. This allows the enterprise to have a more

profitable internationalisation process. Without this support, many companies would not have the

capacity to give these first steps in the foreign markets and therefore could desist in developing

an international strategy.

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9. Which problems/challenges/needs is the practice addressing? Please tick the appropriate

objectives (multiple response)1

Challenges OBJECTIVES Tick where



Resources /



Export coaching course x

Incentives to foster internationalisation activity x

Exports forums

Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Trade visits

Internationalisation/Export Academies

Other: please specify



ion support


and services

Developing technology incubators

Developing technology parks

Market research support x

Export/Internationalisation observatory facilities

IPR support/ Institutional protection of intellectual property

Account management support

Developing technology centres/competence centres/applied

research centres as a key tool for competitive improvement in


Diversifying and specializing technology centres and services

High level consultancy support ( eg advisors who help innovative

SMEs to boost R&D output and identify adaptations that might

make a product suitable for new overseas markets)


Other : please specify

1 Based on OECD report on � Top Barriers and Drivers to SME Internationalisation�

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Insurance solutions & risk management (e.g. covering of exporters

and foreign buyers of exports against commercial and political

risks of non-payment)

Financing short-term exports

Pre-Shipment financing

Post-Shipment financing


Credit guarantee scheme

Funding/grants for recruitment of advisors, researchers,


Funding to attend international trade events and exhibitions x

Grants to support any stage of the internationalisation activity x

Other: please specify


provision and


Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Creation of thematic critical masses and cluster development

Establishing interregional innovative business clusters and mega-


Fostering the transferability of innovative technologies overseas

Export promotional activities/marketing x

Regularly updated analysis reports on foreign markets

Trade missions x

Partner search & alliances

One stop customer centre to assist SME exporters with foreign

market information and contacts

Trade centres abroad ( that can offer market research information,

trade fair support etc)


Market intelligence services

Other: please specify

Indirect actions:


measures to

stimulate SME



Venture capital funds that finance innovative and high-growth


Public funding schemes for start-ups x

Improvement of technological capabilities of export-oriented SMEs

Other : please specify

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10. Source of funding (multiple response)

x regional funds

national funds

EU funds � H2020

EU funds � ERDF

x EU funds � other (please specify) European Social Fund

private funding (self-financed)

private (e.g. financed by business angels)


other (please specify)

11. Focus (choose the most relevant one)

x focused on the SME Internationalisation

focused on SME support sector

focused on sector specific SME Internationalisation

focused on other sector (please specify)

12. Is the practice linked to a specific policy? Please add a short description of the policy and

its link to the strategy/programme here.

The Consolidation Plan comes directly from the Regional Government of Extremadura policy for the

stimulation of the export activity in the region, as included in the Extremadura general budget year

after year.

13. If this practice is not focused on the SME Internationalisation, why do you think it is

applicable in this field?

It is a practice directly related to the SME Internationalisation.

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14. Geographical focus (choose one answer)


x regional




15. Actors involved in the practice (multiple response)

x regional government

national government

x development agency

university or research institution

x SME, enterprises

x association of enterprises/professionals

other (please specify)

16. Outputs: direct consequences of the practice. Depending on the practice goals, please

provide quantitative indicators that are available for your practice. Some examples are

listed below:



TIMEFRAME (during which




No. SMEs participating in the

Consolidation Plan: 165

2002-2016 Internal registers, project


17. Please state if this practice is transferable in terms of:

x organisational model / implementation process

x specific tools (e.g. training, financial support, �.)

policy making process

definition of financial feasibility

methodology for the assessment of the problem to be address

methodology for the involvement of the targeted stakeholders

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risk management strategy involved

exit strategy involved

review and maintenance methodology

x metrics for the evaluation of the implementation process

marketing strategy

other (please specify)

18. List main success factors referred to the context where the practice took place





Favourable laws for the creation and consolidation of SMEs in

the region, specially to internationalisation

Very relevant


x Party relevant

Not relevant

Already existing body to support internationalisation and

recognized by the regional enterprises

Very relevant

x Relevant

Party relevant

Not relevant

Team of professionals with wide experience and close to the

regional SMEs as managers of the project

x Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

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19. Further materials and reference available (paper, PPT, information sheet, leaflet, video,

press releases, articles, blogs, photos,...). Please list and enclose

Consolidation Plan 2015 � Final Report

Extremadura Avante website:


Contact Details: contact person of the practice (name, e-mail, �)

Cristina Yárritu: [email protected]

Tel.: +34 924 319 159

Rocío Esteban: [email protected]

Tel.: +34 924 005 633

Contact Details: person compiling this form (name, e-mail, �)

Cristina Fernández Gallardo: [email protected]

Tel.: +34 924 319 159


The firm commitment of the Regional Government of Extremadura to the support tools for the

regional SMEs internationalisation is a fact for more than 20 years, when this type of support

programs started in Extremadura. Their continuation is due in great measure to the level of

satisfaction shown by the companies participating in these programs, as well as to the need to bring

companies in our region to our European partners� professionalization standards in their foreign

trade departments.

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1. Name of the organisation owner of in charge of the practice


2. Region/country where the practice takes place

Extremadura (Spain)

3. Title of the case/practice

Order 31/2014: aids addressed to the internationalisation of the Extremadura economic activity.

4. Website (If available)


5. Description of the case/practice (around 2000-2500 characters)

The Consolidation Plan in International Markets (from this point forward �Consolidation Plan�)

in combination with the aid line for hiring foreign trade technicians within the Order 31/2014,

from 11th March, (from this point forward �the Order�), form a comprehensive tool to support the

Extremadura�s SMEs that have the objective to consolidate their internationalisation strategy and

strengthen the export department.

In order to understand the good practice it is necessary to describe the Consolidation Plan and

the Order in an independent way.

Complementing the Consolidation Plan, enterprises can apply to the Order 31/2014, an aid to

grant the recruitment of foreign trade technicians for a period of 3 years minimum, taking into

account the following specific conditions:

a) The recruitment will respond to clearly defined objectives and to an

internationalisation plan to be developed by the company.

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b) The technician must have higher education (bachelor�s degree) or higher

vocational qualification in foreign trade and/or a minimum experience in that field

of 6 months. He must also prove a foreign language, because it�s his mother

tongue or by being accredited with a B2 CEFR (Common European Framework

of Reference for Languages) certificate, or equivalent.

c) It will be an employment contract, full-time, for a minimum period of 3 years. In

case the contract is rescinded, the beneficiary can still receive the aid to recruit

another technician in replacement of the other. In that case, the beneficiary must

fill the vacancy within 3 months since the date the first contract is cancelled.

This aid is a 30.000 euro direct grant to be paid in three years (15.000, 10.000 and 5.000

respectively) for the first, second and third year contract. This aid is only one once per


5.1. Duration (start-end)

The Order starts with the publication of the call and usually ends a year after or when the

assigned credit finishes.

5.2. Goals

Order: a total of 27 enterprises have been beneficiaries (16 in 2015 call and 11 in 2016 call)

since 2014.

5.3. Partners involved

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Junta de Extremadura (Regional Government of Extremadura)

Extremadura Avante Servicios Avanzados a Pymes, S.L.U.

5.4. Total cost of the practice

The Order, in the line for foreign trade technicians� recruitment counts, with 30.000 euro for

the last trimester of the running year (2016), 240.000 euro for 2017, 160.000 for 2018 and

80.000 for 2019.

6. Why do you think this could be a good practice?

The aid line to grant the recruitment of foreign trade technicians of the Order is a boost to

develop the international activity of the SMEs, not only at an economic level, but also in the

support to the international strategy through the monitoring and protection given by the

Extremadura Avante technicians and the foreign trade consultants working within the


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7. Type of practice (multiple response)


x policy + successful implementation

observatory/benchmarking/monitoring the SME Internationalisation activities

dissemination (please specify)



funding measure

x financial measure (e.g. tax relief, grant for exports, etc)

investment attraction measure


x entrepreneur training, coaching, mentoring, consultancy

access to knowledge

technology transfer

open innovation

cross-sectoral networking


x internationalisation (e.g. creation of international partnerships, access to foreign markets, �)

cluster development

incubator/ promotion of start-up

networking, matchmaking, �

OTHER (please specify)

8. How does the practice support and help enhance the SME Internationalisation?

Through the Order, the SME receives training, technical support, commercialization tools and

staff to develop its international activity. This allows the enterprise to have a more profitable

internationalisation process. Without this support, many companies would not have the capacity

to give these first steps in the foreign markets and therefore could desist in developing an

international strategy.

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9. Which problems/challenges/needs is the practice addressing? Please tick the appropriate

objectives (multiple response)1

Challenges OBJECTIVES Tick where



Resources /



Export coaching course x

Incentives to foster internationalisation activity x

Exports forums

Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Trade visits

Internationalisation/Export Academies

Other: please specify



ion support


and services

Developing technology incubators

Developing technology parks

Market research support x

Export/Internationalisation observatory facilities

IPR support/ Institutional protection of intellectual property

Account management support

Developing technology centres/competence centres/applied

research centres as a key tool for competitive improvement in


Diversifying and specializing technology centres and services

High level consultancy support ( eg advisors who help innovative

SMEs to boost R&D output and identify adaptations that might

make a product suitable for new overseas markets)


Other : please specify

1 Based on OECD report on � Top Barriers and Drivers to SME Internationalisation�

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Insurance solutions & risk management (e.g. covering of exporters

and foreign buyers of exports against commercial and political

risks of non-payment)

Financing short-term exports

Pre-Shipment financing

Post-Shipment financing


Credit guarantee scheme

Funding/grants for recruitment of advisors, researchers,


Funding to attend international trade events and exhibitions x

Grants to support any stage of the internationalisation activity x

Other: please specify


provision and


Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Creation of thematic critical masses and cluster development

Establishing interregional innovative business clusters and mega-


Fostering the transferability of innovative technologies overseas

Export promotional activities/marketing x

Regularly updated analysis reports on foreign markets

Trade missions x

Partner search & alliances

One stop customer centre to assist SME exporters with foreign

market information and contacts

Trade centres abroad ( that can offer market research information,

trade fair support etc)


Market intelligence services

Other: please specify

Indirect actions:


measures to

stimulate SME



Venture capital funds that finance innovative and high-growth


Public funding schemes for start-ups x

Improvement of technological capabilities of export-oriented SMEs

Other : please specify

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10. Source of funding (multiple response)

x regional funds

national funds

EU funds � H2020

EU funds � ERDF

x EU funds � other (please specify) European Social Fund

private funding (self-financed)

private (e.g. financed by business angels)


other (please specify)

11. Focus (choose the most relevant one)

x focused on the SME Internationalisation

focused on SME support sector

focused on sector specific SME Internationalisation

focused on other sector (please specify)

12. Is the practice linked to a specific policy? Please add a short description of the policy and

its link to the strategy/programme here.

The support lines of the Order come directly from the Regional Government of Extremadura policy

for the stimulation of the export activity in the region, as included in the Extremadura general budget

year after year.

13. If this practice is not focused on the SME Internationalisation, why do you think it is

applicable in this field?

It is a practice directly related to the SME Internationalisation.

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14. Geographical focus (choose one answer)


x regional




15. Actors involved in the practice (multiple response)

x regional government

national government

x development agency

university or research institution

x SME, enterprises

x association of enterprises/professionals

other (please specify)

16. Outputs: direct consequences of the practice. Depending on the practice goals, please

provide quantitative indicators that are available for your practice. Some examples are

listed below:



TIMEFRAME (during which




No. Foreign trade

technicians recruited: 27

2014-2016 Internal registers, project


17. Please state if this practice is transferable in terms of:

x organisational model / implementation process

x specific tools (e.g. training, financial support, �.)

policy making process

definition of financial feasibility

methodology for the assessment of the problem to be address

methodology for the involvement of the targeted stakeholders

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risk management strategy involved

exit strategy involved

review and maintenance methodology

x metrics for the evaluation of the implementation process

marketing strategy

other (please specify)

18. List main success factors referred to the context where the practice took place





Favourable laws for the creation and consolidation of SMEs in

the region, specially to internationalisation

Very relevant


x Party relevant

Not relevant

Already existing body to support internationalisation and

recognized by the regional enterprises

Very relevant

x Relevant

Party relevant

Not relevant

Team of professionals with wide experience and close to the

regional SMEs as managers of the project

x Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

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Project INTRA: Good Practice #2 � Consolidating internationalisation in SMEs | 11 / 11

19. Further materials and reference available (paper, PPT, information sheet, leaflet, video,

press releases, articles, blogs, photos,...). Please list and enclose

Consolidation Plan 2015 � Final Report

Extremadura Avante website:


Contact Details: contact person of the practice (name, e-mail, �)

Cristina Yárritu: [email protected]

Tel.: +34 924 319 159

Rocío Esteban: [email protected]

Tel.: +34 924 005 633

Contact Details: person compiling this form (name, e-mail, �)

Cristina Fernández Gallardo: [email protected]

Tel.: +34 924 319 159


The firm commitment of the Regional Government of Extremadura to the support tools for the

regional SMEs internationalisation is a fact for more than 20 years, when this type of support

programs started in Extremadura. Their continuation is due in great measure to the level of

satisfaction shown by the companies participating in these programs, as well as to the need to bring

companies in our region to our European partners� professionalization standards in their foreign

trade departments.

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1. Name of the organisation owner of in charge of the practice


2. Region/country where the practice takes place

Extremadura (Spain)

3. Title of the case/practice

PROMOTIONAL BRANDS: �Alimentos de Extremadura� (Foods from Extremadura).

4. Website (If available)

5. Description of the case/practice (around 2000-2500 characters)

�Alimentos de Extremadura�, what is it?

· It is a seal of identity for the agricultural products of the companies of Extremadura.

· It is a common element for the promotion of the agricultural products of Extremadura.

· It is a marketing brand created by the Junta (Regional Government) of Extremadura so that

consumers can identify its products.


Extremadura is renowned today for its environment, characterized by its water reserves and natural

diversity, making it a unique region in Europe. The above, together with the avant-garde nature and the

technology of its companies, committed to food safety, gives rise to safe, healthy and wholesome

products, recognized by their �Alimentos de Extremadura� seal of identity.


�Alimentos de Extremadura� contains a comprehensive, rich and varied range of food products and drinks

from our region. �Alimentos de Extremadura� enhances the value of regional agricultural products,

promotes awareness and perception of them among consumers and increases their reputation.


· To dynamise the marketing of the agricultural products of Extremadura.

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· To perform promotional activities at points of sale.

· To carry out joint advertising campaigns in some of the media.

· To perform sponsorship of acts and events.

· Collaboration with other institutions.


A NEW SEAL is not a substitute for anything; it is complementary to the company brand, by means of

which it can make itself different and also link itself to the Generic Communication Plan of the �Alimentos

de Extremadura� brand.

The opportunity to promote the sector in a joint and coordinated manner, pooling efforts so that broader

horizons can be undertaken at a promotional and advertising level, in which the main sales argument to be

emphasized will be the Extremadura origin.

5.1. Duration (start-end)

The program has an annual duration. It starts at the beginning of the year and ends on December 31.

5.2. Goals

1. Support the commercialization of agricultural products from Extremadura.

2. Carry out promotional activities at points of sale.

3. Carry out joint advertising campaigns in different media.

4. Promote the differentiation of branded products by participating in national and

international fairs.

5. Provide a brand prestige that they can display at their point of sale, in addition to an

effective claim to attract the consumer.

6. To promote an effective territorial identification that guarantees its elaboration in

Extremadura and that is endorsed by the regional government.

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5.3. Partners involved

There are currently 306 companies under the �Alimentos de Extremadura� brand, belonging

to the following sectors: Rice; Paprika and spices; Ham and sausages; Fruits and vegetables;

Oils and vinegars; Cheese and cakes; Wines; Honey and jams; Drinks; Canned and pickles;

Bakery and confectionery; Fresh meat; Nougat; chocolates; nuts; Confectionery; and Other


5.4. Total cost of the practice

6. Why do you think this could be a good practice?

The promotional brand �Alimentos de Extremadura� supposes for companies Extremadura a

stamp of identity for any product that has been produced, processed and packaged in

Extremadura. As it is a common element of promotion, it aims to value regional food production

and promote its knowledge among consumers, thus increasing their perception and increasing

their consideration, with the ultimate goal of promoting consumption.

7. Type of practice (multiple response)


X policy + successful implementation

X observatory/benchmarking/monitoring the SME Internationalisation activities

dissemination (please specify)



funding measure

financial measure (e.g. tax relief, grant for exports, etc)

X investment attraction measure

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entrepreneur training, coaching, mentoring, consultancy

access to knowledge

technology transfer

open innovation

cross-sectoral networking


X internationalisation (e.g. creation of international partnerships, access to foreign markets, �)

cluster development

incubator/ promotion of start-up

X networking, matchmaking, �

OTHER (please specify)

8. How does the practice support and help enhance the SME Internationalisation?

The brand �Alimentos de Extremadura� offers Extremadura producers a series of advantages,

enhancing and improving the brand image through a complementary seal that allows a clear

differentiation, in addition to linking to the generic communication plan of the brand.

From the point of view of distribution, the brand �Alimentos de Extremadura� offers a

consolidated brand prestige that can be displayed at the point of sale, in addition to an effective

claim to attract the international consumer.

Another way to improve the internationalisation of SMEs is through actions of joint and

coordinated promotion in international sales points, concentrating efforts towards broader

horizons at the advertising and promotional level.

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9. Which problems/challenges/needs is the practice addressing? Please tick the appropriate

objectives (multiple response)1

Challenges OBJECTIVES Tick where



Resources /



Export coaching course

Incentives to foster internationalisation activity X

Exports forums X

Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Trade visits X

Internationalisation/Export Academies X

Other: please specify



ion support


and services

Developing technology incubators

Developing technology parks

Market research support

Export/Internationalisation observatory facilities X

IPR support/ Institutional protection of intellectual property

Account management support

Developing technology centres/competence centres/applied

research centres as a key tool for competitive improvement in


Diversifying and specializing technology centres and services

High level consultancy support ( eg advisors who help innovative

SMEs to boost R&D output and identify adaptations that might

make a product suitable for new overseas markets)

Other : please specify


Insurance solutions & risk management (e.g. covering of exporters

and foreign buyers of exports against commercial and political

risks of non-payment)

Financing short-term exports

Pre-Shipment financing

Post-Shipment financing


Credit guarantee scheme

1 Based on OECD report on � Top Barriers and Drivers to SME Internationalisation�

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Funding/grants for recruitment of advisors, researchers,


Funding to attend international trade events and exhibitions

Grants to support any stage of the internationalisation activity

Other: please specify


provision and


Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Creation of thematic critical masses and cluster development

Establishing interregional innovative business clusters and mega-


Fostering the transferability of innovative technologies overseas

Export promotional activities/marketing X

Regularly updated analysis reports on foreign markets

Trade missions X

Partner search & alliances

One stop customer centre to assist SME exporters with foreign

market information and contacts

Trade centres abroad ( that can offer market research information,

trade fair support etc)

Market intelligence services

Other: please specify

Indirect actions:


measures to

stimulate SME



Venture capital funds that finance innovative and high-growth


Public funding schemes for start-ups

Improvement of technological capabilities of export-oriented SMEs

Other : please specify

10. Source of funding (multiple response)

X regional funds

national funds

EU funds � H2020

X EU funds � ERDF

EU funds � other (please specify)

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private funding (self-financed)

private (e.g. financed by business angels)


other (please specify)

11. Focus (choose the most relevant one)

focused on the SME Internationalisation

X focused on SME support sector

focused on sector specific SME Internationalisation

focused on other sector (please specify)

12. Is the practice linked to a specific policy? Please add a short description of the policy and

its link to the strategy/programme here.

This good practice responds to the needs derived from the ERDF Operational Program of

Extremadura 2014-2020 and is included under the Priority Axis 3 �Enhancing the competitiveness of

SMEs�, Investment Priority 3 (d) �Supporting the capacity of small and medium sized enterprises to

grow in regional, national and international markets and to engage in innovation processes�.

13. If this practice is not focused on the SME Internationalisation, why do you think it is

applicable in this field?

14. Geographical focus (choose one answer)





X international

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15. Actors involved in the practice (multiple response)

X regional government

X national government

development agency

university or research institution

X SME, enterprises

association of enterprises/professionals

other (please specify)

16. Outputs: direct consequences of the practice. Depending on the practice goals, please

provide quantitative indicators that are available for your practice. Some examples are

listed below:





Number of companies benefiting

from the brand: 306

Internal records. Project


17. Please state if this practice is transferable in terms of:

organisational model / implementation process

specific tools (e.g. training, financial support, �.)

policy making process

definition of financial feasibility

methodology for the assessment of the problem to be address

methodology for the involvement of the targeted stakeholders

risk management strategy involved

exit strategy involved

review and maintenance methodology

metrics for the evaluation of the implementation process

X marketing strategy

other (please specify)

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18. List main success factors referred to the context where the practice took place





Favourable socioeconomic context for the creation and

promotion of the promotional brand �Alimentos de


X Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

Consolidated and prestigious identity seal for food products of

Extremadura companies.

X Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

Common promotion tool and brand image recognisable and

prestigious among consumers.

X Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

Human Resources with knowledge and experience in the

professional field required.

Very relevant

X Relevant

Party relevant

Not relevant

19. Further materials and reference available (paper, PPT, information sheet, leaflet, video,

press releases, articles, blogs, photos,...). Please list and enclose

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Contact Details: contact person of the practice (name, e-mail, �)

Nieves Franco

[email protected]

Contact Details: person compiling this form (name, e-mail, �)

Manuel Gallardo

[email protected]


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Project INTRA: Good Practice #4 � Export Consortiums | 2 / 11

1. Name of the organisation owner of in charge of the practice


2. Region/country where the practice takes place

Extremadura (Spain)

3. Title of the case/practice


4. Website (If available)

5. Description of the case/practice (around 2000-2500 characters)

The Export Consortiums Program has been created by the Extremadura Regional Government

through Extremadura Avante and it is a tool to encourage the dimensioning and training of SMEs

in complementary and / or related sectors with a common objective in Internationalisation. In

order to achieve the objectives established by the program, a series of possible actions are

handled, such as commercial trips, promotional material, specific promotion actions, etc.

All the actions carried out will be directly related to the internationalisation of the consortium and

the necessary tools for it. The export consortia involve the creation of a business group, which

will be responsible for the design of strategies and management of actions to achieve a general

objective. This objective will be the improvement of the presence abroad of all its members.

For the consortium to be formed it is necessary to have at least three companies with a

registered office in Extremadura and with their activity focused on manufacturing or processing,

as well as companies whose final product is a service, interested all of them in introducing and

consolidating their products or services In the international market.

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Companies wanted to be part of the consortium must be motivated on the international trade and

have an interest in tackling new markets jointly with related companies.

The 2016 Export Consortium Program differentiates between:

· Initiation Consortiums - Consortiums whose member companies have not yet

developed promotion and internationalisation actions jointly.

· Consortiums in Development - Consortiums between one and three years old since

their establishment and that have developed demonstrable promotional and marketing


· Consolidated Consortiums - Consortiums with more than three years of seniority that

have developed demonstrable promotional and marketing actions.

5.1. Duration (start-end)

The program begins in the first quarter of the year, since the incorporation of the company to

the program, and closes on December 31st of the current year.

5.2. Goals

The main objective of the program is to allow Extremadura companies to join forces in order

to approach external markets accompanied by partners who support them and minimize costs

and possible risks. This objective is shared both by companies that have international

trajectory and by those companies that are initiating their internationalisation processes.

5.3. Partners involved

Extremadura Regional Government

Extremadura Avante Advanced Services to SMEs, S.L.U.

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5.4. Total cost of the practice

Up to 58.000 �

6. Why do you think this could be a good practice?

It is a tool that allows Extremadura companies (SMEs in the majority) to make the leap to

external markets together with partners who support them and in this way minimize costs and

risks. It should be noted that some of these companies would not be able to tackle this type of

actions on their own, so the potential barriers of the international market are easier to save.

7. Type of practice (multiple response)


policy + successful implementation

X observatory/benchmarking/monitoring the SME Internationalisation activities

dissemination (please specify)



funding measure

financial measure (e.g. tax relief, grant for exports, etc)

investment attraction measure


entrepreneur training, coaching, mentoring, consultancy

access to knowledge

technology transfer

open innovation

X cross-sectoral networking


X internationalisation (e.g. creation of international partnerships, access to foreign markets, �)

cluster development

incubator/ promotion of start-up

X networking, matchmaking, �

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OTHER (please specify)

8. How does the practice support and help enhance the SME Internationalisation?

From the moment companies approach the foreign market together, they begin to minimize

costs and potential risks. The participating companies receive technical support, training support

and support in external promotion actions.

Three categories are established according to the degree of development of the consortium, with

different economic support for each of them.

Initiation Consortiums: Group of companies that have not developed activities jointly. Economic

support up to � 8000.

Consortiums in Development: Groups between 1 and 3 years old that have developed activities

jointly. Economic support up to 5000 �.

Consolidated Consortiums: Groups with more than 3 years of seniority that have developed

activities jointly. Economic support up to 3000 �.

9. Which problems/challenges/needs is the practice addressing? Please tick the appropriate

objectives (multiple response)1

Challenges OBJECTIVES Tick where



Resources /



Export coaching course X

Incentives to foster internationalisation activity

Exports forums X

Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Trade visits X

Internationalisation/Export Academies

Other: please specify

SME Developing technology incubators

1 Based on OECD report on � Top Barriers and Drivers to SME Internationalisation�

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ion support


and services

Developing technology parks

Market research support X

Export/Internationalisation observatory facilities

IPR support/ Institutional protection of intellectual property

Account management support

Developing technology centres/competence centres/applied

research centres as a key tool for competitive improvement in


Diversifying and specializing technology centres and services

High level consultancy support ( eg advisors who help innovative

SMEs to boost R&D output and identify adaptations that might

make a product suitable for new overseas markets)

Other : please specify


Insurance solutions & risk management (e.g. covering of exporters

and foreign buyers of exports against commercial and political

risks of non-payment)

Financing short-term exports

Pre-Shipment financing

Post-Shipment financing


Credit guarantee scheme

Funding/grants for recruitment of advisors, researchers,


Funding to attend international trade events and exhibitions X

Grants to support any stage of the internationalisation activity X

Other: please specify


provision and


Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Creation of thematic critical masses and cluster development

Establishing interregional innovative business clusters and mega-


Fostering the transferability of innovative technologies overseas

Export promotional activities/marketing X

Regularly updated analysis reports on foreign markets

Trade missions X

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Partner search & alliances

One stop customer centre to assist SME exporters with foreign

market information and contacts

Trade centres abroad ( that can offer market research information,

trade fair support etc)


Market intelligence services

Other: please specify

Indirect actions:


measures to

stimulate SME



Venture capital funds that finance innovative and high-growth


Public funding schemes for start-ups

Improvement of technological capabilities of export-oriented SMEs

Other : please specify

10. Source of funding (multiple response)

X regional funds

national funds

EU funds � H2020

X EU funds � ERDF

EU funds � other (please specify)

private funding (self-financed)

private (e.g. financed by business angels)


other (please specify)

11. Focus (choose the most relevant one)

X focused on the SME Internationalisation

focused on SME support sector

focused on sector specific SME Internationalisation

focused on other sector (please specify)

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12. Is the practice linked to a specific policy? Please add a short description of the policy and

its link to the strategy/programme here.

This good practice responds to the needs derived from the ERDF Operational Program of

Extremadura 2014-2020 and is included under the Priority Axis 3 �Enhancing the competitiveness of

SMEs�, Investment Priority 3 (d) �Supporting the capacity of small and medium sized enterprises to

grow in regional, national and international markets and to engage in innovation processes�.

13. If this practice is not focused on the SME Internationalisation, why do you think it is

applicable in this field?

14. Geographical focus (choose one answer)





X international

15. Actors involved in the practice (multiple response)

X regional government

national government

development agency

university or research institution

X SME, enterprises

association of enterprises/professionals

other (please specify)

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16. Outputs: direct consequences of the practice. Depending on the practice goals, please

provide quantitative indicators that are available for your practice. Some examples are

listed below:



TIMEFRAME (during which




Nº of companies

participating: 31

(13 in Initiation Consortiums,

12 in Consortiums in

Development, and 6 in

Consolidated Consortiums)

2016 Internal records. Project


17. Please state if this practice is transferable in terms of:

organisational model / implementation process

X specific tools (e.g. training, financial support, �.)

policy making process

definition of financial feasibility

methodology for the assessment of the problem to be address

methodology for the involvement of the targeted stakeholders

risk management strategy involved

exit strategy involved

review and maintenance methodology

metrics for the evaluation of the implementation process

X marketing strategy

other (please specify)

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18. List main success factors referred to the context where the practice took place





Favourable socioeconomic context that allows Extremadura

companies access to the foreign market.

X Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

Support tool for access to the foreign market that responds to

the needs of the regional business fabric taking into account

their characteristics.

X Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

Human Resources with knowledge and experience in the

professional field required.

Very relevant

X Relevant

Party relevant

Not relevant

19. Further materials and reference available (paper, PPT, information sheet, leaflet, video,

press releases, articles, blogs, photos,...). Please list and enclose



Contact Details: contact person of the practice (name, e-mail, �)

Granada Rodríguez

[email protected]

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Contact Details: person compiling this form (name, e-mail, �)

Manuel Gallardo

[email protected]


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Project INTRA: Good Practice #5 � International Public Tender Program | 2 / 10

1. Name of the organisation owner of in charge of the practice


2. Region/country where the practice takes place

Extremadura (Spain)

3. Title of the case/practice

International Public Tender Programme

4. Website (If available)

5. Description of the case/practice (around 2000-2500 characters)

The International Public Tender Programme 2016, created by the Regional Government of

Extremadura through Extremadura Avante, is a tool to support those regional enterprises that

consider the international public tender markets as an axe in its global internationalisation


The International Public Contracting comprises all works and services done or goods provided

by the multilateral bodies or institutions working in cooperation or international aid, and that are

executed by the public institutions or governments of the destination country.

The International Public Tender Programme is directed to facilitate the access and participation

of the regional enterprises in international tenders published by multilateral public bodies and, in

some cases, by national governments.

Moreover, it is expected to promote the location and collaboration with potential partners and/or

strategic experts, with the aim to increase the internationalisation grade and the international

presence of the regional enterprises participating in the programme. The conditions for the

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participating enterprises are: to have their activity in the Extremadura region and to be

producers/providers of the goods/services addressed to the international markets.

5.1. Duration (start-end)

The programme starts during the first trimester of the year, with the incorporation of the

Enterprise to the programme, and closes on the 31st December of the running year.

5.2. Goals

- To intensify and optimize the participation of enterprises from Extremadura in international tenders, by direct tendering of by providing products or services and, therefore, establishing business alliances.

- To significantly improve the access possibilities to international public and private tenders, in addition to expenses reduction and diversification of the risks involved in the introduction in high competitive abroad markets.

- To give support in methodology and procedures on tenders to the enterprises.

- To help the enterprises from Extremadura to increase the success rate in the awarding of public and private contracts.

5.3. Partners involved

Extremadura Regional Government

Extremadura Avante Advanced Services to SMEs, S.L.U.

5.4. Total cost of the practice


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6. Why do you think this could be a good practice?

This programme is a very useful tool for the regional enterprises, SMEs most of them, that not

always have the necessary knowledge or human resources to make the leap to the international

market. The technicians of the International Area in Extremadura Avante SAP are in charge of

the monitoring and personalized advice to each of the participating enterprises. The programme

also includes an information tool to search those tenders in the centre of interest of each

enterprise. The programme tries to achieve an appropriate qualification in the field of

international public tender, through different work groups by activity sector. These working

groups will analyze the more suitable methodology to successfully apply to multilateral tenders.

7. Type of practice (multiple response)


policy + successful implementation

X observatory/benchmarking/monitoring the SME Internationalisation activities

X dissemination (please specify) In case of success in international tender projects, the

dissemination at regional level will produce a positive �infection effect� in the rest of the business




X funding measure

financial measure (e.g. tax relief, grant for exports, etc)

X investment attraction measure


X entrepreneur training, coaching, mentoring, consultancy

X access to knowledge

technology transfer

open innovation

X cross-sectorial networking


X internationalisation (e.g. creation of international partnerships, access to foreign markets, �)

cluster development

incubator/ promotion of start-up

X networking, matchmaking, �

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OTHER (please specify)

8. How does the practice support and help enhance the SME Internationalisation?

Besides the personalized advice to each of the participating enterprises, this good practice will help to improve the SMEs internationalisation through the support of certain activities and/or expenses, pending the satisfaction of certain conditions related to works developed by the beneficiary in participating in international public tenders. Some of the possible activities are:

Access to International Public Tenders, among others, personalized advice in preparation of tender procedures and legal advice.

Commercial travels related to a International Public Tender project.

Personalized visits to each of the participating enterprises to develop a correct monitoring of the programme.

On time information about conferences or events related to the programme and interesting for the participant enterprises.

Organization of training sessions related with the programme to allow the participant enterprises to improve their knowledge and qualification.

9. Which problems/challenges/needs is the practice addressing? Please tick the appropriate

objectives (multiple response)1

Challenges OBJECTIVES Tick where



Resources /



Export coaching course

Incentives to foster internationalisation activity X

Exports forums

Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Trade visits

1 Based on OECD report on � Top Barriers and Drivers to SME Internationalisation�

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Internationalisation/Export Academies X

Other: please specify



ion support


and services

Developing technology incubators

Developing technology parks

Market research support X

Export/Internationalisation observatory facilities X

IPR support/ Institutional protection of intellectual property

Account management support

Developing technology centres/competence centres/applied

research centres as a key tool for competitive improvement in


Diversifying and specializing technology centres and services

High level consultancy support ( eg advisors who help innovative

SMEs to boost R&D output and identify adaptations that might

make a product suitable for new overseas markets)


Other : please specify


Insurance solutions & risk management (e.g. covering of exporters

and foreign buyers of exports against commercial and political

risks of non-payment)

Financing short-term exports

Pre-Shipment financing

Post-Shipment financing

Loans X

Credit guarantee scheme

Funding/grants for recruitment of advisors, researchers,

accountants X

Funding to attend international trade events and exhibitions X

Grants to support any stage of the internationalisation activity X

Other: please specify


provision and


Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Creation of thematic critical masses and cluster development

Establishing interregional innovative business clusters and mega-


Fostering the transferability of innovative technologies overseas

Export promotional activities/marketing X

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Regularly updated analysis reports on foreign markets X

Trade missions

Partner search & alliances X

One stop customer centre to assist SME exporters with foreign

market information and contacts

Trade centres abroad ( that can offer market research information,

trade fair support etc)

Market intelligence services

Other: please specify

Indirect actions:


measures to

stimulate SME



Venture capital funds that finance innovative and high-growth


Public funding schemes for start-ups

Improvement of technological capabilities of export-oriented SMEs

Other : please specify

10. Source of funding (multiple response)

X regional funds

national funds

EU funds � H2020

X EU funds � ERDF

EU funds � other (please specify)

private funding (self-financed)

private (e.g. financed by business angels)


other (please specify)

11. Focus (choose the most relevant one)

X focused on the SME Internationalisation

focused on SME support sector

focused on sector specific SME Internationalisation

focused on other sector (please specify)

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12. Is the practice linked to a specific policy? Please add a short description of the policy and

its link to the strategy/programme here.

This good practice responds to the needs derived from the ERDF Operational Program of

Extremadura 2014-2020 and is included under the Priority Axis 3 �Enhancing the competitiveness of

SMEs�, Investment Priority 3 (d) �Supporting the capacity of small and medium sized enterprises to

grow in regional, national and international markets and to engage in innovation processes�.

13. If this practice is not focused on the SME Internationalisation, why do you think it is

applicable in this field?

14. Geographical focus (choose one answer)


X regional



X international

15. Actors involved in the practice (multiple response)

X regional government

national government

development agency

university or research institution

X SME, enterprises

association of enterprises/professionals

other (please specify)

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16. Outputs: direct consequences of the practice. Depending on the practice goals, please

provide quantitative indicators that are available for your practice. Some examples are

listed below:



TIMEFRAME (during which




Participating enterprises: 10 2016 Internal register. Project


17. Please state if this practice is transferable in terms of:

organisational model / implementation process

specific tools (e.g. training, financial support, �.)

policy making process

definition of financial feasibility

X methodology for the assessment of the problem to be address

X methodology for the involvement of the targeted stakeholders

risk management strategy involved

exit strategy involved

review and maintenance methodology

metrics for the evaluation of the implementation process

X marketing strategy

other (please specify)

18. List main success factors referred to the context where the practice took place





Favourable socio-economic context for the participation of the

enterprises in the tender market.

X Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

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Support institution in accessing to the multilateral market

recognized by the participating enterprises.

X Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

Human Resources with knowledge and experience in the

required professional area.

Very relevant

X Relevant

Party relevant

Not relevant

Party relevant

Not relevant

19. Further materials and reference available (paper, PPT, information sheet, leaflet, video,

press releases, articles, blogs, photos,...). Please list and enclose

Extremadura Avante website:


Contact Details: contact person of the practice (name, e-mail, �)

Manuel Gallardo.

[email protected]

Contact Details: person compiling this form (name, e-mail, �)

Manuel Gallardo.

[email protected]


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Project INTRA: Good Practice #6 � Transversal services for internationalisation | 2 / 11

1. Name of the organisation owner of in charge of the practice


2. Region/country where the practice takes place

Extremadura (Spain)

3. Title of the case/practice


4. Website (If available)

5. Description of the case/practice (around 2000-2500 characters)

These transversal services are intended to cater to the entire business network in Extremadura,

regardless of the internationalisation phase of the company (initiation or consolidation), and

covering all sectors. These services do not entail being integrated into any specific plan of

Extremadura Avante, and are open to any SME in Extremadura.

Extremadura Exports is a support program for Extremadura�s companies, that includes all

those training and awareness-raising actions related to the company's internationalisation

strategy. Under the umbrella of Extremadura exports seminars and training workshops on

international operations such as customs management, logistics, incoterms, and means of

collection and payment are organized, among others. There are also organized activities related

to languages, communication, or management of international sales platforms.

On the other hand, awareness-raising events are also launched with the aim of reaching the

whole of the region by bringing companies and all those interested in internationalisation to the

tools and supports available to them in order to Internationalize.

Under Extremadura Export an event of integration of all the agents related to foreign trade in

the region is also launched annually, in which the relationship between them is favored through

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talks and presentations, B2B, and spaces for the exposition of services to internationalisation.

5.1. Duration (start-end)

These transversal services are continuous and available throughout the year. Calls are made

according to the different events that are being organized.

5.2. Goals

Train, raise awareness and provide knowledge and skills related to foreign trade operations.

Solve specific questions about foreign trade operations.

Facilitate tools for the internationalisation of Extremadura companies.

Generate marketing opportunities and increase exports.

Advice on foreign trade and Commercial advice.

Detect business opportunities.

Design and develop Business Meetings.

5.3. Partners involved

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Junta de Extremadura (Regional Government)

Extremadura Avante Servicios Avanzados a Pymes, S.L.U.

Chamber of Commerce of Badajoz (Annual Schedule)

Chamber of Commerce of Cáceres (Annual Schedule)

5.4. Total cost of the practice

6. Why do you think this could be a good practice?

All transversal services mean for companies to feel accompanied and supported in any aspect

related to international trade, whether in the field of training, direct promotion of services and

products from Extremadura, commercial support and accompaniment at destination, with

interlocutors who know them and adapt their needs to particular markets.

7. Type of practice (multiple response)


policy + successful implementation

X observatory/benchmarking/monitoring the SME Internationalisation activities

dissemination (please specify)

X event/festival


funding measure

X financial measure (e.g. tax relief, grant for exports, etc)

X investment attraction measure


entrepreneur training, coaching, mentoring, consultancy

access to knowledge

technology transfer

open innovation

X cross-sectoral networking


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X internationalisation (e.g. creation of international partnerships, access to foreign markets, �)

cluster development

incubator/ promotion of start-up

X networking, matchmaking, �

OTHER (please specify)

8. How does the practice support and help enhance the SME Internationalisation?

These public tools to support the business community of Extremadura in its international

expansion and commercialization, supposes an improvement of the business competitiveness of

Extremadura, and an access to the markets in an effective way through the advice and the

economic support in each one of the services and programs of Extremadura Avante, according

to need and participation criteria.

9. Which problems/challenges/needs is the practice addressing? Please tick the appropriate

objectives (multiple response)1

Challenges OBJECTIVES Tick where



Resources /



Export coaching course X

Incentives to foster internationalisation activity X

Exports forums X

Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Trade visits X

Internationalisation/Export Academies X

Other: please specify



ion support

Developing technology incubators

Developing technology parks

Market research support X

1 Based on OECD report on � Top Barriers and Drivers to SME Internationalisation�

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and services Export/Internationalisation observatory facilities X

IPR support/ Institutional protection of intellectual property

Account management support

Developing technology centres/competence centres/applied

research centres as a key tool for competitive improvement in


Diversifying and specializing technology centres and services

High level consultancy support ( eg advisors who help innovative

SMEs to boost R&D output and identify adaptations that might

make a product suitable for new overseas markets)


Other : please specify


Insurance solutions & risk management (e.g. covering of exporters

and foreign buyers of exports against commercial and political

risks of non-payment)


Financing short-term exports

Pre-Shipment financing

Post-Shipment financing


Credit guarantee scheme

Funding/grants for recruitment of advisors, researchers,


Funding to attend international trade events and exhibitions

Grants to support any stage of the internationalisation activity X

Other: please specify


provision and


Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Creation of thematic critical masses and cluster development

Establishing interregional innovative business clusters and mega-


Fostering the transferability of innovative technologies overseas

Export promotional activities/marketing X

Regularly updated analysis reports on foreign markets X

Trade missions X

Partner search & alliances X

One stop customer centre to assist SME exporters with foreign

market information and contacts


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Trade centres abroad ( that can offer market research information,

trade fair support etc)


Market intelligence services X

Other: please specify

Indirect actions:


measures to

stimulate SME



Venture capital funds that finance innovative and high-growth


Public funding schemes for start-ups

Improvement of technological capabilities of export-oriented SMEs

Other : please specify

10. Source of funding (multiple response)

X regional funds

national funds

X EU funds � H2020

EU funds � ERDF

EU funds � other (please specify)

private funding (self-financed)

private (e.g. financed by business angels)


other (please specify)

11. Focus (choose the most relevant one)

focused on the SME Internationalisation

focused on SME support sector

X focused on sector specific SME Internationalisation

focused on other sector (please specify)

12. Is the practice linked to a specific policy? Please add a short description of the policy and

its link to the strategy/programme here.

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Mainly the policy and programs of actions of Extremadura Avante (International Area) are developed

within the policies of the Junta de Extremadura (regional government), Regional Ministry of

Economy and Infrastructures, regarding the services of support to the Extremadura companies for

their participation in actions of Marketing and Internationalisation.

13. If this practice is not focused on the SME Internationalisation, why do you think it is

applicable in this field?


14. Geographical focus (choose one answer)





X international

15. Actors involved in the practice (multiple response)

X regional government

national government

X development agency

X university or research institution

X SME, enterprises

association of enterprises/professionals

other (please specify)

16. Outputs: direct consequences of the practice. Depending on the practice goals, please

provide quantitative indicators that are available for your practice. Some examples are

listed below:


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INDICATOR time?) available)

Nº of queries served through


In 2015 Final reports

Number of actions


In 2015 Projects� Final Reports

17. Please state if this practice is transferable in terms of:

X organisational model / implementation process

specific tools (e.g. training, financial support, �.)

X policy making process

definition of financial feasibility

methodology for the assessment of the problem to be address

methodology for the involvement of the targeted stakeholders

risk management strategy involved

exit strategy involved

review and maintenance methodology

metrics for the evaluation of the implementation process

X marketing strategy

other (please specify)

18. List main success factors referred to the context where the practice took place





Efficient public support instruments for the internationalisation

of SMEs

X Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

Positive perception of public funding mechanisms Very relevant

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X Relevant

Party relevant

Not relevant

Social capital and competent HR available X Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

19. Further materials and reference available (paper, PPT, information sheet, leaflet, video,

press releases, articles, blogs, photos,...). Please list and enclose

All activities and programs are disseminated and published through the web of Extremadura Avante,

through newsletters, weekly bulletins, calls, days of opportunities and business meetings, among

other forums.

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Contact Details: contact person of the practice (name, e-mail, �)

Contact Details: person compiling this form (name, e-mail, �)

Angel Luis Fernandez: [email protected]

Fátima Martín: [email protected]

Cristina Fernández: [email protected]


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Project INTRA: Good Practice #6 � Transversal services for internationalisation | 2 / 10

1. Name of the organisation owner of in charge of the practice


2. Region/country where the practice takes place

Extremadura (Spain)

3. Title of the case/practice


4. Website (If available)

5. Description of the case/practice (around 2000-2500 characters)

These transversal services are intended to cater to the entire business network in Extremadura,

regardless of the internationalisation phase of the company (initiation or consolidation), and

covering all sectors. These services do not entail being integrated into any specific plan of

Extremadura Avante, and are open to any SME in Extremadura.


The main purpose of the i-Export service is to facilitate Extremadura companies' access to

internationalisation and encourage the increase of their exports through a free program that

provides information and advice to companies that demand support in the field of Foreign trade,

accompanying them in the "first steps" of the export of their products and services.

5.1. Duration (start-end)

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These transversal services are continuous and available throughout the year. Calls are made

according to the different events that are being organized.

5.2. Goals

Train, raise awareness and provide knowledge and skills related to foreign trade operations.

Solve specific questions about foreign trade operations.

Facilitate tools for the internationalisation of Extremadura companies.

Generate marketing opportunities and increase exports.

Advice on foreign trade and Commercial advice.

Detect business opportunities.

Design and develop Business Meetings.

5.3. Partners involved

Junta de Extremadura (Regional Government)

Extremadura Avante Servicios Avanzados a Pymes, S.L.U.

Chamber of Commerce of Badajoz (Annual Schedule)

Chamber of Commerce of Cáceres (Annual Schedule)

5.4. Total cost of the practice

6. Why do you think this could be a good practice?

All transversal services mean for companies to feel accompanied and supported in any aspect

related to international trade, whether in the field of training, direct promotion of services and

products from Extremadura, commercial support and accompaniment at destination, with

interlocutors who know them and adapt their needs to particular markets.

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7. Type of practice (multiple response)


policy + successful implementation

X observatory/benchmarking/monitoring the SME Internationalisation activities

dissemination (please specify)

X event/festival


funding measure

X financial measure (e.g. tax relief, grant for exports, etc)

X investment attraction measure


entrepreneur training, coaching, mentoring, consultancy

access to knowledge

technology transfer

open innovation

X cross-sectoral networking


X internationalisation (e.g. creation of international partnerships, access to foreign markets, �)

cluster development

incubator/ promotion of start-up

X networking, matchmaking, �

OTHER (please specify)

8. How does the practice support and help enhance the SME Internationalisation?

These public tools to support the business community of Extremadura in its international

expansion and commercialization, supposes an improvement of the business competitiveness of

Extremadura, and an access to the markets in an effective way through the advice and the

economic support in each one of the services and programs of Extremadura Avante, according

to need and participation criteria.

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9. Which problems/challenges/needs is the practice addressing? Please tick the appropriate

objectives (multiple response)1

Challenges OBJECTIVES Tick where



Resources /



Export coaching course X

Incentives to foster internationalisation activity X

Exports forums X

Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Trade visits X

Internationalisation/Export Academies X

Other: please specify



ion support


and services

Developing technology incubators

Developing technology parks

Market research support X

Export/Internationalisation observatory facilities X

IPR support/ Institutional protection of intellectual property

Account management support

Developing technology centres/competence centres/applied

research centres as a key tool for competitive improvement in


Diversifying and specializing technology centres and services

High level consultancy support ( eg advisors who help innovative

SMEs to boost R&D output and identify adaptations that might

make a product suitable for new overseas markets)


Other : please specify


Insurance solutions & risk management (e.g. covering of exporters

and foreign buyers of exports against commercial and political

risks of non-payment)


Financing short-term exports

Pre-Shipment financing

Post-Shipment financing


Credit guarantee scheme

1 Based on OECD report on � Top Barriers and Drivers to SME Internationalisation�

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Funding/grants for recruitment of advisors, researchers,


Funding to attend international trade events and exhibitions

Grants to support any stage of the internationalisation activity X

Other: please specify


provision and


Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Creation of thematic critical masses and cluster development

Establishing interregional innovative business clusters and mega-


Fostering the transferability of innovative technologies overseas

Export promotional activities/marketing X

Regularly updated analysis reports on foreign markets X

Trade missions X

Partner search & alliances X

One stop customer centre to assist SME exporters with foreign

market information and contacts


Trade centres abroad ( that can offer market research information,

trade fair support etc)


Market intelligence services X

Other: please specify

Indirect actions:


measures to

stimulate SME



Venture capital funds that finance innovative and high-growth


Public funding schemes for start-ups

Improvement of technological capabilities of export-oriented SMEs

Other : please specify

10. Source of funding (multiple response)

X regional funds

national funds

X EU funds � H2020

EU funds � ERDF

EU funds � other (please specify)

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private funding (self-financed)

private (e.g. financed by business angels)


other (please specify)

11. Focus (choose the most relevant one)

focused on the SME Internationalisation

focused on SME support sector

X focused on sector specific SME Internationalisation

focused on other sector (please specify)

12. Is the practice linked to a specific policy? Please add a short description of the policy and

its link to the strategy/programme here.

Mainly the policy and programs of actions of Extremadura Avante (International Area) are developed

within the policies of the Junta de Extremadura (regional government), Regional Ministry of

Economy and Infrastructures, regarding the services of support to the Extremadura companies for

their participation in actions of Marketing and Internationalisation.

13. If this practice is not focused on the SME Internationalisation, why do you think it is

applicable in this field?


14. Geographical focus (choose one answer)





X international

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15. Actors involved in the practice (multiple response)

X regional government

national government

X development agency

X university or research institution

X SME, enterprises

association of enterprises/professionals

other (please specify)

16. Outputs: direct consequences of the practice. Depending on the practice goals, please

provide quantitative indicators that are available for your practice. Some examples are

listed below:



TIMEFRAME (during which




Nº of queries served through


In 2015 Final reports

Number of actions


In 2015 Projects� Final Reports

17. Please state if this practice is transferable in terms of:

X organisational model / implementation process

specific tools (e.g. training, financial support, �.)

X policy making process

definition of financial feasibility

methodology for the assessment of the problem to be address

methodology for the involvement of the targeted stakeholders

risk management strategy involved

exit strategy involved

review and maintenance methodology

metrics for the evaluation of the implementation process

X marketing strategy

other (please specify)

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18. List main success factors referred to the context where the practice took place





Efficient public support instruments for the internationalisation

of SMEs

X Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

Positive perception of public funding mechanisms Very relevant

X Relevant

Party relevant

Not relevant

Social capital and competent HR available X Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

19. Further materials and reference available (paper, PPT, information sheet, leaflet, video,

press releases, articles, blogs, photos,...). Please list and enclose

All activities and programs are disseminated and published through the web of Extremadura Avante,

through newsletters, weekly bulletins, calls, days of opportunities and business meetings, among

other forums.

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Contact Details: contact person of the practice (name, e-mail, �)

Contact Details: person compiling this form (name, e-mail, �)

Angel Luis Fernandez: [email protected]

Fátima Martín: [email protected]

Cristina Fernández: [email protected]


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Project INTRA: Good Practice #6 � Transversal services for internationalisation | 2 / 10

1. Name of the organisation owner of in charge of the practice


2. Region/country where the practice takes place

Extremadura (Spain)

3. Title of the case/practice


4. Website (If available)

5. Description of the case/practice (around 2000-2500 characters)

These transversal services are intended to cater to the entire business network in Extremadura,

regardless of the internationalisation phase of the company (initiation or consolidation), and

covering all sectors. These services do not entail being integrated into any specific plan of

Extremadura Avante, and are open to any SME in Extremadura.

Promotional actions abroad:

Commercial tool fundamental for the introduction and consolidation of the products and services

of Extremadura companies in international markets. There is an annual schedule of actions

agreed with the business fabric of Extremadura. The different actions that are usually carried out

are the following:

- Presence with stand at international fairs

- Direct Commercial Missions

- Reverse Trade Missions

- Professional visits to international fairs

- Assistance to International Business Meetings

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5.1. Duration (start-end)

These transversal services are continuous and available throughout the year. Calls are made

according to the different events that are being organized.

5.2. Goals

Train, raise awareness and provide knowledge and skills related to foreign trade operations.

Solve specific questions about foreign trade operations.

Facilitate tools for the internationalisation of Extremadura companies.

Generate marketing opportunities and increase exports.

Advice on foreign trade and Commercial advice.

Detect business opportunities.

Design and develop Business Meetings.

5.3. Partners involved

Junta de Extremadura (Regional Government)

Extremadura Avante Servicios Avanzados a Pymes, S.L.U.

Chamber of Commerce of Badajoz (Annual Schedule)

Chamber of Commerce of Cáceres (Annual Schedule)

5.4. Total cost of the practice

6. Why do you think this could be a good practice?

All transversal services mean for companies to feel accompanied and supported in any aspect

related to international trade, whether in the field of training, direct promotion of services and

products from Extremadura, commercial support and accompaniment at destination, with

interlocutors who know them and adapt their needs to particular markets.

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7. Type of practice (multiple response)


policy + successful implementation

X observatory/benchmarking/monitoring the SME Internationalisation activities

dissemination (please specify)

X event/festival


funding measure

X financial measure (e.g. tax relief, grant for exports, etc)

X investment attraction measure


entrepreneur training, coaching, mentoring, consultancy

access to knowledge

technology transfer

open innovation

X cross-sectoral networking


X internationalisation (e.g. creation of international partnerships, access to foreign markets, �)

cluster development

incubator/ promotion of start-up

X networking, matchmaking, �

OTHER (please specify)

8. How does the practice support and help enhance the SME Internationalisation?

These public tools to support the business community of Extremadura in its international

expansion and commercialization, supposes an improvement of the business competitiveness of

Extremadura, and an access to the markets in an effective way through the advice and the

economic support in each one of the services and programs of Extremadura Avante, according

to need and participation criteria.

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9. Which problems/challenges/needs is the practice addressing? Please tick the appropriate

objectives (multiple response)1

Challenges OBJECTIVES Tick where



Resources /



Export coaching course X

Incentives to foster internationalisation activity X

Exports forums X

Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Trade visits X

Internationalisation/Export Academies X

Other: please specify



ion support


and services

Developing technology incubators

Developing technology parks

Market research support X

Export/Internationalisation observatory facilities X

IPR support/ Institutional protection of intellectual property

Account management support

Developing technology centres/competence centres/applied

research centres as a key tool for competitive improvement in


Diversifying and specializing technology centres and services

High level consultancy support ( eg advisors who help innovative

SMEs to boost R&D output and identify adaptations that might

make a product suitable for new overseas markets)


Other : please specify


Insurance solutions & risk management (e.g. covering of exporters

and foreign buyers of exports against commercial and political

risks of non-payment)


Financing short-term exports

Pre-Shipment financing

Post-Shipment financing


Credit guarantee scheme

1 Based on OECD report on � Top Barriers and Drivers to SME Internationalisation�

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Funding/grants for recruitment of advisors, researchers,


Funding to attend international trade events and exhibitions

Grants to support any stage of the internationalisation activity X

Other: please specify


provision and


Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Creation of thematic critical masses and cluster development

Establishing interregional innovative business clusters and mega-


Fostering the transferability of innovative technologies overseas

Export promotional activities/marketing X

Regularly updated analysis reports on foreign markets X

Trade missions X

Partner search & alliances X

One stop customer centre to assist SME exporters with foreign

market information and contacts


Trade centres abroad ( that can offer market research information,

trade fair support etc)


Market intelligence services X

Other: please specify

Indirect actions:


measures to

stimulate SME



Venture capital funds that finance innovative and high-growth


Public funding schemes for start-ups

Improvement of technological capabilities of export-oriented SMEs

Other : please specify

10. Source of funding (multiple response)

X regional funds

national funds

X EU funds � H2020

EU funds � ERDF

EU funds � other (please specify)

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private funding (self-financed)

private (e.g. financed by business angels)


other (please specify)

11. Focus (choose the most relevant one)

focused on the SME Internationalisation

focused on SME support sector

X focused on sector specific SME Internationalisation

focused on other sector (please specify)

12. Is the practice linked to a specific policy? Please add a short description of the policy and

its link to the strategy/programme here.

Mainly the policy and programs of actions of Extremadura Avante (International Area) are developed

within the policies of the Junta de Extremadura (regional government), Regional Ministry of

Economy and Infrastructures, regarding the services of support to the Extremadura companies for

their participation in actions of Marketing and Internationalisation.

13. If this practice is not focused on the SME Internationalisation, why do you think it is

applicable in this field?


14. Geographical focus (choose one answer)





X international

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15. Actors involved in the practice (multiple response)

X regional government

national government

X development agency

X university or research institution

X SME, enterprises

association of enterprises/professionals

other (please specify)

16. Outputs: direct consequences of the practice. Depending on the practice goals, please

provide quantitative indicators that are available for your practice. Some examples are

listed below:



TIMEFRAME (during which




Nº of queries served through


In 2015 Final reports

Number of actions


In 2015 Memorias finales


17. Please state if this practice is transferable in terms of:

X organisational model / implementation process

specific tools (e.g. training, financial support, �.)

X policy making process

definition of financial feasibility

methodology for the assessment of the problem to be address

methodology for the involvement of the targeted stakeholders

risk management strategy involved

exit strategy involved

review and maintenance methodology

metrics for the evaluation of the implementation process

X marketing strategy

other (please specify)

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18. List main success factors referred to the context where the practice took place





Efficient public support instruments for the internationalisation

of SMEs

X Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

Positive perception of public funding mechanisms Very relevant

X Relevant

Party relevant

Not relevant

Social capital and competent HR available X Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

19. Further materials and reference available (paper, PPT, information sheet, leaflet, video,

press releases, articles, blogs, photos,...). Please list and enclose

All activities and programs are disseminated and published through the web of Extremadura Avante,

through newsletters, weekly bulletins, calls, days of opportunities and business meetings, among

other forums.

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Contact Details: contact person of the practice (name, e-mail, �)

Contact Details: person compiling this form (name, e-mail, �)

Angel Luis Fernandez: [email protected]

Fátima Martín: [email protected]

Cristina Fernández: [email protected]


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1. Name of the organisation owner of in charge of the practice


2. Region/country where the practice takes place

Extremadura (Spain)

3. Title of the case/practice


(External Network).

4. Website (If available)

5. Description of the case/practice (around 2000-2500 characters)

These transversal services are intended to cater to the entire business network in Extremadura,

regardless of the internationalisation phase of the company (initiation or consolidation), and

covering all sectors. These services do not entail being integrated into any specific plan of

Extremadura Avante, and are open to any SME in Extremadura.

Commercial Delegations (External Network):

Among the tools to support internationalisation Extremadura�s regional government, through

Extremadura Avante, provides SMEs with the services of the Commercial Delegations Abroad.

In 2016 the markets of Germany, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, the United States, Morocco, Mexico,

Panama, Peru, Portugal and the United Kingdom are part of the Extremadura Avante External

Network, from where continued support is provided to facilitate the promotion and

commercialization of Extremadura products and services.

Extremadura companies have at their disposal the advice and personalized assistance of

professional experts, both for prospecting and for consolidation and growth in different markets.

Direct business support services include:

� Resolution of queries

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� Advice on the market and documentation

� On-time support as an interlocutor in the follow-up of business contacts

� Providing business contacts at destination

� Creation of Individualized Agendas at destination

5.1. Duration (start-end)

These transversal services are continuous and available throughout the year. Calls are made

according to the different events that are being organized.

5.2. Goals

Train, raise awareness and provide knowledge and skills related to foreign trade operations.

Solve specific questions about foreign trade operations.

Facilitate tools for the internationalisation of Extremadura companies.

Generate marketing opportunities and increase exports.

Advice on foreign trade and Commercial advice.

Detect business opportunities.

Design and develop Business Meetings.

5.3. Partners involved

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Junta de Extremadura (Regional Government)

Extremadura Avante Servicios Avanzados a Pymes, S.L.U.

Chamber of Commerce of Badajoz (Annual Schedule)

Chamber of Commerce of Cáceres (Annual Schedule)

5.4. Total cost of the practice

6. Why do you think this could be a good practice?

All transversal services mean for companies to feel accompanied and supported in any aspect

related to international trade, whether in the field of training, direct promotion of services and

products from Extremadura, commercial support and accompaniment at destination, with

interlocutors who know them and adapt their needs to particular markets.

7. Type of practice (multiple response)


policy + successful implementation

X observatory/benchmarking/monitoring the SME Internationalisation activities

dissemination (please specify)

X event/festival


funding measure

X financial measure (e.g. tax relief, grant for exports, etc)

X investment attraction measure


entrepreneur training, coaching, mentoring, consultancy

access to knowledge

technology transfer

open innovation

X cross-sectoral networking


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X internationalisation (e.g. creation of international partnerships, access to foreign markets, �)

cluster development

incubator/ promotion of start-up

X networking, matchmaking, �

OTHER (please specify)

8. How does the practice support and help enhance the SME Internationalisation?

These public tools to support the business community of Extremadura in its international

expansion and commercialization, supposes an improvement of the business competitiveness of

Extremadura, and an access to the markets in an effective way through the advice and the

economic support in each one of the services and programs of Extremadura Avante, according

to need and participation criteria.

9. Which problems/challenges/needs is the practice addressing? Please tick the appropriate

objectives (multiple response)1

Challenges OBJECTIVES Tick where



Resources /



Export coaching course X

Incentives to foster internationalisation activity X

Exports forums X

Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Trade visits X

Internationalisation/Export Academies X

Other: please specify



ion support

Developing technology incubators

Developing technology parks

Market research support X

1 Based on OECD report on � Top Barriers and Drivers to SME Internationalisation�

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and services Export/Internationalisation observatory facilities X

IPR support/ Institutional protection of intellectual property

Account management support

Developing technology centres/competence centres/applied

research centres as a key tool for competitive improvement in


Diversifying and specializing technology centres and services

High level consultancy support ( eg advisors who help innovative

SMEs to boost R&D output and identify adaptations that might

make a product suitable for new overseas markets)


Other : please specify


Insurance solutions & risk management (e.g. covering of exporters

and foreign buyers of exports against commercial and political

risks of non-payment)


Financing short-term exports

Pre-Shipment financing

Post-Shipment financing


Credit guarantee scheme

Funding/grants for recruitment of advisors, researchers,


Funding to attend international trade events and exhibitions

Grants to support any stage of the internationalisation activity X

Other: please specify


provision and


Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Creation of thematic critical masses and cluster development

Establishing interregional innovative business clusters and mega-


Fostering the transferability of innovative technologies overseas

Export promotional activities/marketing X

Regularly updated analysis reports on foreign markets X

Trade missions X

Partner search & alliances X

One stop customer centre to assist SME exporters with foreign

market information and contacts


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Trade centres abroad ( that can offer market research information,

trade fair support etc)


Market intelligence services X

Other: please specify

Indirect actions:


measures to

stimulate SME



Venture capital funds that finance innovative and high-growth


Public funding schemes for start-ups

Improvement of technological capabilities of export-oriented SMEs

Other : please specify

10. Source of funding (multiple response)

X regional funds

national funds

X EU funds � H2020

EU funds � ERDF

EU funds � other (please specify)

private funding (self-financed)

private (e.g. financed by business angels)


other (please specify)

11. Focus (choose the most relevant one)

focused on the SME Internationalisation

focused on SME support sector

X focused on sector specific SME Internationalisation

focused on other sector (please specify)

12. Is the practice linked to a specific policy? Please add a short description of the policy and

its link to the strategy/programme here.

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Mainly the policy and programs of actions of Extremadura Avante (International Area) are developed

within the policies of the Junta de Extremadura (regional government), Regional Ministry of

Economy and Infrastructures, regarding the services of support to the Extremadura companies for

their participation in actions of Marketing and Internationalisation.

13. If this practice is not focused on the SME Internationalisation, why do you think it is

applicable in this field?


14. Geographical focus (choose one answer)





X international

15. Actors involved in the practice (multiple response)

X regional government

national government

X development agency

X university or research institution

X SME, enterprises

association of enterprises/professionals

other (please specify)

16. Outputs: direct consequences of the practice. Depending on the practice goals, please

provide quantitative indicators that are available for your practice. Some examples are

listed below:


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INDICATOR time?) available)

Nº of queries served through


In 2015 Final reports

Number of actions


In 2015 Memorias finales


17. Please state if this practice is transferable in terms of:

X organisational model / implementation process

specific tools (e.g. training, financial support, �.)

X policy making process

definition of financial feasibility

methodology for the assessment of the problem to be address

methodology for the involvement of the targeted stakeholders

risk management strategy involved

exit strategy involved

review and maintenance methodology

metrics for the evaluation of the implementation process

X marketing strategy

other (please specify)

18. List main success factors referred to the context where the practice took place





Efficient public support instruments for the internationalisation

of SMEs

X Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

Positive perception of public funding mechanisms Very relevant

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X Relevant

Party relevant

Not relevant

Social capital and competent HR available X Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

19. Further materials and reference available (paper, PPT, information sheet, leaflet, video,

press releases, articles, blogs, photos,...). Please list and enclose

All activities and programs are disseminated and published through the web of Extremadura Avante,

through newsletters, weekly bulletins, calls, days of opportunities and business meetings, among

other forums.

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Contact Details: contact person of the practice (name, e-mail, �)

Contact Details: person compiling this form (name, e-mail, �)

Angel Luis Fernandez: [email protected]

Fátima Martín: [email protected]

Cristina Fernández: [email protected]


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1. Name of the organisation owner of in charge of the practice


At regional level:

- Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Navigation and Services of Spain

- Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Badajoz

2. Region/country where the practice takes place


3. Title of the case/practice


4. Website (If available)

5. Description of the case/practice (around 2000-2500 characters)

The International Promotion Plan (hereinafter, the Plan) makes available to companies, by

means of the cameral entities, a series of instruments, activities and aids to support their

internationalisation processes through the following action lines:

1.- International Promotion.

o Direct Trade Missions

o Inverse Trade Missions

o Grouped Participation in Fairs

o Visits to Fairs

2.- Awareness and Information: Forums Organization, Info Days, Seminars, Workshops,

information and analysis activities...

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3.- Special Actions.

o Carrying out events for the global international promotion in a particular area or


o Analysis of international competitors

o Other actions aimed at increasing the international positioning of SMEs

5.1. Duration (start-end)

A year, for carrying out different individual activities.

The Plan starts in 2016 and will continue throughout the ERDF Operative Period 2014-


5.2. Goals

The Plan main objectives are the following, which will help to achieve the above mentioned

specific objective:

· To foster the culture of internationalisation as a key aspect prior to the increase of the

Spanish export base.

· To strengthen the training of human capital in international matters in order to improve the

foreign competitiveness of the Spanish enterprise in the medium term.

· To provide information to enterprises for a better development of their internationalisation


· To facilitate the path of the Spanish enterprise abroad.

· To support the improvement of the enterprise's position and its competitiveness through


· To contribute to the increase of the Spanish export base and to help to the consolidation of

a larger number of regular exporting enterprises.

· To contribute to the diversification of destination markets for the Spanish exports.

· To encourage the increase of the added value of the Spanish exports.

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5.3. Partners involved

Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Navigation and Services of Spain

Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Badajoz

The following ones are associates entities:

- Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Cáceres

- Extremadura AVANTE (Extremadura Regional Government)

- FUNDECYT-PCTEX (Enterprise Europe Network partner)

5.4. Total cost of the practice

6. Why do you think this could be a good practice?

The Plan seeks to increase the base of regular exporting companies and the diversification

of their markets as a measure of resilience to the adverse phases of economic cycles. It

achieves this through the international promotion of participating companies.

Due to their participation in the Plan, companies will increase their presence and

competitiveness in other markets. In this way, the growth of exports will be boosted,

improving the external trade balance.

In this sense, it is necessary the implementation of an internationalisation culture,

information regarding foreign market access and business opportunities in other countries,

training in this area the companies �staff, etc. Through the Plan, companies are given the

opportunity to do so.

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7. Type of practice (multiple response)


policy + successful implementation

observatory/benchmarking/monitoring the SME Internationalisation activities

dissemination (please specify)

X event/festival


X funding measure

financial measure (e.g. tax relief, grant for exports, etc)

investment attraction measure


entrepreneur training, coaching, mentoring, consultancy

X access to knowledge

technology transfer

open innovation

cross-sectoral networking


X internationalisation (e.g. creation of international partnerships, access to foreign markets, �)

cluster development

incubator/ promotion of start-up

X networking, matchmaking, �

OTHER (please specify)

8. How does the practice support and help enhance the SME Internationalisation?

The Plan has 2 types of actions, mainly:

- International promotion actions (trade missions and visits or participation in

international fairs): These actions stimulate the creation of an internationalisation

culture within the company. The knowledge acquired regarding marketing,

negotiation, etc., as well as the contacts and clients obtained, remain in the company.

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- Awareness and Information Actions (workshops, conferences, etc.): They aim to

promote the culture of internationalisation among companies, as well as to provide

information to companies for a better development of their internationalisation


9. Which problems/challenges/needs is the practice addressing? Please tick the appropriate

objectives (multiple response)1

Challenges OBJECTIVES Tick where



Resources /



Export coaching course

Incentives to foster internationalisation activity X

Exports forums X

Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Trade visits X

Internationalisation/Export Academies

Other: please specify



ion support


and services

Developing technology incubators

Developing technology parks

Market research support

Export/Internationalisation observatory facilities

IPR support/ Institutional protection of intellectual property

Account management support

Developing technology centres/competence centres/applied

research centres as a key tool for competitive improvement in


Diversifying and specializing technology centres and services

High level consultancy support ( eg advisors who help innovative

SMEs to boost R&D output and identify adaptations that might

make a product suitable for new overseas markets)

Other : please specify

1 Based on OECD report on � Top Barriers and Drivers to SME Internationalisation�

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Insurance solutions & risk management (e.g. covering of exporters

and foreign buyers of exports against commercial and political

risks of non-payment)

Financing short-term exports

Pre-Shipment financing

Post-Shipment financing


Credit guarantee scheme

Funding/grants for recruitment of advisors, researchers,


Funding to attend international trade events and exhibitions X

Grants to support any stage of the internationalisation activity

Other: please specify


provision and


Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Creation of thematic critical masses and cluster development

Establishing interregional innovative business clusters and mega-


Fostering the transferability of innovative technologies overseas

Export promotional activities/marketing X

Regularly updated analysis reports on foreign markets

Trade missions X

Partner search & alliances X

One stop customer centre to assist SME exporters with foreign

market information and contacts

Trade centres abroad ( that can offer market research information,

trade fair support etc)

Market intelligence services

Other: please specify

Indirect actions:


measures to

stimulate SME



Venture capital funds that finance innovative and high-growth


Public funding schemes for start-ups

Improvement of technological capabilities of export-oriented SMEs

Other : please specify

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10. Source of funding (multiple response)

regional funds

national funds

EU funds � H2020

X EU funds � ERDF

EU funds � other (please specify)

X private funding (self-financed)

private (e.g. financed by business angels)


other (please specify)

11. Focus (choose the most relevant one)

focused on the SME Internationalisation

X focused on SME support sector

focused on sector specific SME Internationalisation

focused on other sector (please specify)

12. Is the practice linked to a specific policy? Please add a short description of the policy and

its link to the strategy/programme here.

This good practice responds to the needs derived from the ERDF Operational Programme and is

included under the Priority Axis 3 �Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs�, Investment Priority 3

(d) �Supporting the capacity of small and medium sized enterprises to grow in regional, national and

international markets and to engage in innovation processes�.

13. If this practice is not focused on the SME Internationalisation, why do you think it is

applicable in this field?

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14. Geographical focus (choose one answer)



X national



15. Actors involved in the practice (multiple response)

regional government

national government

development agency

university or research institution

X SME, enterprises

association of enterprises/professionals

X other (please specify): Chamber of Commerce of Badajoz

16. Outputs: direct consequences of the practice. Depending on the practice goals, please

provide quantitative indicators that are available for your practice. Some examples are listed




TIMEFRAME (during which




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17. Please state if this practice is transferable in terms of:

X organisational model / implementation process

specific tools (e.g. training, financial support, �.)

policy making process

definition of financial feasibility

methodology for the assessment of the problem to be address

methodology for the involvement of the targeted stakeholders

risk management strategy involved

exit strategy involved

review and maintenance methodology

metrics for the evaluation of the implementation process

marketing strategy

other (please specify)

18. List main success factors referred to the context where the practice took place





e.g. efficienct laws on public support of enterprises.

Region AAA is committed in SME Internationalisation support

thanks to a Competitiveness Plan (

Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

e.g. positive perception of public funding mechanisms Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

e.g. social capital and competent HR availble Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

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e.g. strong training organisation already existing on the area Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

19. Further materials and reference available (paper, PPT, information sheet, leaflet, video,

press releases, articles, blogs, photos,...). Please list and enclose




Contact Details: contact person of the practice (name, e-mail, �)

Badajoz Chamber of Commerce

Internazionalization and Foreing Markets Department

Avenida de Europa, 4, 06004 Badajoz

Tel.: 924 234 600

e-mail: [email protected]

Contact Details: person compiling this form (name, e-mail, �)


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1. Name of the organisation owner of in charge of the practice


Regional Partner:

- Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Badajoz

2. Region/country where the practice takes place


3. Title of the case/practice


4. Website (If available)


5. Description of the case/practice (around 2000-2500 characters)

XPANDE is an individualized consultancy program, aimed at companies with limited or none

experience in international markets, as well as at those companies interested in start exporting

to a certain foreign market. These companies need advice to optimize their limited resources,

following precise and assumable objectives. They must permit to achieve a sustainable

competitive position in the selected markets, since it's of not of much use to reach some initial

results if continuity is not achieved.

Spanish companies need to access to new markets and strengthen their presence in them with

an adequate and competitive supply. The objective is to support SMEs to do so with the highest

chances of success.

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5.1. Duration (start-end)

Xpande started in 2013, during the previous programming period. Now, in 2016, starts again

under the O.P. 2014-2020.

For each company:

Maximum duration: 1 year

Average duration: 8 months

5.2. Goals

As specific objectives this Program aims to:

· Implement a methodology that allows the company to develop a sustainable export


· Allow the SME to have an analysis of its business units and a selection of those with

greater international potential.

· Provide SMEs with a selection of foreign markets with bigger potential depending on

the characteristics of their products and interests.

· To provide SMEs with a strategic orientation based on the chosen market and their

products/ services to internationalize, designing a strategy of positioning and

commercial promotion in the target market.

· Design an action plan in the target market.

· Provide SMEs with the necessary tools and support to address their export plan based

on their characteristics and needs.

5.3. Partners involved

- Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Badajoz

- Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Spain

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5.4. Total cost of the practice

The maximum execution budget of the Program charged to this call for the period 2016-2017

is � 353,811.04.

The cost per company is:

- Counseling phase: � 5,320 approx.

- Support Phase: Maximum eligible expenditure of � 9,000 per company

6. Why do you think this could be a good practice?

Because it is aimed at the internationalisation of regional companies, which is in line with the

purposes of economic growth: increase of exporting companies and diversification of destination


It provides a valuable know-how in a way it remains at companies and changes its way of acting

in terms of international operations. Accordingly, the company will be able to replicate the

methodology followed to carry out its own internationalisation plans and make decisions by itself

with the greater possibilities of success.

In order to help the company to implement the internationalisation plan, it is provided support to

carry out the actions indicated therein and aimed at facilitating the access to different markets

and search of positioning on them.

All this increases the presence of Spanish companies in international markets.

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7. Type of practice (multiple response)


X policy + successful implementation

observatory/benchmarking/monitoring the SME Internationalisation activities

dissemination (please specify)



funding measure

X financial measure (e.g. tax relief, grant for exports, etc)

investment attraction measure


X entrepreneur training, coaching, mentoring, consultancy

X access to knowledge

technology transfer

open innovation

cross-sectoral networking


X internationalisation (e.g. creation of international partnerships, access to foreign markets, �)

cluster development

incubator/ promotion of start-up

networking, matchmaking, �

OTHER (please specify)

8. How does the practice support and help enhance the SME Internationalisation?

The XPANDE programme starts with a company analysis and internationalisation basics topics.

At different stages of the practice, the company needs to take decisions regarding foreign market

access strategy, which escalate in complexity and need to be taken in a sequential order, aiming

to develop a consisting market entry strategy. As a result, the XPANDE methodology forces

internationalisation know-how by the company's representative, who is always a decision maker

in matters of internationalisation.

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9. Which problems/challenges/needs is the practice addressing? Please tick the appropriate

objectives (multiple response)1

Challenges OBJECTIVES Tick where



Resources /



Export coaching course

Incentives to foster internationalisation activity X

Exports forums

Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Trade visits

Internationalisation/Export Academies

Other: Conferences about export and foreign market opportunities X



ion support


and services

Developing technology incubators

Developing technology parks

Market research support X

Export/Internationalisation observatory facilities X

IPR support/ Institutional protection of intellectual property

Account management support

Developing technology centres/competence centres/applied

research centres as a key tool for competitive improvement in


Diversifying and specializing technology centres and services

High level consultancy support ( eg advisors who help innovative

SMEs to boost R&D output and identify adaptations that might

make a product suitable for new overseas markets)


Other : please specify

1 Based on OECD report on � Top Barriers and Drivers to SME Internationalisation�

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Insurance solutions & risk management (e.g. covering of exporters

and foreign buyers of exports against commercial and political

risks of non-payment)

Financing short-term exports

Pre-Shipment financing

Post-Shipment financing


Credit guarantee scheme

Funding/grants for recruitment of advisors, researchers,


Funding to attend international trade events and exhibitions X

Grants to support any stage of the internationalisation activity X

Other: please specify


provision and


Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Creation of thematic critical masses and cluster development

Establishing interregional innovative business clusters and mega-


Fostering the transferability of innovative technologies overseas

Export promotional activities/marketing X

Regularly updated analysis reports on foreign markets

Trade missions

Partner search & alliances

One stop customer centre to assist SME exporters with foreign

market information and contacts

Trade centres abroad ( that can offer market research information,

trade fair support etc)

Market intelligence services X

Other: please specify

Indirect actions:


measures to

stimulate SME



Venture capital funds that finance innovative and high-growth


Public funding schemes for start-ups

Improvement of technological capabilities of export-oriented SMEs

Other : please specify

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10. Source of funding (multiple response)

regional funds

national funds

EU funds � H2020

X EU funds � ERDF

EU funds � other (please specify)

private funding (self-financed)

private (e.g. financed by business angels)


X Other: Chamber of Commerce of Badajoz

X Other: Chamber of Commerce of Spain

11. Focus (choose the most relevant one)

focused on the SME Internationalisation

focused on SME support sector

focused on sector specific SME Internationalisation

X focused on other sector (please specify): Internationalisation

12. Is the practice linked to a specific policy? Please add a short description of the policy and

its link to the strategy/programme here.

This good practice responds to the needs derived from the ERDF Operational Programme and is

included under the Priority Axis 3 �Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs�, Investment Priority 3

(d) �Supporting the capacity of small and medium sized enterprises to grow in regional, national and

international markets and to engage in innovation processes�.

13. If this practice is not focused on the SME Internationalisation, why do you think it is

applicable in this field?

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14. Geographical focus (choose one answer)



X national



15. Actors involved in the practice (multiple response)

regional government

national government

development agency

university or research institution

X SME, enterprises

association of enterprises/professionals

X Other: Chamber of Commerce of Badajoz

X Other: Chamber of Commerce of Spain

16. Outputs: direct consequences of the practice. Depending on the practice goals, please

provide quantitative indicators that are available for your practice. Some examples are listed




TIMEFRAME (during which




e.g. number of enterprises


e.g. in n years of the practice


e.g. number of enterprises


e.g. in n years of the practice


e.g. number of entrepreneurs

involved in any overseas


e.g. in n years of the practice


eg number of technology

agreements signed

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17. Please state if this practice is transferable in terms of:

X organisational model / implementation process

X specific tools (e.g. training, financial support, �.)

policy making process

definition of financial feasibility

methodology for the assessment of the problem to be address

methodology for the involvement of the targeted stakeholders

risk management strategy involved

exit strategy involved

review and maintenance methodology

metrics for the evaluation of the implementation process

marketing strategy

other (please specify)

18. List main success factors referred to the context where the practice took place





e.g. efficienct laws on public support of enterprises.

Region AAA is committed in SME Internationalisation support

thanks to a Competitiveness Plan (

Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

e.g. positive perception of public funding mechanisms Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

e.g. social capital and competent HR availble Very relevant


Party relevant

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Not relevant

e.g. strong training organisation already existing on the area Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

19. Further materials and reference available (paper, PPT, information sheet, leaflet, video,

press releases, articles, blogs, photos,...). Please list and enclose





Contact Details: contact person of the practice (name, e-mail, �)

Badajoz Chamber of Commerce

Internazionalization and Foreing Markets Department

Av. de Europa, nº 4, 06004 Badajoz

Phone.: +34 924 234 600 ext. 1

e-mail: [email protected]

Contact Details: person compiling this form (name, e-mail, �)


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1. Name of the organisation owner of in charge of the practice


2. Region/country where the practice takes place


3. Title of the case/practice

DIGITAL XPANDE Support program

4. Website (If available)

5. Description of the case/practice (around 2000-2500 characters)

Within the Digital XPANDE Program, the following actions may be carried out:

Business Support Actions

The Digital XPANDE Program is based on a personalized advice to SMEs in the field of

international digital marketing oriented to a product/ service as well as to a country previously

selected by it.

The Program is divided in the following phases:

� Phase I Counseling: in which a detailed analysis of the company is carried out in order to

develop a report of recommendations and an action plan regarding international digital


· Phase II Support for the implementation of the Action Plan: it consists of a set of supports

aimed at strengthening the on-line positioning of the SME and its products/ services in the

target market.

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Digital XPANDE also includes a series of horizontal actions with territorial nature executed by

the cameral entities in their territory of intervention, and whose repercussion exclusively affects

its demarcation area: publication in bulletins, publication of the call in press, organization of info

events, forums, promotion, dissemination and recruitment of beneficiaries in the territory.

5.1. Duration (start-end)

The Badajoz Chamber of Commerce will start Digital XPANDE before ending 2016 and will

develop it until 2022, during the entire operational period 2014-2020.

For each company a maximum duration of the 6-month Program is foreseen.

5.2. Goals

The Digital XPANDE Program has the following main objectives, which will help to achieve

the specific objective mentioned above:

- To foster the culture of internationalisation as a key aspect prior to the increase of the

Spanish export base.

- Encourage and promote the use of digital marketing as a basic tool to improve the

positioning of SMEs in international markets.

- Strengthen the training of human capital in the use of new technologies as tools to boost the

internationalisation of companies, in order to improve the external competitiveness of Spanish

enterprises in the medium term.

- Provide knowledge and information to companies to better develop their internationalisation


- Facilitate the presence of the Spanish company abroad.

- Support the improvement of the company's position and its competitiveness through


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- Contribute to the increase of the Spanish export base and favour the consolidation of a

larger number of regular exporting companies.

- Contribute to the diversification of destination markets for Spanish exports.

As specific objectives, the Program aims to:

· Develop a methodology that allows the entrepreneur to start in digital marketing.

· Allow the SME to have a detailed analysis of the current situation of the company;

objectives; detection and analysis of competitors, strategies followed by them;

recommendations, etc.

· Enable the detection of strengths and weaknesses based on a complete, systematic

and objectively applied analysis.

· Provide SMEs with a strategic orientation based on markets to face as well as

products/ services, developing their strategy on the Internet, within the framework of


· Provide SMEs with the necessary tools to strengthen themselves in the target market,

selecting and planning the most appropriate digital marketing actions based on their

client, product, service and country.

5.3. Partners involved

Chamber of Commerce of Spain

Chamber of Commerce of Badajoz

5.4. Total cost of the practice

For each company:

- Counselling Phase: Valued at a maximum of � 2,000

- Support Phase: up to � 4,000, available to companies to spend on certain eligible services

related to digital marketing.

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6. Why do you think this could be a good practice?

It can be a good program due mainly to the following reasons:

- It is a program focused on new technologies, whose use is intensive and increasingly usual,

especially in the more developed countries. This trend is global, spreading rapidly to developing


- Final objectives: increase of export figures and increase of the number of companies exporting


- Digital marketing for the promotion of products/ services and positioning of the company in

international markets. It is a very effective, economic and easily measurable alternative for the


- Online distribution channel: It constitutes a very short distribution channel, allowing a direct

entrance to the market. It can be both the main access route to the customer and a

complementary path to the physical distribution.

7. Type of practice (multiple response)


X policy + successful implementation

observatory/benchmarking/monitoring the SME Internationalisation activities

dissemination (please specify)



funding measure

X financial measure (e.g. tax relief, grant for exports, etc)

investment attraction measure


X entrepreneur training, coaching, mentoring, consultancy

X access to knowledge

X technology transfer

open innovation

cross-sectoral networking

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X internationalisation (e.g. creation of international partnerships, access to foreign markets, �)

cluster development

incubator/ promotion of start-up

networking, matchmaking, �

OTHER (please specify)

8. How does the practice support and help enhance the SME Internationalisation?

Digital XPANDE provides companies with valuable know-how in online positioning and digital

marketing. After passing through the program, the company will be able to make its own

decisions and make the access to the online channel to other different markets.

9. Which problems/challenges/needs is the practice addressing? Please tick the appropriate

objectives (multiple response)1

Challenges OBJECTIVES Tick where



Resources /



Export coaching course

Incentives to foster internationalisation activity X

Exports forums

Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Trade visits

Internationalisation/Export Academies

Other: please specify



Developing technology incubators

Developing technology parks

1 Based on OECD report on � Top Barriers and Drivers to SME Internationalisation�

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ion support


and services

Market research support X

Export/Internationalisation observatory facilities

IPR support/ Institutional protection of intellectual property

Account management support

Developing technology centres/competence centres/applied

research centres as a key tool for competitive improvement in


Diversifying and specializing technology centres and services

High level consultancy support ( eg advisors who help innovative

SMEs to boost R&D output and identify adaptations that might

make a product suitable for new overseas markets)


Other : please specify


Insurance solutions & risk management (e.g. covering of exporters

and foreign buyers of exports against commercial and political

risks of non-payment)

Financing short-term exports

Pre-Shipment financing

Post-Shipment financing


Credit guarantee scheme

Funding/grants for recruitment of advisors, researchers,

accountants X

Funding to attend international trade events and exhibitions

Grants to support any stage of the internationalisation activity X



provision and


Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Creation of thematic critical masses and cluster development

Establishing interregional innovative business clusters and mega-


Fostering the transferability of innovative technologies overseas

Export promotional activities/marketing X

Regularly updated analysis reports on foreign markets

Trade missions

Partner search & alliances

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One stop customer centre to assist SME exporters with foreign

market information and contacts

Trade centres abroad ( that can offer market research information,

trade fair support etc)

Market intelligence services X

Other: please specify

Indirect actions:


measures to

stimulate SME



Venture capital funds that finance innovative and high-growth


Public funding schemes for start-ups

Improvement of technological capabilities of export-oriented SMEs X

Other : please specify

10. Source of funding (multiple response)

regional funds

national funds

EU funds � H2020

X EU funds � ERDF

EU funds � other (please specify)

X private funding (self-financed)

private (e.g. financed by business angels)


X other (please specify): Badajoz Chamber of Commerce

11. Focus (choose the most relevant one)

X focused on the SME Internationalisation

focused on SME support sector

focused on sector specific SME Internationalisation

focused on other sector (please specify)

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12. Is the practice linked to a specific policy? Please add a short description of the policy and

its link to the strategy/programme here.

This good practice responds to the needs derived from the ERDF Operational Program 2014-2020

and is included under the Priority Axis 3 �Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs�, Investment

Priority 3 (d) �Supporting the capacity of small and medium sized enterprises to grow in regional,

national and international markets and to engage in innovation processes�, and the Specific

Objective: OE.3.4.3. To promote the internationalisation of SMEs, for their development in the

"Transition", "Less developed" and "More developed" regions, with the Chamber of Commerce,

Industry, Services and Navigation of Spain being the Intermediate Agency responsible for its


13. If this practice is not focused on the SME Internationalisation, why do you think it is

applicable in this field?

14. Geographical focus (choose one answer)



X national



15. Actors involved in the practice (multiple response)

regional government

national government

development agency

university or research institution

X SME, enterprises

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association of enterprises/professionals

X other (please specify): Spanish Chamber of Commerce

X other (please specify): Badajoz Chamber of Commerce

16. Outputs: direct consequences of the practice. Depending on the practice goals, please

provide quantitative indicators that are available for your practice. Some examples are listed




TIMEFRAME (during which




This program is not yet running, although it is expected to be done imminently, before the

end of 2016.

17. Please state if this practice is transferable in terms of:

X organisational model / implementation process

X specific tools (e.g. training, financial support, �.)

policy making process

definition of financial feasibility

methodology for the assessment of the problem to be address

methodology for the involvement of the targeted stakeholders

risk management strategy involved

exit strategy involved

review and maintenance methodology

metrics for the evaluation of the implementation process

X marketing strategy

other (please specify)

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18. List main success factors referred to the context where the practice took place





e.g. efficient laws on public support of enterprises.

Region AAA is committed in SME Internationalisation support

thanks to a Competitiveness Plan (

Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

e.g. positive perception of public funding mechanisms Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

e.g. social capital and competent HR availble Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

e.g. strong training organisation already existing on the area Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

19. Further materials and reference available (paper, PPT, information sheet, leaflet, video,

press releases, articles, blogs, photos,...). Please list and enclose

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Contact Details: contact person of the practice (name, e-mail, �)

Badajoz Chamber of Commerce

Internationalisation and Foreing Markets Department

+34 924 234 600 ext. 1

e-mail: [email protected]

Contact Details: person compiling this form (name, e-mail, �)


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1. Name of the organisation owner of in charge of the practice


2. Region/country where the practice takes place


3. Title of the case/practice


4. Website (If available)

5. Description of the case/practice (around 2000-2500 characters)

IBEROEXPORT is a company founded in 2012. The founders are professionals in export

departments of food/ beverages companies since more than 10 years ago.

IBEROEXPORT is an outsourcing of export services just focused in food industry. We offer to

food producers the chance of externalize the international sales department in our company.

IBEROEXPORT offer to their clients the whole management of the export department: sales,

clients, financial assessment, payment management, Exhibitions, marketing...

IBEROEXPORT is mainly focused in PYMES (Small & medium companies). Obviously big

companies have their own export departments and in many of the cases they use to have a big

development in international markets, so our services are not needed.

5.1. Duration (start-end)

January 2012- ...

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5.2. Goals

- We Are working with 25 Spanish producers

- We are distributing our products in 45 markets

- We work with more than 200 importers/ distributors/ retailers

- We have improved fine food packaging to be exported to International markets

- We have improved jobs for our producers/ clients. If sales increase jobs in that

companies are going to increase too.

- We have contributed to the Regional Economy.

5.3. Partners involved

Regional SME founded by Jaime Mejías and Víctor Muñoz.

5.4. Total cost of the practice



6. Why do you think this could be a good practice?

Because we are creating jobs, because we are improving the foreign investment in our region,

because we are giving to know every day the food and products from Extremadura and because

we are giving a very important service to producers from Extremadura and rest of Spain.

7. Type of practice (multiple response)


policy + successful implementation

observatory/benchmarking/monitoring the SME Internationalisation activities

dissemination (please specify)



funding measure

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financial measure (e.g. tax relief, grant for exports, etc)

investment attraction measure


entrepreneur training, coaching, mentoring, consultancy

access to knowledge

technology transfer

open innovation

cross-sectoral networking


x internationalisation (e.g. creation of international partnerships, access to foreign markets, �)

cluster development

incubator/ promotion of start-up

networking, matchmaking, �

OTHER (please specify)


8. How does the practice support and help enhance the SME Internationalisation?

Our clients use to demand sales export services to improve their turnover in International

markets. They need to position their products and their brands in as much international markets

as better so they are able to diversify the risks.

Some of our producers contract our services just for a concrete territory or market. For example:

please expand our sales in South & Central America. Because they have consolidated their

brands in Europe and they want to open some other new markets.

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9. Which problems/challenges/needs is the practice addressing? Please tick the appropriate

objectives (multiple response)1

Challenges OBJECTIVES Tick where



Resources /



Export coaching course

Incentives to foster internationalisation activity

Exports forums x

Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Trade visits x

Internationalisation/Export Academies

Other: please specify



ion support


and services

Developing technology incubators

Developing technology parks

Market research support

Export/Internationalisation observatory facilities

IPR support/ Institutional protection of intellectual property

Account management support

Developing technology centres/competence centres/applied

research centres as a key tool for competitive improvement in


Diversifying and specializing technology centres and services

High level consultancy support ( eg advisors who help innovative

SMEs to boost R&D output and identify adaptations that might

make a product suitable for new overseas markets)

Other : please specify


Insurance solutions & risk management (e.g. covering of exporters

and foreign buyers of exports against commercial and political

risks of non-payment)

Financing short-term exports

Pre-Shipment financing

Post-Shipment financing


Credit guarantee scheme

1 Based on OECD report on � Top Barriers and Drivers to SME Internalization�

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Funding/grants for recruitment of advisors, researchers,


Funding to attend international trade events and exhibitions

Grants to support any stage of the internationalisation activity

Other: please specify


provision and


Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Creation of thematic critical masses and cluster development

Establishing interregional innovative business clusters and mega-


Fostering the transferability of innovative technologies overseas

Export promotional activities/marketing x

Regularly updated analysis reports on foreign markets

Trade missions x

Partner search & alliances

One stop customer centre to assist SME exporters with foreign

market information and contacts

Trade centres abroad ( that can offer market research information,

trade fair support etc)

Market intelligence services

Other: please specify

Indirect actions:


measures to

stimulate SME



Venture capital funds that finance innovative and high-growth


Public funding schemes for start-ups

Improvement of technological capabilities of export-oriented SMEs

Other : please specify

10. Source of funding (multiple response)

x regional funds

national funds

EU funds � H2020

EU funds � ERDF

EU funds � other (please specify)

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x private funding (self-financed)

private (e.g. financed by business angels)


other (please specify)

11. Focus (choose the most relevant one)-

x focused on the SME Internationalisation

focused on SME support sector

focused on sector specific SME Internationalisation

focused on other sector (please specify)

12. Is the practice linked to a specific policy? Please add a short description of the policy and

its link to the strategy/programme here.

We use to work with AVANTE EXTREMADURA, CAMARA DE COMERCIO (mainly Badajoz and

also Caceres), ICEX & FIAB (International Federation of food and beverages). We participate in

exhibitions, direct missions, indirect missions, promotions in supermarkets�

13. If this practice is not focused on the SME Internationalisation, why do you think it is

applicable in this field?

14. Geographical focus (choose one answer)





x international

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15. Actors involved in the practice (multiple response)

x regional government

x national government

x development agency

university or research institution

SME, enterprises

x association of enterprises/professionals

other (please specify)

16. Outputs: direct consequences of the practice. Depending on the practice goals, please

provide quantitative indicators that are available for your practice. Some examples are

listed below:



TIMEFRAME (during which




Number of Direct Clients 2012-2016 10

Number of Indirect Clients

(Comission / Percentage)

2012-2016 18

Number of References 2012-2016 156

Number of Markets 2012-2016 48

17. Please state if this practice is transferable in terms of:

x organisational model / implementation process

x specific tools (e.g. training, financial support, �.)

x policy making process

definition of financial feasibility

methodology for the assessment of the problem to be address

methodology for the involvement of the targeted stakeholders

risk management strategy involved

exit strategy involved

review and maintenance methodology

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metrics for the evaluation of the implementation process

x marketing strategy

other (please specify)

18. List main success factors referred to the context where the practice took place





Efficienct laws on public support of enterprises in


X Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

Positive perception of public funding mechanisms- BY FINE


x Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

Social capital and competent HR available x Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

Strong training organisation already existing on the area Very relevant

x Relevant

Party relevant

Not relevant

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19. Further materials and reference available (paper, PPT, information sheet, leaflet, video,

press releases, articles, blogs, photos,...). Please list and enclose


Contact Details: contact person of the practice (name, e-mail, �)


[email protected]

Contact Details: person compiling this form (name, e-mail, �)


[email protected]


In our sector is really important the daily support of the Regional Government. Weapons like

ALIMENTOS DE EXTREMADURA, Financial help for exhibitions and the work of people from

EXTREMADURA AVANTE & CAMARAS DE COMERCIO is totally essential for food industry

development. Extremadura is one of the most important producers of raw materials. It´s time to

make brands and getting the added value of the products by ourselves

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1. Name of the organisation owner of in charge of the practice


2. Region/country where the practice takes place

Extremadura (SPAIN)

3. Title of the case/practice


4. Website (If available)

5. Description of the case/practice (around 2000-2500 characters)

COCIPREX is a company founded in 2013 and based in Extremadura Region. It is a

manufacturer of fifth range deep-frozen gourmet products, servicing the food industry throughout

Spain and beyond. Our products are totally healthy and natural, part of our Mediterranean


We elaborate prepared meals through an advanced technology process of deep-freezing(-40ºC).

This method enables an optimal preservation of nutritional values, flavours and textures, with the

guarantee of a long product self life.

COCIPREX has a wide range of gourmet food: appetizers, tapas, pan and desserts. All

ingredients are healthy, natural and harvested in a sustainable way, with a shelf life of 18


Our clients includes distinguished national and international foodservice distributors, catering

and hospitality companies. We also can produce a range of products for the retail market mainly

in gourmet supermarkets, delicatessens and grocery stores.

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5.1. Duration (start-end)

Started in 2013

5.2. Goals

As a trusted supplier COCIPREX focuses on food safety protocols, facility inspections,

technology, security and monitoring, supplier-related protocols as well as sustainable

sourcing and supplier diversity.

Our main goal is to answer to modern customer demands: a new product, high quality and

excellent taste.

Our objective is to consolidate our existing performance (Spain, Portugal, France and Malta)

and find ways to grow. Expanding into new markets (EU, UAE and Mexico) and diversifying

by adding retail line to our HORECA range can be an effective way to grow our business.

5.3. Partners involved

Suppliers, governmental organisations, non-governmental organisations

5.4. Total cost of the practice

Not apply

6. Why do you think this could be a good practice?

Our meals quality control is strict & safe, with a constant supervision & fast correction measures.

On the other hand traceability standards of our products are assured with a strict supervision,

each step of the production is controlled from the beginning to the end consumer.

These controls regarding PRODUCTION, together with the advanced technology process and

novelty of products (INNOVATION), and the success in facing international markets (EXPORTS)

could make of COCIPREX a good practice.

Firms grow either by launching new products (innovation) or by attracting new customers

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(internationalisation) or by using a mixed strategy. We conclude that innovation and

internationalisation combined is the most advisable option, especially when domestic market

is limited, etc. Taken the company as a bundle of resources (tangible and intangible),

entrepreneurial creativity and capabilities are needed to integrate and combine resources so as

to construct value innovation and sustainable competitive advantage of the company.

COCIPREX have earned its international reputation by building on a balance between the

familiar (the very local) and the unfamiliar (the global), a bridge between the locally sourced

ingredients (virgin olive oil, cheese, fruits and vegetables, Ibérico ham...) and universal flavors,

textures, preparation styles and technologic processes. As a result, COCIPREX creates 5th

range products with new flavour twists.

7. Type of practice (multiple response)


x policy + successful implementation

observatory/benchmarking/monitoring the SME Internationalisation activities

dissemination (please specify)



x funding measure

financial measure (e.g. tax relief, grant for exports, etc)

x investment attraction measure


x entrepreneur training, coaching, mentoring, consultancy

x access to knowledge

x technology transfer

x open innovation

cross-sectoral networking


x internationalisation (e.g. creation of international partnerships, access to foreign markets, �)

cluster development

incubator/ promotion of start-up

networking, matchmaking, �

OTHER (please specify)

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8. How does the practice support and help enhance the SME Internationalisation?

Product innovation of COCIPREX with its development of greater differentiation and product characteristics leads to competitive advantage in foreign markets. This pushed the company to start internationalisation/involve in international activities and to further grow and capitalization of its investment.

9. Which problems/challenges/needs is the practice addressing? Please tick the appropriate

objectives (multiple response)1

Challenges OBJECTIVES Tick where



Resources /



Export coaching course

Incentives to foster internationalisation activity x

Exports forums

Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and

mechanisms x

Trade visits x

Internationalisation/Export Academies

Other: please specify



ion support


and services

Developing technology incubators

Developing technology parks

Market research support x

Export/Internationalisation observatory facilities x

IPR support/ Institutional protection of intellectual property x

Account management support

Developing technology centres/competence centres/applied

research centres as a key tool for competitive improvement in


Diversifying and specializing technology centres and services

High level consultancy support ( eg advisors who help innovative

SMEs to boost R&D output and identify adaptations that might

make a product suitable for new overseas markets)


Other : please specify

1 Based on OECD report on � Top Barriers and Drivers to SME Internalization�

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Insurance solutions & risk management (e.g. covering of exporters

and foreign buyers of exports against commercial and political

risks of non-payment)


Financing short-term exports x

Pre-Shipment financing

Post-Shipment financing

Loans x

Credit guarantee scheme x

Funding/grants for recruitment of advisors, researchers,

accountants x

Funding to attend international trade events and exhibitions x

Grants to support any stage of the internationalisation activity x

Other: please specify


provision and


Improving interregional technology transfer bodies and


Creation of thematic critical masses and cluster development

Establishing interregional innovative business clusters and mega-


Fostering the transferability of innovative technologies overseas x

Export promotional activities/marketing x

Regularly updated analysis reports on foreign markets x

Trade missions x

Partner search & alliances x

One stop customer centre to assist SME exporters with foreign

market information and contacts


Trade centres abroad ( that can offer market research information,

trade fair support etc)


Market intelligence services x

Other: please specify

Indirect actions:


measures to

stimulate SME



Venture capital funds that finance innovative and high-growth



Public funding schemes for start-ups

Improvement of technological capabilities of export-oriented SMEs x

Other : please specify

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10. Source of funding (multiple response)

x regional funds

x national funds

EU funds � H2020

EU funds � ERDF

x EU funds � other (please specify)

x private funding (self-financed)

private (e.g. financed by business angels)


other (please specify)

11. Focus (choose the most relevant one)

focused on the SME Internationalisation

focused on SME support sector

x focused on sector specific SME Internationalisation

focused on other sector (please specify)

12. Is the practice linked to a specific policy? Please add a short description of the policy and

its link to the strategy/programme here.


Consolidation Plan

Country Plan

Personalised Agendas

13. If this practice is not focused on the SME Internationalisation, why do you think it is

applicable in this field?

Not apply

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14. Geographical focus (choose one answer)

x local

x regional

x national

x European

x international

15. Actors involved in the practice (multiple response)

x regional government

x national government

x development agency

university or research institution

x SME, enterprises

x association of enterprises/professionals

other (please specify)

16. Outputs: direct consequences of the practice. Depending on the practice goals, please

provide quantitative indicators that are available for your practice. Some examples are

listed below:



TIMEFRAME (during which




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17. Please state if this practice is transferable in terms of:

organisational model / implementation process

specific tools (e.g. training, financial support, �.)

policy making process

definition of financial feasibility

methodology for the assessment of the problem to be address

methodology for the involvement of the targeted stakeholders

risk management strategy involved

x exit strategy involved

review and maintenance methodology

metrics for the evaluation of the implementation process

marketing strategy

other (please specify)

18. List main success factors referred to the context where the practice took place





e.g. efficienct laws on public support of enterprises.

Region AAA is committed in SME Internationalisation support

thanks to a Competitiveness Plan (

Very relevant

x Relevant

Party relevant

Not relevant

e.g. positive perception of public funding mechanisms Very relevant

x Relevant

Party relevant

Not relevant

e.g. social capital and competent HR availble x Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

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e.g. strong training organisation already existing on the area Very relevant


x Party relevant

Not relevant

19. Further materials and reference available (paper, PPT, information sheet, leaflet, video,

press releases, articles, blogs, photos,...). Please list and enclose

Not apply


Contact Details: contact person of the practice (name, e-mail, �)

Maya Bessonova

[email protected]

Contact Details: person compiling this form (name, e-mail, �)


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1. Name of the organisation owner of in charge of the practice

Señorío de Montanera S.L.

2. Region/country where the practice takes place


3. Title of the case/practice

Customized raw meat products from Iberian pork�s, for the Japanese Market

4. Website (If available);

5. Description of the case/practice (around 2000-2500 characters)

The company Señorío de Montanera (,

owned by a group of 75 members (Iberian pig farmers), was created in 1992 from a

traditional livestock activity developed within a sustainable ecosystem called

"dehesa" (an ecosystem coming from the Romans´ time) where the reproduction

and fattening (production of raw material) is carried out.

As a consequence of the commitment for business cooperation among the Señorío

de Montanera´s partners, it was decided to implement an integral business model,

beyond reproduction and fattening, that incorporates all the stages involved in the

cycle (production, industrial transformation and commercialization), with the aim of

creating and retaining the highest added value along its value chain.

The main product range of Señorío de Montanera´s brand coincides with the range

of products from other companies in the same sector, made from traditional recipes

elaborated in the Southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, including Iberian acorn hams

as well as a well-developed range of �embutidos� (other cured products derived). All

the meat is coming from Iberian pork of Montanera, fed with acorn and pasture in

the last stage of the fattening cycle and according to the specifications of the

Denomination of Origin Dehesa de Extremadura (

With this traditional range of products, the company has placed its products in the

main points of sale (retailers) through an efficient positioning strategy, both in the

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domestic market and in selected international markets (eg UK), based

fundamentally in the quality of its products and in its business management system.

For the development of the new business, the company got support on public

resources, mainly referring to subsidies and financing applied to: investment in fixed

assets, acquisition of goods and equipment, R&D&I in processes and products, and

participation in fairs and trade missions.

Annual turnover of the company (total annual):

2015 2014

NET AMOUNT BUSINESS 16.001.847,88 � 14.047.044,45 �

Annual production volume (No. of slaughtered pigs and total tonnes of final


Year Nº of pigs Total T produced

2012 20.185 2.423

2013 11.486 1.392

2014 13.821 1.971

2015 17.644 2.642

Turnover by geographic markets:

% turnover by geograpical market 2015

National 54,7%

European Union (EU) 9,5%

Other Countries (non EU) 37,5%

Based on the positioning of the traditional range of products in the national and key

international markets, the company started to develop an Internationalisation

Strategy specialized in a concrete product/market consisting of "customizing raw

meat products from Iberian pork's for the Japanese market", which will be the

case of GP practice to be analysed.

5.1. Duration (start-end)

The start year for the commercial activity of fresh meat to Japan was 2007.

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5.2. Goals

General Goals:

Based on the positioning of the traditional range of products achieved in the national

and key international markets, the company's international strategy has pursued the

following strategic objectives:

� Improvement and maintenance of the positioning in consolidated

international markets with the range of cured hams and products

derived (controlled drying and maturity process). Traditional but

disappeared Iberian cured acorn products derived such as hand carved

loin have been included in the product portfolio, as well as new ones

such as organic products.

� Opening and consolidation of new international markets, also with the

range of Iberian acorn hams and products derived: United Kingdom,

Canada and Chile.

� Opening and consolidation of special markets with new Iberian pork

products: eg "Customized raw meat products from Iberian pork's for the

Japanese Market".

Specific Goals:

Regarding the challenges that the company is facing in its relationship with the

Japanese client and that Señorío de Montanera must address successfully in the

short term, we have the following:

· Logistics: to incorporate the FIFO model ("First In / First Out") into its

storage system. To get it we need to change and expand the frozen


· Investments: Incorporate a specific "slicing and heat sealing line" for

fresh meat products. This action and the previous one are estimated at

approximately an investment of 1,200,000 � (2017-2018).

5.3. Partners involved

The company Señorío de Montanera ( is

owned by a group of 75 members (Iberian pig farmers) and was created in 1992.

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5.4. Total cost of the practice

From the point of view of financing for this new business line, the investment in fixed

assets has been of approximately � 500,000 (during the lifetime of this project) and

the total annual budget (fixed and variable costs) has been calculated in about

�1,500,000 per year, which has been maintained continuously over the last 10


6. Why do you think this could be a good practice?

The starting point or motivation to face/approach the new product/market strategy

(raw meat from Iberian pork to Japan) was based on the following two ideas from the

company's own vision:

� There is always an international market and customer willing to buy any

type of product that exists in many other companies. It is needed just look

for it and select the right one.

� To search for international markets and customer segment capable of

paying more than the national market for high quality products that are

cheap in the domestic market or are considered as by-products.

The opportunity offered by the Japanese market was identified by means of the

following key aspects:

� Through other competitors (competition analysis), we detected that Iberian

meat sales were made to high purchasing power markets, very demanding

in quality and traceability.

� Fresh Iberian pork meat is a high quality product that 10-15 years ago was

considered a low-priced by-product in Spain.

� Iberian meat is very remindful to traditional Japanese meats (heavy pork

and Waiju beef). In fact, the "cataro" is a piece of meat that is very popular

in Japan and we prepare it with Iberian pigs.

� Red meats, with a lot of fat -intra and extra muscular- (pure Iberian breed),

very done meat ("old pigs" of more than one year), and with a fatty acid

profile with a high percentage of oleic acid, makes it ideal to be cooked,

boiled or lightly grilled, as the Japanese do with the most appreciated

meats (either from Japanese origin or imported).

� Once this opportunity was detected, the main importers of meat in Japan

were identified and the first commercial missions were started.

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Based on these arguments, this case is considered as a good practice because of:

� The effort and business cooperation commitment between the partners of

the company: evolving from the traditional model (only breeding and

fattening) to the integration of all stages in the production cycle (production

à industrial transformation à commercialization -national and international


� Organizational Innovation: creation of an Export Department and another

one of Quality Management to meet the demand of the Japanese market.

� Customization Process from the offer to the demand.

� HR Management: selection and training of staff for the new line of business

(in the export, quality and production departments).

7. Type of practice (multiple response)


X policy + successful implementation

X observatory/benchmarking/monitoring the SME Internationalisation activities

dissemination (please specify)

X event/festival


X funding measure

x financial measure (e.g. tax relief, grant for exports, etc)

X investment attraction measure


entrepreneur training, coaching, mentoring, consultancy

X access to knowledge

X technology transfer

open innovation

cross-sectoral networking


X internationalisation (e.g. creation of international partnerships, access to foreign

markets, �)

cluster development

incubator/ promotion of start-up

networking, matchmaking, �

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OTHER (please specify)

8. How does the practice support and help enhance the SME Internationalisation?

� Access and participation to international commercial fairs and missions

� Funding for new investments

� Access to knowledge

� Technology transfer

9. Which problems/challenges/needs is the practice addressing? Please tick the

appropriate objectives (multiple response)

Challenges OBJECTIVES Tick where


Human Resources

/ Managerial


Export coaching course

Incentives to foster internationalisation activity X

Exports forums X

Improving interregional technology transfer bodies

and mechanisms X

Trade visits X

Internationalisation/Export Academies X

Other: please specify




infrastructure and


Developing technology incubators

Developing technology parks

Market research support

Export/Internationalisation observatory facilities

IPR support/ Institutional protection of intellectual


Account management support

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Developing technology centres/competence

centres/applied research centres as a key tool for

competitive improvement in businesses


Diversifying and specializing technology centres

and services

High level consultancy support (e.g. advisors who

help innovative SMEs to boost R&D output and

identify adaptations that might make a product

suitable for new overseas markets)

X (Quality



Other: please specify


Insurance solutions & risk management (e.g.

covering of exporters and foreign buyers of

exports against commercial and political risks of


Financing short-term exports

Pre-Shipment financing

Post-Shipment financing


Credit guarantee scheme

Funding/grants for recruitment of advisors,

researchers, accountants

Funding to attend international trade events and


Grants to support any stage of the

internationalisation activity

Other: please specify


provision and


Improving interregional technology transfer bodies

and mechanisms

Creation of thematic critical masses and cluster


Establishing interregional innovative business

clusters and mega-clusters

Fostering the transferability of innovative

technologies overseas

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Export promotional activities/marketing

Regularly updated analysis reports on foreign


Trade missions X

Partner search & alliances

One stop customer centre to assist SME exporters

with foreign market information and contacts

Trade centres abroad ( that can offer market

research information, trade fair support etc)

Market intelligence services

Other: please specify

Indirect actions:


measures to

stimulate SME


Venture capital funds that finance innovative and

high-growth companies

Public funding schemes for start-ups

Improvement of technological capabilities of

export-oriented SMEs


Other : please specify

10. Source of funding (multiple response)

X regional funds

X national funds

EU funds � H2020

EU funds � ERDF

X EU funds � other (please specify) FEOGA

X private funding (self-financed)

private (e.g. financed by business angels)


other (please specify)

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11. Focus (choose the most relevant one)

X focused on the SME Internationalisation

focused on SME support sector

focused on sector specific SME Internationalisation

focused on other sector (please specify)

12. Is the practice linked to a specific policy? Please add a short description of the policy and

its link to the strategy/programme here.

Yes, through the following programmes:

· Programa PIMEX (Extremadura Avante)

· International missions and trade fairs (Extremadura Avante/Chamber of Commerce)

13. If this practice is not focused on the SME Internationalisation, why do you think it is

applicable in this field?

Not applicable

14. Geographical focus (choose one answer)





X international

15. Actors involved in the practice (multiple response)

X regional government

X national government

X development agency

X university or research institution

X SME, enterprises

association of enterprises/professionals

other (please specify)

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16. Outputs: direct consequences of the practice. Depending on the practice goals, please

provide quantitative indicators that are available for your practice. Some examples are

listed below:



TIMEFRAME (during which




Number of clients (meat


3 years Internal data


Income increase (�) Along 10 years Internal data


Access to new

international markets as

consequence of the


7 years Internal data


17. Please state if this practice is transferable in terms of:

X organisational model / implementation process

X specific tools (e.g. training, financial support, �.)

X policy making process

X definition of financial feasibility

methodology for the assessment of the problem to be address

methodology for the involvement of the targeted stakeholders

risk management strategy involved

X exit strategy involved

review and maintenance methodology

metrics for the evaluation of the implementation process

X marketing strategy

other (please specify)

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18. List main success factors referred to the context where the practice took place






Efficient laws on public support of enterprises.

Extremadura Region is committed in SME

Internationalisation support thanks to a

Competitiveness Plan (

X Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

Environmental support/ quality conditions (�dehesa

ecosystem�) well developed and maintained in

Extremadura Region

X Very relevant


Party relevant

Not relevant

Social capital and competent HR available Very relevant

X Relevant

Party relevant

Not relevant

Food-technology Agents involvement at the regional


Very relevant

X Relevant

Party relevant

Not relevant

19. Further materials and reference available (paper, PPT, information sheet, leaflet, video,

press releases, articles, blogs, photos,...). Please list and enclose

Not applicable

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Contact Details: contact person of the practice (name, e-mail, �)

Mr Francisco Espárrago

President and General Director

Email: [email protected]

Contact Details: person compiling this form (name, e-mail, �)

Mr Francisco Espárrago

President and General Director

Email: [email protected]


The business lines of production and commercialisation of fresh meat to the Japanese

market has meant important investments and innovations that have allowed

complying with the demanding quality requirements. Among the most relevant we can


� Technological Innovation Management.

� New processes: butchering, frozen, etc.

� New products: cuts, formats, packaging, labelling, quality control.

� Quality management System: official approvals, traceability.

� HR Management.

� Selection and training of qualified personnel for the export department.

� Selection and training of qualified personnel for the new productive


� Financial Management: new investments and new financing.

� Commercialisation Management: market research, opening and

consolidation of new market and customers.

From the point of view of Financing for this new line of business, investment in fixed

assets has been of approximately � 500,000 (over the lifetime of this project) and the

total annual budget (fixed and variable costs) has been calculated in around

� 1,500,000 per year (more processed meat by third parties) that have been

maintained continuously for the last 10 years. These are just the costs of the fresh

meat business line for Japan, although the investments were included in the company

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total investments within the global investment budget (approximately � 800,000/ year).

In addition, two research projects have been carried out specifically for Japan (funded

partially by European and Regional funds).

The production volume (total tonnes of final product) of the product line for the

Japanese market (2015) is: 983 T. Part of the production sold to Japan does not come

from Señorío de Montanera and is purchased from other producers but always

applying the Quality Control and labelling system of Señorío de Montanera.

Total turnover volume (export value figures to Japan) in 2015: � 5,095,524.61

The main problems encountered during the process were:

� The difficulty of a foreign language (usually the client just speaks


� The labelling, new formats, sanitary requirements. To solve them we used

a Japanese agent, new labelling machinery, testing and development of

new formats, shrink wrapping and development of shrinking, packaging and

metal detection machinery.

Creation of an autonomous department of Quality Control (independent of commercial

and production).

As a result of the diversification process with the new line of business (raw meat), the

innovations incorporated in the new processes have benefited all the processes in the

rest of the company's product lines. Among others we can highlight the following:

� Improvement of quality and traceability for the rest of meat markets (Spain

and EU).

� To have implemented a powerful system of certifications and quality control

that has made it easier to obtain homologation for other countries like

Canada, Mexico, Korea or Brazil.

� By adapting to product specifications, quality and timing, we have been

able to adapt very well and quickly to other customers� demands in third
