Project Diffusion

Project Diffusion The effect of gravitational stress on the diffusion of liquids. New team SLI 2012


New team. SLI 2012. Project Diffusion. The effect of gravitational stress on the diffusion of liquids . Part 1A: Vehicle. Major Milestone Schedule. GANTT Chart. Mission Profile Chart. Event 3: Apogee at 17s, 5252ft. Coast. Drogue descent. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Project Diffusion

PowerPoint Presentation

Project DiffusionThe effect of gravitational stress on the diffusion of liquids.

New teamSLI 2012Part 1A: VehicleMajor Milestone ScheduleFebruary 17Full scale vehicle completedFebruary 18Full scale test flight #1March 24/25Full scale test flight #2 with payloadApril 19/20Flight hardware and safety checksApril 21Launch day, full scale fight #3April 28/29Full scale flight #4 (tentative)GANTT Chart

Mission Profile Chart

Event 1:Ignition at 0s, 0ft Event 2:Burnout at2.24s, 1000ftCoastEvent 3:Apogee at17s, 5252ftDrogue descentEvent 4:Main parachute deployment at 84s, 700ftEvent 5:Landing at110s, 0ftApogee prediction updated based on data from scale model flight (Cd=0.48): 5252ftVehicle Success CriteriaMotor ignitionStable flightAltitude of 5,280 feet AGL reached but not exceeded (most current prediction: 5252ft)Both drogue and main parachute deployedVehicle returns to the ground safely with minimal damageSafe recovery of the booster Vehicle Drawings

CP 83.1 from nosecone CG 65.6 from noseconeStatic margin 3.2 calibers

Length 108Diameter 5.5(body tube), 4(booster)Liftoff Weight 21.5 lbMotor Aerotech K1050W Vehicle Parts

LetterPartANoseconeBMain ParachuteCDrogue ParachuteDPayload BayETransitionFMotor MountGFinsConstruction MaterialsBody: 5.5/4.0 LOC Precision fiber tubing Fins: 1/32 G-10 fiberglass + 1/8 balsa sandwichCouplers: LOC Precision with stiffenersBulkheads, centering rings: 1/2 plywoodMotor mounts: 54mm Kraft phenolic tubingNosecone: Plastic nose coneRail buttons: standard nylon rail buttonsMotor retention system: Aeropack screw-on motor retainerAnchors: 1/4" stainless steel U-BoltsEpoxy: Locktite epoxyMotor SelectionLength[in]Mass[kg]Diameter [in]Motor SelectionStability Margin [calibers]Thrust to weight ratioBurn time1088.95.5, 3.0AT-K1050W3.29.82.5sWe selected the AT-K1050W 54mm motor to propel our rocket to but not exceeding an altitude of 5280ft AGLThe AT-K1050W motor provides an appropriate thrust to weight ratio for our vehicle (9.8).Mach delay of 4 seconds will be set on both deployment altimetersThrust Curve AT K1050W

Altitude Profile

Apogee at: 5252ft, 17s

Acceleration Profile

Max acceleration:16 GeesVelocity Profile

Maximum velocity: 520 mph Mach number: 0.72

Apogee vs. Wind SpeedWind Speed[mph]Altitude[ft]Percent Change in Altitude052520.00%552400.10%1052040.40%1551681.60%2051012.80%Flight Safety ParametersParameterValueFlight Stability Static Margin3.2Thrust to Weight Ratio9.8Velocity at Launch Guide Departure (12ft AGL)68mphEjection Charge CalculationsWp=dP*V/(R*T)Wp - ejection charge weight [g]dP - ejection pressure (15 [psi])V - free volume [in3]R - universal gas constant (22.16 [ft-lb oR-1 lb-mol-1])T - combustion gas temperature (3,307 [oR])Calculated Ejection ChargesParachuteCharge (g)Drogue2.4Main5.5Charges will be finalized via static ejection tests. Tests carried out with the scale model indicated that average increase of 30% against calculated values may be needed for GOEX 4F powder.Electrical Schematic

ParachutesParachuteDescent Weight (lbs)Parachute Diameter (in.)Descent Rate (ft/s)Kinetic Energy at Impact(ft-lb)Drogue18.751868N/AMain18.759016Nosecone3.6Body27.6Booster29.0Drift PredictionsWind Speed(mph)Drift(ft)Drift(mi)0 0 0 5 8140.1510 16300.3115 24440.4620 32590.62Verification PlanTested Components

C1: Body (including construction techniques) C2: Altimeter C3: Accelerometer C4: Parachutes C5: Fins C6: Payload C7: Ejection Charges C8: Launch System C9: Motor Mount C10: Beacons C11: Shock Cords and Anchors C12: Rocket Stability22Verification PlanVerification Tests V1 Integrity Test: force applied; verifies durability. V2 Parachute Drop Test: tests parachute functionality. V3 Tension Test: force applied to shock cords; tests durability. V4 Prototype Flight: tests feasibility of vehicle with scale model. V5 Functionality Test: tests basic functionality of device on ground. V6 Altimeter Ground Test: simulate altitude changes; verifies preset altitude events fire. V7 Electronic Deployment Test: tests that electronics ignite deployment charges. V8 Ejection Test: tests that deployment charges can deploy parachutes/separate components. V9 Computer Simulation: RockSim predicts behavior of launch vehicle. V10 Integration Test: payload fits smoothly and snuggly into vehicle, and withstands flight stresses.23Verification MatrixV1V2V3V4V5V6V7V8V9V10C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9C10C11C1224Part 1B: Scale Model

Scale Model LaunchLiftoff weight3.6 lbMotorAerotech H250GLength4 ft. 7 in.Diameter2.6 body, 1.5 motor tubeStability Margin3.5Scale Model Launch ObjectivesTest drogue and main parachute deploymentTest flight electronics (altimeters and ejection charges)Test separation of body tubes at ejectionTest validity of simulation resultsTest rocket stabilityScale Model Launch ResultsApogee- 2181ftRocksim prediction 1900ft

Time to apogee- 13sApogee eventsDrogue deploymentMain eventMain parachute deploys at 700ft Main parachute deployed at apogee and drogue at 700 ft (wiring error)Calculated Cd : 0.48

Apogee for full scale vehicle (Cd=0.48): 5252 ftAltitude Simulation

Actual Altitude Profile

Scale Model Measured Descent RateOn main parachute (from apogee): 21 ft/s

After drogue deployment (700 ft): 21 ft/sDue to the error in wiring, the main parachute was deployed by the apogee event and drogue parachute by the set-altitude (700ft) event. We have added a test to our preflight routine to prevent this problem from reoccurring. Lessons LearnedIssueMitigationRocket trajectory wasnt completely straightFillet fins from inside rocket (loose fin was the cause) Two fins came loose during flightFillet fins from inside rocket (insufficient filleting)Cross-wired the parachutes in electronics bayDouble check parachute wiring before flight, verify using audible altimeter reporting Rail button came off while preparing rocket on the pad and removing e-bay for altimeter switch accessHave altimeter switches accessible from outside the rocket (through all outside walls)Part II: Payload

Payload SummaryWe will investigate the effects of acceleration and vibrations during flight on the diffusion of dye into liquids using digital imaging.Payload ObjectivesDetermine the effect of acceleration on the diffusion of dye into liquids Determine the effect of vibrations on the diffusion of dye into liquidsPayload Success CriteriaCollected data from the camera and accelerometers is accurateVessels containing liquid do not leakDye is injected into the liquid correctlyImages from camera are receivedAcceleration is recordedPayload is recovered

BatteryLEDSyringeSealed petri dishCameraSyringeSealed Plexiglas vesselCameraLEDBatteryPayload AssemblyDimensioned Drawing of Payload

Nikon AW100 Camera

Selection RationaleFits inside the payload chamberWaterproof (in case of payload damage)Minimum focus is 1cm (0.4)Full HD video 1920 x 1080 @ 30fpsSufficient memory/battery capacity Within the budget of our project ($300)Robust design (designed for extreme sports)Integration of Payload Modules

Rocket BodyCoupler TubeBulkheadExperiment SequenceLaunch and Boost

Dye is injected into the solutionCamcorder records the diffusion processThe experiment chamber is brightly lit using LEDs to prevent any exposure problems during recordingThe camcorder continues to record the diffusion process until the vehicle reaches apogee.Coast and Apogee Experiment SequenceAccelerometer records acceleration data.Experiment SequenceData Analysis

The pictures taken during the flight are analyzedControls Preflight ground testsPictures of Petri dish from overhead camcorderWater tank pictures from side view

Experimental GroupControl Group (stationary)Variables Independent variables a Acceleration t Time after dye is released (flight time)

Dependent Variables R Rate of diffusion (diffusion front speed) P Pattern of diffusion (qualitative classification)CorrelationsR = f(a) Rate of diffusion in relation to accelerationR = f(t) Rate of diffusion in relation to time after dye is releasedP = f(a) Pattern of diffusion in relation to accelerationP = f(t)Pattern of diffusion in relation to time after dye is releasedTest and MeasurementTestMeasurementRate of DiffusionDyed area boundary rectangle expansionPattern of DiffusionWidth to height ratio of dyeColor saturation per pixelVoids in dye47Image Analysis


Boundary rectangle: X pixels by Y pixelsMeasure color saturation in each pixelImage Analysis

CharacteristicMeasurementAverage void sizeMeasured in pixelsVoid scatteringNumber of void areasColor dye spreadClear vs. colored area (in pixels)Directional dye spreadWidth vs. height of color areaTo quantify the results of our experiment, we have selected the following characteristics to measure. Computerized digital image analysis will be used and we expect to process over 7 billion pixels using a multicore Linux machine.Instrumentation and MeasurementWe will use commercially available accelerometers and altimetersThe sensors will be calibratedWe will do extensive testing on the ground prior to the rocket launchPayload Verification PlanTested Components

C1: Camera C2: Injection C3: Diffusion VesselVerification PlanVerification Tests

V1 Basic Function Test: testing the main functions of the payloadV2 Leak Test: verifying that the vessels containing the liquid do not leakV3 Battery Life Test: verifying that the battery life of the camera is long enough to take pictures during the entire diffusion processVerification MatrixV1V2V3C1C2C3
