Project: A city Some examples

Project: A city Some examples TLEinC ICE Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Research Group, 20 Students from the school Jaume Ferran i Clua. Valldoreix. Teacher: Anna Esteban


Project: A city Some examples. TLEinC ICE Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Research Group, 2013. Students from the school Jaume Ferran i Clua. Valldoreix. Teacher: Anna Esteban. This is the project proposal for Primary grade 4. Grade 4 Project: A City - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Project: A city Some examples

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Project: A city

Some examples

TLEinC ICE Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Research Group, 2013

Students from the school Jaume Ferran i Clua. Valldoreix. Teacher: Anna Esteban

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Grade 4 Project: A City

This Project about the city is going to be open and free.I’m going to ask you 3 questions:WHAT? What are you going to do? WHO? Who is going to do the project? (individual, pair, group)HOW? How are you going to do the project?I’ll tell them WHEN?- 3 weeks

•We start with a brainstorm answering the 3 questions.• I give them time to organize WHO•Once they know who, they start thinking “What and How”.•At the end of the class they write the answer on a paper and give me to me.

This is the project proposal for Primary grade 4

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An example of an output in Power Point

Grade 4

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My ideal town is by the sea. It is not very big but it has many things.

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It has quiet streets, but...

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It has commercial streets too. It has a grocery, a baker’s, a clothes shop, a library, a pharmacy, a supermarket,


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It has a school and an hospital,

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It has a bank, a theater and a cinema,

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It has a pub and some restaurants.

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There are beautiful streets with sculptures,

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A big park with a lake and activities for children.

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It has an airport and a train station too.

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It is near to the beach

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And beautiful landscapes.

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Almost all the pictures of this PowerPoint belong to the city of Odense in Denmark, hometown of Hans Christian


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Example of scaled model made by a group of 4 level students

This is a HAPPY TOWN.

The Bank is the biggest building and it’s next to the hospital.

The ambulance is in front of the hospital.

There are traffic lights everywhere.

In my HAPPY TOWN there are plenty of trees.

Behind the bank there is a school.

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Examples of scaled models as project outputs

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Project: A City

 Learning Objectives:  1.-Listen and read a tourist guide: London and Oxford2.-Plan, prepare, write and present your project.

 Steps: 1st, choose a city you know.

 2nd, Find out places to visit:• Tourist attractions: opening and closing times of famous buildings; prizes to enter and visit places.•Geographical situation: North of Spain, Center of France, in the Mediterranean Sea..•Rivers, mountains, volcanoes, sea: There's an important river named....  •Food or products.•Festivities or celebrations.•Famous people

3rd, write and present nicely your recommendations.

This is the project proposal for Primary grade 5

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Who:  Individual or pairs When: 18th of February How: Computer (blog, power point, word, video…) or paper   Structures and useful vocabulary: There is / are....; You can see / visit / go / walk...; The city has / is / ....; I recommend.............because……..;            THINK: Do I need photos to illustrate my text.           

If you have been in any interesting and beautiful city, you can share the information and photos with the class. “Don't complicate yourself”. Do the project nice and simple.

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Víctor18th of february of 2013


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Geographical situation

Valencia is at the South-east of Spain.

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•River: Turia

• Beach: La Malvarrosa

• Sea: Mediterranean Sea

Important beach, sea and river

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Tourist atractions

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OceanogràficOpening days: It depends on seasonOpening hours: From 10:00 to 19:00Prize: 27,90 €Other: It’s the largest aquarium in

Europe and contains representatives of the world’s main marine ecosystems

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Opening days: All yearOpening hours: From 10:00 to 19:00Prize: 8,00 €Other: It is a very big and very nice building

Museu de les Ciències

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HemisfèricOpening days: All yearOpening hours: From 11:00 to 20:00Prize: 8,80 €Other: Large-format cinema,

digital 3D screen

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Gulliver parkOpening days: All yearOpening hours: Always openedPrize. FreeOther: It is a great park in

the shape of Guliver

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Museu de les Ciències NaturalsOpening days: All yearOpening hours: From 10:00 to 19:00Prize: 2,00 €Other: It’s a big museum where there are fossils of dinosaurs, plants ...

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UmbracleOpening days: All yearOpening hours: Always opened Prize: FreeOther: It is an opened place to rest

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Passeig de les EsculturesOpening days: All YearOpening hours: Always opened Prize: FreeOther: You can walk through


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Famous people

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Arturo Valls(1974- )He is a TV presenter.

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Vicente Blasco Ibáñez(1867- 1928)He was a writer

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Santiago Calatrava(1951- )He is an architect.

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Luis Garcia Berlanga(1921- 2010)He was a film director and screenwriter.

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Festivities and celebrations

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FallesDate: From 14 to 19 or marchOther : Explosive sculptures.

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La tomatinaDate: 29th augustOther: War of tomatoes

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F1 Grand PrixDate: 24th juneOther: Race of the Formula 1 World Championship.

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Tennis ATP 500Date: ?Other: Tennis championship

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Food or products

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Orxata (tiger nut milk drink )

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I recommend to visit Valencia because I went two years ago and I liked a lot.

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Project: A city

TLEinC ICE Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Research Group, 2013

Núria Biosca Perich, Enric Calvet Tomàs, Ana M. Esteban Nieto, M. Emília Masdeu Chimeno, Manuela Moledo Nores, M. Carmen Pérez Martin, Antonio Orihuela Lechuga