Programme and speakers - European Commission · 2016-06-03 · Welcome Programme Speakers On 22 and...

Programme and speakers

Transcript of Programme and speakers - European Commission · 2016-06-03 · Welcome Programme Speakers On 22 and...

Page 1: Programme and speakers - European Commission · 2016-06-03 · Welcome Programme Speakers On 22 and 23 June 2011, G20 Ministers of Agri- culture convened in Paris. They concluded

Programme and speakers

Page 2: Programme and speakers - European Commission · 2016-06-03 · Welcome Programme Speakers On 22 and 23 June 2011, G20 Ministers of Agri- culture convened in Paris. They concluded
Page 3: Programme and speakers - European Commission · 2016-06-03 · Welcome Programme Speakers On 22 and 23 June 2011, G20 Ministers of Agri- culture convened in Paris. They concluded

Welcome 3

Programme 7

Speakers 11

Joseph Alcamo 12

Sir John Beddington 12

John Bensted-Smith 13

Phil Bloomer 13

Joachim von Braun 14

HE Mohamed Ibn Chambas 14

Sir Gordon Conway 15

Jacques Delincé 16

Paulo Gouveia 16

Marion Guillou 17

Sir Brian Heap 17

Cristian Hera 18

Steve Howard 18

Monty P. Jones 19

Mikael Karlsson 20

Hervé Lejeune 20

Dominique Ristori 21

Maive Rute 22

Marc Sadler 22

José Manuel Silva Rodriguez 23

Margaret Ann Tutwiler 24

David Wilkinson 25

Table of contents

Page 4: Programme and speakers - European Commission · 2016-06-03 · Welcome Programme Speakers On 22 and 23 June 2011, G20 Ministers of Agri- culture convened in Paris. They concluded

Welcome Programme Speakers

Welcome to the JRC conference: “Scientific Support for Food Security and Global Governance”

The main objective of the conference is to examine from a scientific perspective the need to increase availability and access to food globally in a sustain-able way. The conference will identify and debate key questions relating to food security, with a specific focus on how science, technology and innovation can contribute to food for all. It also has a policy dimension as food security will remain high on the political agenda for the foreseeable future. This will require sustained commitment to alleviating the crises and the determination to develop long term relevant policies.

The conference demonstrates the European Union’s desire to contribute to improving the world food situation in a sustainable manner.

Recent food security developments

On 30 March 2011, the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the UK Govern-ment Office for Science (Foresight) co-organised a high-level seminar on “Future of Global Food and Farming: How can Science Support Food Security?” in Brussels. European policy makers, scientists and practitioners debated the obstacles and opportunities for global food security in the context of the expanding world population and

climate change and the need for a sustainable ap-proach to agriculture and management of natural resources.

The following conclusions could be drawn from the conference:

• It is necessary to develop and use a new com-mon data and modelling system, to make sure that all partners – in the EU and beyond – have up-to-date data on topics such as farming systems.

• Strong innovation programmes are essential to increase food production and alleviate hunger. This will require increased investments in science and innovation.

• The main challenge will be to make sure that the increased production and productivity will be achieved in a sustainable way. This will require s multi-disciplinary approach at the crossroads between agriculture, science, envi-ronment and social impact.

Many speakers insisted on the need for a strategic approach towards ensuring food security and glo-bal governance of the food system. Urgent action is needed to cope with the accelerated pace of changes in today’s global world.


Page 5: Programme and speakers - European Commission · 2016-06-03 · Welcome Programme Speakers On 22 and 23 June 2011, G20 Ministers of Agri- culture convened in Paris. They concluded

Welcome Programme Speakers

On 22 and 23 June 2011, G20 Ministers of Agri-culture convened in Paris. They concluded that food security would remain a critical issue for the international community. They found the situation worrying, especially in developing countries, and agreed that many challenges remained, not least in the context of population growth. World popula-tion is projected to reach more than nine billion by the middle of this century. All participating countries stressed the need for improved and more effective agriculture policies at the global and na-tional levels, better international coordination and concrete implementation of political commitments to promote food security and sustainable agricul-tural production.

The Agriculture Ministers agreed on an Action Plan which puts emphasis on the following goals:

• Improving agricultural production and pro-ductivity both in the short and long term in order to respond to a growing demand for agricultural commodities;

• Increasing market information and transparen-cy in order to better anchor expectations from governments and economic operators;

• Strengthening international policy coordina-

tion in order to enhance confidence in interna-tional markets and to prevent and respond to food market crises more efficiently;

• Improving and developing risk management tools for governments, firms and farmers in or-der to build capacity to manage and mitigate the risks associated with food price volatility, in particularly in the poorest countries;

• Improving the functioning of agricultural com-modities’ derivatives markets.

The JRC conference: “Scientific Support for Food Security and Global Governance” aims to foster a debate on the issues raised in the two recent meetings and highlight the way that science can contribute to policy making at EU and global level to enhance food security worldwide.


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Welcome Programme Speakers


8:30 - 9:15 Participant registration

9:15 - 10:30 Opening session

Why does an adequate and stable food supply require global measures? y Why is it imperative to invest in science to ensure the availability of and access to food for all?

Dominique Ristori, Director-General, Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission

y Food security: a collective scientific challenge Marion Guillou, Chief Executive Officer, French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA)

y Why does an adequate and stable food supply require global measures? Ann Tutwiler, Deputy Director-General (Knowledge), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

10:30 - 11:30 First session

Agricultural production and sustainability: Will availability and access to resources (land, water) be the key determinants in future patterns of food production?

y The ecological basis of food security Joseph Alcamo, Chief Scientist, United Nations Environment Programme

y EU farmers’ role in assuring food security by a sustainable and productive agriculture – key determinants Paulo Gouveia, Director, Copa-Cogeca (Committee of Professional Agricultural Organisations – General Confederation of Agricultural Cooperatives)

y Achieving food security in Africa: how can the potential of science be harnessed? Monty P. Jones, Executive Director, Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa, co-winner of the 2004 World Food Prize

y Discussion

Moderator: Mikael Karlsson, President, European Environmental Bureau


Coffee will be served in the lobby during the registration period and throughout the day. Therefore, please note that no fixed coffee breaks have been included in the programme.

Page 9: Programme and speakers - European Commission · 2016-06-03 · Welcome Programme Speakers On 22 and 23 June 2011, G20 Ministers of Agri- culture convened in Paris. They concluded

Welcome Programme Speakers

11:30 - 12:30 Second session

Market information and transparency, food price volatility in particular in the poorest countries.

y HE Mohamed Ibn Chambas, Secretary-general of the African, Carribean and Pacific Group of States

y Tackling uncertainty – the importance of data and increased transparency Marc Sadler, Team Leader, Agricultural Risk Management, World Bank

y Food insecurity and price volatility – impacts, causes, policy actions Joachim von Braun, Director of the Center for Development Research (ZEF), and Professor at University of Bonn, Germany

y Analysis of agricultural commodity price volatility Jacques Delincé, Head of Unit, Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission

y Discussion

Moderator: Cristian Hera, Vice President, Romanian Academy

Lunch 12:30 - 14:00

14:00 - 15:30 Third session

Global governance: Is better governance of food supply and demand the most efficient path to food security?

y The G20 proposals for better governance for food security Hervé Lejeune, G20 French Presidency, General Council for Food, Agricultural and Rural Areas, Ministry of Agriculture, France

y Enabling food supply Sir Gordon Conway, Professor of International Development, Imperial College, London

y Inequality and food security: the challenges to global governance. What changes are necessary to ensure markets in land, water and carbon deliver food security for the poor as well as the rich? Phil Bloomer, Director of Campaigns and Policy, OXFAM

y Strengthening global governance and international cooperation Steve Howard, Founder and Secretary General, The Global Foundation

y The European Union’s approach to supporting developing countries in achieving food security Jean-Louis Chomel, Head of Unit, DG Development and Cooperation – EuropeAid, European Commission

y Discussion

Moderator: John Bensted-Smith, Director, Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission


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Welcome Programme Speakers

15:30 -16:30 Fourth session

The need for innovation: Where and how will science and technology, including bioeconomy, contribute to food for all?

y Strengthening global agricultural monitoring for worldwide food security and market transparency: a G20 initiative Pierrick Givone, Scientific Director, Cemagref, the French Research Institute in Sciences and Technolo-gies for Environment and Agriculture

y Global goal of food for all – contribution by EU research programmes Maive Rute, Director for Biotechnologies, Agriculture and Food, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission

y Innovations in global crop yield predictions David Wilkinson, Director, Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission

y Discussion

Moderator: Sir Brian Heap, President, European Academies Science Advisory Council, former Foreign Secretary, The Royal Society

16:30 -17:00 Concluding session

Concluding remarks y The contribution of the Common Agricultural Policy to food security

José Manuel Silva Rodriguez, Director-General, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission

y The Foresight Project on Global Food and Farming Futures: Achieving Action Sir John Beddington, UK Government Chief Scientific Adviser

y Conclusions and the way forward Dominique Ristori, Director-General, Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission


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Page 12: Programme and speakers - European Commission · 2016-06-03 · Welcome Programme Speakers On 22 and 23 June 2011, G20 Ministers of Agri- culture convened in Paris. They concluded

Welcome Programme Speakers

Joseph Alcamo

Chief Scientist, United Nations Environment Programme

Speaker: First session

interests are the application of biological and economic analysis to problems of Natural Resource Management.

Sir John has previously been advisor to a number of UK Government departments including the For-eign and Commonwealth Office, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the Minis-try of Defence and the Cabinet Office. He has also advised several Governments and international bodies including the Australian, New Zealand and US Governments, the European Commission, the United Nations Environment Programme and Food and Agriculture Organisation.

He was, for six years, a member of the Natural En-vironment Research Council. In June 1997 he was awarded the Heidelberg Award for Environmental Excellence, in 2001 he became a Fellow of the Roy-al Society. In 2004 he was awarded the Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George by Her Majesty the Queen and in June 2010 was awarded a knighthood in the Queen’s Birthday Honours.

Sir John Beddington

UK Government Chief Scientific Adviser

Speaker: Concluding session

Sir John Beddington was appointed as Government Chief Scientific Adviser (GCSA) on 1 Janu-

ary 2008. Since being in post, the GCSA has led on providing scientific advice to Government during the 2009 swine flu outbreak and the 2010 volcanic ash incident. The GCSA has also been responsible for increasing the scientific capacity across White-hall by encouraging all major departments of state to recruit a Chief Scientific Adviser.

Throughout 2008 and 2009 Sir John raised the concept of the “Perfect Storm” of food, energy and water security in the context of climate change, gaining considerable media attention and raising this as a priority in the UK and internationally.

Prior to his appointment as GCSA, he was Profes-sor of Applied Population Biology and headed the main departments of environmental science and technology at Imperial College. His main research

scenario analysis. He has published widely on the subject of global change impacts on water re-sources and land use. Recent publications describe the linkage of climate change, drought frequency, and food security in Russia; the appropriation of water by rainfed agriculture in Africa; and indi-rect impacts of energy crops on deforestation in Brazil. He has published five books on global and regional environmental issues. Alcamo was winner of the international Max Planck Research Prize for achievements in global change research. He is an American citizen.

Professor Joseph Alcamo is Chief Sci-entist of the United Nations Environment Programme and

the first Chief Scientist appointed within the UN system. He is on leave as Director of the Center for Environmental Systems Research at the University of Kassel, Germany and Professor of Environmental Systems Science and Engineering. His main scien-tific contributions have been in the areas of global modelling of the environment, integrated assess-ment modelling, and techniques of environmental


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Welcome Programme Speakers

to 2009 he was the Director responsible for Economic Analy-sis, Perspectives and Evaluation. For a year he was then Director responsible for Bilateral International Trade relations in agriculture. Since May 2010 he has been Director for the European Commission’s Institute of Prospective Technologi-cal Studies in the Joint Research Centre. Before working in the Commission he was a business consultant.

John Bensted-Smith

Director, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre, European Commission

Moderator: Third session

Mr. Bensted-Smith has been working within the European Commission since 1983. He started in the Directorate General for Agriculture followed by a short period in the Directorate General for De-velopment. In 1989-92 he worked for the Commis-sioner responsible for the EU budget. In 1993-94 he was in the Enlargement Task Force which negoti-ated the Accession Treaty for Austria, Finland and Sweden. From 1995-2000 he was in the Cabinet of Franz Fischler, the Commissioner responsible for Agricultural Policy. From 2000 to 2004 he was Head of the Cereals, Oilseeds and Proteins Unit in the Directorate General for Agriculture. From 2004

was also the Head of Advocacy at Oxfam running global teams responsible for research, policy development and advocacy.

Before joining Oxfam, Phil worked for eleven years in Latin America on international economic justice issues, human rights and humanitarian emergen-cies.

Phil is married with two sons. He lives with his fam-ily in Oxford, UK.

Phil Bloomer

Director of Campaigns and PolicyOXFAM GB

Speaker: Third session

Phil Bloomer joined Oxfam GB in May 1995. Since June 2005, Phil is the Director of the Campaigns and Policy Division of Oxfam GB. The current global priorities of his team are: the GROW campaign (food justice in a resource-constrained world) which focuses on food, climate, land and water issues, humanitarian protection and assistance in crises and, the provision of essential health and ed-ucation for all. The Division also provides support, learning, and advice on a programme policy with a focus on climate adaptation, supply chains and gender justice. Phil is responsible for a team of 170 staff working across policy, advocacy, programme, campaigns and media.

Previously, Phil was the Head of Oxfam Internation-al’s campaign to Make Trade Fair to achieve trade rules that work for the poor as well as the rich. Phil


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Welcome Programme Speakers

the European Union’s Joint Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change research.von Braun was Director General of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) based in Washington, DC, U.S.A. 2002 to 2009. 2000-03 he was President of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE). Von Braun serves on boards of publishers of journals, is elected member of Academies of Science in Germany, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences; received a honorary Doctoral degree from University of Hohenheim, and the Bertebos Prize of the Swedish Academy of Agricultural Sciences 2009 for his work on food security.

Joachim von Braun

Director of the Center for Development Research (ZEF), Professor at University of Bonn, Germany

Speaker: Second session

Joachim von Braun is Director of the Center for Devel-opment Research (ZEF), and Profes-

sor at University of Bonn, Germany. His research addresses international development economics topics, poverty and famine; science and technol-ogy; agricultural policy, trade and aid; health, and nutrition. He is member of the International Policy Council (IPC), the World Economic Forum’s Agenda Council on Food Security, Chicago Council on Global Affairs’ advisory group on GADI. He is Vice Chair of the BioEconomy Council of the German Government, member of the Advisory Board of

Committee, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Com-mittee and Ranking Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Member of the Select Committee on Education and the Committee on subsidiary Legislation.

Dr. Chambas first entered Government in 1987 as Deputy Foreign Minister of Ghana. As Deputy Foreign Minister, he was a member of the Head of State’s summit delegations to a number of coun-tries such as the United States of America, China, United Kingdom, France, Malaysia, Nigeria, Zimba-bwe, etc. He also led Ghana’s delegation to several countries and conferences including the United Nations General Assembly, ministerial meetings of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) now the African Union (AU), the Economic Community of West African Sates (ECOWAS), the Movement of the Non-Aligned Countries (NAM), the Common-wealth, etc.

HE Mohamed Ibn Chambas

Secretary-General African, Carribean and Pacific Group of States

Speaker: Second session

Dr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas was ap-pointed Secretary General of the ACP Group on 16th No-vember 2009 by the

ACP Council of Ministers and took up office at the ACP Secretariat on 1st March 2010. Dr. Chambas came directly from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), where he had been serving as President of the Commission since Janu-ary 1st 2007. Prior to this, ECOWAS was a Secretari-at and Dr. Chambas had been serving as Executive Secretary since February 1st 2002.

Prior to heading the ECOWAS Secretariat, Dr. Chambas was a Member of Parliament in Ghana, where he served at various periods as First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Chairman of the Appoint-ments Committee, Chairman of the Privileges


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Welcome Programme Speakers

Borneo, he became one of the pioneers of sustainable agri-culture.

He has authored The Doubly Green Revolution: Food for all in the 21st century (Penguin and University Press, Cornell).

He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2004 and an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Acad-emy of Engineering in 2007. He was made a Knight Commander of the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George in 2005. He is a Deputy Lieutenant for East Sussex. He was recently President of the Royal Geographical Society.

Sir Gordon Conway

Professor of International DevelopmentImperial College, London

Speaker: Third session

Gordon Conway is Professor of International Development at Imperial College, London where he is currently working on a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation ‘Agriculture for Impact’ for European support of agricultural development in Africa.

From 2005-2009 he was Chief Scientific Adviser to the Department for International Development. Previously he was President of The Rockefeller Foundation and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sussex.

He was educated at the Universities of Wales (Bangor), Cambridge, West Indies (Trinidad) and California (Davis). His discipline is agricultural ecol-ogy. In the early 1960’s, working in Sabah, North

Between 1991 and 1996, he was centrally involved in the ECOWAS mediation efforts in Liberia and directly participated in the negotiations leading to the agreements ending the Liberian civil war. In 1996, Dr. Chambas was a key member of the Government of Ghana’s campaign team for the election of His Excellency Mr. Kofi Annan to his first term as Secretary–General of the United Nations Organisation.

He was also a member of the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG), which worked to facilitate a transition to constitutional demo-cratic governance in Nigeria, Sierra Leone and The Gambia. Between April 1997 and December 2000, Dr. Chambas was the Deputy Minister of Education in charge of Tertiary Education. In that capacity he had responsibility for the country’s five universities, ten polytechnics and agencies/institutions charged

with the formulation of policies on higher educa-tion, accreditation and maintenance of standards in tertiary institutions.

Dr. Chambas, who was born on 7 December 1950, holds degrees in Political Science from the Univer-sity of Ghana, Legon (B. A. 1973) and Cornell Uni-versity, Ithaca New York (M. A. 1977; PhD 1980) and a law degree from Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio (J. D. 1984). He has been admitted to practice law in Ghana and the State of Ohio.


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Welcome Programme Speakers

for farmer and forestry organisations and in Central European Countries providing technical assist-ance in the framework of pre-accession projects. Since 2002 he has worked for the Copa-Cogeca Secretariat with different responsibilities and was nominated Director in 2007.

Paulo Gouveia

Director, Copa-Cogeca (Committee of Professional Agricultural Organisations – General Confederation of Agricultural Cooperatives)

Speaker: First session

Paulo Gouveia is a director in Copa-Co-geca responsible for the coordination of “horizontal” policies.

Mr Gouveia is Portuguese in nationality and an agronomist by training. He has worked in Portugal

sity, he also has a Bio-Statistics degree from Gem-bloux and a PhD from Louvain-la-Neuve University. He taught probability and statistics in Morocco and Burundi from 1978 to 1987. Within the Commis-sion, he worked in the JRC in Ispra from 1987 to 1993 on the MARS Project, and then in DG AGRI (launch of direct aids, monitoring of wine and olive tree registers) and Eurostat (Agricultural Statistics - LUCAS survey) from 1993 to 2001. In 2001 he became Head of the MARS Unit in the JRC, deal-ing with Crop Yields Forecasts, Management and Control of Direct Aids to Farmers and Food Security Monitoring. In July 2009 he moved to the JRC in Seville, leaving his former activities (biophysical modelling, mapping techniques, remote sensing) and returning to his first specialisation (mathemati-cal modelling).

Jacques Delincé

Head of Unit, Joint Research Centre, European Commission

Speaker: Second session

Jacques Delincé is Head of Unit for “Agriculture and Life Sciences in the Economy -AGRIL-IFE-” within the Joint

Research Centre, European Commission, in Seville. Key activities of this unit relate to quantitative economic modelling of agricultural markets and trade, farmers’ incomes and investments, rural de-velopment and new technologies. Recent publica-tions covered Agricultural Outlook 2010, Biofuels, Land Uses Changes, GMOs, Climate Change, Rural Poverty and Food Security, Food Quality, New Plant Breeding techniques and Price Volatility.

With a degree in Agronomy from Louvain Univer-


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Welcome Programme Speakers

Royal Society, Series B, and was President of the Institute of Biology, and UK Rep-resentative on the European Science Foundation and the NATO Science Committee.

With the Nuffield Council on Bioethics, the De-partment of Health’s Expert Group on Cloning, the President’s Advisory Group on Biotechnology, and Parliamentary Select Committee, he has been engaged in public issues of biotechnology, popu-lation growth, sustainability and science policy working with the World Health Organisation, the UK-China Forum and the European Commission. He is Special Scientific Adviser for ZyGEM Co Ltd, New Zealand.

Sir Brian Heap

President, European Academies Science Advisory Council, Former Foreign Secretary, The Royal Society

Moderator: Fourth session

Professor Sir Brian Heap is President of the Euro-pean Academies Science Advisory Council, Senior Scientific Advisor at the Malaysian Commonwealth Studies Centre, Cambridge, former co-Director of the Cambridge-Templeton Journalism Fellows programme, and Master of St Edmund’s College, Cambridge.

As a biological scientist, he has published exten-sively on endocrine physiology, reproductive biol-ogy, biotechnology, became Director of Research at the Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics Research (Cambridge and Edinburgh) and at the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council. Elected Fellow of the Royal Society, he held posts as Foreign Secretary, Vice-President, and editor of the Philosophical Transactions of the

climate change. She is the chairwoman of the board of Ecole Polytechnique (Paris) and is a member of the boards of the International Research Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIRAD), and AgroParisTech.

Marion Guillou chairs the Agreenium consortium, which unites French teams in research and in higher education in agronomy and veterinary sci-ence at the international scale.

Born in 1954, former student of the Ecole Poly-technique (X73) and engineer in rural engineering, water and forestry, Marion Guillou is doctor of physical chemistry. She is married and mother of 3.

Marion Guillou

Chief Executive Officer,French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA)

Speaker: Opening session

Marion Guillou is Chief Executive Officer at the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) since August 2004; she was previously the Director General (2000-2004).

She was an agricultural attaché of the French Embassy in the UK from 1993 to 1996 before she became Director General of Food and Nutrition at the French Ministry of Agriculture (1996-2000).

Member of the commission “Sustainable Agri-culture and Climate Change”, that is part of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), she also chairs the Joint Pro-gramming Initiative “Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change” which gathers 20 European countries and aims at creating a European research area in the fields of agriculture, food security and


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Welcome Programme Speakers

ticularly extensive, and both bilateral and global in nature, addressing China’s emerging global role in areas such as global governance and the G20, food and energy security and climate change policy.

Steve is also Managing Director of the private advisory firm, Global Agenda Pty Ltd and is Vice Chairman of the Global Private Equity Alliance, a global initiative under Chinese leadership. Among his other activities, Steve is also Chair of the Edito-rial Panel for Australia Network, Australia’s interna-tional television service seen in 44 countries. Steve was awarded the French Ordre national du Merite in 2004 for his contribution to France-Australia relations.

Steve Howard

Founder and Secretary GeneralThe Global Foundation

Speaker: Third session

Steve Howard is the Secretary General of The Global Foun-dation, which he co-founded in 1998

with a number of eminent Australians. The Global Foundation enjoys bipartisan support from politi-cal leaders in Australia and internationally and is recognised globally as a unique private sector insti-tution bringing together prominent citizens, busi-ness and policy-makers to address major challeng-es of our times. Since its formation, the Foundation has conducted ongoing, high-level dialogues with the EU, France and other European nations, the United States and with China, India and South East Asia. The Foundation’s program with China is par-

IAEA, IAEA Vienna (1991–197). President of the International Scientific Centre of Fertilizers (CIEC) 1996–2010, in present Honorary President of CIEC. He was elected as member of the Academy of Ag-ricultural and Forestry Sciences – Romania (AAFS) in 1982 and as President of AAFS (2001–2009), in present Honorary President of AAFS. He was elected as member of Romanian Academy (RA) in 1995, elected President of Agricultural and Forestry Section in 2008 and Vice-president of RA in 2010. He was President of European Union of Agricul-tural Academies, 2006-2008. He has published more than 230 papers, 23 books and treaties and 9 patents. He received many Romanian and foreign awards and honorary titles.

Cristian Hera

Vice President Romanian Academy

Moderator: Second session

Cristian Hera gradu-ated from the Faculty of Agricultural Chem-istry and Pedol-ogy, “K.A. Timiriazev” Academy of Agri-

cultural, Moscow in 1957. Doctor in Agronomy in 1968. Doctor in Sciences, in 1973, from Agronomic Institute, Bucharest. He worked for the Romanian Institute for Agricultural Research (RIAR) 1957–1962, Research Institute for Cereals and Industrial Crops – Fundulea (RICIC – Fundulea) 1962-1991. He was Scientific Manager, 1970–1981, and General Manager, 1982-1991, of RICIC Fundulea. He was Head of the Research Section of Joint Division FAO/


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Welcome Programme Speakers

highest level for increased investment in African agriculture to improve its pro-ductivity and ultimately its impact on the 60–70 % of Africans who depend on this sector for their livelihood. As the Chairman of GFAR he is leading a global effort to reform the global agricultural re-search system in order to improve its effectiveness and accountability.

In recognition of his outstanding contribution towards improving food security in Africa, Profes-sor Jones has been honoured with numerous other awards, namely the National Order of Merit of Côte d’Ivoire conferred on him in 2001 by the President of that country and the insignia of the Grand Officer of the order of the Rokel conferred on him in 2004 by the President of Sierra Leone. He has also received four honorary doctorate degrees – Philosophia Doctor (Honoris causa) from major universities in the United Kingdom, Belgium, Sierra Leone and South Africa. Time magazine named him among the 100 most influential people in 2007 and in 2010 the University of the Free State in South Africa appointed him to serve as an Extraordinary Professor.

Monty P. Jones

Executive Director, Forum for Agricultural Research in AfricaCo-winner of the 2004 World Food Prize

Speaker: First session

Professor Monty Patrick Jones, a Sierra Leonean, is the Executive Director of the Forum for Agricul-tural Research in Africa (FARA) and Chairman of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR). He was awarded the prestigious World Food Prize in 2004 in recognition of his discovery of the genetic process to create the New Rice for Africa (NERICA) which gives higher yields, shorter growth cycles and more protein content than its Asian and African parents. He was the first African to be honoured with this highly regarded prize. In 2010 he became the first recipient of the Niigata Interna-tional Food Award.

Professor Jones has spent the past 24 years work-ing in international agricultural research, starting as a scientist and working his way to his current top leadership positions at continental and global level. His celebrated work on NERICA has made it possible for countries in West, Central and East Af-rica to increase rice production thereby increasing their household food security and enabling them to cut back on expensive rice imports. He has pub-lished more than 100 scientific papers and articles.

As the Executive Director of FARA he has been instrumental in mobilising political support at the


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Welcome Programme Speakers

Dr. Karlsson is senior lecturer in environmental sci-ences. His teaching since more than 15 years con-cerns environmental policy and natural resources management, focusing on politics and legislation. He has conducted studies on sustainable rural development and natural resources conflict resolu-tion in e.g. East Africa.

Dr. Karlsson serves as expert in various EU and Swedish committees and agencies on environmen-tal issues. He has been member in two High Level Groups of the European Commission and partici-pates in the environment research advisory group under FP 7. Dr. Karlsson has been delegate to EU, WTO and UNEP ministerial meetings.

Dr. Karlsson lives in Stockholm with his wife and two children.

Mikael Karlsson

PresidentEuropean Environmental Bureau

Moderator: First session

Dr. Mikael Karlsson is elected President of the European Environmental Bu-reau (EEB) and of

the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, the largest environmental organisations of Europe and Sweden respectively. EEB has some 150 member organisations throughout Europe, gathering more than 15 million citizens.

Dr. Mikael Karlsson is an agronomist and holds a PhD in Environmental and Energy Systems. His scientific work focuses on environmental policy and risk governance concerning e.g. energy and chemicals. He has written several scientific articles and numerous popular texts in journals, books and newspapers.

June-December 2006 Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations Deputy Director-General, Special Adviser to the World Food Summit

August 2002-June 2006 French Presidency, Adviser to the President on agriculture, rural life, commerce and industry

Hervé Lejeune

G20 French Presidency, General Council for Food, Agricultural and Rural Areas, Ministry of Agriculture, France

Speaker: Third session

Date of birth: 6 August 1958

Professional experience

From July 2011 Inspector-General, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

January 2007-June 2011 Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations Deputy Director-General and Head of Cabinet of the Director-General


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President, Board of Directors, National Forestry Of-fice (October 2004-December 2006) Member of the Board of European and internation-al prospectives on food and agriculture (COPEIAA) Professor of agricultural economics and policy, Institute of Advanced Studies in Agricultural Law and Economics – IHEDREA (since 1998)

June 2000-August 2002 Technical adviser (agriculture, fisheries, hunting, agri-food industry) to the French Presidency

June 1997-2002 Director of agricultural insurance, Groupama

June 1995-May 1997 Technical advisor, Cabinet of the Ministry for Agri-culture, Fisheries and Food


October 1994-1995 Deputy Director to Secretary-General, Groupama

1981-1994 National Centre of Young Farmers (CNJA) Director (1990-1994) Adviser and head of department (1981-1990)


1985 MBA Sorbonne Graduate Business School, University of Paris 1

1981 MSc Rural Law and Agricultural Economics, Institute of Advanced Studies in Agricultural Law and Economics

1976 Baccalaureat (agricultural science)

Transport, he was responsible for inter-institutional relations; enlargement and international relations; coordination of energy and transport research; in-ternal market, state aids, infringements and public service obligations; passengers’ and users’ rights; central management of human and budgetary re-sources (2000 - 2006). Between 1996 and 1999, he was Director in charge of European Energy Policy at Directorate-General for Energy.

In the period of 1990 – 1996 Mr Ristori was in charge of transnational cooperation between SMEs at the Directorate-General for Enterprise policy.

Dominique Ristori

Director-General Joint Research Centre, European Commission

Speaker: Opening session, Concluding session

Dominique Ristori has been working at the European Commission since 1978 where he has

held several positions. Prior to his current position, he was Deputy Director General of the Direc-torate General for Energy, in charge of nuclear energy policy, in particular the development of the EU legal framework and international relations (2006–2010).

Whilst Director in charge of General Affairs and Resources at Directorate-General for Energy and

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tion of the Small Business Act for Europe and the launch of the pan-European Enterprise Europe Net-work count as the two main highlights of her term. During this period, she also acted as the European Commission’s Deputy Special Envoy for SMEs and led the Commission’s Lisbon team for Estonia. In July 2009 Maive Rute took on the responsibilities of Director for Biotechnology, Agriculture and Food research in DG RTD, which includes also fisheries and forestry research. The Directorate strives to create a competitive and sustainable bio-based economy in Europe by funding research activities at EU level, coordinating national efforts and facili-tating international cooperation. Under her leader-ship the Directorate has initiated preparation of the strategy for Bio-economy in Europe by 2020.

Maive Rute holds an MBA from Danube University in Austria and a Masters in international politics from CERIS, Belgium. In parallel to her main career, she has acted for several years as a management trainer.

Maive Rute

Director Biotechnologies, Agriculture and Food, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission

Speaker : Fourth session

Having graduated as an agricultural economist from the

Estonian University of Life Sciences, Maive Rute began her career as Country Director for a US as-sistance organisation devoted to supporting the reform of the Estonian agro-food sector. She then became Managing Director of a fund for rural busi-nesses and the food processing industry, focussing on financial management. In 2000 she was select-ed to perform the challenging task of reforming the enterprise support system in her home country where she became the Chief Executive Officer of a new fund, KredEx. Under her guidance, and starting from scratch, KredEx developed into the main provider of credit guarantees for SMEs as well as for young families and private home owners in Estonia. KredEx is also the official Export Credit Agency of Estonia.

In 2005 Maive Rute was nominated Director for SME policy in the European Commission. The crea-

of agribusiness and agricultural policy in Central Asia, the Caucasus and Turkey. Prior to working in development, Marc spent nine years as an agricul-tural commodities trader (both import and export), based out of the Former Soviet Union. He has an M.A. in Jurisprudence from Trinity College, Oxford University. In his role as Team Leader of ARMT, Marc advises both governments and agricultural supply chain stakeholders about risk assessment and management in a wide range of commodity sectors.

Marc Sadler

Team Leader, Agricultural Risk Management, World Bank

Speaker: Second session

Marc Sadler is the Team Leader of the Agricultural Risk Management Team (ARMT) of the Agriculture and Rural

Development Department of the World Bank. He is an expert on commodity markets, logistics, trad-ing and risk management. Before joining ARMT, Marc spent six years working as a consultant for the World Bank and FAO, specializing in the fields

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1987-1990 Head of unit for processed fruit and vegetables division.

1990 Head of unit, Tobacco division.

1991-1993 Head of unit, wine, spirits and derived products division.

1993-1997 Chief advisor of the Directorate General of Agriculture and Director of the Common Market Organisation for Vegetable Prod- ucts.

1997 Deputy Director General of Agri culture responsible for rural de- velopment.

Dec. 1999 Director General for Agriculture and Rural Development.

2006-July 2011 Director-general for Research

July-Dec 2010 Special Advisor of DG RTD

Jan 2011- Director-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

José Manuel Silva Rodriguez

Director-General, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission

Speaker : Fourth session


1973 Agricultural engineer (ETSI AGRONOMOS – MADRID)

1977 Degree in External trade (CEU-MADRID)

1983 Diploma in European Communities (CEPADE-MADRID)


Since 1971 until his incorporation into SOIVRE, while an inspector in the Ministry of Economy and Trade, he was a professor at the School of Agri-cultural Engineers in Madrid and worked in the private sector in export companies as well as on animal food projects.

MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND TRADE (MADRID) 1979-1982 Employed in the Directorate gen- eral of Internal Trade and in the Directorate General of Trade Policy.

SECRETARIA DE ESTADO (MADRID) 1983-1986 Counsellor in agricultural affairs and member of the delegation for the Spanish accession nego- tiations.

EUROPEAN COMMISSION Since 1986, he worked in the following posts :

1986 Member of the Cabinet of the Vice-President Manuel Marin.

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• 1988-1991: Co-Founder; Associate Director of the International Food and Agricultural Trade Policy Council

• 1992-2002: Director, International Govern- ment Affairs, Eridania Beghin Say America

• 2002-2006: Chief Executive, International Food and Agricultural Trade Policy Council

• 2006-2009: Managing Director, Agricultural Markets, Global Development Program, The William and Flora Hewlette Foundation

• February-June 2009: Senior Advisor, International Affairs, Africa Bureau with the US Agency for International Development

• 2010 to 14 January 2011: Coordinator, Global Food Security, Office of the Secretary of the US Department of Agriculture

Margaret Ann Tutwiler

Deputy Director-General (Knowledge), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Speaker: Opening session

Nationality: American


B.Sc. in Political science and economics from the Davidson College in the United States

M.Sc. in Public Policy from the Kennedy School of Government at the University of Harvard in the United States of America

Certificate in Agribusiness Management from the Purdue University in the United States of America

Certificate in International Operations Manage-ment from the Institut européen d’administratiion des affaires (INSEAD) in France


• 1981-1983: Publications Editor, Group of Thirty

• 1985-1986: Presidential Management Intern, Policy Analyst in the Economic Research Service of the US De partment of Agriculture

• 1986-1990: Policy Associate, National Centre for Food and Agricultural Policy, ‘Resources for the Future’

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for all aspects of the running of the site.

In 2009, David was appointed Director of Scientific Policy and Stakeholders Relations. Based in Brussels, he is currently involved in refo-cusing the JRC to respond better to the key politi-cal priorities of the European Commission. This is an important milestone in the development of the JRC as it aligns the organisation with the Europe 2020 strategy and reinforces the role of the JRC as the Commission’s in-house science service.

David Wilkinson

Director, Joint Research Centre, European Commission

Speaker: Fourth session

David Wilkinson has a PhD in Theoretical Physics, is a chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology and a Fellow of the Institute of Physics.

David joined the European Commission in 1995 as JRC Director of the Institute for Systems, Informat-ics and Safety. In 2002, he moved to Brussels as Di-rector of Science Strategy, responsible for the plan-ning and coordination of scientific programmes across the JRC Institutes. Amongst other tasks, he initiated the setting up of a Crisis Response System to allow JRC’s scientific capability to be ap-plied within hours in support of crises. In 2004, he moved back to Ispra as Site Director, responsible


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Notes on food security and global governance:

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