Producers and audiences

Film Studies Relationship Between Producers and Audiences Jurassic World Jurassic World is a 2015 American Sci-Fi adventure film directed by Colin Trevorrow and produced by Frank Marshall and Patrick Crowley. Set two decades after ‘Jurassic Park’, ‘Jurassic World’ revolves around a highly populated theme park which is plunged into total disarray when a genetically modified dinosaur wreaks havoc across the island where the theme park is located. The film is the fourth instalment of the ‘Jurassic Park’ series and stars Chris Pratt (Guardians of the Galaxy), Bryce Dallas Howard (Spider Man 3), Vincent D’Onofrio (Full Metal Jacket) and Ty Simpkins (Insidious). Released on June 12, 2015, ‘Jurassic World’ is the fourth highest grossing film of all time, with an overall box office gross of $1.6 billion.

Transcript of Producers and audiences

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Film Studies Relationship Between Producers and Audiences

Jurassic World

Jurassic World is a 2015 American Sci-Fi adventure film directed by Colin Trevorrow and produced by Frank Marshall and Patrick Crowley. Set two decades after ‘Jurassic Park’, ‘Jurassic World’ revolves around a highly populated theme park which is plunged into total disarray when a genetically modified dinosaur wreaks havoc across the island where the theme park is located. The film is the fourth instalment of the ‘Jurassic Park’ series and stars Chris Pratt (Guardians of the Galaxy), Bryce Dallas Howard (Spider Man 3), Vincent D’Onofrio (Full Metal Jacket) and Ty Simpkins (Insidious). Released on June 12, 2015, ‘Jurassic World’ is the fourth highest grossing film of all time, with an overall box office gross of $1.6 billion.


The official reveal trailer for ‘Jurassic World’ was released on November 25, 2014. It does well to depict a variety of scenes from the overall film,

particularly the most outstanding aspects of the island (which serves as the primary setting for the film), including the gyrosphere ride (0:50 – 0:56) and the lagoon that houses a Mosasaurus (0:58 – 1:13). These scenes provide the

viewer(s) with insight regarding the nature of the island within the film, as well as the types of dinosaurs that reside on the island. The producers of the trailer have clearly obtained numerous sequences of action from the film and assembled them together in a continuous and uninterrupted manner,

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although some areas of the trailer show extended scenes e.g. the Mosasaurus leaping out of the water, clamping its jaws over a shark and diving back into the lagoon, causing water to cascade over the spectators. A possible reason for this could have been to entertain those who watch the trailer even further by establishing the visual quality of the scene (in regard to its computer-generated imagery) for an extended period of time.

A series of clips from ‘Jurassic World’ were clearly obtained from the overall assembly edit and assembled together, however not in the correct order as they would be shown in the final film. This technique can be considered effective because it is most often found in film trailers and does well to create anticipation for the viewer(s) who would automatically assume they are seeing clips from various parts of the film itself. A strong sense of variety is therefore provided and this can be considered beneficial for the audience because they can focus on a wide range of aspects of the film, thus increasing the chances that they will be intrigued and eventually decide to watch it at a cinema.

The majority of the clips shown throughout the trailer depict sequences of fast-paced action. For example, at 2:07, the character Owen (portrayed by Chris Pratt) is shown sprinting towards a closing stone wall with the hybrid

dinosaur in pursuit; this clip in particular does well to create tension and suspense within the audience because it is not established whether or not the character will survive the confrontation. The most likely reason for including a

scene such as this will have been to highlight the dangers of a job role of such magnitude (the character Owen is shown to be a dinosaur trainer/expert) as well as establish how powerless the character is whilst being chased by the dinosaur (the audience can see clearly that the character is attempting to run away as fast as possible whilst the dinosaur is gaining on him). Male teenagers and adults are likely to find that the action-

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based elements throughout the trailer appeal to them because, stereotypically speaking, males tend to prefer fast-paced action and violence within films.

The first scene within the trailer (0:06 – 0:14) depicts the relationship between two of the protagonists (brothers Zach and Gray) and their parents. My opinion on this scene is that it is highly effective because it helps to establish a strong sense of safety; the brothers are jokingly assured that nothing bad will happen to them. This scene differs significantly from the rest of the trailer, and it becomes increasingly obvious that the brothers will be in danger as a menacing atmosphere encompasses the scenes depicted. The first scene within the trailer could appeal to those who are parents, primarily because they have an obligation to look after their children and ensure nothing happens to them. The theme of romance is also present within the trailer; the sequence at 2:05 – 2:09 somewhat hints at the fact that the character Claire (portrayed by Bryce Dallas Howard) is romantically attracted to Owen and fears for his safety as scenes depicting both characters are shown alongside each other. The theme of romance is likely to intrigue female audiences who tend to prefer romance within films; therefore, both males and females could be intrigued by the aspects of the reveal trailer. The most likely purpose of implying romance in this manner could be to provide further insight regarding the relationships between the characters, as well as ensure that audiences are able to relate to what they are seeing on-screen.

The majority of the trailer features an intense, slow-paced and adrenaline evoking score which does well to enhance the scenes depicted throughout and also provides a menacing atmosphere. The music is effective because it is something that most people may have never heard before, which gives it an edge on songs with lyrics; it is likely that many people will recognize songs that have lyrics within a trailer, and the presence of lyrics could potentially

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reduce the impact this trailer has on the viewer. In other words, the tone the music creates would make the trailer seem less serious and more light-hearted or comedic in nature. At the beginning of the trailer, no soundtrack is present whatsoever and only dialogue between characters is featured; the members of a family are depicted and the mother assures her sons that they will be safe. The lack of a soundtrack at this stage in the video does well to build suspense in my opinion as the mother’s words are contradicted by the events shown throughout the rest of the trailer.

Along with the soundtrack, a wide range of sound effects such as growling, crunching footsteps, bellowing, splashing, applause, alarms going off, and many others are present throughout the duration of the trailer. The presence of sound effects similar to those mentioned do well to enhance the overall quality of the trailer and provide a realistic atmosphere; the occurrences within the trailer are made to not only appear, but also feel highly vivid and real. Overall, the viewer(s) might be likely to assume that the creatures depicted within the film itself actually exist in real-life due to the fact that the special effects and sounds are very convincing. The presence of dialogue throughout the trailer is also effective because it ensures that the producers do not have to rely solely on visual storytelling to communicate the narrative of the film; the dialogue reveals the disequilibrium of the film, which is a genetically modified hybrid dinosaur that has escaped confinement and is wreaking havoc on the park and its population. Alongside the music and sound effects, the dialogue within the trailer is highly effective and does well to enhance the overall feel the trailer provides.

At 0:15 – 0:23, the company who distributed the film, along with one of the main production companies, are listed; most likely in order of significance i.e. Universal Pictures (the distribution company) is one of the world’s oldest film studios and also part of Hollywood’s ‘Big Six’ Studios. Highlighting the companies behind the film’s production process can be considered beneficial for the producers of the film because it has the potential to intrigue the audience, who are likely to decide to watch the film due to the fact that it has been produced by mainstream production companies, thus indicating that ‘Jurassic World’ is a mainstream film. The presence of well-known actors

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such as Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard further implies that the film will be part of the mainstream.

At 0:31, the words ‘On June 12’ are briefly shown on-screen in large bold grey capital lettering which stands out against the black background and attracts the eye of the viewer. The font creates the implication that the film will be intense and highly adrenaline-evoking, thus increasing the excitement of the viewer(s) in regard to the film. The fact that the words indicate the release date of the film is also effective, and this is followed by the phrase ‘the park is open’ which does well to create tension. At 1:15, director and producer Steven Spielberg is listed; his role within the production process was being the founder of Amblin Entertainment, which was one of the two production companies for the film. The sole reason for Spielberg being listed within the film was due to the fact that he was the director of the first and second installments of the Jurassic Park franchise. At 1:50, the phrase ‘This Summer’ is shown on-screen, which does well to create anticipation within the audience. Phrases similar to this one are most often found in existing trailers, particularly in mainstream film trailers such as San Andreas and Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials.

The title of the film ‘Jurassic World’ is depicted within a chunk of masonry that has the insignia of a Tyrannosaurus Rex embedded within it at 2:18 in the trailer. The presence of the insignia is effective because it further highlights the fact that the film will heavily focus on prehistoric themes. The final aspect of the trailer lists the distribution company, both production companies and the leading actors (Pratt and Howard), along with Michael Giacchino who scored the film (2:27). Also listed are the executive producers (2:28) and the writer and director (2:29). The likely purpose of placing the list of actors, directors and producers at the very end of the trailer could be to enable the viewer(s) to focus on the action sequences the trailer depicts before seeing the information regarding the production process of the film at the end.

Based on its content, it is easy to identify the trailer as an advertisement for an upcoming Sci-Fi film due to the presence of speculative depictions (in this case, it is dinosaurs which are being clearly represented), as well as a combination of these with familiar aspects of the real world, most notably tourist attractions, crowds of people and scientists working in labs. The latter

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is effective because it helps to create a strong sense of juxtaposition within the trailer, which could be intriguing for the viewer(s). Establishing a genre within a film trailer can be considered useful because it provides the audience with information regarding the nature of the film itself and also makes it easy to attract fans of the Sci-Fi genre. The trailer also contains aspects of the genre of action, most notably fast-paced action and an adrenaline-evoking soundtrack, as well as sound effects. The fact that the screen suddenly cuts to black numerous times throughout the trailer is also effective because it creates tension and suspense; this is something that action movies tend to create also. In addition, the trailer does not show the antagonist hybrid dinosaur clearly; the audience is only provided with mere glimpses of the creature and this does well to create further tension and also provides a strong sense of mystery to the trailer. This could intrigue the audience as they would desire to know more about the dinosaur.

The trailer provides accurate information to the audience by not only listing the actors/actresses of the film as well as the producers, directors etc. but also by showing the release date (June 12). The date specified within the trailer is somewhat relevant because, for young individuals, it represents the end of a school year and the beginning of the summer holidays, whereas for adults it represents the start of a well-earned break from work (in most cases). ‘Jurassic World’ clearly explores a holiday resort which is housing various kinds of dinosaur, as shown throughout the trailer, and a huge amount of people are shown to be present on the island. It is implied that the film is set during July or August as the summer holidays take place at this time of year and a significant number of people are clearly staying at the resort for an extended period of time e.g. two weeks. Credence to this is strengthened by the presence of the ferry at 0:24 – 0:29; it would be deemed pointless to stay at a resort for a short amount of time i.e. a weekend or a bank holiday because of the likely overall cost, not to mention travelling very long distances.

Within the first minute of the trailer, the overall atmosphere is quite calm; this is generated by the presence of family, along with a strong sense of safety. There are no menacing themes present whatsoever, although the lack of a soundtrack creates a somewhat eerie feel which ties with the usage of high-

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key lighting and colour grading, the latter of which makes the scene appear quite grim in comparison to the nature of the resort (which serves as the film’s primary setting). The resort is made to appear peaceful, with a strong sense of tranquillity; the presence of shots depicting fields, trees, rainforests, waterfalls etc. underneath an azure sky creates the implication that the island is welcoming and invulnerable. This also does well to imply that the prehistoric creatures at the location are harmless and that people staying at the resort will not be in any danger.

As the trailer progresses, a dark and menacing tone is created and it becomes increasingly obvious to the audience that the huge numbers of people at the resort are in danger; the shot at 2:10 depicts people fleeing in terror and the usage of a high-angle shot implies that an unseen creature is chasing them; the people are also made to appear vulnerable in this shot. The rest of the trailer features a soundtrack with a slow piano that creates a somewhat calm atmosphere; this differs significantly from the action taking place on-screen, as people are shown to be in peril (with the main characters struggling also). The implication created is quite disturbing and the trailer could do well to evoke fear within the audience as a result.


The poster on the left was created with the clear intention of promoting ‘Jurassic World’ and depicting its themes, as well as hinting at the narrative of the film. The producers of this poster have positioned two images side by side; both images are so large that they take up the entirety of the page, and a strong impression is created of ‘man and the natural world’. The image positioned on the left hand side of the page depicts the character Claire standing in front of the glass window of a research lab, whereas the image on the right represents the snout of a dinosaur (possibly the

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hybrid). Both images contrast greatly with one another as one depicts people attempting to control an artificial world and the other clearly represents a natural world. The female character is made to look weak and vulnerable when compared to the dinosaur which is far more bigger than her, and the fact that the viewer(s) are provided with a limited view of the dinosaur does well to create tension because its intentions are unclear i.e. the viewer will not know whether or not the creature intends to kill or avoid being killed, thus raising the question as to who the actual antagonist is.

One scene in particular is represented; the scene where the hybrid dinosaur breaks out of confinement after misleading the scientists with claw marks on the stone wall (which create the impression that it climbed out). This poster is quite effective for portraying this specific scene because it creates emphasis on just how powerless the human characters are compared to the dinosaur. In addition, this poster suggests that man cannot compete with the natural world, and that nature is stronger even if it is artificial. Therefore, this poster is accurate as it portrays ‘the problem’ within ‘Jurassic World’. The poster also acts as a narrative device of sorts because it foreshadows the events of the story; that the scientists will lose control and the dinosaurs will wreak havoc on the island.

The poster also highlights the visual quality of the computer-generated imagery, as well as the time period the film is set in; due to the fact that scientists have found a way to create artificial dinosaurs in the film world, it is implied that the film is set in the near future. The image on the left shows this near future setting accurately, as opposed to the image on the right which depicts a prehistoric setting. This does well to create a strong sense of juxtaposition within the poster as two completely different time periods are shown. This poster could appeal to 15-25 year old males who, stereotypically speaking, tend to be fans of the Sci-Fi genre which is depicted accurately within the poster. However, female audiences could also be intrigued by this poster, primarily due to the presence of a female character who they could relate to.

In the image on the right, the colour green is quite prominent (along with the dull grey colour of the dinosaur’s scales). Green is a colour that symbolizes nature as a whole and suggests growth, wellbeing, harmony and fertility

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whilst connoting a strong sense of stability. All of these can be applied to the dinosaur within the image which is shown to be kept in captivity, as well as tormented by the scientists. The symbolization of nature and wellbeing in this manner does well to suggest that the dinosaur is a victim and that its rage is justified. Meanwhile, the image on the left consists almost entirely of bleak colours such as white and grey, the latter of which combines the connotations of black and white. The colour white is generally considered a positive colour as it symbolizes safety, perfection and simplicity, all of which relate to the characteristics of the facilities at the island, as well as the nature of the resort. The usage of the colour white is effective because it communicates that the scientists have taken a great deal of consideration regarding the safety and wellbeing of the hundreds of thousands of people staying at the island, and it is also a good way to suggest ‘a new beginning’ which is clearly the intention of the scientists within the film. The juxtaposition of colour in this manner does well to communicate the fact that the scientists and the prehistoric creatures on the island are two opposing sides.

The title of the film is positioned at the bottom of the poster in large bold grey capital lettering that makes it appear quite obscure in relation to the insignia of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, which is depicted in a similar colour to the text therefore diminishing its readability. Both the text and the insignia possess a visual quality that is quite similar to stone; thus suggesting fear and the unknown. The nature of the title contrasts significantly with the images and their content, and the possible intention of the producer(s) of the poster may have been to ensure that the audience focuses entirely on the images, which attract their attention before any other feature on the poster. The text does well to further imply that the scientists within the film are attempting to manipulate nature and that they have little idea regarding how powerless they are whilst experimenting with something they don’t know (dinosaurs); the colour of the text suggests fear and the unknown, whereas the font used appears quite unsettling.

Both images within the poster are separated by the side of a window frame; an impression is created of the character and the dinosaur facing each other whilst stood on each side, and it is strongly implied that the only thing keeping the character safe is the window. In turn, the window is also the only thing

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that is preventing any conflict between the two; this is quite effective because it implies the intentions of the scientists at the island in order to ensure their own safety, as well as the safety of the civilians, and also foreshadows the fact that the people and the dinosaurs at the resort will not continue to co-exist peacefully. Therefore, the poster does well to establish the fact that there is a great deal of tension between the two and this has the potential to evoke adrenaline within the audience.

No list of stars, directors or producers is present on the poster whatsoever; the absence of a list such as this one is significant because it shows that the producers desired to make sure that the audience focuses entirely on the themes, visual quality and overall atmosphere of the poster without getting distracted by information regarding who has produced the film, starred in it etc. The release date for ‘Jurassic World’ is positioned beneath the title at the very bottom of the page; a likely reason for this might have been to ensure that the audience focuses on the date after studying the images which take up the entirety of the poster. The words ‘June 12’ are depicted on the page in white capital letters that stand out amongst the images in the background, thus making it easy for the audience to read. This can be considered beneficial because it ensures that the audience is provided with accurate information regarding the film and its release.


‘This Morning’ is a British television programme which airs on weekdays from 10:30 AM until 12:30 PM. Broadcast on the channel ITV, the show revolves primarily around news stories, health, and style and beauty, all of which would generally appeal to adult audiences (particularly females). In June 2015, the programme explored the upcoming film ‘Jurassic World’, which

would be released only two days after the episode (‘This Morning’ tends to air live on weekdays). The programme is presented by Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby, both of whom are well-known television

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personalities. Both Schofield and Willoughby are the interviewers for this particular episode.

‘This Morning’ tends to explore topics such as real-life (news stories), home and garden, food, general health, showbiz etc. The primary target audience for this programme is most likely adults who fit into the ABC1 social grade, as well as the ‘Belonger’ psychographic category because the matters that are commonly discussed throughout the programme relate to finance, living at home and events that occur outside of the everyday lives of people. Females in particular might be intrigued by this programme due to the presence of other topics such as fashion, along with health and beauty. During the interview, Schofield and Willoughby speak in an authoritative manner; they are shown to be using formal language as they do not use phrases such as the word ‘Yeah’ as opposed to ‘Yes’ and most of the words they use are pronounced clearly. However, Schofield is shown to be quite hesitant as he stutters during the interview, whereas Willoughby jokingly states that one of the cast members for ‘Jurassic World’ will have been ‘happy to just play a tree’ within the film whilst emphasizing on just how exhilarated the cast members were to be a part of the well-known franchise.

Schofield and Willoughby are dressed smartly during the interview; this is quite beneficial because it makes the presenters appear quite professional and also does well to enhance the overall image of the programme; the presenters should be judged as more competent due to dressing smartly as they appear highly confident, as well as possessing a positive personality. The presenters have clearly taken consideration regarding the way they look on live television and this can be considered a positive impression. The interviewees are also dressed in a smart casual manner, however they use informal phrases such as the word ‘Yeah’ and ‘It’s pretty unbelievable’ amongst others. The way in which the interviewees speak makes them seem quite unprofessional as opposed to the presenters, who speak in authoritative tones. Those who are being interviewed by Schofield and Willoughby are

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Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard, who portray the protagonists of ‘Jurassic World’. It is implied that these actors were selected for the interview because the producers of the programme were confident that they would be able to provide accurate information about the latest installment of the ‘Jurassic Park’ franchise; both actors had major roles in the film. Another reason why Pratt and Howard might have been chosen could be because they are highly popular celebrities as of recent times compared to others who starred in the film, therefore the episode would intrigue a wide range of people due to the presence of mainstream actors.

Throughout the course of the interview, Pratt and Howard briefly converse about their past lives and how they did not expect to become well-known actors initially. Pratt clearly states that he was a fan of the ‘Jurassic Park’ franchise and that he was overwhelmed to hear that he was going to star in the film, however he does not speak sincerely and appears to reference his past intentions in a half-hearted manner along with Howard; Pratt even goes as far as stating that he ‘was sure he would be dead by now’. The presenters also express amusement at the statements the celebrities make; which in turn creates an overall tone that isn’t serious. The interview itself merely seems like a half-hearted conversation between the presenters and the celebrities. The interview is presumed to be taking place at some point during the day; the fact that the programme airs in the morning (hence the name, ‘This Morning’), further implies this. The reason why this episode will have been broadcast at this time of day could have been to establish the fact that its content is appropriate for all audiences, including young children. If there was any offensive material (most notably profanity), the episode will most likely have been broadcast after the watershed (9pm). Throughout the interview, no offensive language is present whatsoever.

All of the topics discussed during the interview appear to be somewhat film-related; Pratt and Howard talk about their past lives, as well as their careers in the film industry, whereas Schofield and Willoughby ask questions regarding the production process of ‘Jurassic World’, as well as whether or not the celebrities could have imagined being provided with the opportunity to star in a well-known film that they most likely saw at a young age. Therefore, the discussion between the interviewers and interviewees is completely

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relevant. Choosing the topic of the production process of ‘Jurassic World’ is ideal because Pratt and Howard were provided with the opportunity to star in the film and clearly put a great deal of effort into their performances in order to ensure that the overall film appeared as visually pleasing as possible. The reason why the interviewers would ask the celebrities to provide information about their past could be an attempt to relate to their experiences and obtain as much information about the celebrities as possible.

Audience Research

The primary target audience for ‘Jurassic World’ is likely to consist mainly of males aged 13-20 who are fans of the Sci-Fi genre and desire to see prehistoric themes within films. The audience members are also likely to fit into the ‘Belonger’ psychographic category due to the fact that they love being part of a community and spend a lot of time with family, friends etc. This film explores a resort which is thrown into chaos by the prehistoric creatures initially held in captivity, sending the hundreds of thousands of civilians into disarray. The presumed presence of families, groups of friends etc. visiting the island could intrigue people who fit into the ‘Belonger’ psychographic because it reminds them of the things they like; in addition, the island is densely populated and this could also appeal to Belongers. Those who are highly administrative or professional individuals are also likely to find that this film appeals to them because they earn a great deal of money themselves and could find that they would be able to afford to visit a location such as this (which would be highly expensive), or take their families there.

Primary Research

Primary research is a form of audience research that is undertaken solely by the individual who desires to obtain accurate and dependable information without utilizing any research that has been previously undertaken. An effective way to conduct primary audience research would be to produce a survey/questionnaire or interview, which could benefit the producers because they would be able to obtain information that is original and not influenced by existing sources. As a result, the information would be highly reliable. A great

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deal of audience information could be obtained via this research method; for example, a questionnaire could enable the producer(s) to identify what age range/gender/psychographic/social class their target audience belongs to; all the producers would be required to do is ask questions such as ‘How old are you’ or ‘What is your gender?’, along with others such as ‘What is your preferred genre of film?’. In this case, the producers would be able to highlight the interests of their target audience. Primary research is also authentic, which means that it is highly unlikely to be copied from anywhere else or misleading in any way.

Secondary Research

Secondary Research is defined as the collection and analysis of research that has already been undertaken by someone else or information that is publicly available in order to gain insight regarding target audience. It is considered the exact opposite of primary research which is undertaken by the individuals themselves without the aid of external sources. Secondary audience research can be advantageous for the producers of this film because it is highly useful, with most of it likely originating from the internet which is considered a database of sorts. The information is also easy to obtain in short periods of time, which gives secondary research an edge on primary research which can be quite time-consuming. The producers are very likely to obtain information regarding the preferences of audiences, especially the audiences of films that are of a similar genre to ‘Jurassic World’. Reviews from aggregators and responses to trailers on social networking sites could provide the producers with accurate information regarding the preferences of their audience and also provide insight regarding how the members of the audience would react to their film. However, this form of research could severely hinder the overall quality of the film because the information obtained could be misleading or insufficient, this shows that this form of research can be a disadvantage.

Quantitative Research

Quantitative Research is a form of research that is relies solely on hard facts without providing any in-depth information regarding a specific topic. This form of research can be quantified i.e. measured and even put into fractions

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or percentages. An advantage of this form of research is that it would be easy to analyse and only short, one word answers would be required from the correspondents, thus it could benefit those who respond to a survey/questionnaire, interview etc. because they are not required to elaborate on the responses they provide. Quantitative research can also be considered beneficial to the producers because it generally provides a wide range of facts and statistics which are not only highly accurate, but also very easy to interpret, thus the overall analysis of the research would be less time-consuming and less stressful.

Qualitative Research

Qualitative Research is a research technique which provides a great deal of insight in regard to the personal thoughts and opinions of the potential members of the audience as opposed to simple, one-word answers that wouldn’t be as reliable even if they are easier to analyse. This form of research can be considered ideal in relation to finding out information about a potential target audience because it almost always results in highly detailed and accurate results being obtained. This type of research tends to go more in-depth as it requires those who respond to a questionnaire or interview to provide detailed explanations rather than simply providing a ‘Yes or No’ answer. Therefore, this form of research does not employ statistics which can be considered a disadvantage to the producers; the reason for this is because it would be far more complicated to analyse results, as well as explain research findings to other people. The producers may also find it increasingly difficult to obtain the research through conducting an interview as they would be required to possess a wide range of skills, along with a confident personality as they would be interacting with people face-to-face. In order to obtain information, the producers could also look at social networking sites e.g. Facebook or Twitter in order to find responses that are somewhat detailed; it would also be ideal to look at fanbases where people would express their own personal opinions (this is an example of secondary research) regarding their preferences of films. The producers would most likely be able to obtain a great deal of information as a result.

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The producers of ‘Jurassic World’ could potentially be able to intrigue the members of their target audience by creating trailers, posters etc. and advertising them on social networking sites (Facebook and Twitter), as well as on YouTube. This can be considered a form of digital distribution which could benefit the target audience who most likely use social media to interact with others on a daily basis, as well as explore YouTube and the internet in general. In other words, this form of marketing would appeal to younger audiences who generally use the internet for a wide range of purposes and are more likely to come across an advertisement of any kind. This form of marketing could also be beneficial to the producers because millions of people use the internet as of recent times and it would be very easy to attract a wide range of people as a result, thus increasing the popularity of the film. It can be considered ideal not to advertise the film physically i.e. through leaflets and flyers because this would not be intriguing to a wide range of people; the primary reason for this would be because the internet is far more popular and marketing techniques such as the distribution of flyers and leaflets can be considered obsolete as a result.

In order to intrigue the audience, trailers for ‘Jurassic World’ could include sequences of action from the actual film, as well as heavy focus on the actors/actresses and the themes within the film, most notably family, man vs nature etc. Because the primary target audience for the film is likely to be males, it would be ideal to provide focus on the male protagonists so that the audience can relate to the characters more. The producers could also provide significant focus on the ‘man vs nature’ themes which could appeal to those who are fans of the Sci-Fi genre, as well as films with prehistoric themes. Posters could also include shots of the leading male character (Owen) who could be depicted in a way that makes him appear powerful, thus communicating the fact that he has a great deal of influence in regard to the narrative. Posters could also feature low-key lighting which might provide a grim atmosphere to the film.

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It would be beneficial for the producers to place posters advertising ‘Jurassic World’ on the sides of buses, as well as on billboards, YouTube and social media, and in the windows of shops and cinemas. This method would ensure that a wide range of people notice the film and decide to attempt to find out more information about it due to the fact that they are intrigued; this method could also be beneficial because it constantly reminds people of the existence of the film. Images of the film could also be placed onto the front of people’s T-Shirts, on mugs, notepads, cushions, hats etc. Employing merchandise can be considered an ideal method for promoting ‘Jurassic World’ because it further ensures that people will notice the film and be frequently reminded of it.