Media audiences and products


Transcript of Media audiences and products

Page 1: Media audiences and products


Unit 4

Page 2: Media audiences and products

Audience grid This is the grid that is used to understand the target audiences of products in media and other parts of sales.

This is used in media to determine the target audience for new shows and other media such as advertising.

This done so that advertising can be targeted towards certain people who would buy the products to make it create more revenue

Page 3: Media audiences and products

New products

There are a variety in which target audiences can be determined and how that information is used.

They are found out using focus groups these are used to determine what could be improved with products to make it better and more popular.

Websites like BARB are also used to discover the ratings of TV shows to see how popular they are

Page 4: Media audiences and products

My film I think that my film is grade A to Grade E as I think

they are the sort of people who would fit my target audience as they seem to have the sort of interests that I think my target audience would have.

And that seems like the average viewer of the film as people who aren't high grade don’t always enjoy action films

I don’t think that grade A people would watch my film as its not the sort of film that they would watch as I think they would watch something more sophisticated like “The Kings Speech”

Page 5: Media audiences and products

Codes of conduct The main problem with my industry of short film

is copyright as you have to ask the owner to the music if you wish to use it, otherwise you can be taken down especially by YouTube as they are very big on copyright.

As well as being restricted by age depending on who the viewer is as on YouTube it will come under review and be age gated if they feel that it has to much violence or bad language which can restrict the viewership of the video.

Page 6: Media audiences and products

Average viewerThis is what I think my average viewer may look like someone who is middle o lower class, who would enjoy comedy and action rolled into one, the average viewer of a film like hot fuzz I think would like this film as it is the same sort of film that I made as it is action and comedy on the side of the good guys.The avatar creator I made only had one set of clothes that wasn’t a suit so the person would be wearing other middle class fashionable clothes.The avatar is holding a bottle of coke as I think my audience would be reasonably deceptive to advertising.

Page 7: Media audiences and products

My product I think my product matches my target audience as

it a silent film so that it doesn’t have any chance of swearing in it so it could be viewed by slightly younger people as well from the age range of about 11-30 as I feel these would be the people who would watch it the most as they like the action scene and the sense of danger.

As well my film uses a variety of colours and visuals so I think it will be well suited to my audience.