problemau maen nhw’n - Ysgol Gyfun...

Gwybodaeth Cyffredinol - General Information Rhifedd -Numeracy Llythrennedd - Literacy Cymhwysedd Digidol - Digitial Competence Geirfa Allweddol - Key Vocabulary

Transcript of problemau maen nhw’n - Ysgol Gyfun...

  • Gwybodaeth Cyffredinol - General Information

    Rhifedd -Numeracy

    Llythrennedd - Literacy

    Cymhwysedd Digidol - Digitial Competence

    Geirfa Allweddol - Key Vocabulary

  • Annogwch eich plant i ddarllen bob dydd. Mae

    rhestrau darllen ar wefan yr ysgol. Mae testunau

    ffuglen a ffaith yn bwysig.

    Encourage your children to read every day. There

    are reading lists on our website. Both fiction and

    factual texts are important.

    Datblygu diddordeb trwy fodelu. Os yw

    plant yn gweld oedolion yn darllen,

    defnyddio sgiliau rhifedd a defnyddio

    technoleg i ddatrys problemau maen nhw’n

    fwy tebygol o wneud eu hun.

    Develop interest through modelling. If

    children see adults reading, using numeracy

    skills and using technology to solve problems

    they are more likely to do it themselves. Trafodwch ymddygiad ar lein gyda’ch plant.

    Byddwch yn ymwybodol ’r apiau a’r gwefannau

    maent yn eu defnyddio ac annogwch nhw i

    ffeddwl am eu hôl-droed digidol.

    Discuss online behaviour with your children. Be

    aware of what apps and sites they are using and

    encourage them to think about their digital


    Defnyddiwch rhifedd bob dydd. Trafodwch

    gyllideb a chynilo gyda nhw, sicrhewch eu

    bod nhw’n gallu defnyddio cloc analog i

    ddarllen yr amser. Ymarferwch sgiliau

    rhifedd fel mesur, cyfri, defnyddio arian,

    canrannau a ffracsiynau mewn sefyllfaoedd

    bob dydd.

    Use numeracy every day. Discuss budgeting

    and saving with them, ensure they are able

    to use an analogue clock to tell the time.

    Use numeracy skills like measuring,

    counting, dealing with money, percentages

    and fractions in everyday situations.

    Cefnogwch gyda gwaith cartref, er efallai fyddwch chi ddim yn deall holl ofynion y dasg, gallwch sicrhau

    bod eich plentyn yn deall trwy ofyn iddynt esbonio’r dasg i chi. Hefyd, trwy greu trefn dyddiol sydd yn

    sicrhau cyfle i gwblhau gwaith cartref, gallwch eu helpu nhw i reoli eu hamser yn dda.

    Support with homework, although you may not understand all of the requirements of the task, you can

    ensure that your child understands the task by asking them to explain the task to you. Also, by creating

    a daily routine that enables time to complete homework, you can enable them to manage time well.

    Ceisiwch sicrhau amser yn y dydd heb sgrînau,

    annogwch eich plentyn i fynd allan am dro neu i gymryd

    rhan mewn chwaraeon neu gweithgareddau er mwyn

    sicrhau iechyd meddwl da.

    Try to ensure times in the day without screens,

    encourage your child to take part in sport and

    activities to ensure good mental health.

  • Beth ddylai fy mhlentyn allu gwneud?

    Ble alla i chwilio am adnoddau i gefnogi fy mhlentyn?

    Mae nifer o sgliiau allweddol dylai disgyblion cyfnod allweddol 3 fod yn gallu eu gwneud. Mae rhestr isod

    o’r disgwyliadau ar gyfer disgyblion blwyddyn 7.

    Gwybod y tablau hyd at tabl 12.

    Adio a thynnu hyd at 2 le degol.

    Lluosi gyda luosrifau 10 (10, 20, 30, ..)

    Lluosi a rhannu unrhyw rif gyda 10, 100, 1000.

    Defnyddio dulliau ysgrifenedig effeithlon ar gyfer lluosi a rhannu, pan nad yw’n addas i gyfrifo yn y


    Cyfrifo canran neu ffracsiwn syml o rif (ee ¼, ½, ¾, 10%, 20%, 5%, 25%, 50%, ….)

    Deall termau elw a cholled.

    Deall manteision ac anfanteision cadw cyfrif banc.

    Cyfrifo gwerth gorau wrth gymharu prisoedd, cyfrifo gwerth gorau wrth ystyried cynnigion


    Defnyddio graddfa ar offer mesur (e.e tap mesur, clorian), trosi rhwng yr unedau metrig.

    Mesur tymheredd.

    Darllen yr amser oddi ar wyneb cloc a chloc digidol (12 awr neu 24awr), defnyddio parthau amser.

    Rydym ar hyn o bryd yn ffocysu ar ddatblygu nifer o sgiliau penodol sef y gallu i ddweud yr amser,

    ffracsiynau, canrannau a mesur. Mae’r rhain yn sgiliau hanfodol i’n disgyblion a gallwch chi eu helpu nhw

    adref drwy

    Ddefnydio cloc analog i ddysgu’r amser, disgwylir i ddisgyblion dddarllen yr amser a newid o

    analog i ddigidol.

    Cyfrifo newid mewn siopau, creu cyfrif banc ac helpu eich plentyn i reoli arian.

    Coginio gyda’ch gilydd er mwyn ymarfer mesur, newid maint rysait neu cynllunio costau bwyd am

    yr wythnos hefyd rhannu bwyd gyda ffracsiynau.

    Chwilio am fargeinion, cymharu prisoedd o wahanol siopau

    Hefyd, gallech gynllunio taith gan ddefnyddio amserlen, trafod costau ac ysgrifennu trefn y daith.

    Ac os yn mynd dramor, beth am edrych ar barthau amser gwahanol?

    Her Mathelona Cymru – cyfres o heriau mathemategol i brofi eich cof gyda gemau.

    Loci – sgiliau datrys problemau.

    Datblygu sgiliau llythrennedd o fewn Mathemateg trwy sefyllfaoedd bywyd go iawn.

    Gwefan gydag ystod eang o adnoddau mathemateg a rhifedd.

  • What should my child be able to do?

    Where can I find resources to support my child?

    Her Mathelona Cymru – a series of number challenges to test your memory using games.

    Loci – problem solving skills.

    Developing literacy skills in Mathematics – using maths in real life scenarios.

    A website with a huge range of Maths and numeracy resources which are interactive.

    There are a number of skills that key stage 3 pupils should be able to do. The list below shows the

    expectations of a year 7 pupil.

    Know the tables up to 12 times table.

    Add and take away up to 2 decimal places.

    Multiply by multiples of 10 (10, 20, 30…)

    Multiply and divide any number by 10, 100, 1000

    Use effective written strategies to multiply and divide, when it isn’t suitable to use mental strategies

    Work out percentages or simple fractions from numbers (e.g.1/4, ½, ¾, 10%, 20%, 5%, 25%, 50%..)

    Understand profit and loss

    Understand the advantages and disadvantages of keeping a bank account

    Work out the best value when comparing prices and when considering special offers

    Use scales on measuring equipment (e.g. measuring tape, weighing scales) change between

    metric units.

    Measuring temperature

    Telling the time on a clock face and a digital clock (12 hour or 24 hour), using time zones.

    We are currently focussing on developing a number of skills such as the ability to tell the time, fractions,

    percentages and measure. These are essential skills with which you can help at home through

    Using and analogue clock to teach the time, pupils are expected to tell the time and change from

    analogue to digital

    Work out change in shops, create a bank account to help your child manage their money

    Cook with your child in order to practice measuring, changing the quantities in recipes or

    budgeting for food costs for the week as well as sharing food using fractions.

    Search for bargains, compare prices from different shops

    Also, you could organise a trip using a timetable, discuss costs and write a journey schedule, if

    abroad, look at different time zones.

  • Beth ddylai fy mhlentyn allu gwneud?

    Ble alla i chwilio am adnoddau i gefnogi fy mhlentyn?

    Dylai disgyblion fod yn gallu cyflwyno eu huanin yn hyderus ac yn gywir wrth siarad. Mae’n sgil

    bywyd i allu mynegi eich hun yn ystyrlon ac i allu ymateb i eraill gyda’ch barn. Mae geirfa yn

    allweddol felly. Datblygir geirfa yn fwyaf effeithiol trwy siarad, trwy annog eich plentyn i ymateb

    mewn brawddegau llawn ac esbonio ei hun yn llawn gall wella eu sgiliau cyfathrebu.

    Bydd disgyblion yn dysgu sut i wneud hyn mewn ystod o wersi ar draws y cwricwlwm gan

    ddefnyddio strategaethau Llais 21. (

    Mae’r sgiliau’n cynnwys:

    Gwrando yn ofalus ar gyfraniadau eraill ac ymateb gyda’ch barn eich hun

    Cymryd tro a pharchu barn eraill

    Defnyddio ystod o iaith i ymestyn ymatebion a chyfiawnhau ymatebion gyda barn

    Erbyn oedran Uwchradd, dylai disgyblion allu atalnodi’n gywir, mae’r defnydd o atalnod llawn,

    priflythrennau a marciau atalnodi eraill yn hanfodol i gywirdeb iaith. Dylai disgyblion fod yn

    ymwybodol o wahanol ffurfiau ac yn gallu dewis y ffurf addas am y tasg er enghraifft dyddiadur,

    llythyr neu erthygl, dylen nhw hefyd fod yn gallu dewis iaith ffurfiol neu anffurfiol yn ôl gofynion

    y dasg.

    Mae darllen yn un o’r ffyrdd mwyaf pwerus o gefnogi geirfa, cywirdeb a gwybodaeth eich

    plentyn. Does dim rhaid darllen cynnwys llyfr, gall hyn fod yn erthyglau ar lein neu mewn papur

    newydd, cylchgronnau, straeon neu gerddi. Mae’r weithred o ddarllen a thrafod yr hyn rydych

    wedi ei ddarllen yn hanfodol i ddatblygu sgiliau. Gallwch siarad am bwrpas, cynulleidfa, fformat a

    thôn fel ffordd o drafod gyda’ch plentyn.

    Adnoddau gramadegol i gefnogi’r defnydd cywir o iaith a sillafu.

    Gweihtgareddau llafar sy’n cefnogi llafar ar draws y cwricwlwm.

    Adnoddau darllen i gefnogi sgiliau darllen.

    Strwythurau ysgrifenedig i gefnogi sut i ysgrifennu mewn ffurfiau amrywiol.

  • What should my child be able to do?

    Where can I find resources to support my child?

    Pupils should be able to present themselves confidently and accurately when speaking. It is a life

    skill to be able to express yourself meaningfully and be able to respond to others with your

    opinion. Vocabulary is key to this. Children’s vocabulary is best developed through speaking,

    encouraging your child to respond in full sentences and explain themselves fully will improve

    their communication skills.

    Children learn how to do this in a range of lesson across the curriculum using Voice 21 strategies.


    Key skills include:

    Listening carefully to the contributions of others and responding with your own opinion

    Taking turns and respecting the opinion of others

    Using a range of language to extend responses and justify responses with opinions

    By secondary school age, pupils should be able to punctuate properly, the use of capital letters

    and full stops, questions marks and other punctuation is essential to written accuracy. Pupils

    should be aware of the different genres of writing can and be able to select the relevant form for

    the task be it a diary, article or letter, they should also be able to decide upon the use of formal or

    informal language.

    Reading is one of the most powerful ways to support your child’s vocabulary, accuracy and

    knowledge. This does not have to be books, this could be articles online or in newspapers,

    magazines, stories, poetry. The physical act of reading and discussing what you have read is

    essential to skills development. Talk about the purpose, intended audience, format and tone as a

    means of discussing with your child.

    Useful grammar based resources to help with accuracy in language and spelling.

    Oracy based activities which support speaking skills across the curriculum.

    Reading activities to support reading skills.

    Written structures and how to present a range of structures.

  • Beth ddylai fy mhlentyn allu gwneud?

    Ble alla i chwilio am adnoddau i gefnogi fy mhlentyn?

    Bydd plant yn dysgu sut i gadw'n ddiogel ar-lein mewn sesiynau dinasyddiaeth ddigidol pwrpasol gyda'u tiwtoriaid dosbarth. Byddant yn cael cyfleoedd pellach i gymhwyso dinasyddiaeth ddigidol mewn nifer o bynciau gwahanol. Bydd y themâu canlynol yn cael eu datblygu drwyddi draw: Hunaniaeth, delwedd ac enw da. Iechyd a lles. Ymddygiad ar-lein a seiberfwlio Hawliau digidol, trwyddedu a pherchnogaeth. Bydd plant Ysgol Gyfun Gwynllyw yn dysgu sut i gynhyrchu cynnwys digidol yn effeithiol. Byddant yn cael cyfleoedd trwy'r cwricwlwm i gynllunio, creu, gwerthuso a mireinio cynnwys gan ddefnyddio amrywiaeth o'r offer digidol diweddaraf. Bydd y broses hon yn caniatáu i blant archwilio eu potensial creadigol a gweithio gydag annibyniaeth gynyddol. Bydd ein dysgwyr yn datblygu eu llythrennedd data mewn gwersi pwrpasol a byddant yn cael cyfleoedd i gymhwyso'r sgiliau hyn ar draws y cwricwlwm. Byddant yn datblygu'r gallu i greu, archwilio a dadansoddi setiau data a nodi tueddiadau a phatrymau. Bydd dysgwyr yn Ysgol Gyfun Gwynllyw yn dysgu sut i gymhwyso meddwl cyfrifiadol i ddatrys problemau. Bydd hyn yn cynnwys dylunio dilyniannau syml o gyfarwyddiadau (alogrithmau) a chymhwyso rhesymu rhesymegol i sefyllfaoedd.

    Citizenship, Producing, Data and computational thinking

    Blwyddyn / Year 8

    Blwyddyn / Year 9

    Gallwch lawrlwytho Microsoft Office am ddim ar gyfer dyfais eich plentyn. Y cyfan sydd ei angen yw cyfrif

    Hwb eich plentyn, sydd ar gael o'r ysgol. Gweler cyfarwyddiadau isod:

    Bydd gan eich plentyn fynediad i G-Suite for Education trwy’r ysgol. . Mae'r set pwerus yma o offer ar-lein

    yn cynnwys prosesydd geiriau, taenlen, meddalwedd cyflwyno, cyfrif e-bost, storfa cwmwl ac offer hunan-

    drefnu fel Google Keep.

    Mae hefyd yn lle gwych i ddod o hyd i adnoddau i gefnogi'ch plentyn yn yr ysgol. Mae

    ganddo barth diogelwch ar-lein pwrpasol ar gyfer rhieni a gofalwyr:

  • What should my child be able to do?

    Where can I find resources to support my child?

    Children will learn how to stay safe online in dedicated digital citizenship sessions with their form tutors. They will have further opportunities to apply digital citizenship within a number of different subjects. The following themes will be developed throughout:

    Indentity, image and reputation. Health and wellbeing. Online behaviour and cyberbullying Digital rights, licensing and ownership. Children at Ysgol Gyfun Gwynllyw will learn how to produce digital content effectively. They will have opportunities throughout the curriculum to plan, create, evaluate and refine content using a variety of the latest digital tools. This process will allow children to explore their creative potential and work with increasing independence. Our learners will develop their data literacy in dedicated lessons and will have opportunities to apply these skills across the curriculum. They will develop the ability to create, explore and analyse data sets and identify trends and patterns. Learners at Ysgol Gyfun Gwynllyw will learn how to apply computational thinking to solve

    problems. This will include designing simple sequences of instructions (alogrithms) and applying

    logical reasoning to situations

    You can download Microsoft Office for free for your child’s device at home. All you need is your child’s

    Hwb account, available from the school. Instructions for this can be found here:

    Your child will be provided with G-Suite for education from Google. This powerful set of online tools

    includes a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation software, e-mail account, cloud storage and

    organisational tools such as Google Keep.. is also a great place to find resources to support your child in school. It has a dedicated

    online safety zone for parents and carers: