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Transcript of Presentation3

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What Have I Learnt FromMy Audience FeedbackEvaluation question 3

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Who were the people in my audience feedback?Why did I choose them?

Who were the audience for my 'hot desking' peer feedback?

They were my class mates, of the same age group as some of my target audience.

Most in the class had the same taste of music; indie, rock, pop. So have a clear idea of the conventions of the promotional packages

Who were the audience for my focus group?

Two boys and two girls, a boy and girl who study media studies and a girl and boy who do not, to see opinions from those who have been taught the conventions and those who have not. Are of the same sub cultural group (indie/alternative) of my music choice.

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Hot desking feedback on promotional


For my music video I had a lot of positive feedback:

It promoted the track well through the use of street lights, night/scenery shots of Beth and stuck to the genre by using the slow pace, range of opacities and over-lays with the lip syncing.

My peer feedback showed the majority enjoyed the use of manikin masks, circular narrative and different focuses.

My peer feedback on my advert and digipak showed most people thought that I kept the house style with the colours and theme, while also linking it to the music video with the use of the imagery of street lights.

They felt as a majority that the advert and digipak worked together because of the use of the same image, lighting/saturation and colours for fonts and institutional information.

For a deeper understanding of my feedback there is a presentation on my blog for both my peer feedback on music video and digipak/advert. include this in my evaluation stage, for I have previously gone over what my feedback has provided me with and if it was successful.

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Improvements named and made from the 'hot desking' peer feedback

My digipak colour on the inside was too dark, people addressed this by not being able to read the texts, so make the texts brighter, so I instead changed the background saturation and shading. Which enhanced the awareness of the extra information inside.

On my advert the text at the bottom wasn't in the centre yet the album name and artist name were, so I decreased size of QR code, made sure it still worked and moved the text to the centre. This made the advert look more professional and neater.

My main improvements for my music video were the added transitions, some people felt it was too long, so the different over-lays and transitions helped to break it up without having to go back to London and film more .

One person wanted to see more of the flashbacks and shots of the street lights, yet stated it was not a major feature to be improved.

Most of my feedback was very positive on both the advert, digipak and music video , so I left the promotional package as it was before I did my hot desking, with the improvements above.

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Focus group feedback on my promotional package

Felt that the image used on the digipak and advert fitted with the music video theme, bringing in the street light imagery and colours.

Liked the used of the typeface and design of the album name to signify a street light due to the constant use of street lights in the theme of the promotional package .

Felt that the colours matched the theme and created a house style for the digipak and advert; oranges, browns, black and beige .

though that the use of lip syncing and close ups were good in my music video and that the scenery shots of the city at night were nice, it exposed the artist and increased the awareness to the audience of the atmosphere .

The use of lighting (street lights and constructed), with the opacities and over-lays worked well with the song and genre because it flowed with the beat/pace .

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Name and made improvements from the focus group

Some felt that the introduction of the manikins were too slow and should be closer to the start, yet I didn't have the time, nor footage to take this improvement on board.

Some shots were too long and too busy, yet they understood that it fitted with the pace of the song, so it is not a major feature, so I decided to leave this as it was.

For the digipak I showed them the old version of it and new with the different brightness, they liked the lighter one more too.

They felt that the size of the typeface for the inside of the digipak was far too small to read the writing, so I increased it to the same as the others, while keeping the strange theme of typefaces.

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How do I feel my feedback went?

I was really happy with my feedback from both peer and focus group. I felt that the peer feedback still introduced a bias because

they were my class mates and felt they should be kind when answering, as did I when I was involved in their feedback. Yet I did use an anonymous question paper, so they didn't feel too

pressured to get the most valid responses, but it was vital to do another form of feedback, like the focus group and ask them to

critically look at my products, like they did.

My feedback enabled me to see the practical aspects such as the size of the type face and the varied opinions on what people from

the sub cultures prefer such as the amount of flash backs and shots of street lights.

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Interpreting my feedback and how it has brought awareness to me

Uses and gratifications- Katz and Blumler '78- this music and music video is targeted more at females and a younger audience and I feel that in my construction and from what my feedback has told me, they enjoy it and think it's a good music video for the genre, so I feel more confident that the target audience would consume the products and understand them as intended.

David Morley's reception theory says that the audience will interpret things differently depending on their social position in society, that's why I feel that the target audience will understand the preferred reading, yet the target audience doesn't specify a class I feel working class and middle class would be able to appreciate the messages put across. Those who are not in the target group or on the border are still likely to understand it whether they are of an different ethnicity (not brought up in British speaking countries and Western cultures because of the simplicity of the motions in the music video. You don't need a 'rich' cultural (or subcultural) capital to access the meanings to this music video, yet the target audience are the ones likely to grasp the understanding easier

Finally, the preferred reading theorised by Stuart Hall, means that my target audience, in my opinion will understand my preferred reading and link it to their experiences, while those on the outside of my target audience will likely see the preferred reading, yet not have the same situations or they may happened some time ago, so find it harder to compare. So as I stated with the above theory I feel you don't need to have a 'rich' cultural capital to understand the music video, because I have constructed it quite simply for the audience to understand the preferred reading. Not lots of interconnecting narratives or background information, nor sensitive issues not everyone has experienced such as domestic abuse, which doesn't tie to the theme of the song, yet is an example.