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Transcript of Presentation1

Page 1: Presentation1

Masthead- For my masthead I used a layer to place my masthead on. The reason for putting my masthead on a black layer is because ‘Born Sinner’ stands out more. It makes it easier for the audience to see. It clearly shows my audience what my magazine is called. Instead of using the same font throughout my masthead, I thought id play around with the masthead and change the ‘O’ into a ‘devil’ head. This went good because it related to the word ‘Sinner’. I wrote my masthead into the devil head, this was just to make my masthead more noticeable and interesting.

Throughout my cover I had stuck to the same font, this is because I didn’t want to use different font throughout. By sticking the same font, makes the magazine cover more professional. However, for my main bits, the important ones which the audience would react to I changed the fonts. This is so the audience can know exactly what was in the magazine.

Pull quotes- For this quote, I had changed thecolour, I wanted to make the whole quoteStand out. This quote also gives the audience An idea of what is expected in my magazine.

Skyline/strapline- Another generic Convention that many magazines use. I decided To put my strapline at the top.

Image- For my magazine I had used a close upShot of Sidra. The reason for using a close upShot was to show the audience her facial Expressions. In the picture I had taken she gaveDirect eye contact, which is good. She was alsoSmiling. This makes her look friendly and readable.

Colours- I had used a colour throughout my cover. The colours that I stuck withWere black, pink and white. I matched the colour to the image I had taken. On the picture of Sidra you could see thatShe is wearing a pink lipstick. So the reason why I chose pink was to make that stand out. The black and white came from the top.

Barcode- I used a barcode and price for myMagazine. The price and barcode allowsThe magazine to be purchasable.

Used famous people, to pull in a wider rangeaudience.

Page 2: Presentation1

Target audience- My target audience is 15+ and it is aimed for people who love R&B, preferably girls. Hence the pictures, and the colour, are appropriate for the target demographic. I used a lot of pink, which indicates this magazine it produced for females.

Colours- For my contents page I had used the colours, pink, white and black. The reason for choosing these colour is because I stuck to the same colours on my front cover. I wanted to keep a house style throughout my magazine, this is so that my audience would know straight away that this links with my front cover.

Columns- For my contents page I had used two columns, this is because it is a generic convention, which is used on most magazine. Columns also make the contents page more professional, as it looks tidier. On the left side of my contents page I had created a column with the subtitle ‘Features’. Under this subheading I including all the features that would be included in my magazine. I then placed a picture to breakdown the other subtitle. The reason for this is because I didn’t want my text all squashed together as it would look quite boring. Under the picture I then had another subtitle called ‘Regulars’. On the right side I had another column called ‘Exclusives’. The reason for including these subtitles is because I have seen them many times before on contents pages.

Images- The reason for including pictures on my contents page is to grab the audience’s attention, It makes the whole contents page stand out. On the pictures I had put page numbers, I made the page numbers stand out. The reason for making the page numbers stand out is because I wanted my audience to know exactly what page the pictures will be featuring on.

I included my magazine name on my contents page, again to show the audience the name of my magazine.

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Columns- I had used columns to separate my text. In most magazines three columns are usually used, hence the reason why I created three columns. Two of my columns included text, the other one included pictures.

Clear heading-instantly shows the audience what this page is about.

Logo- I used a logo on my double article, to show it relates to my magazine.

Big clear picture- Most magazine use a picture to fill their double page spread. The reason for using a picture is to show the audience what my article is about.

Interview article- for my double page spread I had done an interview about my main person who was featuring on my magazine. In this article I had made some of my text bigger and in bold. The reason why I did this is because I wanted the most interesting information to stand out.