Preliminary Audience Survey


Transcript of Preliminary Audience Survey

Page 1: Preliminary Audience Survey



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The first three questions on my preliminary survey are targeted to receive my target audience. It is clear that the age range that I will be targeting will be between the youthful ages of 11-20 years old, as this was the most frequent response. Furthermore, the majority of my target audience will be male due to most of the responses coming from males. However, there was a few responses from females, thus meaning that I will make sure my music video appeals to females as well. Judging by the third question results, it is clear that my video has a chance of being popular because all the participants answered that they liked indie rock music. This means that my video has a market to fit into and it will appeal to a lot of people.

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Question fours results from each person linked quite well to my original ideas for the music video. My original idea for my video was to have a big performance using guitars, drums, microphone etc. and to also have cut away scenes that link to the video. This links because most of the results included a performance and a storyline.

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Question fives results show me what the audience would like to see in an indie rock music video. This had similar results to question four because the majority of results included the band performing as well as a storyline. This further entices me to go forward with my original idea because it would seem it has backing from the audience.

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The results from question 6 tell me what bands the audience like. This will help me decide what bands song to use for the music video itself. The main bands that came up was The Kooks, The Killers, Kasabian, Foo Fighters, Arctic Monkeys. These bands would represent the genre of my video very well, so I will take these into consideration when planning and creating my music video.

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On question 7 I decided to ask what they like about the bands they have chosen. This will give me an overall idea of what to do in the video and what style and attitude to connote across to the audience. Overall, the results portray to me that I have to make sure that the band have a unique style with a good image which relates to the audience and the genre. Also, I need to have an idol figure in the band. I could do this by making sure that the lead band member has more camera shots, thus leading to him having more of an impact on the video. This could appeal to the audience more because they might be able to relate to him, due to them having more of an idea of what he is like.

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On the next question I wanted to find out how often people watched music videos and where they watched them. I have found that most people tend to watch music videos on a daily basis and YouTube is where they are mainly watched. This helps me because this shows that this is a good platform for my music video to be put on in order to succeed.

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The final question asks what music channel they watch. This gives me an alternative option to YouTube, thus giving more opportunity when it comes to advertising my video. Most people answered Q music channel. So in order to advertise my music video I could put an album advert into the Q magazine.