Praseodymium - · 2013. 10. 16. · echo,...


Transcript of Praseodymium - · 2013. 10. 16. · echo,...

Page 1: Praseodymium - · 2013. 10. 16. · echo, Ink in my Blood, (bound) (4 editions), Enriched Poetry, cc&d Enriched Prose, Enriched
Page 2: Praseodymium - · 2013. 10. 16. · echo, Ink in my Blood, (bound) (4 editions), Enriched Poetry, cc&d Enriched Prose, Enriched

Praseodymium(#59, Pr)

Janet Kuypers

“I once set fire to my fingernail.I wanted my finger to be ahuman candle.”She dropped another match into her glass.The flame sizzledin the drops of drink at the bottom.

In a corner booth, in this small clubthe flame she aroused looked likeany other table light.But if you looked too closely,the light would scorch your soul,would burn your eyes hollow.That little piece of energy she heldcould be so intensethat you needed that Praseodymiumin your eye glassesjust to look for another second.

The flame she arousedlooked like any other light,but she knew she was destinedfor the big screen,complete with studio lightingand projector lightsfrom the motion picture industrybroadcasting her to the worldthrough arc lights.

So she struck another matchat the side of the box.Six or seven lay on the cocktail napkin,ten more at the bottom of the glass.

. Pilsen, Periodically .Janet Kuypers Periodic Table poetry feature at the Pilsen Art Walk Poetry Reading

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Page 3: Praseodymium - · 2013. 10. 16. · echo, Ink in my Blood, (bound) (4 editions), Enriched Poetry, cc&d Enriched Prose, Enriched

She’d watch the reflectionof the gemstones in ringsacross her fingertipsreflecting that flame.The yellow-green cubic zirconiaon each of her fingersbounced the light of the flamein thousands of directions.

She likes gemstoneson her rings, she doesn’t botherwith big earringsor expensive necklaces —she looks at her handsbecause she likes rings;she can’t help it.

A few of those peridot-inspired stoneswere gifts from a loved one,because they knew they were dying soon.So she becomes the only onetreating these rings live gravestones,even when no one has even died yet.

And the person that gave her these rings,she knows they want to be cremated.Just then you could see the flamedancing at her fingertip.She shook the match. She dropped it in her glass.

. Pilsen, Periodically .Janet Kuypers Periodic Table poetry feature at the Pilsen Art Walk Poetry Reading

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Page 4: Praseodymium - · 2013. 10. 16. · echo, Ink in my Blood, (bound) (4 editions), Enriched Poetry, cc&d Enriched Prose, Enriched

Darmstadtium(#110, Ds)

Janet Kuypers

Element one one zeroin the periodic Table,Darmstadtium,originally didn’t have a name,so when the scientistsgave a space-filler nameto element one one zerothey gave propsto the Greeks and Latinsby calling itUnunnilium.

I’m sure it’s saidoon – un – nil – ee – um,or maybe oon – un – neel – ee – um,but knowing a thing or twoabout the town of Darmstadtduring the Nazi regime,I’m tempted to call itoon – un – nile - ee um.

Oon – un-nihliate.Get that heavy waterinto the handsof Nazi Germany,and you’ll understandthe word play.


. Pilsen, Periodically .Janet Kuypers Periodic Table poetry feature at the Pilsen Art Walk Poetry Reading

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Page 5: Praseodymium - · 2013. 10. 16. · echo, Ink in my Blood, (bound) (4 editions), Enriched Poetry, cc&d Enriched Prose, Enriched

When Nazis took power in Germany,Darmstadt was the first cityto even force Jewish shops to close.

German scientists knewthey could use “heavy water”in an effort to make a nuclear bomb...And when the allies bombedthe Nazis in nineteen forty-threethe air raid forced Nazis to moveall of their “heavy water”to Germany for protection(at places like Darmstadt,where the super-heavy elementDarmstadtium was later discovered).

Then again, prominent membersof the German resistanceagainst the Naziswere citizens of Darmstadt.

And Darmstadt is where thebig German accelerator is situated...The GSI Heavy Ion Research Centreis in Darmstadt, and elementsare discovered there(like Darmstadtium). You see,they had to make Darmstadtiumin this big machinejust to discover it, becausethis synthetic elementisn’t even presentin the environment at all.I mean, we’ve only been ableto make just a few atomsof the super-heavy Darmstadtium...

. Pilsen, Periodically .Janet Kuypers Periodic Table poetry feature at the Pilsen Art Walk Poetry Reading

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Page 6: Praseodymium - · 2013. 10. 16. · echo, Ink in my Blood, (bound) (4 editions), Enriched Poetry, cc&d Enriched Prose, Enriched

But then again,from what we could tell,it’s insanely radioactive,has an insanely short half life,and no stable isotopes.With all going against the natureof Darmstadtium, it’s no wonderthat there isn’t even much concernover guessing it’s potential physicaland chemical properties.

With such a short half life,there’s no point in wonderingabout the effect it might haveon the human bodyor even on the environment,because it just instantly decaysinto lighter elements instead.

With such a short half life,we’d have to slow down time itselfto even confirm it’s potentialsilvery-white luster.

Hmmm, slowing down time itself.Maybe that’s what we’d have to doto learn a thing or twoabout you,Darmstadtium.Because with yourhistory of instability,with such short amounts of youcreating only a flash of damage,we’ll let others wonderabout the potential foroon-un-nihilationbefore we trulylearn a thingor two.

. Pilsen, Periodically .Janet Kuypers Periodic Table poetry feature at the Pilsen Art Walk Poetry Reading

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Page 7: Praseodymium - · 2013. 10. 16. · echo, Ink in my Blood, (bound) (4 editions), Enriched Poetry, cc&d Enriched Prose, Enriched

Rhodium(#45, Rh)

When you say the word “menthol,”images probably crop up in your headof women holding a cigarette sticklike she’s using her smokeas an orchestra wand,tracing the line of smokelike she’s conducting a symphonywith her mint-tasting cancer stick.

But menthol’s also used in lip balms(I really like that stuff, too,I like the minty flavor on my lips) —it’s even used in cough medications.It can be used in those Icy Hot patches,menthol’s in decongestantslike Vicks VapoRub, it’s inaftershaves to relieve razor burn.Yeah, and speaking of the tastein cigarettes or lip balm, mentholis in mouthwashes, toothpastes,even chewing gum.

So really, now that you know howwidely it’s used now, you can seehow menthol’s demand is now so hugecompared to the natural supply.So in Japan, one man even won in 2001the Nobel Prize for Chemistry fora process to meet the demandfor more menthol worldwide.This Japanese team used Rhodiumbased catalysts for menthol synthesis.

. Pilsen, Periodically .Janet Kuypers Periodic Table poetry feature at the Pilsen Art Walk Poetry Reading

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Page 8: Praseodymium - · 2013. 10. 16. · echo, Ink in my Blood, (bound) (4 editions), Enriched Poetry, cc&d Enriched Prose, Enriched

And yeah, Rhodium is used in catalystsfor anything from automobilecatalytic converters, or makingcertain silicone rubbers. And sure,Rhodium is used for jewelry,coating sterling silver to stop tarnishingor electroplating white gold and platinum,making it white and reflective.

I mean, the Guinness Book of World Recordsgave Paul McCartney a Rhodium-plated discin 1979 for being history’s all-time best-sellingsongwriter and recording artist.

Not gold. Not titanium. But Rhodium.

(And because Rhodium’s so expensive,that World Records award disc given toPaul McCartney isn’t even solid Rhodium.)

So I guess it’s kind of interesting thatthis expensive decorative jewelry additionis also used to give our chewing gumthat excellent minty flavor. So yeah,when you’re worrying about how moneycan seem tight sometimes,don’t worry about the jewelry.Just pop a stick of mint chewing gumin your mouth, thanks to Rhodium,and realize that we all probablydon’t have it that bad after all.

. Pilsen, Periodically .Janet Kuypers Periodic Table poetry feature at the Pilsen Art Walk Poetry Reading

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. children, churches and daddies chapbook .

scarspublicationspublished in conjunction with cc&d magazine

the UN-religious, NON-family oriented literary and art magazine [email protected] 1068-5154 INTERNET ISSN #1555-1555

Writing Copyright © 2013 Janet KuypersDesign Copyright © 2013 Scars Publications and Design

Magazines: Children, Churches and Daddies (cc&d magazine), founded June 1993; Down in the Dirt, conceived 1994, founded 2000

Books: Hope Chest in the Attic, the Window, Close Cover Before Striking, (Woman.), Autumn Reason, Contents Under Pressure, the Average Guy’s Guide (to Feminism), Changing Gears, the Key to Believing, Domestic Blisters, Etc., Oeuvre, Exaro Versus, L’arte, The Other Side, The Boss Lady’s Editorials (regular and 2005 Expanded Edition), Duality, Seeing Things Differently, Change/Rearrange, Death Comes in Threes, Moving Performances, Six Eleven, Life at Cafe Aloha, Creams, Rough Mixes, The Entropy Project, The Other Side(2006 Edition), Stop., Sing Your Life, The Beauty and the Destruction, cc&d v167.5 (Writing to Honour & Cherish, editor edition), Blister & Burn (the Kuypers edition), S&M, cc&d v170.5 Distinguished Writings editor edition, Living in Chaos, Silent Screams, Taking It All In, It All ComesDown, Rising to the Surface, Galapagos, Chapter 38 (v1, v2 & v3), Finally , Literature for the Snot ty and Elite (v1, v2 & part 1), a Wake-Up Call From Tradition, (recovery), Dark Matter: the Mind of Janet Kuypers, Evolution, (tweet), Get Your Buzz On, Janet & Jean Together,po•em, Taking Poetry to the Streets, the Cana-Dixie Chi-town Union, the Written Word, Dual, Prepare Her for This, Uncorrect, Living in a Big World, Pulled the Trigger, Venture to the Unknown, Janet Kuypers: Enriched, She’s an Open Book, “40”, Sexism and Other Stories,the Stories of Women, Prominent Pen (Kuypers edition), Elemental, the 2012 Datebook, Prominent Tongue, Chaotic Elements, Fusion, Stabity Stabity Stab Stab Stab, a Picture’s Worth 1,000 words (color art book and b&w art book), Life, in Color, Post-Apocalyptic,Infamous in our Prime, Anais Nin: an Understanding of her Art, the Electronic Windmill, Changing Woman, the Swan Road, the Significance of the Frontier, The Svetasvatara Upanishad, Harvest of Gems, the Little Monk, Death in Málaga,Momento Mori, In the Palace of Creation, R.I.P., Bob the Bumble Bee, Remnants and Shadows, I Saw This, the Drive, Thomas at Tea, Crashing Down Nineteenth, Blue Collar Ballet, nopoem, In Your Heart the Apostrophe’ s Teardrops of God, the Adventures of the Key toBelieving Bear, Anais Nin: an Understanding of her Art (second printing), Deckard K inder / Charlie N ew man, 12 Times 12 Equals Gross, a Marble Nude Pauline Borchese with a Marble Apple in her Marble Hand, Challenge of Night and Day and Chicago Poems, Lighten Up,Not Far From Here, Watershed, You Have Finally Won, Avenue C, Suburban Rhythms, Down Syndrome, the Dark Side of Love, The pill is a man’s best Friend, Angel’s Syllable Is Good Boss of Devil’s Spine, Poems and Stories from The Blue Collar Book of theDead, Cat People, Death of an Angel, Ghost, Science: A Curmudgeon’s View, Ghost Dancers Leaping from a Tome, the 4-D Window, Open Wounds, Anime Junkie, Interstice, Gunther, Cuts, Scream Cloud Island, When the World was Black and White, a Petal UnderPavement, The Holy See of CEE, Book 15 * Thailand to Volcanoes, Lost in an Echo, I Was Charles Bronson’s Secret Hostage, Erasable Bond, Royal Dano’s Death Scene ‘tis of Thee, Understood, Akashic Shotgun, “Champagne, Hot Water”, Sulphur & Sawdust, Slate & Marrow, Blister & Burn, Rinse & Repeat, Survive & Thrive, (not so) Warm & Fuzzy, Torture & Triumph, Oh., the Elements, Side A/Side B, Balance, Chaos Theory, Writing To Honour & Cherish, Distinguished Writings, Breaking Silences, Unlockingthe Mysteries, the Book of Scars, We The Poets, Life on the Edge, Revealing all your Dirty Little Secrets, Decrepit Remains, Charred Remnants, Hope & Creation, Bending the Curve, Layers of Creation, Dark Matter, Survival of the Fittest, Crawling Through the Dirt, Laying the Groundwork, Weathered,echo, Ink in my Blood, (bound) (4 editions), Enriched Poetry, cc&d Enriched Prose, Enriched with Dirt, An Open Book, Literary Town Hall (2 editions), Prominent Pen (2 editions), 100 Words, 1,000 Words, the 2012 Literary Date Book, It Was All Preordained, CulturalTouchstone, the Mission (issue edition and chapbooks edition), Purpose, Falling, Cheap Thrills, After the Apocalypse 2013 date book, After the Apocalypse (poery edition), After the Apocalypse (prose edition), Entanglement, Guilt by Association, Give What You Can, Down in the Dirt v084, Come Fly With Me, Clearing the Debris, Sectioned & Sequestered, Six Six Six, Skeletal Remains, Out of the Web, Don’t Tread on Me, Lines of Intensity, Entering the Ice Age, When the World Settles, Into the White,Along the Surface, Life... from Nothing, the Line to Power, Fear the Forsaken, Down In It, Falling Into Place, Wake Up and Smell the Flowers, Unknown, Looking Beyond, Forever Bound, See the World Burn, Exploding on the Scene, America the Lost, Moving theEarth, Catch Fire in the Treetops, Wisdom in Broken Hands, Autumn Again, Up In Smoke, Symbols Manifest, No Return, Grounded, Perfectly Imperfect, Wrapping It Up,

Compact Discs: Mom’s Favorite Vase the demo tapes, Kuypers the final (MFV Inclusive), Weeds and Flowers the beauty & the desolation, The Second Axing Something is Sweating, The Second Axing Live in Alaska, Pettus & Kuypers Live at Cafe Aloha, Pointless Orchestra Rough Mixes, Kuypers Seeing Things Differently, 5D/5D Tick Tock, Kuypers Change Rearrange, Order From Chaos The Entropy Project, Kuypers Six One One, Kuypers Stop., Kuypers Masterful Performances mp3 CD, Kuypers Death Comes in Threes, Kuypers Changing Gears, Kuypers Dreams, Kuypers How Do I Get There?, KuypersContact•Conflict•Control, the DMJ Art Connection the DMJ Art Connection, Kuypers Questions in a World Without Answers, Kuypers SIN, Kuypers WZRD Radio (2 CD set), Mom’s Favorite Vase and The Second Axing These Truths, assorted artists String Theory, Oh (audio CD), Life At The Cafe (3 CD set), the DMJ Art ConnectionIndian Flux, the DMJ Art Connection Manic Depressive or Something, Chaotic Radio Chaotic Radio Week #1, Chaotic Radio Chaotic Radio Week #2, Chaotic Radio Chaotic Radio Week #3, Chaotic Radio Chaotic Radio Week #4, Chaotic Radio Chaotic Radio Week #5, Chaotic Radio the Chaotic Collection Collection #01-05 (5 CD set)etc. (audio CD, 2 CD set), Chaotic Elements (2 CD set), Chaos in Motion (6 CD set), 5D/5D Screeching to a Halt (EP), PB&J Two for the Price of One (EP), Kiki, Jake and Haystack An American Portrait, Kuypers/the Bastard Trio/Paul Baker/the JoAnne Pow!ers Trio Fusion (4 CD set), podcasts the Evolution of Performance Art (13CD set), Kuypers Live (14 CD set), the DMJ Art Connection the Things They Did to You (2 CD set), Kuypers Seeing a Psychiatrist (3 CD set), Kuypers St. Paul’ s (3 CD set), Kuypers the 2009 Poetry Game Show (3 CD set), Kuypers and the HA!man of South Africa Burn Through Me (2 CD set), Kuypers “40” , Kuypers Sexism andOther Stories, Kuypers the Stories of Women ( release), Kuypers “Dobro Veče” (4 CD set) Kuypers “hmmm” (4 CD set), Kuypers “Letting it All Out” , Kuypers “What We Need In Life” (CD sngle), , Kuypers “Made Any Difference” (CD sngle), , Kuypers/Hardwick “Across the Pond” (3 CD set).