postpartum hemorrhage neetpg

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Transcript of postpartum hemorrhage neetpg

  • 7/29/2019 postpartum hemorrhage neetpg


    January1, 2008


    PPH is present when blood loss exceeds : 500 ml : within : 24 hours of

    beginning of 3rd stageof labour

    MC causeofPPH : uterine atony (feb 97)

    Mc cause ofPPH I multipara :atonic uterus

    MC causeof secondary PPH : uterine inertia

    Increase risk of PPH : macrosomia ,twin pregnancy , hydramnios (AI 06)

    [HT/preeclampsia is not a RF of PPH]overdistension of uterus , cervical

    laceration , prolong labour (sep 96) [in PTL PPH not occur] fibroid

    ,malnutrition ,epidural analgesia

    Atonic uterus is morecommon in: multigravida (max chance of PPH)

    Cause of PPH in contracted uterus : (rules out atonic PPH traumatic PPH+)vaginal/cervical tear

    Drug used in treatment of PPH : (dec 97 /may 02 / AI03)

    o Prostaglandin : Misoprostol / carboprost

    o Methyl ergometrine

    o Oxytocin

    o Syntometrine

    Mifepristone (RU 486) not used in Rx of PPH

    B lynch suture isapplied on : uterus (AI 03)

    Placenta accreta is : seen in CS scar (nov99)

    Treatment of placenta accreta : hysterectomy

    To decrease PPH drug used prophylactically : methrgin / therapeutically :


  • 7/29/2019 postpartum hemorrhage neetpg


    January1, 2008


    Treatment of PPH

    o ResuscitationIn atonic PPH massage uterusoxytocin &

    methergin/ergometrine injection im/iv FAIL15 methyl PGF2 alpha

    (prostdin/carboprost) i.m. or PG E1 (misoprostol)vaginally/rectally

    FAIL bimanual compression uterine packing under anesthesia

    ballon temponade with sangstaken tube FAIL if female has

    completed family hysterectomy OTHERWISE B lynch/brace

    sutureuterine& ovarian artrery ligation ANTERIOR division of

    internal iliac arteryligation FAILhysterectomy

    MC cause of death in inversipon of uterus : hemorrhage

    MCc auseof retained placenta :atonic uterus