Post colonial ppt

Anti colonialism, Binarism, Primitivism, The third world, commonwealth Name – Shital D Italiya Roll no – 29 Paper – 11(post colonial literature) Submitted to - Smt .S.B.Gardy Department of English M.K.Bhavnagar university Bhavnagar

Transcript of Post colonial ppt

Page 1: Post colonial ppt

Anti colonialism, Binarism, Primitivism, The third world, commonwealth

Name – Shital D ItaliyaRoll no – 29Paper – 11(post colonial literature)Submitted to - Smt .S.B.Gardy Department of English M.K.Bhavnagar university Bhavnagar

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What is Anti- colonialism?

It emphasizes the need to reject colonial power

and restore local control.

It signifies the point at which the various forms of

opposition become articulated as a resistance

to the operations of colonialism in political, economic, and cultural


Anti - colonialism

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According to Wilmot Blyden, James Africanus Horton

2nd half of twentieth century

Forms of anti colonialism

Anti colonialism

Articulated of a radical Marxist

discourse of liberation.

C.L.R.James, Amilcar cabra and Franz Fanon

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Cabral Developed the idea of empower and recognize the local as a

specific and distinct feature of post colonial politics

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Duality or combination of

two things

Particular meaning in post colonial


First established by French structural

linguistics Ferdinand De Saussure

Meaning of signExample

Sun – MoonMan – WomanBirth - Death


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Contemporary post structuralist and feminist

theories have demonstrated the extent to which such

binaries entail has a violent hierarchy

ExampleMan over WomanBirth over DeathWhite over Black

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Tendency of western thought in general to see

the world in terms of binary opposition that

establish a relation of


ExampleCentre/ Margin

Metropolis/ empireCivilized/ primitive

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Binary opposition are structurally related to one another.

ExampleColonizer – colonizedWhite – BlackAdvanced – retardedGood – evil Beautiful - ugly

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Widely used in art history, identify specific modern school of art and

writing that emphasizes

simplicity of form or theme.

Its broader use defines a form of style perceived to represent an early

stage of human culture Endeavour. Thus early human

art is often describe as a primitive art.

It defines teleological unfolding of

human history from simple to


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The early primitive

It is a culmination and fulfillment in later sophisticated or civilized art. Uneducated that is untrained and unschooled artist. Work does not reflect the dominant artistic conventions.

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Primitive art

Native American Indian Australian Aboriginal art

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Traditional English term for political community founded for the

common good.

Historically it has synonymous with


The original phrase “the commonwealth” comes from the old meaning of “wealth”

which is well being.

Literary meant “common well being”

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17th century commonwealth meaning

Public welfareCommon weal

A state in which the supreme power is vested in the people; a republic or

democratic state.

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Third world

Used in 1952 during the so

called cold war period, by the politician and

economist Alfred sauvy.

First world was used widely at

the time to designate the

dominant economic power

of the west

Second world was employed to refer to the

soviet union and its satellites

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First world countries

CanadaAustraliaSouth Africa

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Third world countries

United Nations

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